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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-08-15, Page 4
4 4 1 -r-4 •s LANGSIDE ft ■ THURSDAY., AUGUST 15TH, 1935. 0 a 7«n PARAMOUNT 9 at 4 the CREWE KIHLOSS with, days as both, .1 J < THURSDAY, AUGUST 15TH, 1935. ■ / . The Lucknow Sentinel Published' every Thx$sday . morning . at Lucknow, Ontario. Mrs; A. D.. MacKenzie -— Proprietor Campbell Thompson—Publisher Lyceum Theatre . WINGHAM Show Starts at 8.00 P.M, HOLYROOD 1 ■ FALL PROVES FATAL TO CULROSS RESIDENT ; t............ -................. J * ‘ ’• , ■ / THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL Thursday, Friday, Saturday. August 15-16-17 CLAUDETTE COL,1BERT ' WARREN WILLIAM / ;« NED SPARKS ,'L ASHFIELD STANDARD SERIES MODELS AS LOW AS' $712 .con’*’1* Ready for Immediate Delivery. Easy GMAC Term* IUGR FOUR ‘ ■ Migs Jean Bissett ‘ visited . friends in Goderich for a. fev£ last week. ‘ . Mr. Jack Treat and his .mother, Mrs. Hi Treat,, of Chicago, are guests. <at the -home of Mr. R. Bissett. Mr, .arid Mrs. Donald Boyd and ; * children" df Buffalo are' Spending "their vacation at 'Mr. Chas.- Buyd's/'? • ■ ' - Rev. DaVid • Perrie, who is. summer ing at Bruce Efeach had charge of . the services •Both' moriiing 'and eycil- ing oh Sunday last jn the Presbyter ian church. Community Mourns / Xqimg Lad’p Death Seldom, if p.v'er, have tl-ili people of '" ’this community bee'll so ...shocked ■ as- .they were on Saturday last.'to 1'eArn. that Andrew MacLerinah had ’bfeeri. injured in a automobile accident and /that his injuries had~ proved' fatal. . Andrew Boyd McLennan was a son ' of Mrs. Ellie McLennan-and the late , Mr. Duncan' McLennan. His age was . ...fourteen years .and one nibhth. ' The- ■ .accident, .'happened at Clifford' as he 'was-on his way to. Toronto tp spend 'his vacation. The funeral was held .on Monday, with Rev. J. K. Mac- Gillivray of Ashfield and Dr.' Shortt of Barrie;- each taking part at the home and grave side. The pallbear ers were Gordon Boyd,- Ewen Mac-, Lean, Jack MacLenna.11, Harvey Robb Gyri Marsh and Wilmer' Robb. His boy friends were.flower bearers. .Be sides his mother he js survived by 'one brother, Mr. Malcolm MacLeii- rian of Barrie. Andrew was a great favorite among his friends and will be greatly missed by. all who knew him. Those who were here from'a distance, to attend "the funeral were Mrs; Campbell,, Miss Ross and. Mr; r-—AtexdEtoss-^^ John MacLennan and Alan of Tor- * onto; Mr. and Mrs. Jack-MacDonald- of Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Prosser of- Toronto. L__Jlthj 1 ■ ~Mr. Wip. Welles, of' Londsboro,, a spent the week end with his sister, -Mrs., R. Moffat. ■■ Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLeod bf Lon don visjted/*at Mr/“ John McLeod’s, last ,week. “ - Mrs. Hairiilton returhed to her .. / home in Toronto,' after spending a 7 week with friends here. . ■' Mr. Don. and-Miss Sarah McIver, -spent a—few—days—in—Toronto—last • week. /■ .' Mr. Bert? Bain of" London spent, the week end with his parents, Mr; , and Mrs. R. Bain. ' : Mrs., Wm. Scrimgeour and Billie Jr. and Miss; Emma Farquharson of s Palmerston spent the week end at Mr. R. Middleton’s. The jbiint"meeting, of the tJ. F. W. O. will b< 20th, in the Paramount hall. The Whitechurch Women’s Insti tute held their August meeting at the home of Mrs. Robt. Ross op Fri day afternoon. The meeting opene/d- with the president, Mrs. R.’Ross, in. the chair and all sipging thp “Ode” The ■ Kinloss council have consented to built! a cement walk from- the •street across the roadway arid“the Institute have to complete it to the ' hall door. Thanks,for fruit and rcan.-. dy sent by the Institute when ill, was received from. Kenneth Weaver and Jack Garton.