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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-08-22, Page 4
* i. < v %> M I Miss1 r< a) i Naylor. ?■ • ■ / a x . THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1935 & and are with a walnut . finished occasional was ■ ' » THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL ” KINLOUGH Miss Doris Stanley of Kincardine few days last week with her z REDUCED FARES Between alf points in Canada—-also to certain U.S. destinations* II destination up to Midnight, U 1Q9K *• Mrs. R. J. Woods and Wilson. I Mr., A. G. Webb and Miss. Greta Going from Noon, Friday, Aug. 30, until 2.00 p.m., vMonday,Sept 2 Minimum Special Fares: Adults 50 c.; Children, 25c. ' Full information frogi ticket agents. . tboo CANADIAN NATIONAL LABOR DAY Week-end—Aug. 30 to Sept. 2 First Class Fare and pne-Quarter fdr Round Trip Return Limit, Leaving Tuesday, Sept. 3,1935 Stoney. Island. They were’ aedompan- CAGE FOUR Zion Friends Present Miss Ada Helm .. The IjECknow Sentinel Published every Thursday morning at Lucknow, Ontario.5 Mrs. A. D. Mackenzie— Proprietor Campbell ThQmpson—Publisher THURSDAY, AUGUST 22n<J, 18935 '. //HOLYROOP / We wish, to extend our. .'sympathy to Mrs.' Richard- Elliott, fowingxto 4he... death of her father, Mr. Corbett of Cookstown. —,.an.j ;W*m-.' Eadie - a nd 4am- - ily, Mr. and Mrs. John Pcterbough and family, Mrs. Rachel,.. Culhfirt,, Eva and Lorne, Mr. and Mrs. -How- ■ ard Harris/ Mrs. Thos-. Harris - ahd Earl attended the/Harris reunion, at ~ Poplar Beach recently. . Other members of the clan were present from Clark’s, Kincardine .and Tor onto. Mrs. Spayen of Tara, was a recent Dicks. , ■ ,L Mr, and M-rs’ Thos. Palmer, Jean, Donald and Earl, of Woodstock; Mrs. A. Palmer of Alma, Mr? and Mrs. John/ Jamieson of Paramount and Mr. and- Mrs. Clarence Farrow were Tecent visitors at Mr. Thos; Harris’. ^ Mr. Harold Corigram had his ton sils ’removed in Kincardine hospita]’ on Monday." „ Thompson and Mrs. "Thos. Harris held aluminum demonstrations ...in Mrs. Kaipe/ Kas returned to Ham ilton, after visiting her' 'daughter, Mrs.' Con Foran. • • Mrs. Jansen was in Wingham On Monday, singing over CKNX on . the Spotton ■ hour. Messrs. Dan Webb and/Pete Kris ten of Detroit,, spent last week'with the former’s dousin, Gordon— and Mrs.’ McPherson.,-. . Rev. jGraydon Cox of Englehart, occupied the pulpit in . the Unitec Church./!,last Sunday. Next Sunday the Y. P. S. will have charge of the Mrs. J$D. Macintosh of Vineland is a visitor . with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd •/. Rev. R. W. Craw of .Dorchester, Tailed “ off/frfends: — — Mrs. Bole's of St. Catherines is the’guesf/of Kef sister,’ Mrs. Cran ston. . ' ■' ■ Mr: and Mrs. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and child of Bruce- "fieTd,~^vere: rehenf^yisifofs-“with Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Woods. , . !" The meeting of the Y. P. S. on •'■ their homes, presented by Mr. Fred, gpnday evening was in charge of Clark of, Goderich the past week. „ ■ I thc citizenship ririmmjttee. Kathleen Messrs. Thos. and Norvell Clark reacj the Scripture lesson arid of Detroit, were , recent visitors : at ,Laurine MiHer the Bible character Mr. Ernest Ackert’s. I on- Barnabas.-The tripic “The Quest .Of-Romance”, was well taken, by Mr, family spent Sunday with Row. H-' Wilson Woods.' ] i~and~Mrsr/Ackert—at-^tlTciT-TOtt^gc—at/-——tt" '—7/ 71" A-f . T , , - Mr. and-Mrs. T.hos. H. Taylor ofStoney Island. They were accompan- , >, .. t—- -----¥- -- -T-/—•-Rlyth -were--rccent- g-uest.s-of-Mr,^andjJel„homeU>y-/h-wg.^ - -——-----*----------— ............. them. | ; (Zion-v News) On Friday evening in Zion H^.ll> a large number- of friends, of this community gathered to wish Ada Helm, bride-to-be, the best of good fortune -and to express their ■pgret.in her leaving On behalf of this community, Mr.