The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-11-14, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1935 — - ■ - . ■ -■. • _________tf "“. j________‘ ns .-K‘J* / I TH® LUCKNOW SENTINEL •* PAGE FIV1 B© Purity ftour Im ©ujeyea your confidence for thirty yearn. Always uniform quality»»mliled from the world’a beat wheat ^ ensures complete eatlafaction for every kind of baking. Once Upon A Time . BY E. X. HQFDS (An Old Timer) , \ - ' , ,, ■■ T< very successful social evening held at Hackett’s Church on Friday last A good program was.. PURITS FLOUR Best for oil your Baking THE ICE HARVF.Sn . The pond aboye the grist, mill dam was long and wide band deep. Snags, fallen trees and brush lay along; its beaches, and in its shel­ tered nooks, and along most -all its banks, June choruses of bull frogs. < 4th CON,, KIN LOSS LANGSIDE Mr. and Mrs. J. McMillan, spent an evening last week at Mr, Gilbert Hamilton’s. Visitors at R. Middleton’s last week -were Mrs. R. Emrie and dau­ ghter Margaret of Toronto and Miss Myrtle Johnson, of Ashfield, Mrs. P. Robertson of Ripley, Miss Lucy and Alice Robertson of-Toronto, Mr. and - of betroiF • and Mr. J. Spyes and Win. Robert-' son of Toronto. An aluminum demonstration was Held last week at the home of Mr. — Moffat; " -■ - ’■................:: /■•'— Mr. and Mrs. G. Hamilton and Elizabeth Ann spent the week-end -in Toronto. .Mr. Charlie Smith was a caller on* /the line„Tue,sday.. , ........-... 1 inade music which still rings ...in *my ears. This spot afforded splendid sport in summer ,and ’ during the early part of the winter. When snow lay too deep upon the ice, skating was of little interest: when so. much, work' wps involved in shovelling it off the (surface. I',, R P '■ t Toward spring, after the winter’s back had been broken by a thaw or two, gangs of men were put to work to harvest the crop made available by the hearty co-operation of Jack Frost. - — One or more men cut lateral cases through the ice sometimes for prods. Others cut at bight angles of WE HEARD THE PIPERS PLAY Come in good friends, and take a seat, ’ ... ____■ - .. - Abd P^s tbe - I’ll tell you of the night we went . To hear the Pipers play. For Mrs; Woods, she said to me, All summer I did pine To go to hear the pipers play, They tell me they are fine— iSays I, dear friend,1 you’re talking now, _ I shefl full many a tear, . __ Because I had no chance to go; So it was settled and tftat night, We started on’ the road. We were, to take Hugh Rutherford, To balance up our load. But Hugh, the binder pulled apart Each little bar ,and screw, - And now with Louiie ■■Grant-to help, Was making it like new. We waited there, a fog came down, We talked of Irish bogs, Of roving spirits, black and green. Of German police dogs. ____ ' Then Irene^AaidSin mournful ±o.nes.„. z/^By-iiowthe pipers played their tunes, - / And have all gone to bed. t Then Hugh came home, he had 1 . shave, And change his oily clothes, We sat and had the jitters then, •' But soon our hopes arose. • * ■ ,’ • ■ . . Fbr out he came With smiling face, to The Women’s Institute held' their November meeting in the hall -Fri­ day afternoon. The' president, Mrs. Robert Ross presided. Roll call was answered by “My "Superstition”. The financial statement showed $9.21 on - hand. It was ^decided to make a comforter and sell tickets on it ' to raise finance. All joined in singing Recessional. Instrumentals -were giv­ en by Miss Leila Leggatt and Mrs. W. R. Farrier; readings, Mrs. D. Beecroft and Mrs°. V; Emerson; solo { Mrs. ..W. Loft; topic on Temperance, this, cutting bff blocks a foot or so Mrs. Gibson Gillespie,. ^All joined _Jh -in length .