The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-07-11, Page 1v \ A ICJ x • 4. ' I’ Button V<lartney’s 'M (Honors) LOCAL FARMERS SELI Wm. (Honors) / I -Ash- I 1 . f .} K \ \ ton ' I them at 8 time. The \* of to Mr. Belfast’, HUMIDITY ADDED TO HEAT OELASTAYEEK with, no score being kept. Later Tin & day, July Gannett, pemon- TWO___ CATTLE TO AMERICAN BUYERS L_ p. - FORMER RESIDENT^ HONORED UPON ATTAINING 70 BIRTHDAY MacDonal Macintosh, Bobbie (Honors) Mackenzie, John K. (Honors) (Honors) and-Ewart Taylor SO11 pf Rev-. Kaino, a former pastor at Dungannon. • !■ start be on iorson. ■■■’ - ' • • .< • x Men’s arid Boys? Work Clothmgr- 'Strx7~StrawTHWts, Undm’wear;-.Ete7=* THE MARKET STORE. (WR' JVHIT'E and WHOLE MEAL BREADS Cannot be beaten for Quality^ and Nourishment -------;-------------------:---—-----—---- ■° I • W \ REN SID|[)ALL DIES . • i. , the Best MENS’ WORK 1 ^ON THE MARKET LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 11th, 1935 VETERINARY DOCTOR TO ' COMMENCE PRACTISE HERE Di’.; Kaine*,. .a rtecent graduate of .1 Maidstone, Out. ■I; 12.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE;, $2.50 OTHERWISE -r“-- .............................. -......v' -....... -VETERINARY BURGEON..... - W. J. KELLEHER, B.V.Sc. ’Phone 29, Ripley, Ont. DR. J. E. LITTLE Dentist * XhRAY SERVJCE Office. In^The Johnston Block - -- • TeIeph0|^ No. 5 ——, COTTAGE TO RENT—at Kintail. Beach for July and first half of August.—Apply to Georgte McDonald Ripley, R. R. 1. - BINDER TWINE We are—now taking orders .for binder twine, from either members, . or npn-memberS/ also orders, for -'^fer-tili'ZerAlf^om.-—■Club“i"';niember'S^-i^on'iy— for fall trade. Please order' early.— Joihn Jamieson, Sec’yi Lucknow Joint ♦ Club.—-------— ■ .... TENDERS Tenders -will be received byN the undersigned up to July 15th, 1935, for the building of brick\ out-houses “. at Langside School, S. S. No. 8, Kinloss, also for the laying of a. ce­ ment floO,r in the basement of the school.j For plans and specifications apply to—^Foster Moffat Sec’y. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In"' the Matter of the Estate of George Graham Moffat, late of the —“4’owhship of Bruce, ^Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given that all persons hav- - . ing any claims or demands against the late George Graham Moffat who died on or about the Fourth day of AprirA.D.1935 attheTownshipoi ? Kinloss in the County of Bruce, are - , xequiredLtoAaehd_by- post^prepaid „or to deliver td the undersigned, exe­ cutors under the Will of the ■ said George Graham ^Moffat,; their name§ and addresses and- full, particulars in writing of their claims and state­ ments of their accounts. and the .. nature of jhe securities, if any, held by them, duly., verified Ly -affidavit. AnJ. take notice that after the First Jay of August A.D. 1935 the -said- exeqjtots^-will-proceed- to—dis­ tribute the assets of the said de- ——ceased among—-the—persons—entitled- thereto, having regard-Only \to the !^^elaims=of^vdtich^he.y^slmlfc777them have had notice, and that the’’said executors will pot be liable jfor the said assets dr any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received noticb. This notice is given pursuant to' the Statute \in that .behalf. Dated at Lucknow^ Ontario,/this eighth 'day of July,\A.D. 1935. F. G. Moffat, R. R.3* Teesiwater. —-W.-J.