The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-08-06, Page 2Portray- I'- CANADA Do’s, and! Donrs” ed. in British'Movies dfenliltaistomed ’ earn' -Brumg tthewiretoes tt® itesid toirifieri' - Jfiare 'to' Wmridwig: - pre- mfrimg fim ttfti® tottestt dtotHwreBy. . . TBe. treattmnemitt camstott- of a caattiimig ®ff• iromtoed rima*.ft® tth- fimsnde M- the masttrills (where the firritatfism starts)»„ and after three onr ff®mnr ap^Encattoms the majority off patients are remder- ed free item attack for 4 year. Iff tta ttrtatnroemtt to repeated ifiree yeans mnonsnimg’ ^thene ns nnsunalbr m® weromr— remre~®f:;tW~;t . Gonairdnam. _ « ^y?1, ®®Mtol!pfe Brore^ farmer Jjjeis^^ off ISrittoh and niewliy des^gretted Mtofiriterto Jscaasa^ to shown above aboard tfe C-P. Bmex* Etenpress off. Rir&tamim nittfci Mr®; Erwce"^® he , arrived firn Canada to spend a few. weeks before taktog ©p has new Lie fafta * These Days JHeaCadi Tai Is Mad LONDON.,'' -r- Any woman wira fees' pangs’ about the passing nature* “ef''B^utty'to''just the .rott'^ ''pera®ii‘ a groixp> of 1 middle-aged smBtabaai wamen are' out to help- These w»- -mem gathered recently to' a London; fita'stadfou * They were filmed -at their usual everyday- occupations —■ sewing; malting Beds; washing, cooking; eteantog antj' gardening. ' .. ^We shall® show k one fita, ». '■ day' to ’ the" "Kferiff”# young’ ■."tifiafrieff' eoupie 1 to prove that what the most people consider a natural, amd ?nor-i mal to often amytiqmg- but natural and' ■nontnaV’1 Bru®® Wcdfe, general manager of the Orn company said. Them the. same couple will carry amt their same tas&s without stream. The secret to ss return to the dtof*- ance flind rhythm of nature! ma* Wdis^-toto-B^redFlIoat^-atostMa^^ .oecmpattMMta, ' . A city typist weM demonstrate tlte Wrong and ' the . rig^t way to -g». about her work to show- other tyy- ists how to. keep their shomMero and necks straight- and their face* free from the oglfr sgto? Itoes at ttoe. ' ' If . .- A bank clerk will show ..how tba manwhoporei®farri^bfrltaEfs^o a tedger every day may be as frisk at the end of it as he wre st th* begtofttog^. The films are being made to a* rer of phyriea! edmeatton. for t&a Londera County Ceaaari!, and Bfira Coteerat • secretary •'. of the Centra! Council! of Reereattonal Trafatog ^■1 Wil ill IOWn IW see's®-?.^Jliilte tth£' fames nS-SHttirineril .ffiiere are (dteveir soiBstti- tinttiES/ fftmr a cispe amd off ,-«3®®ree as brnndemhoig — amd stow yi5>t(Es an® • very nmpattttmmtt tllrto sem- ' tea y«Tiil .wrsmtt remrettTMtmg dEtfer- emit.. “"B."mjj(!