-which when hoisted—out- singing the National Anthem; on the ice looked like cubes more or Mr. and Mrs. George Scott are in pess perfect, Toronto where they««have taken their Sometimes- in the early ■ days, 1 little daughter Jessie, who has been ca" remember a half dozen teams ill for a wbil^'-"fb^'^fl'/^3®y///1>",Tan 'The ice and scores...of., .men. . at Mr.''ROSS McKay and Mr. Reid of^e£e-^’y JnggedLlent^ TwBdJcaltea ■'oTw^rTh the Io- Ehe lce "lt<> :™'besi « loading, the cality on Monday. ■ awaiting sleighs. We urchins, com- ,, ■ ing from dismissed school, watchedMr. Arthur Moore is engaged this the progress of the work ,.with in. ™ , °'n8 Cen,-nt ” ’ ■ "■ E- tense .interest -.Eh-om. the safety of J 1 n‘ v L -■ | the shore df^fromm^e_/ad;iacent- Mrr™ai)d““MTsr~Joh'nson Conn held- points of vantage we discussed the an aluminum demonstration . dinner strength of this man or the lack of last Wednesday evening for s sales­ man Harris Purdon, /• . A number of the -folk -on this line attended the dance held at Mr. R. Ross’s last Wednesday evening and all report a ^good time, industry of another. Always we were prone to boast that if “dad” ..were only there, he’d show ’em how to do .it. On one occasion * the usual gang of schoolboys watched - from ,th^ crest. - I of-the"dam. I had piled . my books on —‘-Hhe-graveHy—mdle~and'se'ated"ohthisl Don’t miss seeing the new dresses was orating on the possibility of and coats MRS. PEARLMAN just there being a better way .to do this v ~ a r ■ -i, '■ a “ sort of work. Regardless of declaim-,brought hbme from Toronto. A new „ . . • „ . . .\ ‘ . |ers, I stuck to the position- therespeciality is the Onental ,2-piece [ woul(j time ,when th/ work dresses or Tunics. t • • . •■ • HOLYROOD [sort of work. Regardless of declaim- lers, I stuck to the position- thebe to And said it wasrft late, That we’d be there with time spare, , If Lome would mind his .gait. Lome stepped upon the gas and then You talk of fast air-ships, We did the levels like the wind, The hills we did in skips. jjwiupi ,we arrived, the crowd J* there, 'No pipers were in sight, We thought they all had gone to bed And that Irene was right. . • But out they came with scream and , skirl; /»¥hat gallant kiltie band, ", They played “The Bonnie Hiland Lad,” 6 mon, but they were grand. ■”S ' ‘ . Its braw to »heajr ?the pipers play, * The reels and highland fling. Tfi’ere’s naught . can daunt them / when they lead, The. -banners of the Kiiig.^ ! We saw the Bonnie Lassies, too, Their step as light as air, f Two thousand persons craned their neqks, ' To watch them dancing there. Then I got strayed, my friends they cried,. ’ ^And Said, she’s kidnapped sure. But I was standing down the street Just chatting with Bob Moore. . Says he to me “You’re looking fine” Says I, “And so are you.” - And then we talked of auld <4ang syne, And things we used to do. . •Wellv when we found ourselves again Hugh made this wise remark,- “Before she goes away again, We better ail embark. And then Lome said, ‘*1’11 up,” . I think he meant the car. So. we climbed in and took __ With nought dur joys to mar. We qut ^he yellow fog in. two, -Lornedrovewithcare.andskill,- He did hot want ourselves to hurt, Or other folks to kill. / . Nob, if there’s gathering o the clans, As we a’ hope there may, ' I.‘ll gang tae yonder toon oinee mai^ T»e .h6M lhe vpipers jolay. —R, St. Helens. was hetcrank our seats, *»■ and Mrs. Wm. Eadie,DorisMr, : ani -Lo^png, Mjl j^nd Afes^Jadc- Teter=_jl ±oro.ug.h^pimL„S.u^ -Miss Ina Eckenswiller^>f Tiverton spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Eckenswiller. Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacDonald and Jack Were the guests at Mr. Jas. Baker’s on- Sunday evening; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Boulding of Regina are visiting at Mrs. ||Almer Ackert’s at present. Miss Gretta Campbell and Mr.' Stewart Jamieson of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. John JamiesOn and Mr. Joe Wegley of Paramount spent Sunday at Mr. Thos. Harris’. Miss; Margaret Daley/ of Willis- croft, Miss Kathleen and’ Mr. Dal­ ton McCurdy and Mr.. Alvin Graham of Tara were the guests at Mr. Ottoj Legge’s . On Sundky. The H. W. I. held their annual At Hdme in the form of a fowl sup­ per and .program. Program, consisted I of a few games fbr the apausement I of the children, reading by Miss Katherine Robertson;. piano duqt by the Misses Mae and Edna Boyle; im­ promptu play “The Gathering/>f 'the Nuts” by a volunteer cast; quart-1 ette consisting of Misses Helen and Donalda Valad and .Messrs. Jack and 1 Lloyd Ackert. Lantern slides on Can­ adian Homes from Coast to Coast . | of the hour would not. be dope by human hands but by machinery, the pboduct of ingenius minds; Suddenly there was a shout of horror, a scramble of men, a melee of struggling Worses and all was pariic. The ice, made, rotten by a receh£7.fhaw had -given way -b.eneath- pTeigh't's"ah^tegins which Very nar­ rowly escaped being precipitated in-, to the icy water that' was at that •point at least ten feet deep. I All teams succeeded in' reaching safety except one. Jim McCluskey, jobber of all sorts about town was less fortunate than the rest. His team, hitched as it was to a heavy load, was dragged by its weight in - Ito the open hole, and "for a moment (nothing but a- welter of, threshing I water indicated the spot where the whole outfit has disappeared. We kids gasped in horror. Every man who was not scrambling for his own safety was thunder struck., at the sudden . calamity. I . . ./ ' s?But the heads .of the horses soon bobbed above the icy <vater. Though the loaded sleigh had perhaps reached" (the bottom, the horses still floated. Quick work on the part.of some one released^ the struggling horses frbm. •the entanglement. A sharp knife deftly wielded and the harness fell from their backs leaving them to swim unfettered. - > ■ But the crisis had not-yet passed. To get the struggling horses .out' of the hole was ' quite another thing. One horse plunged upward .throwing his fore feet out. on the ..solid ice. but were presented by Mr. Allan Mae- b*f’re. he c/ud >* sustained he top- Lay of Ripley and a talk oh the different pictures regarding the trees, shfubs and vines,"how to’plant to the, best advantage and the con­ trast between home surroundings be­ fore and after planting, was read*-by Mrs-. Aimer, Ackert. Meeting closed with God Save The King. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Corrigan and Mr/ and Mrs. Corbett of Cookstown spent Sunday at Mr. Richard Elliott’s. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Corbett iSr., who has spent the past' month with her daughter/Mrs. I Elliott^ . . i Mrf" and Mrs. Howard Ellis 'of Guelph Spent • Monday evening at Mr. Ernest Ackert’s. • ^M-r-r-and-4i-rS:‘“'6has~iB0itldm dnd Mr? E,rne§t Ackert and family spent Tuesday evening at Mr. Ogile Russell’s^- • Mr.. Clarence Ackert of Lticknow| I pled over backward and disappeared again. | Suddenly there was a shrill shout I from among the boys on the bank. Someone Had thought of' an exped • lent. He dr$?d out: “The churchlent. He di^d out: shed doors; Use fthem as'a-''slide!' The effect ■ was magical. One of the men in the grbup .caught the significance of .the Suggestion. . “Come on boys, -let’s get ’em.. Let’s go,” and there Was a .stampede to where the. Methodist, people had' (erected a. horse shed on part of |,Uncle Walter Treleaven’s lot close to the water’s edge. The huge doors Qf<athis shed-being too cumbersome to be handled with ease, haci been unhinged and now. lay beside , the shed,/huge ‘ffakeFof lumber ten feet by , twelve. ’ • z A dozen men were available in a mom'ent. With the might of num- ...... ber§. the doors .were carried down Was a recent visitor at Mr. Ernest ^e .poiicL One edgew^_jnsertedH. ’■’Ackeri/s.'”" "v"""................” '”T...........* .'(>eneStk the Wpak and struggling 1 A L ,was r I enjoyed by all, after which lunch I was served by the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Black and Wil­ fred spept. the week-end wit^h. Mr. and Mrs.' Wilson Irwin. <" Mr. and. Mrs., George Lane motor-. ,ed to Riverview for the. week-end, ■ where they visited with the 'latter’s -'-si-ste.r;^; ------ - ’ Visitors’ hith Mr.