The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-08-22, Page 3EVERY DAY LI VINE of shootings,- homi- The Rocking Chair .A— Glassified was at..’ hand. Time A WEEKLY TONIC " by Dr. M. M. Lappin CELL, -‘CENTURY” ORIGINAL GEN-. . ' uine. leather • ties. '.Fancy' col6r?& ■ patterns, look like silk; washable, dur­ able, wrinkle-proof, sell on sight." Bfg ■ profits. Write Dept.' W, Emery Brds'., ’. .[.E.^Q^B.Ojfa^JA,™QxXaA\^-,-^Gn=tT.~=====^===i=-.-^-..- pjisTRiBUTORs wanted to sell ■ • New Scientific Idea -of Freservlffg Fruit., For .full information write W1 Jahr, 195 Church St., Toronto.,' To Ban “Domestic” Revolver x Should Be Next Safety Step Happy' Indeed is the woman who has as many changes of clothes as , 7bhe hag p? mird.^ I Young Woman^-If you don’t, leave, " the'' house immediately, I’ll call’ the Whole- police department, to ,come and put you-^outN ■ Ardent Ybuth^My dear., girl7 it -^gould take the whole fire department . - )w put ipe out, ; . §0IL EROSION L I’ :'■’ . ’ ! Hordes' of gulliefe now remind u,s wg . . should build our'.lands to stay, ' '' , And, departing, leave behind .fields that-will not float away. Then when sons assume the mort­ gage, on the land that’s -had our They’ll not have th ask the question; ■ . ““Here’s ^he farm, ;buf where’s the soil? ' , G.ertie—I think its a shame to send -those, nice sailors to China. What will they do there? PeggyL-Good Heavens, Gert! Ain’t yotyitfwer been out with- a sailor ? The honeymoon is ^Ver, gentlemen, when yoifr wives ..'start complaining about .the npise you .make getting breakfast. (From the Cklgary Herald) The coroner's inquiry’ into the re? cent tragedy at Shaughnessy whfen a young, lad was shot and killed by a playmate resulted in a recommend­ ation that the dangerous practice of bpys playing with toy guns and file­ arms-should be discouraged in every •way possible. - ' The" many . accidents, arid even fa­ talities which- result- from this cause lend emphasis to the warning. The incident , at Shaughnessy, moreover, should lead adults who possess fire- ..arrns Of any kind to ke.ep them .be-, yond tbe reach, of child-i/en. . When compulsory' registration, of firearms was’ decreed by/ an amend- < men’t last year to the Criminal Code, there , was a surprising revelation, as to; the number of ^feath-dealing weapons to be found in this atad' other centres. In many cases re^ sentment was, expressed over the necessity of haying to expose own­ ership. The. usual excuse for keeping le­ thal weapons in the home is, 'the need of protection". But the many­ tragedies that occur-due to the handiness ‘of a gun in a home, either as the res.ult of its being purloined, by children to play with; or aecasiow- ally being a- conveniently . handy meiins of defence in the possession pf nervous persons, indicate .that there is’more menace than security in the possession of deadly weapons. Dr. Gqprge P. LeBrun of New York, forthirty-five years in the office of "the chief medical examiner of that city/said recently.-that.' he has, come into contact "with •thous-i ,andS" of cases of shootings,- homi­ cides; .suicides and accidents,, and many, of these were-caused' just be­ cause a pistol . ..7 __7,._. ___ and again, he said/ he haA'J pointed "out „that ar revolver in a home., es­ pecially where there are children, “is a real danger, • .'•»■' / The . registration of " “domestic’.' firearms should be , only • a first step toward, a really intelligent-.an.tix- weapon law. There should be total prohibition of the possession of death-dealing' weapons, -exbept those Used”for sporting purposes, for ; all outside tjje classes who' maintain law and order.• ■ '.’