The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-11-14, Page 8u c k now s
Canada’s oldestbank
A ; ‘
As the Batik of Montreal—now
in its 119th year of active and
uninterrupted service —■ has seen
That office, still Canada rise from a few poor and
" On November 15th, 1905—thirty
yearsi ago tomorrow ~ Lucknow
' f , ■ 1 ■ ‘ ■ . '*
welcomed,' its first permanent
banking office. ;.....; ; .........................._
standing on the original site on straggHng eolomeZ to a gieM ~~
-s----------------■ \ nation, so ils local office has^wit-Campbell Street, today forms part w ,nessed and aided in the develop-
of the nation-wide system to it8 pr'se„t
Canada’s oldest bank-—the B^nk position in- the agricultural and
business .life .of Briice- County. - . ..< of Montreal.
Mr. Greg Leith' of Peterborough,
spent the week-end at his home here
Mr. Torn Alton of Toronto, visited
over the week-end with his mother
here. ‘ -
BALE OF HATS, on Saturday,
November IGth.-—
Christmas Day will be the next
’public holiday, and that is- only , six
1_____ ’;
SEE THE Friday and Saturday
clearing Special at . BUSWELLTS’
Closing Out Sale. “ . < f.
r^Mrs. Harold. Alliri: spent Jast
week visiting with friends in Owen
Sound and Toronto.
Miss OliVe Webster of Toronto,
spent the week-end with her aunt,
Mrs. W. G. Andrew. .
Mr- and Mrs. Pharis G. Mathers
spent Remembrance Day at the lat-
.ter’s home in Ashfield. .
fs visit
ing-in Guelph wjfhrhef^Ster^MTSr
Cecil Meyers and Mr. Meyers.
Mr. and Mrs. M.* Mitchell and
Misses Lillian and Mona Mitchell,
spent the week-end at Fonthill.
', Established lSif
... the outcome’of 118 years’ successful Operation
LucknowBranch:S.D. WHAUEY, Manager
, Mr. and Mrs. Carberry of Toronto
visited over the holiday at the home*
of the latter’s sister,. - Mrs. James
Johnston. 4
colored wife Matilda, in “The Old
Home^Place” Friday;" November 22,
Town Hall.
Arthur- Andrew from Toronto,
Flora from London and. Robert from
Listowel, spent the holiday at their
home here. /
Individualism Stands In
The Way of Peace
Said Rev. S. T. Tucker In A Rousing
■ Remembrance1 DAy Sermon —
Young People’s. Society Has
Charge Of Evening Service When
Alex Smith Spoke.
“If we don’t’abolish war, war wi.ll
abolish civilization,” said Rev. S. T.
Tucker,' in a/' rousing Remebrance
Day service on Sunday morning.. Up-;
“ p d. fee j
onus for conditions as they t exist
today that seriquisly threaten-> the
peace of the world, on the eve . of
the 17th anniversary of the Armis-
t’ice^tfiat terminated war that was to
end war.
Individualism, which - embodies
greed, was one of the. causes stress
sed by the speaker that tends to deX
stroy world brotherhood and" create
such,.a condition, and no small fac
tor, responsible for the situation to
day he claimed to he the. unfairriess
of the Treaty1 of Versailles, by which
England and France were the chief
-benefaetdrs and now these-countries
he said have to. offjer Italy som,e-.
thing, in Ethopia “to save their face”
in trying to prevent Italy’s invasion
of that country.- ?
i .Jf everybody '.was getting a fair
share, we would not have bootlegg
ers, kidnappers, and gangsters. This
applies not only to individuals but
nations. Italy and Japan the" speaker
>£ • • •
'■ Not Starched
Fused Together
United Church W. M. S.
^^JTKe^United-UhurcK-W.-M ?lB.«^e
ing was held on Wednesday. After
the opening exercises taken by the
president, Mrs.. Rathwell, the folio w-
ing program was given, scripture
lesson read by Mrs. Burns; a report
of the sectional .meeting held at
. Riversdale was given by Mrs. Ayl:
mer "Ackerl; a very interesting and
‘ instructive Temperance reading, com
posed by Mrs. R. W. Craw was read by?
Mrs. Bums. MiSs Caroline Wellwood
on furlough from China is to address
The members of the W. M. S, are
tharik-offeTingenvelopes. — -
’ ' ' - •• 1 ’ ' ' ■ '
Presbyterian W. M. -S.