—Moffatf-ITO-Dcleware-Ave., Hamilton, Ont. \ 1 Executors. Band Makes Good- Showing At Waterloo Lucknow In Third Place Just One Point Behind Fergus Band—Local Band-Scores More Points Than At Atty Previous Competions. For thb ".third, successive year, Lucknow ..Citizens’ Band ha;s compe­ ted «in the . Waterloo Musical Festi­ val,^ and each year has maje an, im- •prove^/ showing as well as, accord­ ing to the bandsmen, gained much helpful experience. In Saturday’s . competition^ the "IbbttFVocibty" wAs'tenteF^ in whichvfour bands competed; For­ est Boys’ Band won first. with 89 points. Fergqs Citizens’ Band was second with 83i points; Lucknow Cit­ izens’ Band was third with 82 points and Mount Forest Band fourth with 71 points., In awarding Lucknow 3rd place, just one point behind the 2nd place band, the decision was almost a “toss up”. The band boys ajjd other inter­ ested villagers numbering 40 made the trip to Waterloo, by Arrow Bus leaving here early Saturday morn- .ing.-.Xucknoiw.w „Band„MasTOfh.er. third Band in Class 4 to take the stand for the test piece “Diana Overture’!1 by Morris. Twenty-three bandsmeri under the direction of Bandmaster Heyworth; who have7-been--faithfully, practising for this important evbnt, -rendered1-the -test -piece vvery-credit tably in the opinion of those in at­ tendance at Waterloo. . While the Band at no time has placed higher than third .place, yet each year there have been increases in points awarded, as evidence that; the Banld is improving along the various lines ppp.n which judging is based. The 82 .points awarded this -year—-in-7-an—incr-ease^-pf—34^-^-points- over last year’s performance and TfiisrS^^;:^fa^s5±^S^BSdrrinT:a' class that they need not be ashamed As Well as an interesting compe­ tition the' event is a spectacular musical entertainment* which at­ tracts large crowds- annually and which a heavy hour’s rain on Sat- urday afternoon failed to . spoil. TwentY-three bands iook part'Athis; BRIDGE TENDER LET The Village- Council in special session on Tuesday night, received two tenders for the erecting of the steel work at the “Carding Mill” bridge. The lower fender, that of the Hunter Bridge and Boiler Com­ pany of Kincardine was accepted,- their figure being $175.00. .. o The building of the ’-abutments has reached the ppinf, where the. placing of the steel work will commence this -week, it'is expected. . / ■ WEDDING BELLS ■ COPELAND—KETCHABAW The marriage w?is quietly solem­ nized "at jStr'Eeter’i^R^ now^ bn Saturday morning,; July 6th, of Annie Violet, daughter o[f Mrs- Melinda sKetchabaw, Lucknow, . to Wilfred Copeland, son of. the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Copeland of Galt.. Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Copeland. returned to the home- of the bride’s mother, where the wedding dinner was served, af­ ter which they left on a short hon­ eymoon. On their return. Mr. and Mrs. Copeland will reside on . the groom’s farm near Galt. . . On this occasion,' there was served at dinner, a sealer of home-grown peaches, grown and preserved by the bride’s, grandmother, the late Mrs. H. Ketehabaw of Tillsonbutg, almost twenty-rsix years ago. . \ .. . "LucknowBoosters" looks Like Live Organization ■' "f”1 ■' 1 . ; • If. . Came Into Being On Friday Night— Has As Its Purpose The Promotion Of Civic Projects—Robert Ra^ ■■ president. , ’ ,y,\ \ ..' -V ’ -____„'4 . ■ . ' An -' organization' known as’ :fliF Lucknow Boosters, and having a§. its purpose, • the prqmotionj .of civic, im-. pi’ovements, came into being., on Fri­ day night at a meeting held in Mr. G. H. Smith’s office, with an atten­ dance of (sixteen, It w{as suggested at . the meeting' that-this organization lend its sup- Toi’t;~to'"the""pronibtiPn--of“Su jects as, the ' equipping' the Pipe Band, ' the -providing, of .-a women’s rest room, the construction of a suitable swimming pool and the en­ deavour v toJ bring about better •lighting of our main street/ ■ * A subscription . and .membership committee was appointed a..J . 