The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-04-23, Page 7■ APPLE CAKE Street- standAro BRANDS 'mUTTO FriisCMvo. iindLllk>rt.vSf..Toron to. Obt. Ptcaie send inc »l»e free Roy-.vi Ytast Hake Book. -»> .... Dan. this is going too . i Dan tele- ( J here's a coht*‘*£ % "■w**'■*’** n nri’ ortd five r print yc cptwt E-i ceM* per Tritft- T’t e (was* sue t&rifcinal rtegaiiyfc ' wre nd trieaddiftt U Wrapped BtCunJ pow tilm PHOTO SPECIALTIES ‘ ' Cv’ t Alfc* bN’ ■Ft1 A ' ■■' Sa is delicious ---------- -Kair^lUaBKCiTn—rmd— Ciordon—Wes±erby flop gold in the ijrid- bush of Austrulia.’ TkWV stake their- claim and start the lung? jopi’iiw to _—MitattBtliy Ims a litlltvvv Gladys Clcm- ents in England, but when they arrive in Sydney he marries a pretty blonde. Cordon forwards a photo of Dan to former tiattcce, Gladys Clements,.„ In London and when Dan arrives she be­ lieve lie is Gordon. Eve Gilchrist, a typist, obtains work in XIedlicott’s of­ fice, the broker who is .floating tbe mine. Eve and Dan fall in .love but when Eve Is confronted . by Gladys jshe beii.-vCs in Dan's, duplicity. Dan charters a. plane .back to Aus­ tralia to check up on We’sterby. SANDWICH. ROLLS Keeps eacft ROYAL YEAST CAKE FULL STRENGTH Use Royal Yeast Cakes and Royal Sponge Recipes for these tenipthig breads ... Each Cake of Iloyal A v> id retain its absolute fresh n ess for'days —witTs! A special air-tight wrapping gcurcs fujl leavening power and umforin re-' sribs .cVcry time. No. other dry yeast hr-S stich protection. That’s why’ 7 oid of 8 Canadian liousewives who use dry "yoast insist on Royal. Order Royal Yeast Cakes today. booklet FREE! .“The Royal Yeast flake Book'" li’lves. tested R o S’ a I < Sponge Recipe!? for the breads il­ lustrated above . nnd many nt her#* FRfcF! Fill in coupon today! BUY M.MMMN- CANADA GOODS Issue No. 16 , Laura Wheeler Jiffy-Knit Made in One Day SAKE.... choose the purest, most nourishing foods. Most mothers prefer Christie's Arrowroots because they are made with the very . dfinesc ancLpurest ingre­ dients. Their quality is always rigidly maintained. ' That’s why they’re safe for baby anjd good for every* body.', ' . ; ' ■ J © ■ PATTERN 933 Christie Biscuit for every taste ration The ^question of succession duty- free bonds will undergo a “searching examination” ‘‘I'll deal with that, first," Dau pro­ mised. “Look/he’s coming round. AVesterby straightened in his place and shook himself. Then he opened his eyes drowsily, to meet the unfriend­ ly scowl of his partner. A slow smile played over his face, and he murmured “Welcome to our city.” ' Slade grabbed Dan by the ami. just in time to prevent him. from acknow­ ledging tli.is second welcome in the : same fashion as thp l’Ast. They des- J crii'.lrii' nt Slade’s office, and Slade or- do,reel a bo111>‘ ‘of champaigne to be’ brought., ’ —- "Yon need a bracer, Prescott,1 insisted, J." need some stimulant my ■like a trying day." . I . Dan tossed off his -wine,- and Lhon, ho ’ turned upon Wosterby. j “Now then," he began, “I’ve come j here at a run. and the first thing I i “Fra going to get some want is that gold, that you snooped , said.- "Slade you are responsible -tor front tbe mine.". i Wcstofbyi I’ll be here for*him at this “Sternly, rr.-i-htt/’ Sla-de Judtpos- j time to-morrow ami if lie isn’t here. I, e(p .'will take a crack at you. -1-niwaii -it.” - - - “I don't know what you are talking II*1 turned his back on them, with ' (his final warning, and Walk'd <Tf. a figiiie of grim detenni-nation. ’■ “He means it.". Slade said to West- erby. If 1 losd you. mv lad, it is socko for me. And I sh.t>uld'haiq to get .what you had tmdav." ’• “I'll.- stick aroundf’ Westerby ’ pro- nilct-d. "Rut I wonder who she is. Dan certainly has got it bt$." '‘WhaddaTyoa mean?" Slade demand­ ed. . ' ■ ‘•'Dan's bc‘-n girling over in Engbriil' W-'.