- Cecil Gardner presented Miss- Helm with a walnut . finished c table. Tjie ' following address ' read by .Mr. Bill Hunter. To Miss,Ada Helm. / ,. Y Dear . Ada, . * ‘ > " JWe, ybur friends- of the church and .community, where almost all of your life -thus far has been spent desire to express, this evening-, "our dfeep regret at your'leaving' us, arid at this time to present/our cordial good- wishes, - that •~Heaven’-s-wrickest- blessings niay be yours all through your married life. - We have hot,ed, wi|th pleasure, how ■well.you havb served as organist in church, how faithful you have, atten-' ded .Sunday School arid’weekly meet ings arid, practices., often braving rain, snow, mud or darkness to, be pre&ent.x;- , ’ ” : Tn viev|| of such services so checr- "fnlly* renderedyfwe-" -have-1- felt..-that' some recognition was due as 'a sin cere token of our appreciation. Will you .bG1' kind enough to. accept, this table, and when you use it in your own home, may it bring-back happy meihories. Signed, ■ ' Wm. Hunter, Cecil Gardner. Miss Helm fittingly5" thanked her friends for their kind thought. A "short prgram was then/Ori'joyedJ/The chairmans .address was given by Mr. G. E. McDonagh; a reading by Miss Elleda Hunter.; Musical selections by Mr. -Charles. Anderson;, solo by JMiss Winnie Andrew, and a piano solo by Mrs. Wesley Ritchie. Lunch was then served. . ' ; Mr.. Lowe-y -uf - Luckn ow-will- have charge of the' church .service '.at Zion . . -. ... /Mrs. Chester Taylor. ■, -who -will spend a few. days with,. . ,them « Mr. and Mrs. Chapman and daugh- Miss Verine-Hawkshaw- of ,Walk. L tor of Trowbniige were visitors witl,, erton spent the week end With her (Mrs. It. J. Woods and Wilson, •sister, Mrs, Archie Graham. r | Mr., A. G. Webb and Miss. Greta' Kathleen spierit Sjunday . afternoon Webb attended the, funeral of her Mr. and Mrs. Archie Graham and 'grandmother, Mrs, James Armstrong, with Miss Anna and' -Bella Ross,. 10th"at Blyt-h on/Friday, with Miss Webb eon, remaining there over the webk end. PRICED $ Q © E (for the Master FRJ^M • ■ - - ■ W O -U ’ 2-Pass. Coupe) Delivered,-fully equipped at factory, Oshawa, Government Registration Fee only extra., See the new Standard Series models priced as low as $712 -' 1 ’ .- - • Sunday, Aug. 25th, at 11 a,m. Master- Cl-iff-ordl/Ka-rmeT -of/LWa^ wanosh is visiting at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reid. Mr. -Edmund Gardner of- Guelph called on Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Andrew last week. WH|TECHUKCH Miss Addi^ Ross of . Toronto visit ed la,st week with her parent^,. Mr. and Mr's.-Mac JRoss. Mr. arid Mrs. Russe/Reid ’of Bram tfor'd visited last week with his moth- ■ her, Mrs. A. Reid. . • ../ -s /Mr., and Mrs,' Wm, J. Coulter and Miss. Flora Coulter called, on Sunday to see their aunt, Mrs,' George- Gil-, lies of Ljuckriow^ who is seriously ill. / There will be'no service/, in/the Presbyterian- church on Sunday,- owing to the anniversary services’ in Langside church, when Rev.. G. M. Dunri of Toronto, a former min ister will preach at 11 a.m. and 7.30 P-.m. The W‘i M. <8. of, the Presbyterian' church are invited to the, home -of Mrs. John McGee near Calvin, ori Tuesday evening, August 27th, when- Mr.. Angus MacKhy returned mis-, /S/on.ary ,. of. India.-twill.. speak on hjs work there. . . ' A highly esteemed residerit' of this community, Miss Sarah -Garbutt passed away on. Tuesday of last : week at the home" of her- sister,' Mrs. Jas', Sutherland. She had! been in failings health for some time, The .funeral was held on Thursday after noon to Wingham cemetery. The: community ' extends their sympathy .. to the bereaved relatives. - , (Intended for last week) , ; Miss Lila. Enirnersdn of 'Wipgham . is visiting, her mother., Mrs. A, Em merson. '■ Mrs, A. Kriight is. spending this week at the. lake at Goderich, Mrs. Ogilvie and. three childreri of 'roronto,—visited—last—week—w-ith—hei5. Father, Mr. John Clubb. MAFEKING .... - Rev. and Mrs. Duncan Guest Master Jimmie of Afkona, who spending the holidays at their cottage a/Bruce'Beach, visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Blake, Thursday. ‘ Mi1, and Mrs. Richard' Johnston and Cec.il and Mr; Joseph Mallough of Lucknow, visited Mr. and Mi?s* Wm. H. Johnston, Exeter on Sunday. The many friends .of Mr. Johnston” will regret to learn’ that he is ill .at present. • y- s, ■; Miss Flora Andrew, of Lucknow and Miss Olive- Anderson, left this we^k op.a‘“motor trip to Northern, Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Thos; Blake