The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-08-15, Page 8•ss- t * THURSDAY; AUGUST 15TH, 1935. n l’. \ any part 21. gins. -Gra] CARRY ON seem to fail?' you assail? , ' rJ* * '■ PRESBYTERIAN W. M. St .ears.' ATTENDED memorial SERVICE IN LONDON .Gifts Are Dedicated To The Memory. Of MlrS. Margaret Ann Graham, Former Resident Of Near Kinlough HURON & KINLOSS TELEPHONE SYSTEM GOSPELSERVICESTOBE . HELD IN ORANGE HALL -a. EIGHT THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL FIFTY YEARS MARRIED■ ■ . ■: -• a . ...... 1 GETTING READY FOR SCHOOL CAN YOU SIW? • Then Look How You Can Save at TEMPLETON’S FABRIC SALE PRINTS—hew patterns, 36" wide, fast colors, Yd., 19c,» 25cv 28c PRINTED SPARVA—(English. doth) just the material for school, dresses. One ‘lot Reg. ’50c, clearing at...................... .39c Dainty patterns in VOILES. Per Yard . .15c; 19c, 25c, 30c LINGERIE CREPE—plain and-floral pattern." Yard .... .25c ’ NAVY SERGE, the'weight for pleated skirts. 5'4" wide. Special,; Per Yard .... :.; .......... ...... 7-';..,., $1.00 Agents for .SIMPLICITY PATTERNS which,arp always in stock KE L VI N A TO R QUALITY \ you Tfteofis of the lowest price in Kelvinator ^history Here’s the most talked about value in electric refrigeration — a Kelvinator, the result of 21 years! experience, qt a price you would pay for an ordinary electric refrigerator.: • It Is "'“super-powered with the same type mechanism used in the larger models. It has the same quality cabinet construction___ and many of the famous Kelvinator features of design. It’s a great bargain and we will gladly show you its many features. See it before you buy., THOUSAND . NEW KELVINATOR OWNIR1 WM. MUROIE & SON (K-2409-a) Travel By Arrow Coaches “For Your Cori venience” Arrow BUS Jchedule Effective May 5th, 1935 LEAVES LUCKNOW South Bound "Week Days—9.45 A. M. Sunday, 4.15, PJML Standard Time* Leaves lucknow North. Bound Those promoting the series of Gos­ pel meetings being held in Lucknow are pleased to announce that these meetings will now be., held in the Orange Hail, and will continue until further notice. . j Meetigs are held each, night, ex­ cept Monday and Saturday with the young people’s meeting at 7.30 o’clock and the service at 8.30, The topje for Sunday evening,- from Acts 26:28, “AJmost Thou Persuadest me to be ‘^^hristimV’ ......9.25 P. M, lifcitiding ^Sunday SOUTH KINLOSS W?M. S. -Itiheries^PIa -4iT " United States ' and' Mexico Consult Local Agent J T. W. SMITH Central Garage ,Phone 148 Central ,Orit. Bus^ Lines Toronto The regular meeting of the Pres­ byterian W.MJS. was- held recently with Mrs. Henry Mullih in the chair After the -scripture . reading Miss Dorothy Douglas led in prayer. The .minutes and correspondence were' ^eadand ^Miss—Mac-Pherson-rled—in­ prayer. Mrs. A. C. Stewart .was ex- i pected to address this meeting, but was iiot able to attend,, so Miss Dor­ othy Douglas gave a . most interest­ ing talk on the women of Japan. Miss Mabel McClute then sang- a solo and, . Miss Weber gave a talk on. her work dealing with different places and ex­ periences she had “had, when assist­ ing -with Summer Bible Schools. The. , meeting closed with a hymn and ,Mrs., Chesnut offered prayer?-- AMUSEMENT TAX OFFICERS VISITED LUCKNOW TUESDAY . Two amusemqnt tax inspectors, whose duties consist - of seeing that the • new amusement ^tax regulations are ’.properly observed and carried out,, dropped into "Lucknow on Tuesday evening just as a street dance, under - Fire C3* auspices", was about to. get underway. ’ . It is customary to allow a couple ' of free dances at the' start, and when . this was done Tuesday night, the- inspectors stepped in and advised the Company that each of the male iancers on the floor was liable fto a $10. fine. ' Those in charge of the dance wore also instructed that: they roquirb’d n license to conduct., the dance and, had to “shell■ out” a; $3. foe, “which en­ titles the Company to conduct dances ' on the main street for the remainder - of the season. “Look hefe, waiter; is this peach »r apple pie?”