The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-04-23, Page 4i 7. 1 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL
-- --/V ----,--- ------:- ---
Lucknow Players Presented Play
' The ........' . ’
Lucknow Sentinel
Pubiished every Thursday morning
at, Lucknow, Ontario.
Sirs.. A. D. MacKenzie — Proprietor
Campbell Thompson—Publisher .
THURSDAY, APRIL 23rd, 1936.
Lyceum Theatre
Show Starts at 8.00 P.M.
I Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ritchie were
j :■ home on Saturday evening to a
I fe w of their friends in honor of the
143rd wedding anniversary of ‘ Mrs.
.; F.'.uhie's parents,' . Mr. -and,, Mrs*
, | Ralph Nixon. Those attending from
h distance were Mr. and Mrs.-Jas.
Thomas Taylor,, a
I«angside community
(general Hospital on
9th. ’ Jfo had been
stomach trouble for . _________ _____
was a patient in Wingham Hospital 3tld Mr. Mrs. Geo. Bak-
—We wish $Ir-<r >nd-
Mrs. Nixon many more years of hap -
”*y wedded life. " •'.
Mr. Chas, Anderson has returned
home after assisting Mr, Ralph Nixon
for--.-the pastyear. Mr. Wm. Reid,,Jr^.
^-ss'-been engaged with Mr. Nixon
far a year. ■ \ -J
; Mrs. Chas, MeDonagh went to
Toronto bn Sunday to see her sister-
h-law. Mrs; Fred Topp. who^we are
*orry - to‘ report is still in very
health. - , ' ■
■Mrs.- Maize of Dungannon
been a guest . with her cousin,
E., McJDonagh, recently.
Mr. Gordon Kirkland had a
toeek. > ' ( '
Miss Kathleen Gardner was a vis-
:;or. with her aunt, Mrs. Lome
Woods of St. Helens, during the
lohdays. ■ * ”
. Mr- Andrew Ritchie of Lanes has
been buzzing. wdod in this community
luring the . week. .' -
Mr. David Anderson returned ' to
bis school at Dunlop on Sunday, after
pending • his holidays with his par
ents, Mt, and Mrs. Fred Anderson.
Mr, Sidney Smith of Belleville re
turned to Toronto on Tuesday last
rhere he will spend a few days be
fore returning to college again.
Mts. Margaret McKay has gone
■to Tiverton' to spend the' summer
■vith her sister? Mrs. .Geo. Baker,
titer spending the winter with Mr.
' "iifd “Mrs. YtaTjilF Nixon! ' ~ -
Mr. Boden Ritchie has returned
home from Lochalsh; where he was
engaged during the winter , with Mr.
Win. Ross. ”.• ..
We are. glad to report some im
provement in Mr. Richard Gardner’s
'ondition, in that he is’ able to be
irit again.
Mr. Vernon Hunte* of Lucknow,
risited at Mr. Will Gardner’s on
Sunday last.
In Accordance with requirements of
~ toept. of education; Miss~’jeane An--
ierson, Mafeking, student of Strat
ford Normal, is teaching with Miss
tda Webster during this week at
Mrs, Jas. Webster, boundary,
spent Wednesday last with Mfe, Will
Gardner. t .
(Intended for last' week)
Holiday visitors secluded Mirs
,Lmma MeDonagh of London, Miss
Llsie Ritchie, Lucknow, Mr. David
.-Lnderson of' Dunlop, at' their respec-
-iye homes. Mr. j Sid Smith of Beiie-
.-iile with Mr, -land Mrs. ialph Nixon.
Mr. Will Reid of Rapid City has
..^eea in' this rornmnwity 'the. past
veeL -basting wood. ' ■ ' .
Mr. aad^ Mrs. Jas. McKay were
.'isitors with -' Mr, and M-tr ■ Ralph
'A-ixon ba Friday, .
The young men of Zjon ■ be^jd - a
Roughing bee oa Wednesday for Mr.