•■ -HP? -M-I’W W _M JW ,R Stranger—What are you digging for?-' ' , ; Workman " (looking up)—Money. . Stranger (surprised)—And when do you expect to strike it? • Workman (as he resumed his toil) —Saturday.' _jHelen—You say they arrested . that ■‘..dancer for no-cause at'all ? ------Ferily—N'o-jlr-f-o-r—-n.o—ga-u-ze~at-za.U^... Some, woman .can remember, their’ . husband's1 first kiss, while .others •can’t rememb-er-' their first- husbands. ' "A---------. ■ •■ - ' The workman was.' engaged in ex- .. eavating operations'.: The curious. - ■ ifcrangcv-|pvas- looking- on :-........ SPRAINS • - ’• ' f ■ Rut? Minard’s in gently. . It , penetrates • so re ligaments, allays inflammation, soothes, heals. , Puts you on your feef J .g.r44e—-Q.hr--J-adv^;tla.dj-i.ig,/±_is'--alL.; just like' a dream, is .it not? 1 Groom., (who has. been hit .with an .old sh.ee,. got rice down his. neck, and ■ forgotten the railroad ticket)—It’s, so long since I have dreamed of any­ thing but you’ that I cannot really say. . . A awTKEmjagegE KING OF PAM ’ THERE IS EITHER A’WAY OUT — OR UP We live in a strange world. And there are two ways of going through It. Yoii can , either- walk bravely through it on.your own'feet,, ok, de­ pending upon 'someone elfe.e, you’ can hobble through it on a crutch. '? A. young , ma.n of twenty, ’.in good 'healbh„ and fine physical condition, left .High School two'years ftgo atjict has -done nothing since. He writes to, me-don’t know what I aim go­ ing, to do'., with -iny life.’ Th pro's, no chaiTce for' a young , fellow' like me? .today,” ■ ..•► ’■ /■' -, ■., ■ ■ "Well, a* letter like that almost makes, me smile.‘If soip.e older folk. Jla.d taken t^at attitude at twenty, I wonder .w,hat would ..have become of them.. 'Where' would they be today,? •Frankly, the fellow who .talks about ■•“■beihg given a chan.ee” strikes.-me as one looking for a crutch with to hobble through life. ■ Now I recognise that times have been hard and that this js a queer World. The-ecbnomic situation is •still a little strained, and" jobs', are ' perhaps, scarce. Moreover, it is .true that,, to, a great • extent, . .machinery1 . seems to .have replaced manpower, and that does create a modern di-- fficulty. Biit-—-and tfiis. j;s what 1 try to impress upon all young folks who come to consult me, Initiative,. F’erseyerence,..- Independence, .In^ppu- j’ty,. Self-reliance, . and ' Courage to/ 'dare and to do are riot-exactly .out­ worn virtues' in . the' .world. Wherever they are brought into play they have ■their own*'reward. ■ . .■ .. To this, young man, and to others like' him, .1 want to say—Don’t 'wait •lor a' chance.' Go out and make a chance forf yourself. .Some folk’s -might want to tell me . that I' don't know, what' l am talking about when I say ’thafi . Well,- at all" V rkit s'' I '' have'the -backing" of his-' ■tory.' Mon have been successful in the .past 'ev’en wiiei^, " hard times hafl ■struck the world, but su’ch ihen.were seldom.., given a chance,. They simply? .Iraiued thernselves’ to recognise, op­ portunity, and whenever opportunity came their wav they seized it.and made l'ull use of dt. ■ . ■ ' . .....ifii'cce&s?.'