The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-12-12, Page 5* ' <r ■h ft ( 9 DECEMBER 12, 1935THURSDAY,1 • ■ — , Juniors To Get Chance At Hockey This Year Some Promising Material. Available For Junior Squad And The +FeL lbws Are Raring To Go ,Xh- 1 '" V MVvxib VbvAL k!1 CL»Ju.\ ! ' 11XLO AXW AwUrfCl JL 21A- The same fine old I>. L. & W. Scran|pn Anthracite that has beeh the favourite in JiChnadian homes for over fifty years b Sold in LUCKNOW CHURCH NOTES ■Junior hockey will make a reap­ pearance in Lucknow this winter, for the first time since 1929, if memory- doe’sri’rYair us. .At a meet- ing in. Fisher’s ’.jBarber Shop .on Monday night, it was decided to enter a Junior team, in the W.O.H.A., There, is considerable material’to be found among a dozen or so yourig. cfhaps, and there seems no reason why Lucknow could not trot out a fairly- good junior squad, that with a bit of tutoring should improve as the season! progresses. Y It is expected that .such towns.as Brussels, Kincardine, Teeswater and -possibly -Mildmay; Walkerton rind Hanover, will have junior entries, and h suitable grouping appears not to .be the problem, that it has been in past years. . . Officers werri elected as follows: Hon. Fres.J Mr. John Joynt; ,Pres., Mr. J. W. Joynt;. Sep’y. Treasurer, Frank Hickey; , Manager, Harold Agnew; 'Directors, Dr. R. J. Bowen, iGrii^on'nF,isheF^nd~ Morgan Hender­ son; Coach, Howard Agnew. Church League loouiuaieu ’ irdiH, /!R$$v; '* vuice yx uxstanvc j?ioxmbc ”x\.0.» x .-c x ew. ' \k^xUlLeX/ *‘xpn' mex.u xzlC.i amxux^j unU 'x»U IjxgC ‘ wle" xjiw ,v,iuul'c - \ocxxulHiiiuii; yvxfirui, gte.u.v ' Jbdy blue,' laucn <jx .. lite periyxmers was oxxuwered ; with, oeuuuiui5 uouquriu'o' puu MUpK.evs ox liuwexs1"' XJl'uhi >,qnni- mg ii'.eHus. Keceplion After Lol ip a lag1 uie .recital, arranged fox nis„ pupils by Mr, Bib.w, .Mrs. xienl’y ixyriinien eniertained in nbiiur of tn'e, iuur arlasis el wie e vening, ‘ tneir “daugntefs, i the Misses Pauline ano Myra Ht-ym'men and Miss Mary Doug- las ".arid Miss., Katie . Wiensi. , xiie guests , were received by Mr., -anil, •Mrs.. Hymmen, ,.tue latter’in a gown ci wine colored transparent velvet, assisted by their daughters,' Miss Pauline Hymmen, wearing a Jacket gown of White suede lace with shojjl-' der bouquet , of orchids and Miss ^Myra*' ■ iiymiheh gowned in ' 'white moire with shoulder bouquet.; oi rose-buds and by Miss Mary Douglas iii white* taffeta! with corsage oi roses and Miss Katie■'» Wiens in white satin with corsjage of roses. Miss Anna Hymmen, the accompan­ ist of the evening* gowned in. tuscan suede” lace with shoulderette of. or­ chids arid Mr. Joseph Blow, who ar­ ranged the recital, were also offered" congratulations by the large com-I “pany^qf""guest§. 7 During the evening vocal selec­ tions were contributed by the four artists of jth.e evening and by Mr,.* Blow and piano trio 'numbers were ■ Victoria Mission Band " The December meeting of the Vic­ toria Mission Band was held on Dee- ’ -ember 9th. at 4.15 p.m. The meeting ; opened with hymn 729. The Scripture was read by -Miss W. Johnstone and the Lord’s prayer was repeated. in unison. Roll was called. The election dwas conducted’by the president, Miss Winifred Johnstone, who is leaving for Toronto in February. The follow- - irig officers were elected: . president, MarionMohnstone; vice-pres.'“Maudie Fisher; ! secretary,' Jessie Henderson; treasurer, Bessie Stewart; pianist, Helen MacDonald; assistant pianist, Norah Jewitt; press reporter. Buddy Orr; program com., Katherine Ag­ new and Donald Johnston, Mrs. Mc­ Donald gave a short talk to the mem­ bers iof the Band,. The irieeting closed with hymn 730 and a prayer by Mrs. MacDonald. Attendance . 