Gardea Kirkland.' . ” -
Master K'baneth, Webster of Luck-
iow is spending .this week 'with his
suax. Mrs. Wil] Gardner-
We are .nteased to'report some im-
. movement Mr. Richard Gardner’s
■ asaLh. We nope soon to see
L1t ' *
ast week^wUh her sestet,'Mrs.
--of Locaudsh. ,
i r.c i died in Toronto"]
Thursday, April]
suffering, wit
some time ■ >•
befbre --being takeii .tp . Toronto.
an operation. , <
Deceased was born on the Taylor
homestead near Lahgside, and reach?
ed his 70th birthday last-March 17..
He had farmed in East Wa’A^r.osh,-
■■•for a - quarter of a century. Besides ]
’’His widowi who.' has 'been seriously ]
ill. of late, he .leaves three; sons, and.]
a daughters -Wilmer, of '.'Hamilton; ■
Johm George and Lawrence. at hpme;.
and Mrs. Chas. Showers of • Wingham
also one brother. John of Hanover
and two sifters. •Miss Farah Tayl?r
of Wingham. who has rotated after
•25 years in social’' service .work, with'
tiie. Salvation Army, and .Isabella
(Mrs. Wm, j. Currie) ';of Kinloss
Hismotherpassed sway—some—mon
ths ago at a very advanced age.
'The funeral 'was .held at his-
residence. East Wawanosh, bn
day afternoon. The service was
dueled by Rev. J. B. Townend, pas-
'tor of Brick .United-. Church. ,of which
. the deceased- was a member^, and the
.Rev. J, F, Anderson, pastor ■ of 'the'
Wing-ham "United— Church.- 1 r-terment-
wis, in .Wingham cemetery,.
The 25th anniversary of the St.
Augustine branch of the Women's
Institute was. celebrated on Wednes
day in the parish hall with a large
attendance. Mrs. Bert Thompson.
gaie a/* very interesting synopsis pf
the past years. While she was giv
ing 'her address the candles on the
large birthday cake were lighted.
Mrs, Fred Oster, of Blyth, the dis
trict president? gave a fine address..
Mrs. W, Blake, Mrs. Bert Thompson. ■
Mi’ss Josephine McAllister arid Mrs..
Archie Messer were the four charter
members present, who had; been
members of the Institute for 25
years. ■. 4_ '*
A play entitled, ‘All of a Mistake’
was presented by the Dramatic Club
if St. Peter’s Church, Lucknow. This
nlay was very well received ; and
, each player took his or her part ,ad-
- mirablyrTheproceedsoftheeven-
:ng amounted to $40-
Mrs. Joe McIntosh of Vineland is
spending the Week with her, parents,
Mr. and .M^8- D. Todd.
Mr. George McQuilin is home’from
the O.A.C., Guelph for a few. weeks
before going .to Kapuskasing for the
summer months,
• Mrs. Lyons of Londesboro is the
guest of .her daughter, Mrs. Earl
4<VLr^I S&fl flO I-- R&pO F^S Gaunt andMr.Gaunt,
. . . A Mr. Helmuth Schlenke
’ Kinloss. S. S. Not- L»
. ~ Easter Tescs "...
► Vth—HaiOid xta^aenoy 72‘x; Mad
eline tfrackies.
Sx. is—Helen Thompson: $4;, Elea-
aor Mcxayian pi; j^ytyia jacAson oi;
Aisia busneL i>a.; trod Guest oh .
-Er. ill—b»orma bun •?;; Jeau
Thompson- ' Marlon Wajsh«..<ih;
Auopey alcraxian 4u,_ • / . -
br. it—Everett Eane .74;” Ralph
d^iaeuoy 61; c-xnel naidenoy 5».
1st—Huth Guest, Edna’ Jackson,
pr.—Harold Guest, Donald Bushell,
Woyonne. Boy. .No. on roll 20.; Clara L McDonalo.
__ • S, S. No. 5. Ashfield______
The following is an account of the
death of the.- father of Mrs. Frank !
' Miller, of Kinloss and Mr. , John
Smith, who resides north of the C.
