The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-07-18, Page 4' h-''. I 45c rllllV . Ji 85 ___ZION■S 13 of ringing loudly. Brussels.Confirmation r f- 1. * ’ and &nd and and Wii Mrs Wed of Mr. Mrs. arid ■ on •.the of and 38 only, JULY CLEARING JIKIi SHORTS AND TOPS Plain or fancy Broadcloth mat­ erial While they last. JULY CLEARING :. Emma M<'^onr H. J, Johnston returned the Pres- next Wo Rudy Sirioff are vjri.ting •s . , .and Mrs. H? F. d. spent the weeks, t condition. . WOOL FELT - Medium Grey with Newest style. < .. JULY CLEARING - X. Stratford and ^frs. ' ■’ ’ 1 ,n '■ ' ' Z,^1' -w: * ' .\ • JWW3B. :THE' LUCNnW SENTINEL ---------*■ July 19 Be Here July 31 Your Share WHO WILL ITJ BE? A^fc Ripley Express Tn Proporing Dr. Di R. Finlayson, As - Liberal Candidate In Federal Riding Of Bruce In Event Of Hpn. James Malcolm Bailing To Enter Fray. ‘ THK81MY, •jrK.LY I Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM ■Show Starts at 8.0.0 P-M. The Bey’ and Men’s Wearable Stere ir Holding a Spec**! 11 Day Clearmg Sale ■" ................ .... ■ A,’-h............. - I UBIII ......................'Ml . . I .I I . J . '...II .ill I.."I.„—I .1' .. ■"WM" mu.........r1" ........................ ■ . • ■■■ . " ■ ( ■ ' ■ ' ■ . .. • •' - ' > • “■ .' v’ ■ , ‘ ~ ■ -SHIRTS*- W'ltAR, ^r-. '' :WATER"' PROOF.' JACKETS, .TARS, 'TIES, "BRACES, GLOVES, ETC, .ARE ALL '• TURNED ' IN ' ' \ TO. MAKE. TH IS .JULY, CLEARING SALE., RLfeVEN DAYS OF R®.L BARGAIN’S- ’ ^OYS" GOLF SOX Fine. assortment, various eofer=. AH to». JULY CLEARING * 9-r 2 PAIR FOB .. ... «*«>*' * ■' Heavy Cotton in 'Grey and ''Sand.. Golf Sox style. JULY CLEARING C C> 2 PAIR FOR .................. OOU Fine All Wool, plain ribbed. Sox JULY CLEARING ft C/r •' .: ■ 'JULY -■ ' HATS CLEARING Black BamL„ ——T :------i—’—' '.^xes; up to 10 % . ■ SUMMER COMBINATIONS TLZ_‘_2r;'C $1.35 Pure white dimity, pieced ba«k 2 PAIE FOR - . ' to allow rtretch. No Buttons. 36 DRESS FELT HATS a difierent shade®. -AH sdzes. sty- ■ led to dip in front w wear rmrnd. JULY CLEANING C------------ EA'LE^7T™T77V:Tr;~’ ... ♦ ? . REAL FUR FELT HATS Made to wear and keep its shape _Lastiaft colors—-many shades and inzeB to from- JULY CLEARING WORK SHIRTS ; Large, well cut Shirts ,in Blue er ■ ■ v V. ■ ■ Navy. Sizes up -to-17.? While- they- ----- ■ ■ last. Shirts and Drawers, balbriggan JULY JULY CLEARING 7*w> 7 BEK SUIT ................................Vis plain (Mot Blue, Grey & Navy Shirts. Well tailored coat style. ---------------------------------:-------. JULY .■■'■■■............................• Otf ' WINTER UNDERWEAR----------CLEARING . .......... . ■ ■ 'Tu z-hfcae days when- the political,- situation tnrougnOut Canada is, the 1 e&ose. of. a great, dear of speculation, | uo. .who .stay carry trio oanner '^1 j Tlje , political partife's. -in the fopth- i ec'riaing ■ ew^tipns, ' tlie names pi a | ^number of prospects' ar;e mentioned.., Yhe ■ eoh.Mimri;ri.eyi'.'of' Bruce" ha3 ■' ito; j^uma. Tnesfi1, are montfoned ,'condi-j'' " If' “he tw old..wax horses^ of former. ■. earnp.aigns. Hbri. . Jajgtiep4. MAleohn and Mr. Wm. ’Mitchel^ de- j ektne, -to' enter the- fray, - .there ’may •&e. sm ' surprise ■ wh&p .