The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-08-22, Page 2^Aaa&Sisaa* vl Birikerk .in ’-.gtauk^tx£i*w&n. •Jfcp&t .op ( ■. iSQ-sp 'yet' become an unknown'. spbrt . It .sUtrald be; remembered'..'that enfmL eer^jAre -never 'kfl-k-d through •&. (jol-; -., lision with .22 avomorJ/K..^. ', . .. ’ , ■ ’ . Chatba^~L’-ewk. Interns*ional Race ' Annual Event .CANADA " - CRPSSING.CRASHES ■' 'I -.Im spite 'p.f re pea.ted warnings.-there a£e' stilL'mauy sotoisisI who . -defy . . trains. ■ Hacim-g . to ’ tHe -•cr^SEing' has ■. other pa.trGzcs whe- uy • sfmp y„ ph-g- h*vj.tie iaxeguig-; sty unifk-I stand/ ^riM. be,, enable-d . to, enjoy tpe ■ ' '-T-HQulebee Chrt-nitie-Tetegrepa , -----s_ ’ • COSTLY STRIKE ’ ... —rFk, -cost . the Sa:'kaT.che-wan" .aa-d ■Dominion '. s-om-er5r=‘L- '0<4y.td p&y ..^arksh-stay. of relief camp, ■the; Ulis were meuryau in •Reg-mi, where ’Ate r,‘dt respite-i'--a one pollce- hmm beiifg beaten to death. ■'. The Federal C-OyerA^tpt's .Faare 'was' SI'jtKm) pay for expex^es -cur- GOOD ADVICE • A driver was ■ swatting -a -bee that flew through ■ his''.window.; .his car struck a'1 pedestrian,- and ..York Town- . . . ' . ■ \ >■> . . ■ . ' 'shjp'''pdLce "deyd-ed -wl a-. .- ,of reckless 'driving. ' The bee""can . -scatcely -be ,pr.oseeu.te-d as an acces- ■ ■ sory ■ befipre ’ the fact, n but the occur­ rence offers -warping to other motor­ ists. .-.If. .and when, a bee creates .a 'nuisance, bring vour -auto to a hau.lt . before taking action to get-“’■rid of ’ .him. —-.Windsor. Daily-Star. ■■■ take a chance ' '—— The".cars that are . annually' ' wteek-ed in.accidents and go .to the- .juahmah in the ' th. 5. aad Cana4a would make a solid ’ line up ■ .from Toronto to lfontrea.1 if ,a- compilation is;correct that ab^ux •!<X't0jXi.cars■ are .'yearly inv-Qired.-' ’•chance; 1’1.1 buy the junk,’.'-was justt-. • fied- Ottawa to-ihterlew the- Goreenmeau ’The rest of the bill i*as apppriioetd to- Saskatchewan■ to'- pay -for pgah, The -cast for transpsrtaupn akme com.es to 520,930. ■ • ' But.-that is just, the monetary..cost of the. relief, camp 'strike. The value of - the' life «cf the dead 'policeman cannot ,be -computed .in dollars and cents,' ‘Neither ca;n there .be placed-___ a . valuation -on., the .woundsand ■ ip- juries to.- thousands of hearts , and Bat whatever-the .precise, complex'ica The Interhauonai YacrLrL Tropiy,. donatey f , . ................Halifax Herald and.The' Halifax Mail. • This-trophy goes fo> 1.935 to the -winner of tr.e Po’rLand-xo.-Ha.ifax race.' Theprace is V? be am annua, event-.. . jy.. ——. bodies. Those are th,eng--' that"'make I of the next Canadian House pCCim-'l , ..----------/.-------hiThjch * moo-s it-wEl -cleariy offer'li-.tl* s. ]'to those who bee-ve that in. t.e"- -|... .T'r.ere■ are so .mm'ny''differer.: dealing, with, toe hair'-, csesti-to- iu?x .now. ;ha: :- .'L r. T .Ltoimt e erm t tosm h jre -■ .