The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-07-04, Page 8I TT ( LOCAL and GENERAL ) V Socks also\ xl-o'b'i'nson of St, ■ Augustine, ' rr No. 7 , Mower ■ V •A Bailey ' wedding bells . . CUMMING—STEPHEN ’ ■Tne marriage tobn pluc-u in Knox A-'iusuyLe-X'iaii ciiurc-n,. jLuromo on( Sac-, uiuay, ■ o’x- vioici' bi'epncn,' d-augniur ,/l ivir. and jyiio. Samuel o-. ,lu mr. ..uiaruhce Ar-cnur Cumming,, son .ox..Mr. and’Axrs.“x’'TaTik’'lx7Tm^^^ va-nng -ox nuiun x.u/lismp. aiiu a ..mo-, Viler bi xVlrs. Harvey-AcKeri -oi Luck- ..iww. Mev. jonn lilKSter oniciaieu. -xne,.. ctiurcli c’wa’s’..decuiMud -wiui- pcunies, painis ,\ii’nd‘ i-erus, .• apd' trie vyeuun-ig music was . played-by ' Mr. xVl? M. .Stevenson,churc-if ’ orguuis i. \vall, Man.,. ahd M'iss Ina MacLeod of Winnipeg are__ visiting, at the A gay time, wds ■ spent pl„ayiKj V*AV» JtXX .v VJt'. MT-ITU W"’" ening. Cater an impromptu g-arpe of PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY,JULY 4th, 1935 ;.-r ■ ■ <"1 • TEMPLETONS A ladies’ STA-PACK with-the—unique Garment Fixture especially designed for short or. long trips ' ' . ‘ ' • ■ • ’ A place for everythin and every-. , * thing in its place' and when unpacked the garments- are absolutely ' free from crushed 'or wrinkled /A&A pearance, . ' “ ■, J ' ‘ \ • \ All STA-P^CKS come ' with the ■ Cushion Grip Plaitpd Handle* 'irin- ex­ clusive . STA/PACK feature. v * A Priced Frotn $3 50 Up ..■N'T""' ...... “"T "J 1 s 1 ■ ■ 1 TJ-' ' ■ . "" Y . ’ •' ........ N ’ ' ' ’ • ‘ ’ I, > \ \ . ’ ’ ./ " \ X Travel By Aritpw Coaches v ' “For Your Convenience” Arrpw BUS Schedule . Efffective May 5th, 1935 Leaves lucknow South Bound Week Days—9.45 A. M/ ■''/ ■. Sunday, ^.15 '1\M'.-. T Standard. Time 'T ') \ LEAVES 'LUCKNO-W '■ " -; North Bound , 9 25; P. M., Including Sunday^ { ' A - - ' ' ' ‘ ' 1 ' . Itineries Planned to All Points -inCanada,:UnitedStates;and Mexico Consult Local Agent ■ .) T. W. “SMITH ' v . ■ Central Garage ,Phone )1,48 ' Central Qnt. Bus Lines. Torbrito^ With The ’ CREPE/^CHIFFON, SERVICE aM ^M^SERVIGE, LISLE- and COTTON Miss - Margaret McQuillin is. visit­ ing .with'relatives in Detroit. The Lucknow Pipe Band will be out as usMal this Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Watspn of Lon­ don, visited’ with relatives here on Sunday. . . Miss Irene Robinson of St. Augus­ tine is spending a week with Mrs. -J.. W. Nixon. Mrs. R. V. Mackenzie is - visiting , in Waterloo with her sori Steele'and Mrs. McKenkie, - ' ' ’ ' , ”, Mrs. Minpi.e Horne is visiting this- 1 week <at the. home Of Mrs. Walter ' ^lorne?■'at^ingsville/'’’ TT ■ Mr» rand-HMrs.; W. R. , Bailey ’ of •. -Detroit spent' the week: end with Mf.. ,,and .-Mrs;. Thomas BgrAs.1. > / ilf your ‘Sentinel' /libscription "'is' , due or. past-due, will«you. kindly at­ tend to thfs matter pipiptly. - T Mrs; T. ,SY Reid and son; Efdon, of -Orrllia-"—are - visi ting at ' the home. of . Dr.' and(Mrs. G. A. Newton,___ -. ■ Mr.,. and Mi'S-' Harvey Ack.ert at- cenued the Cumming-Stephen wed- , ding in Toronto on Saturday. (Mr. Ewen. McQuaig of Minneapo­ lis ' visited- with his brothers and sis­ ters here over' the week-end. Mr. anff Ws-. Silas - Brush from Harrow .spent \, the week Ond- with friends in . Lucknow", and Ashfield. ' Miss Lillian^ xHitchell' of. the Bank of. .xUoiitreai; otaxf,. .commenced “her: Lwo-iwbeks’ vacation tn-e. iir,st pf -the week'. , ■■ ' '■ . «» ’ ■ . s . , ,’’ ivir.' 15/ L. M-cDiarm'id aiid -Arlene ,' ’ di---daxnoo.uUw4i-,--‘-i\-.