-the conven-q "VTSnS '.for the'' choosiri<: 'of candrdates-- .take place. The;''village'of. Ripley has ■not1 enjoyed 'the honor- Q'f. leaving. 'a candidate'Tor this high-position, but now we ..hear the name of one of pur prominent •.• citizens -mentioned in this connection. Dr. D. B- FinlayAph who,' enjbys a large mediical" prac­ tice here and' throughout the sur- rounding .'country is the gentleman '1 to whom /we refer. For a number of yea-rd® he has' taken a ■■ keen ■ - interest in' provincial - and federal politics. For some time.he has been president of the1 Huron-Bruce Liberal Associa­ tion, gnd was re-elected to that pos­ ition at the last annual' meeting held m . Wingham..' If Ke shduld decide 0 throw his hat into the' ring, we feel- sure'he Would make ,a gdod showing arid • would .starid a good, chance ' of capturing the . coveted prize. That he would make, a good representative, ■goes- without argument. . He would faithfully'' look to, the. interests “of all political . factions among- .which ne has many friends.. We are .sound­ ing this..note, in'case there may be tuency'. 'who may rie' at a; Toss to “know what.' to /do, in' the evCnt' of choosing a- candidate. ,»As yet we. have riot heard 'the - name of. any prospective Conservative' candidate.—Ripley , Ex-' press, . ''' Thursday, Friday, ‘Saturday. JULY JACK BENNYr . N.ANCY CARROLL / . GENE RAYMOND ' ; ; '1 J In. ■ ■ ' ,. Transatlantic —Neriy/firiJUHind . MUSIC, 'MIRTH and MYSTERY >. ON THE . HIGH “ SEAS . ./ 1 ■ - ' ■ also ' MICKEY MOUSE CARTOON ■ / ■ '1 ■ ; ■ • AND FOX NEWS <go OC ' Boy your winter Urxlerwear now Heavy Cloth plain Green and save. Pure all wool heavy pattern. I»ts of room— ’.'.- "■/: rib"-^urts and "dta^efs.' '" -..... fets of clc^. ’’ PER SUIT ............ d>9 OK JULY CLEARING 4 K JULY CLEARING pJgR PAIR ........ J* 1P Heavy ribbed Combination^. All ;---------=-------r: " sizes-. " FINE arid SPORT TROUSERS PeVsU^1”®. .$1.90 *5.75. aM _ JULT CLEARING £2 Q£ PER PAIR .......... V0, Youth’s' Sport; Tw^s, W to 3*>:~ r. '. — I' . ‘——5 —■—;:::—— HANDKEBUHIEFS Wfcito /with Colored Border or pUia .irfeite Iawr#. hgmstitohfcd. ' SI.™ . 2 for 15c -- Wkuto Ljiaen Hem-^itohed Han- FEE . SUIT, larefefefa^' JULY -CLEARING/FINE SHIRTS ASHFIELD Mr; - Eric . Gardner of' . Kitchener spent the week, end with Long’s. Mr'., and. . Mrs.... Will. .Hunter .arid family spent Sunday with-friends at ' Tiverton. ••■.■. ' ■ Sir. and Mrs, Chris Newman’ arid children arid Mr. J'no. Fleming ..of Wingham; 'were guests of Mr. and Sirs, R. E.. Gilmore ■ on Sunday. CLEARING ....................... ___________ ______ ________________ Plain, ■ BrodUcRth Shirts, neat partern. JULY —^COLORED. HANDKERCHIEFS . Tooke Brand- .