The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-06-25, Page 7THURSDAY. JUNE 25TH, 1936 HIE LUCKNOW SENTINEL PAGE FIVE Sr 0 RT MEWS LUCKNOW WINS Lucknow and Dungannon hooked up in the tightest Maitland League game of the reason on Tuesday. When the Sepoys eked out a 4 to 2 win. with Carruthers driving in the two winning runs in the 8th. par- e ruthers. had '13 strikeouts, .but at that the tail-enders threw a scare into the local camp inatusslethat wasn’t decided till the last man was out, LEADERS EXTEND WINNING STREAK HERE SATURDAY St. Helens C. Gardner, If. —5 S. Lavis, 1st G. Miller, p. _ T. Todd. 3rd X 'Eifchie, ff. B. Hunter, ss. D. Henderson, c; P.»> Irwin. 2nd r R. McPherson, if. -3'1 F. Mcpuillin ___1 0 39 Whitechurch ah h po e ST. HELENS Auburn .With 4 Singles Score Eight; Runs To Beat The Local Nine 8 . v.ToJ^Total._Qf..25_...Steikepute _In Abreviated 7-Innipg, Affair. ,. ■ Auburn, league leadersJ in the Maitland loop, extended their win­ ning -streak to six straight games -when they defeated the local nine .. here on Saturday by a score of 8 to 3. With men on the bases the in­ experienced Sepoys got the jitters arid Auburn sqeezed in their 8 runs on half as many hits. The pitching by both teams was p .puzzle on Sat- urday—ahd^a-^tol“o^25~strikeout£" was chalked up. Auburn with 13 and Lucknow with 12. •! After Carruthers . had struck out the first 3 men to face him, Luck­ now took a 2-run lead in their half of the first. MacDonald fligd to left Hewat struck out and Fisher was safe when his grounder was bobbled at 3rd. Webster hoisted on to left fieldforasingleandwhenJardine overran the ball and lost it Elliott rounded the bags for the circuit.. Greer doubled and McIntosh rolled put to 2nd. Lucknow squeezed in a run in the s, 3rd and threatened to score in the 7th. but otherwise were held helpless at the ’plate. In the 3rd. Hewat was safe on an error at 2nd and Fisher beat out a bunt. Fisher was caught off 1st and Hewat went to 3rd scor­ ing when Fisher , got safely out of the trap on a bad throw to second by the 1st baseman. An error by Carruthers, a walk, . and Yungblutt’s single gave Auburn their 1st run in the 3rd. A walk, an error. 2 stolen bases and a double by Jardine accounted for 2 more in the 4th. fo the 5th. Patterson singled, went to second without a play , being made and scored when Webster lost Bennett’s wind swept fly to right. V , Arthur got on in the 6th. when he was hit. stole second and scored on Craig’s single, who went to 2nd on the throw in. advanced as Jardine grounded out 2nd scored on a balk In the 7th, Hewat went in and hit Patterson, the first man up. A walk and an error ' by MacDonald filled the bases. Wilson grounded to Mac­ Donald. who cut off the run at the plate. Hewat struck out the next two batters^but a passed ball arid a wild pitch, let in a pair of. runs be­ fore the side was retired. Lucknow ab McDonald, 2nd,ss. 4 B, Hewat. cf„ p. 4 J. Fisher, ss. _——3' E. Webster., rf. ___3 H. Greer. 3rd __^3 McIntosh. 1st. c. 3 B. Jewitt, If.. 2nd 2 H. Ritchie. 1st -3 Cairuthera,. p., cf. 3 H. Johnston, If. —.0 Auburn rib Patterson, ss. Yungblutt, 1st —3 . J. Bennett. 3rd' —4 ’ N. Wilson, e. -------3 W. Bradnock. 2nd 4 K. Arthur, cf. __^2. . R Craig, P-, If. —4. T. Jatdine. If., p. -3 N. Rodgers, rf.......3 ri ~-2^i<) : 0—0 4 1 1 2 0 *2 3 1 0 0 '.. ”.■?•■ 47 12 16 27 9 3 Score By Innings—l' Whitechurch —202: 110-r-12 St. Helens .^. . .—200 200 010— 5 Summary—2-base hit, Garton, Cas- kinette. Struck put—Miller, 12; Tif­ fin 9 in 6 innings; Geb. Tiffin. 3 in 3 innings. Base on balls, G. Tiffin. WUd pitch, Maier, O. Tiffin. Passed balls, D. Henderson. Double play, B. "Hunter—(wnassisted)i—Earned runs. Whitechurch 6, St. Helens 5/ Left on bases. Whitechurch 9, St. Helens 10. Umpires—Tom Moore^ Gordon McPherson, Lamey Murdie.' Garton, c. _•----5 Mowbfay. 