--JL-T--;Spedt ■: the ■, , ween'Oiiu with Mr. ana Mrs. A. Mc- . Di’armid; ‘ - ■ I Mr. Andy ■ Hijston ' who^ is~"down ■ xrvrii tile VVest on , a 'UuMhesstrip,' ; visitpd ' with his ,parents herb the end’ ox the week. > - ,f - Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Buck and Mrs. A: L.- Barrett of,. London .visx-ted dpr- : die we,ek with ’ Mr; and Mrs. W m- ArmstrongSr. ... / ■/_• -T - s Mr.. Greg Leith, who is in’, the ’ "employ ‘of.‘tne Canada Packers :at , x-'eterborough, spent the week end ( at his . home here. \ ' ■ M'r.- Gordon : Johnston . | underwent ' an\ .operation -on his -pose, in .Ham- i uitohy "upon- --■•the--ebi!h-pletion— of /.-his- Mi-eaching' duties last week.'. ‘ - ! Mr., and Mrs.' 'J. W. Nikon.' spent ^TStnldaV with 'Mt. './ahd.. Uraig- and' with 'Mr.' and Mrs, Charles THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL ly Bride?E|ect Is Honored At Gatherings ■ V Bloomingdale Folk Make Presenta- . tions To Miss Vera T^dd Of St. Helens And July Bride ^lect - Pleasant • View, the hpme of Mr. B..W, Moyer and Miss M. Moyer—of- Blbpiriingdale, was the sefehe of a happy, gathering, when the young pepple gathered to give a miscel­ laneous' shower for Miss. Vera Todd, who is to be, one of the popular July brides. . »' v ', ' A gay time. Ws spent playing Jawn games the first, .part of.. tl|e ev- ^school- <whs" Ttlayed’^ha^^ taking -tfie parts of primary pupils^ This proved .to be most .amusing.; A. ^QueeU’W, May”, scene ,was acted in which - Miss Todd\. was - chosen queen' • At. this time .she \ was crowned "with pretty ‘flowers, and/presented^ with a prettily -decorated basket of pretty arid useful gifts..; The following ad­ dress,.was .read: __. ...-_______ Dear Miss Todd:.. 7 % . ,4t is- -indeed-rwith df- ■regreis ,that ’we haye learned you ar abopt to leave us. While with us you -havri' fiy your, teharming manner and "personality endeared yourself tb us. Apparently these, desirable qualities! have wrought havoc” .with others,\ besides ourselves. Our loss will he- /his” gain. We who $re parents are deeply grateful to you for your painstaking, care and ^indly influence upon' our children, . a-nd . will always' remember you with-gratitude. We <wha are-l young people will ie- member you for your. kindly society and we who are-ghildren- will alwayT remember you for your unselfishness patience., -■ kindness and’ justness in 'your~deaHrig.s;-"with,M always love you as “Our Miss. Todd”. Sirice you are leaving us to he- cpme a “Tutor of One” k we sincerely wish you t<^ carry ' on thdse /good qualities e and as a\ community we, wish you all joy and happiness. . As. the'. probabilities; are “shbwers” ;;we-would^ask^ -these- small tokens of your ' Bloomingdale friends in kindly remembrance of happy times together.. .T ■ v , On the ^previous Wednesday p.m., th/ ’children of .ffhe school gave a miscellaneou& shoyver for Miss Todd. TheVront porch of the sqhooi was .gaily decorated with streamers?, ‘arid- .2 little girls held gaily, decorated TLar4spls,L.A„^uitable ..lit.tle.4song-.