The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-07-04, Page 5(fit '.to 're^by- are bell. A. Total 794; Grace MacLeod 790.Leod Pas 9X . eonJri I to Sr. d—- Honc _ _ ___ _ Griffin 87; Jack McGuire and Lovell last week and also shotwed lantern ONE OF THE BEST i ordy Ir- At - II ‘ C ■ 'The Sepoys came back in the fifth for a lost’cause as the Sepoys po 1 0 27 11 4 in 3rd. . ‘ I % V) 1 0 F ' ,<C/. F F c II 0 1 0 0- h i i 4 3 1 O'. 1. e '0 0 c. R. H. Minds,' 'J'a'clftktoook and Jack Trap the Luckno'w/Juvenile ball rapmra _ .v .. .i- - .in x A* r: ■ X r 1 0 v2 1 ‘ 31 _ ah45 A 0 1 0 0 0 .1 0 12 ’ 0 ~6 0 1 Q- 0 C. Finlayson Cuming, ’ ss. Hewat, If.: .. ’ "fee" grbunded ”3^ to" Roy * To 'rFtire“'the , _side., J_ lj. 1 1 3' 6. 0'5 0’ 0 non on Saturday, a defeat the locals kids hope to, avenge This Saturday,' when Dungannon plays here. Mervin TT C TI F II Lucknow;,; Ontario ' ■ . : ' r- A. . .. ■■ . 5 2 12 x0, 1 Goderich Goderich Win gharri * ■ * c Mrs. Geo. Tilden of Holstein is visiting with Mr. Arid Mrs. Davis. ,Mr, Thos. Twamley / spent a / few' c days in Detroit recently. The Sepoys ma'jd- to score in the {first, ginning, p Campbell ■. flied out to left. Th 230 002—7 . .400- 010—5 • ' . iji F ' .'V „— ----p .4 0 .4 1 Thoiripsonin the 'sixth. 0 \0 0 2 2. 0 1 “ ‘ ' ■ ( .... . LOSE TO DUNGANNON Mind's; J'a'clMdook and J adj VI1U UUVIMiyyuvvim^ , vwf*-**’*- sorbed" a 12 to'. 5 lfcking w-i \Dungan- ___Vi-2-- ~ XL- lads hope to, avenge-this THURSDAY,JULY 4th, 1935 Heavy Duty Arch Men’s' Work Shoes -— — ................. • ’ Ever put on the Market by any Manufacturer MANUFACTURED BY THE GREB SHQE CO, (KITCHENER Featuring Built In Arch Norweg^anH Oil^Taii Process ; SEE.THIS OUTSTANDING WOR/CSHOE^ 11I Lucknow Lower School Non-Departmental Results The following students of The Lucknow Continuation School have ob­ tained, standing as. follows in the non^departmentaT examinations. , \ I—75“ tb‘1007 \ 11=^6 to 74“.™“ Ill—60. to 05. C—50~ ' ' ' ■ r-4 ■ ■ —1 1 ' .-Im. „ .© Aitchison, Alymer — . Allin, Harold -----Althn/vBuinadean- - * Altori/ DordtR^ Andrew, Ellen __; Anderson, Gordon, Blake, Muriel Burns, James _ Buswell, Edwin ...~ Campbell, Eileen .. - Campbell, Marion. l .^Campbell, 1 Ina Carter, John Carter, Mary ColTyer’,”" June Cook, Edna . Cook, Eliza .. ^okr“Rhod’a^„ Cufweil; Currie Cranston, Mary Farrish, Alex ... Farrish, Anna ; Finlayson, Anna .. Fisher, Maudie Gardner,- Lane Garniss, Marguerite Gilmore, Helen. ... Graham, Dorothy -THaekeitt—Ir-lma— Hamilton, Helen Hamilton;-Rayihond Havens, Christina « Henderson, Jessie . Hunter, Katherine Inglis, John —1 Jamieson, Isabelle Jewitt, Arlene Jewitt, Billy ~— Johnstonj Howard .. „. Jdynt, George ----- Lee, Fred ------------ MacDonald, Etta Belle Macintosh, Kathleen . .. MacKinnon, Donald .... MacKenzie, Betty ---- t , MacKenzie, Bob ,.