The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-06-13, Page 31 /' ■ THURSDAY, -----1 R 1 JUNE 13th, 1935 * /. 7 / 7 4’ -/■/ 4» f /. 7 * /- / I '/ ■'A'; A' jT" " -,-T-rr 1)4. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL -------— -----------------A——---- -- PAGE three S' I *4r I 7 S' H f ■■’ I ~T J- ■ '. I '/ > —7 —xT^ I Former Lucknow Pastor Moderator Of ■' Presbyterian Church In Canada1 I r heRexall Store Phone 32 Sivinj 7 I : < / to Ghild’sjhose light f i.e • f T •r ■><y tf /I 4 •.-.•■ • ■ \ /. wonderful value WE SELL GOOD USED GARS SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY , • • ’ • ■.' ■ ■ - GUARANTEE^ REPAIR WORK 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE c . ■ TTT 7——•— ■ I FRIDAY & SATURDAY “J Coats at half price ades Reg. 2 5 for 10c pr. Fancy scrim ruffled curtains / &r Lucknow ■fuk -T-hrdug-h-Tti-s—exeeile-ri Weader^ip^ Featuring quality at lower prices, we are i burselyes in every depbWment Special purchases, make it possible for us to feature this event for Dollar Days only^ because it would be impossible for us to price/our goods so low for more/than a short sale Only a lew of the many bargains Friday and Saturday June 14 & 15 Bittmope^HatSv New $priDg^eolotirs to sell at less than wholesale price * —7-! ; ; ... .. J . 1 - 1 : Men’s Brc^Olidth^ Shirts-collars-attached- full cut sizes 114—1 6 Reg. $1 c pr. school V. neck blue, dark Red & brown mixture Reg. 98 for 85c r .? ■■ •<- J. ■ "■ If you can buy the same quality for less we will gladly refund your money 4 » •- Compare and Save Dresses Misses & womens Dark Crepe dresses half-price Ranging from 1.95 and up Pastel crepe dresses at 1.89 andup *i 9 Blouses Taffetas and crepes at 1.45 and up New Summer crepe & felt hats If •••,(>> ■ A. E. McRIM IS PRESIDENT. At a recent convention held in the; J Park House at Goderich, ’Mr. A. E? McKim, Ideal* druggist, .was elected ' president ’ of district No-, 12 erf the Ontario Retail Druggists’ Association. .Members -;, were in attendance from the . counties pf Hurbn, Grey , and Bruce. Shoe 'Repair ■ • f Speedy Service 81. Quality Workman- Rev. D. T. t". McKerroll, Pastor Of ■ Lucknow Church For Six ^Years, Chosen Sixty-First Moderator Of Presbyterian Church In* Canada Rey. Dr, D. T; L. McKerroll, ^fbr six . years ..pastor of the LucknowPres­ byterian Church/, at, the opening ses­ sion last ^week. of the Generali As- semibly in Montreal, was * ejected ■Moderator of the. Presbyterian church, in' Canada. Rev McJCetroll .waS elected ,on the third ballot over^, three other clergyman." • ' ■*". B \ News of?the high -honour, in . being' elected to the head of the church throughout the Dominion, is being received Lucknow with delight, for Rev.- McKerroll and Mrs. McKerroll during their pastorate here, forined many intimate friends whom >^hey ■still retain.' .... __/ Rev,. McKerroll’sj birthplace was.; near Owen Sound, where he received ‘his education prior to attending Kriox ollege in Toronto. In 1901 hp was... ordairied arid’ after occupying a charge' in Sutton, came to Lucknow Presby­ terian Church and was inducted in 1904. In February of 1910 he accepted a call to Victoria Church of Toronto, where he has . continued to preach ever since for a quarter of a century He has been, Chairman and Executive Secretary of the Church Pension Board. . • A ; I. • •'; / . Rev. McKerroll is now practically recovered from a period of indiffer­ ent health / and continuing so, it is assured” that the duties of theyModer- atorship will be- abl-y- conducted -fpr the next year. ■ n ,....... Dr, G. E.‘ Ross of New Brunswick was eliminated on the first ballot' an<| Dr. McLean of Quebec on; the second. On .the third ballot by which •Rev. McKerroll was successful, he was opposed by Dr. Campbell of .IMlontreal and a Paisley^born Hoy, ■' Upon the announcement of >Dr. McKerroll’s election. Dr. Shortt, the retiring Moderator, dtaped the robes of office upon the new head of the church. Thanking the Assembly for the honor, Dr, McKerroll, warned the. Commissioners there was a great deal of work before the.; Asserfibly. “I am riot,a legal expert,” he said, -“and—I—craver-the-^ iridhlgencerT'of’ the- 'Assembly in conducting the business. of-th^Ch'urchJ'"iir'tRe-"days“^^ A' paragraph from a booklet pre­ pared for the 50th anniversary of the .Lucknow Presbytqrian , Church, “Rev.