<was„ sung by the \pupils and follovying /bls;—twb„smaU_boys—made—the-—pre— -sentat-ipn^-—An—address^--expressirig~ ^heirMove-amd^aJsp/^eii^regeets^’was: read by one of-the, older girls. On Monday evening.MissJEdsddfandT a number of her girl friends were, entertained at Mrs. Kenneth McAl­ lister’s |iome?A bride’s book had xbeen prepared by: these friends and was presented at this time. Each girl, also brought a favorite recipe and piece-, of housekeeping advice to .^be read. During the;. evening \Miss ‘ dd“ was^resented=wvibhT73Tatfe=T6=flector, accompanied by .*besF herself to be a popular member. Socks, Underwear,. etc. New Low Prices.^THE MARKET STORE. i. taking, the parts of primary pupils, “Queeri’W, May”, scene ,was acted in which J^iss Todd\ was chosen queen; At. this time .she \ was crowned "with pretty fiawers, and/presented, with a prettily -decorated . basket of pretty RAIN MARS TOURNAMENT/ A downpour of, rain, early Wed­ nesday ' evening , erififed abruptly *«t^, first important bowling event staged this, season by the Lucknow. Boyvli^g Club. A Scotch Doubles" tournament which commenced that afternoon* with rather a small entry, was in progress^ when the- cloudburst, came.- A draw was. made to determine the grize winners, which resulted .as- -tollows-:---First • —--Event-,- ^GhapmaVs- rink, Kincardine, 1st; Wellington McCo^ and» Wm., MacPherson, 2nd. , Howard Agnew aiid ,, 3rd event, Jack -Id and Jack McPherson, 1st Puston and \ Wallace. Miller, J. lightest draft and most durable cylinder loade*s< . ' PRAYER, PRAISE, BIBLE' STUDY McCotmick-Deering Hayin'; Machines with enclosed gears, running in a bath of oil is the mPsL modern on the market. SelL^Dump Steel Hay Rakes, Hay Ttedderh* Combined. Side Delivery Rake and Tedders are leaders\ih these lines. The McCormick-Deering . Steel Hay Loa <der with adjustable Carriers? and equipped*' with roller bearings is one. of the. n P,. r' * _ . 2nd event, Dr. Perry’s rink, Mt. Forest, 1st; , ~ Dr. . Johnston, 2nd. MacDorial.. . David Huston i— 2nd. ______ lie School Reports v _________8 "A \- -■ Jr.. IV. to Sr. IV -- Hon.—Ross MacDonald 79; Flo/a Whaley 76; A Gerald Culbert 75. Pass —Murvin Solomop 70; Evelyn Tay- .-lor. .6&;r.Dean-..Pa^er;son...6b; -JackrCook (passed on year’s work—unable to -"Ston/-------: '—;— -----—----;-----—---- :.■--■■'■■—; .. K—TMacD^naffc ^-TA Sr.UIL-tX-^MLV,-. Promoted on Year’s Work—-, Willard Thompson'; Fern; Twamley. Norah\ Je;witt; Mary . Salkeld; Caro­ lyn Alljn; Margaret Nicholson. / By Examination-/ Pass—All'in \Treleaven; Reid Mo- Kim; Jack , Traplin; Jean Havens/ Russel Garniss; Lloyd Wylds; Don-s FREAK PLUM GROWTH A young plum tree on the farm of Bob Andrew, in Ashfield, has de­ veloped ^a freak growth someivhat ■ similar to a growth reported, a' couple Of weejks ago at-/Goderich: The growth is larger than5 ^n ordin­ ary plupi* greenish yellow in color has a. tough skin and .a hollow cen- y tre dnd will cbllapse when squeezed. \ The , growth appeared practically' overnight.\The formation at Goderich x was’ reported to have developed on a a however points out/Kat this growth ■ Was from a plum tree" and described it as fungus disease known .as plum pockets or bladder plums. It is a common plum disease in Ontario and is most prevalent' in cold, wet springs It is hot of great economics im-. pojrtance and can be prevented’ by erirly spring spraying. On year’s work—Helen Orr, Betty T-ay-lo-r.