|jiiD®'” is th® tonm 'that cfiriuj’a.rttffiriaffis- ttikto yaMte — mattfe® - haw fit cunts nm’ ome- piece*' wiilfi- ttlbe «i»petett st’wves—ttridty-, wi'tt fit". Araipfe’ fwillltass to comtin’ltated ft-5'- ' ttto-’sftdfitf -cy a wiidffi gare ’ wjlHe a tto>pp>iiraxE • raiaiiiw-a taelltt ..!t-tr"yJE-.Tv.nf«-- a ' ■ snruiSi effrf*'fl- «2Iirp> :mte., tlte- ffa-h atr ttitv -dkt By «®.rini«: this . enpttiivniittrj-ii^ ■»•««<■>• iim dhiiffoim.. s®. w pirtottf'-dl '.ebiiffom ’fte-ui. cum' ato® ntate ti-TE*'yM© srifre-"®® fir cwm- ftmietf nff yw wish, iitfs very ffw stamp days ante! matt to th® ■ Deaqft ■ expemrivta. ' ; ffitaBanrm felt! ff'attteum ?*©. UW» B to. (teffii-gmmd far stoss M. -M. 4X 4«w *»>(5) amd 5>3l- ■ SJire 3® reqi®nff®F ’4, 3M 'yanrih^cf. $SMmclF rimtesiialL "" .. HOW TO OSUDEja PATTEWSS Write -yjstur ttenne . ami awMmtsw eff ^oBSttenw ptaattedL. Enarilawe 2f5ir '&» ■ ■ rtau-np* «e wwW5 & <ra^fftrffly aftd ad&tew ymnr mnfiwr te Mural Belli], Bncm-23®,, - 73 A&Ariafe. W.w Teuiamto . Lapd Watches Are Smart; Many Colors in INtew ' Bracelets - A Bfit 9$ gfrftter wnttk mneTs d*yttfimffi daffies ns nmpwrtiantt, «r ait Deastt d&- smodHIg*. Store jewapHry ns Befing worm as wrim as tttere flower^. / Iuipril wattrites roe ®me off the. anarit finqparihnrit off the jjewrihry tosfiroms <ff iffle wattrikes- are crystal, sbelD aoxfi Eeatfi>ar_ The wattrih fis ^eeralHIy afire tor warm wsatfita,, amtfl is ew- yected to sa^BpJhntt -tfie wrustt wattafr taring tfiffi watteftes are pnputar 'tor ffie maSfSr amd ifie masmagram type tofts are wed tor -gfifiis. Catar amd mate^l gjdd' is ffie ruille fin these tofts. Bnaretas hre af nmamy stiylles amd cmtatsupfEatar with meteD ttomaftes ns snanartt amd often ® mpafinddm.*.’ cQiip> rimg or p£m ns . wttan„ nnmkfmg - the I jjEWqgay ensem&fe. . | . Favorite • caDore fin Brackets; right mow are strawberry,. aqpER. pxnrpfe ttomeSy, Edtae^ fin a wide EEffige^ fircfiid- fing mayyr' amd a - Borge, ttmomfier of greens Wbfife i® matt so* often aftxmm htt the twanenitp Butt to expected to regretter -fiimpitjHrttaraiitt^F-’ totter to • tfte snimimwr,, espectolHly with teaches <sS BrBsflott eater- . * The .wriffi-dnessedl wwnam to -Bwyfmg nnettaE BuJtts>, they ehSF abawtt “townv anted featBcer britts sttwdded with- mtettaiL Ctamannmdall dEps are ato® ffited^ espifEcimnily fihe morefitSes represernttfiig ffinrit,. vegetta&fes amd fflo^reire*Bto?0es ear mowgramrs. Cater to ' ctt'arBiined s" - -j> ■ u. - ii with ffloettaJ fin these wMaisiess. Jewell- . ««•»««— ’s«M 2 ttixjm ®tt witaiii) ekb ns a mennoer. —- nt J , a ■ . ■- Sarno® ^paiH ftofeas) of mpyruriaftoin IIain-^jTu^.ssrorfc as a nredaE wo^' tt© ft® gremtted'' W nwii^' “fAe .^1 for arts of fitednrictaBll bravery- TlBato espeffitoEDy ag-pffies. Two' cares wtere a pn^toennam toys drawm fire, ffiffe to' ttfce ©recwtfioite duty as bap^emed nm the. rereri', '-xjoire ©ff CorstaBfe JoBom lLewto off th® Stamto pollite fare®,, wtem engaged -fin the ap^te&ettwm off•«. !a' motorioms criiwtrciil durimg a umprer’- „ . - - - ' spxtets westnT- •j . IJ^cxdktoces ifiarft stress deffiehter rattonr thaw heavy- desiigte fin caters.. SUKTSS- ttTVvnx (FiVjfoiRrrtWNVx'j*! !