1 The^ president, . Mrs. : C. H. Mac
Donald presided at the regular meet
ing of the W. M. S.. The scripture
reading and explanation, were givfen
by Mrs. Ewen MacKenzie. The min
utes were read and the nominating
committee, Mrs. Wmi Mackenzie,
« Mrs. A P. Stewart and Mrs. H.fAn
derson were asked .to prepare a slate
of officers to present at the Decem
ber meeting, and all secretaries were
reminded to have their; reports for
that meeting too. Mrs. W. J. Doug
las, as secretary of the" Presbyter--
ial fdr supplies, read a letter of
, thanks for a bale. .. This bale had
gone to Magnetawa and wgs very
much appreciated and the writer ap-
- pealed for magazines, papers and
second-hand clothing. Miss C. Car
rick then led in prayer. The Bible
study, prepared by Mrs. W. Huston
was read by Mrs. H. Mullin. Mrs» H.
Anderson, gave the topic “The Need
for. Missions”. This was followed by
a reading by Mrs. Porteous. After
singiiig a. hymn, Miss 1 MacPherson
, gave a reading' Mrs. Ewen .MacKen
zie thanked the ladies present and
all others wtyo had contributed to
the Honorary . Membership Certifi
cate which she had received recently.
Mrs.. MacKenzie had the certificate
with her and passed it around for
the ladies to see.. After singing a
\ . hymn, Mrs. tylacDonaid closed the'
November (Meeting Held At The
Home Of Mrs. Chas. Steward—
Mrs. R. L- TrefeaveipGave Report
Of Convention.
The November meeting of the
"Lucknow /Women’s Institute /was
held at the home of Mrs. Charles
Steward with the president, Mrs.
Temple 'Ciarke, presiding. Follow
ing the usual opening exercises, the
roll, call was answered by ways of
storing bulbs. A short talk on the
motto for the day “They are rich
who- have true friends,” was given
on “Health and Child/Welfare”-was;
mittee, Mrs. W. G. ' Andrew. Mrs.
R. L. Treleaven gave a splendid
report of the W. I. convention held
at Goderich in October., A special
feature of the meeting was a de
bate, “Resolved that character is
more important than education ’ in
choosing/a/life partner.” The affir
mative was upheld by Miss Hazel
Webster and Miss Catherine Hamil
ton, and the negative, by Miss' WiJ-
lena Chesnut and Mrs. Archie Pat- .
terspn. Many interesting an<T amus
ing points were brought out by both;
sidles. The judges were Mrs. W. P. ,
: .... FATHER ' • ’
with prayer.
in December ratepayers of
Lome MacDonald was back to
work the latter part of the week,
after an illness of more than two
■ Early
the Town of Wingham will decide"
by ballot whether or not the Arona
will he taken ■ over by the town.
There is a ^mortgage ‘of , $6000 pliis
another debt "oF $140’0 against the
aided they iy.ould let the riti'zmfe de
cide by ballot if they r wished the
town to assume this debt. The* de
benture debt of Wingham according
to the by-law in the above regard,
do 12^,425.11. ‘ !
points were brought out by both;
sides. The judges were Mrs. W. P.
Reed, Mrs. R. L. Treleaven and Mrs.
Neil McKenzie, brought in a decis
ion in favor of the negative- Violin
and piano duets- by Mrs. Ira Camp
bell and Mrs. F. Freeman were
much enjoyed musical numbers. At
the close, of the /meeting a social
half .hour was spent when tea was
served by’ the hostess and committee
in charge; Mrs. I. Campbell arid Mrs.
A. Patterson*
Stage Benefit Dance
-a cai
tended the benefit dance in
Orange Hall last Thursday.
parity crowd of dancers at-
*1.. j----- the
event was in aid of Dick Carter,
Worshipful Master of Lucknow L.
O. L, 428, and who: has had more
than his share of misfortune this
summer, in being twice injured in
accidents. Dick totally unaware of
wh‘at his friends'were planning, at
tended the dance, where he learned
of the agreeable surprise
him, and a kind act which
he much
County- Council .This Week ’ ’ »'-■■■
The final 1935 session of Bruce
County Council is underway this
week, the opening session being held
on Tuesday evening in Walkerton.
Reeve A. W. Hamilton And Reeve’
Richard, Eliott of Kinloss„ are. Jn- ativ
, ......,i;
Professor: . I will use my hat tb
represent the planet. Mafs. Is there
any question you wish to ask before
I.go Opt j
Student: Yes; is Mars inhabited?
