The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-06-27, Page 5?» 9 I wer& z * w \ V.j-' ■ ■ \ . Phone 148 Lucknow & <■>< 'U.U’i . \WWAY, JUNE Kith, im THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL =± £V. ■ ±xl . . page ™ ■ ■ A‘‘ • •• LggIc Smart and Feel Comfortable in White Elk ©. Sport Oxfords SCIENTIFICA LLY CONSTRUCTED <m femtw that injure foot freedom and f promote an. easy/ ^graceful carriage, . at the Kame time possessing all the elements of Style ’ the wellJdresseJ0 . vrpman demands. - tinctibn that reflect quality and beauty. . WE CARRY this natioimlly'Jmown line of ^hoes in all widths & fittings Price $3.95 Lucknow, Ontario Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Show Starts. at 8.00 P.M. „Thur.sday^---EridayV”" "-“Saturday^" * June 27-28-29 MARY CARLISLE ‘ and PHILLIPS ,HOLMES ■. Itt; Million Dollar Ransom also “HOLYWOOD TROUBLES” “SPRINGTIME ^SERENADEL and FOX NEWS ^EXT—WEEK—- TT turns itself on after de* That’s just one of the reasons why you should make sure the refrig­ erator you buy is a genuine -. Frigidaire. There’s a score of other features you’ll want. See the Frigidaire *35 today. The Geasral Motor* Rofrlflorator Mad* In Caaada / | ■ ST? HELENS.- " . Mr. GySr McIntyre, B.A., who has for five years been the efficient prin­ cipal' of. the SL Helens school has resigned and-has accepted a position on the staff of the Lucknow Contin- luation school, « Misses Isobel and Laurine Miller, Messrs, Stanley Todd,..Dick. .„Weath^ erhead and - Charles McDonald, at­ tended the annual, picnic of ..the Y. P. ’S. of Huron Presbytery At the sum- . mer school damp near Goderich on Saturday. ' • Mrs, (ReyJ.—MHlkinsbn.^was--"th~e" . guest of honor on. Saturday after- noon when twenty ladies of the Mis-- psipriary Society were entertained at i the home of Mrs*. Dave Todd. Mrs. W. I. Miller read an address of ap-r preciation. of Mrs. Wilkinson’s inter­ est and help Tn the W; M. S. arid ori behalf of the members’ of the Society Mrs. Todd presented Mrs. Wilkinson with an electric iron, a blue and rose ... -Wool. comf ortable:-and a- pair of r emv broidered pillow slips';'' Mrs. Wilkin­ son expressed her thanks after which a social hour was enjoyed, when de-^. ..licio.us...refreshments-were-servedby' - Lhe-'hostess, assfeWby Mrs7"FrG~ --Todd arid—Mrs. W. I.~~Miller.. " A number of friends arid relatives -“attended-the“"Tuneral"^>f~aT"fofnieF resident of this co'inmunity, Mrs. I Rob. Taylor at Auburn on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McRoberts and> Mr. Marvin Brown of Wingham were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McRoberts, , . Miss W. D. Rutherford of Kirkland U-home—foi1—the—v^aeation-;---r ~At^he^ ^teaching Wet Week Causes . Postponement Of 2 Games Locals Scheduled To Play. Today In Kincardine. After Two-Week Lay­ off. . i-r ® A wet. week . disrupted' Bruce League games last week, as far as- Lucknow was concerned. The home game on . .Monday with, Clinton was postponed, and continued, rain result­ ed ip a soggy field that forced the jpbstpojiement of the Sepoys, visit to Clinton last Thursday. As a result the. locals have had an enforced" layoff of more ■ than two weeks., arid Weather conditions have ..prevented practices of ' any ac- coUrit--duririg-rthat—f imer-*” ~ ' But with long looked for" summer"7 wqather apparently,' here, the locals will journey to Kincardine today and ^ndeavor to take another - victory from the slipping Lakesiders, • Kin­ cardine lost to Clinton on .Saturday and as a ^result every team, in the loop has taken a fall '*out of Kin­ cardine.,, The Jig surprise of the season - to dater-came ^on^Frida’y "however, whan Goderich, the tail—erid . team of the southern division, handed th^b league leading. Wingham Hurons a 1 to 0 defeat and incidentally the-Huronki first setback this season. Hal Peter­ son did the hurling for Wingham op­ posed Jby Ormerod. . Goderich makes their second and final league appearance here on Monday, July 1st ‘and if the locals can bag both games duririg the next, few days, they will have .’a strangles hold at least, on second place. ' The Standing Team • ” W. Wingham __„.;,5 Lucknow'____...