The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-08-06, Page 4ft ■■■bwgb rom ■.'UDUCRDW SytexitiCKIEL 6 ' 1 * ;4tt /< i 4 <XMNL» KUNLCSS I 'Grilfelrilalffler fflfeeape sphwttiimes tgiivos U- H I Lili’ season's threshing at Mt. 3 dim Mr-. Quillm's un Tuesday. . I <en- fKdhndl. was Hwson fflrimi (RD aaipi'fe- <ximits. . Wingham, Miss Doitine.. Purdah Wkiterihurch and Master Ross Henry Belfast, were recent wisittnss . with j Mr. and Mrs. Archie Amderson. j. McDonald and Durnin started their} iiG^fe a wtswtal wwdew J • tofan . I “OJWW’A BW WBE UM" j i A*.W *JEWS REEL meet/ usual , (Mr; amd Mas. Budkton and < WW-ilEJK WlAXnW I AIIIKCIE IFAW I .IlMlE miOBE I >0)XA BlARRIDE^ iin . • ■ ■ .' ■ ■ ;l Jttihe siihie. ©ffifeon ttftie grain ns ai “toefeintefl” «nu? rnity. flit iis av cwmimnn digm <nff gidhiir <tfHandlers im tilhe fifemalle? Wnfttittiic ttautiHle im tflhe imrile mu®’ igii we dmiilaa- ' ‘ 1D3G. the ,H.uran Murdcipai\ Telephone y's office. Sell. -Colwell .-7 1 spending the 'hdliday^ xwifih mrihirtiKuos ' on the swilih. .. ’ , r I ......... UUNGSIEE , I uf «rf Mmi®,-t(ia«es <nff :adhing’!J>adk tanm‘iith- ®r. usnil SHnik. .Anttihur (Gnrik. tiuw., ' Mrs.. .JJnmes BHliu- ffirrtm ..Wiffiiffiilkjy ,. hff Mr. .Allf. MriOitagjht gnr otewif <tm ‘open, gunttiian (tff Huett (Brain im TinnH, fumry TDo-wndhip be Heft im tfihe Ihsnds IhaUl. rent SSiOft: §10.0ft; '• Bell Telg i i i Ahgust. .1. ianete. 1 raDHtsmY,, AKm ai, m Railway Epic ... 8 11 fe-<fS| iW^.'vl| I Mr. Meely Todd ttf tfihe Westervelt schpril, London, iis home fftor a xwedks tvacsEfiion. ' ' ’ - Mr. and Mas. Antfihur Whufik^ni,. Reid and Many .< ff (Galit, "v®re fetsiteis (dfirimg Die nveek with Mos. Whet— (ham's tmofiher, Mrs. R. JI. Wnate, Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Lawrence ((for- »•« » * ~, . .. Ia#- KqbDhss CmbcbI . tfile .(daughter Betty Tuan, Dant Wife * Utam, tweite recent - vifettafs wifih friends Ihene ' Mr. and Mos. IMhn ‘Clark pff Tk- Tiie LrCKXOM’ StofttJSBX.1 tftabiishBa TPhrnstiHy immmins! .' art Uanckmiw;, ©hraniin. Mms. A. W). MndK®nme—WnpiSfttijr (OarngiheUl Thnmmam—ffhiblHihBr inHlCIRSPlAM, MwSJ (BWL. MSB. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;-------------------------------■ < HHSMunri sswwkcs: of, TWffi q^WWDWWIN NVffiaKOWU. ♦SBEXCrtKHiani wmd .ujiffie ireSMLfRWMDE ©DMWNIES ’ . xmtmmdk Lyceum Theutte WINGHAM ! Show Stontts tot oil) DM. -------:------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------13- • Thurfehiy, BTHriiduy,. Sathunftay. AINUSF 4-T-*. ' j ■ IThe Municipal] (Council nntft <nh .IMS’ iJSfih. AU1 imeinlhers patesBrit. ' 'I Mcfetodh - Gralham —- tfihait immutes fonta, Mr. (Gcflm Oauik off (Cttawa, tamd,i'(tf meeting as mead ibe a$p-' ! , Miss Anna MriDowdll toff Westfield. |9urmie^- _ ■Were haulers xm friends there ton tSht- ; ( Md^auaie-tSia^anp—tfihait we ■• tgwamr. > ■ ......... ,.l._^.iife^J@^„as^ffl^^-ifihedE&BaESte--iin-----—•__=----------------------- ‘ ' nuildiKE ojf Srife'” am lldi {<®ne & ttonjmil wlllh whe' (dfiiwuR. IRev. Ehner Taylor ®f“-:(Gto(itonifih, ’..S.ffli. «,.gdan U-dB, fefiffriiited 'aft tax' r had toharge ipf tfifie .service iin the'-salle HlSSa. . 