The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-07-11, Page 8o Mr. and .Mrs. I his 7 in­ in r at -/Oyster. A Tomato. Asparagus Spinach Celery ALWAYS USE CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS i~u' .I.., I, .i ..Il ..... .................... ... c'.... CREAM SOUPS medium 16 oz Mushroom '■FREE BOTTLE -'SHU-jMILK WITH EACH PAIR OF WOMEN’S SPORT OXFORDS \ % ROUND TRIP RAIL TRAVEL BARGAINS ■ * From Friday, July Sfepfienfnif^ spend theif honeymoon in an, exten- ded - motor trip J-n^EaMerfr Ontario, Quebec and New Bnlnswiek. OTHER VARIETIES, 16 oz. Vegetable V for Beef Broth ) Cooked Spaghetti ' 2 — 25c „PORK .& BEANS,r. LaYge? 2~35c;. Medium: .2=^23c.SmalL-3-^25.c- BOTTLED VINEGAR, Ci der, Mlalt and White 16’/2 ioz. — 15c. 33 oz. — 25c. TOMATO CATSUP,. Large Bottle, IPc '■MSi' felGHT 'THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL - ., Cleriring Out-Bale Metis’ & Women’s Sport Oxfords \ MENS’; SPORT OXFORDS Bla^k & lyhite. Reg...$3.45... 'omens’' SPORT OXFORDS \ Black & White. Reg, $2.05. i. WOMEN’S BROWN AND WHITE LEATHER SOLES.L A & B WIDTHS REG. .$£.45. TO CLEAR ir ... ............. 1 * SPORT -—“—\ $2.95 OXFORDS 2.95 Rath well and Reed HEINZ 57 VARIETIES x JULY 13th to 20th INCLUSIVE FREE GROCERIES v Each purchaser of Heinz Products ist gjiven a tickets. , At 10 Pijmj Saturday-, July 20th, the (fraw will, be made. ~ - 0 - 1st - prige;- Groceries, vai tfe^^trKoYkfiia‘^atue'WJ0; 3rd valiie ^c '. and to. ■ WINDSOR and DETROIT $3™ Equally Sow ^ares from aii adjacent C.N.R. Stations Tickets, Train Information, Return Limits from Agents. ASK FOR^HANDBILL CANADIAN NATIONAL McCoimkk-Deerirg Hayins Machines bfo. 7 Mower with -•enclosed*', gears, running in a bath of oil is the most modern on the • market. . • . Self-«Dump Steel Hay Rakes, Hay Tedders, Combined Side Delivery Rake and Tedders are leaders in these lines. The McCormick-Deering Steel Hay Loader with ad justable a, Carriers and equipped with roller bearings is one of the lightest draft ahcfrftfist durable cylinder loaders. <, FOR SALE AT— W. G. Andrew’s ARE YOU A THOUGHTFUL PARENT? The thoughtlessness of par-- ents often results i'n handicaps for their children. It is now re • cognized -that eye strain m-qtiir'-. ed hy close application 'to -stud igs is a handicap to children, Their -welfare requires that, they J- See as Well. and comfortably as ' . possible.. Neglect . of this' jh-e- caution MAY result in regrets. ARMSTRONG’S Eyesight Service. WILL TAKE PART IN SERVICE Mr.-E. ,0. Brusseau of the Detroit. City Police Department will take /part in the weekly} Prater,' Praise and Bible service this- Friday- even­ ting at' the home bf George Lowey. The gathering will ] rontipue to study .the Third Chanter I of. John. An. attendance of about 30 ] last Friday, is evidence "that creased, interest' is being taken _tb esc*, meeting. Service At Lanes I There was a large attendance Lane’s Church -last Sunday evening to hear.. Mr. Brusseau, who will again this Sunday take part' in the preaching service, prior to resum­ ing his police force' duties, in Detroit next week. Excellent music is also* a part of these services at, Lanes, and Mr. Lqwqy reports that the .work carried on there .is being bless­ ed. The1 Sunday evening service commences 'at, 7.30. , . (. —---------“— I. ......_ „ _ . ’ ' . ; Presbyterian W. M. S. The Presbyterian W. M. S. their monthly . m'eetipg,- July hold’ 3rd. with Mrs. ,0., H? MacDonald presid­ ing. The -scripture was read hy Mrs/ MacDonSfld and .the. Tidings ’ prayer was given, .by Mrs. Horace Aitchison, The members are looking forward to the August meeting, when Mrs.- (Rev.) A.' C. Stewart, will give an address, .Mrs. MacDonald " offered ■j prayer and Mrs. H. Anderspp gave•II . V .' |‘th(jjj P.iblc study, The topic “Needs of 1 China, was given by. Mrs. -IT.