—— MacLeod, Grace ------ MacLeod, Leonard — MacMillan, Bruce McLeod, Jack ---- - McNall, Clifford — McNall,, Lloyd Morrison, June —« Morrison, Melvin •;• Raterson, Muriel .. - • Paterson, Orland . PattoilSsjpe — Pearlman, Jennie Pearlman, Morris ’ Rae, Margaret — Reed, James ..— Richards, Raymond Ritchie, Doris ---- . Ritchie, Harold Ritchie* Mildred ... Sherriff, Graham Solomon, Muriel . Steward, ZyldaL— Struthers, Jean ...— Struthers, Mary —. Thompson, Harold Thomson, Winnifred Twariiley, Chester HI C ■ V C C cA C F F ,;J j '-f III ------LUCKNOW SENTINEL ’ T "--T — Locals Lose At Kincardine; Win At Goderich SEPOYS TOSS AWAY GAME TO KINCARDINE Locals “ Make Costly Errors That ;. -Give Kincardinle Five Unearned 7 Runs—-Little To Choose Between Irwin and Cox ' ., Lucknow Se&oys dropped back' into a second pjace tie- -wifh Clinton for the time being, when t^ey fum­ bled their way-to "a 5 - 1 defeat in Kincardine on Thursday. ; Fqur °f; six errors made by thie locals were, disastrous ones-and directly'resulted in’every. Pne ,of the Kincardine "runs*• being “gifts”, , .( ; •/■'At,the -plate,- the team ' showed ^trodious weakness in wleidiriS- the, willow, as has ‘been the case prac­ tically every g$mp this season. Gpk limited tjie Sepoys to 4 hits, two of wpich "* Were collected by Gordy Ir-- ,win, arid one of which .was .a two- base smash to the right field fence. The -ma-jor^ty- of—thef-hlfting-the—re­ mainder of the squad were doing, was pretty, much right into- the iri- ■fielde.rsk.-ba,nds,. ... ’he Sepoys' malde a (Serious threat ~ the Lfirst. vinning. f Bill; — L . iomp- son and McLennan singled in 'suc­ cession : and Irwin walked to. fill the bases, but the trio were left' strand­ ed, as R.oy Finlay Sori struck out afid McCartney, hit: to . Cox. " ' . Riggin; .first man up for ■ Kincar­ dine, singled and went ,to third; as C. Finlayson threw high to second as; he attempted to - st^al. Riggin sqeezed home! on an infield out* as frw.in forced the, next two men {to ground Out and struck out the third. • In Kincardine’s half of the second Munrb drew a base^ on.'balls y and- usfole second. Cox suruck out, With i.M'uhr.o-.on»--his--"Way~74o'-Thp?d ;,~«.H^^^ Thorilpspn hit to Cuming for a cer­ tain double, but Hugh .passed the drive, in h|s eagerness7 to make the play, and both rulnners were sate to score on Watsi|n’s tw6-nbagger» ^£1' Pollard had: struck 5 put. TRiggin grounded "out to,' Cuming^ • ■ - 7.73^itK’Ttwb meh '"butrin'TKe' third? Henry was. .hit by a pitched balL' Mqnro hit to. deep centre with Camp belt failing to . jpake'ia rqther difficult catch.. On a relayed throw to the plate, C. Finlayson' dropped the ball Arid Henry was safe. . Cox singled • Munro home arid Thompson -hdisted-a tfqul-flyLto^^ rat;’-;.....T " , Irwin wh'o wais pitching, consistent ^ball-r-turmed^the^-Renatangs^M^whicK Hs the new monicre for the Kincar- Uihe“rieam-)~back^w-iLh^t'wb'Miit-s— held- them runless forv the remainder of the game, but -h’e -was hurjl- ifig for a lost cause as the Sepoys _cOTldnT“hit“~safely~Eucknow±s—tone- run came in <the 'sixth. Thoiripson was safe! at^first when Watson took a throw from short off the bag. Bob stole second -and then third in suc­ cession and crossed .. the plate ds Gordy smashed a hard two-ibase drive to right. ■ • • , ' 1 Cariipbell, Cf." ...'