. . ' . • “Can’t you toll froffi the taste?” ' Wo, I' can’t.” ■ . “Well then, what make 7” I difference, dob? LT LETTER TO THE EDITOR Editor Lucknow Sentinel, Dear Sir, In your issue of last week, I note with interest that the tax rate for s 1935 has been struck showing a re--- . , - . , , ,duction in the school r?te from 17.6 )tw0 ^eeks wltl1 relatives in Detroit ,\Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A>. Johnston of Ashfield, who celebrated their golden wedding‘on Civic Holiday, surrounded by their family and about 200 invited guests.’ LOCAL and GENERAL Dr. and Mrs. McGowan of Toronto are visiting in town for a few days. C—C” —1" ’V’ V— *— “ " s - Miss Dorothy Nixon is spending 1935 has been struck showing a re- ’- llUVUVll >M1 VUV 3VUVUJ 1#IV UU111H .U | mH!3 6 mills-r-a1 reduction °f 1-0 T - Mr. Robt. W. Andrew of Listriwel mills. I had been led to believe that js on holidays at Point Clarke th® fnia- TAniiPr.mn ’iwm’i 1/1 “ nJiva* hpon vaw « /this reduction would have been very much greater. ' The 1934 finantfuU'’ year of the. School Boards closed With a balance Or surplus of some $500. In 1934 there was a payment of . some |$400 on science room equipment. that did~ riot occur in 1935. In* 1934 ft was necessary to buy an extra car' of coal, most of. which was carried oyer, into 1935.Theexpenditur.e__on—”coal ‘Should- ^7at“least“$400-or“$500ilessr in 1935'. Then there is the reduction in teachers’ salaries of over $1000. This will only apply from September, to December, but will be Over $400. Then; the secretary of the Board is giving his servines voluntary—an-_ #her saving of $100. ' • ' '; ■ J • These fiavirig“total up to $1800 or $1900 , so that we Would have expec­ ted a reduction Of four or five mills instead of the 1.6 -drills; , . I" write this letter, .Mr. Editor, with the “hope that the School Board will offer an explanation’ through your columns, of why the reduction in the school rs^te was riot much * greater, as 1 am sure the ratepayers1 are vit­ ally interested in this matter.- A. Citizen. .. ' y * ■ Mr. and , Mrs., Harvey Treleaven and fairiii-y and Mrs. Treleaveri’s mother, Mrs. Higgins, attended a seryice at London on- ’ Sunday in memory of Mrs. Margaret Ann Gra- week.- , Mr. Edmund, A. Gardner of Guelph visited at W. G. Andrew’s over the , week end. .■'''■ __'-JL—_______ Donald Habkirk of Teeswater vmif- ’ ed here with his aunt and uncle over the week end. ; "" Miss Alice TieiJborne. of Goderich, ZwSSTa ~visitor with Mr. -and- Mrs. Mf. J. Little for a few days. Mrs. Borst of Gr$nd Rapids is visiting for two weeks with her sis­ ter, Mrs. David Huston. J Miss Mina Graha,m has returned to^CKilicbthe^after. spending the past week with relatives here* 1 Mr. and Mrs. Mailough and family of Cheswick, Penn, visited over Bun­ day with Mrs. Robt. Webster, , Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Meyers of' Galt spent 'the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. M/cQuillin. “Misses Edith and Mary Shepptiard of~"Tbfonto \yere visitor^ last, week with Mt. and„Mrs,.Hary.e.y .Treleaven.- Dr. and Mrs. Howard Fowler of Clinton ' were Sunday visitors with their daughter, Mrs.. Harold Trelea­ ven and Mr. Treleaven. Mr. Ivan Rawlings of the. Bank of Montreal staff is on his vacation which he is spending at hi home in' which'h.e is spending at his home in Mrs. Charlie Milne and ' daughter Bernice, are spending’ the month of August with Mt. and Mrs. V. H. •Dtrrnim~~-f^...'