'kuituaes. um mui\\ >»w muv uw> ~~ I tRoss-Mdlmotoi—ifihat Alex MnWigMitfiiatoanily iiff <onc ife antt -ttwed to1! I Lead ’he unpointed to rnsjiulir dfemit-w'^k- ^h^Pfe 'Drain' <an Lott .’58, man. 1; <un noflUKd fe<««e tommiing, ffiilmg toumes far. u> ' ;>af- W. T. EFlitoier. ' Itoudk :dt tfihe suimnar ntdlttalse torr [pum-j Boss-Mdlmtosh—that tfihe petition toF ui ttihie woifld toidhiie. • 1 ! Dtt nnay Hie (due to sudden TAnKv'”toidden car iirrmudlly Ihnuvy’ II®' __ .......................____________________ limny. teen- imnsdle (fibres cm- umh!’! off tfihe Tinin'heiny (ummrifl, .-»g pmwiided 'itonumlfe 'off <ane (off tfihe -minify Ihadk- llig-j iin Sec. Th. Manhriipal] Drdinage Atot. i aniantts. The njemiit ife ufften urn iim-i • (Qraawn-Mdhttodh—that tfihe'toeiik'lrnwiiiaae ^P^ni tof uill tfihetohndk musi- prepare a Better ®ff (cunditenne tfe* <nur , '^es' miiking imo-vemurii iciixp^t measurer........................................." ,__'■' iiP’^ifee? This mgy fellow an imrtbinr- (Graham-.MiEHHtoB—tfhft .rndiers n’onrtiiinh to saw cunnsdlf, ns wihun1, ihe iissued fe payment toff toll '(hills fend r^WPmg «m. fee tor a wiased fflurtt. W-j mcRtnmte ptesand ifft .tfihfe mwrerfiTpg:? tfibg. —tfiitej. Mdhmfeh-Btoss-fihm 'we (du mnw !ijhhtt <un toifiher side fehene tfihe wimfe THAT A0fe(G DWK When (one toimsideto tfihe «iannile«- iiby toff .iioiitts aund liiguinwnits. im tfihe Ibudk tond atcallizes tfihe Hinuirs toff sritnmmi] to WHidh fit iis <ditiily’ auijipateU, tone wonders vwtfeGS’’ iit (floes mil ;arihe mun®.. , Evan . sitting.'’(floes' mot. tenlfiimdlj’ n®-| llieve Iba.dk .totitom.", ffar iit --5-111111 Ihas. Jhallff i. _ fopfly 'Mtoiglitt 'to >tUW»*dHfenflew; : Badkadhe. im1®’' ®wne ffitom \\feiiiuuS|i Koauses. Utt mu©’ Ihe (flue tto tfiiifijgjue, j 1 ..................... ” to1'TJriitofl Ountdh on Simdgy imnurimg. 1 During toieir stoy there, lhe umd Mrs. | Tayilur iand family xwme gjuests bf ' bis Aimft, Mirs. Jrihn Mobster (anil ' (richer tolatovEs. . ■ |-----'„.Jfeat-SunBw... ..Ma:.' AHex Smiifih—mff- ’ Liudknaw,, viiB be tfihe -bpedkea- tfihe unoraiing (gsiwiiae. i Mrs. Alex Murdie of Toronto, Jis' a’wisitnr-^witih iher parents, Mr. «md Mus. Staxbimsim Wouds. 1 Misses IS&’ilda sand TDoiiine Wteibsier vwei® Ihtnne Hiram < Taranto fotr tow \week'<Bnd. T Misses W. DDL BufiheitoirS AttenBeil tfihe ftmerril ®ff tfihe fate Mis. <0raiig (Copper ‘(fotrmerfy Miss 3^arma Tre- lfeat®n») 'At (Clinton on Saturday. - The unedting <®f tfihe T-.T- Li. Wc&s M 'T-‘ I II , Sunw tewening wdfih the ■ - k president, Mr. Stanley -Todd in the (Harvest is m full swing ®nfl tfihe Wter^TOaiitom sadp- Tium of the threshing machine «wn he (heard. . . Dr. Jack Treat' And ‘ Ibis sisters, Misses Betty and Winnie nd (Chicago are spending a few days wifih their colisin, Mt. R. Bissett, Bev. j. IK, And Mrs. MadGillwry are a way on toieir vacation and Rev. T. -Robinson >of Stratford nccupired the pulpit -.of toie Bresfcytenian touireh on Sunday. The . Annual MacDonald ne^uninn with the ^Gaumam-Brirish .Garporratian., arrived iin (Canada umssB^r <on the -Canadian Tacit ic liner ‘TDmpress 'df Dritain". T!he tpnpiRRT imovie star 3s mow’on locatim Vttli'Tiis ninKTif tSm'iCttfiadfiEfirEiMffifiBK™ Str. Arlen is taking the mart of a Toyal'.‘Canadian Mounted Mi®- man, Im the picture above ihe is etefen with 3ife wdH Smown Wfte JohStna Thai st on. and t'heir young son Diehard Tr. ITHey .rare «hnya • dn a thappy family group just before reaching j^nohec. iin the^^ecre^T. , ' above date 'atn273T plm. y., president in rhe chair. I Members present Jo'nn' W, - tond Dan D. McDonald. Moved fe’ Dan D. McDonald.. seo- tonded by JJohn W. Colwell, that the mnonutes toff last meeting be adopted as read < ((carried ).. Moved by John W. Colwell, secon- <ded by -Dan- D, McDonald,, that the • following accounts be paid—W,- J. Lane, ■ salary July’ .’>>§135.00: Mart. . „ (Qeniniell, salary July $100.00, Oper- „was held at the MacDonald flnnne- ®fiion $351Dft; Township oi Huron, -stead. Kmtail on Saturday. August 1st. Those who claim tolationshm to this family., gather feam far amd ..afljomm to (meet again tom Mon&cv., itohis tfihe prilwiir jghdlle, mxay H® (diipUtt I the Mteday ®ff August at tfihe ’usual 'IKv^w^d, ^iii^ wdfengafl prim. !time and pllaae. i k*u»^ues jssumsu—^utReasurer ®jo. «h «---------t—-— — —■ ‘iBi’uc®. ihnspiltol iBteount Wm. '^his mu©’ H® a«dt®-tfijie nwiil J. McDonald, .sheep claim .$Rjf)ft; Jnhn ru-,*'',t^''’ *"PU -~- ;MdL®ed. .imspeiflin®..above >1.W, B. (fihKe® fhrnntetees, aiufte ffiibriwit- tixte lesson anfl Usobel Miller tfihe ^rl.reBn, itelfeff -guppltec .y^^. ife. The Spinril juirtts rmay H® acittdly Biffle character.. The topic ’“My ®te-• ^jaim MB'IBD;- 'Maife ! imfedtefl—tacffl® spimfljflifife. Utt may was taken by • Milnstan, ihup. afflwe » ’L. ” "J" "./" -nLj-. ,' xlThongsran, weaafl iinsp. and toatetriking ;nn^ t^is idbrnhic arfihiiitfe mu©; ntesdlt Mr.' Harald Hyde has secured aj>. < Mumay sdhndl tofficer.JT ‘df *pmril wontehri® position iin the ' Malcolm EFarnitnre . 4- - ■ j'-viiflh “ffipping” tor wiifih “(erosion”' iaxto®, Etewate . , f ij^s- ttejns-fc. M-rKinmie ^hifiher case teuhsifleitriMle. 3aLianl (3W Lst.-uB, .$255:; W Mdhmert, pgy i< mmepierit migy mesrilt. family and Mr. Ed. Tgjuor 'in Wtet- Sutherland, p$y : Sometimes <rtfiher spmril field, were jgtuests Mr. and Mis. (Chester Tailor. ‘ Visitors 'with Mr., and Mrs. Wm. ’ • *1 ___ ■ ' ■',] Bnrikadb.es imgy Hie (due to dm ;im~ (OheaueZiKsiwri—TrensurOT ©to. mffTammatmy norittifiiim ihi, tfihe batik .......... , " _,i •d. MxDonald, shesp blaim SBbK -tohn ’himhago-umd nwy iinvdtae tfihe am- E. Mbitfanv odiiS suppli^miDP: 'fe'iIinhei 3«htts nW Ihe^tuttdkv , A. E. ®- tontoriu- iiriflammdtoiy nimdifiiim, and tfitiis tdhjtnriic 'laitoniitijs imay niesiilt ■ n iin Uhriitafiinh i |uuau.....