.74 *0 M ^““0 T ■Thompson, Irwin, p. ..:.L......3 R. Finlayson, 2nd ...3 ■ McCartney, 1st ......4 ,c. 7.-3' ._____3 ■ __....... 3 LUCKNOW WINS CLOSE GAME FROM GODERICH Locals Hang Td 1 Second Place By Taking 7-5 Victory At Goderich : And TGafii . On League Leading Wingham. Team iWhich Drops Hol­ iday Fixture To Kincardine' In the most, interesting game ” of the season, Lucknow Sepoys took a 7 to 5 verdict from "the tail-end Goderich .Sailors, ,in a" scheduled league game played before a large Dominion .Day crowd. ih Goderjch on Monday. \ The' game -was originally;' scheduled 'to. be played :in Lucknow/ but was' , shifted to' the'lake' Town as a part ojf itheir July, 1st celebration-.- ‘-TU-hp, -victory— byo ke^tfie-s’eGbnd---plaGe1- •tie-and- sajw the ^epqys .elpse in on the league leading Wingham Hurons, who dropped a 4 . to 1 battle to the Kincardine j Pendtangs the same day: The Sepoys.- op Monday looked. more like a tya'll team than- at any time this season.. Taking a likipg to Ormerod’5, offerings, I the visitors ^wrapped out 15 hits, Ddug Clarke /leading the barage with J. singles in. 5ytfips tothe •plate, while"''""Clark*' Finlayson got a- brace of hits, two of them going- for-two-baggers, as he iaqed. The Spalc|ing do/.wn the third base line into left, field. -Irwin- was the other heavy hitter, with a. double and two singles. Two cushion clouts seemed to n'e the Order of the -day, .nine in all. being laced opt. ' Cuming wept the. route for the' Se­ poys and was" master of the situation except in the , 4th .and 8t.h inning, when the” Sailors got .six of their nine hits apd scored all their runs. Gode- . rich nfade the..; fixture' plenty inter-, esting by tyl,rig the count in the 8th, but the Sepoys ' wun—i-t^with-a-pair of rubs 'in the 9th, when' Ormerod’s support cracked. \ Lucknow opened ,th,e scoring in the 4th. Bill Campbell doubled and C.. Finlayson singled him . in. ' 'Shear­ down’s high throw to'', catch Finlay- sonlet him1 go on to. 3rd from ■where he' scored on a Salk by/Orm­ erod, i ; ’ ; \ -^Goderich took~a- -twdT-ruTT-lead'““in' Their/half^by"" s<$ri!Tg'''T"^ and Phalen, singled: in succession and Cuming then proceeded to. strike, out bhe Worthy Bros. Murdoch .‘was sent in to. pinch hit and reached high above -his . head, clipping one . whion dropped along, the right 'field, line to .score .both runners. Ormerod doubled, scoring .7 Murdoch an^T" the •'ratter crossed, the plate when IL Finlayson, threw tow on Najr.n’s roller, Duquet- •to. add-B runs and- grab a one run ' lead which they held to the 8th. -Sin-g-ies—by-Me-Lennan- - a nd—Drdarke- and a Two-bagger, by Irwin - ^aye them two runs. Gordy was out'going to 3rd,- as • Bill