.'J"-------------- --- ? ..... ; The August meeting was.,well at­ tended, those taking part were Miss McLeod, who had charge of the Bible study, which, "was Psalm 23; Mrs. McKinnon arid Mrs. Burgess read papers on “Lepers of Central India?’; Mrs., Sutherland, la | poem entitled ! “God-wants the best”; Miss MacKen-, zie a poem on “Prayer;” and .Mary and Eunice Garter sang “The Way of the Cross Leads Home.” Hymn 801 was sung by Murdean MacLeod, Grace and Maty Reynolds,. “The. Holy Spirit” will be the study for the September month. Bale work will be. gathered in early this month. August 9 th, 1935. The - Commissioners met " in the Secretary’s Office on the above date at 8.00 p.m. Neil MacKay, president, Occupied the, chair. *• ‘ > Members all present. Moved by. Dan. D. McDonald, sec­ onded by i, John W. Colwell that the minutes of last njeeting be adopted as read. (Carried)... . Moved by John W. Cdlwell,, sec­ onded by <pan. D. MhcDonald, that the typographical’error in the report of last meeting’s minutes in ^Ripley Express, be corrected. (Carried) ~M<Sved' ‘by John W. Colwell, sec­ onded by Neil MacKay that the fol­ lowing accounts be j^jd:—The Wil- William Sbirton Co.,, Ltd., Cross Arms, $34.98;- Bell Telephone Com­ pany, June Tolls $58.35; Rental $29.- '78; July Tolls $56.45; Francis Gem­ mell, work on lines $27.00 and $31.5Q. rent of car $15.00 arid $17.50’; Harold Empnertoh, work oh lines $27.00 arid $31.50; Jariies Munroe, poles, $125.25; W. Percy, poles $27.00; Ross H. Mar­ tyn, half' of Lease Cooper, $1.00; Do­ minion of Canada, Excise tax $18.71; W. J. Lane', July salary" $135.00; Stationery 15c; Ripley Hydro $7.24; Matt. Gemmell, salary.,July $101.25; Operation $40.00; Canadian Tele­ phones and supplies, Mdse., $100.52. (Carrieth) ' , fl’ Meetingthen adjourned 'to irieet again on. September 7th at 8.00 p.m. Ross ft. Martyn, Secretary a faithful member df St. Luke’s glican-Church ~at—Broughdale, on the outskirts of London. At the morning service-in-this church, a ; brass alter desk and a silver bread box, gifts" of- Mrs. Graham’s daughter, were dedicated. Mrs. Graharii, who was 80 years of age, passed away in T.ondon early in May. Formerly Margaret Ann Templeton, the deceased spent her girlhood days near Kinlough. Her hubsand was a- London Township farmer, where she has resided the greater part of her life. A daughter, Mrs. Mary’ Graham Nussbaum of Cleveland and a bro­ ther, John Templetori’ of- London 'sur ­ vive. Has misfortune come your way? ■ Carry on!• Tough: your luck? still I say, " - Carry® on'?' . , Save your money, every cent, Helps to pay the I ‘ You’re not broke, Carry on! Does your courage Carry. on ! Fierce, temptations Carry on! No ope ever won a crown. . • . If he 14y wherel he fell down,. Up and fight, and gain renown, i . Does your work ..seem Jiard.Ao.jioX.~_ Carry on! . • ’ SeemS just like you’re never1 through, Carry on!’ " - --— - Better die with harness on Than to rust- away forlorn, ' Not for such an end you’re born, Carry on! ■ , / , Wealth and pleasures are they gone? Carry off! Night is dark,'1 before the dawn- - Carry on! - / Gone, earth’s treasures you loved best 'This may 'be yojif .timo of-* test-— Trust your Saviour, He knows* best, Carry on! ' E. R. B., St. Helens. Harry: 7*ve“ jhst bought a little rainbow present for4 the wife. - ' Jerry: What on earth is a rainbow present ? . Harry: One that follows a storm. at th’e home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Taylor; ... Jitney winners on Tuesday wore: 1st,, Mrs’ C. Steward; .2nd, Mrs. T. Clarke; 3rd, Mrs. R. Rae; 4th, Mrs. R. Fishfer , . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smi$i of Tor-, onto -arid Mr. arid Mrs.: Ddugall E, Dyer of Port Credit, were week-end guests of Mrs. D. ft. MacKenzie and, Miss Lees. • • ‘ • Mrs. Con. Decker, Mrs. Sid Decker and Billy have returned home after spending a month at their' cottage at Point Chirk. . ' . Rev. J. H. Geoghegan.; will conduct* anniversary services at'Lioris Head this Sunday, in which parish, Rev. J. C. Ca'Jey is rector. Mr< and Mrs. George Huston and family of Toronto, are spending two weeks with the fprmer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, David Huston. Mr. Calvin Blitzstein of Toronto, who with his parents,'left here some six years ago, was renewing' aeiqtiain-' tances in the village over the week­ end. . Broadcasting.