The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-07-25, Page 1> 2?'.l J WlCKNOW. ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 25th, 1955 J •i . TREATS BAND $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2.59 OTHERWI^B : . ' ‘‘•X- ‘ ‘ < iV4,J SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS , ■ 1 ■ ■■"■„ ■— .. 1... - .a/—— V VETERINARY J. M. KAINE, V,&, BXSc. Havelock StM Lucknow ’PHONE 104-W .Graduate of Ontario Veterinary * College, University 6f Toronto. All ’ ’ <^_jlisea'se of domestic animals treated by., the most , modern , principles. Charges reasonable. Day ' or night calls promptly attended to. The-office is “located the .first .house south of -the Catholic church- in the residence of the late Mrs/ W. E, Mc­ Donald. ■ , V VETERINARY SURGEON W. J. KELLEHER, B.V.Sc. ’Phone 29, Ripley, Qrit. ... ...........i ■ ■■. ' u •' ■; DENTAL DR. J. E. LITTLE \ Dentist X-<RAY SERVJCE Office In-The Johnstdn Block Telephone No. 5 FOR? SALE—McCormick Binder in good repair. Also double and singie-lfurrow riding plows, Apply . at Sentinel Office. . NEW CAR POLISH which is a ^‘^Ojfderalso “ cleans nickel and windows. -Price reasonable. Call and see it.—W. MURDIE & SON. auction sale An Auction . sale of Household . p effects, etc., will be held at the ___ZXarm_.of_the_.lateMrs.John Sherriff, ’ Lot 18, Con. 14, West Wawanosh, } on Friday, July 26th, at one o’clock. The farm will also be offered sub­ ject to a reserve ‘bid. • See bills.— ". Matt. Gaynor* Auc. NOTICE TO CREDITORS : All persons having daimt against" the estate pf Catherine McKinnon- Jate.-of—the —Village of—Luck-noWi—iA the County of Bruce, Widow, 1 de- ?• fourth day of June, A.D., 1935, are “ — notified-to send to J., H. Crawford, ’J Wingham, Ontario; on or before the J, third day of August, -A.D., 1935, full particulars of their claims in writ- ___ ^ ingji Immediately ^ter Ytfce .said-, third day of August, 1935, the assets of the said testatrix, will; be distri- ibuted ampngst the parties entitled II . thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall , then have notice. DATED at Wingham, this fif­ teenth day of July, A.D. 1935. '3 w Apartment Broken Into,* Local Girl Robbed Miss Katheripe MleKenzie, Who Is Taking Slimmer Course In Toron­ to Loses $30* . Asi Apartment Is .*Ransacked The • Toronto apartment, occupied by Miss Katharine JJcKeiizie and Misa"Helen Thompson, who are tak­ ing;'Summer courses in the city, was ransacked by a thief, pprly Friday afternoon, and Something .over $30.00 in cash,, belonging to M^ss McKenzie wais stolen. /”--k The' apartment is the one tenan­ ted by Mr., and M/rs. ,Wm.vF. Thomp­ son, who are at present on a trip to. . Europe, and. tne Old Country. During their absence the young ladies, who are studying, music, are occupying the flat; It is customary for the girls to be away from the apartment all day, but on Friday studies ended in the moi:ning.__an(i_after., having dinner- "down town” they returned to the) apartment early in the afternoon, Miss McKenzie unlocked, and’ was ) .first to enter the apartment, anu-. . •„••■■ as he made an escape by a rear fractured legs, and a fractured right exit. The -thief1 she later described ^”1’ recelv^ in a motor accident, as being a youth, she thought. .< | °n Tuesday. between Flesherton‘; and and a thorough search of. drawers uch like appeared to haye been in progress when the thief was in­ terrupted. Some “thirty dollars,, be­ longing to Miss McKenzie was sto- , - .en, while Miss Thompson escaped Win^am Hospital, where barring anything, so unfortunate as she' had ' °mpllC^10ns 'frOm- ^er chest injUr’ left-no^money^n_the-apartment.corid^EK^Lre^arded. -Mrs. Platten, .mother- of . 