* to Ms' cwWecttfom.. A Vamronwer imam ©m ftfis way to Etanqpe - was esqperfenairiig seasndmess far fffie first tSm&. (ChlHEmg Wifi*, wiife to bfis fte&nd®L be sard fia a weak wiare: “Jemiet, my wffl 5s fin the ttmnst ©stnipiHEy”# <mr. Ewaryttfifimg s Uri% to yam,, daaor.. My varinum stocks' yam wbHQ finff fin any safe dejjMsiitt ItoxJ’’ Them be samfi ffenwnittlly: ^Amfi Jem- muR. tery me am the other safe. I canftt ^od ttftns trip* ®®aim„ alEw <sr ■JCdwtraitom fl©aaranalL PoEee Awards ■ JBt is son wforttGcmaitte fiaett tfflnadB me farm off deffidmnticm for acts of tar- ay cm tthe part ®ff' peace oSErers appears; to fie'fin esistenxEe fin €tan- ada. WMe tthe mtairaige pxiffirentoan wffl Book am deeds toff carnage peir- ffiMnffied' fin She face ©JTessflirenne danger a® ben®- - fin tthe cu&taanary routfine off <jtaty„, fit • wcuillS^ mewerttheTes^ Be a snunee ®ff jmrtrffitattmim to bis rrihttitas n' ___«,—ud'MSMtdp. Ito .tW'wganfcll*?0' •Ir,ETOri’- z Stem off wftMo fie ns' a member. — i_h SBMme sragpoin ftofesi) ®f apyrecisttBsra II store IMd-upt Many deeito raff sitpeiwe aw performed by praocra Kl of- tth® T0Wmiimwra„ paid tthra Itesfawail! of' St tto&ea .of appretrinttta- of tt&Es mattffire four gaEfentt service-. performed wioM appropriately rigffiiiffy ufts ap>- prtwiaittiim of toe sto,® and of fttee •pdbllte wtesra® totter^ste tBtey sfarvti-.. “ BL.C..M (i^iirarfptdy- The ttenaringr- pictare. “Foitew tth® j Ffeeft.” staittteri a vogue for. ■mauiti’cail! [.jeweftry which prommses?’ tt® coaitiinme- Iduiriffig the* sv rmiTrcir. especMiy ora the BeaefieS. Ore feaitfier goods speriritot' ; to th® maattnraB titan®.. fegafttEb ftogs to crater amd nwjnograira orffioiietaaiE .'pfins ate shown; as pnoftoiiBilEtfits for 1. sports '-w-saor- • ” THte oiniffinoanry 'maun tots smalm wUhanyiwy^ tffc® feBDow who. aterffai a USttdte dandruff ow flEc® ^oaalkier- off fite ktae sawtt nutgftitt aa we® and toe qyaiy who does Ulffltt keep bps aanffem went kfittched' rnp— we<,.bers oott, Tfoese tthtog®. we Isasr*- ®fl ffiratsn a Jutty inaigaariinie-,, ©teerves too* Peterifataiglla Esannfim®^ There was ante .pficttw®- off a sweet •yonnay w mesttHfinug wp ffafidy dtase to a yuramg woam vrito 1MI a ceinarlfc- aW wfl^B-gwonEed bead of ifcaiir- Ewesy Duabr to® ysnwoEig mane ©wmed! seemed to 6®. to.Eds right pilaea. He &»toedl as wriS groomed as a seaR, ausd toe wowdk fimg abiug wfito toe vBetore was a wrist-groomed Bead cam tespCra ad- orofiaoai smto as tons.’” Wbetoer 'a Mt- tile soffit- bntttor wouiEd psrcOtaE® toe mane effieett we A® mat fiarow. tat toero bt-BL.TBe ytrahig.,imam bam to Base toatt weH-groonBed effect ar be wflffi matt he adapted. Ute mam whose haftr baa started to leave toe ttfirnttrito tls draft right aft tbe sttartt. Hfenm fast have to- get altouag as best Jte earn . wiir.hio.'wtt any adssatoWL. intern fim