^Dance Program , McCartney’s ‘’Band,, wbicK is plajlr^ iri’g* for the 4dance Jn Wingham on Saturday, night; will broadcast over CKNX, their dance program from 9 to 10 o’clock-; - ' —Mrs;“-pefcy Leslie of Owen Sound was a Monday visitor with Missfes Sue and Lbu Treleaven. They,' . ac­ companied by Mrs. Arthur McDonald of, Orillia; returned to that city tp spend a week at th<? Leslie, Konya. MRS. ACH|e who has been suffer­ ing from foot troubles is well. She ,used Cress Corn and Bunion Selves for sore feet. At McKIM’B DRUG­ STORE. ‘ - Jitney Wiftners ; Winners at the’ ladies’ lawn bowl­ ing jitney last week were Mrs. Stow-' ard, 1st; Mrs, Huston, 2nd; Mrs. Clarke, 3rd; ’Mrs. Sol.omcm, 4tK. Gospel Service at Lanes f Everyone jg invited to come out .on' Sunday, afternoon, at ’2.30 p,m. and hear this Gospel message from Romans 10:17. Mr. George Lowey , will speak. 24 rinks were entered in the mixed Twilight last Thursday in Wingham. Four Lucknow rinks took part, one rink consisting of Mrs. W. Ilender- . ^on^M4?s^-C.-^tewardf-M-r-.- G-amr Fin=-r layspn, Mr. E. Millson,. skip, carried off 3rd prizp. ■ ' . Pupils All Pass „ The ^ning'LriUPris 'of- Clifford 'public- school, wEo~wrritre" on the entrance examinations were all successful. Mr. Gordon Johnston, thb teacher, is to be congratulated.—Clifford News in the Hanover Post.-. - Dr.- Kenneth Thompson returried to" Chicagb yesterday, after , "two weeks’ vacation spent at .his home here. He was accompasied. by . his father, Mr. D.“ M„ Thompson and his brother Andrew; who will spend a few days in Chicago. Plan Oflefnjng Celebration Citizens of ; Paisley are planing to -celebrate the opening~bf' the new ieijn~ crete bridge, in that village, at _ptek. sent under construction, in charge of.- v Contractor Mowbray-—of - W-liite=" church. The opening' is set fbr early, in October. ■ Underwent Operation 1 Seized^with an . acute ‘ attack of Appendicitis early last Thursday ev­ ening, Mrs. Robert Button was rush­ ed to .Wingham Hospital, ajhere a., -few. hours later , an operation was performed by a London specialist.- Mrs. Button has been quite ill since the operation, but is now getting along nicely. ^Rej:eM-i-visitors__with.-^Mrs,-~Tr-e.lea~ ven and Gertie have' ' beejn,_JIj&sieK •Mr: --anih “Mrkt“ Daye"T)bwfife^ ""Miss ’ Normri and Sanford Downie and Miss June Channing of . Drayton and Mr; K. N. Treleaven and Mr. Wil/ Uinson of Hamilton. Mrs. Downie, formerly Ethel Wheeler, is remain­ ing for a visit.. On Wednesday of last week, Mr. L, De Geer, foreman of the Goldie Construction Co.-,- Toronto, paid a hurried visit to the; home of Mr. V. S. Durnin. Returning on Thursday, he was aceqinpanied by Mr. Durnin, who has been engaged as engineer at the plant of the Goldie Co. . Plenty Of Coins There, appears to. be no lack of old roTris - of "various agris” and- sizes in the comriiunity. Harold Purves has a penny dated 1842, and George -Graham of Kinlough, one dated 1837, while John Cameron of St. Helens has a Scotch luck piece dated 1817 thaf takes the cake for age. . ■ _ A/ real estate deal was recently concluded, .whereby Mrs. Wm. Naylor purchased, - from Mi. Angus McDou­ gall, the ■ former McDougall resi­ dence in the south-east part of the village, whiph has been tenanted for some time by the purchaser. Mrs. Naylor is at present assisting at Mr.. Andrew Gaunt’s in Wawanosh. . (Several teachers who ■ have been taking summer courses ,at Kingston,J Toronto, London and .Guefph .have returned to tTieir. homes here, to spend the remainder of their vaca­ tion. Among them, \ve note, .Gordon Johnston, Edwin Smith, Malcolm Watson, Miss Katherine McKemzie, .Miss Helen Thompson, Bill Hender­ son and Harold Burns. Mr; and Mrs.' Wesley Altrip arid family of London, and Mr. and.Mrs. Snfnuel Jones and neice of Toronto, aje visiting with Mrs. Susan Phillips of Belfast. During their visit a fam­ ily reunion was* held at the h@me of Mr. and fcc- J. E. Buttle at Fbint Clark bh Sunday afternoon. Tea was served bn the lawn, to about twenty- five members of the family, who were present.