1- structed to start work; immediately on . a drive, with a ■~vi'ew\to canvass- nng" "every resident' of the village. ’ The first civic undertaking this organization..is; assuming is thatlpf as fully as possible, completing the .equipment required by the newly .MAKE PRESENTATION - On Friday Evening, a number; of the. checker pldvers from the village and district gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Agnew,, where during the evening, they ex­ tended ‘ best wishes by presenting to Mrs, Agnew,' a purse of money, in honour of, their recent marriage. A very ,pleasant sogial evening was) spent by engaging in friendly -g-ames—of—their—favar-ite—-pastimn^ The" eVening, after th*e:/gatheringHiad partaken of a bounteous and dainty lffnejF“~“The” Piay:eTsri^wefft“hoTne^ plea^led’ with, the evening sjjentita-; £ether,. and assured* that the com-- muinity is gaining a fine resident in the^person of Mrk Agnew. - ^13: ; organized Pipe Band. A new drum has been purchased, and side drums are'required,. as well as certain re--- galia -to . outfit the players.. Upwards' to at least $100.00 ‘ is needed in this regard and the new.. officers and sup­ porters .of. ..this.L organization... b..es.p.ea.k. a jiearty- ■ response, . when the_ can­ vassing- committees make " their rounds .of the'village. Such a.society which, has the welfare of the village- at heart, .has. been a- long felt nec­ essity in Lucknow, and now that it has .commenced to funetioh, the pub­ lic generally would do well to be- ?comFXr<‘Booster”“And^lencl''Tro^^ ative . assistance' whenever- required. —The^~etectiorr^of- officers—-resd-lted- as Jfollows: .Honorary Rresidtepts, John Jbynt,. and the Reeve- of the Afi-l-lagei--President^ Robc-r-L-Ra^e^-AHc.e.. Pres, and General Manager G. H. Smith. Sec’y.—TreaS., A. E/cBuswell Membeyship ahd ■ Subscription vCom­ mittee, Cameron .Geddes, J. R.\Mc- Nab, Wm. Hornell and F. T. Arm­ strong,' with power to-.’add to their -numbers^........ ■' .'.......- SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS ■. v."' r ' Thettread- of-Healthof Health \ X QUALITY AND &ERVICE OUR MOTTO SPECIALS for the WEEK-EHD " r .\ SHORTCAKE FOR\ STRAWBERRIES ■' LAYER ..CAKES' WITH RASPBERRY- CENTRES. CREAM PINEAPPLE SPONGES'- ■ ■ OATMEAf DATE SQUARES^5' OATMEXl & DATE COOKIES" * RASPBERRY, PINEAPPLE and MAPLE WALNUT TARTS", 7 / AND A LARGE VARIETY OF COOKIES .HOLLYMAN’S QUALITY BAK \ Phone 36 \ Lupknow PRESENTATION . IS .MAIME .'. , TO DEPARTING TEACHER A pleasant time was spent at Sun­ set" .Beach re.cen^ly' follcfwing the' closK of the school term, but ’which and . in^<v<is_Aot without' twinge ft'of sadness' ^•s, it ymeant ■ the severing of an as- oeiation’ of .five'years •' The event was . the community picnic of S..JS.: No.'1-7,’West Wa- wanosh, wMcn was largely attended by hoth parents and pupils in the section,x. yho gather.ed to present Miss Ada* Helm, with a pyrex 'caser-. oie'and a rose bowl in -appreciation., of her services as., teacher..in their .school for the past fiv^ .years-. A lengthy address, ,\jery complimen­ tary . to- ■' the7d7parting^/tseacKe^; 6x-' ...pressed-: ^.incel^e_xe.gr.etsj .^jiix^losingL Miss. Helm', wbek had beefi- a valued member, of thg. Community bpth.in the perform a nc.e\Jf her duties and in its- social life. .The. address was read by a former, .pupil,\ Miss Len- ore' .Stothcrs,' and' the gifts; presented Tiy - four / of ‘ the" ol der =<-puMlsT-'. ~ = The. sociable afterno.oX at ^the- "h^a*eir5vas7”spcn't^m—rri'mO'^sTM'rid;" con-- cluded with the, serving of\ lunch- and -iee—ere-a-m-.———; ? -7—h—— MENS* urn CALF MADE OF SOLID LEATHER THROUGHOUT at W. J. LITTLE’S Shoe Store REV* vMcKElRROLL AT l^NTAIL Rev. Dr. T.-D’.' L. McKerroll mod­ erator of the Presbyterian' Churchy will conduct a young people’s ser-; yjee at kintail^Cam^Summer School- oA’Thursday. . He will spend his vacation ce.