'M*s.,c™?caL Her ^?ghler2J^aLy’ % Thompson; who livea in the flat'be-1thlJa passenger of the car, received low had- heard moving about up-1a -fra9tured.- jaw,. • byt -to stairs, but. expected it was-the girls. re.t"rif h°me> and going about It could ftot be definitely determined. W1^_ 2^’ ^ wired up. /whether any. .articles of. valuelubeJ-^Tj^Z—— adlb1l^d I^ord. longing to Mr. and Mrs.: ThompsonHospital at Orangeville, had been taken/ ’ ' •' where her death occurred " early Police were immediately notified e7“nin?’ k<»» «f-1 and' are* working on the ■ case. In Ker mishap, which- occurred J.c- gairiing entrance to the flat,- it is' ^the noon h°ur that morning, believed^iat the thief either wasJn: J™! ^ossessiBofa key or slipped the, a Ford V-8, .,up'on lock. It appears that he was awarelreac lng the. brow of a hill; ca^ne of the absence of the. regular oc herd of cattle,, being driven cupants and had Watched the' move- y. 7.. lady' In swerving to avoid a Mr. John Joyht was the right man in the right plac.e, so thought mem­ bers of the Citizens’ Band last Wed­ nesday night, »vhen *hey. were, treat­ ed by M'r. Joynt, to . iije 'cream and pop after their mid week band con­ cert./ ' ,.r • , Except when a busy week’s en­ gagements pr. some conflicting e,vent prevents, the Citizens’ Band faith-, fully presents an interesting. Band concert each Wednesday night. That these concerts are enjoyed, there is no doubt, and Mr. Joynt’s timely expression of appreciation was ac­ cepted with thanks by the players,, Election Chances Thought Quite Good S&ys H. A.. MacDougall, Of A. M. Nicholson, F-oriner Lucknow Boy,! , And, C. C. F. Candidate In The McKenzie Federal Constituency) . In Saskatchewan;. ' . ’ • igW-Y Crash End Fatally Mrs. JWay Reed, Mother Of Mrs. A. E. McKim, Suffers Fatal Injuries In Motor Accident Near Flesheri tonn^Mrs. McKim 'In Wingham Hospital And Mary Has Fractur­ ed' Jaw ■, — ....——• and/ T~ ; ___'/. ' .. Lr pictured legs and a fractured right ^l.on Tuesday between FleshertoW and Mrs. May Reed, 78-year-old mother .of Mrs. A. E..' McKim of Lucknow. "MllS7^MUKini'™siTffered^ ankle, fractured ribs and was cut about the’head. She was. removed to ........... .... ,,„n... ... In the Matter of the Estate of George Graham Moffat, late of the Township of Kinloss in the County of: Bruce, Farjrier, deceased. Notice . as hereby given that all persons hav- ing-any .claims or demands against the late George Graham Moffat who' died on or about the Fourth day of April A.D. 1935 at the Township of, Kinloss in the County of Bruce/ are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned, exe­ cutors under the* Will of the . said George Graham Moffat, .their names 7 and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and state- -ments of their accounts and the nature of yhe, securities, if any, held by them, duly verifieth'by affidavit. * And take notice that after \the First day of. August; A.D. 1935 the said executors iwill proceed to dis­ tribute the assets of the said/de-1- ceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the . claims - /of Which. they shall “then have had notice, and that the said1 T executors' will not be liable for the ■ said assets or any part -.thereof to- any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. This notice is given pursuant~to the Statute in that behalf. J Dated at Lucknow^ Ontario, this eighth day of July, A.D. 1935. F. G. Moffat, R. R.3, Teesrwater. W. J. Moffat, 170 Deleware Ave., . Hamilton, ’ Ont. Executors. LIBERAL CONVENTION Liberal Convention will be held at PortYElgin; in . Cedar Crescent Cas- - ino o’n August’’8th, 1935 at/two p.m. 7 for the purpose of selecting a can­ didate for th^^pgj/ning Federal Elec­ tion. Annouh4Sftiehf“df theSpeakefs will be made