The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-08-29, Page 8/It/;i < J X PAGE EIGHT THE LUCKNOW •TO’t'lNEL THURSDAY, AUGUST 29TH, 1935 X fLOCALancIGENERAL) Sunday services will be held in Lanes’ Memorial Church at the usual hour. Mr. Alex McKenzie of Toronto is spending a two weeks’ vacation at his home here. Miss Mary McConnell is spending two weeks’ vacation with friends in Dearborn, Mich. . Men’s and Boys’ Work Clothing, Shirts, Overalls, Pants, Sox, etc>r- THE MARKET STORE. Mrs.1 pqrcy and son Alvin of Dq- troj»t were - renewing acquaintances here /he end oLAhe iweek. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Andrew of Lucknow ' are spending the week in Harrow' with Mr.o and Mrs. Silas Brush. MR. SMILE says; Do not be foot­ sore. Use either Cress Corn or Cress Bunion Salve.—At McKIM’S DRUG STORE. Mrs. S. McCullough and her son jGor.d.bn.-.of_.Tor.onto,—who-were-visit-j ing Rev. and Mrs. MacDonald have returned home. Mr. Bert Geddes, who was serious­ ly injured in a recent auto accident has recovered favorably and is visit­ ing with his parents herg. Miss May Mcinneg of Kinloss twp. was. taken to Toronto the first of the week, ‘where she will receive special hospital treatment. - George Joy nt returiried'Kome the first of the week, after visiting for two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Harolci Freeman, in Syracuse, N;Y. Miss Sarah MacLean of Evanston, has spent the past week with her -sister-arid her brothers, Donald and" Alex at their hoine_ih Ashfield. " Misses Maud and Dorothy Cooke returned recently from a holiday spent ./at Owen Sound, from where they took a boat trip to Midland. Miss Laura Wilkin and Miss' Helen Wilkin of Paris arid Miss Helen Sin- "geiy of Wrill^tdn/Tiave be.en guests JtL/Rgy. „„MacD.onaldJs—cottage - at Bruce Beach. . Horne’s and Davison’s stores are ttys week receiving a coat of silver iriiea paint, to add to the long list of business places that this season have' beeri brighteried up in this manner Rriv. T. E. and Mrs. Kennedy and family of Norwich were guests last week in Kinloss and Huron, with the .former’s sister, and {brothers, Mrs. Thos^ Roach, and Messrs. William and John Kennedy. Z~Mrr.-an-ti..---Mrs.. Charles MC^Eay of- B.nisselg ^nd. thgiy ,/wp grandchildren .Helen and Shirley from Toronto. were, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, D avid^ Ferrier. ■Ji John D. Ross and Mr. and Mrs. i/f-—-- ■■<•>.. FOR GIRLS"— SOCKEES—Knee High Silk Hose—Silk Hose—Crepe Hose z MATERIALS FOR DRESSES—Prints, Sparva /Printed and P lain Colors), Spar-lin, Woollen Goods. ?' ■; The ever popular NAVY SERGE for Skirts GIRDLES and BRASSIERS-—— . . Two way Elastic GIRDLES ............... BRASSIERES, in satin .... BERETS-—Navy; Brown, Red, Sand and Royhl ' ' A * . . ’ ... -. ‘ A ■ ’ , ‘ . FOR BOYS’ ? 7,, ' .'•■•'■.X- GOliF PANTS, SHpRTS, LONG . PANTS, SHIRTS, SWEATERS, CAPS, BLOUSES, GOLF SOCKS Templeton & Co 98c 25c / S **4 Visitor^ with their father, Mr. F. D. McLennan, are Miss j. Ann Mc­ Lennan of Evanston and Miss Mar- ■garet\^. McLennan of Toronto, the latter having recently returned from, an ocean vbyage to South America. Receives Appointment Mr. C. A. Hutchison, for the past two years a member of the Lucknow Continuation School staff, has been appointed to the staff .of 'the Sault' Ste/^larie Collegiate. Mr. Hutchison will teach history, when he assumes -hi/ new "position, which is regarded" as sptyndid opportunity, 'Suffered i Stroke TKeyjondition of Mr. D. R. Mac­ intosh fof Southampton arid formerly of Lucknow, is reported quite serious sincri iie suffered a paralytic stroke On Monday. Mr. McIntosh’s left side is paral'ized and he has lost his power / of speech, His Lucknow friend^ will hope for an improvement soon. • Attend Funeral Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. Youn of town wer/ in Chesley on Wednesday at­ tending the funeral of Mrs. Youn’s. sister, Mrs. Sam Patchell, which Oc­ curred in Saskatchewan last week. Mrs. patchell’s death came unexpec­ tedly, as she was making a favor­ able recovery after" Undergoing a recent operation. Besidek her hus­ band, she leaves two children, age. 6 and 12. - ' „ Stage interesting Picnic In Caledonian Park ?ZZ. Several New Events Result In fit­ ter esting And Keenly Contested Sports Program The Caledonian / Park -was the scene of the United Church congre­ gational picnic, on Thursday, the lo­ cal setting, being , somewhat of an experimentary change from the an- . nuaUouting— at-the-lake.