-----zCLEARING/Kluka -color, hem«titched- JULY ‘ ---------—— Strw 2 for 15c clearing ..CLEARING ... / , Plain Broadcloth and woven pat- Bke & White or Red & W hite $hirts. All sizes. ' ' BIa^’ fi*12®11® Handkerchiefs- .Large to. JULY ' ' " ” Smc 23 for 30c clearing CLEARING 2 for 15e clewing $1.45 ■ z Plain Broadcloth .and woven pat- Phable Rabi ._a„ ____________ ' ' Black, finish $1.55 JULY^ 4 ' Clearing 4^1..... Wearables. Store often during 1 ■ ■ >• . ' Qur Eleven Days Clearing Sale Lucknow, Ont. HOLYROOD Mrs. Joe Gaherty of visiting with Miss S. P sent, Mr.- and Mrs.. Robert and ton- Jack ~xere rezer.' Mrs. J. E. Turnbub- % Mr.-and. Mrs. Jas 1 Mrs. At Edgar of Lt: - Mrs. Jas., MacKcnz.e • Mrs. Ge^/rge M.a/.Ker. i and Miss. Ma' .’ . Kincardine were re-.ent, Mrs. Ajmer Aekert'g. . Mrs. B/A^ert called on a number here last week. Mrs, Fetor bb . was a '-recent.' v Eadie^s. .Mr. and Mrs. Georg . family of Ambe/L-y %- Elliott of Huron 5 Mrs. Aimer Ackertt ’Mi’/, and Mh,' i spent Handly •/. ,tr, Mr. and M'r^. f , the latter's xi*tor, the West/ xpent . Elliott's father a is ill. ’ ( Mr. and Mr».' Dz k! arid Mr»; Dkks' m motored to Tara o ,Mrt. Bill Doug! Hamilton, .Miss M " Mrs. Omar Kf-Go Mr».i George Harr - *bf ' Clark wr »,e M i k » Rl i zabe**h’ F <■ yir. and Mrv, Ari ....hf Clinton .spent Sunday Ito, ■ . — WHLTBCHURCH . iMrs. JJert Boyd and. two children of L-sttsiel .are spending a. week e formePs parents, Mr. and er.r.etn Weaver. •' . F’red Mobray of' New Ontario ng with ' her mother, ' Mrs. 70, Sr., who is ilL a number from, here attend-•• Mr. Bob, Reid ' arid. Miss Ltzzie visited. Jno. MacDonald's., ' \ ' Mrs. Jos. Barbour of' Goderich is relieving her mother, Mrs. Sherwood for . a week. ’ [prom Another “X^FeSpond^nt")'” Mrs. Henry MacKenzie'.-and. Mar­ ion . are friends . Mrs, Detroit here. Mr. Neil J. Ma&Kenzie lost one of -hh--woT'kHTCmS'es^las-Vvs*eek-LrOi'nv^su-R- spending the week with in Detroit.' . * Wagner and children of are visiting with, relatives kgood the- 'cmldreri, '• spoke briefiy.' Miss Henderson said; it was .time' that parents' became aroused to. the. dangers facing the■'young, in-« ■ eluded in which. were 'forces ■ at work" is an e^ort .to destroy' youths’ faith. :.I.f ','dm.e.. .pemirtted. Miss. , Henderson, “renct. ■ • • -------q------------—— _' ■ Miss Henderson t urged, .'that_ all those interested in and desiring to ~assf^7'm^he”WorkTia"Ed~their“Tiame*-- to Dr. G. A- Newton and" Mr. S. E. -Roberitson. Those sponsoring the school bear;, the cost she pointed out. Two co-workers were. introduced to the audience by Miss • Henderson, Mr. George I.owey and Mr. E. O. Brusseau, both speaking briefly, prior to the pronouncement of the • benediction by Rev. J. K. McGilH- vraV/ of Ashfield. 4th core, KINLOSS tumolrs . - Tumours grow-, on as well as■ in-The .human’ or bnimal body.. Tumours come -from one smallmie-- rostopic cell "which, for some reason, stuns to grow, and keeps right Q’n growing, never’' performing any use­ ful function. ‘ ' .' ■ ■ There are two. kinds^ ,of" tumours.' •• Benign . or simple tumours, are gi o w t hs .4wh ich1 do not, ■ i n th emsg lyes,, -(m^tger^^ size/jis, treatise real .discomfort and . .