-Mullin, j Mrs. Howard Agnew gave a. reading' ■ [and this' Was followed by a. solo by ■ Miss Mary Douglas.' -Miss Willena Chesnut meeting i prayer. gave a reading and closed with a hymn the \ - MR. CLARENCE GREER J who has Jbeen in attendance at’ Wes-, terwelt School,. London, during the past/ year, has accepted a \position in the office of C. A. Mann and Co­ mpany of London, according to an announcement by Mr. W. J. Rdad- r house, .vice principal of the School; Mr. Greer, wno is the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. j\M. Greer of Luck­ now, commenced big "duties last week WEDDING BELLS BROWN—STEPHEN A pretty wedding xtopk place at Ktab'ourne Park United “ Church-, 1’orontq, on Saturday June, -29th. at 2 p.m;, when Arthur E. Brown, B.A., B. Paed., son of Rev. A. W. Brown and Mrs. Brown of Hamilton, and formerly of. Ashfield, and. Elizabeth,. Stephien, daughter of Mrs. E. Ste- phejj of ’Queensdale avenue ^nd\the- Sjt,ep.hehr^w.er.e™uriit^. ed fn the bondsr of matrimony. 'The^ bride, carrying a shower '- bouquet of white carnations and li'lieK of the valley, looked charming' ih\a dress of white silk lace, and Veil with, cor- on'et of orange) blossom. She was given away- iby\ her brother, Mr. - -James—StephehT^ --eyraft^ accessories to match, and carrying 'a shower bouquet\of pink roses, was the - bridesmaid. Thp groom was At­ tended by Mr. Howard Munroe. Mri Sidney' Browh,. brother of the groom,' sang very sweetly “Because,” during t^e signing* of^the register. The - offi­ ciating clergymeh were the Rev. A. G. Donald, pastor of the church, and Xhh^g^^m-Sr-fatheri-^-the-rReyv^^r^WT Bro.wif. Out-of-town guests-included _ Mrs, A., ^W-;.BrowjQ.^.and__-dangh.tfihsr , Missqs Ethel and Bertha of Hamil­ ton. Many friends of the bride and groom Witnessed th^^impressiVe and pretty ceremony - in the. church., . Beautiful flowers decorated tho altar . ■ for the occasion; The groom for the- last three years has been a - mathematical -teacher. in Danforth Technical School Toronto, and with the bride has been well and favorably kriown to a wide acquaintance in the social and relig- . ious circles that centre” at- Kimbourne .. Tarlochurch; ( LOCAL and GENERAL) Miss Enola Biiswell bf Golden Va|ley is spending the holiday at her home. here.. - Mts. Wm, Webster and thffee children of town are holidaying for a time, in Chatham. Mrs. Olive Treleaveri of Montreal and formerly of Lucknow, is visiting With relatives here,.- Mrs. Harvey , of Exeter is visiting- ■with her daughter, Mrs. A. E. Bus­ well and Mr. Buswell. s Russell Gafniss is; visiting -thjs w.eekL-with -his-. friend, Reed McKiint at the McKim cottage at Kintail.' < Miss Florence plarridge of Chat­ ham is spending the week at the home of Mrs. Charles Steward. Dr. and Mfs. A. Newton of Reed City, Mich., arg, visitors in the vil­ lage wittl the”', former’s father, Dr. G. A. Newton. \ ’ Allan' Kincadb and Mr. \tid Mrs, Ralph Kincade Jr., of Beverley Hills, Chicago, were visiting the M-iss Mc^hAigs.- Miss Sarah ?MacQuaig- of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Ewen MacQuaig- of Indianapolis, were \ Visiting at their home last week. „ • Mr. John Me Vicar, of Clandeboye has been visiting in tJhe village with his cousin, Mr. Duripan McLeod and other relatives, in. Krnloss. Winders at the Ladjes\ Bowling. ” Jitney-dn ■ Tuesday-'wer^T^lsf^Wrst R. fisher; 2nd,, Mrs. Husfon; 3rd, Mrs. R. Robertson; 4th, Mrs. Clarke Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Hill were: visitors in SeaforthA last Thursday, being, accompanied there by Mrs.. "Hays .and Mrs; Elliott and Mr. ?G. S.i Robertson.' - . Mr. Hairyv Mi Shackleton of Mount Forest dnd a native, of Ash- fi'eld, has been \ appointed public School principal of Central School, Goderich. ' ’ \ • , Mr. Harold Bl Burns’5* of Fort Wil- parents here,S prior to commencing diis^smine^studie^O^XA^i^f- ture College, Guelph. Mr. and. Mrs. pobt. Sturdy and daughter Shirley of Detroit, . spent the week end at the home of Walter Sturdy, Arlene and Norah. Jewitt returning with them. ’ Mr. Sam Murchisop, after a long illness, is able to be out-of-doors this week, plainly showing the ser- J^'usne'ss-U)f.Jthe^sickpess-^Oip^vwliib^ ?