- Miss' Grace Rich ardson was chosen to bp ,se atlas'. a candidate, wherever the course ip the project chosen by the district Will be' given. The financial statement show ed /a balance of $5.51". It was decided District president, visit us at. the District".: presjdet, visit us at the September meeting to be held, in .'the Hall, and when Teeswater. branch will be the guests. A demonstration on making scones was given by Mrs. Robt, Ross, Hie recipe being %’s of a sifter of fl,our; 1 tsp. salt; 1 tsp. tsp. soda; 1 tsp. baking powder; 1% cups sour cream; 1 ’ cup buttermilk. Bake on top' of stove. in iron fryipg pans or griddle. Program: mouth or gan selections—Kenneth and Donald Ross; reading—by Velva ’Scott “To- a Mosquito”;, musical selection by Mrs. Ezra Sholtz; solo, Miss Agnes Gillespie “A little street where old ^friends meet”'. Mr. Foster Moffat, a former member of Parliament' gave a talk on “Parliamentary Pro- ceedtire”. The first act is the opening of the house when the Lieutenant Governor and all members elected are there to be initiated. The mem bers and their wives are all present resulting ip a very crowded house. The party in power sits on the. right and the opposition on the left. After the/ Lieutenant Governor’s address, a^biU-Us--r-eady-fhe^houseA adjourned- and all members go to the house bt. the Lieutenant Governed, where ‘all are seated at a horse/ shoe shaped table, at the head of/ which sits an En:glish""churclf prerichbrC Beautiful" silver, glass and china adorn the table, x Spme talk of the amount of liqxwr^ con sumed-but—i-t-L was-served- infall glasses and about all'they con tained was a teaspoonful and was port and sherry. Mr. Moffat assured the ladies that all the liquor that was. given, riot one of them would ever know, they had partaken of it. Session—‘-At the session' committees are, formed such as Striking, Agri culture,. game and Fisheries, etc. Jn fhe-for-enoon—the work—is-always- the meeting qf committees. They never go to work:/th/the afternoon till 3 . John George MacKenzie, 1 promi nent , Culrdss Township farmer, died here early Friday morning,. as the re-, suit of falling from the hay mow in his barn, a distance of 3,5 to‘ 40 feet. He was alone at the “time, having gone to the barn about 4 o’clock in the afternoon, and W^ien his daugh- :ter-in-la,w went in search of h-jm-at 6 o’clock, she fblind him with both' legs ^broken, "besides injuries to his head. Just when the accident happen ed, \is not known,- , He was removed in an .ambulance to JVingham Hospital- where ±e died. . He. is survived, by hiS 'wife, two sons .and one daughter, also . three sisters.'/ '. / •. ■ / / Funeral; was "held to Teeswater Cemetery, 'Sunday- afternoon.-^ • • , . ’ ‘. Teeswater. New^ Have you.a copy of ' “The Stolen Rope?” inquired a- visitoij to-a music seller.. , ... ' . - ’ “I am afraid I don’t knovZ of such a .song.” .. “Why* .'it. go.es/ like, this.” ,Ahd the. customer hummed the tune.' “Why yo'u mean The Lost Chord”! said the salesman. 7 ’ ' . .“Ah, that’s it!” ' o’clock. Wh'orii bills are introduced, they are always read by the man who introduces it' and is then handed to ,the clerk, and it is-given bill number so and Sb. This goes on until all bills are ih’. When you come in or wish to* go out you must watch the speaker until 'you; get his eye and bow to him All bills'/ are read a 72nd time Land- ... fought out in .the’caucus. The 3rd be held., on Tuesday, August reading is just formality. The mem- _ r__ —//. , bers are composed of all national!-’ —, ..... ■ I, ' I,,,.... ' I,,.... , '.... ■ Mrs; J. H. Ackei-t of Caledonia is visiting, pt’ present- with Mrs. .Aimer Ackert.. Miss Margaret and - Miss Sarah Mall’ough,-Mrs. Alton-and Almg and Mr. Joseph M.allough .of 'Luaknow. spent Thursday at Mrs. Aimer Ack-? git’s. ■; - . \ /.. . Mr, Lorne Eadie .is/visiting .with his grandmother, Mrs. Rachel. Cul- beft. . /. '• ' ' The joint meeting of the . Para mount and Karishea U. F/’W. O. Clubs \yilj be held in Paramount hall on Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 20th. ' Mr, 'and. Mrs, Harold HayriSj -_Mur- ray^~a-nd—Margaret of -Toronto," Mrs. James Harris,. Kincardine, Mrs. Rach/ el Culbert, Eva and Lome spent Sun day at Mr. Wm. Eadie’s. MTrraiid /MTsr Howard/Harris, Mrs. ■Thos. Harris spent Sunday at'. Mr. John Jamieson’s, Paramount. . '.Misses. Blanche.^MacDougall, Dor othy Graham, Mary MacDonald and Messrs. Lloyd MacDougall, Rennie Graham and Harold Congram, .’spent Sunday at Mr. Ernest Ackert’s.