amotoer pillace w® tomad where a yoasmg mam went ow to spend the ewemcnig. It was admitted he was a nme young mam amd toe young Bady- tooug&itt ®miite a Dot <ff bfina. Etrt when Be jjatoed erne Beg op> ©war. toe (otoer cm ritttdmg - dowrn' fit was- seem Bhatt Eras soxtos were . wrimbtedL - He was matt wearing garteto amd bus sects sagged BadDy- llhatt started the young [lady to toembfiug amd . toe ffiguared ©utt- i.Batt c£ he was carritess Em Qms habits; of dues® BeTd jjHTobaMlF v^e^^earrifete ahouat- ffltoer ttMngs> DC© doubt Be ffffidii dtomfe - hns toast rm the coffee amd Butte as mot he woudd dlir.mlt -sow or oomwey fit to biis muomto wito > swaopi'mg motioiiu Sto she became ra­ ti her cwlit there was m® ardor Em her; I matt a bit- The young mam with the damgiliimg .sotos wemt .heme wwdeartog what be had said enr dome amd be Eriltt as tbanigh IHife were Hdastteto Off herd amEy' stopped to • Bitto W5 his sorito a couipfe off times aim might have teem we®.. ILfito seems to> he gettiimg rather coknptex- A man can’t get amy ad- ecatom sp®Dsd on bcm unites® be has hair we® groomed,- amd' amoffiter young feHkwsees biis best gfid dniifitiimg awaiy ffijami Biis wharf because his' soelts; sagged where he crossed Bites tegs.'. The cually way- outt we cam see cs> tor a ymxmg man to fceep» his Bat om sco his haiir weoftt show omd stand wp» whew he goes tfo> spend the ewenaimg so- tllie sag fiai Ms switito wi® n^tfi Be apparent. Cates® off course he- gees fiB for w sp.e® of gronjufflo® or decides to wear garters.. 'Gwdls Mdiist Safcfjr Tem Per Cent of Market to ' -’ QuaWy- • t . . -.- Camryfog outt m jroEey iannuj®K®i alt tt&e tost sesriom off Raritaeut amd aristog parity out of tfie ttitsdte se^tStamenrit wittite Japa® am Ordar-to- CoramriEhaa beers passed goxris “riiod& air pradured to CamadaT’ ffbir raistt®to9 pnpjm. ' , Ute® ordeor declares that nd goods Be dlasped as made <sr pwtooedl nm Cbmada antes®,total Camadfiam pco- ctoettoro to suffiefentt ft® .satisfy at Deastt ^D pwr .eenri ®ff tto namsal Cama^am tflenamMfl, - ■Im nnariy fitetos of tfi® custoras liar jiff * raft® off] dotty to presided fa® pautticuiteir goadsj off a ktod made j -®r predmeed to Canada w&fidb do es riutt appEy fiff tfie goads are of a ktepd matt made or predoced Bex®.. The BFattfonaD Beaecore fteparttawsitt Bas ft® deriefe w&eft&er good* are made or nn£ far tfii® panrpxrae of appflytog ttltee duttfes arid tt&e Order m-Coranirilfte a dfirecttfenil fl® tffliffi depaBtttoaat. l$y am anuendniienitt to flbe <*u®tt ttariff passed att tfie .