-i-rre .parton* may' ..’•enxi-e frer.m'-'kr..:-'; e: ’ e- *i: er.m.e a. ■: .A- well;. 0' -, or; fr.e. ’.ef-.. ■ -:r 'at -a ■ ■:r.e'Y'-.de ' of t-x.e -■ V.'her.1-a'harxim -me hajr?. t ft e r. i . ty...-anroa® toe: ..tm ■' .n-;-.-;r.s -r. j -curls and, t.-at-L, 'r.e a frir.fe'or. cr.e ir'eat.’-' ■, ' . . On,wholel th* term Vre-s. the fr*r.r of '.he -re t-o draw -he hair ' t:war-,tS ■ar/d'' to purst int* cn-ris ■.yave.'Q^ia'h uo atross to.-e- least part ■ d: her earto- . Everyone '* - .peak ' it ■'. encouraged by ■fedr=abie -'p-leted bwoshundred "and sii'-y^Sre’ tw**n a x'.lt.tude -ef cy-iw'ser?. -Tr-;-.1'"JiJ years of -unbroken trading in' 'tots landJh.as .’estab.-toed a ^-Tiw?;*, J;T^_' TJL'‘' Dominion bz 'Us.* -.issue on th* part reputation- for its ton.'-oughh-re-s and I J-“ . " ' ' toe 'company-'of. i'-s nrit oScial hxznteys.Jhe expert t-rid* in toe *'i-7,v_‘'" animals is a vai table'asset. .To more .; than twenty. cttatrieJ t-•.j.toe.-. ,'.■■■ - *d Ktogdcm w* ^h.;. j*hy etp. .’mber ci at-r’est a:..... ! -<-ue_e va.-.- '.**,= * *x,.r ■ , £ 2 -.*■.- •. ••■■ ;-*r ■ 2-u- impressions oh -the---minds and which , moa>, it .-win clearly, offer Little ,s;. m.-.-' cannot be erased -by. money. ' ' 1 -—Windsor Star.; tariffs and economic natior-ali-sm 1A< . • ■____i_ ' ' ‘ ; the way 10 a-vhew prosperity for the hL-^lm-V<^R DECLARED2 — ' ■ ’ Domimom '.' Hair Styles ways S l- -..-■- -■■ 1 -is’the earwig. This^J" ______' insect look- up its 'rest. ,. . 1 • - '' ••,• about 20 years ago and ’ THE HORSE, IN IRELAND swarm of descendants’ ' In thl?. Country* the o;rs'-?/st.';J hAto',' been; playing haVoc .with- its ground.- Between U'A ' and li-Zi' of vegetation. They have, the decrease was ckiys -^r __ ____ ___ te-.'opoa .plants, and; Tcge^thaia. 'f.even-. per./denx, jran^p.-r: ■ tj JT"*U" J” J tables' vrith at 'K'.tie ;d:3:er:m!t.at:cn .'has no:-’developeL -tj the same ex--.-- •r ■ ■ .- .'a= a "Chreago -gangster-'.leadersocwa- te_’. tacr*.a.' as a-cro-s-s- tn* |[?d in. his- predge-.tous -activities. .But -Chanr.eh and.' ow..*g ,-S L'fig;'.- •'just *= the depredations of the garg-v arit-y in-, *: ;r.: m:? c ns be-xw^-^n - ster . reached'. a pc mt which forced' th*. • «••; ■ 'bcuhtr-i.e«. -a r.Cg'd rnh-ht- th* law authorities to devts* -agencies in ' the - n JXEper >f h-'.-rse^ maintain--1 - mptboable. Ta*, .firmer. mu*r _____ . _ ., . Ho.dings 'measures • which in time- it is hoped are - w.th very few -.exc-eptio-p*. ,to*. ■ ^Ope^tions. . ■■ ■ -VictorU^m^- 'toFjheppreas* and topkeep .of ^trac- ~£^*p femSlme i>i'.a'j^a cressec gp't'">" '■ ■•----- ------:----- -------—y-----1—yy*—A...v* rrr^. chap -i^oe-s ' th* ' men of to* ? ' . ' CANADIAN PIONEERS ■ ' may op?m Rotors, cat L woam ; _ -r=r.-—Lf-"r=gr* - -b.,- Cam24iana™^xe,.:..r'snnxto*d_.AhaL^.^...