The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-04-23, Page 2Say / Of the Famous CANADA agent could go. sale 1 ■ Y took placet, and the Tana- sold under the limit that set. lie was in dismay and representative. > Sad Days For'Teacbers -These are sad days fpr school chers. Over in New "York state lie set a limit" io the price to the COMMENT FROM THERE AND . EDITORIAL HERE, EVERYWHERE. tea- one bfihem was recently refused employ- . because she weighed too. much, aula now a Philadelphia educationist contends t.hat.. there, is no, reason why a^schoo! teacher should not be good to look at — Brockville Recorder and Times. acquire property to which they have no claim. - Many good people seam to forget that The motive behind the dictum” “a life for a lite,’’. is not revenge, but precaution and prevention. • The murderer is. deprived, of his life; b„ut not in a spirit of vengeance, but as a means of saving other peo­ ple'from* being murdered. The execution of ...the deliberate murderer is justified on ttye ground that others who are contemplating murder may shrink from perpetrating the crime because of the punishment I that awaits them if ‘they are found to' be guilty. — Guelph Mercury. — ... ---------._____________________ _ - . < __;________ A New Worry Kirkland Lake baYber endorses the statement of North Bay’s veteran tonsorial artist that men are losing & lot of masculinity, a softening of beards being the evidence ’ against them;—-North Bay Nugget. Ungrateful Dionnes • Looking after the quintuplets is -—Ibecomingl ess- ofapro blem_thanthe dealing with the parents. Elzire, like Father Adam, blames it ail on his wife. But Mme. Dionne gives no sign of breaking down under i her matern- i al W’oes. Of the two parents we should say she is 'the more philosophical and -level-headed. We do not think it is she who is importuning Hollywood to -----supply-the -answer -to the—question. -•‘Where--Ar^;.Jdy-._..Chiidi®h.r__<;.Sfefi. knows .well enough, where they are. as doei her husband and the whole world. They are being royally taken care of by a staff of skilled attend­ ants, under the Jiersonal. direction of tha famous ‘‘country doctor,” to whom they owe their lives. Their material and spiritual needs araj.be- ing handsomely provided for and the parents’and other members will not ba neglected.; either. If, in addition to all these benefits, M. et Mme. Dionne feel- like making ai few extra dollars, on the side by touring 1 the country and going into the pictures,’ that is perfectly all right with the' guardians too. But the latter, the King and a long-suffering public might Lresaonab- ly’ be spared these hypocritical com­ plainings. That’s about the least a very fortunate daddy can do as a mark of (gratitude, for all that has been, is being and will be done for him and his family. — Hamilton Spectatoti y • n. .' When The Doctor Says So The people of Ontario generally feel ------that-the-BionfiesrTe^eT^&d-merew^iH fortunate having their quintuplets taken off their hands and cared fpr under ideal condition. Pape, Dionne himself* thanks the Ontario govern­ ment for the help it has given and’ - says that all he wants is the return of his children. Dr. Dafoe himself has said that they will be returned at the ——-proper-timer-;—-^—7—'■----------7—•—•—p The proper time should? be when Dr. Dafoe, who Has made medical his­ tory in this case, decides that, the ’ rules1 which have governed the. lives’ of the children and probably saved’ the dives, in the hospital bUlit' for them, may safely be relaxed, and also when they have passed the, period ''during which all infants and adoles­ cents run special risks' from certain maladies. ' Under Dr.” Dafoe’s regime arid with the scientific precautions with which ■ . the little ones have been surrounded, they, are the only quintuplets known to have survived in all the records • that have been preseryed.