——----- 'By J lamination — Honors Bill Treleaveri; Catherine Johnston; Ei­ leen Geoghegan; Sam . McQuillin; Kathleen Reid; Sammy Chin. Pass- Ernest Button;. Keith Collyer; Tom Patton; Russell Whitby. Ori Trial— Ross Patersop, Fred, Webster, Dom- ald McKeffzie, Frances Armstrong, Kline Lee. , v M. MacCallum> ■ v’ '■ SK Ml to Jr. Ill ? On year’s wbrk—Melvin Orr; Jim Hamilton; .Doris Wylds; Alan, Mc- .KlraJ x ' x- ' . \ -- ■ By examination —. Honors — Helen Salkeld;. \Tom Traplin; Marjorie Solomon; Lome Reid. Pass—Carmen McQuillm; JimmiieX Purvi-i; Norm.a Ritchie; Jean Bushell; Reggie'Fer­ guson/ Ross Henderson; Annie Parker; Russel Armstrong. Taken on trial—Dorothy Paterson; Warren Wylds; Lloyd Stewart; Donald Johnstone; Billie Button. » / K . h From Jr. II to Sr. II Honor's —Mean Webster; - Mabel MacDonald; Jean Allin; Kenneth /Vbbster; - Jack Wilson; Norman-Mc­ Cartney. .Pass—Esther Patton; Ron- old Mclnpis; Lbrne Gardner; Kath- .ryn Agnew: Ruth Winterstein; Jack ‘Scott, . H. G. Sherriff. Room I ’ Sr. Class — Promoted to Jr. JI. Names are arranged in - order of mding fin ''bo-thcla^Si\ .' EidfiOf s “orT t#m’s~ ^ - - ' / * » D Or ben Miller,‘ Lorraine Ferguson, William By Examination- The weekly prayer, praise,-, and Bible study 'meeting will be held al the hpme Of Mr. and Mrs,. George L°wey 6n Friday evening at S^p.m'. ThVenty-eight were " prbs-eht last meeting'.and a fine time’iri the Lord Was enjoyed by all. Set this, date apart uhto the Lord, calling upon Him- In prayer hnd Supplication for a,revival 1ft out midSt and that souls might be saved. The fbpic' this wook ‘The first Miracle,” .7 ’ Mr. Geo. Lov^ey. ■'v'__ ................ ......... Gcognegah, Mie JWebster, D'brben THllerr" Lorraiire Ferguson, William .Chin, Ronald Johnston; , By Examination— ’, Honors—Jack T'releaven, Shirley Culbert, Ivan Gardner, Glenn Trap- lin, Patsy Whaley, Alma Solomon, Doris Taylor, Lois Henderson; ’ Pass —Roberta., Phillips', Donna McCart-' ney, Jessie Reid, Roy Havens, GeorgtJ Taylor, Billie Johnston. Promoted from Jr. I. to Honors,-* Mary McQuaig, Ferguson, DouglaSs Boyes. Patsy Millet, Ivan Lloyd, DedVes, Albert Chin,' Billie Allin, Allan. Stewart,- Fern Ball, * Eljen Armstrong* Joe Agnew,, Winifred MacDonald, Gordojn. Mullin, Lloyd Gollan. I. Murd ie; . _ s. PRESENTATION MADE MR. AND MRS. ALBERT LITTLE A pleasant evening wds spent in the Township Hall, Holyrood last Tuesday, when friends and neigh­ bors of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Little newlyweds, gathered to /do them nonor and present, them with a van­ ity dresser and a. chesterfield table. The'evening was spent chiefly in dancing with a short program given at lulich time. The following address was read: To Mr. and Mrs. Albert Little,— We/ your neighbors and friends, are glad tonight to take this op­ portunity of expressing our congrat-. dilationsand best’wishes on the oc­ casion of your recent marriage. We, wis'h’ to extend to Mrs. Little a ‘hearty welcome.’to our community, where we’feel sure she will’ prove herself a valued member. Ih thinking of . your libme, we have ^elected a couple, of articles .which we trust may in future remind you of our 'kindly wishes. Please (accept .of this Chesterfield • table and this bedroom vanity as our gifts. But -more‘especially we wish you, to cherish tonight’s gathering as a loyal appreciation of the fact that your home has, for many year's, had