NJL depot
On Friday, April 3rd. Alvery
‘ Smith with his son Elmer, we're cutt-
—-ing- -wood- in the busE - when he w~ag
seized with a severe stroke. He was
removed to his home^ at Inyerhuron.
later taken to Kincardine
where, without .regaining
-/ ness, he passed away on
morning. |
T--—The deceased was born
Huron 61 years ago, the only son of
the Jate Mr. and Mrs. John Smith.
Early in life stark tragedy > entered
the home, when his two small sisters
lost their lives. The part of the house
in which they slept, becoming under-
mined by the river, was. swept away
into^ the lake carrying everything
withit. His ’only remaining sister
died', a. few (years later. He married
Elisabeth Passmore, .who predeceased
him ten years ago, leaving him with
a family of two daughters and nine
... sons; who still survive and with the
exception of the eldest daughter.
- .were *11 present at their father’s
funeral The family are: Mary (MrsJ
Miller) of Lucknow; Anni^ (Mrs.
Charles Schwass) of Guelph; John
of Lucknow, Alvery> ,Wili,ipm; Elmer,
Harold, Fred, Reginal, Lloyd and!
■ Bruce - all at home. The • funeral was
held on. Moaday. J afternoon Tiverl
ton cemetery and .was large ly attend I
ed by •sympaihizihg friends.. •• The
services were condJCtea .:y- '‘He*.'
■ joua Gaut ox >ne , iixertop BapUsi
cnurci assisied t.y tier;. J. L. Bor-
- gess .ox ■ SoiitE ’KiEjctss and ’ men’' "Were j
taken in, charge by L. O. L. Lodge ' al,
which' ne.'wbs a m-ember. The jEli-
bearers were Best i.osh. N omjjan f
■ MclMtosn. Bliss ' Shew ieh, WfiLam j Ely recovsed.
NelisoiZi, • a 'Nelson' and- a■r-idj Miss M.»i Lie . Rdtchie spesst a
mgs were’ xaih -ox, uk; task er expires
■ smg xne sympathy of/frjends arc th-
family “bereft -of parents.
- It has taken $60,000 of public
funds to. pay travelling expenses of
members and officers "Of the Cana
dian-Radio—CommissionfoY three
years less one month, according to
the information placed on Hansard
as a result. of\a question in the
House of Commons.
Dayid Messmer.' ex;>uera.tec' --it. to*s
\Labist: iadaslproTig after seto-mg 15
sabntos bf a - Ir-yeer r-~;- *■- .'frto
the ertote, wL/jr- ;; X- /x-.?..r
vaudevij^ii*. *c*ur. Ar*: xavd
.. been ' cam pie ted fc-r a
■ tour opehiiig m HartC:--r„ Arto-2“ •
Meisner. wiU talk ar-rc: Ls
ful cv-n vic* in ;&?. to-<ns; rr-.-es?
■ kidnapping, of John. -S. Lon
don.- Ont..: brewer, rfc-j r.js -riter'-L
will be m seme regree er-nrAmrcL.
and evangel atic.
- Bere s .!•* .H-In :•
te gtoe tos mx.
. pfcpsr ite dues.. Ex-G;
ms n? torert:;
.‘‘Eatrit year 'to* .irea
tor tommuwto'- i-' v-Kri
Nt -.ntofer ageis?, ca* ;>t
' fThe editor ■ it arr-r
m'^aas. or>eF .’inoTf f'v
than ary ptoer -tth
-Eirossj *n® htt'da:1
.not. becfeujw- y.nt t
his wrjtmgF.. hri ?e:-£
* paper' • tfns ’nert trtos
'this- '"d'tor#
pare-rt .dr tor- ■tr>."rt
. wisngT • of bt,T beprfe r
< ‘■‘Gh-r y-®* ],•>.to" nsp«*.
, t
'<t ■
Mr. Helmuth Schlenker pf Bridge-
oort was the week-end guest of Mr.
and' Mrs. Robinson Woods.
Mr. and Mrs. llarry Durnin of
Seaforth were recent visitors with
Mr. John purnim
BORN—-In West Wawanosh^ on
Friday, April 17, to-Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred McQuillin—a daughter.