3rd 3 Gaskinette, rf. 5 Smith, ss. -----—5 Tiffin, p.--------4 M. Jloore.'cdL, 3rd~5 — ..... - l.A’ P- ® L. Henderson, cf. 3 G- K. B. B. O. J. Pollock, If. G. Tiffin. 2nd. l. W;- Conn , 2nd -; 13 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 3 1 1 1 / > MAITLAND LEAGUE STANDING . (To Date, Subject To Correction) . —.... .1 . HT-— ■ *' T Auburn.. ’7': '0 .’■ Blyth ......4-6 0 / Whitachurch ~__4 •2 " Lucknow 3 ..2.; St. Helens '1 5 .■ * . ■ rColborrie 1 6 Dungannon —__0 Lucknow goes to Auburn on -Fri- !■ The following students of Form II in St. Helens school have been gran- ’ -ted standing -on- their-ytiar’s work in T the subjects indicated: ’■ Ronald Cranston Arith, Bot.,« Physiog. / - ; ./t I Allan Miller—Gram.. Bot. Physiog. Grace Weatherhead—Gram., Bot., * Physiog. The fuqeral. of the late Mr. John .MeDonald,.W'h9sedeathoccurr.edjii the Byron Sanitoriurii last Tuesday, was held from the United Church here on Thursday afternoon. In the absence of . Rev. H. Ml Wright, the service was conducted by Rev. Chas.. Cun>ming of Walton.' assisted by Rev, Mr. Smith of Winghafm. The pallbearers were Messrs. E. J. Thom. F; G. Toddi W. I. Miller. Mid. Hum^ phrey,H. K. Rutherford, and W. A. ' phrey. Interment was made , in the . Wingham cemetery. ’ ' - > The faet that the weatherman did his best to please added much to; the success of the United Church Garden;, party held on Friday evening., After ‘ supper had been served to the large, crowd in Miller’s orchard the pro-,;, gram was presented in the adjoining church shed.‘by the Young People of Calvin United Church. Their well acted play “Professor Pep” proved, . highly—entertaining;— ------——— The community was deeply shock- .’ ed and saddened on Saturday morn­ ing. when i£ was '.learned .that Mrs.,!; Janie^ Durnin had passed quietly; away during the night. Mr; Durnin, > Mrs. Cameron and Earl Have the f syinpathy* of a host of friends. _ ft?— Md! TURN'BERRY CORNER , rMr/‘’J^sr"'Hemiy '■’of'" Belfast' -visited..... friends here last .Friday. , - '■■ ' Mrs. W. M. 'Champion.. -Mrs.; .-vex'' Havens, Tena. ‘Jean;and ..Roy of Luc'-, ' Mr. ’ and'Mrs. Mark Gardner/ ' /■ Mr., Melvin I’Win of 2nd ’ con./Rin-■ a f1 ** .' v Ty What are the Prospects for Stocks? We have prepared a short summary on the following; ■ ■ " . , ■ .... /■ ;■ i Golds || Nickels || Coppers I] Newsprint || ■ /' • ■ < ri •v • . ' ’ „*• ’ , ‘ , I 0. F. Carey & Son, Ltd. Goderich '/■ '• ■ ■< ' ■ ..•''•■I; Private Wires to all Principal Exchanges we will be pleased to forward on request. —1 BOUNDARY WEST The many friends of Mrs. James Durnin of St. Helens, were shocked to hear that she had passed away suddenly early Saturday morning* ’ We. .extend our sincere sympathy to Mr. Jas. Webster of Ashfield, an only brother in his sad and sudden ber­ eavement. Miss Myrtle Webster <rf Wellesley spent the week-end at the home « her parentis, Mr. and Mrs; Jas. Web* ster. Ashfield. Other visitors were Mrs. Rachel Webster, Mrs. Kale. Mrs, Bean and Mrs. Owens of Detroit. Mrs. W. Kempton and Mrs. J. Hamilton spent a day lajjt week with friends in Ripley. Messrs. Duncan and Archie Stew­ art of Detroit, were renewing old acquaintances on the boundary last week. Mrs.; Jas. T. Webster. Grace and Leonard spent Saturday in.Bayfield: attending the Webster re-union. .Week-end visitors with Mr. mid Mrs. Eldon Henderson were Mri and Mrs. Doriald Cardis and son Lome and Mrs. Peter McDonald of Pine River, Miss Jessie MacDonald of Zurich and Mrs. Wm. A. Reid and' daughter Eileen rind son Russell «f Arborg, Man. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Shelton of Kin­ cardine spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cook, and Rhoda and "Viola, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dean of Auburn. ' ____________' . East Wawanosh with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie Webb and i Robert Purdon; Mr. and Mrs. Dun* ir ■ ‘‘ ITiD'nnfatfl'tr nrff WmARM mi ills1 * Wf'P . WHITECHURCH Mr. arid Mrs. - Hind and daughter, Miss Marion Hind of the West, who have been, visiting Mrs. Hind’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heriry. re­ turned home last week. ■ Mrs- Jack Flanagan of Toronto, i . .Gt .■ ; spent the week-end with her parentsLX’ d ’ Mr.,and,M^'Thos.Tnglis. i Mr.. John Falconer 'Edwcrd Smith 1 c’-ckiHHk'' 'and Albert Home; .motored to the & S1S>F-. • open air meeting, in. Brussels' lasr^ Seafmh" hospital suffering1 ^ridll---be---held--at..,±he™homg__M..„.Mrs=. Chester Taylor on Thursday. July 2nd. Roll call. “How to teach a child good riianners.” Topic “The conduct and ■ ideals of' .Young .People” in _ _ ... . charge of Mrs. McKenzie Webb. Hos- AnoW. -visited -er the' week-end witn, fesses—Mrs. Cranston^. Mfs. E.' Bar- ' .. hour and’ -Miss. ' Mary' Irwin. . Thehour and -Miss, "Mary Irwin. . children are ■ especially invited. .• Mr., and Mrs,. John Durnin and daughter; ,M'ar^ of Morriston and. son ’ Harold. ‘of Barrie,. '.were ■ recent 'guests with ' the , former’s ' mother.. Mrs. Chas. Durnin and" with Mr. and Mrs. Colin ..•McDonald. • . Mr.' Neely, - Todd was 'home frdn« London" oyer the week-end. Miss,' Irene Woods, who ,.-has been home for. two weeks recuperating' from, .an a Wack of- the mumps, re­ sumed her ■ duties as • teacher near Waterloo on Monday. Mr., and Mrs.’ fomes Robertson (formerly ' Miss ’ Carrie McGee) of •Spattie, ^fled on friends in ‘the vil-.; • lage on■ Monday. . Miss W. D.' < Rutherford., ,’of the Kirkland Lake school staff. , is home for a . short vacation before going to Toronto for'a short course at the University. Mrs.' Torrance-retunied on Sunday; from a visit. with friends' ■ at Alma, On- Monday, she suffered a, slight .stroke at the home of her daughter Mrs. J. D. ; Anderson. . Entrance' examinations are in pro­ gress at the school ■ this week. . . . Rev. H. M. Wright arid ' Mr. Rob­ inson ■ Woods attended the meeting of Huron Presbytery at' Walton . on Wednesday., . , - heMc. JMewer. EdwrJ Smith' l/^i (Ellen) of BraeefieM, wfto S turd e ernng. . i'from a fractured'hip. We-.hope for a Mrs. Jas. Owens . yis-ted.. fnends A *e(1 reCovery. F 1}1 ,/ . here on Saturday last; . .' '. . JL, ■ Mr. ,an'd Mrs. Ernest .Gardner and. ^9 -aini4 Mrs.: 'Sam Reid and foni— Cecil of' Zion',’ visited friends- here last 'Thursday.- . ' , ■A.>H?i£Lit!«'SQTES;- j Miss, rfejslop' ef Hamilton, was,-the j guest of Mr. and, Mrs’/Jake Hunter pox for the past weik.-'' - -■‘ - ' Mr. Robt. .Red and Lizzie, v -Jno. McDonald’; on'■ Sunday. ■- - • .r, - - „• - Dr. and/Mrs. Evans, and Mrs. 'fon merston. visited on Sunday nuth Mr. MacLeod I and little’daughter of Clin- a^Mrs. Geoge McClenaghan,.. .ton. Spent.a ’da’y with • Will,. Helm’s - last week ' / ’ Englehart, visited her parents, Mr; .spent Sunday »yitn Le~. RiV-hie's. ’ -Mr/Jrio. Mafiick and sister'Agnes, day, and if they hope to snap . the leader's! winning streak they’ll have to play I improved ball. The weakest spot on the local team is behind the bat. Both Ritchie arid McIntosh , can hold ’em up and are' dependable hitters, but they lack the snap and whip that cuts off base runners and’’ about every play­ er to reach first, steals'second with little difficulty. • *■ *■ ■ * .