in Sue. W. R. TOMLINSON, Secretary Bruce Liberal Association pr<£ tern. ARCHIE McKAY?.,President Pro tern. / •/ /—lihftoi^a—r-ail—fencey-w-hieh—sher-belTeved- | could be .easily Scattered and .thus. | prevent a /serious. accident., ■ Unfortunately she was unable to. accomplish this and the car crashed head-on into a tree, ' and was- badly j.wrecked, i with serious injuries re­ ceived ’By -the occupants as above but nevertheless distinguishing pen I nscribed. Mrs. McKim^ was pro- IPPPrtlYIrt’ nfirf'htiravri TA o Pa-vUm- at the time. : Mrs. Reed, as a frequent. visitor NEW CONTRIBUTOR This week, The Sentinel welcomes, and we feel our readers will, a new . contributor to the columns of ®ur paper.. In this case, the author, prefers to assume the rather odd, I described but nevertheless distinguishing pen ‘ J . . name "E X. Hqfds.” |ceedmg northward to a Guide Camp This week’s article, and subse­ quent monthly Anes.’ will.’ be of a,. _ , : . ,, ' reminiscent nature. That the author' '^LucknQW’ 's, we,) knDW" h“r“; was a native of the community where, W? . ^7* [upon, learning of the accident and who extend'their sympathy to Mrs. M(cKim, in her especially sad her-? eavement. Mrs. May Frances Spence Reed was the widow of the late Dr. J. B%, Reed- of Tillsonburug. Besides, one daughter, Mrs. McKim of Lucknow, pertaining to. various phases' „f |tw“' s0ns’_Dr'“f T»r- DANCE ■ in\thp' Parapiijuht H^ll, to-morrow night, July 26th. Snappy music by Art Mijfcartney and his band. ‘ Ice-cream 35c; Laflies 5c, (ii 7 FARMER-LABO1 Bruce Riding Farmer-Labor Con­ vention, Casino, Port' Elgin, on Sat. July 27, at 2 jp.m? Speakers M’^a Agnes McPhail/M.P. anj R. J. .Me- table. Millan, booth. Gentlemen /eliding Goy. tax). I CONVENTION' you will not doubt, when yo'T'tead his interesting • tale, that occurred I when he, as he describes himself in a personal letter, was a "gangling farm lad.” E. X. Hqfds, a westerner1 by* ad­ option, will, we anticipate, from ] time™.to;-tim<ir’fleal- also with-subjeets-! pertaining to. various phases of 1 -Western life. We welcom him to them/0 an. Geoige Reed of Sault Sentinel’s■’.staff of free-will cor.resm 2 a^16’ survlve- . pondents, and.. trust that our new ' , : "writer—wiil'^d^tifnfflu*s"“V6~thpser|'SPEeTAL”SERVTCES"~AT " who in the past have provided the ST. PETER’S, CHURCH Sentinel with articles, both remin- ’ iscent and otherwise, which our rea-J ders heartily enjoy. ...< , $28.50 RAISED LOCALLY FOR STAR FRESH AIR FUND Ail enjoyable afternoon, was spent at the home ,of Mr.1 and Mrs. Wil­ liam McKenzie ‘ on Friday, when a lawnx social was hold in aid of the Toronto 'Star Fresp Air Fund. The spacious grounds were gay with flags and bunting and flowers. Tea was served .from three until' six to a large number who attended. During, the afternoon a • program was en- ioved consisting of vocal solos by Miss Mary Douglas, ' M:iss Ebola Buswell, Miss’ Myra MacDonald and Murray Cameron;- readings by Miss Isohel Douglas And - Murray Camer­ on; piano solos by Miss Edith Smith and Miss, Jessie ..MacKehzie and; a vdcal duet by Mrs. J. W. Joynt and Miss Belle RobertsoA. Tea was pout­ ed by’ Mrs. B. J. ChespUt and Mrs. D. C. Taylor at a, prettily decorated. ’ "4 . $28.50 whs raised , for. the fresh Air^ftrnd. Sunday was' marked By impressive [special services in St.' Peter’s An- jgJican Church, conducted by Rt. Rev. C. A., Seager and assisted by Rev. F. C. McRitchie of /Bervie, Rev. Ji H. Geoghegam rectQt and dRbv. y?jD. Gilmour, curate. 7^Ih the morning a service of con­ secration of the Church was held ar.d in the evening the Bishop con- ducted a. Confirmation • service when the following candidates were pi^e- sented by Rev. Geoghegan for con-’ firinati'on, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stim- -son, , ,Mr^.' Douglas Boyce,' Mrs/ Harold Purvis and Miss Margaret Thompson. , ......