At the m'eeting: of the ;X,P.U..-held
ton Sunday evening, the scripture les
sen was read -by Miss Irene,.Woods.
The Bible character on ‘-Ruth” was
given ’by Ea.rl Durnin. The topic,,
“Study of a Good Picture” was tak
en by Mr. Lome Woods. An invita
tion from the Whitechurch Y/P. U.
to their meeting next. Friday even
ing? has been accepted by the local
society. *
Donald, who has been seriously ill
:n Wingham Hospital, was reporte4
vs slightly improved on Wednesday.
: Miss Lila Humphrey has returned
from a visit with her sister, Mrs.
George Walker, East Wawanosh.
Mr- and Mrs. Fred McQuillin mo-
Lored to Windsor with Miss. Dorothy
McQuillin. for the week-end.
Inspector E. C. Beacom was a
visitor at the 'school on Monday.
Miss Florence McQuillin, nurse-im-
•raining at Stratford Hospital and
who has been ill fwith mumps, is
home for the week.
School re-opened on Monday, af
ter the Easter vacation with seven
beginners in the primer class, Mar
garet and ‘ Florence McPherson,
. Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Your UncleDudley
Something to -Make You Laugh,
V Class-—Reha Hunter. ' ■
Sr., 1 v;—Possible.' marks 48Q. Jim
mie Hunter b73; -Eldon Ritchie 318.
Jr, LV-—Possible marks 530—Kath-
leen Gardner, Lorna Reid (ti€s) 397;
Kathleen Gioson 384; Doris Reid
Sr. ITT—Possible marks 530-^Rus-
sell Ritchie 412; Keith Hackett 382;
Kieth Ritchie 252. . ' j__
^“H^C®is^Poissi51e““ marks" 396—
Marion Gardner - 318; Allan Ritchie
290; Lyle Ritchie 287; Eric Hackett
218; Johnny Hunter 195.
, I Class—Possible ’ peqfects 42—
Lorna Hunter 31; Lois Hunter. .
No. on roll 17. /Ave. att 16.9.
Ada M. Webster.
S. k NK'Cwest Wawanosh
(Senior Room)
Average Test Marks ,
—Rtta-Swan 75; ;Elian Mil- Dorothy _Swan. Alice Buchanan, Ter-
ler 48: Ronald CranstonL4-3*.-------—
Junior V—rGtace Weatherhead 67;
Muriel Purdon 34; William Humph
rey 31.
Senior IV—Russell Webb 59;
-John Pritchard 58*; Jimmie Aitchi-
«on 5F.^-'
Jr, TV—Gordon MacDonald 43;
Malcolm. Buchanan 36; Angus Mac
Donald’ 36. - > .
No, on roll 12, Ave. att.. 11.5.
Those marked * were absent'’ for
L or more examinations
-------—__.Sadie E:i MacCharles
sa-dGavnor. Billie Bolt and Bobby
Prices Rise
_ J^O.W_is-the -time - to. repair- your
buildings . which have been un
avoidably neglected during trying
depression times. Order your roof
ing before advancea’in the price of
steel push up the price of roofing.
Eastern Steel'Products offers two
great v&lues in Metal Roofing! Rib-
Roll and Tite-Lap! Edch has exclus
ive features guaranteeing weather
tightness and. easy application.
-—They do- not - warp,, shnak.crack,
curl; Or bulge. Ask also about ErS-P.
Barns .... made by the foremost
Company-Built Barn manufactured
in Canada
Sole Canadian manofactarah and dhtrt-
beton of Jaaeaway poultry e^eipaanL
Lyons. \ ■
The -final At Homie of the season
jnder the auspices of the- Women’s
’nstitute was held in the Community
Hall on Friday evening, with a large
attendance. The program—.consisted.
of'a short play “Mrs. Jones Enter?
Ein* the Womens Institute’*., Mrs.
Durnin Phillips: played' the part1" oi
Mrs. Jones, the president, and others
^aking part were Mrs/ Ewart Mc
Pherson, Miss Annie Watson, Mrs.
xbm ipdd, Miss Josephine .'Gaunt,
Mrs. Wallace MHier; Mrs. McKenzie
A’e^b, Mrs. Lome Woods, Mrs. E.