♦ » ‘ It puts every base runner jirimed- iately in a scoring position and makes it mighty tough for the pit; cher. ♦ * ■ ♦ ♦' ;i ■ i <. ■■ ■ ■•,,; The “decker”' the boys are using doesn't help matters, either, for they have to “hunt” for the ball among a dot of loose “stuffing” before, gett­ ing it away. «r • • “■ • • A little more liberal dipping down (or is it that only some of the fans are coming across) when the hat is passed, would provide the boys with funds to improve theij; much needed equipment. . . * ♦ ' • ‘ Clark Finlavson. the hew catcher on the local team, is doing some nice work and besides being right on his toes as a catcher, is able to smack the old apple quite a whdltop:— , Goderich Star. Aspeedy recovery. s ily visited on Sunday with her sister ' Mis. Wm. R. Farrier .. .’ Rev.. ,JaS.' Seobie, Mrs. Scbbie and Miss Janet Scbbie of Wilton .Grove, a former minister -of' this community preached in the .United Church on.’ Sunday' to a well filled church. While here they-were the guests; of Mrs. A. .jJ*' Mr.‘-and''Mrs. ’Murray".Effiott 'arid Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott of Pal-' id Mrs.' George, McClenaghan. Bev. and' Mrs. .Graydon Cox, of •Tr/Si Shp»rtW arwl hk mother and.. Mrs. Mac. Ross last" week. ' Her > Mr. tart bner.yorxt and hn, matter 5ist^ Misg 0Kve, Terriff>. accompan­ ied them home to Englehart. •i»i«. wuv. jtiiBinuviK ami • . . •“ ■ , ;%■ ■ visited' at Jake Hunter’s on SundavJ ■ . Mr. Peter. ■ Kennedy and Mr. and • Mr. and Mrs. Rob.- Ritchie, accom-. Mrs. Stahley' Colcloiigh visited on .panied by?Mr/and Mrs. A. Wilson, ^“'day’-with her parents, Mr. and of Lucknow. «pent the' week-end with Mrs. J. Reichard of Gorrie. . , >• friends in Oakville ; n Mr.| and Mrs. Perry Pennington ■ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Figgin'-s anj and family of Culross, spent Sunday, family bf/St. Catherines and Mr. ahi with Mr. and Mrs- J D. Beeeroft. Mrs.. Gordon Cbngiram .and ,Gloria of ‘ Criewe. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon’ Ritchie on Thursday -'evening. —£ r ’li po a e 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 .2 1 0 0 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 12 0 0 . 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ■•. 3 521 8 5 r k po a e 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 4 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 013 1 0 0 0 o 2 . 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0'0 -i— «S-. 8 4?21 4 4 212 2—8 HOLYROOD family of St.. Helens, and Mr. and can Kennedy of Wingham with Mr. Mrs. George Walker and family of and Mrs. John Gaunt. ir l. Mb- , ’ , 28 Score, By Innings—- . Auburn. — 001 Lucknow — 201 000 0—3 Summary—2-base hit, Jardine, Greer. Struck out. , by Carruthers, 10 in 6 innings* Hewat, 2 in 1 inning; by Craig, O in 5 innings, Jardine 4 in 2 innings. Hits off Craig,, 5; Jar­ dine. 0; off Carruthers, 4; Hewat, 0. Base on balls, Jardine 1; Hewat 2: Carruthers 2. Hit by pitched ball. Arthur, by Carruthers, Patterson by Hewat. Balk, Carrutheirs. Wild pitch Hewat. Jardine. Passed brill. McIn­ tosh. Wilson 2. Runs batted ih» Web­ ster 2; Youngblutt, Arthur,. Bennett. Jardine. Craig. Earned runs. Auburn 2: Lucknow 0. Left on bases. Taclc- now 5; Auburn 5. Umpires—Wilson and H. Aitchison. 001 WHITECHURCH TURNS BACK ST. HELEN'S NINE TUESDAY Six-Run Outburst Tn The /Second Spoiled What Would Otherwise Have Been A Keen Argument .... Mr. and -Mrs. Richard Elliott and family and M^s- Corbett spent the week-end at Cookstown., \ Mrs. Aimer Ackert attended a meeting of the Federated Country- Women of the World in connection with the W. I. at Guelph last week. Miss Leona White spent a few days recently with Mrs. Archie Mc­ Kinnon. . ’ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Farrow. Messrs. Ed. McLelland and James \ Parks, spent Bunday with friends at Ches- Iriy. Miss Gwendolyn Ackert .and Miss Catharine Robertson spent Monday at Mr. James Valad’s. We wish to extend our sympathy to Mrs. Wm. Hodgins and family in their recent bereavement. Mrs. Aimer Ackert won first prize on Monday evening at "the bowling green at Lucknow. Mrs. Robt. Harper and Mrs. Chas. Boulding returned to Caledonia. on Friday. . Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer- rind Chester. Mr. and Mrsl Bert MacKay of Detroit and Mrs., John MacKay pf Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. John Jam­ ieson of Parambunt affid Mr. Stewart Jamieson of Lucknow, were Monday visitors at Mr. Thos. Harris’. The next meeting of the H. W.-I.‘ is to be held on the 2nd of July on the pitinic grounds at Silver Lake, Where the Holyrood W. I. will enter­ tain the Berrie W. I. Miss Ivodell Busby of Ottawa. Mr\ and Mrs. Elwood Mathews and Gor­ don of Listowel. Mt. arid Mrs. Robt. Hamilton. Benson and Clarence of Wingham, were week-end visitors at Mr. Andrew' Hamilton’s. ' - CO M P L E T E That has all Swinging to With Fred McQuillin out with a torn finger/St. Helens had to borrow Charlie Henderson from the. White­ church team before they could do them battle in a Maitland League fixture here Tuesday. St Helens had one bad inning^ the 2nd; when White­ church jammed home . 6 runs and kept about that margin of a lead ■ throughout, to steal the interest from ah otherwise dose game. it was an error at second on a forced, play that started the 6-run stampede in the second frame that sjtould have ended without a. run. Helens lacked punch at the bat ' and as wen did, some bad. base turn* ing tri, toss. awriy chances to score. Orville Tiffin tossed them up for six innings and Ms brother George finished it. Between them they scat­ tered ten hits, striking put 12, and were seldom in trouble. Orville al­ lowed seven hits and George 3. Gordon Miller, while hit freely for, 16 hits, fanned an even dozen of Cecil Falconer's lads, and deserved a better'fate, for Ws support cracked at' crucial points. Bill Hunter turned in a steady game at short and pulled a double play in the 1st inning, when — ------- he speared K. Mowbray’s smack, passing their entrance exams on doubling George Garton off second. their year’s work. ZfON Mr., and Mrs. Silas Brush of Har­ row were visitors with Mr. arid Mrs. Robt. Andrew over the week-end. Mr. Thos. Reid of Varna was. the guest^of his aunt Mrs. Wm. Ritchie and Mr. Ritehie on Sunday last. Quite a number of Zionites spent Saturday at Bayfield when the 13th annual Webster re-onion was; held. Mr. Robert Andrew was in London on” Friday last. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jas. McKay of Tiv­ erton called on friends at Zion on •Saturday' last. Mrs. Nelson Raynard has so far improved to be able to be brought to her father’s. Mr. Wm. Ritchie's. Mrs.. Raynard, altho confined to her room is gradually improving. [ We extend congratulations to El­ don Ritchie and Jimmie Hunter on TUST a few minutes behind the wheal of J the, 1936 Chevrolet will convince you that it’s the most complete car ever offered jn low-cost motoring. Check up on what you get: Perfected Hydraulic Brakes, for swerveless, straight- line stopping! Solid steel, cne-piece Turret Top Body by fisher! Improved, gliding *Knee-Achon'”‘Ride! ;• Economical Valve-in- Head Engine! Fisher No-Draft Ventilation! ?On Master Deluxe Models I .. mm* c-x» V• ,«hA L. M. MacKENZIE - - Dungannon i Gives rbu ALL Sit;., perfected hydraulic brakes .;; TURRET top BODIES IT HSHHI HEAD ENGINE... FISHER HO DRAFT VENTILATION..... KNEEACTION (A* ItaHr De LoeMnMS) ...SAEETY GLASS THROUGHOUT i <*■ ’ .