The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-06-25, Page 138 **' Thursday, mr m mm M... !■.?«.;,7‘",I.. -r-*?,.. IV!!..k...'.|i - »-.i- $ P0 IT MEWS locals knock off GROUP LEADERS FRIDAY Lucknow Handed Auburn First Loss Friday By 12 to 6 Score—Blyth Reinained Undefeated By Winning < Here Frein St. Helens 9 to 5. Lucknow had trouble mustering nine men to go to Auburn on Friday . but . the makeshift team succeeded in knocking off the league leaders by -a score of 12 to 6 for Auburn’s first, loss of the seasoh. Jardine, Auburn’s ace pitcher started the gamle but was relieved in the 5th by .Bob Craig. Carruthers, went*the route for Luck­ now. The win was an important. vic-r tory as it put the Sepoys within hail­ ing distance of the leaders as the teams prepare to go down the horiie • ? stretch to the playoffs. While, Lucknow was winning in Auburn, St. Helens lost a hard luck game at home (in Lucknow) to Blyth. who continued their string of vic­ tories by winning 9 to 5. T Si-’r fit®Ki THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL T V BY REV. A. M. NICHOLSON ......HIJ1..I..I J..IIJII1 ' ’*4" ‘ w - • ' ' Looking Backward 1 WITH D. A. MCDONALD PAGE FIVE LOCALS BEAT DUNGANNON IN SCORING MARATHON Dungannon-Trot t Four Juvenile >— Players -In- Ga&ft Who Gave Got Lelves—Score When Dungannon and Lucknow hookeds up here on Saturday in & Maitland League, fixture there was more ruiia than ants at a picpic. The \ score at the end of 7 innings Was .17 to 11 with the homesters the win-' *ners. ....., To' field a team, Dungannon had to use four of their juvenile team, all in their early teens: and “knee high to a grasshopper”. They gave a g®6d account of themselves and their ex­ hibition was the big feature of the game. Not one of the quartette who -----played 1st. 2nd and’ left and centre; / field had an error all day and each of them had one or more plays, to make. >Bill Hewat aid the hurling for Lucknow, .and struck out 16. but had a hard job getting the horsehide across between the shoulders and the knees of the wee lads and issued 9 walking tickets. His - support was shaky at times. Mat. Foley the Kingsbridge lad who held the Lucknow team well in hand down in Dungannon was hit freely on Saturday, when, the locals® smacked out 19 hits, one of them a mighty clout over lefts field fence by Jack Fisher. “ Dunganfton : ab r Ji po a. ,e J. McDonald. 3, ss 5 3 1. 0 0 1 " — • - “ .5 3 4 0 0 0 .4 3 3 0 1 1_ _ _ _ _ 2 1 1 E. Webster, cf. M r J, Fisher, ss. _ _____ H. Greer. 1st -—5 1 -B. Hewat. p. _5 1 H. Johnston. If. —2 0 L. McDonald. 2nd 4 1 H. Ritchie, c. ■ ■ . A. 2 . H. Thompson, rf. -4 2 1 0 0 — — _________ 0 E. Carruthers, If. 3 110 0 1 A. McIntosh, 3rd -11 0 0 0 0 0 4 a 2 _ 1 5 0 1 0. 1 3 4 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 42 17 19 21 a . h po 2 ‘ * 1 4 2 ___0 —2 1 _4 1 —4 0 —4 0 • ■ ■ Score By Innings— Dungannon _____.303 1202—11 Luckno'w .‘....■,414 215x—17 , Summary—2-base hits, Thorton Eedy. Hewat 2. Struck out—Foley 3. Hewat 16. Base on balls—Hewat 9. Hit By pitchedd ball—by Hewat, F. . Pentland (twice); R. Parks. Wild pitch—Foley,' Hewat. Passed balls— Pentland 2. Stolen bases—I. Eedy, Fisher. L. MacDonald, Ritchie. „Home Run—Jack Fisher. Umpires—Doug. Clarke and Cecil Treleaven. Dungannon ab> I. Eedy. 2nd ____3 W. McCarthy, ss. —4 R. Parks. 1st __—3 T. Eedy. 3rd __-^.4 Mat. Foley, p. —.5 F. Pentland, c. — H. Culbert. cf. — F. Eedy. If. R. Pentland. if. 3 1 0 0 1 3 2 0 0 1 1 33 11 1 18 7 7 e 0 J 0 2 0 0 0 0 i 4 BOUNDARY WBS1? Visitors at the home pf Mr., and] Mrs. James Webster, Ashfield, re-l| cently, were Mr. and Mrt. Gep. Wil­ son and daughter. Beatrice; Mrs. Jessie Campbell and Mrs. M. Av Stockham, also Mrs. Banting of Al- listen;‘Mr. and Mrs. Percy James of I —... .. ....... Chicago; Mr, and Mrs, Peter, John-1 To have lived, seventy-three years ston of Lucknow; Mr. and Mrs. Fred 19® the same farm is one of the ac- Johnston and two Isons of Listowel. I c'omplishments of D. A. MacDonald. Miss Myrtle Webster is spending I well-known Kinloss farmer. the summer vacation at her home I Many changes have taken place on the boundary.since William MacDonald and nis Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Peterman pf I wife, Esther Fuller and two little Wingham, spent Sunday at the home I. girls. Abbey and Cassie, settled on of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. I the Second in 1354. On looking over T, Webster. . ' I the farm, exception was taken to a r;.' ....