• ■act'uih hd^li, thr.gf&h pressure on ad- . ’> 'jaceriii. or^hs.,\ A/fibroid tumour' of. ' the uterus, which is benign nmy grow to the size of a football. The benign tumour,'does' not spreadi and, if com- ■, pletely removed, it. does not. recur. ’ . \ ■ Malignant tumours are destructive "' to lite. Cancer i's the,, most common, of the., malignant tumours. The term r “cancer” is often used tov include all o"f them, but it shoj^d more properly . - be restricted to: themalignant tum- ■o'ufS'whiCh'arjse in' the. covering arid' lining tissues of the body. . .■Cancers.".'differ- from : the ~ benign tumours in. that they tend to spread. .Starting in one cell, they-are, for a time, local growths, .but later, .they". is ’still a4-local growth, Gt can be re-' moved- -and the' -patient cured; -Every cancer is,,- for some time, a local tumour, so every cancer, is durable . _f.o.r .some.. time.., '___ ., , All tumours, -benign and cancerous, begin in one cell which starts out on ■ an unchecked period of growth. We do not know, .why this (happens. W,e s do. know, however, that there is no evidence to show that germs have anything to do With it-. There is nothing to prove, that a doctor or a. • r. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Abdrew and Miss Jessie were guests oh Monday4 of Mr. and Mrs, Stophe.^. Stothers, Mafeking. • ' Mrs. Will Gardner attended funeral of Miss Lynda Caritelon Ciinton on Tuesday last. ______ _______________ Mr. Howard. Eeed' of. Lucknow Orange celebration in Wing- assisting. Mr. Harold Gardner with it' Friday, Blanche Hamilton of Holy-, er.t the week end with Mits. d Knight, M is s' A gn es W i Iso n visiting ber parents, lames ?WiIson. s M, Simpson, the ..__ James Wijson. Wedding • bells ' are W^ are sorry to report Mr. Wm. or j« in bed with ri sore leg. neighbors kindly took his hay off vzeek for him. Miss Bertha McKay of Stratford, ent the week end With her parents '. and Mrs. Hector McKay. Mr. and Mrs. Will Beid f Paris, rnothei', relatives. Angus nary. Wi 11 erian' t'hurch /Iav8. - as^ Wev. ‘irig h’s '"vacatiori'/ Misses I>Uie and' Isabel Fax,, last week at the lake. . v j Mr. Ji’An McKay -and two sisters. James Markle and Mrs. George Markle, .arid four cijildren from the W<are visiting their parents, Mr, %nd Mrs. Hector McKay. It is ovier ’v.^rtv' years since some of them verc- horae. b^ore’. stingy 2>\ the haying. Mr. Earl F oster' of Lucknow. • is visiting friends at,'Zioh. Miss Beryl Gardner and Gardner- visited with Mr. Joseph Freemarj^ Lee burn nezday. , Langside Mr. Joe Brooks of; Belfast___n___ _ spent week end with her aunt, .Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs. Richard , Gardner.' * * Miss Doreen and Master Frankie Crawford of Toronto v/ho’have .been spending the past two • weeks with M iss Myrtle Ritchie, returned to the city, on Tuesday. , ■ Mr. and Mrs, Jack McKenzie of Detroit spent th.e week end with Zion friends. • , > " and fam-' Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. the form- E. McDOnagh at Zion include Reid and Mr. an$ M18* Wrn. Champion Lois, Mrs, “AJf. 'Wood,. Paul Bobbie, ail of. Toronto,- Misses .Mar­ garet McIntyre is ,agh ,of London 'of 1 I ■ j’D ’ are visiting Mrs, Alex', McKay a preach in for the. . . John Polipck . .n.urse.