^e-.is .lip-^'recaVe^i^^' Has Gas , Swiped ' - ' On several occasions and for the second .time within a few nights, Austin Soloman has had the gasoline drained from' the tank of his- car, -which sets out-of-doors parked at the side pf his-home; The -latest offenf|e was committed spmietime during the early^ hours of Monday morning, or late Sunday night. , Little Murray Cameron, 12-year old Toronto lad is enjoying a holi­ day at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKenzie in town.- Murray, is a newsboy ' and Jselling . McLean’s Magazine —ini_..thp„.!jhify_. and -jumped, at the chance of a holiday up here in the “country.” Murray' is said to be a real salesman, having a line of sales talk that .you just can’t resist. ■ • Left On Cruise . Miss .Margaret J. McLennan, who since 'the . school term closed .has been holidaying at the home of - her father, ■ Mr.- F. D'. ■McLennan’,, set Sail from New York on Wednesday on a three weeks’ cruise to thq West Tridies ‘ and British Guiana? Mis'S. McLennan is a member Of the Tor­ onto teaching -staff and, was accom­ panied on the trip' by another teacher. ‘ ; View Quintuplets Mrs,, jra Campbell .of Lucknow .and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell of Afjhfield, were recent visitors at TheSsaTon,- with the ' former’s . sister/ Mrs. George Campbell', who returned tVith them after visiting ip Luckriowi A particularly enjoyable feature of . the trip. w>s a view of the- Dionne . Quintuplets, at Callander, which was not far off their route north. The party w^'S privileged in being shown* the’babics, whfi, Mrs. Campbell--says .are even- sweeter and., more attrac­ tive than tyieir pictures woti'Jd' indi­ cate. ■ . ■ Mr. Campbell, who is in charge of pulpwood Operations at Kapus- kasing, returned with them to home here for a visit. this week, plainly showing the ser- Eunice! Newton' ar.e . visiting for a couple -of weeks id Orillia, accom-rf panying."'Mrs. Reid and Eldon upon their return the first-of^thp^weekr~ Mrj- (and Mrs. Kenneth Cameron were the guests last week of their daughter, Mrs. Ed. ■ Snider of Detroit Mrs. Snider and children. returned with them for a few weeks’ vacation Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hidks," son Jimmie and daughter Barbara Ann of Toronto, were recent visitors at Mr. F. D. McLennan’s.. The children are remaining to spend the summer with theijr grandfather. In- . renewing his (Sentinel sub­ scription, Mr. R. A.- Andrew of the Department of . Agriculture^at 'Vet- milion, Alberta, writes that crops and general conditions in that area are quite satisfactory. Mri Clarence Oiberle, manager of the Bank of Montreal at Kingsville, accompanied by his wiffe, is here on a two weeks’ vacation with hiis parr­ ents,. Mr. and Mrs.- Andrew bberle. ' ,. —Walkerton Herald-Times. The Lucknow* Presbyterian Church congregation and Sunday School arc? holding their annual picnic at Har­ bor Park, Goderidti, Thursday afL teroon, July. 18th. Conveyances will be provided, -leaving ; the church . at one o’clock. .'X I Sbtcesful University Student Miss Bernice Blake, daughter Mr. and Mrs..,John T. Blake; of Ash­ field ‘has been successful, in passing with honors on her first year work at the University of Western On­ tario, at London. , , Many friends will join in extend­ ing to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ward best­ wishes, upon the observance of their 11th wedding anniversary oh Mon­ day. “Mrs. Ward has not enjoyed good health for some time rind im­ provement is quite slow. Monday’s Free Press carried il­ lustration of features of a memorial service at Poplar Hill. In one of the pictures village residents vimmed-r iately rebogni-zed D. M. Johnstone,' who as a( member of the Strathroy mixed quartette, was rissisting in i of \ ■ ■0- \THURSDAY, JUt\Y 11TH, 1935 TEMPLETONS LEAD THE WAY WITH SUMMER MERCHANDISE LADIES? /VOILE DRESSES, Peter Pan Voiles, fast col- ' ors, Smart styles ............. A $2-75 SUCKEES, white, yellow; g^eeh, ped and white, with fapey cu|P; Per Pair ..................... CREPE HOSE, colors suitable for white shoes. Eggnog Triune, Tea-dance and Sunrise ..........................