-4J‘fc» -uMtM-gm <uu.in^wiiu, - ----------- ----------- -* ------- CCtOBtiifiiunK Tiffin, pi©’Him :(tevriJdp. ’ D tfihei® ife a vancminns ™ I-J MlBDifRoad 5m. A. pay Hfett ‘RD. femwfih snmiwlhm® cdfee iin tfihe Kndy. ... , i.SbiiWgTT.E. Dawson, pay Ufet (DU,toffisteis (off rancor atolls mu©’ Tamsen fur the week-end Wei® .Mr. jppjj. Moxttten. ps©' Hist H32, 'febfitfe im tfihe ^phie. gtving, secondmy and Mrs. AdMff Hteuman toff itCiteh- mtervev Ariltert maw Uirtt toR^.-'-Sf^tfihs tfihm®. Surndtiimes tfihei® ife a [phrme , (Ccanpuny, -June tolls §62.9o ’T__2 ______D Gemnuiil, v.trl ®n_ HinesJS2B00: S31.50: Tse. of car neaii* to spend the day together. Mr. and Mas. Jtdm MacRae. Mis. ; A. McLean, AUsto* ifemw Mell uff Buffalo, Are wsitars. wwfih fhmr- ' J. and G. MadKentoe wume iin _ Toronto Wednesday,, -W tanufe’ -tff tow fete tohOfeg. the funerdl nf Mis. Ktefi Mxs W* and -®f Mrs. Oark ®eitt Prancis _Genimeli. work i - T_..-7. jmc’i ' D $X2100, •■$14100:; . Harold Einmerton. wxxrk on lines $24.00. $28.00; Gordon Gemmell, work on lines §114.00; Dun- toffin D. McLeod, work, on lines §?>4.00: (Camadiam .Telephones apd ■ Supplies .Mds. $72168.; (Controller toi Revenue (tax' $22102; ,H. H.' Mitehell., freight tond -cartage $3.S£):: Archie MeParlane. touckipg pales $3fl.Gh; Harold Court- ' poles §96.75:; Western ’Counties Whgihone’ Association $1.00’ (car- nfed)}. '' Moved by John W. Colwell, sev- mnded ity Dan D. McDonald, that we - , lower .toll phone rates: §1.00 per phone for this year (carried!. Meeting then, adjourned in again September 5th at the (hour and place. 4ina Mrs. AcoH Herman ®ff Kfecn- Har-viy Ackm, W life* ‘BSte-^ttWfihs tfihffl®.- Snmfttiimes tfihei® ife a «ner and Mr. and Mrs. (Caffli •^53^. \w Mfflienfl. pi©' ffet tBH, $&6D ' iIhne ’■®r torildium (flffluinmcy -iin tfihe If- l-w ‘IstaadSto. 2, JWlW®,WB;;®nwt ' body amfl tfihe scfften^fl bunts mu©’ Miss AmnaStuaig off Tor.onto'was ; 3^0^^ pay iiist SB, $US.7ZD. "Tntsrik tor tfihe wittebiiae unity todllfewe. home for the ’holiday Week-tend. , it J& ILAJvE (Melik- Sontefiimes ttribimuilrsfe (develops iin Mis. Duncan ‘Gillies and son Mur-i _.______’ ’ ’ I tfihe anime. * 4/114? JJtimfifff JIlAJUa. AWtJll Jlfcv- , • •• • A ----------jKenzie Mas Ma^enzie was a sister * ^nrily reunion at .tor (Gunnie. returned to'Tmintte tof- ^ymittums. A few fttums .off kidney of Mis. MacRae nnd was a resfeerit .wd Munvih tor spending a,, few <da.ys with 30r- Hdfetume give lhadkiidhe. Him tfihe .tomia-'' of Asdrfihid fit one (fifem, McDtwtell, WtoStfieid, ■ recently. ; iH. Budfetup* imrtn iifipa.tfihntt ime’s Ikidneys an® ‘fimd’ i "Thnsp in to-tofiPlR feH nHtraz ^®ls- Todd, Mr.