___3 Clinton. ....^.....^,'>..........3 .3 Kincardine .___2 _____ 1 - S" ■ -9 728© ” .♦**.. ♦ * a A report last week in the dailies to the .effect that Robert Carrick had receivM his ’ transfer from Lucknow , -to-Sar-nia-wa.sHn"error“finR“shduld have read Cliritpn. Bob while a resi— , (lent of Goderich \last spring, signed - up“t’o~pra^y^it:irT"uricnow, later- mov- ihg to Clinton; and upon Clinton en­ tering a team in O.B.A.A. ball this year, Carrick was given 'his release by theJ local club, grapted a certifi­ cate by the Bruce League and his transfer sanctioned by the O.B.A.A. ’ “knee Trouble, resulting fro’ni a' hogkey mishap last winter,, has forced Eddie -Sutherland, Kin­ cardine 3rd baseman out of the game ’nossibly’-forthe'season."---- . ^ . * * V ' v .■ ♦ " "" The Kincardine squad, with Carl G°x practically their lone mounds-, man, haven’t been shewing much form to date. Fred Watson, their youthful playing manager^ has asked to. be relieved of his duties and Mark Tierney has been in charge of . the team, of which a ^possible shake-up •may result when Lficknow meets them this afternoon. L. 1 2 4- ----4--4--.--4-- --------------------- -- MANY ATTEND SPECIAL ceremony at riversdale gilds. Many attended the\ special Gere- \ monies at St. Ann’s ChurcR, at Riv­ ersdale, where the large 'imposing cross, erected in thfe cemetery there, ’ and which was donated, by Nicholas O’Hagan, one of the parishioners, was blessed. The services in the Cemetery and the blessing of the cross were, con-- ducted by Revi Monseigrior Halm* of Carlsriihe. Rev. Ef.-Lenhard, pastor k of Formosa/gave the benediction of the Blessed Safcrhment, arid was as­ sisted by Rev. Fr. I?eyes, of Walker­ ton, and Rev. Ft. Eagan of Teeswater A most appropriate and itfSpifWf sermon ,^as preached by Rev. Fr. Maloney, bow of Brantford, but for- jriiade—-the—recipient-of-7-a—snap—shot album, containing a number of snaps of interest from. he^ class and .'the Harris Mission Band Of which-she.-ha.H- "been superintendent. Laurine Miller read a brief address and Dorothy Miller made - the presentation. with a good attendance the meet­ ing pi uie L. P, V-. was held iS.unduy evening. ‘ ine scripture lesson was . reuu oy. Miss Gret$. VVeoo. Laurine 'Mirier gaVe the Biple character . on ‘ dcepheiiI ne topic “The poetry of summer” was in <charge of isohel' Miller. She read a paper and. a poem -June', other summer poems were read by Doris. Wilkinson, lona Swan, Mary, irwin, Vera Taylor, Mrs, W. A. Miller, .Greta Webo, Helen, Dor­ othy and Laurine Miller., Miss Beatrice McQuillin has been reengaged ris assistant teacher $h the"PSt. Helenas “School.’" " ’ ’ Remember the United) Church Gar­ den Barty- to. -be held; in -Miller’a orchard on ‘ Friday evening next. The play,. “Blundering Billy” will be pre­ sented by the Teeswater Dramatic Society. ■ , The July meeting’of the. Women’s Institute will be held, at the home of Mrs. Joseph- 'Gaunt, on Thursday afternoon, July 4. Roll call—A hum- orous story. Subject “Preserves Marmalades,. .Jams And Conserves” in charge of Miss Mary “Murray. Miss •; Josephine Gaunt will give a demon- ’ stration On making . soap. Hostesses —Mrs. John Scott; Mrs. Gordon, Mc­ Pherson and Miss Florence McQuiilin. Bid Farewell To St. Helens’ Teacher And Pupils - Pupils arid ex-pupils "Of St. Helens school . gathered on the grounds.on I Tuesday afternoon, to do honor to Mr.. G. S. McIntyre,' B.A., who' after . five years 'as principaL has resigned < •to accept a position ori the hhi.cknow ......Continuatioii .S.ch.Qlol„,.staff,. J^athaleen^ j ...1 Thom.''read- the- address 9 and. Etta