Campbell got on? and’ went to second. McCartney .beat out ah infield hit With G. Worthy-.mak­ ing a .bad throw allowing Campbell, to score. \ , ■.'Su.cdessjve ,'jnyo-ibaggers^ by the III III F III F - Fv F R c F C •. C III c ■c III C C c F F •C II C c F c III II III c F F ,C I c C P F c III C III / c c.C ' c ■'■II „II H JI Ill II F II F F III c III c III 11 11 1 , F ■•F' ’*F II I JI IP HI Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hackett and family^and Mr.-and-Mr-Sr-Wm--Bald— . win spent Sunday with relatives in '' Mr. tfjtlph Cameron Bpent. a day last week at London.- . We are sorry to report the illness of Mr. and Mrs. John Mullin, also Mrs?-Dynes Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lane of TJipley ' visited at Mr. Jas. Hackett’s on •Sunday. o Mr. and Mrs. .Jacob Hunter and ' family qf Zion, visited recently with , Mr. and Mrs. John s Campbell. Mrs. Gao. Tilden of . 'v Kincardine Riggin, cf.' ..... R. Anderson, c. Pollock, ss. ........74 Henry,' 2nd, .............3 Munro, If. .......... Cox,. p.. .................. H. Thompson, rf. POllard, Bird .1.... Watson, "1st — *G. Anderson .......1 ■ 32' 0 singled and went to 3rd as Clarke : hit sharply to right, with Gord ScQr-. ing on , Campbell’s jslo.w roller-Ho 1st.■ £ McCartney hit to Woods who threw. A high td< first allowing;’ Clarke^ to a ,e 5 5 ♦ Batted .for Munro in 8th. • ■ i Score By Innings— ...Lucknow ..........000 001 Kincardine .....;,.:..122 .000 Suminatya-Two base hits, Irwin and Watson.. Struck out by Irwin 7, by-Cox 7. Base on balls, Irwin 1; Cox 2. Hit by pitched ball, C. Fin­ layson byjGbx;, . Henry by Irwin, stolen bases, .R. Thompson 2; R. Anderson; I-Iqnry. Double play, Pol­ lard to, .Henry to Watson. Passed ball, R,' Anderson. Wild pitch, Irwin. L?ft on bases, Lucknow 5; Kincar­ dine 5. ’ (Earned rqns, .Kincardine 0; Lucknow" 0. Runs batted in, Pollock 1;. Watson 2; Cox; Irwin. Umpires— IL Agnew and M. Tierney. * *, ♦ * . * While the local team has not been at. full strength at any time yet this season,, on Thursday, Doug Clarke was absent from the line-up, due to the fact that it was examination time.... . ... ; ..." / ■ ' .' , _ FINE FARM HOME In a recent, issue Of “the Family Herald and. Weekly Star appears an TiTf7cIFTcTonfimiiTed^ Ry a’ nuinfyer Of cuts illustrating tj)0 „ 1 Rbbi^''l\'ndt''surrouAdihgSu of" Mr. Alexc Patter^mi, near Lad&L., B-,'$• Vipws of Mri alnd Mrs. Patt’ctfsbn are also showh. They .arc Well known in. this section, as Mrs. Patterson, who was formerly Lola BMvOTS, a. daughter ,of. Ithe -Ude $L . and Mr-S. John L. Bowers,' hnd a sister of. Mrs. A* Jackson of Ripley and of Mr. Shnl BOwei's, spent her early life near Ripley. sMr. Patterson is also <^own in I this" vicinity, in Lucknow , and Kin­ cardine; Going to, the coast province a number of years {ig’o, they have been successful in that fertile farm­ ing district and his description oi .that country, given in the .aboye journal is'most interesting. An ncle of Mr. Patterson wfis formerly lieut- dan't>goVoriio’r of--British, Colfimb^a. .K —Ripley Express. Donald MacKeny.ie, Bill -jChirti Solomon!