*' .. , / ;' CA'mer^n' Geddes was guest sol­ oist ^t .both services with Miss Don- alda Douglas presiding at the' organ. STREET DANCE . ' ' ” . The sihdoth, level surface on the "Town Sri cl geV in Lucknow, ' Will form , the. "floor” for a monster street .< dailce here ndxt Tuesday ev­ ening. M'cCartney’s 6-piece - orches­ tra. 6 tickets for 25c. The big night of the seasoft 4 $I * u • ' ' • ' ’ . ’ „ ’ ■Sv Regardless - 6f ■ pol.itica.i affiliations, 'this, village and - community will join in wishing Alex M. NichoTson success in the coming Federal elec­ tion in which he. is -contesting the. constituency of McKenzie, in North­ ern Saskatchewan, as a , C. C.; F. candidate. For this district kno*ws, and no doubt thqse in his riding are coming to know, that Mr. Nichol­ son’s election would send a. cons­ cientious, earnest and ..energetic young man to Ottawa, as . an able re pres optative of McKenzie' riding. "Sandy” who is- conducting’ his campaign ^throughout his scattered riding is^being" assisted,-"'during ffiB summer months, by Harvey McDou­ gall, another .Kinloss boy; Harvey who teaches school in Dyment .in .Northern Ontario, concedes "Sandy” quite a good chance of being elected, -stating-however '-that -if-- wi'li”!“'be'7"a’’ stiff fight., ' " ■ Mr.- Nicholson, although very well known /here, has had iii his brief -ihirty^five—suniwva—eo-l-o-r-f-ul—a-pd- inte-resting career, a summary of. which' will' no doubt be of interest ' -tp’-:our,"“re'a'd'ersg"""T""’'“ ~“™ Alexander, Malcolm, Nicholson was .born in kinloss Township in 1900, of sturdy Highland Scotch parent­ age. After early education'.received at the Second Concession school- j ______, _ -house" high sch©o-l;--wor-k-^was™tak-.en--vi-l-lage“-re:STdent;i"more~ZlTan—half-k -in* Tau ckn ow~ Tandr' "Win gh'antr'"",From* the Hebridean ancestors, ,-he ipher- nfeffZaZffearrt'fiy love “of/“work and' -wor-ked--on*-h-is-'f-at-her’s—^a-rm*~frr*th<5- latter war years, .being under mili- ”tary"age. Event u al by “ aTTi a r vester” excursion took- \ him- .West.-/ He taught school at #i Davidson, , attend­ ing/ a. summer school at the .•Uni­ versity of Saskatchewan in 1921, and that fall enrolled for the Arts ■course;—There * he ? was ,pr omi n ent* in? - athletics- apd , for two successive the "Archie Barber” residence,, ’ be­ years was individual track champion, hind He graduated in. 1926 witKh major 1 si _____o_~ , __ __ “ZZ(CQn.tinued,j>n„.J:>,ag<m..l.).. The Bread The Bread of Health FlO V 1O of Health ’ QUALITY AND SERVICE OUR MOTTO SPECIALS'-for the WEEK-EHJ> LAYER CAKES WITH RASPBERRY CENTRES at ;..,15c SPONGE CREAM CAKES with PINEAPPLE OR STRAW-’ BERRY FLAVOUR at 20c AN EXTRA VALUE , SPONGE JkLLY , ROLLS AT ...,........;...... . . .15c STRAWBERRY; RASPBERY, PINEAPPLE ANQ MAPLE WALNUT TARTS; \QATMEAL AND DATE SQUARES; FIG AND APPLE SQUARES AND IM ANY OTHER VARIETIES V OF COOKIES TO CHOOSE FROM. HOLLYMAN’S QUALITY BAKERY Phone 36 “Tuckndw I • ' AN OLD COIN a. Mr. Thomas Henry of KinlpSs has a few old coins which he prizes, pos­ sibly the most interesting feature regarding one of them is the man- *n,er in which it came into his pos­ session; “ W”""~ ' -The coin is a Bank of Upper, Cana- , da one-penny piece dated 1852. It was | found by Mr. Henry in 1883, while he .was engaged in doing carpenter work on the farm of the late Mr. , Be n--Chesnu t;7 then ■ o wned’ ‘by~“hi.s" parents and which fiirm is now oc­ cupied by the Wheeler family, Mr. Henry was engaged, in re- 4il.a.cing_a^silUn_the—farm—home^-a-n d* the coin Was among several articles which had found their way into> the Tartition^nd^b^GWeTlosf; ’ Z" ' FORMER; RESIDENT DIES •Word has been received, here...of the death Mrs. Angus Stewart, a "century’ ago.' Mrs? Stewart’s death occurred in Portland. Orpgoiy on Tuesday, July 9th, after a long ill- ’ iiGssp/afTd" major operation. The fun? eral was held to Seattle the follow-; ing Thursday, ■ where interment was ™ade in the family plot, ’ where her husband .is buried. • ' ' - Mrs.