-eoaiitt tfii® Gawenmnaiitt was asitfinrired fibs ttfte percentage of preductfora Canada required ft© make .ttitee p ed m-Camada tariff puttes open Relief in Toronto Lower for P sltorai^ fesrtf&eir aarfiicfes i TTfre peaarE md^aae still is wuta •By aftifir XttomhOTv torem.wffifti clhthes iWwHi for>^3Wtei ©if m steepltechase. ! Offtfen • they are'^njipEentetaffd By to I Espri) Staw nraitcfted By fltatoE Bost tttrfittimnnifre^ Sfiytffifing’' is tmwe attttaff '• |tffiwe..tffia®n peaarH to©,. Write wftfb to [ dafrfc prfiit swnmnier dress, "f ■'»' wft'iicB) ftad dterixM tt© g®; ,'trar “fast?” • IhatyRgbt Sawing Atewady, tt$to y®aor„ sewstaE' ptoass ffirigdiis& hms^wranre tike' chief for- itae tew Mr .tafite. **■ wbB. ottltaj® which Bod “‘mm off”-,, -Mavra ritanngkd ttltairr nujrirto arid ' dra- -.'.'H .......*—-*..............— -------—----i—■' All to gra ratio, affair oil ' . ’ A .1 ■*» Bad Kews for "H TOEfiWTTQ1—Toronto”® fqross penditture ora relief far the* first months siff this year totadted J5>3 9>45> . as compared with $'5,.6>12, and ’’H589»^®> for tte same pe- to Tfi®5> and 1JM4 respecttoefly, fare ComErisstaier JL W_ Laver farmed the Eriaari of Control' tentFy. ' Writes the- Stt- Homs (SteBe -Des­ patch.—As itt is wijde-I<y Ibiioiwui,, the sprue® forests of Canaxhii. are- the- majoir sourarue p>f Tiewspctorfi • supply for American newspapers. The pow­ der princes- have decided to5 entd that sSteatiowC Just whera that resra&re was ■ ttaifeem to not revested., mor. hraW te-ngr' they haw® presecutted their "seuireBv fet the- tnafiD oiff the- temesotne pine*., it seepssi. teci them) tto» the happy coign where they were aBte ft© s&outt “‘Eiifr- eferi’* The- devetepmeratt raff this new AmeTfcuim iindiistoy may Be Bad news for Can®d®r Bwtt owe cannot Be sera tifiaen^ali aboatt such matters;. Are we our Broffoerto keeperT ^fot. wftar the Bre there Itoe cm jfie ©Item side of a matfomdll boundary. .Therarfee- a? -we- may abomtt. the fnateramEriite .of ■ man?,, eeow-mfre everywhere prat file its ffirett word to ■ the native tongue,. -r. arid' tos Fast. woriil ' fecuritty. iMe charity, hegtos at Betne.. Woman Joaro^dlisi Pas^s at Toronto TOiRO,NTTOi--Jea,n Graham* rictci? . Canadian journalist and Writer of Both prose and poetry, died here rc- centiy- She jvrot® under the pen­ names of “Canadienne^ and “Erin.” She was born at Canton, Ont., of *rtsh-€anad.ah- ancestry. She gradu­ ated as a gofd medalist from, Ham I- ton Eadies? College-, coining to To- ronto-^ 32 years ago- after teaching for several., years. “ ? Sh® is survived By a brother. Rev. Dr. J, D»- Graham* Toronto* and a riiter. Jfips A. Firth Graham, frew York. F&Hgr LearigdLL Minister Pterv potehtory and adviser ■ to the • ■ -nnistry ef .foreign affairs of Otfhav snaps pictures 'of xjew skyKne a she arrives.on tour of potento&y adviser- ftra-' ?„n®P» ptattf&es ' of 5S ew ttlte* Brier Wernera after Iburope. . ■• A • n ft Batfrers Get New Freedom _ We . old city Hy-Iaw requiring bathers to* vear, suits reaching froni “neefc to- knee’’.' J5as' J)eRb amended, and now “to pro­ per bathing suit,, sufiieient to prevent exposure of the hod^,’" will Be a>T ”ig'it with' city officials. ■2* V. 0