<_ Beach on Lake . Huron Muring August. On August ..18th, he\ will^visit St. Andrew^ ; In the matter of the ‘Estate? of Rose Mary Sherriff, late of the. Township of West Wawanosh—in the —^County of Huron, Widow; ■ deceased. Notice is hereby given that .all persons having any claims or fie-; ' mands against the late Rose Mary Sherriff, who died* on or about the fifteenth day of April, A.D.*. 1935, at the Township of West Wawanosh in the' County of Huron, are rb- . quired to send by post prepaid .or to deliver to the undersigned, Admin­ istrator, of the estate of the said , Rosg Mary Sherriff, their names and addresses and full particulars in Writing of their claims' and state­ ments of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by affidavit. . And take notice thjftt' after the Twenty-seventh day of July A.D. . 1935. the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the .said deceased >- among * the per-, sons entitled thereto, having regard only^tu the claims of which he shall theR haye had notice and that the said Administrator- will not be liable\ "for the said assets or any. part thereof to any person of’whose claim he shall not then haye received notice. This notice is given pursuant to the statute in that behalf. \ ‘ Dated at LUcknow, Ontario,, this 2nd day of July A.D., 1935. 4 ; Joseph D. Anderson, ■» ’ R. R. 1, Lucknow. Ont? Administrator \ \V\Jul5r 12th? A^t MtCartney’s'WcW estra. Gents. 35c; Ladies 5c.. includ­ ing taxs----— -* > _ As District Was Visited By The Hottest Wave Of The Summen Sunday brought a decided drop in the temperature and relief from a four-day heat . wave, \he first oL any consequence this summer. Al­ though the \mer<jpry did not soar to’ a particularly .high fjoint, the ac­ companying excessive humidity, re­ sulted in an oppressing atmosphere Official readings, for Wednesday, Tlffi rsdhy/ Friday and Saturday were 83, 84, 85 and 87 degrees Jre- s\»ectively. ’The abnormal humidity made con­ ditions ' last week unfavorable the curing of a bumper hay. crop, which is being harvested and little- headway was iMde in. getting the 'crop in. A heavy rain, on" Sunday, further delayed . haying' operation^ the first; of the week., . ■ „ Sunday’s efrop in temperature fol­ lowed a heavy hour’s^' rain which fell in the district late Saturday afternoon but which the'village and immediate community escaped. Total, rainfall in Jutte was slightly lesAlth^ fftu^ Wd proofed' to' ^e\Wst an'"average nrtn^i so far as- moisturo was concerned. Pjass On Year’s Work, 10 Taking Honor Standing. —t . There follows the names of those candidates-.Jwho have obtained • the High School Entrance standing, at Lucknowv centre. Locally,- Miss MacDonald’s entite class- of^nineteen - -pupils attained the required standing. Of the nineteen pupils,^ 12 were promoted . on their year’s work, ten of whojtt received honor standing. The following list is arranged alphabetically including those pro­ moted Allan,' Marjorie Brown, Gertrude \ Burt, "Robert H. Buswell, Helen Button/' Russell Carruthers, Kathleen Conley, Len \ "Elliott, Orville (Ho\oW) England, R^th (Honors) Finlayson, Donald \Fisher, M^xy. ° ■ Greet, Louise (Honors) Haldemby,' Harold t E. Hornell, Jane (Honors) Johnston, Everette Johnston, Verna Jack ."