»\'LTiiee, Mrs. Fred McQuillin, Miss
Mildred McQuillin, Mrs. Gordon Mc-
Pnersdn, Mrs. Chester Taylor, Mrs.
>ansen. Miss Vera Taylor. The'pro
gram for this meeting' consisted pi
wo choruses, by the: group; a splo
•oy Mrs. Jansen, a reading en ‘.‘The
.nsutute Ode” by Mrs. McK.* Webb,
i violin selection by Misd Vera Tay-s
or, a dange by Dorothy Webb ano
_he following poem was read by
Helen’ MacDonald, dressed as a* lit-
Je old lady; • ’
The Institute reorganized •<
t Some twenty years ago»
Before the war had plunged the world
In misery and woe.
Mrs. Anderson was president.
And nothing did she shirk, , 1
Xnd during wartime truly,
The kept- us all at work.
She had us .making spldiers’ shirts.
And knitting woollen ‘ sox.
And with busy hands she packed them
Bale on b3.*1® 3n<l box on box.
We’ll' not forget the work she did.
Fho’ the years go rolling on.,
And we had a splendid meeting
winter, at her home..
|j , in canada , ■ ■ '. v -<
_ ATh^public^-may. well be tired of
raving dinned into their ears the
advice that they should be ‘conscious
if this or that. Our reason for ^writ
ing about cancer is not to make the'
public “cancer-conscious”, but rather
kith th^« hope that they may become
cancer-wise”. ■ ■ ~
Wisdom comes wdth knowledge,
ind the best protection against can-
'er is a sound understanding of that
lisease which is responsible for "So
much misery and which ' brings so
•nany lives to a premature close.
There is no reason- to fear the
- person with cancer.1 There is no dan
ger of contracting the disease thru
ontact with a case. It is perfectly
safe to care for those suffering from
his affliction. . "
When any part of the body, is
subjected to ..-persistent and .prolonged
'rritetion', the - cells in that part in ay
multiply. To some extent, as in the
’ormatidn ( of a, ■ corn, ’ for example :
■his is in the -nature of jsrotective'
reaction. Such irritation, however, if :
'antihned. mar be folldwed by the
ippeahance 'of a'' cancerous growth ,
A broken tooth or a poorly fitted i
fen tore will cause irritation. The!
rerm of syphilis, in .untreated, eases,
.nay be a 'chronic ■irritant & 'the*'
"ongue; / a cervix, 'damaged -in chile- •'
xrth.' unless- repaired,, is .not nnfre- '
Tuentiy the site- of a dhronic irriti? ;
.tian.- .....’
■ tOne. good reason-, w-hy everyone
Ahould' have the .benefit of a netiodl'. ■ ' . • health examination is that ;btj
hroroc irritation may be- found ■ ant-
* - . ' > ■ . ,-orrertea' ref ore any reaj name re-
•nits. Very often, these irrttar-tf •
nnst be. 'discovered by. .the dorter,'
■•ffcause the patient -is ®ot • "aware' pt
■'.heir presence, no definite disconti ort
eing experienced.
'The ' periodic' .Msahh exartinet/-
also allows 'for the -early detecti
of- ranees or- of 'a condition - wfc
•night rre. describes as pre-cEheero-
Rereatiy sneh a 'ease was tonne at
; he' routine- health' examinatitjp whlfr
i s* ■
it -wa*
r ■ of the
it seep
•hSrk. Roy .Alton, spent she . week-
w Ln frsenss in Tsrtmto,
Mr. and Mrs. Sain Morrison . a-ng'
‘Ltoilv visited Sunday with
and Mrs,'D. K. Alton,
Mr. -and Mra Watson ■•■Datis and
' :..jf‘ren hare returned home after -j
-rentinc toe hoSday season at
and Tara "
•Mr. and Mrs, ■ Spence. Irwin
'‘rf “ spest" Sunday with Mr;
Mrs.- Merrix Deeves, ,sf . T
The T, R, S. of Haeketr's .Churto
.a very sricoesifz.’ pie social os .