My Dear jjaughtpr: *4
„Yiou—asked- ~me-=4L-4«^^
husband should stay in his present
position at an ‘adjusted salary. but
you fqrgot to tell me what he would
do if he didn’t. You and he couldn’t,
very well come here just now. Your
brother Sheridan’s salary has just
been “reconsidered,” so he moved
into hiS old room and brought his
Your sister Eloise telegraphed the
next day that Wilfred had ju§t. been
offered a new contract that waB an
insult, so your mother is airing out
Ki3~roi^;^ could en-r
secretary; she wrote last week that
if anybody thinks she is going to
drop to the level of a common typist
he is mistaken, so we expect her
any day. 1
. What with these and the younger
children, I imagine that as long as
Rupert’s salary-is merely being “ad
justed” he had better stay. An ad
justment is nothing like a reduction
It’s hard for me to keep up with the1
new language of big business, but
as I understand it, an “adjustment”
is the equivalent of a raise. Of
course Rupert * wouldn’t know that;
he has been working only since 1928
he should ask ; some old-timer to. ex
plain what a raise is, v
My own business is coming along.,
fine. It was for sale on the court
house, steps last Friday/ but there
w-ere no bidders, so the sheriff let
me keep it.' That malces the best
month since the upturn.
Your' affectionate father.nA ■ I" '
—11 —a1*'"' :........
Due to a motor accident in which
Mrs. iBald! sufl|er4d severe injuries
to her arm,. Mr. and. Mrs. W; F.
Bald returned to their home here
after' only being at St." Petersburg,
Florida, for a few days.. Mr. *and
Mrs, Bald had intended remaining
in the' South for the winter months
but the unfortunate accident neces
their immediate return
Elgin Times*
The' white oh black3 t93fi markers
are being issued and. the. Department
of Highways has issued oi^^S’ that
all cars in operation bn January 1st
1936, must carry new markers. Lic
ense plates issued in Wihgham this
year, include the following numbers
CD1 to CD570.
' ' J .
“Mose/you should... put the curtain
down when you^kiss yOur wife. I
saw you last night.” o . ■
Mose: The joke's on you, Max, I
wasn't home last night, ' •
weeks, With pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H.
family 'of Peterborough; spent the,
holiday week-ejrid with her parents,
Iken and
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Greer.
- Rev. C. H. MacDonald, left' today
for Toronto to attend a meeting 'of
the Assemblies Committee on Evan
gelism and Church Life and Work.
Mr. and Mrs, Harold freeman of
Syracuse, N. Y., have been visiting
this week with the former’s^ mother
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Twenty girls and boys jn costume
will sing catchy songs between acts
of the 3-act comedy drama, “The,
Friday, ~Novem-^
.ber-22*——' :—r---- ----------■—
auspices of Jewel Rebekah Lodge
in the Town Hall, Lucknow,, Tues
day, November 19th, at 8.15 sharp.
Lunch and prizes. Everybody wel
come. Admission, 30c including tax.
Mr. and Mrs. »S<teele MacKenzie
and three daughters,. Jean, Mary
Joan and Janet of Waterloo, were
week-end visitors with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Mac-
Kenzie. , j /, • k ■. ' .
Miss Frances.’Lillico, daughter of
Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Liilico of Min
neapolis, has arrived here where
she will ffpend an extended visit
with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs;
John Joynt. ' ,
Mr. Melvin Hackett of the Bank
of Cdmmerce, Innerkip and Miss
Margaret Murray of Embro, spent
the holiday at the home of the,for
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alev-
Hackett, Ashfield.
Mr. Austin Reid, of Bank of
.Montreal, Market branch, London,
spent the week-end at the Newton
home, where his mother and brother
Eldon/have beem visiting for thfe
past couple of weeks. .
Rev. arid Mrs. C. H. MacDonald
and Mr., and Mrs. Thomas Aitchison
and Horace attended the funeral
of Mr. Hugh McDonald rit his r late
residence in» Gulross on Sunday.
The^ deceased who is a cousin
Rev. MacDpnald, ; resided 1 east
Teeswater. /' ',... • ■ /■ ’
Taken To Hospital
Mr, Horace Aitchison
seriously ill ;On Wednesday,
symptoms rather/pointing .to
dicitis. He was; Pushed to Godferich
Hospital late in the„ morning, and
in the afternoon underwent an ap-
pedix operation.
--------------- --—■J-
The condition of Mr. N. D. Mae-
Kenzie is regarded as serious. Neil
was taken suddenly ill1 op Monday
at the home of Mrs. McCharies.,
from where he has not beefi move'd.