its- roofs , deep,ip, our eomhiu'ri'it^ M'd#you(be loffg spared to mdinta'frii its traditions' ^ pf hospitality and.. neighborly kindness and helpfulness an dm ay- health and pTOspefity Be yours. ’ ./ Signed, Walter McKenzie, Robert Moffat. MRS. CRAW TQ SPEAK AT CLINTON W. C. T. U. MEETING id >«' chapter, by ,” John 2nd V *1 •v«■/ Sr. I— Jimmie, i Pass— Douglas ’ Ellen Winifred ..........i r New/Prints, “Ginghams, Voiles; New ideas ih Wash Dress materials. New low - prices. —TIIE MARKET ST6RE. •, A The Huron W. C. T. U. .convention will be'.held1 in Wesley-Willis .Church Clinton, on Friday, July 5th. There will be .riiorning and . afternoon ses­ sions. Mrs. Craw of Dorchester, Rev. DeWitt. Cousins of Clinton and A. T. Cooper of Clinton will- be the speakers. ■ ' Campaign Cost $1968. To fight the warble, fty menace ih.ro'ighobt Bruce, the County paid $1968, reported George R. Paterson, county agricultural Durijig the past "fe-W jCattle were, treated, only 25c per. animal. representative, months 87M53 The cost was ■j KNEE HIGH AND SOCK EES FOR SOCKEES FOtl KIDDIES, Per I SOCKS FOR MEN--Auto-gai t T(>p or _W-ork-Socks.—Per Pair-..... /.- .' . LINGERIE, SyPS, PANTIES .AND B^C ,LA DIES' * organ/1. •Durnfg uie sigipbg "of -tile; register/ Mr. i;aul 'Bai vabg ‘’Calm- as tne. Aighu” The bride given in’’marriage xiy her 'xauie/ wore a lovely gow.ii /x wmie satin, fashioned-, bn long grace-xu'1' dines,.' . ciie' • ^gn7"-neckirlte- 'inaUe of tiny..1 satin'" -rbsebudS’ with, centres .'of seed' pearly ancl eliding, in 7r*iorig-/ta-n^s hap ed/~trarm—-Her—v‘eti- waS white tulip edged with Venetian race caught' in a pleated ■ halo aijfi /eid .i^itn seed pearls. She oaiTied a upuq-uet. of Sunburst roses and lily 'of tile valley. The wedding atten­ dants wer.e jMiss Lily .e Stephen, twill sister of tne bride, as maid'.of .honor., frocked m pale pink' chiffon organdie with ha,tk-of pink tulle' and rose petals, and^arrying ' a - bouquet - ol' ...... TiTjd ' Home of Mr. George Douglas?A , ■ Misses Emily and -Elizabeth’ Horn­ ell -and Dave, Allan' and Ashley Hor- riell, were .week end visitors at 'the iiOnU of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Horneil. ’ |Mik Andrew Thompson ' returned home from- Toronto \the end of the -week,....-accompanying.. ■■-his.....friend, Archie- “Walls, who spent the week- sweetneart". roses’ ~afrd ’ swee.t peas; Miss Margaret Stephen,., sister- ■ oi- . the bride and Mi.ss2_Gladys ’Buchan/ pink “chiffon organdie capes and sashes of iilqe -s‘nTa"ll'“hatS“'of-""blue""'tulley-and“tcrH-etar l'hey carried ’Ophelia roses and for- . get-me-nots.' The best man was Mr. William McPherson, and the' ushers were Mr. John Stephen, Mr, Axel Stephen, Mr. William Knott and Mr. Hugh Key. After the ceremony, a- reception was held at Parkdale »As- sembly..Hall, where the bride’s moth - erJ .received? bearing, a go'iwn of ; niac-k->di'i.ple---sheer--..»cx-ep'e...wni;h..ia JhaL with • frilled taffeta with idesmaids iTocked HEN-youi-are-sure-of-all- bestrfeaturps^^sure^ of getting General Motors^ valqd. ^HgiSarfe' is made -in ' . Canada. \ ' .The Genera ’ Motor. Refrigerator Francis Buck of London axe spend- • ing their ’ summer vacaTTOm ' with: „ tneir grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. VV-m,. Armstrong, ■ Sr. ’ Saturday evening crowds in. the village are * thoroughly enjoying the 1 music by the Pipe Band,- winch bf- ganizatioh is being paid’ many .com­ plimentary- remarks. Mr.