-The judge-, . \ meat of the p’hysicl'an jlwho is respon­ sible for such a system should be the guide, in. the future. ~, London Ad­ vertiser? ■ / v Chinese Merit Praise A simile that might well be coined in these days* Of increasing paternai- im is “As^scarce as the number of Chinese on relief. Kitchener and Waterloo haven’t any celestials depending on public aid .and there are very few cities and towns, if any, in Eastern Canada that have Chinese on their relief lists. And yejt the Chinese ate the most num­ erous of the races of Asiatic origin ,pow residents of Canada. Census rO: pprts issued by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics show that more thap, hair of the latter are Chinese, There are over 43,000 Wales and about 3,500 fe­ males? Of these' 1,900- are boys and inhumane way out of an awkward sl- 1,800. are girls under the . age of 151 i tuation. It has been • practised solely • More than half, or over 27,000 of because in th? circumsianc.es there the Chinese reside in British Column ( seemed to be nothing else we could bia. Most of the Chinese children, are do, short of. permitting the establish- in- the Pacific Coast province. - I meht in this island of a community of There are. about - 6,400 Chinese alien undesirables; The Government cooks and about the same number en-( here should now get in touch with gaged in laundry work, 3,500 cafe and yh^.; authorities in Haiti and ascer- tavern keepers. 125 hairdressers, 15 tain whether And on what terms, they musicians, 14 clergymen, eight. jour-1 are prepared to permit the entry of nalists, seven actors and four police 1 fugitives. —"Trinidad Guardian, as "well as many in other varied oc- j , -----—------—- Honeyed words weren’t In. the vocabularies'of drivers stopped . at busy intersection in Los Angeles when traffic, signal was put out of coinrihssion by-sAva^m,<)f-bees-atteinpti.ng„to .build a ..hive, in it Wiliiatn ■Fox, .whb handles unruly bees,’placing, a swarm in, a-specipl box.. Danger of Slang The danger of using slang when communicating with a foreigner • is -amusingly4-11 u s t ra ted-Jb^nn_aneg4s&&. ■related by Mrs. Fremont Older, in the biography of William Randolph Hearst. Some years ago Mr. Hearst instructed.a Freuch agent,, by letter, to bid lor some: choice pieces of Tan? agra which were about to be sold at auction in Peris. In his letter, the publisher said: .• ••Of course 1 don’t want any of the (’.aimed -old things which' wiil- run lip. to fabulous prices.” . j: Ami which •The' gras were ,Mr. Hearst cabled his .“Why.did you not buy the Tana- -g-i-as-?’*------ -—i----- ----------------- Back came the explanation of tl\e French commissionaire. It read: “In your letter of instructions you said, T don’t want any~of the darned old things which will run up to fab­ ulous prices’. I did not comprehend the meaning of •darned’,,.but>l looked up the meaning in the dictionary and found- -that 4t-meant Cx epdir.ed.’l_Alk_of_ the Tanagras had been repaired or restored. They date -from the. third century, B.C.” of’ the latter are Chinese? There are bia. Most of the Chinese childreu>are do, shortof.permittingfheestablish- in-the Pacific Coast province. . j< cupations. The fact that the Chinese look pret- L ty well after their own* countrymen! when they become unemployed. is , dndeedk. something for which they should be given great credit — Kit- chentr News-Record? —__-ANewiNavelty_ _? The craze for novelty continues un­ abated. Observers report that People are going In again for home llTS - 1 The Toronto Saturday. Night., THE EMPIRE Rate of Violent ^Deaths Wai High Among Greeks and Romans -.Not long after Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh flew the Atlantic, William Randolph Hearst wishing to do some­ thing substantial for. him, arranged for a motion picture story of Lindy’s life.- •. ■ ' . “The heroic aviatbr was ,to receive' one-half .million dollars and a .percenr tage of the ..profits,^, jsays Mrs. Older, .fin. .his...N.ewu_.York, apartment |learst amusingly illustrated by an anecdote signep. and sealed, ready” .to deliver.. Only 11 Jndbergh's signature was want­ ing. . '; ’ I . . "The aviator read the. paper ed and shook his ' head and said, wish I could if it- would please you. .smll- T ! I can't,. 