(HonprsF 'M \ ' MacDonald HhlVn (honors) ' MacKenzie, John McDougall, Freda McNttll, Ray Nicholson, Isabel Barker^ Joan Penrose, Gladys Reynolds, Mary Salkeld; Margaret StewJrt, Bessie (Honors) Stimson, Donald (Honors) Treplin, Marion (Honors) Twamley, Elva (Honors) Wdbster, James - Whitby; Evelyn Seaforth was honored on Thui’Sr day when" twb former z residente paid; a short visit to otij., town.v Qpe\ was- Mrs. Hays, of Lucknow, who onWe-’ cember 23rd next, will celebrate >'hcp' 100th birthday, but . who is as bright and active, as ariy woman lial^ her age. The other was Mr. G. S. \Rob- ertsori, now of the same town, who •iri 1867 was employed in Mr. Alex­ ander Cardno’s bakery. Mr, Robert­ son, howeVer, is onl^ 80 years of age, and he doesn’t even look that.v- Seaforth Expositor. . \ BIG DEMONSTRATION • ' A joint program of -the Summer Bible Schools of Lucknow, Dungan­ non -and Ashfield will be held in the Lucknow skating -rinjk this Saturday evening at\8 o’clock to which the public' is \cordially invited-.\ \ Those, who attended, they)1 shration last .year ha'vc not forgot- te\ the blessing and pnspir^tipn that camp to them as they listened to the Scriptures presented,by the boys and girls in such \a clear mariner.- A large part of the program will •|)e music so we urge our friends to advertise?' thio Demonstration as widely as possible. Bring the1 hoys and girls in order that they may, see what can be-accomplished in the rew\zatiW:\ \¥ A:511 ■. sucHa^ \shd^t\ time. \^\ . ' La;... cars AMBERLEY MAN NEAlXs 99 X TAKES FIRST PLANE RIDE 'V —x Only regrXt; of /Peter -Shiells of Amberley, gfAml old man of KuacarA 7Ti;C ho flighted from his first ride in an aeroplane early This ^eekf Was that" •he had.. .pos.tpan.bd' attempting this neW for.mAof .travel until so late /in life. Going aloft with 'Calvin “Shor­ ty’? Finlaysqn of London——pilpt, he fl.cw pver land faihiliar\ to ljii.m since "a youth. Along ^the lake'front from. Point Clark, where h^ helped' bu)*ld the lighthouse,, he flew io Kin­ cardine, circled the town where his sori resides arid headed \icroSs fam- . <r x \ - t • ■ ,ijiar .scenery in Kincardine ^and Huron Twps.. to ' his home at Am­ berley. Travel by xpmne 'w^s a new experience for .this pioneer, who crossed the- ocemi Jit a four-m^ted- schooner, came into the Queen’s 'bush behind a team ‘of oxen, cSc&pcd from New Orloanjs during. the Am­ erican’ cicii- war fjt.^p a trains drove^ a team 6f horses), while an active’ f^rhUr .at\ Ambeilley, and ,finally, a car. This completes the cycle "of. trlav'ci for Mr. Slji'bJK Church, Fergus, Ontario, on the oc­ casion of its centennial celebration. . __Opened School ________ * The seventh ghnual Sumttier school at \kintail was opened on Monday byy Rev. Austin L.Budge of Hagersvilie, moderator of Pres- •“ byterian Synod of Hamilton and London, under which, the school op­ erates. Present at the opening were a large number frbnf the • district -and un.Cniberg.-of- -the.-class.—22------------ ... worship in Ashfield .chuych and, an ' ppgn’ "air conventicle in the evening. Family Together For First Time In 24 Year „ ■ \ ___________ Mr;. And Mrs. John Howe Are Sur­ rounded By \ (Family Who Are All ' Together For 1st Time In Nearly A Quarter Of A Century.. :L__ , ' • ■ ■X \ * An Unusual s event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. But­ ton on Monday, when all members . . . of the Howe family gathered for the first time in a period of twenty four year^.x The occasion was made possible by the > home coming of Mrs. Robert Carson - (Belle) of was served j Mrs STREET DANCES IN RIPLEY, next Wednesday ev­ ening, Jitjly' 17th, Lucknow Pipe Band in attendance. Dance in Arena in, case of .rain. IN AMBERLEY—next Thursday evening, July 18th., [McKenzie’s 5- piece orchestra will furnish music for both danebs. , RE BOYS’ FOAL CLUB Entries in the Boys’ Foal Club tare required to be forwarded to The, De­ partment by the middle of the month and any competitors who plan to enter are asked to get in touch at on$e with Fred Martin or Ml John McQuillftf This foal club op­ erates in conjunction with the Luck­ now Agricultural Society and last year a large class of colts were en­ tered by young boys of thb com­ munity. “Gray Gables”, Aventie Road, Tor­ onto j was the scene of a happy gathering, when the. family of Mrs. K* A; Gollan entertained her, at a dinnet patty in' celebration of her seventieth birthday on Friday, June 21. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. L A. Gollan . and family - of Kingston^' Mr. and Mrs. D? S. Gol- lan and daughter of Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Dewey. and daugh­ ter of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs.. C. H. Gollan, Miss M. E. Gollan, arid Miss N. A. Gollan and Sergt.-Major I. S. Macdonald, all of Toronto. ■ Mrs. Gollan, the wife of the late Rbv. K. A; Gollan of 'South Kiriloss, is well and , favorably remembered . liy ittatty friends in this community, son. Will the' folks Who have kindly remember those who'have no means of transportation and bring along. The program wil P.M. "sharp,. so please Pearl Horn BORN . DAVIS—In’the township field on Sunday, July 7ith, ahd Mrs. Watson Davis of ; GANNETT—in Toronto, on Mott- Sih, to Mr. and Mrs. H. (nee Annie Johnston)* "a Yarmouth <. >T--\ t«nckhow> Mrs. Robert Shaunavon, ■ Sask. An elaborate dinner to thirty-two guests, •acting as toastmaster.' Mrs. O’Neil proposed the toast to her parent^ Mr; and Mrs, John Howe, Mr. Wal­ lace Howe i responding on their be­ half; Mrs. Alex Shaw then recited Rudyard Kipling’s poem “If”. Mr., Alex McNay toasted the, guests and Mrs. Robert Carson very capably * responded. A vote of appreciation , was .tendered the iho&t And\\\h<xsteSW'X\ Ga^netf.lBisXW, ^ollowfe^P by-.' ' the presentation Of flowers and gifts to Mr. and Mrs. Button and Mr,.and Mrs. Howe. . An enjoyable afternoon was spent in taking pictures and playing gUines followed by a ’picnic- supper’ Many ’ friends gathered in the evening to,, renew acquaintances and many hap­ py hours , wero spent in . community singing, cards and dancing. Among fhhse present were: Mr .and Mrs. John. Howe; Mr. arid Mrs. 'R, J. Button; Mrs. Walter Howe of [TeeSwater; Mrs.' Ernest O’Neil ' iiwaKisiunet unt.; Mrs. Gerritt F Veterinary College, plans to pursue ,°f Auld., Ont.; Mr. "and Mrs. C. — • ' ' • ............................. Sisson, Windsor; 'Mrs. Robert of • 'son, Shaunavon,' Sask; Mrs; Alex .Shaw, Windsor, Ont.; Mr.' Wallace IJowe, Windsor, Ont.; Mr, and Mrs. Billie McKenzie; Mr. and Mrs. . I ■ . .... .. . ■Chas.- Burt1; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc­ Nay. There were also eleven of the .twenty-six grandchildren, present and two great, grandchildren. i 1 . ■ death occurred on Monday, July Sth, at' his. (homo in Toronto, of Benjamin H.. Siiddalli (formerly a‘ manager qfvAthc^Rank, of Montreal) d^ftW^oh'A^ n " ' \NiXVy ■ Trah ______ / h^\®d' oA Fl^reM^ Sv^all.A,ThV funcAil, being held today to Mount Pleasant' Cemetery. J L* , ■Mr. Siddall xyas the'last surviving brother of t-lny late Mr. G. A. . Sid,~ jdall of Lucknow, A sister; Mrs. Stewart ol Cleveland is now the Jone surviver of a family of seven child­ ren. of the. late. Mr, and Mrs. Siddall of Ailsa Craig.'" Fifteen head of pure bred Hol- steins haye recently been purchased in Western Ontario by Gafelick Bros'. Unionville,. Mass.,, breeders in Mid­ dlesex, Elgin, Bruce and Grey coun­ ties contributing. Six' head were brought from the herd of J. Ffank Davis, Markdalc, three from the herd of Eldon .Hen­ derson, Lucicnow, two from the.herd of J. &A. Renson, St. Thomas', and Orie -§ach from, the- herds of Ernest. Behstead, Strathroy; Chester Gloin, Centre i his profession in this district, with j, his1 headquarters in Aho village. Dir, Kaino, has rented the -residence of the late Mrs, WrT^t-^I-aehonald and is ’eX’poetod to aryive here this Week ■accompanied by his wife and throe­ year-old daughter. Dr. Kaino, is a