The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-06-13, Page 1A 4 > , ■ . . . . $2.00 . PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2 ■ ' . •“ -^SV\ ' -V .50 OTHERWISE LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 13th, 1C35 i l L ‘ SINGLE.COPIES 5 CENTS-— —— Lucknow D< —-s----- -— >llar Da iys This Friday and Saturda -—-----;----—--;-- ---—--:-, : : .y, Jun--#-J—---—-e 14 and 15 . .-...’.A , .•_ ../J... i ____" - • • ________ _________L— VETERINARY SURGEON W. J, KELLEHER, B.V.Sc, ’Phon© 29i, Ripley, Ont. , SALR—Holhtein and Durham Cowz-t-Apply at Sentinel Office. p Moiyer—Apply to S. A. Carnochan, TO RENT — A comfortable six- room house, (own . water. — Temple Clarjke. ‘ 7 FOR SALE CHEAP-— Oldsmobile 1928 Sedan in_ Good Repair.—Central 'Garage. \ ■■■-. HORSES WANTED—’Phone Col- lect ’Phone 366-J. —Laidaw Fox' ,_^Earm,^^ingham.-l ; SHIP your lambs with us. Picked up at yours door, 60c a piece.— ’ r Harvey ffikert, -Phone 29-w, Lucknow FOR SALE—Pure-bred , Yorkshire boars—weaning age. or serviceable - • ■ age. Bred front leading blood lines.— Orville Free, R. R. 1, Dungannon. —=—-——’Phone—Dungannon-14-ring 13*— ’•L PRODUCEWANTED —Thos. Fer- guson Jr. is the representative in this community, of the Wingham Cream & Produce Co., which solicits the op­ portunity to have their representa- •! tive call arid collect your produce. Highest; Prices Guaranteed. Henry Thompson, Mgr. td. Gordon- Laseriby And Clayton ,Alton . ' High Boys In Contest That Results r iri’; Destruction''’'Of’’3121 rMarIijigs-T~/r ” 0/ EgfiS'.'' >’ v The Starling, considered a seriops^ pest and a growing .one, must for the time being at least be pretty well ( routed from the Befast district as a result of a contest engaged in by the pupils' of Belfast school. The contest took thev formVof the destruction of » the bird and its gggs with a point •system awarded by the teacher, Mr. Watson Davis who donated a lst'prize» for boys, a 1st prize for girls and a second and third prize’for other high contestants.; : \ ' Three points were allowed for an old" birdrtwo^Sm^^ a young bird and one point for an egg. Gordop Lasenby /was high boy with Clayton Alton, close on, his heels and Harold . .HjimphjoyLui.extO^ This Issue Contains 8 Page Of Bargains < :$• K- cemetery Associxtion" The annual meeting of the. South \ f'^^Kinlose Cemetery Association will —■■■ ■■■ be held^ori“Wednes<fayFJune^l2th at £ P.m. ‘A gpod attendance is desired ' . as some changes will be made in by- ‘ laws. Donald MacLean, Sec’y. . _ NOj?CB ' . The annual meeting of the Lucknow Elevator Company Limited will be" • .Geo. H .Smith aUthree —' ■—Saturday, June l5th; for of officers, ■' ' ■ Statement and other bus---- James Alton, President. held in the office of the' secretary, O'clock P.M. Ml _ , .‘ the election presentation- of . annual son wop first prize for high girl. The^ standing- Name Old Young Egg P’ts. G. Lasenby 295 353—1044 C. Alton 314 ,206—1038 ■-H— M, Nicholsri.5: “T ' - 178 - ■ 7.7+- 487; . Other conte^S.'/who had various degrees of suWeW were Mildred -Shegw.aod>__Archie_-PhillipsfMildred Rlow.mant Russel Irvin, Ross Henry Jack Alton, Harold Henry, John Nich­ olson^ Hugh Rutherford, .^Willie Hum­ phrey, /Lincoln ,_.Mom^on,.Chester Nicholson and Doreen Irvin. The contest commenc^|Aoxi May 7th" and continued for oneAh#htK during whiiqh time a grand total of, 3121 eggs or birds were destroyed, con­ sisting, of 272 old birds,. 