28. ' ' ' . ' United Church W. ML S. There was a good attendance at the United Church W.MiS. meeting on Wednesday/The devotional period’ was conducted fey. the president, Mrs, Rathwell. Mrs. W. S. McLeod’r group had chdrge of the. Africa pro-.. gram. After scripture reading and singing, Mr^. McCallum gave a very interesting talk on the “Boyhood of .David Livingstone/'’ followed' by a _ ______sk.etch_of-Jiis_traveIs-and-missionaTy- 7 work. in. Africa,. by Mrs. Buswell. , :a , Miss ^leasing solo and Miss Gladys Hod­ gins a reading. ‘The Lil’Brack Sheep’. The devotional leaflet “The Spirit of Love and Forgiveness/’ was read by Mrs. Stothers. The group sang a Christmas hymn. ,A .. /. . , , mow anci piano trio numbersA meeting regarding church lea- given by" the Misses Hymmen. gue activities this winter was held on Thursday • night. There 'was a large turnout,chiefly .of young fel­ lows and the/ meeting favored lhe Teague operating again . this season. The matter was, left in the hands of Jast year’s Executive and the mana­ gers of last year’s teams. .. BOUNDARY WEST ZION Mr. and Mrs. Robt. .McGowan ' of Blyth spent a few days with Mr. amj Mrs. Isaac Andrew recently. Mrs, Maggie McKay who has been at Tiverton during the summer, is spending the winter months with Mr. and M.rs. Ralph Nixon. , Mr. arid Mrs. Wilfred Drenna’fi and family of* Crewe visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hunter on Saturday. Mr. Peter Watson and Miss„ Annie were Sunday visitor' with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gardner. . Mrs. Will Gardner spent "last week with Mrs. Alex McCarroll of Luck­ now. ' 7 >; ' The young people are practicing for the S. S._ concert , to be held on Dec. 19th. 1- Mjisses Kathryne and Mary John­ ston and Violet Ritchie of Lucknow, spgrit the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritehiei. We are pleased to report that Mis­ ses Ruby and .Doris Reed are improv­ ing after theirrecent illness. . ' Presbyterian Guild The’ Guild meeting on Monday ' night, opened with'hymn 175 and the Scripture, reading by Bill. Henderson followed, by repeating ‘ the Lord’s f prayer in unison. Readings by Isohel Douglas and. Grace McPherson were enjoyed.. Other numbers were trom­ bone and saxaphone duet by Messrs Melvin and Andy Orr; solo by Mrs P. 'Stewart; instrumental by Helen MacDonald. The topic, prepared by /Madeline MdMorran, on Presbyter- •' * anism, was given by Jlev. C. H. Mc­ Donald. Donald Henderson's side won in attendance, having four extra members present, and also in the : Bible contest, being one point ahead. After hymn 671 was sung, Rev. 0. • H. MacDonald closed in prayed.— - Sec’y. Mr. Ed. Pierce from Manitoba is visiting at Miss Elizabeth’ Pierbe's. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Eadie, Doris Lorne, spent Saturday at. Mr. John Peterbough’s, southline-. Mr. Reggie Broom spent- Sunday at his sister’s, Mrs. Cliff Young’s, 8th Con. Mr. Ted Buswell of Lucknow spent the week-end faith Mr. Currie Gol-' well. , Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris and. Mrs. Thos. Harris spent Sunday ev­ ening at Mr. Chas. Congram’s, The last? meeting of the H. W. I. was held at the home of Mrs. Eldon: Eckenswiller on December 5th. De­ votional Christmas study by Mrs. Win, McLean; readings by Mrs. Wm/ Eadie.' Mrs. James Hodgins, Mrs. Arthur Grahamr Christmas Carols; picture _ study, Miss Anne Colwell; report of' convention by Mrs. How­ ard