- A. McKay was followed, by Rev,! D. ,T. ,L. McKerroll, B.A., who "atce‘pted"'a“cal‘l arid was indueted' ^'iTT October 1904.' He graduated. from Toronto University and Knox College^ Diligent study and originality of; thought brought a message from the pulpit that, inspired' and instructed. The study of the' Scriptures in the , Adu.lt Bible Classh^Je^er~~ ^•§}jtTrHF"feli6YSd‘np'eopl a thing and they, did it. Men were drawn to him .because of his frank, and gladsome ^spirit and-by hhAdnd- linesjs of heart. The troublgd^and the doubter found in ise and sympathetic counsellor. ^le. accepted a call to Victoria Church, in West Tbronto in February 1910, much 1 to the regret of all his pe.ple in -Luck­ now.”' ' ,, .He was succeeded here in August ,1910 by Rev. J. S. Duncan, B.A., who; remained here for six years. Celebrate Anniversary Former Ashfield Clergyman And His Wife Are Honored On The Occasion , On. Friday evening, May 31st, and onSaturcfay, June 1st,. thp twenty­ fifth ariniveysai’y of the* marriage of the Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Brown of Harinbnj Ont.j formerly of the Ash­ field -circuit, .took the form of a cele­ bration, at the Mar,ton Stone marise, situated on tlhe Caledonian highway, two miles south of Hamilton. On the" Friday night from 6 to 9 p.m., the minister and his wife were at home to the adult members of the congregations of Barton Stone and Trinity United churches. Upwards' of 130 persons w"ere received at the manse, where tea and refreshments were served. After this reception the people met’ in the church across the way and were there entertained- At the close of the program the- bride and-groom.-of- twenty-five- years ago wete presented by Jthe .Stone church Congregation "with a'case of salver cutlery, Mr. Geop Bethune, M.P.P., giving the address of congratulation on behalf of the congregation. On behalf of Tf.inity church,' the4 presi- ■ derit of the Ladies’ Aids presente.d the pastof and his wife their felicitations and a fine purse, containing .$25. On Saturday afternoon, Jurie 1st, the members of the BtoWn family,- With Mrs. Seal of Toronto (Mr; Brown’s sister) and/many out-of- town gufes.ts inelvjding .' Mr'si W, T. Gardiner and Miss Bernice Blake ofl Ashfield, met to partake of a sump­ tuous wedding - celebration - dinnei’ served at the Barton Stone manse. 15c Linen Writins Pad . 2 for 16c 25c Linen Writing Pad 2 for 26c 10c Blue Lined Envelopes 2 for 11c 15c; Linen Lined Envelopes 2 for 16c 35c Shaving Cream & 25c Talcum. Both for 39c Velvo Sanitary Napkins 15c ig and Cedar Flake: ’Both for 49c Newest Merchandise Fur Felt Hats S $3.00 75c Pant Overalls at $1.35-1.45 KFVrUd. I uil 1 L ib clear Folsom Socks S woo $ DAYS DRUG SPECIALS ■'* POWDER & PERFUME POWDER & ROUGE 50c Day Drcata Face Powder 50c Muriel Astor Face Powder 50c Day Dream Perfume * 50c Muriel Astor Rouge , BOTH FOR 50c. BOTH FOR 50c MILK OF MAGNESIA PASTE . , MILK OF MAGNESIA 25c Tube Toothpaste 50c Bottle of Magnesia and 25c Windsor Tooth Brush One 25c Bottle . ~ < BOTH FOR 33c ' BOTH FOR 49c NYCRTAL Tablets, 100’s, 49c. BORACIC ACID, 8 oz. ....19c N YCETAL Tablets, 5O’s.r-35c. 1 lb. English Health Salts, 39c. NYAD HEALTH SOAP CAKE LIFEBUOY FREE Carbolated, Large Cake Whey. you buy’a tube of Life- 2 FOR 10c. buoy Sharing Cream for . , 35c Hind’s HONEY & ALMOND FORHAN’S TOOTH PASTE Cream, small size ........‘lOi Small ............ .’*• .10c FREE 2 ROOMS WALLPAPER FREE Purchase of 25c and over entitles tfye purchaser to enter hio dr her name in our Wallpaper Contest. 1st and 2nd prizes. Draw at 10* o’clock Saturday night., First Prize, Winners Selection Room of Wallpaper' Second Prize, Our Selection of Room of Wallpaper F. M. PATERSON Underwent Operation Mr. Gordon \Scott, Ripley black-J^ smith, and formerly of Langside', who has not pnjoyed the best of healt rfor the past fevy months, underwent an operation .for the Wmoval of his ton­ sils at Kincardine Hospital recently. Imperial 3 Star Gasoline Marvelube Oil Atlas Tires Wintefstein’s Garage - N. W. WINTERSTEIN