and Mis&’ Olive, spent Thursday at London, Miss Grace/ Blake^ (-Who attended Western University this summer returned home with them. /' ■ -x' . J Mr, and Mrs. Ross Carton of Rock wood are visiting, friends in this, /neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Misnet and Nola of Stratford were guests of Mr. and Mrs; Herb- Ctfrran, Sunday; Richard Kilpatrick’s nariie is among those, who were successful'in the summer course in Agricultural taken, at the O. A. C. in Guelph, during the past few weeks, ; " Congratulations are due. tQ Miss •-Winni-frejABlaleer^-d-jfeah -Anderspn- who passed their Upper School ex aminations., . “ , Recent guests of Mr. Will- Cook,' .were. Mrs.' George Gibson, Sr., Mrs. Roy McQuillin and daughter, Tor onto; Mr, and Mrs, Wesley "Alton, London; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jones, Toronto/ and Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Shackleton,_Arthur. Mr. and/ Mrs. J. C. Stothers and -family— and-—Mr-S?.-BaiIey-JStbthers-,of- London, were week-end guests ~of Mr. pnd Mrs. S. B. Stothers at their cottage at Kintail and with Mr, and Mrs. Henry Horton. Master Donald Stothers, who spent the holiday here accompariied his parents home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Eastman ■^^■"cKiinren/UDms^and Phillip^ of Smi i ...i 1 pm fl" yiiiMiimmw^ Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Show Starts at 8.00 P.M. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 1 August 22-23»24 Warner Baxter ■’ J In Under the Pampas Moon A ' SINGING. •• DANCING, “/ ' GAUCHO OF THE MEXICAN^ ' pampas * /■/. also “A BUNDLE OF BLUES” Dyke Ellington and his Band , . POP -EYE- THE SAILOR ind FOX NEWS ■ . '—NEXT WEEK— ' Count of Monte Cristo - fe Mrs.. W. J. McCleneghan is "visit- ;i-n-g~her - brother-,-M-fi-Samuel,-Gar-butt^ Miss Stewart 'of- Lucknow spent | the week-end' with Mr. and. HJrs. Ben Mrs. Chas. Morris of Hamilton and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy of Wing- Mr. David Anderson has returned ;ham. spent Saturday with Mrs. Dav- to his/home here, after, completing , id*-Kennedy. ‘ 1 / a successful summer course at Lori-[ Miss Olive Kennedy spent . last don. - • . - week at the lake. Rojit-._H-Q.p-C.,—visited—-at-the—home.— Mr. and Mrs. George Sanders, Tues- ■ ’ '' ‘ id ay.,--— Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Half and Eve lyn of Kincardine, visited relatives and friends riere during' the week, Mr. arid Mrs. George Sanders and Lottie spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ritchie at Zion. Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Brown, and Misses Ethel and Bertha Brown; call ed on friends in the neighborhood, Tuesday, . Mr, and Mrs, Frank Glenn. and Tamilv -oODu-nga-nnon s.pent Sunday.' ^WC^Y_and~MT5zTI ukhrMn njryzz;; Harold spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webster, Goderich. Miss Pearl' Irvin, and Mrs. Alf. Armstrong, .who. were holidaying at Mr. Will Irvin’s, returned to London,., with M.r.. Armstrong, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Alton and. family spent the’week end in Toron to. Mr. and .Mrs, Sam Jones, who were, visiting relatives here, return ed to Toronto with. them. YOU get the revolutionary new TURRET TOP x<>of of solid steel only on one car in the lowest price field, the.Master Chevrolet. And Chevrolet’s famous Fisher Bodies offer you other high quality advantages, including. Fisher No.-Draft Ventilation. / Then again, only the. Master Chevrolet in its class has KNEE-ACTION wheels.- We know, and owners know, it fakes KNEE-ACTION to give the ulti mate in a better, safer^nde. . .. ’ Most people decide .on Chevrolet on these two counts, alone. . But you car/' add Blue Flame Engine performance—Shockless Steering—and still you . haven’t come to the end of the g,ood things that are exclusive to Chevrolet. The plain fact is, Chevrolet gives so much quality for so little money that you’ll. ' never know how far ahead.it is until you come in today and. drive it! . spent a aunt, Mrs. Jrio. McFarlane. Rev Benson. Qox has returned to New York -after spending the past week at his home, 10th eon. Mrs. E. J. HaJdenby is visiting her daughter, Mrk Wm. 8Wall. ., ‘/ Mrs. Jno., Cox and Mary have, gone to New York where they will spend, a couple of weeks. Mrs. M. Kennedy -and daughter Betty , and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ken nedy of Toronto and Mr. Murray McComb of London,, visited on Sun day at W. Boyle’s. ; BORN—To Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Hald-chby, Toronto, on August 14th,.. a spn, Congratulations., ■ Mr. Jack Graham returned to Anri, Arbourj Mich,, on -Sunday, after' spending the "past, two' weeks with his parents, - Mr. and Mrs. Ilferb Graham arid other relatives. --JBe-UNBAWA^-EST—— .A splendid, .joint, meeting of • the Kairshea and Paramount U.F.W.O. Clubs was held in Paramount hall on Tuesday-, August 20th. Mrs. McGill. V. president of. the Paramount Club, • occupied the. chair. The meeting was opened by singing one verse of.. The- Maple Leaf, followed by the Lord’s • prayer repeated in unison. The sec- -r-etar-yy^-Miss-^Grace ~ Webster, ..then.. .....: read the minutes of the last meeting The roll call was answered by a- guess at thd weight of some one in . the audience. ’ Mrs. "Carruthers ,was chosen^ and everybody, had a guess, resulting in Mrs. Johri Hamilton- be ing the lucky winner. Mrs. Dan Mc Kinnon, president of the visiting club took the ehaif arid ' gave a very . iri"- --rcci-----;— tations by Mary Reynolds and Shir- , 4ey//Robinsb’iF//^n-5/exce1l.e was read by* Mrs. Wm. Eadie On /* “Housekeeping; solo by Miss Kath leen McKenzie; a Scotch dance by Miss Muriel Paterson, of Lucknow; and..la play given by three ladies, Miss Lizzie Robinson and. thex Misses McKinnon. Community songs Were, . “When' you and I were young Mag gie”, “Old' Black Joe,”, and “Arinie Laurie”. The Hower display made a , splendid of flowers, the prize the' program,Ll.unch was served and a hearty vote ,of thanks to the Kair- .-/ shea for the prograin. The Septem ber meeting is to be held at thc home of Mrs. Fred Anderson. Miss Tillie-'Ritchie, made a visit' with h^r cousin, Miss Dorothy Irwin. • Mr. and Mrs. SchoTroth and Paul , and Mr. and Mrs. Alf Shelton arid ?! ;eslie rtf Kincardine were visitors at Mr. and Mrs; Dan Nicholson on Sunday.' ‘ . " ■ Mrs, Clair Irwin is ,a patient in SLJbspph's Hospital, London.' having luffdergorie a serious operation, for < ■^Qifre oh Saturday last and is re ported- as doing favorable. JWe ..hope _z, to see her well again. . Visitors at ' the Home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Webster on ’ Sunda^^^cro Mr. and ^rs^L: S. McNairi, Murray and Bobbie. Mr.’ and Mrs. Pete Cook Mr. and Mrs. S.' Reid; Miss Margaret and Donalda Nich olson are spending a -few. weeks’ holidays with the Sjheltdn- family and .other friends in Kincardine. Mr. , Leonard Webs,ter left on . / Thursday morning for Sask., to work . in 4the harvest. • tt# "...■ . .1 . - ■ ... DENTON MASSEY SPEAKS Addressed M<onster Rally In Wing ham Arena Friday .Night. Friday was within half ,a degree of being one of the hottest days ’of the year to' date, but that did riot • hinder a monster gathering from assembling within the. confines if the Wingham. arena, ’to hear Denton Massey , , Qonsfervative " "organizer, •speak in the interests of Mr. George SJpoiton, /Consei’vative meinbor for North Durbin. r Mr., MasSey, who7 for a number of years has won distinction gis the . ; teacher of the York Bible Class, sp’dke forcefully oft" |Fi(iday nl'ght, upholding th,e/ Bennett ' adininistra- tiori. He> predicts .a Conservative wictory' througk;“Ganada~ anti stated, 'that. the swing is at present . toward .Conservatism- . , / - , ’ Following the haddress, free dances . . were staged in the Aijcna and Aim dries with Mr. Spotton as host. Reddy fqr , immediate delivery. GM AC Terms ■DUNGANNON 4th CON.. KINLOSS Mrs. Douglas Graham spent the' week .end with friends" in Toronto. Miss Mary Graham of Guelph is spending her vacation on the fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McConnell' of London/ visited last week with Mrs. McMurchy. . ■’ Miss Marion MacDiarmid of .Lon don visited this week with ' Mrs. McKenzie. Sfifts. Annft Graham of Toronto Is spending a fo> days, with her par ents, Mr. .and Mrs.-A, Graham/ Miss .Hannah McDonald spdnt the week end with .Mrs. Jones,