1569 young birds , and 1280 eggs. The old. birds were,trapped chiefly and the young birds and eggs destroyed by raiding the nests. < . . were Mildred TO ARRANGE APPOINTMENT RE LISTOWEL—AMBERLEY ROAD REV. DR. D. T. L. McKERROLL Former Presbyterian Minister In Lucknow, Who Was Last Week Elec-' ted Moderator Df The Presbyterian ^Church In Canada '■ . . ' 1 Story On Page 3 OBITUARY MRS. MacKlNNON was with sincere regret the ' V I' ’ Z"<*> Merchants Join In Offering The Public Worth While Savings In Merchari- ; • dise’“You. Require. ■ ; - A/ "' 57 This Friday and Saturday, June 14 and 15 are Lucknoyv Dollar Days and the merchants whose advertise­ ments appear in .this special adver-L tising ’ issue are co-operating in off­ ering the. public throughout tne com­ munity' money saving • opportunities on every day requirements in a host of . various productsy. A good many merchants have quoted prices to con­ vince you that real values are being offered, and -these., represent.. only . a portion of what will be "offered. , The entire eight pages, of this issue of The Sentinel carries ads of local business places. An advertisers’ index1 appears elsewhere and a close per- usual of this and the ads will mean' dollars^ saved on many lines. “ Special Prizes Offered —(Several—"merchants-—are~~“offeringr special prizes as inducements during these days, ,F; M. Paterson offers a. -complete room . of wallpaper to the. winner of' a draw at his store, the tion. Second prize is a complete room Oif wallpaper selected by -Mr. Pater­ son. Finlayson Bros; are giving awfiy 175 ..pounds of Rebin Hpod Flour; Mr. ■Rusw^ll-is-conduntin^a-prizeuiQntjest;- F. T. Armstrong "is conducting , a “Grab Sale” and D. H. Agnew a prize draw. Sponsoring Radio Program - As we - -go to - press a ■ move is on foot to h'ave the business men spon­ sor an hour broadcast oVer the' Wirig- hain Radio Station on both Thursday and Friday evening. The program would be.from 6.30 to 7.30 p.m. arid ___ _ TOWNSHIP OF JK1NLOSS " > Um . ■ Monday' the* 24th ■ 1935, for the' construction of a Culvert on the 30th Sideroad and tl^ 2nd Chnces~ mon^-- Tendersf received either for cement or steel. • ... On Cement Culvert municipality to supply material on the ground. Specifications may be seen at the office of the Rpad Supt. The lowest or any tender not nec­ essarily accepted; ----— J. Hr Laneff-T^Q^k7-RZ2-Hoiy-. . It . comnlunity—learned—of -the passing- of Mrs., Angus MacKinnon . on June ’ 4th at -hiier late residence, Victoria St. Lucknow, after an illness, of. twelve days duration. J ThelaterMrs. • McKinriofi whosemai- den name was Catherine McKinnon, was “'born in Tuckersmjth Tpwnship, and while still in her teens married Angus McKinnon of Concession 6, Kinloss, who predeceased her six . v . years ago. .. ' x [if it materializes will consist of violin Mrs. McKinnon lived in this coni- selections by Art McCartney; hum- munity sixty years. Prior to coding orous, monologues by John Heyworth; -intn"the—Village-^eighteen-—years—agPy JbagpipnL_s.eleetinns._u.by. Lor.ne . Mac— she lived- on. the family homestead, tDot~2i;_X!©?icession' 6, . Kinloss “where" shg; ^as held in the, highest esteeifi by all who knew her, for her adm'ir-: able disposition, always meeting life’s XJVV Al, by all who Knew her, for her admir- .• .. ... . r . > of the true charity within , her was-Authorities ever refidy to assist in their trials . 1 . and tribulations. Never happier than Definite plans, are taking form when .surrounded by her family or. whereby the Province will be request- friends,, young and old- alike always ed to, take over the road from Lis- found her’ah; outstanding, sympathe- towel through Wingham and Luck- fic example. She was a member of a_. 1. £jtar gociety, League of the Sac­ red Heart and . several other religions, organizations. * Last September, Mrs. McKinnon Jiefe^amiiy^hnmes^ogethe^^^hirife now to. Amberley. Having been recorded at a previous Bruce County Council session as favoring the province taking Over lhe__s.ectian_Jj£un_2Wingh^ 'beriej;:;gi§^^ltgtn~thi9 :TO^d~^w~ « j______ _______• Barred rocks and S'. C. White leghorns. $8.00 per hundred; Leghorn baby pullets $16. per . hundred. Line bred from R. O..P. I and registered hens. walWrose BRUSSELS, ONT. - CHILDREN FOR ADOPTION Why go'out of County Bruce to choose children for adoption? At the Shelter in Walkerton, there are child­ ren from three months to seventeen years waiting x,for foster homes. Write to R. Perdue, Superintendent Children’s Aid - Society, Walkerton. Also housework wanted by a girl, eighteen years who would be allowed to bnn^jhef baby /with her. Apply as above. 