Thp exact nature of his illness is
not definitely«determined. .t
was tak$n
Italy wants natural’resources and
Japan the^niarkets—of millions in
The Government, Rev. Tucker
condemned for condoning the sale of
liquor, but which is illegal for the
bootlegger'to traffic in. The Govern-
seal of respectability, on it, he said.
Ini quoting the passage “They
that win by the sword shall perish
perish by the sword, Rev.» Tucker
said he was so convinced 4n the mor
al order . of God that h'e ’"beiieved
something’ ~wduld~ interfere that Would
not permit Italy’s conquest of Etho-
. Peace, he said, can only be obtain
ed by following the teachings of
Christ, for he has given us the way.
Miss Winifred Armstrong, in
sweet voice, took a difficult solo part
in the, choir anthem.
Y. P. S. Have Evening Service
The Young People's Society had
charge of the evening service with
opeace the theme of a splendid ser
vice with a large congregation pre
sent. Rev. Tucker spoke briefly at
the opening of- the service, which
was /conducted by Margaret RTtchie,
:and -^StewaAfr-^^
on “World Pbace.” A Young Peo
ple’s choir led in the singing, under
the direction of Mrs. Joynt, who
sang a solo, as did Willard" Thomp
son. The ushers were Bob McKenzie,
J. C., Armstrong, Ted Buswell- and
Harold Thompson.
■ .
The Vancouver Bruce County Old
Boys’ and Girls’ Association com
menced' their fall activities on the
11th of October with a dance at the
White Rose Ballroom. Arrange
ments have been made to hold, a dance
and get-together once a month until
May with a Grand Annual Ball Dec.
30th, and the annual concert, business
meeting and. ball April 20th.
The apnual picnic Will be held the
last Wednesday--in July. Unfort
unately I was unable to be -at the
last picnic and so did not send in a
story to the Sentinel.
The officers of the Association for
this year, are Hori. President E. C.
Davison, Lucknow; Pres. C. E. Mahon,
^Paisley; Secy. Fred Cluff; Treas. J. J.
McKay. < * , *■'
The] (Sates of meeting are Nov, 8,
Dec. 13, Dep. 30, Jan. 10, Feb. 14,
Mar. 13, Apr. 10', Apr. 20, May 8, and
last -. Wednesday in July If any
readers in'Lucknow or any who are,
or have been, citzens of Bruce should
happen to be in Vancouver at any
df- these dates they will be given a
hearty welcome if they, will attend
the meeting or make their presence
known to the president or the secre
tary/ It will he a splendid Opport
unity "to meet a couple of hundred
people who look to Brucd county as
their home./.
E. F. Odium
iMr. Charles Alton of Dungarinonj
holder ( of the third lucky ticket,
drawn- at the . Seaforth Lions Club
frolic, wdh a 97-pifece set of fine
English China. First-.prize, a; Ford
V-8,. went, to a gentleman at Brad-
,fordk_..L ......... — U,—
• IX.
collars—the newest feat-
■ lire of Forsyth Shirts—
ai|re a revolutionary
improvement. They
provide soft collar, com*
fort with stiff collar
smartness—yet never
need starching. Fused
into one piece, the three
plies form a smooth-fit-
ting, semi-stiff collar
which can be worn all day
without losing its neat
ness and shape. Men
like FORFUSED Collars
because of their trijm
freshness and dressiness.
Wives like them because
they are so easy to laun- '
~der. 7
Ask to see ■■ ■ ;-----~
< witfc
. p.
• •
“Joe’s Radio i Service”
We specialize in
repair Work
Ministerial Association Met
« The Ministerial’ Association - ^
Wingham And District held its an-
huai election of officersPat the Pres-«
byteriah Manse, . Whitechurch, .on-
Monday, November 4th, at 3 p.m.
Rev, Kenneth MacLean of the Pres
byterian .Church, Wingham, was re
elected president, and Rev. E C.
Smith of. the Baptist Church, Wiffg-
re-elected secretary-treas
urer. . * " ■
It waS .decided to hold a December
meeting at the Lucknow United
Church ParsdnAge. . .Rpv\—Goo--
Turk of Toronto has been invited to
be the guest speaker of the Assoc
iation at the next meeting.
After a refreshing timp of fellow
ship < the hostess,.; Mrs. . P.olldck <serv«
ed a very driinty lunch, which
brought the very profitable after-
hbdn' -io A close;' ■-x~Ad"vAncd-T'xmes.7'