Harris; exchange of Christmas Gifts. Meeting closed with. God Save the King. Lunch was served by the hostess and committee in charge. Place j Of Meeting Changed - Owing to the illness in the family of Mrs. MacDonald, the- U.F.W.O. meeting which W set to be held at the home of Mrs. Jas. MacDonald, is changed to Mrs. Jas. , T,» Webster’s oh Tuesday gfterRoon at 2.30 o’clock ■Dec-~i7th~The roir_call'-to be answer­ ed by an exchange of Christmas Gifts. . . ; •' Mrs. jas. S. McNain, Bobby and Murray spent last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Webster. - , Mr. "Ronald Henderson has- gone to Meaford' where he expects to: carry on the sale of Wearever Alu­ minum "Ware. While there he will be the guest of his cousin, Mrs. Har­ old Sparling. We wish Ronald the best of success in his new undertak­ ing. ' t , Christmas is justjtwo weeks away. WHirECHUkCH A Christmas entertainments will be field in the Presbyterian Church next Wednesday; also one in the: United Church this Friday. • I Mr. Peter Kennedy and Mr, Tom Henderson, spent a couple of days in. G.uelph last wririk and attended the winter fair there. The Christmas concert will ' be held...in Nm 14, school. West JWawan-- ,osh' next Thursday. " ■ ’ e -x— Mr. arid .Mrs.' Albert -Goultes -have moved. i#jbo. the Kew occ u pied. by Mr. Cox; We welcome- them. ‘ Mr. Duncan Kennedy has sold his ehicken farm <at Whitechurch to Mr. Ed. Goultes, son. of Mr. Robt. Coultes of East Wawanosh. Mr,. M. Simpson, son of Dr.- Alex Simpson of Kintail, spent Sunday with his uncle, -Mr. John Simpson. ***Y ASHFIELD Quite, a number . from here atten­ ded the funeral of Horn James Mal­ colm of Kincardine on Monday, Dec. 9 th. The pupils in the different schools are Jausy preparing for their ow,n, Christmas . programs and also for the Christmas service in the Presby­ terian church. ■ The KintailvBranch of the Wo­ men’s 'Institute met for their Decem­ ber meeting at ^he home of Mrs. Neil. J. MacKenzie. The attendance was smap as the roads were quite Presbyterian W. M. S. . The December meeting of the W. M’jS. of the Ludknow Presbyterian Church was held in the lecture room of . the church yvith the president, f,rs. C. H. MacDonald presiding, ollowing the Scripture, lesson rea.d by Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Henry MuL lin led In prayer. ' Splendid reports ' of the' past year’s activities were received from the secretaries of each department of tfie Work. Read­ ings from the Glad Tidings were . contributed by Mrs. James Geddes, Miss M. McPherson, Mrs. William Porteous, Mrs. Harry Anderson and Mrs. B. J. Chesnut. Miss Roszella Mullin sang a pleasing solo.; Mrs. ’ William Ported tis took the chair for the election of officers which resul­ ted as follows: Hon. Pies., - Mrs. Ewan, McKenzie; president, Mrs. C. H. MacDonald; vice presidents, Mrs. B. J. Chesnut, Mrs. Henry Mullin* Mrs. Wesley Huston* - Mrs. Janies Smith; Rec.-Sec’y,, Mrs. A. P. Stew­ art; Fin. Sec’y., MtS. J. W. Hender­ son; Treas.* Mrs. James Geddes; Glad *• Tiding’s Sec’y., Mrs. James Smith; Home Helper’s; Mrs. R. V- McKenzie^ Press reporter, Mrs. Hor­ ace Aitchison; Sick Com., Mrs, Wil* ham .Pdrteous and Miss McPherson; Expense Convener, Mrs. Ji iS. Mac* - Kenzie; Program con., MrS. Harry Anderson. The next meeting will, be held* Friday^ January 3rd. , / . . 1 ■ 1 THE LUCKNOW SEfNTINEL ' I a motored MONTREALMonday Lucknow Branchi S* D. WHALEY, Managert •< . 