° and Mrs. Thomas Culbert and Walter' Culbert of Huron 'and Miss Hazel Culberc of Lucknow, attended me ’ Culbert-Doughfy': 'wedding in Walkerville 'on- Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carberry/who' have spent the past week with -Mr. and Mfs. James Johnson, returned to TOronto/accompanied by Miss Eileen Johnston, who will visit in the city. ;- Miss " Frances Siddall spent1 the week end ‘ here and on her return to Toronto Monday was accompan­ ied by her mother,- wno has spent the .pa^t several weeks in the v.ilage-. Mr. George Douglas, Miss Dor­ othy and Miss- Jean Douglas visited in Kitchener and .Baden and upon their return -were accompanied by Miss -Mary and Mr. George Douglas, Jf. ’ ■ • • . Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong of Dayton, Ohio, are visiting with the former’s br-other, Mr. .Win. Armstrong, Sr. It is thirty .-three years since Mr. Armstrong visi.te'd Lucknow. . . i Dr. W. M. Kannawin will conduct the mornirig' service, in. the Jfrdsby- Wu/ia-n^chuMh'vtfiih' V^ariMy. ening ^service will be/ withdrawn on .accP,urit- of anniversary services at Dungannnon. Mr. and. .Mrs. . C. -M., Johnston of Sarnia, w-ere wee.k -end -guests, at the hpme of the latter's parerttsj Mr. and Mrs. Richard . Webster', accompanied here by Mrs. Webster, who had spent a couple of weeks in Sarnia. Mr. Harvey Naylor and Miss Gunning of London, were week £nd •visitors with the f'-rrher’s rhothpr, Mrs.-Wm, N:(.y'-lor, who returned here vritl'i them after Xpm'ding a' couple • of days in the city. Dr. and P- J. McGregor and son afid daughter ' f■ om Lprncsvillje, III., and Mrs. Catherine Campbell <^f Philadelphia, were visitfjfr’s,, Jas/ week with -Miss Kato' and Mr.* Dan McGregor. Mr. Win. MacK-cnzie,' Kathar'ine, Tom, Alek‘"arid' John K> motoiL-d week, their ::Zi—J mTan - „ _l_„ _____ _ _ w mother, ;wko_ _als.o . gown of yelloiyv flowered, chiifon with -a—w.hite~hat~aiid"wvore7'a^corsagx*--o-f- outterfly roses. Later the bride anti" <grobm left.' . for points spulh. . For. travelling the bfide wore a navy olue crepe suit with blue accessories; On their return . they ‘ will live in Toronto.,,, May to Torn . . work- after spending ■ the holiday horn find Katherine rg.g; r;-..'r course in the city. Toronto the first of the and Alex returned • to Katherine rommencos a . slimmer For the next couple of. months, | especially, there will be’much visit • mg -out of town and many homes’ ili­ the village will have tfgues|,s. Sentinel will be glad to learn these items and welcomes them publication. - Mr, and Mrs. Alex Ibbatson iao boys of Flint, Alich., \vulu . wuuiv end gues.ts With- Mr. and Mrs.Josepfi England of Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Swan of St. Helens. Mi|-i- ibfia Swan accompanied- them on their return trip home to Flint. Many graduates of*,the Stratford xNormaf school, from -the village, and community, attended the. graduates picnic at Goderich, on Saturday. The enjoyment of the. outing was less.oned- however. upon .receipt of word of the death of Dr. Silcox, principal of the school for many years. • i\irs. IL *G. Sherriff, who was seized with a weak spell last Friday is she Was completing her last day -d’ school-for the-term, was removed to her-home, and is sufficiently im- month’s"tr'it, m sister. Won At Wingham With 4- wins arid a pTus/bF 16, the local rink composed., of Mrs. Solo­ mon, Mrs. Clarke, Mirs; C. Steward and Mrs. W.