7 LIBERAL RALLY A joint annual meeting of the rid­ ings of N. Huron and HUron-Bruce will be held in Wingham Town Hall on Friday, June 14th, at 1.30 p.m. Dr. George McQuibban of North Wel­ lington, C. A. Robertson and R. J. Deechman will address the meeting. DANCE—In Paramount Hall on Friday, June 14th. Music by Hogan’s Band. Couple 35q. Extra Lady 5c (in­ cluding tax). \ STk PETER'S GARDEN PARTY TW*hnnufiI Garden Party of St. Peters Anglican Church will be held in the- Caledonian Park on Tuesday, June 25th. See hills for particulars. ^ASHFIELD GARDEN PARTY The Ashfield Circuit Gfirden Party will be held on Blake Church grounds Friday, June 21st. The popular play .“A Woman’s Honor” will be presented by the Auburn Dramatic.Club. Special music. Supper from 6 to 8. Admis­ sion 35c and 15c. -muineTpa-Mties—coaeernea—insoi-ar—-as? Bruce County is concerned. At a recent meeting in ListoWei, Lucknow representatives included Reeve /A. W. Hamilton, Robert Rae, Wm. McKenzie and W. B. Anderson. At this meeting an. organization took form and resolutions were drafted, and presented, to the County7 Councils concerned from Elmira to Amberley. Appointmefits . with provincial au­ thorities ate being sought and each iriunicipality haS*’ the privilege . of sending two delegates, to comprise v the deputation to petition the . be- partment. * Donald and vocal numbers by Willard -Thb mp s on^—^Mrar^Pr—”Stewjar'L"»."«M'iiS’<’J’.- W. Joynt and Cameron Geddes with Mrs, Newton accompanist. The pro­ gram will boost. Lucknow. $ Days, AucknOwABarTds and stress “OpW Wednesday Nights” here; ‘ * >. ‘ .'A/ ' When You Purchase BREAD AND CAKES 1/-; A..... ................................................................r.r~' ..............V"77 . ' • • • • . . * ’ ■ c • - I ' ■ ' , • . Hollymari’s Quality Bakery You are buying THE VERY BEST That Money Can Buy V. I T 7 ~ WE WILL HAVE A SUPPLY OF CHOICE ™ CAKES: JELLY ROLLS: PIES: ROLLS: COOKIES: BUNS: DOUGHNUTS, ETC , TO CHOOSE FRQJ< . Hollyinairs Lucknow Phone 36 < A V, /.It......‘, Tenth Anniversary Of . ' . Union Observed Here Dominion Wide Commemoration Ser- vice ; Is~Carri8l Out In United' ■ Church, Conducted By , Key. Mr. 'Down.'...... The prescribed “Order of Service” for the Commemoration of the tenth anniversary of Church Union, , was lonowed in„the United Church: oh Suriday at the morning service with a* large congregation ip attendance.. . Appropriate hymns,.., scripture pas­ sages and responsive reading featur­ ed the service that concluded with an impressive, arid fitting address by Rev. - Mr. DOvyn of Exeter., The choir rendered an™ quartette comprised of Mrs. joynt, Miss Robertsfin and Messrs. Eldon Henderson and Harold1 Allin sang most acceptably, 1 DR. JAMES H. LITTLE ......:......:7DENTIST:7"iT^7Vr"-7..; Open for Appointments on June 15. OFFICE HOURS ., 9 a.m. to ' 12 a.m. . 1.3(j p.m., to 5 pan. 7:30 p.m. to~^30~p~mr" " on Wednesday & Saturday Evening*) Arid On Other Evenings By •» — Appointment ----------; X-RAY SERVICE / Office In The Johnston Block ■ -r ' . DEFECTIVE VISION AFFECTS ALL AGES _ When authorities state that half the adults and a quarter of < 1 all children do not see efficiently ~ their estimate is as nearly as possible accurate. What a hand­ icap that must be to mankind. - The"loss^s“ reflectod^in"*wfiys"that are scarcely noticed. Well in­ formed. persons are more and more giving their vision the con­ sideration it deserves. , : 7 J « s ■ cJi ‘3;! “The backwash of the. w'ar '• has wiped out the corner stone *bf. Par­ ental guidance and. discipline.’