Swan,-on behalf of his pupils and ex—J IL pupils, and Miss McQuiilin, presented zz i hint with a . signet ring. A pleasant .hour was spent in’ sports* and home I made candy was served by the older ■ HID. . , ' , I ' On the same day, the teacher and L,pupils of the junior" room presented Doris Wilkinson with a Cup lind^sau- , cer and Murray Wilkinson and (Harold Woods with .tie clip Sets. ; Doris and Murray are leaving mext : week for their new home in Fingal, , Whild Harold, a former pupil, is atr , tending Fordyce school. . - inerljA pastor of Sacred Heart Church '< Walkerton. . v ' . ■ , : Fifteen priests werfe present and i assisted'Jn the holy services. The i cemetery,, under ’the siip.ervision of .< Rov. Fr. O’S.baitghoneSsy, Jias been < greatly improved v and is. how equal h- -- -- - .--- - --- - ----- in beauty and condition to any in the of service was adopted, for the even district.' ' ' acquaintance last week. . family of Clifford were recent visit­ ors with friends here.? A ftumber from here attended the Scott reunion on Saturday at the home of Wm. Scott; 12th con. On Sunday, July 7th, there will be a district Orange parade to the An-; glican church where service will be held at 3 o’clock. . ' Mi‘s: »E, SiAipson and Mr, Dick Neil of Mooresville, Mrs. M. Coursey of Lucan. and Messrs. Irving Neil and Wm. Millet of Saskatchewan, spent a day last w<?ek a£ Wesley Boyle’s. . .. > Mrs. Jas. Percy of Kincardine, visited a few days with friends, here. Mrs, McLean is speeding; a feWl days with Mrs. Piersori, ’Kincardine Twp, , >1 •‘."■•’TT" HOW CAN T HELP What can I do to help in the Sum­ mer Bible School? ^Fi'rst, you can pray God’s blessing down upon the teachers and students. This is the most important -work of all. You can volunteer your services as a teacher, pianist, Bible story-teller, or . take charge of some of the games^ You can advertise the school to your neighbors who" do not take the Sen­ tinel. If you ’have a car you cap­ gather the children from distances tooyfar for them to wa^k- arid ' bring, them to, the nearest School; Shrill not every Christian. try and ‘have sb'rne part in .this very important work of j^.achjbn,gJth.eAo.y^.ari.dJgkls.^ .One plants, another waters, .but it ! is God' that giveth the increase. .. I \ . ■ \.............. ASHFIELD Mrs. Palmer of Ripley was a week end visitor at the home of Mr. Henry MacKenzie’. - Mrs. Ro^s arid Donald of Dungari-« non spent a few day & among friends 'here. .1 Mr; Tom BueglaSs had the misfor­ tune to loose one of his best horses last, week. . \ Aged and Esteemed . ' ’ Resident Passes ' Ashfield; lost one of its oldest and inost highly respected residents on Friday last in the person of .Mrs. Catherine Cathcart;, Mrst, Cathcart had. reached the remarkable age of almost ninety years. Mr. Cathcart predeceased her9 by many many years also ‘her son, David. She is'survived by one sori John and two daughters1 Jane and Minnie, ail at home; She was a vaTueaLmeihber. of.the Pres- byterian' church. Rev. J. K. MacGil-. 1 vary had,‘charge of the funeral ser­ ves . in,vic4 bn Monday. Interment Kintail cemetery. . “Old Fotin” Followed At Mdrning Service / The anniversary services Presbyterian church ___ ___ _ Sunday, June 23rd, .With Rev. A. t. Budge, of Hagersville,' Moderator , bf the Synod of Hamilton arid London’, as guestSpeaker, who delivered h|- .spiratiprial seijyices both nioming and evening. The old form of worship prevailed' at the morning service, which • was largely attended. The choir rind orga’n were dispensed With for the service, With Donald McLean acting as precentor, to lriatl in the singing of the psalms for which the congregation remained seated; stand­ ing to pray. /Mr. John Cowan Sr., acted as beadle. The regular fofrn ing service. CREWE ’'Miss Ruth Wheeler sof* Belgrave is spending a few days with Mrs. John Kilpatrick. Mrs. Wm. Campbell is visiting b®r daughter, Mrs. Wm. Crozier. Mr. F. W. Treleaven of Toronto, and Mrs. Annie \TreIeayen, Dungan­ non spent Wednesday evening with Mr. , and Mrs. Jackf Curran. \ 'Mrs, Wm. Robinson of Wawanosn spent the past week With her daugh­ ter,-Mrs.'’John Kilpatrick^. Mr/«nd Mrs. Wilfred Drennan and children were guests of Mr. dud Mrs. Jim Drennan, Sunday, and attended trie Ashfield Presbyterian, anniver- r— -— sary 'services. , ".