^Henderson, skip, won first prize in' the rinks tournament at. Wingham. Jen rinks- competed, the Lucknow rink winning granite • ' wear double boilers. In deciding i'he ' winner it was necessary to -play |ian <-xtra end. Mrs. Bailey’s rink 'of- Cargill was 2nd. ;- 1 faking ‘Summer Courses Several teachers paid‘/a .hriel’ vr-.it at, their, homes here since, com,- ■ pitting t-hc• school, term la t‘week and •prior to leaving this wt:ok ' to take ’ mmmer-courses at various • points Edwin Smith, Malcolm Watson find Gordon Johnston- left' by.motor op 'I’K'-day for Kingston.. Katherine , McKm.zm, Helen Thompson nn.d (!crf Mmipson ' pro Making courses' hr ■ lormh.0 and ' Bill Iknder.son• and' D-ivo Anderson at Western Univer •>ty at Condon. <•• ■ •' . ' OBITUARY . » ■ , ________ ' • ’ * . CATHERINE CATHCART Gatherinq Catheart; relict of tnca a J The of- for and Were. week ........................................ ........... S\trip in the West to visit her MRS. ■ Mrs. ---- ------- ----^T--- thc late Alexander Cathcart of Kin-* (ail, died at her home . on the 10th <on., Ashfield, June 21, 1935. Mrs.- Cathcart, who was in her ninetieth year, had been in failing‘health for s<’nie .riioriths.- On Friday night, with her lovefl ones all about her bedside1,' in the. peace and silence of the night' •her gentle., spirit took its flight. She left the things of time and sense for the Better Land.-r - Tire late Mrs. Cathcart was born in Ashlield, a daughter of. the late Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas, pioneer , - settlers of the Lake Shore. She vvas a line ty^c of the sturdy old Scot­ tish settlers, who came here from Scotland, about one hundred years , ago. She was quiet- and unassuming by nature, very much attached to her oAn loved ones, but yet sympathetic and kindly to all. To know her was to love and esteem her, for her ’pany-amiable qualities of heart and to love and esteem her, for her many-amiable qualities of heart and life. It wasf her desire to do what ,......;„ui 1 i- ... ■ -A.Ever . /she 'lite. It wasf vith . every dxiligdited to dwell, she has left be­ hind her i ’ I _ noble lifiuMell livedL - * - ''' ■ Hew .husband havin'# predeceased der many years, she' had the care' of n y-^ung family and, was a wise and devoted mother. 'Jfircb her family survive: John her only ,surviving, so’n . and two - daughters,' ' -Jane and Minnie, who so ■ tenderly „ raied for . her during her ‘ declining “ years and-her recent illness. Her ekl- 1 st, son, David died about* 19 years - ago, . Shcx itf. also survived -/by two hrothm-s, Mr. Roderick Douglas of Huron Twp. • and. John on the old. DoiigiasJ homestead on the Dake Shore, and alsb^a lhrge number bf "iocos and nephews,- to’ whom wri ex- .l<nd our sympathy.- _ I he irmeral took place from her ■ a ie home to Kin tail cemetery on M-mday-afternoon last and was ce>n- dnoted by her pastor, Rev, J. fc.-Mc- < /llivray.t A very large circle of ioihL .gathorod to pay-" their last ’’(•spools to one whose? beautiful life ' .'as brought to a happy and peace- lnl close. • a.' beautiful example of a —---------- - ------ .... :• . I members of I 4 ■1- <.