7 ■ / HETSRY: "Yes, and you took me in as a partner and gradually we worked up to a fine herdof our . agaUwS-WUfi&SW CASE COMES UP IN JUNE -I HENRY: "Angus, do'yoti ever think of the time • we started this dairy business?" BANK OF ESTABLISHED 1817 . HEAD OFFICE,MONTREAL RECONSTRUCTION CANDIDATE HEADS UNITED FARMERS ray -Dyer (nee Ruby Dickson), of Eden Mills, Ont., a daughter. 1 PAGE FIVB Huron Arid Kiriloss ' Telephone System December-^, 193.5, Thp .CriiRtnjssioners met -'in- / the ’Secret,a?:y’s Office1 off the above date ’.at 2'.’30 plm. with Neil McKay, pres­ ident; in the chair; • 1 ' Members' present were Dan D. McDoriald .and John W. Colwell. Moved by Neil.McKay, seconded 'by^dhri^Wr"CdfWell“t"fi^t“ffie^rip u tes of • last meeting be adopted as read. (Carried.)' xuuve,ti o'y Dan D. . se<-- x>y uu-oxi ,vv; UujAeii uauc xuiiuwjng aeepuius ,oe pam; _ XJuiicnu xvx.cjxuy, liurun- Lfap. cieiK .Aitiert. Bi’dvvn,’ co>leciur' xx,u-ron • 1 w.p-. Aiian. Mac/xuiey* l reas^ lluroii iwp. John Corbett, >.HerK Kincardine iwp. $12.15; Milton .Alex­ ander, 1 reus.'Kincardine £wp., $3.CW, Elmer Arnold,' collector.. Kincardine I'fap. $3.00; aolin K. Lane; clerk Kiri-. loss Pwp. $y.00;' Thomas . Gaunt, areas, kinluss'. 'l*wp. . $3.u0!; pencil -btattbH>r'col-lector“l^ti,ioss^rwL!7$'!3J5'(J Eugene E. .Martyn, clerK^tieas. Ripley $4.1)0; John McLean, collector Ripley $3.00; ' Lucknow 61 Kintoss Telephone System, rent $46.64; Lake Shore Mutual Telephone System, rent of poles $9.30; Goderich Rural telephone Company ■ Limited, rent of poles $10.00;. . Koss H. Martyn, balance salary $'45.00; Postage anu ex.icse etc., $20.34; /Ross 11. Martyn, . insurance .on Central $22.80; Cana- Ldiap—.Xplriphones■^’nd*-f5U-pplies-’~Ltd“" Mdse., $94,,38'; Matt. , Geiriihell,' sal­ ary $1,01.25; Operation $40.00; . W. J. ?Lane, salary $135.00; Gurdyn. Scott, account $45.45; "Francis Gem- m’eil, work on lines' $42.7o; Use of car $23.75; Harold Emmei’tori* wprx oh lines .$42.75;, Beil Telephone Com* ■pany, . Uctober- tolls. $uy.<5; • Ernest. Ackert, rebate phone $2b.0J'; Sx-iom- Rerg/.Uaris’on- Telephone; ■Mahu.-faetur- inlg Company, Mdse $33.0.38; Wm. Hayes, rebate John. Dagg, phone, $9.00; R. J. Lovell Company Limited ledger- sheets $11.13; Neil McKay,. 8 meetings etc. $18.00;. John W. Col-' faferl,! 8 rriebtings $16,00; Dan D. Mc_-,r Tlonald^K2Khriie.tiri'gS__ $14 Lr_Matt._ Gemm'ell, getting: saws filed ; $1.25; (carried). ' ' . . Moved by John W. Colwell, sec­ onded by^Dan D. McDonald that, we pay | Matt. Gemmell $11.00 for ium-, ber purchased from McMuljen for partition in work-shop., .(carried).'. ■ Meeting then adjourned-- tp meet again January '4th, 1936. R. H. Martyn, Secretary. very MffowerM©f the world’s best.wheat*— is always uniform anddependable^r lefein nourlshmentaiul Slaver cakeo/i>ies, flaky i>astry msg . bread. A strong flour that goes farther. JAMES MALCOLM LAID MILD WEATHER TO REST MONDAY Many from Luckpow were in Kin­ cardirie on Monday* to joinjthg-hun^ xlredri jipori/hundreds^ who filled Knox Presbyterian Churcli to overflowing for the funeral of Hon. James Mal­ colm, foi’mer minister of trade and Commerce in the King . Government and prominent ,5 furniture manufac­ turer, X . , ’ . A special train, which passed thru Lucknow shortly after noon on Mon-1 day, carried to the service, scores of Iproniinent poritic'al friends of the deceased, business_.„,associates-, -arid-u "employees of the Andrew^ Malcolm factory in, Listowril. The employees of the Kincardine and ListoweJ plant's attended’ service in a body Prime Minister McKenzie King was represented at the. service by Hon. J. C. Elliott, postmaster-gen­ eral, and Premier Hepburn by Hon., Dunean Marshall. Rev.,_T.