^ '■ tit T^aiLsatoArUmis api-X ^£'^s’ c/Batisfactory. worktop ^‘Aem .as, oe- " ■ r-.s_ A - pieced fcwo/huhdre-d "and sixt-y^re . xw*-*2 a mAx.toCe-;f o.mwsem. •?•-- of .unbroken trading in 'this land .has .estto..toed a wtriLw?> of men ..and boycost&iiy A’td’r The'-Canad .an people spend'mc-re in'.a yea? on antom-ofe.e-s-nhan toe-y ■-dor on".-.Ctog for .toe,-. itoU ran up ■’/>■:- yr -mor* 'than--on-'ap;:am,\ 'There .y- . a -emmrss dtoerente', :n the prar-A if hoy-g -by men- apd women. T*. *'.’v omen l’§eT ■ -E&®ch- -ef y.—e ---r-fe-erecrto d-e- ^20 Enemy No. . -pestiferous N*yfhcs it--..clearer.’ thj/an- that- our ‘ -roa-is.'ar-x'.a . menace, to ;iief The pie-•'^ .destrian ku-?ers most. Tbe-'/r-eokless 7, \ &'e faat’oriveTs-—of-which youth 'furnishes -5’/rL’'^or?. forts to maktytbi^ rbkdis safe Lav.* re­ sulted im a gtostly 'failure. A ,."i. When atr.horito&5 stop.’palter-' ,in.g . with. slaughter; drivers VilL ~ be-gto? to-' realize That', each :one'4 of tbeip 'drives- a .• potential death ma- . '■■•Game.- 1 —Sauk Star. .1 ■ v cge^rhah . -,.e the law authorities to devise •agencies, in for his destruction,, so the earwig has here is .'cau-.ed'the-mob’/ization of dei'easite always reiy oa theJaor~e . OJ>b" *. cf ■ ‘ h At cry >p;ac* ■?,= 1'67'1. ‘Probably .ergam-satio: 'a-r*tc2^_. . made*, and 'history :n‘ to* 3tory of to* Dom-^ J ■ 1’6$*.-. alter . having *; •.*■■ to*-upbuilding A:'to*- 'Domm:** 'pan = .on-J .. .........- to JJ' '' ...a.tod*^*.L ac-orporation-- in x-a de, LSE LICENSE PLATES - - a i *» L7<?' > - ‘ e:ti ~ ’■••■ ’ ' W * - p.*£ A *. y(: 'fi K :i y ? ■ <f c Ah '-AL LEGZ '. i 'y • ■•i \ c ■ K no. './‘ber' commerctal sation inithe w-zl'd’teas =u<?h • U ■rd. i-o show tus.xe.ss and -rc~ .ermingle: w'.nen in r_tr.tcited' mere a y<.zslferable ': For' not «long' ago POTS eiceece't num.' There’ sL 'ms. i 2 •of jsfittc* aid fiqurty. an* car r.*d.-tout r.z.-coa'. *xplcr-a*io* "-'to. 'The £a*t India Ct to pa tty alone affords ■ an? sort s parallel dm A-r.ory./aSt :t.s was marred by many fear.ores ■ wht'.h' i orttinately have. not 'lurreff - Hto-o*‘s Bi" * stcb.ecn. ■ ?*a< Star. “ £ “C.OST OF • Cost ■/. Lt", w;to a wid- To-’m'. fit 0 i * ;• to.uAs to* amt to* i* *-.-?* oi • 'to to ;;toet • ity ft; a r*'.-.y_. " -•??. to" LIVING'' •'.a 7<g.:e' degni- ■■..-.t. ci i oar- pay -.rme~t r.e- pz.. j■’.me­ '- g " 1 rang* tb«» 3J.‘Z 12". • 3:. t '<■ THE EMPIRE . THE T. S, -'SCOURGE •A to-It* Ins'.: R.yi; oe: -.•’. C . .-•■ at E'. : ■■ : .'. t.'.i .; .a Light Traps Beetles £auerkraut: for Wgh “°’d K“ ' A New Device:: U.seJ -To^Ki-ll On A Baneful- Asiatic J-1- •' Insect.' . ------------------------------------------------- - - ^ ....-------^..^.3..