-tcrhy ass, rted: "He never ertt as' far as £hat. when die was here. Bu.i 1 can see the sighs on him. lie has fal­ len hard. and things have none wruhe somewhere. Thev would; Dan doesn’t' ■ stknow the’first’.thing aboijt wonpn.’ "You seem, io have R all tup-d out," liFFY KNIT . “Certainly—ma^e It In a day!.” affirms Laura Wheeler, for you can so easily* since it’s a. Jiffy-kni^ blouse, done all in one piece. Large needles and heavy cotton of wool make row upon row of a large lacy mesh, which needs but side seams joined and sleeve bands Added. • . . - Send 20 cents in stamps of coin (coin preferred) for this pattern .to Needlecraft Dept,, Wilson Publishing, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. Write plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. fronteiy sonic mild' contrast that.was irrestistibly droll. “Don’t encourage the ape,” • Dan growled. “lie knows he's-aH ■ right, if “he Can only laugh .it off." ' . /" “Smile and the world smTle’with” you," quoted Westerby, ri ha bashed. I “so what coin,os next, Dan?’’, he i “Where have you got that stuff ‘So doos A\ esterby; and I I planted?” Dan demand'etl. "Is it far ivseir. It looks J from jjere?" ' ’’ . ■ . ’ . “It’s a gootlish way/’ West’erby con- ceded,.' ‘■Ii tnoaiKs- a.icar., xmd. I'd, -belter } nj,n along,w’itli ytw awl. show vyu in what place to dig.” dii^p.” Dan about. Dan,’’ Weslerby Said.glibly. “If' that is what you think. «* ’ . ’ "It is what I know," Dan intiiTEpt ’ td.. “lym p out. of this.Slade, or I shall think you had a hand in it. Now then. | We.'toihy, cmno across. Ymi wouldn’t , •dare dispose of it ye;. Where is. it " .Planted?’’ "Look li- re. ]' r." Wvsierhy protested. "Tlirti lib’s go a - bit further." retorted g'-iml.y. I'Ypu. Slade, phone' to the Criminal liivostig-a'tiwn ' Office. Why. you lunatic.-don't you see j that your game is iip? You had to lure. , a plane to do your -snooping; and the ( first detective that is put on the Job , will be put on your track iu an hour." Slade's eyes popped out of,his face’, when lie faw Westorby hold up his’ hands still grinning cheerfully. “Kamc^ad.” he said. . "We don't want any police work in a job that is quite between friends. I throw in my hand. I)an. I".l turn the stuff over. I never meant Jo keep- it of course;, was just putting.up a joke on Slade, "A joke.” Sly de yelled, “Why. v tb!d me that'yotrwere off to New Zea­ land on your honey moon-. And even a minute, .cocksure, as Prescott seemed to be. 1 couldn’t bring myself to credit Is’that your idea of a joke?'1 Dap know." Wnsterby said, still the v clv'orJ'nl member bt; the trio, outward iippoyrance./‘He's used ways. 11<- kn< w I just wonted ich yon to h- more rarofiir." "And that >o> ng wit*-. f,f yourr; Slrd ’ id hi'forly. “I -unp' se «br was r-rt <>[ I ’.i< .foiro as w.< II’.’" •’ Ad p.-;t <•; the io’.. .." W. a ’.Jii’t a tf lajior.u-v ar.a: m-'.iit. L,i n i couldn’t v ry well have hia.i :'i>'1 ’tii•’■, ><ni because she’s j a'.'.idi i'.’milled with a I •-o.l husband.; "I m’.riri Laxe tliouah; of that." Pan i -.-pi/. "'Eell. wjtilo' we ore on the sub-' •jl < t. Wlia! h;iv< you ;/i i r*irl in I'ncland” •’ •"I v. a < waiting it> ro;1 'u 1. vjfi j. .i’lMi:l lh-!t," W< sterby s.iid. "What dc» l ;.on think yourself? You've «et n her, ' end fro!!- ! l-cr out, a Inf. What.do you-i I'' a. I’m in y.•: I Ip nf.A old ! The; Poet’s Corner Thu following refers/*to’ the’ treats •menv of Bliss Carman by liis. country before his.'death and regarding ’the remain,s later: 7 “Wc want you not when you blossom —wTtirrsoiTgv-^—° We want you not when your-lyre is . strong, ’ . . ■ But we have a strange insatthijle lust For a poet’s-hopes;, for. a dead bard’s dust. ’ “Y-ou .ask1 for-bread- and-a—jug of wine For singing songs of this. land., of thine But you’ll get no wine and yoj.i/11 get no’ bread; ’’ i,../ Though we’H light like demons,^ when you are dead, . ’ \ ' 4 To keep" your, arirriri/ my cmintry4 said. ’. ' • . * ’ —\Vilson McDonald. Slade said; "llow do yon know so much?’’ ’ ■ » / "'ll stand's to reason,'"Westerby said. "Dan wouldn't niake all that fuss, ab­ out a bit of go'.d. He came after me, because I got hint in wrong with' his <ik?. ’ , ’ladylove. Jt-'s a sure thing. ■ .“And what are you going to do about it?" Slade asked. Wt strihy ■ shrvugc t his sliould'er.s and spread his1 hands in a deprecating gesture. ■ ' ■. “Wba.t's Dun going to do about it?’’ lie asked. “I haven't got much , say- in it myself any longer, have l?’Daddy’s ou tjie engine now."' !(To be continued j Montreal Doctor Relates De­ tails; of Case; Tip of Nose Left Several Miles From / Hospital. MONTREAL.—The tip of ® boy’s nose, once separated from its owner by several miles, is back in .place, “perfectly .»normal looking except., for minor scars,” Dr. J. N.1 Roy, plastic surgeon, recounted’. ■ The doctor, plAstic suf£epn at Notre Dame Hospital and professor at the University, of Montreal# told^ how he performed the strange op­ eration two years ago when the youngster sliced “off the end of-his hose'bn a broken headlight-. — • • ing into the house, holding, his nose. End of. the nose Was still there but when the boy removed his hand it fell away. The lad was rushed to hospital. .. Dt. Roy decided little could be done' withduf.“the^“oflmr?~sedHpB“*6ir the nose and sent the' father home for it. It was found onl the sitting room carpet. . - . The, hoy was placed under an an- 'aesthetic while the amputated sec­ tion p'f his^nose, ^'as ' sterilized and “Foiled” in a tepid physiological serum until three hours, after- the. accident. U,I” made a last e&epsy of the wound, and the tip of the nose, well dfied, was carefully coated and sut­ ured/with silk by means of small cpnjunqjjval needles,” said Dr. Roy. “As there was nd Joss of cutaneous substance, I succeeded in re-estab­ lishing the anatomy of this organ. L. “In order to better, stabilize, this tllij) of the nose and at the same time to increase its vitality,' I placed a splint in copper, fashioned for the occasion. The splint was retained "by bands "of adhesive tape, applied transversely to the nasal appendix. ., “In the .process of time I had the satisfaction to see the’ tip of . the nose coine to, life again.” 5 SECTIONS 5 NEWSPAPERS IN ONE 34 Colored Comics * . ■> ^«^.OST,,R«TrKLV THE TORONTO Whether the“Pain” Remedy You Us is SAFE? A s A Your Doctor and Find Out Don’t Entrust Your Own or Your Family’s Well - Being to Unknown Preparations THE person to ask whether the preparation you or your family . L^are thkingjfQr the relief of headaches is SAFE1, to use regularly is your family doctor. Ask him particularly about “ASPIRIN." He will tell you that before the . discovery of “Aspirin” most “pain** remedies were advised against by physicians as bad for the stomach ■ ™ and, often, for the heart. Which-ia food for thought if you seek quick, ‘ I'sqfe relief.’’ '•* Scientists rate “Aspirin” among the fastest methods yet discovered for the relief of headaches and the pains of rheumatism, neuritis and neural- • gia. And the experience of millions of users has proved it safe tor th® average person to use regularly. In your own interest remember this. ■ “Aspirin” Tablets are made in Canada. “Aspirin” is the registered trade-niark of the Bayer Company, Limited. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every tablet. Demand and Get EVERYWHERE ■ ■ ■ f. • I-.'.. get most for your otme when you buy The Toronto Star WeeklySr- Canada's Great IIlus* trated Week-end Newspaper . . , ENTERTAINMENT — news of the world itt pictures . Cana* dian scenes painted by leading Canadian artists . .. . AMUSE* . . 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