^^..,D.,l_McCulloug-ht pL Tor-. onto, foriher minister of Knox Pres- -• - ■ —-- ,byterian Church officiated, assisted +93;*, ^to Mr/and Mi^S; Douglas ^Mur- by Rev. A. Gordon MacPhetson, of T'--» ' Knox Church, Listowel, and Rev. L. E. Hussey of Kincardine ; .United 'Church.' ............... 2__ —The! rrirnains; were borne td the fainilv-~-mausoIeiTnr—in^’Kincardine-: cemetery. . . . Mr. Malcolm’s, death, occurred early last Friday morning and came as a distinct shock .as the, general opin- >nri v as that his health was improv­ ing. Mr. Malcolm’s uritimely death, nt. the age of 55^'Removes a promin­ ent parliamentarian, ' beloved by •n.nnv rind <resnected by all, whether, on non ent. or' colleague. He is surviv­ ed hv his wife, formerly Ethel Swan nf Kitchener. PARAMOUNT Last week’s wintry weather, and mid-week., dbl®w*4-that—made - -som«*“ roads practically impassible Tor motor cars, has been followed by , de­ cidedly mild weather with occasional rain this 'week. .....___________:_ ------ Good sleighing up to the end of the wriek, was quickly ruined^ on Sat­ urday arid over the week-end. roads again became bare. A heavy fog hung low all day Sunday and made, driving ^difficult. * 7 7 : ' BORN • , ■ - GIBSOjfr—In Ashfield on Thursday December- 5th, to Mr. and Mrs, Sam Gibson, a daughter. __DY'ER—In Guelph General ^hospi- tai, ' on Saturday, November 30th, W. G, Nicholson* of ■ Brufee . Town­ ship and unsuccessful Reconsfriu^. tion candidate in Bruce at the ree’ent Federal,, election, Was elected presi­ dent of the United Farmers of On­ tario at their convention in Toronto last week.'R. J. Scott president for . ___ „ five years, withdrew in. spite of ef- Wingham Hospital at present, forts to persuade him to accept' the office again. Having recently been sent up for trial on a charge, of knowingly hav­ ing in his possession stolen ; hides, Caswell Hackett, now .of Blyth, elec­ ted trial by jury and the case will not; . be heard until the June sitting , of the county court. Three other char­ ges were dismissed at the prelim- B inary hearing two weeks’ ago. Bale of .$1000 was renewed. ‘ A Gift Problem Easily Solved At least one of your Christmas. . gift problems can be readily solved, by giving a year’s subscription t« The 'Sentinel,' to some . relative or .Misses Anne and Rae MacDonald Spent the week-end in Woodstock.. Recent visitors, with Mr. arid Mrs. Martin were Mr. and ^Mrs. Gordon Jamieson, Stuart and Isabelle from I. . ' —Lucknow, Mrs. Creeeii, Eddie and Tnend’ notnofa a regular subscriber ; . John from Pine River. ; I To an -absent member of the family Miss Mary- Cook is nursing in,it is.a very welcome “letter from There was a large crowd at the dance in . Paramount last Friday I To an -absent member of the family I hqyne each week.” Attractive gift • Ricards accompany each gift subscrip­ tion. ' I bad, bu£ -a very interesting program was " carried out?? The toll call faasx answered by a Christmas thought. Miss -’Margaret MacKenzie gave a talk On her trip to Ottawa with the teachers of East and. West Huron. A gift exchange...._ap4 a shower for the Children’s 'Shelter brought the meeting to.a close. „ 1 The .Presbyterian 1 W. M. S.. meets this Wednesday at the home of Mrs. R. Bissett. The ladies met last Thurs­ day at the church and packed sever­ al bales of good wafm clothing for the West. The Mary Hardie Mission Band met. in the vestry-of the j church on Baturdav, The Christmas program in the Glad Tidings was* used. ’The attendance’ was small on account of the y*nt weather. BORN— to Mr. and- Mrs. Sam Gibson, on December 5th/ a daughter KINLOUGH ’ j; •• ft MAFEKING . 