-, Stewart; formerly. Georgina McGregor, was a daughter of ’the late Mr. and Mrs., John McGregor, who as ^village residents; ‘ occupied where the tannery' .used to stand? Mr.' McGregor .. was a carp- bouses Concessions. 1 ' Miss McGregor left Lucknow as a young woman, going to St. Pauls, where she married Mir. Stewart, also a Lucknow boy who was living, there at the time. Mr. Stewart was em­ ployed in Lucknow, by the late George Kerr, who at that time con­ ducted a tailoring, business* above what' is. pow Chas. Chin’s restaurant Mrs. Stewart is survived by three daughters in Portland and one sis­ ter, Mrs. Jessie Cox of Seattle. Mrs. W.: J. Little and Mrs. N. L. Campbell are old friends of the de­ ceased. " , . /'. ’ ■ LOOCAL RESIDENT SAT IN . . / QUEEN’S DINING HALL On1. Saturday afternoon, at 'the home of Mrs. I. Congram, a lawn social was held with several friendtj and neighbors present..- Mr. G. S. •Robertson was . given the .honorary position at the head of. the table. Possibly none pf‘ the group that' day knew, however, ’ of the distinc­ tion that was once Mr. Robertson’s in bevpg shown around Queen Vic­ toria’s Belmo^I, Castle. Jt.- ks a priv­ ilege that possibly bub very few, if any, living ’citizens of. the Dominion have been ■ afforded. . Mr. Robertson is how passed the four score mark. It was in 1.1873, -when- -18—year’s: o£*-a ge/tthat-h c--made- a trip to the .Old Land, and there gained entrance' to Belmorab Castle, the private dwelling of ■ that- beloved sovereign Queen Victoria. ^“happened^tlmt ■ °f‘ _ _ one of the ■ Queen’s footmen and Wingham, was married to Re’vJ John Was acquainted with a brother of- thus Was enabled • to /gain admit­ tance to the castle which otherwise would have been ini-possible. Mr.’ Robertson was shown thru a,portion of the magnificent quarters, during the Queen’s- absence, and sat aft her .. I r ownown table and in fact in- her chair in her djnifTg hail. fHOT WEATHER For the' past week 'the district Jbeen sweltering heat wave". _ The la‘st three days of the Week the mercury officially rose to 82,, 91 and 91 degrees respective­ ly.__Sunday ' brought co’olqrbreezes and the temperature dropped' below the 90 mark, to- register in varying degrees, from 84 to' 89, during the has under an extended AN IMPORTANT DUTY // FOR-PARENTS , ! Really modern parents take, go chancjes’ with, so important a . matter. as the vision- of their children.. Because they know j that . neglect in this respect is '■■■ extremely unwises^-j Neither do they, wait for a-eM^Zto- comp--”... '- lain, of the way he sees. They have their eyes given attention before THAT. Be a modern ■parent. ■ • - ■ . ' , ' - ' ' . ARMSTRONG’S Eyesight Service. 1WIN free GROCERIES Groceries to the value of three dollars—wereoffered—in-three—prizes—'*"" in a Heinz Contest conducted at (.Thompson’s (Grocery Store during 1 . “the* past ten days, A ticket was given with- each Heinz product purchase during this? period and the draw maje on Saturday evening by Mr. A. E. Buswejl, Mrs. Andy Orr, Mrs. Well. Henderson and . Mrs. David' -Ferrieg^were the- winners^ and . re-__- -- ceive groceries rspectively to the value of $lAQ,_^1..00_and.:50c.:________A - I • * •. ■ LIBERALS-SET-DATE- 1 At "a"paYty mFefing in Port Elgin this week, the Liberal - convention to select , a candidate to contest the Federal Bruce riding^ 7was set for August 8th in, Port Elgin. The retirement of Hon. James Malcolm,.. . has- resulted in?