- 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter 1 of the Estate of Robert John Henry, late of the 61 - - , Township of West 'Wawanosh in tl’jfe; County of Huron, Farmer, deceased Notice is. hereby given that all creditor^ and others having claims ' or -demands against., the Estate-. of the said Robert John Henry, who - died on or about the Seventeenth - •day of June -A.D... JL935, arb required on or before the. Twentieth day of August A.D. 1935, to send bv post ..r_r __? prepaid,"’br jtb~~deliver, to trie under- ,'-‘- signed, the.-executor of the -last Will arid" Testament, of the said deceased, their names, addresses and descrip­ tions, the full particulars of their \ claims, a statement of their ac- ;counts, :;and. ihe nature of" the secur­ ities, (if any) held by them duly j verified Ky~ affidavit. • j And take notice that after suclf 6 last mentioned date the said execu­ tor will proceed* to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having - . regard only to the claims of which ^he shail-'-theri1 haye arid , that the said executor will not be liable for the said- assets or th.ereof..to....any...person-or persons, of whose claims notice shall not have been’received by him at the ’time of' such distribution. This notice is given pursuant to the statute in that behalf. . -Dated at Luckriow, Ontario, this twenty-fifth day of July, A.D., 1935. - Samuel Alton, R. R. 2, Lucknow, Ont., Executor. of last week, caused the death of Ebenezer- Armstrong, a former Ash­ field farmer. Although »Mr. Arm- • strong had been critically ill' at the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. Dari S. MacDonald of Huron Township,, marked improvement had been' notpd and. death came,. unexpectedly as he was stricken while talking to his sistei;, Miss, Jean Armtrong". The deceased was bojn near Reids- . ville", Ontario, on December 18th,- 1864, a son of the late John and Ann Armstrong. When a lad of.’fourteen years he came , with the family to 4'eside in Ashfield township where he farmed successfully until 15 years ago when he went to make his home with his sister, Mrs. Dan. S. Mc­ Donald. Mr. Armstrong was well ..uiown—in~-A^hfiejd---and-T;H-urort-To'Wri“----- ships, as a man of kindly disposition; honorablevand upright. . The ~ funeral was held from the nome of Mr; Dan S. MacDonald, on Wednesday afternoon- last. - Services were, conducted by Rev, C. N. Mac- " Kenzie of St. Andrew’s -United Church Interment was made in Ripley cem­ etery. The pall bearers were chosen from -ariiong his -most intimate friends and were Messrs. Thomas \ Donnelly., James Montgomery, „pav4d Brooks, Dan A; McDonald,' Elliott Sandy and Robert Bullen. To mourn his death he Jeavbs four sisters,-Mrs. Dan; S. McDonald, Hur­ on; , Mts. Isaiah Mohkmari, Tara;' Miss J, Armstrong., of Winnipeg and Mass Margaret Armstrong of Kenil­ worth, Illinois; ' . / MRg. WM. LANNON •' The death- occurred in Goderich on Thursday night*of Mary Bridget Gunn,, wife of William Lannon, Gloucester Terrace. Mrs. Lannon who was in het: 88th year, had been in failing health for'more than a year. She was a native of Goderich town­ ship, the daughter of Patrick and Sarah Phelan Gunn. Fifty-three years ago she married Mr. Lannon and lived on’ their farm in Ashfield until 1922 when tho£ went to Gode- . Tibh to live. M'rs. Lannon was a’’de-' vout member of st. Peter’s church rind of the Sacred Heart and Altar Societi.es. Besides her- hpsband she is survived by two' sons; T. J.- Lanrion' and William Patrick Lannon of Ash­ field. ; : | ‘ The ’funeral was' held Saturday mormhg from St. Peter’S churich. Ro‘- . quiem High Mass was sung By Rey. FL Fallon. Interment was-made :j- Kffigsbtidige cemetery. ’ '