<59c and up\^ SHIRTS for Shorts, ’•size 30-38 .......x :................ • • • • 29? BOYS’ SHIRTS'for Shorts fancy trim ...........- 35c SHORTS in .strip broadcloth )...................../.....35c & SHORTS—for- Boys, Sand Hlannql, Navy Drill-^ind Linen The better /quality'" SPECIAL—27” Wide FJette, 15c per yard. 2 ydb for , .'V< ■"“V . ,._V ■ Kills Flies in the Stable Protects Cows in the Pasture Protection Avoids Waste Cows sprayed in the morning with x Dr. Hess Fly Spray will be practi- cally free from flies all day long. ■ They graze in1 pepce [and lie down,-/ ; , and, take their rest .in comfort. You should protect your cows, wit\ JQr. Hess Fly Spray because it pays ■-... ’ h —’because' they will give more milk.X^ ' 1 Prevents Warbles__ _ InXa^ditionXtp; Jts_fAv-eT-able^.actiQn against l^mmoit animal organisms, Dr. Hess Fly Spray destroys .the larvae of .the gad fly; and prevents Their, penetrating into and un<|er the Akin, and the growthl) of warbl.es. \Dr. Hess Fly Spray^w.ill nop-taint theXmilk, nor gum or \discoIo.F- the hairS ?. ' .. '7' X ' X< the service. Professor C.- L. Treleaven of Col- . umbia University - rind Mrs. Tr^lea- -ven and three children -of New Yprk, . who are, \$freir\,cW> visitors this week with the former’s brother^—Diy R. L—Treleaven^and' - ALrs.^T-re:loaven= ...................= J. Mr. Jack Colwell and son Currie spent a. four-day fishing trip at To­ bermory last, week. Mr. Colwell^ ex­ reeve of Kinloss, took advantage of the opportunity- to call’ and ’renew acquaintances with reevgs in the Northern “municipalities and former County Council associates. Little Lillian Doyle, who since the death of her mother,_has spent the last 4*A years with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and’ Mrs. Rodger Corri­ gan of . Holyrood, left Friday mbm- ing.-riby. motor- with her father, to. spend some time, in Mundelien, Ill. here her father has a shoe business.' A bit of excitement occurred Tuesday at noon,' when the horsri on Hollyman’s Bakery cart slipped and fell on the pavement in front of Silve'nwood’s downpto'wn office. The, frightened animal- was rolled onto the grassy boulevard to enable it to get to its feet with ease, appar­ ently uninjured. ’ ’’Mr.‘Andrew Thompson last week declined to accept the printx’palship of a public school at Hudson, in Northern Ontario, as he plans to' return to Toronto in the fall, with; expectations that in due time he will become a permanent member of tho Toronto teaching staff. Mr. and Mr§. Frank Wilrion arid daughter Marian and Mrs. Colonel Wilson of London, also Mrs. B, J. Crawford and Miss Rebecca Thomp­ son 1 of /Dungannon were’. Sundriy guests of Mr. and Mrs.( J. R; M'cNab Mrs. Wilson is; remaining, for two- weeks. ; . Miss' IJorisr Durriin, of the Central school,, staff, has .gohejtp Britannia hotel, Muskoka, for tfhc summer? She was accompanied <m the trip there bymher .brother, (Mr. HaTold Durnin,” of Lake ^Geneva, Wisconsin,, who spent a day of two in town oh his return.—Goderich -Signal; Painting is helping to brighten up some business places at present. ,The •Irihpston Block is being touched up e\ suiter fee Beach, are • door the intjerior of the Frigidaire ’35 ^ automatic ally flooded with Be •. sure you get this feature. Look for the name aFrigi- daire’’ before you buy. ' \ . The General Motors Refrigerator Made Ini Canada T. W. SMITH Phone148 Lucknow / mica1-paint with trimmings in yellow Nelson Winterstein’s garage is re­ ceiving a coat of white paint. ...Mg and Mrs. Wm. Robb spent a few days at Collingwood and Was-*- ■ . a.ga Beach. Mrs; Robb remained for a visit in Collingwood with Mr.,and ' Mrs.- Andrew Hamilton. Mr. Robl> Was accompanied home on Tuesday by his daughter, MisA Olive Robb, . who; had been .visiting" at the since “concluding her'tcacing in Toronto. Beach duties- •t New Wash, Dress Materials, .............etc.— Pique 1 m ' white, ' while the Murdie Block Voile, • Plain Voiles THE MARKET STORE.front lA . . hf-« • >t'! - ■ . has received a coat ,of silver \ - 1 <> ,d