„.e.veii..cQ.n.tra.cted.....ca.n ..be-that, in some families, there is a greater liability to tumours .than . . there is in other.lamilies.jrh'ere is'no. evidence that a single injury, such as a blow, is Responsible. There is,, on the. contrary, much evidence to show that repeated . injury at one point, which may be the. result of such . conditions as .the mechanical irrita- tipn from ill-fitting- dentures or .the inflammation of a- cervix injured at childbirth, favours the occurrence of cancer at the points involved.' ’ Out attitude towards I cancer should ‘ be a recognition, that it is cutable while it is a local, tumour, and a de- ' . termination to have more cancers cured by finding them while they are still local growths. ■Questions concerning healthf ad- .-w dtessed to the Canadian Medical A-s- sociation, 184 College St, Toronto,______ will fee answered personally by-Tetter.’ TEACHERS AND PUPILS BID FAREWELL TO J. E. SMITH ■^igyg-LoghaL-h’2-^b-I'^e'n7f^-ky~Sc:hools- wha tried the'entrance are receiving congratulations as ■ they were ' all. successful in • .passing—some taking honors. ....*. "Mess Isabel- MacLean' has been engaged to teach in Laurier school s. MacDonald and her daughter ■e of. Toronto' are spending the of Mrs. ,D. ■for the coming year. Mrs?! Lo vacation at the home,: MacLenna.'n. ,'■ • . 1 The Presbyterian -W. M. S. meets 'this' Wednesday 'dt the home-of Mrs. J. MacKay, Lake- shore. . « The young people’ who attended summer school at Kiritail, attended trie Presbyterian- church on Sunday morning. Taking charge Of the ser­ vice, Dean Greig of Bluevale preach­ ed a very holpful sermon? ' The annua] conventicle was held at the Kinfail camp on Sunday even- i'jiig_j^eto^J3d:.ge.„crowxLgraiherjed-UJ-' A. L. Budge, moderator of the. * Synod of Hamilton and London ! give the closing • address-. The .sacra- of the Lord’s - supper was dis- n^n’sed at f - • Thi= wa~ j monv ea:"h gopd for him to he there.' J Mrs. J. Netterfield and daughter ...Myrtle of .Toronto, spent the . week er-d at Mr. John A. ’McDonald’s.- ihea'r -Re Bose Marie Bobb, who was serious- ** ' - ly ill last week; is Etill under .the d'K*tor’s' chrej Mr. and Mrs.. B. Martin spent Fri­ day in Wingham. Mrs^. B. Sangster and family are ■ -asi.tjrg with Mrs.. D. Graham. , - j Mrs. Buckton and daughter Con- jr.ie. returned to' Toronto after spend-J ing a week with Mrs. G. Hamilton. j“MrJ R., Middleton has been con--j fined to bed- with a severe attack 'Of rheumatism. . • ’ '' . J ' Mr. and Mbs. Smith returned to their home in Toronto, after visiting at the.' * - - - ’•— Miss cen‘ly Mrs-. friends Mrs. _ _ t __________ . ____ Sunday at the. home of her parents Her mother who has been ill for ^ome weeks, t $v?ws little chafige ir. he home of Mr. J. McKenzie. Harinah. McDonald visited re- with Mrs. A. McIntyre. M ?: I ver is visit! rig in Michigan. Dan MacKinnon KINLOUGH ar.d w a s the close of the. service, a v^rv • impressive cero7 for th? school to remember one left feeling