—1—creek which rah across the centre of TRACES INCREASE IN |]Je j$t TOWNSHIP TAX RATE the y°ung Scot said. Oh1 it will not _____ * ' matter, for we ^ill never clear more Total Taxes On Wawanosh Farm. the. front? fifty, acres any wpy. 85 Years Ago Were $14.42'/j—To-1 But before his death m 1899, he saw -day Levy Has Soared To Between |ev^ acr5 f 50 And 69 Dollars " Dan, who was the sixth in. a iam- , ily of eleven children, is one .of-the. In delvirte into townshid .records fW? who are ‘ still living. "Liza who Harry J. Boyle of St. Augustine 1® now Indmakes some interesting comparisons I relative to the steady increase in l Afe2^ West.. Wawanosh township taxes 1. Born in 1863. in ^he old log shan since the municipality was establ-lickoA ok /on/,.with all modem luxuries missing,“The records show* the'Township I and the barest necessities available, of WawaS%ohha^^ " lished late jn the 1840’s, whilp tl homes of the first settlers. There first pro^-of^-assessmenWs-in 1851 To demonstrate the difference - in taxes, I cite the case of Robert Ferr. guson’s assessment -in 1856. In that year his property ^assessment was for $889, and. nis personal assessment $299, making a total of $1,98Q, His farm contained .199 acres 'and rep­ resented an. average farm of that time. On this his taxes amounted to $14.42^.' MThis-samerTfarm -in.. 1919 was . as­ sessed for $2,899 with taxes of $28.94. Going back to 1897 we find that the taxes were $18.34. And then, coming to the present day. the taxes? on a similar farm amount to be­ tween $50 and $69. ' First Relief Receipts “Rates' were figured out on the cents and dollar scheme. For in­ stance, % cent for. county rate and % cent, for school purposes. For a number of years the relief column was not used, but in,1872 there was payment of $18 to a man. A dissat­ isfied taxpayer notes in an early correspondence that the recipient “was an able-bodied workingman? who is being led to a life of lazi­ ness and sin by the grant of money”. ‘ “In 1867, the year pf Confedera­ tion; a tavern license was $18 and a shop license was $19. Ten years lat­ er these had been increased to $38 for a shop license and $29 for a tav­ ern..In 1877 the Clergy Reserves grant was for $141.69, and had decreased from $222.49 in 1867. Many farm taxes in the early ’69’s were not over $5; V ■'? “Statute labor came into effect soon after* this. The main entries were for cross-waying at the inter­ sections of the roads. Owing to large tracts of swamp, a good deal of the roads had to be constructed of corduroy. This necessitated the building up of the road with logs before piling on dirt, which was later covered with gravel. ~ . “Statute labor was, a system of roadwork whereby each taxpayer was given a certain amount of work on his own road or concession. On each road a pathmaster was appoin­ ted/ It wap his duty to keep the time of the men working and notify: each man, when his turn came. These pathmasters were in turn under the direct, supervision of the councillors and. reeved pin this way the farmer while helping to maintain his roads was receiving his share of the wages or else, could apply it on his taxes. A number of years ago a vote was taken and the old Statute Labor Act was 'discarded in favor of the one which is now in action Under the hew ruling a superintendent controls all affairs pertaining to road work. Although taxes were at a low rate in > --------’ - < there main ____ fairly decent were mere paths.” -* 1860, it should be remembered re were few good roads. The concessions were kept in a ___ _ j state of repair, but many.of the back and' side roads WEDDING BELLS Kinloss Council Minutes NORMAN—BROOK A very pretty Wedding was solem­ nized on Wednesday. June 24th, at eleven o’clock, at the koine of Mr. and Mrs. David Brook..con. 6. Hur­ on, when their daughter, Isabel Myra became the bride of Mt. Cecil ' Roy Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Norman, con. 5, Kincardine township. The bride, on the arm of her fath­ er. took her place on the verandah, beneath an arch of evergreen and pink and white peonies, to the strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march, played by Miss Frances Montgomery The bride looked charming in a gown of shell pink ribbon net. and wore a veil of white tulle caught with or­ ange blossoms and carried a bouquet' of pink' and white eamatidns. The bride was attended by Miss Evelyn Norman; cousin of the groom, wear­ ing, a gown of figured mauve chiffon and carried a bouquet of yellow roses and delphinium. The .groom was sup­ ported by Mr. Stewart Brook, bro­ ther Of the bride. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. N. MacKenzie pastor of Ripley United church. Dur­ ing the signing of the register, Miss Frances Montgomery played ‘Largo’. The groom’s gift to the bride was a travelling case, to the bridesmaid a pair of silver salt and pepper shak­ ers, to the pianist, a compact and, to Ifee best man, gold cuff links. Af­ ter the ceremony the bridal party . and guests proceeded to the dining Toom, which was tastefully decorat­ ed with pink and white, ‘ where a sumptuous wedding dinner was serv­ ed by fourfriends of the bride. Amid showers of confetti and good wishes the happy couple left by motor for Niagara,, Hamilton; Brant­ ford and other points, the bride trav­ elling in' a brown swagger 4 suit, brown shoes, hat and accessories to match. On their return they will Re­ side on the groom’s farm, con. 5, Kihcardinetownship. Kinloss Council met, on June 22. All members present. , The minutes of the previous meet­ ing were read and approved. A grant of $20.00 was given to the Lucknow Agricultural Society. Sheep claims of John Emmerson and Hugh Lane, were dealt with. The Insurance oh the Roads of the township Was renewed with Mr. John A, Pace of Paisley, agent for the Canadian: General Ins. Co., at a pre­ mium of $100.09. ' By-Law No. 4. 1934—-re Hawkers and Pedlers, was, repealed, and a new by-law drawn up with a new scale of fees attached. ,. ■ Orders were issued in payment of all bills and accounts passed at the meeting. .Council then adjourned .to meet again on Monday, the 27th day of July. 1036. at the usual time and place, ' .. . Cheques issued—Joseph Agnew, % Div: Court fees 1935. $19.59; Joseph Agnew, grant to L.A.S. $20.00; John Emmerson, sheep claim $12.00; Hugh Lane, sheep claim $16.00; Dan McDonald, Insp. sheep claim $4.00; John Ai' Pace, Road Ins. Premium, $100.00; B. E. McLean; relief sup­ plies $13.70; Harold Thompson, re­ lief supplies $1,25. Highway, cheques—Road No. 19, pay list 39 $22.50; Sam Nesbitt, pay list 40. $9.00; J. S. Craig, pay. list 41, $8.72; Mel. Irwin, pay list 42. $4.05; Ban McKinnon, pay fist 43, $4.20; Wirt; McKenzie, pay list 44, $87,00; Geo. Lockhart, pay fist 45, $34.75; Wesley Thompson, pay list 46. $5.15; Alex Percy, pay list .47, $32.50; H. Dawson, pay list 48, $93.- 75; John Kennedy, pay fi^t 49, $5.25; Johnston McLeod, pay list 50, $7.20; Sawyer-Massey Co., pay list 51, $5.30: Road No. 2, pay list 52, $14,70; Road No. 10. pay list 53, $4.50; Alex MacLeod, pay list 54/ $24.90; Miss S. Purvis, pay list 55. $3.00. J. R. LANE, Clerk homes of the first settlers. , There about fourteen by twenty, with two small windows and one door.. Shing­ les were not used—the roofing beihg made from bark peeled, from trees, and flattened into sheets about six feet by four feet: The floor was clay and an ojien fire-place separated from the end of the house by a large/‘back? Jog supplied heat in winter* and served to cook the simple meals in winter and summer. No ovens were used; Pots, were held over the flame by an iron crane. Hemlock branches served as the original beds. Later/a prized article of furniture was a home-made bunk, which serv­ ed as a bed I at night and, when fold­ ed, a bench in the daytime. By this ‘time -blankets -were hung-^-at - night to separate the sleeping quarters,, GVehn wpod was used exclusively for fuel, as it had not been discovered that dry maple was more serviceable Nine children were born and rais­ ed in this small shanty. Not a doc-, tor was called when. the children were ushered into this world. Mrs; Martin Maclnnis/ who lived on the adjoining farm was always ready and willing to help a neighbor in need. ““' / ' ■ r Incidentally it might be mentioned, that the appearance of a doctor on. the concession was considered a bad omen,, and wbrd pf a death would be expected. This did ,not. reflect on the ability of the early dpctors, but con­ ditions. were such that money was not available to pay for medical ser­ vices of a doctor was not called, until' life and death were in the bal­ ance; In most cases it’-was ..thought that death should be chosen rather than running bills which .could not be met. When death did come a cof­ fin was made hy Frank and Angus MacDonald, or, Duncan MacMillan, who were the “handy men” on the concession.. ' Mr. MacDonald’s earliest recol- lectiohs are in connection with the 'first barn raising in the district, in 1867. their own barh, when John Stewart and Charles