•tosday evening.-^ /
Xr?,, “2fred Hackett ririted' ’or
M; nday , aftern-xd; 1 wfto^, Mrs. ’ Bert i
Ctoffi-' ■ ., . > {...-I..V.../. “. . j.
< _ '---—a—-. ■ '
-Mrt. “ '±- .MiDonagt ana .her.!
roegt rd toe weekl ‘Mna il !,
' -ca.ze : f Ircngatonat, motored, it i'
~ ■ r.- or aftetBoat where
■ ise-v wL vuto Mr McDonagt's
Kri T Opp. 'who il-finite
■ ••f-se-rt Her maty friends, to1
).' • h r-ps .tou ieart cf some
■a; "epjett shortzy.
- / orent Hnrar. rertmec
Xartt-aj*. v'nere khe wii
'Vte? a? teartier
. ,.X;?.F, Jean -Lstw
a few' days
Lr.etifij London.
>rank'! Gr^t B? ’
. nrrtet rh&itoej M
/•?• tos week-erid, . __. ....
Xto MiLeht Johnstut spent, day torrnttfin-F sho-ulc” ';♦? nr-ntrfit'-T ipTeyi-
w"tr Mg and' Mrs. C £.. ' WcDonagr.'' ’rated RentjeiT.oe- that estoto ”£T!'a’
’ikst- ^ ■ ' . >r . painfiiL Se ' ■'
one' ■'Caaaffiaz
■ rf
s >
5 resume
son. Miss Annie Watson, Mrs.
load, Miss Josephine .Gaunt,
bar mother
wefeL writ
S. S. No. IL Huron
Winter Term
Bob Macintosh’ 69; Dorothy'■-¥ - . . . I .
McGuire 56-5-
Sr. IV—Sandy Mac Char les SI;
Charlie Roulston 8Q; Gordon Brooks
58; '~Mary ^MeGuire. 66; Mae Bark-
ivejl 62*; Jack Roulston 56; 'Eileen
. Grifiin 47, ,
Jr. IV—Gordon Irwin 39*-
'- Sr’.' illi—Arnold McGuire 82“; Ev
elyn Irwin 65; Frank . Barkwell 61*’.
H—Boddie MaoCharies . SO; .Mar
garet .MdcCharses 79; Jack BarkweL
70;. Mary Cooke S3***; Rae Cooke
Sr? I—Lovell McGuire 79; ' Jack
MeGuiro 73:. \ Leonard ' Griffin and
yirene'' Finlayson (equal»' '6^r
Pr.—Ross Cooke
No. on roll ,23. .
*' ..denotes ■ absence for examination.
< . ' ’ ■ ' M-. Campbell
8. S? Na. 4. West Wawanosh
-Junior Room for, month of March-
Test Marks
Sr. HI—Mae MacDonald--89; Mur
1 el -Wright 82; - Allan- Cranston 76;
Helen I'McDonaH 75-: Margaret Ait-
; IS Gladys Wright 68 (ties l; Ross
; Gimmie 48. , -
j Jr: III—Dorothy We&b 79; Marie
; AitchisKsn 173;' PhyUis' Gaynor* ' - 57
< Marie Swan 4£.'_ ■ "• . f ■'
■ H—Shirley Buchanan .81:
5 McDonald 73. _ ' •
DaHv Marks
Il—Shirley Bucbanan' . 795:
McDonald 779. ■ . •
L—Jean Wright 1021; Helen 1
■nae 697: Wtima Gaynor ,33,7.
Pr.—Jean Attehison 1034. J Those 'marked * missed ex|m.s.
Beatrice MeQuiHm
The late and sainted Mrs. Webb,
next to lead out band
she led thru matters difficult,
>Vith firm’.and gentle band,
n work or recreation. .
-he led with insight keen, I
And the thoughts of her pure good-
' »6ss.,
Keen the - wreath of memory green/
fhen Mrs. Durnin Phillips undertook
- Jar litjie band. , ■ » , '.