- Mr.; and Mrs, Cliff' Harron- and family hpent .Sunday ,with, friends at, Tara. Mrs. Harron and children' are remaining for a wee.k, 1, Mrs. Charles Stuibbert. and Miss Mary Geddes of Walkerton and Miss --Mildred"“/S^fey“R^N- Spent "Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wm.- Hawkshaw. Miss Mary Campbell of Kincardine /was a/ rbcent—visitor with~Miss Win- n if red Ackert,. - ' Mr. • Ed, MacLelland and, Mr. and Mr_s,_Ered- Farrow. of Tara- were,Sun day visitors at Mr., Clarence Fai< row’s. .. «/ Mrs, J. H. Ackert spent Sunday at Mr. Ernest Ackert’s. ._/ Miss Mary White is at Mr. Am brose Gamble’s at Cliriton. at, present.- . Mrs. Aimer Ackert attended the funeral of M1’-. Calvert . Harper of Algonac, Mich., at. Wallaceburg, ' on - "Friday;—/ -----—1--------- - Mr. and Mrs. Chfis. Hetherington, .-Mrs,—W-m,—HAdgins—aridHP^rry^also- , ..spent Sunday' at Mr Albert Thomp son’s. ;,t n j I Mr. and Mrs. Burges^, Rev. H. “ S, aS-, « h Mrs. Ackert and family assist Mrs. James Wflson of White- of PalpHnnill church for a few days. iStook threshing, is the order the. day with the farmers— ties, classes and creeds. There are soine members, but as a- rule, very few, who never be in the house ex-> cept when a vote is being taken, they, spend their time having a good tiiiie, Outside of parliament, mem bers of Liberal or Conservative may become real friends. The speaker said we were not always to think of politics when voting—think of the interests in question apd study it well and vote as your conscience tells you. In selecting candidates, the question is usually can he win and -not—As--he-ra--7-real'-“-ig-ood----inanv-—M-rSv- Russel Gaunt presiding, called on .the president who movAd a vote of thanks to Mr. Moffat which was heartily endorsed by all giving him a -real hearty handclap.—7 —-----— Mrs. ’ A. McQuillin then conducted a. contest. “Jumbled names of cars” which- pro ved—ver-y—in tere st-i-ng- and" the prize was candies given to the winners. ■Mr. and Mrs. /. Victor Emetson, Doris and Norma Ritchie spertf Sun day with Mr. and Mrs, Aylmer Tif fin of near Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie of St. Helens spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. R. Tiffin. ’ / MissesZ-Dbris Ritehie and Gladys" Scott' spent Friday, afternoon ' with -Miss—Reba—M-apshaHr———r—-------- . > Miss -Gladys Scott of 6th con., Cul- ross, spent last week with Mrs. Vic?' tor Emerson. ‘ “ ■ ' < • MAFEKING The sympathy of this community is extended ,t.o the members $f the family of the late,.Mrs. Wm. Lannan whose death occurred in Goderich, Thursday of last week. Many of her former neighbors attended the bur ial service at Kingsbridge Church Saturday morning. “ ' . Misses Pearl and Cota Thompson Nellie and Mary Cranston, Ann Irvin, Wihnifred, Muriel and Bernice Blake^ spent, the past week camping at Kintail Beach.- ' Miss Jean Anderson spent a' few days camping at Port Albert, with: a- number, of girjs- from Crewe;. An; Oxford group * from / Mitchell numbering seventeen, conducted the. evening service • at Blake’s church-, Sunday evening. There Was. a large and attentive audience, many haying .come from’ - neighbpring, congrega tions. . 'r "' .......... Mr., and Mrs. N- A; Stevens.'' and two children , of Stratford and. Miss Beryl Cunningham of Belgrave visit ed , Mr. and Mrs. Will Andrew;, on Monday, en. route to Lion’s Head. Mr. Alex arid Miss Flora Andrew of Lucknow and Mr. Edmund Gard ner of Guelph, called on Mr. and Mrs. Will Andrew,' Sunday. ■ - M-fst—Audrey- Higgins and Jackie of Detroit are holidaying ’with rela-" fives here and at-Crewe. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston and Miss Mary Johstori of Goderich were recent guests of Mr. & Mrs. Godfrey Hall. Mr,, and Mrs. Ernest Hall and. Taniijly spent Sunday witji Mr. and Mrs.. G. Hall. - . Mr. and Mrs. John Tabb and "Miss Ethel Tabb of-Nile were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Blake, Sunday. Sunday -school next Sunday at 11 , a.m. The Blake Y. P. S. were guests - -n:£=r-the'=Gi’ewe'-;/5fewP’^Sv,-M'O:n’day“evefij-- Jng at a marshmallow roast on the river flats. ■; ‘ Mrs. John Blake and Miss Bernice e /sP9nt Friday. in London, . . Mr. and Mrs.'