-, the Lricknow southpaw, started on ihe mound bvt was re­ placed. by Lloyd Wylds in the 8th, when Dungarthbn wont on-a scoring rampage 'that "wofi* them the game. Sam and Bill Chin played in the out­ field'apd wee Bill helped himsqlf to a couple of walks as the Dungannon pitphei* just couldn’t get the ball down to Bill’s- level. Lucknow—D. Finlayson, c.; M. Solomon, ,'p., 2nd; D. Aitchison, 1st; I.-. Wylds 2nd, ,p.; . R. CarnisS; sS.; R. MoKiln/ 3rd; ”0u‘tfiold, Sam?)Chin, /. ~ -- j> score.- __ Lucknow ab K. McLennan, rf. ...5 R. Thompson, 3rd 5 D. Clarke,. Ss.........„.5 Irwin,- 1st ..................5 jB...Campbell,- pf; ■......^.L, .2,. 2 A. McCartney, If. ...5 Finlayson, c.......5 Finlayson, 2nd ...5 Cuming, p. ............4 Goderich ab Nairn, rf. ..........4 Duquette,' 3rd.........5 Sheardown, c. I.».;.>..i..5 Woods, 2nd ...... i.4 Phalen, cf...............2" G. Worthy,’ss. .....™-...3 JB.. Worthy, 1st ......>..4 Johnston, If....... Ormerod, p. ..........4 *Mu»doch, If'? s.~~..^...3 M X 0 -\0 0\ 0 _ 2.. 0 2 1 2 1 2 0 3 0 0 1 0 35 ' 5 9 27 .12 *Battpd for Jdhns^on Score By Innings—t Lucknow 00/0 Goderich ......000 Summary—Tiw'o base-hits—Cl Firi- layson 2; Irwin; Campbell; Duquette Phalen; G. Worthy.; B. Worthy; Ormerod. Stolen" bases—Murdoch2; Phalen and. Woods. Struck out by Cuming . 6; by Ormerod 9. . Base pin balls—Ciiming 2. 'Wild pitch—Gum-' ing JL. Balk Ormerod. Double plays— Clark to Irwin; G. Worthy to Woods. Runs batted’ in—^C. Finlayson; Ir­ win. 2; McCartney; "Campbell: -Mur­ doch 2; OtmOrdd;. Nairn; Worthy.' Earned, runs, Lucknpjv. 5;. Goderich 4 Left on bases—Lucknow 8;- Qpder- ich'71 Umpirfes—Lumbyv and Agnew.. .♦. ♦ * * * -. '•;>-■ / ' {T.P.ilPfC. O '4.756 A\9 '1.571 \\8 \,500 10-. .500- 7 .222 * w 1 j • OeStanding team -’"WJl./ Wingham ...........6 2 y Lucknow .—..............4 Kincardine ■..........;-.4 Clinton ....................>.3- Godertch ....... 2 Past Week’s Results, " Lucknow 1. , 3 ' ■ 4 “3 7 ♦ WHIT^C^URCH Miss Catherine Ross returned her home here, after spending month ip St, Joseph’s hospital, Lon­ don, /We Hope she may be much ira_ proved*. ' ,Miss Kathleen Mars is spending a few weeks At the .manse. . l^iss Sar^ih Garbutt is ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. James Suth­ erland. ' ,\ ■ ■. n . Di'. Peter Steiwart and-M;is|^^a] Stewart of, Saskatoon- were call qn old friends last week. - I Mr, and Mrs, B. S, Naylor Mrs. Emerson went/to Rockwood attend the funeral bf a cousm’ there.. Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunflt.- ^perit Sunday’with Mr. and Mrs/P.’Ken-- riedy of Winghami ’ / '■/ • 7< Mr. Ken.' Weaver Jr., received .« at Raisley . with Mr. R. Moy®ray a’ the /bridge there. 