Eilia were cap­ tains. Although the barn has been enlarged since, the original timbers are in as good condition as when they were taken from the- forest nearly seventy years ago. At the time of the raising/ there had been a great deal of excitement in con- nectidh with the Fenian raids. All able bodied men had been meeting at “The Gray Ox*’ regu­ larly to drill under John (String) MacLeod. They were prepared to meet the enemy with axes, scythes, shovel^ and other crude ■weapons- When the men commenced to gather fob. the barn raising, Dan feared the Fenians had come at least, “so taking his little sister by the hand, he has­ tened to the shanty to take iwhat protection his mother could give. School days followed at the old log school. 1% miles west from the Gray-Ox, and then when the Second school opened on the gravel road, Dan was one of the first scholars. The three R’s received most of the attention, of teacher and scholars alike, with some Consideration to history and . geography. “Can you name the rivers of Europe?” the scholar of sixty years was asked the other day. Without any' hesitation the reply came, Elbe, Rhine, Seine. Lorie, and a dozen more, which spoke well for the teaching under such difficulties. There was a fine type ,of com5; munity life in the early days. When­ ever a major task was to be under­ taken, a “bpe” was arranged, and twenty or thirty neighbors were bn hand to help with “the logging” or “the quilting” or “the falling.” The field. to be logged was usually stak­ ed to divide it into five equal parts, the remarkable age of 103 years, and then five1 gangs with five men u> a gang raced with each other to see which could finish first: Frequently while the men Were busy logging, the women folk wotild have a quilt­ ing bee at the house and the day would end with an > old fashioned dance. The fulling; of’Course, is .a lost art in Kinloss now. It was .the process in connection with the manu­ facture of cloth, when sheering, carding, spinning Were all done on the farm. Twenty-five or thirty young folk would meet to work by candle light at ^“fulling” the cloth. Gaelic sbng and story , made the work seem like a pleasant amusement. Threshing was performed by the flail originally. Then came the sim­ ple cylinder machine which threshed the, grain from the straw, but made ho attempt to separate gram rrofn straw and chaff; Then followed; Bob Brotchie’g machine driven by horse­ power. Five! teams of horses Oper­ ated the outfit Every time they threshed twenty bushels of wheat, work ceased for ten or fifteen min­ utes to, test the horses. But the men did hot rest—this was the time for athletic contests—-putting the shot, tossing the cabre. and the broad jumps wete the favorite events. There was always a sturdy rope available to see who might be elig- ible to represent Bruce against Hur­ on at thie Caledonian games. j 1 The first steam threshing outfit was brought from Wawanosh by Sam Barbour, David Henderson. William MacDonald, Duncan MapKenzie, . Martin Maclnnis and Norman Nich- olson were viewing the strange mon­ ster for the first time. In Gaelic, they were ” marvelling at the won­ ders ' of the age, when suddenly it commenced, to blow off steam. They thought it was about to explode and fell over each other in confusion in an attempt to find a place of safety. The coming of., the railroad in 1873 made great changes in the dis­ trict, Nearly . every family had one or more earning money for the first time. William MacDonald hfid work-: ed on railway construction at Wood- stock before coming to Lucknow, so wXs the, boss in charge of building the grade through Lucknow. He brought home his time book every night and Dan, who was v a lad at school, read the names and marked Jhe^-time, The first train brought A record crowd of people to the village. After living for twenty years so far from the railroad, many had given up hope of having a railway, Money continued to be a scare commodity. The .