1.said I wouldn’t go into the motion, pictures;’ ' j.' “ ‘All right.’ answered Hearst,' but: : you tear, up the Contract^ I haven't On one ? the heart .to do it.\ the otTfer, Annabelle. All were ap-! ‘Hearst watched Lindbergh tear proximately the same age but entire- -VP the half million dollar contract ly different in temperament. .( presented Liridbeigh with a contract, (By W. Orton Tewson, Autlpynyf 'f “An Attic Salt. Shaker”) Roundabout « • The Dionne’s letter to the King was sent by 'rhe King’s secretary to-the Governor-General, .who- sent it to the . Secretary of Stqte/who sent it to the Provincial Secretary of, Ontario, who • sent it to the Minister of. Public Wel­ fare — Who is the■ quintuplet's chief guardian. Mr. Dionne would have sav­ ed ,muvh 'circumlocution had'he writ- • ten to Mr- Crbll in,the first place about' his troubles; but his foreign • advisers didn't know that. — ^Ottawa 'iftj’irnal. . Winning A V. C. Prlviite Peat, well-known in Ediuon- e recruiting orator, etroit audience-that is. the highest ho- given to an English- ;? lii? Empire.”'Now :o know better than :i.i Cro?g 1$ awarded "> n ‘he field of battle 'of- the .enemy.’ The Or- i.-h. Empire insti.t- to reward ohtstaniiag Emphn ■ -- F .’montonf • ton as “a" war-tlnK re.:o■ti-lyMol'd' a De *‘M;e• Victoria Cics ■r /'il.'K can bo ° 'r.-. for s'ckIc-'s t FK<.-.te P-at c.Kht a? . J .. y.; What with automobiles to run ut down' and airplanes to fail in mid-: air. a?ul: explosions to blow us up,, wa TjiTght~T:atl“th is not “the- machine^age* but- the dangerous age.. But . the Metropolitan Life Insurance Com­ pany has made a study which show* that the lives of the ancients were scarcely less precarious. Out of a representative sample of' .275 , celebrated Greeks and Roman* 136 came . to violent ends nearly half. Tlfe skeptical vital statistician approaches tiously. violent more attention than deaths from prosiac disease. ’So he casts about arid finds a supplementary grouping of 126 the causes mpf' whose ends were not recorded. By adding these to the original 275 he obtains a total, of 401. But the violent deaths still amount to34percent_____________i. Perhaps those who died, with their boots on. were soldiers and advefn-' turers. If„so, the statistics are not to be wondered at. So the statist­ ician classifies the 401 names into callings—statesmen,, soldiers, philo­ sophers, authors. It turns out that of 180 statesmen 115 came to violent ends—64 per cent. Including those who died from unknown causes the total amounts'’ to 222 and the per­ centage to 52. Life is. today no moile perilous than it was in ancient times. In spite of all our homicides, suicides' and accidents only- 9.5 per cent, of the general population dies violently. ‘‘These figures are riot so widely dif­ ferent from th© 12 per bent, which we have noted as-characteristic of persons following peaceful pursuit* in-antiquity”, j Warfare today is not much mbre terribre than it was. in ancient times,- Ainong the French the proportion of deaths in battle and from wounds in the World War was 41.8 per cent* in the entire male : population of . military age over the period of the war; $mong the Germans, 42,4 per cent.; among the- British, 33.8 per cent,, and Qrnong th© Italians, 22,1 per cent,. The .figures are. a, little lower, though not much, for tliex soldiers and statesmen of antiquity used as a sample' for. comparison. We must not forget that the World I War was a transitory condTFton. Th© figures for .the niyUnh ■■■■-er Th©- general records qf .history; “Surelj the ancients did live dangerously.” the It t ...is deaths ', figures . natural should cau- * that attract Annabelle,. was'gentle and very1 great^admiration tor tire aviator a- babyish tor Her five years. Joan «as . masn.ticem disregard tor money, mentally and characteristically older.! ..' . , , ■ . Mary was in between, and although' A rel.