1 We hope! 1 to set him able to'■•bek at work agAin soon, Mr. Peter t McDonald 1 -w' ’' ‘ ' Guelph for the holiday. ’ | J to a large gathering in the I \ 9.n old friends last week*! Rural School Reports S. S? No. 4, West Wawahosh' For Month of.June . Promotion Examinations . iSr. Ill to Jr. IV—-Doris' Wilkinson 84%; Malcolm Buchanan 66. ; Jr, III to Sr. Ill—Helen McDonald - 71; Mae McDonald, Margaret Aitch- ison (ties) 67; Ross Gammie 64; Allah Qranston 60; Marie Swan 52. Sr; I-I to Jr, HL—Murray Wilkin­ son 79; Marie Aitchison 76; Dorothy Webb 74; Phyllis Gaynor 65. Daily Marks . : •Sr.* . II—Murray Wilkinson 191; Marib Aitchison 170; Dorothy Webb 156; Phyllis Gaynor 89. “ Jt- II— Shirley Buchanan 581; ■Earl* McDonald "548..... . d—-Helen -' Gamn^ie 59S; Wilma *' Gaynor 867.' ; ■^'TF.^Jea'rr*Aitohls<m'"“779?'"’/'“™^ > • Beatrice Mc^uiHin./' - S. ,S,’No. 5, Ashfield * '■-? Promotion Exaihs,—. ' ■■ . Jr. IV to Sr. IV-r-Possible marks 750; Honors 562; Pass 450—Jimmie Hunter 581; Eldon Ritchie 574. .,_Sr'* III to Jr. IV—Possible marks n. it pagS 30Q—Lorna ---- -Kathleen-^-©bsW^5G^Tft, Kathleen Gardner 456;"* Doris Reid ^’Jr. Ill to Sr. Ill—Possible marks ■ 650. Honors 488. Pass 390—Russell Ritchie 531; Keith Hackett 521; Keith Ritchie 468;... , . f Sr. I to Jr. II—Marion Gardner; Lyle /Ritchie; Allan Ritchie; Johnny Hunter; Eric Hackett. Pr. — .Gladys Campbell; Lorna Hunter; Lois Hunter. No. on roll 19. Ada, M. .Webster, 'teacher. S. S. No. 2, Kirildss ... Il June Finals ■ Sr. IV—Helen Thompson. Jr., IV.. to Sr. IV—-Eleanor McFar- .lan.^66%f;‘^™Aiisa‘d=cBushelF“63;,i'’""'Sylvia“”“ Jackson 60; Fred Guest 55. Jr. Ill to Sr. Ill—Norma Burt 73; Jeart Thompson 67; Marion Walsh 66; Audrey McFarlan 47 (below pass? Jr. II to -Sr. II—Everett Lane 66; Ralph Haldemby 65; Ethel Haldenhy 60. ’■ ___ _ ■____________ ---- ^^Sr^^J^gt-^Ruth.,_Gue st,._.P.;....„Jack- - Walsh, R;; Edna Jackson, Pj Primer—-Harold Guest, P.; Way- onne Boy, P. Clara I. MacDonald, teacher. No, on roll 21. Ave. att 18,15. S. S. No. 10, Ashfield 7' .7; ' :Giyingr:'"'Rrbmoti0ris":“>7,"''T;7' (Names appear in order of merit) Tn_jr*‘ IV to Sr. IV Hon.—Cecilia Watt; Grace" Campbell; Pass—BOB T Farrish. • ■ (Sr. Ill to Jr. IV—Hon.—Pearl -Jamjj’esoni^^a^=Ik)ut»e;“Canip3>elir_— -L7Je5f^H==4o-^St—I-J-I—Hon.—-John* AmT stin, .Pass—Dorothy—Drennan.——OhJ— Trial—Grant Farrish; Vincent Au­ stin. Remaining in Jr. Ill—Alvin Drennan. II to\ Jr. Ill—Hon,—Evelyn Little, Emelda Shaw (ties); Warren Zinn. iSr. I to II—Hop.-—Marguerite Jamieson; Teresa Austin. Pass-^- Rena Miller. 1PFhss—Elaihe,,,Little?' .wJ^ck. * Farrish-:- to a xahr ling and to Mr. and Mrs. Angus McKay | spoke to a large gathering in the! Ifre^by- terian Church, Tuesday evening of last week and also showed lantern, . , --- .