. Isaac Andrew of Zion spent Tuesday at "the home of Mr, and -Mrs. Thps,_iAridcrs.o.n. _...... BORN—On July 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Phillips, a son. KINLOUGH / Mr. and Mrs®,. Gailaher of Bluevale, son’s.;,' .. ., I Mr. and Mrs. Burges^, Rev. H. of Caledonia, called on friends here on Mohday evening. < . of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hatrjs, Mar- - : , garet- and- Murray, Miss Margaret Miss Norma -Ritchie of Lucknow,4 Herron of Toronto arid Mrs. J. Har- who spent last week with Mrs. V. ' ris, Kincardine, spent Tuesday Emerson returned home on Monday. ’ I Mr. Thos. ^Harris’. '. ' • .■ ' Mr. and Mrs. Jacob. Eckefiswiller, and Mr. Wes; Thompson were Sunday visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs. .Edgar Eekenswiller, Clifford, - ’ Mrs—Bolander—Royaila "‘and—Billy .of Toronto are. holidaying with Mrs. -Mt—•Mc-Lea-m---- -—■— --------_— Mr. and. Mrs. John Hodgins apd Tena visited on Sdnday with Kingaff- friends, •Mr. and Mrs. George Haldenby, Harold and Ethel were week-end vis itors at Toypnto. . . .. Misses Helen and jean Thompson are holidaying with their cousin, ffma Eckeris wilier of Clifford. Mr. Jack Hodgins had the misfbr- tun'e to, receive a nasty gash in- his hand while working with the Uilles- pie ditcher, which Will lay Jack off work for awhile. Dr. Leggette and daughter of Win- “Imitation Ulife/’ Fannie Hurst’s Famous., Story .of the tribulations of the Negro race Thg feature'picture will start at 8.10. Regular Admission ' * —NEXT WEEK— Under the Pampas Moon .7 WARNER BAXTER Mr. and Mrss James Richards from Flesfierton and' Mr.- Nofval Richards _ from Bervie,' were week bnd visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Richards,- ^“dfr.and“Wirsv Howard Harris and Mrs. Thonfas Harris frorp Holyrood, were recent visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. John Jamieson. — ’Mrs; EdmeT’ Reav.ie from? Pine ■ River spent a few . days last week with her. sister, Mrs, Grant Mcpiar- .mid... . __ ~ Mi-. Jack McIntosh and Mr. Jas. - MacDonald spent the week end “’in Toronto. /. Mrs. Fred Crump „and her young son cameAhome froin_G.p.derichlHos»-_—- ,pital on’Monday evening. ,. , .. • Recent visitors with, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacGill were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Robertson, Miss Belle Robert son,- Mr. Bill ' Robertson, and - Miss -Sebb ifl—f-rom—Mitchel J;M-r s.-Chesnut-—“ and Miss Wileena Chesnut, R.N., from ~Luck7Tmv“WTr^Tni^ Huston from Toronto and Mr. and ■Mrs. Dave Huston- frdni LuckndW. Mr.- and Mrs. Alex MacNay visited With Mrs. MacNay’s mother, Mrs. Robert Button; in the Wingham hospital, where she underwent ah operation last week. “, Ray ^’Richards spent .a few days laSt^eek with Mr. Keitih Arip- strong at Bervie. , Miss Sarah MacAuley went to London On Tuesday, where she tried some Upper School exams. A number from here attended the sad funeral, of, Mr. Andrew McLem ^arr-inr^tohtlhy-after-hipegy-a-lse-Al-ii^Gbedri^h^jf“^OT,nntcr “Miss' ^-Bess".-Lane"',"returned- -'from' summer' course in Agriculture. _ _Mr._JLorne Haldenby visited Iasi week with his father, Mr. Sam- Hod gins.. Mr. Chris Hetherington,. Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Gallagher arid son of near Wingham renewed old acquaintances' here .on Sunday. v Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall-of Kincar dine also^some friends from. Cleve land, visited with Mrs. Jane Percy last, week, / Little- Jimmy .Hodgins, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Tom Hodgins fell while playing Sunday morning and broke his aimi. - ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McIver and children vvere, Sunday visitors at Mr J. B. Hodgkinson’s. ' . ' ; • ' Misses Bess and Jean Lane ^visited Sunday with Mr. .and’/ Mrs. Hugh Lane.