‘nJd ..b“ doc- not an “inierior", she" had a>way ot.,or " ®“ 0I .,he ,he «•♦- putting her own wishes and personal-. E'“it{lce J"rvls ~ prison Ity behind that ot her piayulate. The ~ ™.s sorvmg. had under his three children were not playmates,'?1’ a mau undar “‘J <?art, because .Joan did iiot like Annabelle .«■« ot dcall’i »”?'11 !”°st “ and wotiidn't play withd^ SSrVT'^^^^^tnYTbtrTnTsoT^- ’ ' complained of toothache, relates Mr. - J'ervis. (in, “Twenty:five Years in Six Prisons”), and asked the .doctor if he frould take the tooth out for liirh. The doctor looked at him sadly a moment or two and said: “Do you really think-it.is worth the ^ile?”'. "' - Easy and Qui^r part of the person most * concerned, and wouldn’t play with her., played wi’h both, but hot at the same time. . . , Mary’s; mother preferred the more1, forceful child. She thought-' it was better for her child to absorb a "bit uf Joanls force. Beside, Joan was very smart and Maryliearned from her. On the other hand, when there'had been a session of Annabelle, Mary, cham­ eleon-like, became infantile and fool­ ish. It was so apparent that her fa­ ther scolded. . "Step that lisping and baby talk,® lie ordered. “You are to blame, Laura” he said to .his wife. “You let her play with that little imbecile next door too ? mt’ch. It’s addling her braips.” Mary, Becomes Unruly The. mariner in which the secret of the Tanks was kept during their building was “one of the most re­ markable exhibitions of patriotic .restraint during the whole course of the war,” says the man who invent­ ed them—Major-General Eir Ernest D. Swinton (in “Eyewitness: »And th© Origin of the Tanks.”) Although thousands of men knew about “Them, only two cases ■ of a breach ".of Con­ fidence camfe io his personal kno.w-- .ledge. Both implicated women. ', . ‘-‘Oh one occasion a charmjng lady, - - - • ■ • r H ’’on hearing my name began artlessly io ply me with questions, which showed that some'one had been talking un­ wisely. I remembered that a certain young officer in the Heavy Section (Tank) bore her name., arid made a. shrewd guess as to their- relation­ ship. “Very seriously, and in a iow ’.one, I. told her that there w.-.s only one • person from whom /she. ’c^uld have iearr.ed .what-she. kr.ew; that • if it. got out it Would r.o death, but the death of and posjj.bly the lo- that uri'ess she pre:::; silence, ex-ent to cor.t she had-tr’ready d’vu'.gt-- order. thin iivua?’.= telenhcr.e ar.i have him "courtm.artial for ireac'r.er f.lty. for which' was :?at . u ps e t.■ t r. e lai y ■ v aw e ■’ - h a cut rr.y ■ i*-struct lor hpu'z'r.t .of ri :rf£r r.nl. ' ‘.ike m.'.ry other-. danger of “TT-.e ot heard tha? of the IX: of iso’rr.c th wa? taikir iy I v’=:te one r. .ght the sa'u'.e ciribed In bluff el i-- h:$> fright:-- • I dK/.VK'-'-5. -. Through Empire Eyes The. rest of the Empire regard Eur-, ope as a continent gone, crazy, a world ' of madmen bent upon mutual slaugh­ ter and self-destruction,. And they- marvel that we in this (country can­ not grasp the fact that the sboner we leave Eurbpe to Settle Europe the . swifter we shall be able to strength­ en Britain and the Empire by develop- mv neighbor at a luncheon -party ing c-ur own resources. — London reminisces. General Swinton, “c Dally. Express. That English Climate We may be thankful for Our wea­ ther contrasts Without forfeiting our . birthright to. grumble about them. It is not a very far-fetched idea that to ■ them tve owe a good deal of our na- • tional characteristic, of refusing to . get into a fuss about things " before • they happen, and.,when happen they’ ? do, of dealing xtjjh them in a biuff. 1 practical way which niay not ewe much to logic or theory but yet dis­ poses of the difficulty’ with fair sue- xcess. ■ It is a useful quality In more , than meteorologies6! emergencies. In far more important things ev<=n the vyisest and most clear-sighted of men cauliot tell' what !■« waiting for him round the1 next- corner.. In such a world there is much value in ’being compelled to develop aui 'exercise a. 'faculty of improvisation and ini being carrl -.triinel to keep an equal mind'un ier p?