* . said Rev. Down in his address. It is this family court that the United Church is striving to re-establish, as well as. the family alter/ the family Bible; the family; pew and family worship. The family alter has been scrapped he said, and pointed to the collapse of nations down through the ages •-•■ . % ?...'F i . BRUCE COUNCIL APPROVES | RAISING STATUS. OF SCHOOL Lucknow Continuation School ‘will be raised to the status of a- High . School, if such a. move is approved by, the Department of Education. Bruce. Gpunty Council endorsed a re­ solution approving the raising of. the -&tatus-at-their—June-scssion-Ia^t-weel^ jn_Kiiicar.din.e,r,and__.th.e_:_chaj)ge__wirr prised of MesSrs.’ G. H. Douglas, Wm. McKefizie, Hugh McIntosh and Robert Rae presented the case to County Council. ' A - The change will make little differ­ ence to students, as-the school has from an educational viewpoint, been a.high school in all but name forthe past few' years. ”, RECEIVES DEGREE Mr. James Little of Kinlpss, was one of the throng of students to re­ ceive his' degree, at the commence­ ment exercises in Convocation Hall,1 University, of ■ Toronto, on. Thursday. Jimmie was one of a class of 42 to receive his dental degree^ and he will commence practising in Lucknoyv; within a few days, it is expected. Father-In-Law Of Local today^’are-’unfamiliar^with=the=,Bible= ' CAR AND TRUCK COLLIDE A Saturday, afternoon collision oc- red at the entrance to the’ Miller Gravel pit on “Quality Hill.” Injur-1 ies were averted and damage ta the car and truck ebneerned were not of major proportions. ' „ ' • . The mishap occurred when Mr. -Brooks—drove—his—gravel—truclcTOrito- - - thepavementinfront.of-acardfi ven-Y $ Left to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother, are five sons and four daughters' (one daughter . Cath­ erine having died in girlhood). They are James of Casselton, N. -Dakota; John of Calgary, Alberta; Dan ' on the family ” homestead; Ronald of Winnipeg;. William of Paris, France; (Flora) Mrs. P. J. McDevitt, Port Arthur, Ont; (Margaret)^ Mrs. W. J. Allin of 'Chatham, Ont; (Mary) Mrs. L. J.’ Letang of .Wallaceburg, Ont,; (Anne) Mrs,1 E. S. McGowan, Toronto Ont. . ’ “ With the.;.e.xception of three sons, Ronald, William and James the fam­ ily was all home during, the illness and at the death of their mother. — i Twenty grandchildren arid six greatDraft Political Resolution 'grandchildren also survive, as well as ’ a sikter, Mrs. James Hagan of Sea­ forth and three brothers, Angus on the old homestead in ..Tuckersmith/ Donald in. Manitoba and Alex in North Dakota.. The , funeral late residence to Holyrood St. Pat­ rick’s - 1 Ti.ir<-< * i . a--. i i T viixmj wiuie inter jnu&uiiimy v^iu*”?? S6 mercial Traveller, Was Away On sisted by Rev. Fr. Dean of Port ette of Wingham, Sub-Deacon. Also .in the sanctuary was Rev. Fr. Gaffney of St. Augustine. Father' O’Shaugh­ nessy spoke briefly on death and the fine character of the deceased." The remains, were tenderly laid away in the family , plot with Fr. O’Shaugh­ nessy officiating at the graveside. Many floral and spiritual tributes were, mute testimony -of the- esteem- in-which, Mrs. MdKinnofi was held by a host of friends- to whom she had endeared herself. ’, The pallbearers were Joseph Mal- lough; David Falconer; John Mc­ Kinnon; Dennis Kenny; Joseph Mc­ Millan; Elmer Johnston. North Huron Farmers^ has disappeared, and m this age. of? Speed 1 we have nd time 'for .system­ atic family worship. All of these the United Church aims to restore, as she incessantly strives to make the teachings of Christ her Creed anrf is succeeding in applying it, by en­ deavoring to be Christlike in Creed in character, in conduct and in con­ secration, ■' said the speaker. It