-first large sum of money Dap earned was for cutting 590 cords of wood with his ’neighbor Alex JMaeKenzie. They , were paid twenty-five cents, per cord, and Were never satisfied unless they earned fiftycentseachrevery day,' Tliey were usually .at work at six a.m. and cut until four P.ni- Then they started splitting and piling, and: usually worked until seven before having supper. In 1898 he married' Sadie Tiffin from Langside. It was hard for the neighbors to understand why Dan had to. go as far away, as Langside for his wife, but the young bride soon -won her way into , the hearts of the Scottish Presbyterian folk. Two children were born,. William Richard who served with the Royal . Navy during the war and died, in 1931, and* Jennie, who is1, now Mrs. William Porteous- of Lueknow. Mr. MacDonald entered, civic .life in 19Q2, when he was. elected council­ lor for KinloSs. Three years late, he was made reeve, an office, he held for nearly fifteen years, without being defeated. In 1912 he served as War­ den of-Bruce? an honour that two others had brought to Kinloss, Rob­ ert Purvis and James. Gaunt. He was alsp a member of the County Good Roads 'Committee, when plans for the present county highway system were first made. V The “Big Church” has always been his Church home. The simple, form of. worship without the, org^an where the people stood to pray and sat down to siryr the psalms and para­ phrases made a lasting impression. He has been chairman of the Board of Managers and of the South Kin­ loss. Cemetery Corporation since 1930. ' Baseball ha.s always been a favor­ ite sport. For many years his ser­ vices as d pitcher were in demand. He still enjoys a good game and. Occasionally acts11 as umpire. A ready tongue and keen sense of humour* have always made “Black Dan” a favorite with old and young. wriiTECHURCH i To Those Who Use . The Highways either driving or walking . ■' I APPEAL to the motorists of Ontario to make night driving (and night walking) as safe and enjoyable as driving (or walking) by day. I believe it can be done —-by the simple expedient of applying the principles of COURTESY. Let us make it an infallible rule to dip or dim our lights when meeting other cars. It will soon become almost automatic for us to. do so. Oncoming drivers will respond. Within a very , short ^me, this “deliber­ ate gesture” of Courtesy (as it nowhs) will become a fixed habit. Do not crowd the Other Fellow when meeting or passing. If he is inclined to be a nervous driver, he may easily misjudge distance at night. We don’t know. And it costs us-nothing to give him several feet of clearance. Let us jgive pedestrians MORE than ample space for walking. We have all the advantage when we are driving and the other fellow is afoot. Let us not use . that advantage in a bullying way. On the other hand, when we are walking, let us show true courtesy to those who are driving. When we walk WITH traffic, we place ALL the responsibility upon the motorist. Always walk facing oncoming traffic, _ and wear or carry something light that the lights of oncoming cars will pick up, even if you carty only a partly opened newspaper. These are a few instances only, to demonstrate the . SPIRITof Courtesy, which I am suggesting and recommending to the people of Ontario.; Practise and preach the golden rule of the road—- ‘‘Show to others the same courtesy that you would like to have shown to you”. • > , • Sincerely yours, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thom and - daughter Miss Eunice Thom Of the West, motored here and visited one day last week with Mrs, David' Gil­ lies and other relatives around here. " West, motored here and visited one Missb<Dorpthy Pollock underwent an operation in Guelph hospital last week. - ' ■ ' i Miss Catherine Patterson.! student nurse at Stratford hospital, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Hen­ ry Patterson. Mr, Wm. Henderson is engaged to teach school another year at No. 10, Kinloss. We are sorry to report Mrs. Thos. Gaunt is ill in bed; We hope fpr an early recovery. Miss Lorna McClena- ghan is assisting her. • Miss Olive Kennedy is visiting her sister, Mr?. Wm.‘.Cranston of St. Helens. Wedding bells are ringing, loudly. , Quite a number of the Presbyter­ ian young people of this community attended the picnic at Camp Kintail on Monday, and also the ^United church young people bad, A picnic to Goderich last Saturday, ' . ♦ Mrs. Ahnetta Knight is engaged to teach school at Linwood another year. » ' ., • PENETANG “HERALD” ' : QUITS PUBLICATION Board Of Trade Will Try Tor Have . It Continue A special meeting of the Penetang. Board Of Trade was recently called to discuss the announcement made by the town newspaper. The editor of the Penetang Herald. C. M. Hew­ son, had announced that due to lack of subscribers and advertising in the town, he could publish the paper no longer. “ . • < • It was suggested that the adver­ tising committee of the Board, coin-1 prising J« 0. Crottie, E. O. Clement 'and J. McTaggart, go into the mat­ ter fully to interview people and plan ways and means of continuing the publication. “The lack of a town paper affects the town badly, and we should' do everything we can to get it started again,” stated ■ Mr.