----'—-y~~— In spite of counter attractions and a busy harvest season upwards to a 150 sat down to a bountiful supper, prepared and. served by the ladies. Several new events had been ar­ ranged for the sports program which . was run off; during the afternoon, • and which was highly/interesting arid the various competitions keenly contested. Following the' supper hour, softball was played until dark, with a picked mixed team front Rip­ ley defeating the. local team 15, to 6. The sport events resulted as fol- . lows-. ————*s?-' Girls, 5 and under—Eunice Reid, - Marguerite Treleaven. Boys, 5 and under — Wilfred* Blacky Randolph Morse. Girls/6 to 8—Barbara Hicks, Lorraine Ferguson; Boys, 6 to 8— Ivan Gardner, Jimmy Ferguson. Girls, 9 to 11—-Carolyn Allin, Betty Taylor. Boys 9 to 11—Lorne Gard­ ner, Roy Havens, Girls, 11 to 15— Marjory. Allin, Louise Greer.. Boys up to 15—Donald MacKenzie, Allan treleaven.'Girls up tq 18—Jean Cul- bert, Mary Struthers; Boys up to 18 —Bob iMacKieritie, . Young. Ladies— -•lean—St/uthersy—-¥onngw_Men=^Art_' A^drew/HardldGreerZRbysfLea^; Frog — Lloyd Elliott arid Warren Wy?id?. Girls Peanut race—Carolyn Allin, Ilene Henderson. Boys’ Sack race—Warren Wyids, . Donald Mac-' Kenzjie. Girls’ ’Sack race—Hilda Twamley, Marjory Allin. Young Girls’ Sack race—Carolyn Allin, Al­ ma Solomon. Skipping® Rope—Hilda Twamley, Marjory Allin, Jean Cul- bert, Elva Twamley. Caterpillar rsicfT’ —Mr. Buswell,; Russell Armstrong. Ladies’ Apple race—Eva Greer, Mrs. Black; Mrs. S. Decker, • Mrs. R.'L. Treleaven. Girls’ Apple race—Hilda and Elva Twamley; Marjory Allin .apd ■. Jean- Slruther-Sr— -Baloon race, girls—Jeap Struthers, Maty Carter. Ballon race, JEJoys—Warren Wyids, Donald ..MapKenzie. Nail Driving—■ Miss McCallum. ' DESCENDANTS OF THREE ASHFIELD FAMILIES MEET Enjoyable Gathering At Am­ berley Beach Last Week. interesting gathering took at Amberley Beach Cottage, Held ■'wiir«iii Ii«'Hl'Irti '■nn,i' Iia'i. ywinSwaiiiw SCHOOL FAIR DATES Huron County school fairs are to be held as. follows: ^ordwich, Sept­ ember 10; Belgrave, September 11; .Hensail, September' 12; Grand Bend September 13;,• Carlow, September 23; Curries Corners, September. 24; St Helens; geptember 25. ft .., ■’; / . BORN ■ IkWlN—In Kinlosi Township,. on Monday,. August^26th,, 193B, to Mr. and MfS: Emerson Irwin, a daughter , An place No. 2, on Wednesday, August 21st, when members and descendants of three Ashfield pioneer families spent a delightful day rehewing friend­ ships of early school days and re-, lining memories of family life in the “gay nineties”} while tracing ' the features and personalities 'of the older generation ■as displayed in the bright faces of the boys and girls of,the party. ‘ The guests of honor were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson of Washing­ ton''State, who for many years have carried, on missionary work on the American coast, and who are return­ ing in a few. days, travelling by motor tp -resume their work at Puget Sound. The picnic party included, MV and Mrs. Hugh McIntosh and? grand­ son Robert McKenzie- of Lucknow;' Mr. and Mrs, Robert Thompson of Blanchard, Wash;; Miss . Louise Thompson of Wingham; iWr. and^ Mrs., Jack Melhtdsh bind son.,,Robert also Mr, CJhas. Menzies of Paramount Mi1. James Barnby. and Miss Barnby, Miss Mary MacLean arid Donald Me™ ■ ■ ... , i School Opening Get yout SCHOOL SUPPLIES : .at .the jjr <» / VARIETY STORE a f EVERYTHING iA f: / TEXT BOOKS *?#'■ SCRIBBLERS I /: . ART BOOKlS ' f ■ WRITING ' BOOKS '1 •’T”^ _____ r ■ iNr . . PAINTS PENCILS, ETC. FREE PEN ? ONE TEN GIVEN WITH ■; - EVERY PURCHASE OF 25c * OROVER LA. GEDDES ^ss^^^sssssssssffiui:■■—'—■" ..........~- ' Specials for the Week End ONLY at Pearlman’s DRESSES Ladies’ -Dasses—in. silks and ~^-oite§^jf/gjMday?^d/SaturE; for --only'" Z $1.00 SILK DRESSES Ladies’ Silk Dresses in smart styles and Plain, or Flowered Silk Materials, ^Friday and Saturday only. All sizes. Reg. $2.95 for only . 95 FALL DRESSES Ladies’ Fall Dresses? These Dresses are in smart Fall styles and in leading shades. Friday and. Saturday Only?" Reg. $6.00 and $7.00 for only $2.95-* . there is a special . REDUCTION ON ALL CHILDREN’S WEAR FOR SCHOOL OPENING B. Pearlman Where Style .& Economy Meet Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 85. <;SSSSSSSS£S£S^-: Lean, all of Lothian; Dr; an^jvfrs, W. R. McIntosh of . London; Mrs, Goodhand of Detroit; Miss Sarah McLean, Grant McLean and<Dr. 4and ~ Mrs. John McLean apd family of Chicago; Stewart and Marion Barn- by of Hamilton; Mrs. Hetherington and family of Wingham. ORGANIZATION MEETING seQn, this issue appearsan listing dates and places at which organization meet­ ings will be held -in the interest of Gideon H.,'Ruttie, cohservativfe can/ didate in BruCe riding, The Tweeting ih/Luckno-w will be. held next Wed- ’ nosday evening in. the’ Town Hall, at '8 o’clock. ‘. *v ft >