is imp’ortant that the foundations of the church be well laid, and as the years haye passed,, this has been demonstrated to be. so. Part of the policy of the'church is expansion, no( in a -sense of competition, but rather, in co-operation/ with every Christian organization, said Down. . s otlfer Rev. crusher is in operation in the pit and the truck was outwarjd bound with a load ^of gravel. The Henry , car ran into the rear of the. trpek and received damage to the front of the car which included the radiator being crushed in. Only very minor damage was done the truck. Passengers of the car escaped with a shaking up. —-........... . " ■ , SPACE AT PREMIUM Due to the amouritof space taken up by advertisers this week*. the amount of space devoted to news items and articles is very Iijpited and we have beph obliged to omit and curtail a good deal of reading matter in this issue. 4 **V4 Oddfellows Hold Decoration Service Dr. G. S. l*>wler Of Teeswater Ad- dresses Brethren In An Impressive Service. . -L ? Considered as especially impressive was the annual decoration service, held this year at .South Kinloss cenr- etery by Lucknow Lodge No. 112, LO.O.F. Visiting members from Winghpm, Tees water . and Ripley joinecr the local brethren ffir the ser-1 vice and the papade which was held from the lodge room to the cemetery, heqded by the Citizens’ Band.' In. a car driven by Mr. Wm. Murdie were Rev; Mr. Down, of Exeter* the officiating clergyifian; Mr. D. C. Tay­ lor, Past District Deputy Grand Master and Mr. Dodds of Wirighairi, possessor of a 50 year jewel and Still, an ardent Oddfellow despite his sev­ enty summers. Mr. S. E. Robertson conducted the service and after brief introductory remarks, called, on "Rev;* Mt« Down, who is supplying in the United Church, to lead in prayer, which he ~ did most suitably for thi?1 occasion. Inspiring and thbugbit provoking was the address of Dr. G. S. Fowler, ” wfio poifij^d nut the idealisms and high standards upon which Oddfel­ lowship is', lfiiilt. He particularly stressed the inevitability of the terpi- ■. ° ' | ination of our sojourn in life and turns b“e quoted gems of poetry to beautify T TheUftd make more forceful hisiillumifi- Lusitania is, shown as she swung down J ating: talk. 4.k_ ...a- — ila_ iaaa jjynins were sung during the ser­ vice Which .Was concluded fifter .flow­ ering plants had been placed on the graves of departed / members, the record book Mri. S E Robertson. . ' ■3' PECULIAR MISHAPIEntering Of. Candidate ' At Present Not Considered — E. G. Zinn New President, To Conduct Township Meetings _ ^By^Aiajority vote taken "at their annual meeting in Wingham on Fri­ day, the United Farmers’ Organiza­ tion of North Huron will continue to function, as a political group, it was decided. E. G. Zinn was the, newly elected president, succeeding Mr. T. A. Cameron. ' 1 ' , This organisation is not contem­ plating, at present at’, least, placing a candidate ’ m the field, but neither did the meeting pledge themselves to support . either Candidates of the old party lines., However, resolutions have been drafted, important among these being brie’ dealing with the monetary sys- tern. IllThese resolutions include and outline the policies of the organiza­ tion and Will Be presented to both Conservative, and Liberal candidate in North Huron, in order to ascertain if or .to what extent, either of both of these candidates favour the policj7 embodied in the draft. , - ^The following officers were elected: President, E>G. Zifin, Lanes; 1st and 2nd, vice presidents, Mrs. “C. G. An­ derson and W. J. Gutrie of East Wa- ■wanosh; Sec. TrOas., A. T. MacNay, Ashfield ahd Auditors, Walter Scott and W. J., Currie./Mt. MacNay fle- Sired td retire from his position, hut was pressed into serving until another appointment could be made. ■ Mr. Zifin stated it Was his purpose