- three or four persons being mentioned as would-be successors, of one who for long has ably and well represented 4his--gndi^. v. f.. ! WEDDING BELLS ■- : • -r— . ■ p.. POLLOCK—-GILCHRIST jj ' -—St, Andrew’s' Presbyterian' church; Wihgham, was the setting of a prc*tty wedding on Wednesday after­ noon last,- with, Rev. Kenneth “ Mac- Lean officiating, when Elizabeth, daughter of ■ Mrs. Catherine . Gil­ christ and the late Oliver Giichrist Pollock of Whitechurch. The church choir, of which. Miss Gilchrist has been a' member,, sangi the proces­ sional /‘The .Voice that breathed, o’er Eden,” and Mr. W. H. Willis, org­ anist, played the wedding music. The church was attractively ^decor­ ated with'white [tafi.es,, delphinium and rases. The bride, who was unat­ tended, was given in marriage by1 Lowey; her brother-in-law, Mr. N. L. Fry, McKenzie —— For Presbyterian Outing Harbor Park, Goderich, Scene Of Congregational Picnic Of Lucknow. And Dungannon Churches. The Lucknow ahd^l^Jungannon Presbyterian congregations were af­ forded idea] weather last Thursday, as they ,joined, in holding their ah- , nua] summer outing at Harbor Park, Goderich. It was ideal picnic weather and as such maide bathing a feature attraction for/many, while this older folk sought • iflie shady spots-, apd. found enjoyment in the sociability " of the gathering. ’ “ . Prior to supper being served the married frien had the nerve to taka on the single men in a game of /soft- ball, ,while - the ladies had a similar eneounter nffter-a- Ibountiful “ Supply- • • bf ’refreshments had’ been, served. An interesting and complete list of sport events resulted as follows: Children under stix — Gwendolyn of. Wingham,, and she wore a gown of flesh-colored silk organza over pink taffeta, wit^ hat to match and ^ai bouquM.-°f-.J.-Oh- anna IJlTl roses dnty delphinium. A re* ce]for about jfifty guests was ..held at the horn of the bride’s mother immediately, after the cere* mony. For travelling the 'bride-chose first three days of this week. Show-Ya costume <5f navy blue taffeta- with ers fell Tuesday. afternoon district, 'but the village missed get­ ting .evefi a sprinkle of- moisture; While We consider the past week lias been a Hot one; on..,, year'’ ago yesterday {Ke red’ line uclimbed to 97 degrees and temperatures above 90 were' frequent during the month. . the Week the mercury officially rose in tljo matching hat arid accessories. Fol­ lowing a motor-trip through the Pro­ vince of Quebec, Mr; Sind Mrs. Pol­ lock will reside in TVhitechurcli. , . -.......- ..•/ , ’ * New Wash Dress Materials, Piqufe VoileJ Plain Voiles, etc.-r— THE MARkET STORED Steward, George. Olds; girls 6 to 8 —Doris Irwin, Lois Henderson; boys 6 to 8—Bud Orb, Ronald Bentley; girls B to 10—Helen Orr, Helen Struthers; boys £ to 10 —Dou&llaa Aitchison, Ross Pattersongirlst 10 to 12—-Helen Orr, Helen Trumpor; o boys 10 to 12—Douglas Aitchison; Lloyd Steward; girjs 10 to 12—Ev- . elyn Taylor/ Etta Bell McDonald^ _____,x|U boys 12 to 15—Orland Patterson, , • Neil—-Isoweyj "young ladies'—Jean . young men’s race—Frank < ; /, ,piamed^™menis?^Go^^^ Jamiesoh; wheelbarrow, boys—Don­ ald Johnston ^and' Allan Steward; candle race—Muriel Patterson; back- • Patterson*----- slipper ‘race, girts—Gladys MacDon- ald; gooseberry race, boys—Allan.___L. Steward; backward race, girls—Jean Lowey; ' lemon race,, girls—Maudie Fisher; leap frog, boys—Boss Pat­ terson and John K. MacKfinrie. A prize wks .given to the youngest child present, baby Helen Patterson / 'a .7 BORN McNAlN—On Saturday, July 20th ? McNain of . a to MX. and. Wrs. James Amberley (nee puira Webster), son / ■