^..... ‘'KiCin-c ~r.e brown Asiatic beetle •J like ikying xo dre-wn a fish*,*’- says. sure,, -:. Tomatoes: for' bile, rheumatism and -liver trou-bl'es.' " Unpolished?'irice: for body build ing. ' :r . ' , ■ . ' Vermicellis for ' gaining- weight. < • easy -to .be, to* I mren , -*-* down ■ ;*fe* met irnes down d'i. or. -he rlchL.toji ---- , irDan'klfi ’acrosa'.i'a Westinehouse engineer-, Samuel G. , top o,f the head.' l'H.ibbem_ Th* reason, is- that the *■ ’id. :-:-w hh cm* s:--*. : beetle- digs into th* urpund ,:m--day- carr.'c-f very SEaX-to*..tirp* ar.d comes ,qut at nic-ht to. de-- ^..f'.th* tofc-a.L,pcT-"*.x*ur. fJiaJA. ^J; .. .'.Jc'J.;.L_. '.J'"."., tj'■ waves ■ til]••• th* ' ihe bfrfi-.i*. no bigger than a cof-. to to. t'here . m.ay ; fee - ■bean-, probably' came >o - this' i.J* -tf ,'h* fere-c>jn-fry in toe roots', of. the Japa-- -Jnesfi iris or of ;.so'me-.similar plant- *. tender. :-y. is to -. Poisons have -tou's far. . proved -in­ to* -read''simr/ly--. l.effc;:t-':ve in- stopping its'-^depreda-'. ;w*~<t5,<to* bacxA ti’.tms.. .So th*' Westinghouse engi- curts -‘Or teep : r.fifirs and the entomologists of the, ^Tto-L^ht into' trapsA;'-' ' 'Japanese.- agriculture.resU.*._ - .are wjk.. „ r-ortirular tvav-nn frn-T»rn. X E-'eoartme-r.t of 1,Agricukurb decided 1L..z^y.ai^ycress: for—s-la:n--trFO'U-fe'l-esv;—>»—•q- • X Y and Z fo'r health, spend a da; '.J once a'month in'bed. . : Rice and Japan’s Economic Life. ' '■ In -yi'e-w of the prolonged negoia-. tioii's between Canada and Japan, the following ."extract, on t/Je1 Japanese/ \ economic cand-iti-oiis of agriculturia . from, the 1933-34-report .of .the'Inter. • . national Institute' of Agriculture may be of .interest,..It is needless 'to ra- pea-t here, says 'the report, that the *k to.fi part-, nt Or at the. ■ wh*xh*r .there, ar* or 'arfi not as**?.'of e-urto a* the back • or. a- frine* ’in.front, th* hair line is.:m^;* .clear anr dfifir.'.-.* at or.*. po:r.t cr ~ ' anothfir.' ... "' ' .' . Th* i'c-st ■ffit.ad it' prtoamly. cor.s*- rtt "he-jack-f'tto-the-fac* 'hat 1 ail its iis^r-.ahT tohsiris which' w a g "-’O-d.' f.*al of -, th*, btow. 1 Fl* sear ch showed that the best w.hat -comes.’irom 'a special mercury wamTr-da-mp. I*. ■-■■s-- -n't'’h---’-i-H.-- ultra-.- v:o-ev' rays,, .which .seem to be espe­ cially alluring t->©' th'e insects. Oh to* grounds' of a . country club near Sprinirfi-el-ii. X--J-'. as many as 36,000 beetles ,'we re" thus, trapped, in a n'ighf. '. The bu-’s "are "attracted--' by -the. glow, fly around' it, collide, with "■.affle plate? -and' fall.'- stunned', through a funnel into a jar; ■■ Su'dh is the ___ ... traoweT cannQp- flv ■ outl against LesideS. the mouth -of . Jthe jar rain of ‘ beetles 'that, the it. is in- in quite a particular way on. two pro. ducts only: .rice- ah^L' 8ilk. Alth^irgh' there lias been-evidence in Japan in recent years of _p. certain tendency . . to emerge from . the *'Tice-grolwihg economy” charapteristjc of its econ. .oniLC structure hitherto, It is. ungues- ticnabl.e tljat .riceVemains, neverthe­ less',- the mo;t important' product o.t - lite whole economic life of. Jjapatt. It' must bp added, in ordfer. to see thb problem nio^e clearly, that when we. speak aftice. we mean- Japanese rice, that is to. say, rice produced .