- I&eely Todd. Mr. Bennie (©raihnm <off. Tmumo. ■ ,tdhkM«? ife lhadkadhe' ife sriltoim ttnuie. vriuld oa^e a holiday on Monday Hmfl ®JS’ ®ho- Stuart (and Miss Irene |-rp®m tfihe v®ek-tend tot Ifife Ihnme. I(firilpfiladdm’ dfiseasp -sunutfiinies tefews lots of places to choose from, with the horse faces in 'Goderich, tfihe ®e- uniun .in Kingsbridge and tfihe totom- uin in Kincardine. " ferd^i. Thgy \were accompanied hj' Mrs. D. JI. McOtatosh, ^whD has been a tdsitar Ihere. Mr. sand Mrs. -das. Mitchell, Miss . The traffic on Saturday on tfihe ifbteda fend (George and Bill ■--------—-------------. Bluewater highway -was -quite ‘heavy. jfcftdteU Toronto, twere feisittns T i ' «s«rs. 'Tossed' * ®iton Sunday twfitih Mr. and Mrs. Will"«wvioeinry ^ori ers '. point in one Dour. • M<JCrostie. Mr. and Mrs] Boy MacKay Ihave Miss Deien Thom, ■wihp'. has been returned from their wedding frjp and hdiid^ring at her home - here. ’.left v.ere tendered a reception in Lods- for Norwood <m Monday’ '&r a- few afeh hall on Driday evening. We toss- day's’ toisit, before resuming her _ tend" cungratufetions. feuties as student nurse'-im tfihe Nffo- ....—............... ■' " ikon's EHospnal, BFteterborough. ' . RAPID CITY- Miss Muriel !HaI] iff Termite ife a ---------; 'visitor for a few days at Mrs. -L B. Mrs. Joe Jardine. 'Gjwen -.and Eton- Bdfiheiford’s. ' ,. , .noth, have returned to Evanrttcrti, Mr. and Mrs. Will .'Stewart I I., after spending the past (month vith her mother. Mis. McKenzie, •(.wen entertained .a fe.w of her girl, D ivnds on Thursday afternoon before i .leaving. / j Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Carter' and Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. Stimson were at the -riec-r.ration services in Kincardine. Mr. 'Gwens and Mr. Everett let: Hast week for Npw OpUiri-i. wher- tfihey have secured pnsjtfen* in a min;. .Mr. and Mrs. Alev "Hfiveiis and Roy -.of "Lucknow, visited on Send: y. wi£h Mr. and Mrs. Vlal-i: , Cure . fesn Hawns returned enmc them after Visiting "with- her' * Mrs. ‘Gardner in Turn berry. Mr. and* Mrs. Peter ('’after, o; ,12nd 3Kmiloss( visited nr, Sotv’di1/ Wingham. Mt. George Henry of Ik’te-fvi-i:- . tod on Sunday with Wiiurhan-. Grun,k- Mt. and.Mrs-. John Eah-onw. visits.’ ®n Sunday with Guelph friends. . A vtoiy pretty «sight entering Winc- ’.^ind^’* iham from the west fe the ges over the Maitland ri ihave been repaired and te. Pew coat of aluminum cm- tn the sunrise and sunset rv.-,> hridz-' ■pw- tv rd r. • led V- a - ••.