-‘/is su^e that two. can live M cheaply. ______ ___________________________________z-_______‘ .One plants, another waters, .,but it! Tre^qay.en ■ attended the\ , Women’s. 1 Association meeting at the hornet pf > Mrs. Arthur Culbert, Dungannon on' Friday. . A large number from Sere took in the Lawn (Social at Blakes pn.Frk day evening.Mr. and B^rs. Will Reed and jack attended the demonstration of alu­ minium at Mr, James. Wilson's on * Friday evening. • ■ Mr. and Mrs, John Dumin and daughter, of Saskatoon, paid Mr, and Mrs. F. M. Durnin a flying visit on Saturday. A number, of the. Y. P. S. attended the picnic near ’Goderich on Saturday. “An optimist/* says a contempor- ary, “ is a hopeful young man who ■8'7 j--—*•--- -- -‘----’j as-one;*-A“-pessiniist“isth0.Tsams-s— young man about six months after the experiment starts.” Huy the-. Bende of your own Province • % ■V~ The Province of Ontario, one of the richest areas of its size in „_.21dthfiJ^^ld.»„irith„great--p^r-^apita--resourees • o^spil^mil^i®- • "bearing" rocks, forests, lakes and rivers, homes, farmsteads, -- —factories, cities, towns and villages, now comes to its share­ holders — the people'—with the soundest securities that can be ____oH^redj=^the-bonds-of —your-own-PrOyincev—^:~~~~----- --- "T ’■ . ; ,V.-z THE TREASURER OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO S 20.000.000 BltOJ-I.-VCE OF OMTARW $ and 3% Debentures . (Non-C^llab^ \ 2^% Debentures, dated June 15# 19^5#. due June 15, 1937, . / 3% Debentures, dated June 15, 1935, due June 15, 1940. 1..............Utfiiporis.Jfune.JS.andDjeccniber. lS., Definitive Debent^ V -------Prhrcipal aiid iiTterest payable in lawful money7 of Canada at ’, the Canadian Bank of Commerce in the Cities of Toronto, ------'"Moil ti e^l7(0Ttawa, ‘Winhipeg^Vahcouver^'^^fax^Bmd St. John, Canada, or/ait arty, Province of Ontario Savings Office, at the holder’s option. ” ’ .7 ’’ . x /• • ' ’ ' ■ \ ‘ DENOMINATIONS $200; S5OO: and S 1.000. These Debentures are a direct obligation of the Province ' Ontario, authorized by act of the Legislature; of the Province, and are a ‘ charge as to ^principal and interest upon. the. Consolidated /Revenue ^Firnd of the Province, and are issued* , - under^authority of statutes of Ontario, 25 George V, Chapter 50. ---- ----- -----A........I •, .(LegaLOpinion of Messrs. Long and Daly) - •-•- ISSUE PRICES 2/4% Debentures, due 1937—100 yielding 2%% t'b maturity< 3% Debentures, du^ 1940—100 yielding 3% to maturity. Plus accrued interest in each case. . « A •‘rf WHERE TO PURCHASE BONDS Applications for the above loan will be received by any Branch of the Province of Ontario Savings Office or maybe made direct to the Treasury Department, Parliament Bujldiiigs, Queen's,. « Park, Toronto, Ontario. ' . Interim Debenture's in hearer ffirra -will be available Tor delivery on or about June 20, 1935. “The proceeds of this issue will, be utilized, for the purposes . nientionedin the said Actincludtng Government Services such as Old Age Pensions, Mothers9 Allowances* Hospitalization, Unemployment Relief, Education and General Administration. “I believe this to be a most attractive issue and am sure that the confidence shown by purchasers will be amply rewarded,. Let this be our: watchword for progress: ‘BUY THE BONDS OF YOUR OWN PROVINCE9.", w Prime Minister and Provincial Treasurer DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINGS IN PROVINCIAL SAVINGS OFFICE INTEREST ALLOWED