-ne’ver-’'-'. -conW".. -6yCLe]3ath.ceV- ' A man just doesn't jpinp tp success ■ Tll’Dar^nT^bWTrnlT-ST^^ t:,lined by -initiative, perseverance,. ■ P’N'.b: and hard'-work. ' r-j-pg-^'y great nien?reach f'd and kept " • • ■■ \Vcre .not .attained by . sudden ’ claide" St. W’1 .flight; | - LL. But' 'tiny, while., their companions ; envelope for reply. •' . siep.t, ■ • size BIG vo/«e BIG satisfaction BEN THE PERFECT Shewing Tobacco J. J. Montague in N.Y. Herald • . T.Ubune. . . (On learning "that, as a piece ,of fui'jniiur^, it is soon td 'be •'.discontin­ ued) ' ; The -rocking-chair, . the. rocking-chair, That’graced the1 old-tiihe ‘‘setting .room”;; In dreams-1 st'il'l^can see it there r' Half , hidden .. in- the- misty gloom, “K"';was‘''my".gTAatiYs't':j?oy^ f As it reposed beside the wall, But it was’ .rarely occupied- 1 isiefept when people- came to call. . Arid then' we fancied 'it outshone ' The trappings of a .regal, throne. ' • /The. rcckiijg-chair, the rocking-chair, We children gazed on it by stealth;" Its covering ’of coal-black hair / To us. betokened houu-d.l,ess wealth. ■Behind it hung, be'ne-atlr a frame; .Where -all the-vicinage might view-, •T^e . portrait of some,..stately 'dame,. Though. who she was we never knew,.. . But she .possessed' a. kindly grace A™rph;a-t—;se&mod—:tQ-—l-ig-hwi — u-p- th e* 'pl^ce. . i ' ' . f’m .fond' of England,.' FYancc • and; - ■ ■ Spain, . ■' _■ . ■•. ■ .■ '. But: while I wander 'h<vc an-dLth-^e- One mental picture 1 'retain,'. • And that is-Unit old’ rocking-chair. I hear it in the running streams' - That murmur, ■ ■ tirelesfe, through the- day, And often in- my waking <lr<-a.ms < . It comes to me from„far away, That song, -though- quite devoid Of art,. ‘ ■ ■' ' . Will, live forever’ in my 'heart.. ■ . might’’. You are in this world- for some .definite purpose.-And' there is a job-f-or-iy.ou^o-^l-^ sameYVh^imr'-Ybu-r-' business .is to find- thait "job and then -, do afe: well as you can. For' young .-folk such as this young man th.ere is always'a way out.'.Re­ member — . •. .Satan finds, some inisehief still ■For . idle lmn^s. to do” . and' Took'"out "for the i'ittl'e'ocfd"' job's that ■will keep you jjusy. Go in for- some definite study. ', Keep the' mind pc-', ■cupied. And tfien,' when, the opening . presents itself, go through ■ it with '.fli'e assurance'that you'have not. only found the way out, bu<t'also-the wky up——and climb, for ■• “therd ' is 'al­ ways room at .the.top." l- Note.:.Th*6 writer of this column is a . trained. works. FIe is willing to deal'with. your, problem s arid give ypu the’bene­ fit of his pvide; experience.-Questions regarding prohlpms..nf .l7lArl-I.R VI)A Y_ There is a.-tradition of service at­ taching to the name./‘Royal Cana- - di an Mounted’’ ■ of ■wliieli.; a-ny—force in’ the .world might; well be proud and the name of wihich ■ that . tradi­ tion is a part should be preserved in action.' " r ADVICE TO YOUTHFUL LOVERS: He.who courts and docs not wed .May have' to go jo court instead. ; • ■ ____ ___ ___'. She—I showed the doctor the place where my garters had been .pinching. jle—And what did h.c giv’e you?.. . Qr<?kJds..v.,,-. ....„• -. .....;__ Wheit'..you ’ speak; to other people for' their good, it -is.''ihfluenc’e. Whw other -people - speak to- you. for your . own go0(1?.It .is '.inferference'.'' " ' Youth—At 'the bewetr da st--summer I flirted with a; girl anil she called an officer.. . . ‘' ' -Friend-—Lucky dog! I also 'flirted with one last summer and she called a preach or.' . • ■BIVINQ„.slLCTTri-d""’b'e ' addressed to-:— ..Dr. -M. AL Lappin, Room 421, 73 AdT '7’* Toronto; Ontario. En- | close a 3 cent stamped,, addressed .piNEST . AND LARGEST SELECT" ■ , herd -in N°'rth 'America, genuine, Labrador, Yukon, NortheTn Quebec,- ■^■erra—J'j\'Ib’U1?N^Ti'niF"^.Far^^,■', ~ .Limited, offices, 132' Ncw’th N Tav. ’Street,- y' 'Fort AVilliara, 'Ontario, Canada. ai- his of. mriny orders iii praciicaliy parts of the Dominion.' , Wife—-No, Henry. I don't think a manicurist Should, 'marry, a •dentist. _—Man^Aml--A3±tw.....ri.bt ? . " • Would Keep. Old Name ■"'.... i '' — L,'. ’ ’ ' Sault Daily Star.' ■ Naturally "Sf.r James MacBrieif’s */ £ * mb HQ£? .Cool off Z^r' with. Bubbling Refreshing /. Small Tln35c, Largo Tin 60c, Extra Larjje Bottle 7Eo,/' -I- Sootth4WureerTEM7f-Ne'wctisd<yupdrr-!Fj'iie,-Enif; - ) ■ Distributed in Canada l;y • ’ McGillivray Bron.