• r>aini. hi: ■ snd sparkle Hke silvet pmniU'ies. Mrs. David Alton, Mrs. ‘(ERev.i) W-. D. Mai-Dunald of Agmcmnt tmii Mrs. .i„ R. . Lane, Junlongh, visited on Saturday with’Mrs. W. ‘G. ReeiL, Quite a few from this 'burg, were he Kincardine 'Old {Boys re-orninn. -----Thiwi«fl--4Ry^Jbnnw--(GiiBi£Bwfe— ■••IFliir Muur (OrnN«niiumie” ARROW BUSSCHEDULE Efiuottiiwe May 3hdl HT-AW^ I1JBMKCWW swuRnwi BrOTmw ail tt225i IP.Jtt. & ff’.'WL ^teunfismB ffiinne UJEOTE -aMKIKSMBW “ l«0O® (B.4fS A.M. & Silin Shibuidtay (Qhfly UtkiUnai Ulus, Uiiartdh, 4125> ff’Jfl. Dtliintnaiiriies. pftmmeil... to mill iprihtfe$ im (Ganaiia.. tnitodl Statos und Mesjiue. (OOlSiSIEXT RiOXGAIL ACGEKIT T. W. SMITH •lfffiwwsffi; wi. .ainciK^GW’ tfimttauil Whitmifti-IIlus Himes HJtil. ; Ulinunftn • ihsen-se gfee Ihadkiitfhe, Hutt tfihe (cnm- ' 1>AI>A MOIHIW'T’ miffi iidpa. tfihntt fine’s Udidngys ante ‘Hmd’ i “A%l£a%4H^WjJuw M A . • _—...-------------—-------------------- — --------------- --------—_—. .^.M. m»*«7 —v w ..W„—. l(GdlPHladdei’difeease spiPdtiinies gilves Mr. Dmiiilfl and Miss Mnnw MfHumr Woods, imbtored to Vineland -on -Sat~-> Mns. EHyde and (daugbtois, Burma [pPhi umder tfihe nigfiht-flhnuUler JHlaOc. «ton„ (Hpintt ERiiifi^v uwwn ipg wiifih —' tmL-j — - ----- ’ ” ■ and EifiWl and Miss Mamie Saundei's ____"**”*" —u““n-------------------------------------------'r-i—n- eff Torcntfin, wfeitod Uakt .wedk jwtfih (difehtaflly .(due to fniiHjy A|pnttfc M^. iand Mrs. tG. EHamihon. ..'* toifiher im standing ng- im sttfiing. Hfiijglh .-Rpertt Hartl, \wudk wiifih bor (dn.ugHttmr.. A murriher from bare Attended tfihe H^^ tflr iimpripuirlv- [fitted .tomes ng- Miife. (Chaim MariDianmid. reunion 'in Khmardine toife vwedk. Miss Eiiztotefih Mrihver’ ^ptott tfihe wetowend At ’her Hiume. .Miss. Rose. EDsie' and Ada Beeves ■-■exmmeil to Toronto, after -spending, two ’weeks with Mrs. IR. IR. Middle- ( fem ■ ■'. ' Mrs. Dirik nff ttiundim ife wfeihiing fihis' week wiitlh Mirs. (Qglriil IRribh. ' • Mrs, IR. Moffat unftartKhiuti a tear! load iff friends from Hfefirriit Unto! 'week. ■ ’ '* .. '‘.... 1 , Mr. Wteonaird MdLeofi (spent tfilw two past weeks \Wifib feienife im...De­ troit. ,: '■ Mirs. Whiter MdKenuie (rtpurft. a few ilgy-s fest week iin Toronto. Miss -danett Bpm (iff Ihundpn, ife j I grawrtte tos aumflifiion. Miss Smi^h MmAuikjy ife ihume ffiruim '' Most <<ff ms lhave bad lha.dkndhe from ffludknnw ®«r-a' few <iiis«5. ■ . ■W", Iintt a™ SMMMkiirtaw ltaii.' Sfc, .nritni Ute tamiffiVWtaute im Uhc ffmtt fl)wn >TOHi4MonB toMv *,1^.. -'ff . . liiiTOK, TC,r. mWhmtt. SBiWm and) ffiimity . Ulfe, dhuBnoHm-tlnwmmmt will m„„r ,(1(w,or. s„,nill , 11 kovw i -II- , , * • ■ Mis. .femes (Qotik ffirmn J]thinrrtrttn. ppmtt at few <d^®s wiifih wdtetfiws Ihrnm. •' Miss _ ffHtjillfe' MaiiDmuilH, SR. IK.. liiit'om WuudWlmrik. Sffontt m few utt lher Ihnme Ihtn®. Mm. (Gdldie Marrttim ife- Ihping mnn- gnudnihtod tfihepe dh®fe im tfihe lhrni,r Hie IhimugHtt tfci) DwiStmninit Up; ’wiinriine tfihe (Gdid Meihil fer jjudgiing. uit tfihe IPitipimdiril (Gterdesdrih- Brandor? Build the (ironHiilaned iin ttlhe mesdt iinttiidle. i . . ■'' . ' To Tundh Aft IKftihjy j . . Miss Mwigitvitt Anmurinrihg <dT"SR«n-- 'foito umd a “siitor mf Mr. Mhllciftm AntmHtnrmig, finim«iily aff ton- jbicu!) ffiliigh Sdhiiril -ttofff, ihhf been '(wighpidl ms. tfihe totiivd tt<indhilr «.im tfihe. IKiidlw? iGithfihiurifiiim Sdiiodl fttiiff' ad. a sulk tinyjar.