___. Miss Margaret Fitzgerald of Kin cardine visited last week with Misses Audrey and Elearior McFarlan. Mrs. Hattie Brock of Owen Sound Mrs ,ms. Ensil ,and sons Percy and .Wilbur arc visiting with Mrs. F A Blackwell. . * • Mr and Mrs. Ja^ Rercy, Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Percy and Mary visited Sunday evening with relatives here Miss Gladys Mills of Huron, visit ed last week with Misses Anne and Isabel Colwell, s . J Miss Pheobe Pinnell, who has been at Strathroy for some time 'is home' on a holiday. - ■ BOUNDARY WEST - _ihg—a—few—w-eek-s—Av-it-h—h«r—par cirtS” Mr. and Mrs. John, Jamieson. All. the ladies of the .Paramount , Club are requested to make "many entries as possible in Living room and Dining table bou quet contest for the meeting in i L?arampunt hall on August 20th. Prizes will be given for the . best bouquet in each- class. OWNERS of the Master Chevrolet are mighty proud of this car— proud of its uew^Turref Top safety athd beautyT df- its Blue Flame Engine performance and economy, of its Fisher,Body quality. But one, thing above all they can’t help bragging about—Chevrolet’s KNEE-ACTION Ride! Take an airplane pilot. “You can’t tell me about riding ease,” he says, “you’ve got to sAow’ me/* And Chevrolet -. eo.vGMACTerms does! Its Knee-Acfion ride is a real Mair-glide”. You float over bumps, , -holes and ruts—the car seems heavier, steers easier, holds the road, better. You have to ride'in a big air liner to match it! 1 CHEVROLET it 4 DUNGANNON and ob< The Paramount U. F. W. O. will meet and enter,tain, the ladies of the _ Kairshea U.F.W.O. Club on Tuesday afternoon, August 20th, at 2.3Q o’clock. The- roll, call will be answered by “A-guess at the weight of some one in the audietice”. A flower con- tost is to he part of the program, pfizos to be gibefj for the best bou quets for a living room and a dining room. Mr.„' Raymond* Richards visited »last week with friends at Bervie and was accompanied hoiho by , his cousin' Keith Armstrong. . Miss Myrtle Webster is spending week, capping at Goderich with Mrs. Annetta Knight, Miss Oliye' Robb and Miss Willona Chesnut RN Mrs. -Fred McMillon and Russel and Mjss Bertha, spent the week-epd J with. Mr. and Mrs. Do J Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred' Drennan and . .■hildren spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Siothers of Dungannon. Mrs. Ross Carton, Rockwood, is visiting her .brother John and Mrs. ." .Cilphtrick. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Treleav'en and. family and Mr. pnd Mrs. Jack Curran -qierit-Sunday - with -Mr. and Mrs, ■ Clifford Hackett of Belfast. Miss Letiticc, D'urnin is spcrrdttffr . few" days with her brother Marvin and .Mrs. Durnin. ' ‘ “ ' Mr. and Mrs, Dr. H.'IIall of Gode-, .rich spent Sunday with Mi', and Mrs.’© Marvin Durnin, Mrs. Aubrey Higgins and son Jac kie are /spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. John Menary. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fines and Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Comfort are spen ding a few days with* Mrs; H. J. Blake. We are glad-to report Mrs. Blake is able to-be up and around aftei' a- week’s sickness. Mr. Aldon a*nd Lome’ Hasty and Mr. Bert Mc^Vhinncy spent'the weqk end in -London. M'iss Grage- Durhin of StaufTviileJ spent a few day^ last week with her*^ cousin,. Miss Bernice Durnin." (Intended for la’st "week) j lic Sunday School picnic riield on Mr. Ball’s flats on Saturday last was a good success. A good program con sisting of group games, races, Swim- oupg imd softball was enjoyed by alL ■ Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Hackett and ' family Belfast spent Sunday with triends here. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sherwood and Mr. Fred Wainwright spent Sunday, with relatives.in Gbderich. Sl)?nc?t Ervine of Goderich,', visited friends herp and at Bblfast on - Sunday... ' ' . Mrs- i>r.' Hall, Mr. and “ Mrs. Charles Whitely and family of Gpderich and Miss .Lotitice Dreancry nAnPU-n.ffK"?n’- spcf1t Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin.Dur- nin. .......................... Mr. arid Mts. Robert Reed of Port ritendsC- the ■ <vcck*cnd with ;