* McTaggart. It whs decided that this committee would make its report to the at a banquet which would be as soon as possible. town held I 13-J MINIS^eI OF H I G H W A Y S PROVINCE OF ONTARIO YOU’LL ENJOY IT tfe possible. David listened with to the story of the prodigal at the end of it he burst in- deep the mat-* I .. Little interest son and to tears, .• Mother—“Whyf, • what’s ter?” Little David—“I’m- so the poor little calf. lie nothin.” , ........ George: Do you keen nonets a week back? , Bob: NO. We keep most things, get a porous plaster. , . ' sorry didn't for do for Bob: Nd. We keep most things, but for a weak back I’d advise you to LIGHTNING ROD PEOPLE FINED f ■ ■ t Failure To Take Out, Licenses, Which Are Issued With A View To Keep- ing Tab On. Business And Preven­ ting Public Being Gyped By Any .'Racket, Brings Severe Reprisals On Delinquents Under the Lightning Rod /£c which was put into protect the farmers, be was a skin game before that, and .the Act has to a certain extent, cleaned the game up, all manufacturers and agents of lightning rod equipments have to be licensed. Mrs’, Freda Martha, Trench, the owner of ‘ the Teeswater Copper Lightning Conductors, which was the former Teeswat,er Lightning. Rod Co., owned by Robert Trench; was charged with selling lightning, rods without a license. She was up on the 11th June before Magistrate >F. W. Walker here , and pleading guilty to the accusation, was fined $300 and costs or six months in jail. , ; Thos. Collinson, an employee of the above Co., was charged with in­ stalling lightning rods, without a license and pleading guilty, at the same court on June 11th, was fined $25 and costs. William Kennedy,* another em­ ployee of the Company, was charged with selling without a license,, but as he. had not sold before and was under the impression that Trench had a license he was .let off with suspended sentence oh payment of court costs at the same sittings by Magistrate Walker;, ' ■ & Crown Attorney •Freeborn in sum­ ming up the cases to the magistrate, stated that for years the . Trench Company had Caused trouble to the Fire.. Marshal’s Dept. He further sta­ ted that the lightning rod business had beeh so, unsatisfactory thati it was time something was done and that is the reason these people have been brought to trial. He also said that the,bottom of the whole thing was the Trench Co., as all these men could hot get a license until the head of the company had one.— . , - . J Walkerton Herald-Times. h- CANADA. MARKS CENTURY OF RAILWAY PASSENGER TRAVEL 4--- Canada observes two railway an­ niversaries thia' year. The first, the centenary of railway passenger tra­ vel in Canada, will be celebrated, on July 18, and marks one hundred ears since the operation of the first pa^nger train over the Champlain and St. Lawrence Railroad,, between Laprairie and St. Johns. Que., a dis­ tance of about 16 miles. The second is the fiftieth anniversary of trans­ Canada passenger train operation, and marks the jubilee of tailway travel between Eastern Canada and the Pacific coast. Both of Canada’s principal steam railway systems. have an interest in these anniversaries. The first, applies to the Canadian National Railways, since the Champlain and St. Law­ rence, Canada’s ' first railway, be­ came and is now part of the Cana­ dian National System. The second applies to the Canadian Pacific Railway, whose first passenger train reached Vancouver on . the Pacific coast fifty years ago this summer. Canada and her railway systems have made tremendous progress since those early beginnings. The inauguration of passenger service 160 years'4 ago, crude though that service was when viewed in. the light of. pre­ sent-day accomplishments, marked the beginning of development in this Dominion, until today Canada’s two railway systems operate between them 5,000 powerful steam locomo­ tives, "7,500 passenger cats and over 200,000 freight cars. They have a combined trackage of over 42,000 miles and .employ more than 120,000 men and women, according .to a story entitled “Modern Highways of Steel’’, which appears in the current issue of “The C-I-L Oval”. The an*, nual payroll of the. two railways is in excess of ,$150,000,000. Husband—If certainly is true mon­ ey talks. , Wife^Well, I do wish you would leave some here to talk to me during the day, .* \ A •<L