that'« * • - -“It Wating His Torn ■Railway Agent /dining .at town feotel) i^Whv does that . dog sit there and v/atch time?” Waiter: “You’ve got usually eats from/* Before the close of the’, term at Victoria school the pupils, -of the ■ junior arid senior fourth farms, ga­ thered' to; wish Mr. J. E. Smith the. best.of good fortune dp.his new. pos­ ition at Listbwel. In behalf t>f the pupi'ls Isabel Taylor, of the junior, room',/^presented Mr. Smith with a fountain .pfen and pencil set. An ad- • areas- wa.s. read by Donald Shear­ down, senior forth pupil. ’ Mrs. • R. Stonehouse entertained the staff of the schobl to a’fter'nO'on • teh, at which Master Donald. Stone­ house presented-: Mr. Smith with a pair of bronze book-ends' the gift ■ of the • teachers, Mr, J,. E. Smith, who has -been,-aS- — sis.tarft principal at Victot, ■leaves to become -principal -of the > J.-istowel, public School. The school is -about the same- size at Victoria school haying over 300 pupils. Mr. Smith h’as been much liked by - . his pupils and ,has made many friends in Goderich, during his three vears at Victoria school. Before coming to Goderich hd taught" two years at a country school two miles north of, LVfcIi,riow, ,his home .town, liter leaving Nqrmal ."School at the arc of nineteen. ° . ■ . His friends and acquaintanc6s ip Goderich 'wish him evetv success in his new school.—-Goderich Signal'. Any girl-can be,-gay. in a classic Coupe ' In a taxi they all can b.O jolly; But th? girl worth while ■ is th.e one 'wlib can Shiiie When you’re taking her home th the trolley. ' ■ . ft 3- S, No. ‘9. Kin]os's Promotion Report ' \ Class—(required to pass' 5fF'f)—Wraith, George -^French 44.; Literature. 46-; Composition 70. V Class McKenzie. r i i j V Class—/required 'to pass '50G )■ i M^Kerizre. ■ Donald—Latin.55; Jl'rench i.62:' Literature 59;' Composition 36; J Algebra-'Tri. ' ' -I ; , Srt III to .Jr. IV— (required to ^.pass' COG)—Purive^, Eunice, 75.G-, - (passed on , year’s work); Laidlaw, •. ’jClifford 61; Wraith, Mary 44. ! ..Sri, El to Jr: III — Pas.^—Elliott Conditional Pass—Yyonne Jr. II. to Sr. II—Pass^My,les’ Mc­ Millan. ■ I ■ r ■ . ’ primer to/Fxrst C!a«s—(Promoted at' -pHastoir) —<Lavergrc MrtcMiJlan; Marie Reich: Rita Reich. '' '■ Beginr.pr- low Crow-tin.; Feieh. Bpth Fi-f’h' Form' pupils p "somr- Departmental sutj- in Lu/ikr.nw, , ■ ’r rG! 14. ' ' A. W, Smith, teacher., ■ . . ft SY. with spent . Mr. and Mrs., Wm. Montgomery ■ Curves. ■ /T Detroit spent?4he past week with MacMillan .M»‘’.aF. A. Blackwell arid other, rel-, ■’atives, hero. , . ■ / ' . . , ■ | Mr, and Mrs. Gordon McBu’mey ' / of horvie spent Sunday at Bert.Me-.• 'Lean’s/ -. • ■ ■ Th^re4 will he no service in th* . Anglican Qhureh Hext. Sunday owing to ^he garf.-. Mrs. . Detroit, small ,.lledging. Rev. a.................. . . me all th*' K*rwo‘od. spent tne i Bovl *^, a the plate -he: A number drom her* „ . celebration at Wingham on Friday. | service at Kin- and Elrov with Mrs. Annldyar 12th at . A a4 tended r)f w |hr- Wtote Number di •'/ ■ I to Primer Chs?—Mar- horVthy McIntosh;