1 rr Blake Sunday School concert will be held in the hall* Monday evening, Dec. 23rd. , The W. M.*S. of Blake church met Thursday afternoon at the home oi Mrs. Herb Curran. : Officers were • elected fpr 1936. Rev/Wm....Patton^ presiding for the business meeting, It was decided to have a social even­ ing iri the hall, Monday, Dec. both, to which everyone is welcome. Mr. and( Mrs. 'J. D/ Hesson 01 dtratfoi'd were guests of Mr. -anu Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick Sunday. Ihey werri accompanied by Misses ‘ Jean Andterson and Corn DiGkson,-Normal students, who visited at their re­ spective homes. We are pleased to report an im­ provement' in the health of Miss Nel-, lie Cranston,. who has .been ciRifined to bed for some time with*rheumatic fever. . . jMaster Jack Alton, who received a fractured -arm and collar+bone in a car accident ,kome weeks ago, is back to school again almost as good dri new. ■ ’ . • ’ Miss Mary Alton of Lanes is visit­ ing at the home of Mr., and Mrs. Elmrir Phillips. Mr. and 'Mrs.- Victor Errihgton sarid baby of Cbn, 6, .W^Wafaanosh. spent wedriesday at the kbme of Mr. arid Mrs. Will Irvin. 'V ‘ • Mrs. McGillvary- of Kihloss is the guest of her sister; Mrs; Wm. J. Hall and. Mr. Hall. 7. , Mr. arid Mrs., Thoriias Wiggins of Dungannon visited the former’s sis- . ter Mrs. Godfrey Hall and Mr. Hall, Monday. i >1 Mr. Jas. Ilodgins and Mr. Noble Guest' are attending the Jury this week. v . Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kempton arid children of Ripley and Mips .Lauret- ’ta Farrril of ‘Bethel Avere Sunday visitors ' at Mr. Wm/ Cox’s. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Boyle to Sarnia oh Saturday. Mrs. M. Fierson visited •with Mrs. M. McLean. Mrs. Eld’ori. Eckenswiller enter­ tained the ladies of the Holyrood In­ stitute on Thursday1 lapt. • Mr. George Haldenby is putting in a hammer mill and chopper, which will, be in operation in a short time * Th% rStinday . School Christmas concerts will be held ne?t*- week. Presbyterian/ Tuesday evening, Dec. ,17th Arid the Anglican, Thursday. Dec. 19th; Everyone is cordially in­ vited. CANADIANS AND THEIR ■W'" • DAIRYING ■ own and later a. modern dairy outfit. And don't . forget what our wives and children did, Angus." > I z ANGUS t "No, indeed! Even the girls joined calf clubs and. borrowed money from the' Bank to . buy the first fine stock. They did their bit in building up Oiir present prize-winning herd." Not only are the largest dairy Concerns in Canada customers of the Bank of Montreal, but hundreds of independent dairy; farmers as well. Large and small, they keep their business deposits and Sav­ ings at the Bank and borrow at times for seasonal requirements. Many of them call oh the Bank, for other services, such aS credit information, market’ .. $ ..." ’ . ’■ • ’ ..conditions; Many of them have their bonds and other valuable papers with the Batik for safekeeping. . INDUSTRIES —AND THEIR BANK ANGUS: "You bet I do, Heriry. It all started with me driving that milk route at $2Q a month and board. I worked early and hard for whit I grit, +*'but the turn came when the boss was willing to sell out. The Bank of Montreal knew I Was thrifty from the jway my savings account had grriwn steadily. They, helped a lot hy lending irie some money— on,good security, of course;-it gave me a good start. I still worked mighty hard, but the profits made me forget I was so tired. We have a nice balance at the Bank now." * • • * •- '*}&A MODERN,. EFFICIENT BANKING SERVICE ..... THE OUTCOME OF 118 YEARS’ SUCCESSFUL OPERATION ‘