-slides bf the people and work -inrihaQ; Honors 488; Jnansi/lndiaT^Kich ””wAf^mlRli^apT 2Rel““rb29-;—’^-Kat-h] preciated- by all. f Miss Chrissie Inglis qjK Toronto,, is spending a two weeks’ vacation With her/parents-, Mr. arid Mrs. Tom Inglis. ' '\. : A few friends and neighbors gath­ ered at the home Of Mr. Hector Mc­ Kay'Wednesday evening to bid fare- v^ell to Mrs. Angus McKay, who was leaving Thursday, for her, parent’s home in Vancouver, where she will remain until leaving for tlheir ’work ■in India. _ ' ----- MAFEKINGT^ ! ■ ■ JLx"~“7 'J.'_ J Herb““Curt^"TSufn^ last week from Hamilton, 'M'fs'r day of ..... ___ __ _ ___ _ __ , where she had spent a few days with relatives. w Mr. and Mys. Elmer Phillips mot- \ored to .Woodstock 'Saturday, rer- Turning^ Sunday. . They visited Mrs., Fhillipls sister, Mrs.. Harris- and Mr-. 44arr-is^(w-hoser—daughter--- Gather-ine- and" Miss^Frances Phillips accom­ panied them \hohie for a month’s vacation. \ . George Henry spent the week end with' .his brother Tom Henry at Leamington, ' . .Mr, and Mrs. . Alf. Armstrong and sops 'HaLold; :and^.GprdPji.-.^drrlA’iss: POarl Irvin of London, spent. Sunday and Dominion Day .with relatives here.*..-p.......................... Miss Grace Blake of Arkona and Palmer Kilpri(trick of Toronto '— -rherg;. t-------■------ - , ... ...J Miss Olive Anderson and the fol- lowing pdpils of S*. S. No. 9 are re­ ceiving congratulations, the girls having J passed the entrance on their year’s (work:/ Mary- Horton, Wilhe- mena Lannari, Phyllis Blakey Jean Long and Elmira Alton. Mr,\and Mrs. Harvey Webb and Lois visited ,$at the«. home of Mr. and rM-i*s—;Thoma:s^A;-irdersoir,-“Sunday.-—-= J. C. 7^ei^^^;^White^hUrch _ spent Jdrs. Susan KeeTl of—Owen Sound" and Mxs. W. H. Reed of Lucknow, were guests of their niece,, Mrs. T, Anderson during the*- week. /---- Mr. Will Ferris of Lucknow'dec­ orated the, anterior of, Blake Chufch last' week. ‘ ■ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Blake and Miss, Olive Blake visited with Rev. and Mi's. John Durant and Rev. and Mrs. Walter Hawkins at ForeSt, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Stotfiers and family- of Arthur a«e-: visitors at, the Home ,of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horton. , >11 ---------- ----------------------— CULROSS CORNERS Miss Margaret Scott of Walker­ ton. spent the-week end under the parental roof. Mr. anil Mrs. Widdis of Toronto ar.e visiting the* latter’s' priYents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pinnell. \ Mr. Jack Schumaker of Stratfoi^ spent Sunday at his homq. , - Mr. Bert Thompson, .Mr*. and Mrs. Wm. Alton and Miss Florence Hod­ gins are \ all spending their, holidays at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Morell Bell and Douglas are visiting, Mr. and. Mrs. Joe Hannah.\ ' - Miss Shirley Hodgins ‘has return­ ed homq after, spending a week with her aunt; Mrs. Dan MacKenzie.’’. Mr. and Mrs. Joe RL WallAatten- ded the Scott picnic , at Kinlough,. Saturday afternoon. ■ ' Mr. and Mi's. Bazil Thompson, Bobbie a'nd Kenneth spent the week end With Mrs. falter Hodgins. Quite a number around ,the corn­ er attended i .the garden party at Kinlough. ■ • ' Mr. C. J. Bradley of London is spending his holidays T-witH- hi&; sister, Mrs. H. H. Pjrinell. Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Schumaker, spent a day in Strafford recently. Mr. and Mrs. Earle .Hodgins spent Sunday with Mr. (and -Mrs. Robt Scott. . \ Son: Mummy, isn’t it wrong to strike anyone smaller than yourself? Mother: Yes, dear. Sori: Would1 you mind telling my teacher?;. I don’t*- think she knows. h, S. S/ No. 5, Kinloss C ~ iuiai 1050; Honprs 785; Pass 630. Jr. IV to . Sr. IV—Murdean Mac­ Leod 794; Grace MacLeod 790. ' Jr. Ill to Sr. Ill-.Total 750. Hon­ ors 564; Pass 450. Lillian, Carruth-'' ers 620 ; Arthur Wheeler' 516. Jr. Ill—Robert Rarkes. k II—Laverne White. Lenore E. MaaDonald, teachef Kiricarcline, 5; Wingham 7.' Lucknow 7; . Kincardine 4;♦- ♦ * Next Week’s Games Jtily 4th—-Lucknow at Wingham. 5th-—Kincardine at Goderich ’ ' Bth-^-Goderich at Clint/u. , 10th—Kincardine at Wingham. Clinton at Lucknow. M. G. MacDonald. tJ. S. S. N&14,. Paramount . The following are the results,-K of the June prbmotional examinations. Bobbie Macintosh, entrance pupil, was promoted on his year’svwork. Jr. IV -to Sr. IV—Jimmie Hamil­ ton 76%; Rhea Miller 65?. ■Sr. III to Jr\ IV—Stuart Jamie­ son SIT Jean Raynard 63. Jr. Ill to, Sri III—Eileen Hender­ son 71. ' . , (II tri Jr. jIII—‘fBuddy” Hamilton Q5. ■ ' .7 ' x. I to. II—-Sidney Crump 73; Donald Hamilton 60’. . Pr. to I—-Gertrude Raynard 68.No. on roll is 16. Average. atten­ dance .for the year is 9»3. Eileen Henderson .and Donaldl Hamilton won the regular attendance Contest Having m’ssecl °n®^ daV aR year. * denotes a failure in spelling. Anne L. MacDonald, teacher. ., ‘ • .. V '. T . S. S. No. 11, Huron ' Sr. V—Louisa . Congram, Donalda MacCharles, Gordon - McGuire. Jr. IV to Sr. IV—Honors—Sandy MacCharles 87%; Charlie Roultson 82;. Mary McGuire 79; Gordon Brooks 75; Pass—Jack Roulston 70; , Mae Barkwell 69; Eileen Griffin 58. Sr. ill to Jr. IV—-Gordon 4rwin 50 '' ZJr. Ill to Sr. III—Honors—Arn-\ old” McGuire 82; Pass—Evelyn IrwinT ”71; Frank, Barkweir 64. Jr. IL to Sr. II — Honors—Roddie ’ Mac-Charles 89; Margaret Mac­ Charles 87; Jack Barkwell 83. Pass— Rae Cooke 74; Mary Cooke'70X ., Jri I to Sr. (I—- Honors—Leonard Griffin 87; Jack McGuire and Lovell McGuire'“(equal) 80; Virerie Finlay­ son 75. a ■ \ -DJargaret Campbell, teacher. S. S. No. 14. West Wawahosh -Class standing of .pupils for 1934- 35; names arranged in alphabetical order. ■ • • Sr. IV—^Hutchison, Doris; Inglis, Pauline; W.elw.oqd, Jean (honors). - Jr. IV—iBeecrbft, Florence; Bee^- croft, Ernest; Farrier, Clifford; Fal­ coner, .Rellisori; Laidlaw. Luella (honors); Martin, Donald; Martin, Louise'* Purdoh, Verna. Sr. HI—Pardon, Marjorie. • Jr. Ill—ElliotL Mitchell; Martin,/ Agnes; Purdon, Russell. , Sr. II—Ritchie, Eliza. 1st—Falconer, Chrinles; Purdon, Reta. Sr.Pr.—Ritchie, Cecil. , f 5r.—Falconer, (Angus; Falconer Flood, Olive; Pardon', Archie. R. jean Logari, teacher