- Limited; Toronto. ■ 54 '>—r------------------------------- -———=-—————— .Wore toiling upward-in-the night.’.’ . You can follow their' example .by. ■fifing exactly. aS' they (fid. ■ keep.’ ycrii-feelf fit- ,Train yourself-to. recog­ nize opportunity,' arid by persistent effort, work-and study,, prepare yopr- 'st'lT for' making' the be-t- of■ ■ wpnor-y provides an hon- or hlC, ^QyipthrAl ip-j. .What.xRatlcrs.itJf':in-tliis:iueclian- '*Whatsoever _ tliy I j'cal ago “out of jour force of. 2,900 men we'have-'only 3'00 mounted men. now"? . The» fact'is that-the . name “Mounted”' is recipientwith.. .history and is famous- thro'iigri'eut the world. The Ottawa Journal.puts it thu£:’ •’ . .'. That might suit the “prac-. tical’’ 'and. “t.fti ci ent’1’ ' .Ideas. «. of ■ certain' .people;1 it', would be 7re-' ■ pugpant, to the- ldeag 'of the Canadian people. Ther<? is some­ thing of memory and challenge, and Inspiration-; , .rial’s advice to authorities', offered '. -faith, is that the Canadia n Mounted . strictly alone. ■ . and The Jour- . the -proper in every good name "Royal Police” be let wx*w>»v-- K, V.«^.'OC*XAV»S • Snthiudl speckiS&tseii tke "NtfiieSlunv- In- the hearts of mankind thc horse still reigns- supreme. Probably, nowhere on the. continent can . * be found suclj an outstanding array of thorough­ breds and standard breds ... glittering “Cavalcade” of famous riders of the ages.. . .hunters, jumpers ; , and military mounts... every class and breed, from Shetland to Shire, parading* in' all ther glory of deck ' grooming and smart trappings. General .• iidmiijsion 25c. Reserved, scats 50c (tax extra), on sale at special ticket office, 65 Yo'ngc St., EL. 2-720 and at Mobdey’s, 90 King St. West, EL. 1098. COLONEL F. H. DEACON. ' ELWOOD A., HUGHES- '. President General Mtinoser “I’ve Proved Safe st Any Speed’ .., . .1 winnir- of ' this year's gruel­ ling 5X)0-tnile In­ dianapolis Speed- ; way Race. Z —. . . ....... =1 ITCHOS TORTURE . popped iiistot-ly ' ' D. D,. D. Prescription Speeds Relief — i i....... ■ ■■ ■■' ............................ai '.I i1 Even the most stubborn itching of' eczema, pimples, mosquito or other insect- bitts, -rashes'and-many Other skin afflic­ tions quickly yields to Dr. Dennis’ purc\ cooling,.liquid, antiseptic D. D. D. Pre­ scription. Forty years’ world-wide success. PeriCtraf.es the skin, soothing a"nd helfl- ing the infla.med tissues.,' No fuss — no muss. Clear, grcascless and stainless.’ . It dries up almost immediately. Try D.D. D. Prescription"now. Stops themost’ intense itching instantly. A 35c trial bot­ tle, at any drug store,.’is guaranteed To ■ prove it-—or motie'y back." D. D,"D. is made by .t-he owners of Italian Balm. every community are records of individual sets, of tires, but Firestone liave been proved for six­ teen 'years in the 500-mile Indianapolis 'Speedway. Race. Fearless drivers who ' stake life and victory on; tires choose Fir’estone, as the safest’ and most en­ during. Accept with confidence the recommendations of these, men—FirOstone are safe'for them and safe for you. See the n e a r e s Firestone Dealer todav. V • . . . • / > . DO YOU WRITE? • DO YOU SKETCH? DO YOU ENTER PRIZE CONTESTS? DO YOU WANT THE BEST MARKET FOR YOUR ’ .WORK? ■ . < . / ‘ OUR MONTHLYISERyipE IS TfiE ANSWER. A Sample Sheet'for 10c. . A Month’s Service 30c, * A Month’s for $1.00. 12 Month’s for $2.00 giff Raker -39 lee avenue. Toronto, Ont.