»Vtth ideas quite original, otir work
-And fun she planned; ‘ ;
to her kind'and winning Planner
She would solve' our problems too
And we w on’t forget. to thank h'er,
for-she’had .our good in view.*
Mrs. John Miller too, presided
r sittfuliy. year after year *
And we. won't .forget her services'
'Th; she lives no longer-here. •
Mary Rutherford, presided
Jften times in ' bygoiie days,
.And we thank her for the kindly help
'toe gave in various ways.
, Mr?, R, K. Miller certainly deserves
! Jar hearty cheers. ■
. r or
! Sne.
♦ oince
1 My? You would-be surprised.
' .^ow yddil.jtoi us. won’t you Ladies
, As we fiieet from time to time.
And,;.: you . attend ; one meeting
, Ton'll be'back, tho’ rain or shine,
toot we’ll say we're glad to see 'you
And we'll kindly shake your hand,
v And-the. afternoon you spend with us
' i'to.’i' say is simply 'grand.
lheYe- is a,way's some good program
' And a contest sure -to be
.And for a hickle, . sandwiches
And cake. and fragrant tea.
■,”»Ae meet in homes -from time to
district round. And say’1
f tr.e rto-ds are bad. in winter
They'll take you on a sleigh.
■ Ard. whe” the AVighirgX
Jost think you’re out df luck.
been ^Sec'y.-treasurer now. *
over twenty years.-
has filled the office loyally,
tne women organized..
And.the way she’ keeps accounts and
‘ You
Miss Margaret Simpson who is a
tudent, at ‘Stratford Normal school
is spending this week at Hemlock
city school. . i . ..
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bissett and Mri
and Mrs. N. Jphnstoh visited in Sar
nia recently. . c-
rhe’ Dramatic society presented
ilieir play ‘The Antics of Andrew”
;n Lochalsh hall on Wednesday ev
ening, April 15th. The hall was pack
ed to capacity. They played in Luc
know on Friday.- April 17th and are
billed for Kingsbridge, Tuesday.
April 28th.\
Mrs. ijames Wallace received word
r»f the accidental death of her broth
er Mr. Leon Joy. in Detroit, The
funeral will be held on Wednesday
morning to Kingsbridge cemetery. •
After a lingering illness, . death
claimed another highly respected
resident in the person' of 'ME Robert
Shiells. Mrs. Shiells is, survived by
her husband and two daughters,
Erma at home and Norma, Mrs.
Billie Campbell.' -
(Intended for" last week)
Sucker fishing is the order of the
Mr. Jack Treat hnd his friend. Mr.-
Gifford of Chicago, spent last week
it the home of MY.’ R. Bissett.
Mr. W; Robertson of, Port Huron
spent the week-end with friends
• Misses Margaret and Marv Mac-
Kenzie were in Detroit for Easter. '
Mr. Malcolm MacLenfiap of Barrie
.is 'at- his home here, and on his , .
return was accompanied by his aunt
Mrs. Campbell of Chatham and his
mother, Mrs. D. Mac'Lennan. who'had
-.pent the winter in Toronto, ■ •
Messrs. Cyril Marsh and G^^rce
MacGregor, were in London on Mon
day/ . ' ‘ • .
Mr. Norval Richards is home for , ,
the summer, after finishing his secv .
end year at the 0. A. C. Guelph. •
Miss Buelah Sandy ftprtl Goder; h.
•’pent a few days last w eek with'Mi*'-
Ann^ MacDonald. / t
Miss Lyin' RicWds from -V^®?
spent the week-end at her jiotn**
■ Miss Ethel .Martifi attended t%e ,-
Local • Leaders meetings he’d In
.Wingham on Monday arid' Tuesday.
Then Jsobel \Vill take 'v/u tHere > .
Jn Isaac Miller’s truck. ; .
Now here's ■ tw**, you witK pleasant-
..f.... v - -j ' x • .
we have bad a splendid ntoht.
‘\nd vou’ll heir* us boost the Institute
I kfiow'. with all your mitot i