^HDI). .Miss hn’nHtltoing, wiifih tfiwn yohis <<N4iHpjinit«- :in. Sitfiton Wi.bl . Di(y ;iit (Gudlph. k ‘Gossip, :it is claimed, is the ehiid of -an evil mind. Thif»(rtimateiy it .is une -cfhild which cdhen li ves to ia Tiju" old age. I w^anaaa’s newest ■ machines capaVe of iv- m '. ifeadi'Cal departures- *n cons* *3W0” •-engines.- the f-.r-- <r{ vuci was ibfoaddast on. a ni ■ it-v.-iiv lions Department, and which man .and president, C'an.ic William C. Diekerman '• • • 5iJUiit.;, and-j„ N. Thirk- :• ;• Thehew jphilor” i/<< ? 'th,e,',n(imipaiiy’s transc/^ ■ Mhaa*the ordinaty, scrnUs motives are poems in steel, gimtsdhfl, grmiUgrycmriiHrwR^ "? 'an hour. -. v . iw nrtifrfc have bean made, in the was taken over om yfonday. JW M» al ai andlliant tacseimnmiy waiidh •■.idio’hot-w.ork through the Wdilitfes - the «rnmpiaiy‘s ITcraiffimitcsa*. mHufn-d,.addresses .by Sir Beatty, MC, 3X>.. 'dhttir- •iian TacTu Dail way:, 33 is Worship Mayor 'Gemillidn ffitohde -ttt 1 ;(icn--->l the Mnntreb.1 Tocnmntive CompHlTy, Wttwhse tfto> rwa- nwmnrftifrw w? ' pndiar. Tanfie veteran. 1 ■ n- ,4r- named bedhtise they will .go .tttto/Dspm^iBin-iih y^sr 1, .mal servlee. will pdB a teidiipigfdly--reew type strath, ilitghtgr ‘ti'camlincd, and comfurtable. The me*r nnvnhya rarc ittvhm- #' i Mr. Tom Mtir®H«m <off Torortto spending ai twi vteeks" yuiaatiian \witih1 liis parents, Mr. amd Mrs. -tt. ®. M.or~. nisjm. ,."'. Mr. und Mrs. Mirttor pent Sunday -with Mr. mid Mrs., IF>.. W.. Warwmmsih. • ' Miss Elsie iHoxlkley Ifins mettiiinnoli; home 'After hssfedimg Mis. OR./ Tiffin for -se-verril •webls. Mr. A. -II. Mimngy <nf Tinronto, spent the yvgek-ajnd At Shorn isimmtm nome /here. Mr. Abd. Mrs. HJmrild JMhtPton spent the we-dk-pmil iwitlh Mt. ..-nni'H Mrs. (Oinm. -J Mr. WdharBspm.aSr., <of TeomiAtur, 1 - spending ® Sew bays wtitih rtn. Mt. -ffdhn tKidhKKttsun. W® care ipltuweH to toprntt Itihnt T. feroum, vthn itrnftoriwenti i upmAtiim 3inf ^inirp WndHle iin HuniHnn 1 hip: bo 'fur meumuiited ap to Iho HUh- tn wtiirn home rm Sritindh®’ IlnVit. ‘ ■ Miss Belin Matohrill Ihrili! ,1.1 1'hM'ih • paitty im Mrfniigy to 'bdlihlh Hlln- ynxmg '.Indies of tfihe wirihii^y ’wntr ‘in . ■•vtted. , ■ The 'ladles -of tfihe Tnil ;mui il/fih .ma- holding aa tmissimimyv itim.. .-nt -ifihr. home of Mrs. Tho-s. Mmino <nn URnm- daj; ®!$tmmim mf tods (twnik, Mr. •fflhhes IRidhntRsnn Hptnti Igy^wifih Mr. Elmiir StMttt, iR(it, (Giilross. 1 , • - . • cini ||® tmuiir vutpy udttrtiiuttm® mill mint® 'lirurt’dl iff icimflidJKv tilhnigfiltt <niit anil UHiirmfei;' *» *». e» •fi x We nivi- iin ;u ipiHiifiihn to feP® ynu 'tuhi?<• ' i/hnifHti iniHiigfinpuiiHity wtmtjk,;nnfiignpfl ■ Htnwinc nit ipufefe tfihiit will A’"n. iiiHi ijfK pinite you unit ipfiiiu? (On ■ ■ytiin ipniiitiipg jjiih. Office Sihi '(uni.. ( A vhumr. :n». ten- sinwinr ' , »■' I '. £^rfh Difelllu - Uimx (Qwfl Dnhttms J I