^.n. - Japan properly 'so-called.' Th.e Japan- , es0' people find th at f-oreign ric hot the. taste of .the home-grow F •n ar; Ean£ . —,*r..-h Ir, re per.’ter.' D',- ‘ —r----—----—>------’ ' ’ ■/ Underfed Children and Overfed Adults In - Great B r i t a i n /? .". X JL L Tar-.,.--.'. .—Ar. J-Fr rent, ■ease :r the r.arr.ber of,'i’rnttor tie ■ at..: de.'?. - . Jurlr.z the-, fir--: 1.7-.z-r.c--?rr.p-are-:. v.-;,th . ,-j-rresx.r.l.r.z period in tr " ’•"- •Tre.^ Wayfarer”.. Sported' -r:-;a .puil or Oa O', e;-,.ea-.. ' pv'-rh^~E".-ottr vehicles' branch ivers^ax League,' says :t%f 'rjr.^r.9 jJepartmer t’ of High- 3 er.t/ 7 and 3.G71. : -pTfenTr-Wrii ^vivh i-t. Only .in famine.year?, the price of rice is too high. x ~ F" cias$es of, the populhTi.c ?d to replace bome-grow ported' rice which in vol v- attract h-o-wed.- ■ , pa ra­ th us in the j called neliotropis Light .does.- not. ad to otor wmi"ptoert m.tocti If a.to or. the m,otor iyz-s-- them peculiarly make? flight impossible 'i'r.e.of the -rays. - Many insects are ' affected in tqis manner. Tbe real I problem *'is • therefore to develop a t mwhich w;iii. cripple tl.ie harmful rather. than ire -beiieficiai insects. 'Ajtoarently that problem has been solved satisfactorily .for tho-destruc- tion of the J^apancse beetle. ' ABC of Health ■. . ‘ -. • % ’ . . . ■ —------------ . The Medicinal Wil'ue ‘Of --------- tip' i-s, dually to- he- nerve: y arn ■ only fl when ' Aha con- T-ica • . because pt • n,P< st bi- its lower price, jg within their power to purchase. In rcce-iit years the J.ap- anose colonists - have succeeded .in improving the quality of. Lite rice pro-' * duced in. Korea and Formosa and the pressure of colonial rice' .proluhtion ■ha< already begun to be felt on.the., domestic 'market. ■' -,’ or ■ai v-e- nx tle'^->7/ the- prete::-' a .bulletin r.-'the“?r:ct'.-r - .a ,.ne 'Or.ta'r.o Uepartrr.e: ’.■Ways'. There'' were ’ pufire if. pe-io-i ir. 1 ! :n 3 934. ■ For .June. e-,-'.'Uc-n*.T -for TL>o. .r.-.ed ?■ : A’. ; ,;.3 per , er.t. ;r.- .., ,_L a.rti,2....t.he -ameo'pe.r-i-/. t-ehe 1 ... ;.-ornjar^ with-42. n tioe ?r.z rr.er.tr. “Jt 1 ■'■>Lb . T?ere . we:e - 1 7*.^ fat-i t.rlr.r tre six rr.ori'4-. « . •*'> .■?, 3 '3 e z. 3 >3 3. nr.; Lohdon.- wQrrgr, ; ,e -ed by ihe Overseas Le ii." e-*-. r"ua*.ed V at - or.e ^per cer.t of e cm. or er. .r. G ■•?’_; B.-itain. .are ,unle;-fe.‘. . ■' .■ “Tr, •.■ ■ c;-.',e>5 "r.tt --t.-h j “a high ,ne. - '•.e-r.'.ai-e ; ’it js r. t*.'but.-r.-> rhilcrer. ■ at.i y<: v'■ ■'J* ■ shu'jld < he -to k.’j', w v.'• at tr.e rer-' ‘•'entage” t f/w5-;feLpL-.ple I ■v r.azard the -.Leye.-:'t'«,tA v- prosab.y atom: -,.-0 rm-- -'.er.f. . T-.ere are '•th. • tto many ^r 'er'fef.r/.qi.'j- r'-ren, fa.r t>o. r.