-, arid . Mrs., "Wil- fred ;Hacketfc on Thursday last were Mr/' and Mrs. Ken.f MacKay. / and . children and Miss Catherine MacLen- nan- R.N.,' of. Rinjley. ■ . Mr Met Hackett of Ipnerkip' and Miss Margaret ‘ Murray '-of Stratford were yisitors,,with, the fpmer’s .par - < ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hackett^over the holiday. ... Mr. and Mrs. Watson Davis and family motored to -Allenfqrd on . Fri- :day- la St- -ret-u ruing Monday "evening;'/ Miss I. .MacKinnon of London-and" Mr. Al/Weaver of St. Thomas Spent Monday at Mr. Wilfred Hackett’s. (earn and . pushed down, until .it formed a platform updn which horse cQuld be supported. ■ A rope had been noosed over each "!horse’s head, ;and when’all was.; ready,, some­ one shouted the “Heave ho!” rahd '‘Out’the'hQr/e ram e~ bn to s o lid ice. ' . In. almost a twinkling the ‘other horse, was also safe. The animals, weak . and bedraggled, from expos-, ure in the ipy water, staggered to. the shore,-all ■ the”pep"~and"'steiTggle~ ■hav^ ing vanished.’ A hundred men and urchins lined the shore. Few things create a more sudden . or ’ feyyent interest than a,,, fire,. a dog fight, or a possible drowning. Interest had-rbee'n kindled to such, a pitch, of intensity that the fire bell in the ‘ Methodist church- had-Been-wrung in the trope’^that -so.me—expedient-—might—be“d;evtsecr which would, lessen, the danger • of fatality. Someone ip the crowd inquired for the urcniri wh’o ma’de the fortunate- suggestion abotit the' shed doors, 'but somehow no one Seemed to know. This -was another .instance where the world mourned an undisocered I hero. The End ’ , J 11 1 Voii Mav Now Have\ (z All the Reading' You Wahi f<»r $2.25 Per Assure ydurself of a year’s interesting, diyersifi^A reading.and SAVE MONEY by taking advantage of this special Low Rate/. ’ Combination Offer'of The iSentinel .with the Family/Herald ■ .■ and Wegkly Star. / •. “ •. ...Jr^E-SENTI-NEL ; ■; , gives you :•-•■’ ■ All the local neWs of - the . : community as . wblf as ffe- ' que.nt 'special articles, in-’ ’ eluding pioneer day rem­ iniscences. . For the “Want Ads” alone, you canhot afford ,tp -bb without The . Sentinel.- ...... ■ ................- * ^Fahiily; Herald and / • Weekly Star gives you: , A/Digest oi the Latest- Wor|d-wide w and Canadian ’" Nexys; Stories; Home Hints »' Helpful Articles on Farm Miatte^s; ( Agricultural News; Young Folks’ Pages; Family- Doctor; Appropri­ ate Sunday Readingj Fav- ' orite Songs Hymns,. . ~..... . E.^. ... . . _ . . ■ Send Your Subscription to: ------------■ ........ 7 THE SENTINEL LUCKNOW, . ONTARIO Make Use Of This Offer To Solve A Christmas Gift Problem. ...-..................................Gift. Cards Supplied. . * ’’ ASHFIELD NOTES How Would You Do It.?....... _ -Mr.--.and Mr-s. Carberry -of 'Torontc _—"'/ Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. Johnson, Eileen, .. A narrOw’ °blong shaI>ed island off- Melvin and Clare of Lucknow and the cOast of Greece runs from west Mr. iStewart Lavis of St. Helens, to east, and its only landing ^Uc^ is were Sunday visitors at "Mr. Wm. , at,the western end. The island is r ~ . . .. .. used as'pasturage. for- sheep. Qrip 7lay~~ . Mr. and Mrs; Wm. Helm, and a shepherd tending his flock half babe spent Sunday in [Clinton; ' < ,. .w - T >• jWay along tfeg Mland noticed that ; Mrs. Les. McKeith returned home x, ■ 'from. Oakville after spending a ‘he hush“ h,ad caufsht -fire week with her niece, Mrs. Hinton. ,a^ weStern end, and tljat the Mr.- and Mrs. R. McDonald and blaze’ swept along by a westerly Marjory- and Mr. JPeritland of Dun- .gajinpn—were guests of Gordon Rit­ chie’s on Armistice Day. 7 ■, “Are you sure you love me,?” said a pretty girl to her- admirer. “Love you! one/ “Why darting, while I was bid- joa-bye on \rne porch last dog bit a piece out of • s' /* ” echoed the , smitten -------- _ -------- ding you good-bye on vthe porch last night your /the calf of rtiy .leg, and* I never not­ iced it till I got Home.” iiOi wind, was rapidly approaching across, yheilwhoje widtE~~of jthe^aisIandL--Hisl.,/.... J’niL_<)£.retreat---.-was_cut-off rthe--fire“-—- was *too fierce for him to subdua single handed, and yet he saved his flock. .Hpw did he do'it? ' By starting anothet fire three quarters of the way. along the island and? driving his sheep behind it. The first fire, of course, went out whbn it reached the starting point of th# second, and so the sheep were safe g A real offer that will save you money... 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