*' • severe aud sudden changes cf c'nli- '‘io,n,,-Whatever else-.we;tna-y s?.j' ab­ out the vagaries cf cur wea'a?.", have -at least, .to thc.nk them ..fc ■ couhtless opp^rtunit!-'4? f<-.-.such ful prhc'ice?.-- L nd^n we the pais- Tr.n Frr-i. e’ no l ’ere s lives this been Tiih. 7; s! ■ • f . The Unwanted been .u-'j that. 'tn.he' ■Hah has ho objection to uvicTts i • ?(. ;;-ed froih pe si se*.tilr.g. there, ar.d • was |tr.te ir. f‘.;ve behrud ' )7‘;ve •tewve ty private have 4:..e of«tpo=e.f; to the .:l3'hi republic fr iv. If Hain’s attitude ? ectiy tep-rted, 'i* ?V provide a means- v. herj rohld get rid of' -itbout c.penlbg herself :ion of inhum'anity. it r. id that '-ndihg J^f ".gee° : at. r.b nt 'at ter r.yw w<'. e.i- r.e.av iv p.-vi- -r.ed. !? an'. V Af only mean h:s many others, of the ^Vr.r; e’i to maintain -3 ;•:t anvth:”,? ._ I w.c. j’d. arrest' t riei ; --‘re pe . G-cat she wShZ harm. ‘V ■j!,, ,> Which recalls a story tcild by Ser- ' geant A..M. Sullivan,., noted Irish bar- rii’t^r — he defended Sir Roger Case­ mentabout a yojing.Irish advocate, who was assigned by the court to de­ fend a prisoner charged with murder. The lawyer wrote out a most eloquent j speech which he proposed to deliver • to the jury''on his client’s behalf, and Mary, Becomes Unruly to make-sure that no point w.as omit-. As. a result th’c-re'was a bigger dose ted...he broughuit down tm rehearse to of Joari. Annabelle'' twas more and the accused man. in tlie cdll. - Alore out of the picture and finally ■ The declamation of the first -few not'in it at nil. Then one day Mary’s pages was somewhat mournfully lls- rriother became aware of th?-fact'that tened tp, but the orator was-cheered her child was not as stood as shehad by some vs.em Ida ne’e of interest on the been. Every few minutes t-h^re was frituiyn abv nt some-‘.hi she Seen her s-i' contra i«-st rommmd '. met ■ staiit ilion 'a her/ I be-n the Tr.o-t t-’. acral inald®. Mo^over. she as che shC'-.:l’i and : y too r,'?rvo':j to sb'.'-? T- ’ >' r." , •< - ■l.il 1 cm ■ hot J.-ian Never had who eventually interrupted'by asking: The simp- ' ‘ Could you tell me. Mister Mac; is almost in- hvnging a painful death?'' e Mary had a g r a i • b r. ‘ fi.: h' r’O t €-?«*' '•er case svas a re r*t a i n ’ & ■. * or. ■ t * :rc from g ln2>?r I V IW 1' s * ‘Zi'\ *. ‘i' 5 . Li rr K- r..as­ s' I ha Pa •'p ' !. ■’ M>' v ; C f \ii *> > •’ H ha i •e> ‘o h£ r 'f **t A ’A" "? . * <’• * * J w rm V.’rT. '4 V 7 J *r J f. f Zitv ■■ - Cowed by Playmate I n.’ 1 V w C \V; 'f-A ! k. t Hute’s a ’.smart little washing ’(•k to do add your summer joys. And not a. lot of, pleats to Retp i'll" order and repress after tubbing! Cotton is a favored medium, and there, aro many„ fascinating now weaves. Th*1' original In yio.ict lin- rn-liko ’weave Aotton was mdlyid nalized by, brief, sleeves of plain I'Ui-ple..' .The’ buttons ' repeat- till- , purple, Again linens, tub silks, etc.s arc Pice mediums, You’ll want . tc. make' several for next , sunifner It’s /o. smart, Inexpensive and- ■quickly made. , ' Htyle No.is designed -for' .(1 *-izos 16. IS years, 36, 38, 40 arftj ’ j, 1-Inches. InKt.; Size res 8 yards of inch ma to,% card of .'15:inei; eontrnsfing. • I.ETIJI'F.E.' . Ohc . -Sugar ' :t growers :cf So.uih-un Altfbrta’ crop lia-tUnn .average S'\7f*. 'while the govern- by each grower aver- pccvi'ding to. a state- lire Albert a ""Go opera- •r.-- A.s«ori:,|.iun. •. 'hi c-oj • '.bling with r.vr wr :k, 4.,,$'-eking a ■dX; hl/.ix. v.’K-e ?:•? c, <..vers In 1: 1 ! b"‘ .. In the nre ts har- ( I '• liow^ro ORDER ’PATTERNS Write' your ,na'me and address plainly, giving number and *.«« of pattern wanted. Enclose 15c in stamps or coin (coin preferred); ‘lun'vlo/. wrap il carefully, and', address Jt-AOn "y01’*4 order to Wilson. Pattern 14 1,000 Service,-73 West Adelaide Street ' • J oronto. r» E was ir.-fi'.'rr. the 1925 - '.•ant-:.'.r proj;t < f ? sh.e wa =rm nt ‘ax paid • ick the •rued i:y idea a.’-ot is'su-d quickly ;;•'•* Free! Gr<-:' •b'hCi-s =T'Ik'’ ;v r t r.s of H -I.’.'i ft(if) pounds ■ ri who h .the .fed- c."•vl a cont-a- .'•■Il rtd.'i i! j. i", j i :?G00 fur ■•er'?;'i-fn/ to the ns- a.'.nf.' ■ :