-.a-.;,- o.erfep. ;T7wh- •=■ up -: ' ar,;,,, wor,?. fj..- too many- ''J chh-.rer. wrer.i',.. .LrC'vr--,;s 7. are '•■ veir.g wrer.g-y :,e3 zet-'.eI ■ ' V> e are rr.akint" reaevay I ,t 1 mure' and rro-e p ^zt.ed’ .at-the c"' Inert.a sr.-j ?a’.k ‘ rrfy <■’. ’■l whole. 5.- ho-,\e wfi.-* 43 C-’a-th'', or.d- a chr.'- .. -Ln'; :,- ~~ in i?02 J Slipping > . "Ct-r'a.’n foods j->d.->e« .the natural nece-sary. for the of dis- Canadain Ploughs Vs. Ploughs in Cuba ?/ ‘ ■* ....,.„TLi£jQ.ct!..).r.S„3vhich. govern . tlm kind . . j__ of farm implements' employed .In Cuba iliii'er in-many ways front Ihosu - .. (■ncoUiitort <k in Canada. Consequently,, in the- manufacture of btllw mn :m- pl-’nients for Cuba, allowance must be made .with respect to sPni'-' ma. ..' ■(•hfn--.-; for -'light variations what "art1 considered standard t? p -i f in too I).,in Obion. The animals u--e I ■ ■ lor draught purposes are oxen.an! 1 einiptux.tively small -.number o' mule--. ’ '■ , b •'. » f'ubj’n 'can-land throughout ■,a Jai'-I-' at'/.-i. says the Canadian- (;(>v.,'rn,-in--l.v-- , - Trafb' .Conim-issi.-.ner in Cuba.' is equalled' in toughness to a very linilt- ed di'ar'en (inly ire Southern Saska’-- chcwmi- I11. Cuba, where the nil >-! r Jiinf'-ba.ked • 1>V toe ' sun, It can bi broken more 'readily by. oxen w’ • tody slow but steady and conjr loiHk- Irrigation ,is-neC'essarjft^n/riany . party of-flu? island, especially-win ru • pul :u ii/s. r.'ce, and tobacco are grow it. The di.sfance betweuh furrows1! and bo twi-o’i .plants in eao’.i furrow aio'l toe''1 (1- pto. oi’ ploughing differ from- Can­ adian practice. Weeds and bth'T un- ih'-'ir'jli'le vegetation in Cuba are vary li.'iavy h;i 1 plotmlis have to be design­ ed. bin a Canr.iflan di<d pldugh emitiy - imp to(i. especially built- l’or .si- a,i '■-(•■■i he work,’ js. proving ve^-y sat- , is;,iei.iiry a^ n .p,as-' these - hiitob?lear-' .mien fyatur. s', [t is heavily construct- - e<1 to stand tlCe resistance of deep .pb T-to'ipg .in Idrd cano>s<'il and to no’’s'rn’id tto.'- additional rough lis.-iifh 1 ' -"’‘m; I'rmn cotH'ftift with treh 1 i. -b .and roots. , >r_'ani ?,-■ cr.etrmai o: t-v Ait ion ijr.l trvatmen’. ' .i---.'. nd .-may; be* irirbided-. in the, ever;, lay. >:ivt. ■ The fdbiw-inu is’a. hit of- -’tch f !o.I,---', with’’Cicir niedi- • iral v.dte ' A to) t.. i -a*, i '.i :i i : i-ai e y: !\-->m 1 \A I ’-’e r* V •:& • /< L » t :^v' a nil mus- I * E ./>■ ,- r for Indic •to.-m an ! con r. Tr-n vr,<shnivnt.' im/ ‘an I mtiM'iji,' build- fo- .feve'rs and bladder -■E3'T/-u'^ • ' * / -* ' ?• ta jg <u A A 1 ■ . V,, > • * 4 i-- » . » i f ■ > ■ » . ', . • * - -S' --------—u , , * <, r C L A DA> A > D ■ E C O. L O C VA T O N. .,;■ h ■ puti-’h an-l catarrh.' livei tiTibies and -..„t.:.. v.^,_.’2X',a_,'.h;.; . ----- - .... i.dn'ri; mil. cli’tin.-.ind :V'.ds. m 1 (•'!.<•'■- iiu ■s'>re