to conduct township meetings,’where­ by the feeling Of the various com­ munities in the riding can be aster- BORN GOLLAN—In Lucknow, on Satur­ day, June 8th, to JMr. and Mrs, Wifi. Gollan—7& daiughtef. ‘ ROSS—In LuckriOw,: oft Wednesday jdne 5th, to Mf. and Mrs. John D. /Ross, a son—Allin Bowen. In Chfirg© Of Service / ? Mr. Lowey will have charge of the __ t iSunday evefiifig service in Lanes* .taified? H,e hopes also at a later date- - Church at 7.30, o’clock. Flan to attend to Secure government speaker arid befit an inspiring fiddress, ffivbrfibie to theilf rirganization.I I Man, Sweepstake Winner was held Saturday, ' ;_____ morning, June iKH, 10 fcom her Mothe,.0f Mrs.,w. P. Thompson Ot Jate residence to Hoiyrood St. Fat- Toronto Advised Of The Good For- • tone WMe Her Husband, A Com- Pastor, ■ Rev. Fr. O’Shaughnessy, as­ sisted by Ijlev. Fr. Dean of Port Lambton, Deacon and Rev. Fr. Paqu- . .. --1- - ~ • -• ■ • Good fortune smiled on the Platten family in Toronto last week in a nianner that made ; thein $20,000 richer. Mr. Platten, who is the father, -in-law of Mr. Wm. F. Thompson of Toronto, sori of Mt. arid Mrs; D. M. Thompson of Lucknow,' was a joint holder of,an Irish sweepstake ticket on “Field TfiaV’ that netted more than ;$40,000. ME Flatten Weld the ticket jointly with. .Gordon Fox , of Kingsville. ' - Mr; Platten, is a traveller ^ot. a wholesale dry goods fitm of London. He was at work in his territory in. Essex when informed of his over­ night fortune. Mrs. Platten was painting her kitchen in. (he flat above that occupied -by -Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, when , informed by tele­ phone of the ‘ startling’ but joyous riews, resulting from the possession' of a sweepstake (ticket that she didn't even know fiei' husband was holding. ^'MrS. Flatten took the hilariou's news quite complacently and had no Spur-of-the-moment ideas of how she was going to spend the money, When "questioned in this regard by the Toronto Star> She had not the faintest Idea’what they would 1 do with the sudden" wealth, until 1 Mr. Platten returned. There are two daughters ;iri the Patten family.’ Besides Mrs. Thomp­ son, there is .a daughter' *Mi.SS Win- nifred, who teaches school in. To'ropto. Motheij-Of Mrs.-W. F. Thompson Of ^Toronto Advised Of The Good For- '■ ENGAGEMENTS; ANNOUNCED ' Mr. William F. Finlay, of Ashfield, announces thfi engagement of his only daughter, Margaret Emeline, to Mr. William Edmund Andrew, eldest son, of Mr. arid Mrs. W. G. Andrew, of Lucknow, the marriage to take place eddy in July. ? , Mrs. Elizabeth Stepfieri* T^ofontO, announces the' engagement of her only daughter, Elizabeth (Betty),, to Mr* Arthur E. Brown,?B.A., of Tot- o'ntp, son of -Rev, and Mfs, A. W. Brown of Hamilton and formerly of Ashfield. The marriage will take place at the end of June; [ . . The Road. Mr- Wm. MacKenzie, was the vic­ tim of an expensive and peculiar ac­ cident recently, and as a result the left side' of his Buick car appears as if some one had been going over its' surface wjjh a hammer. Mr. Mac­ kenzie -keeps >ihis car in the !-Pr6s-' terian' Church jshed and on the night of the accident’ it was sitting beside, h high pile of cordwood which top­ pled over. 'Crashing down on ^the edge.Of the top, the Rood, and fenders the deluge of Wood left a series of dents, large and small,- and as well' side Oij the car. To remedy the fects will be both difficult and pensive., . . 1 > scratched and damaged the doors and side Oij the car. To remedy the de- ex- GRIM REALITY OF WAR DEPICTED IN “LEST WE FORGET” COMING TO LYCEUM THEATRE , T|^ younger generation has no recollection of the “Lusitafiifi”, once the pride, of the Atlantic Ocean,, which was torpedoed off the Irifih Coast in Mriy, 1915, carrying to their defith more than ! 1,100 men, iyonien and children.; . - “Lest We Fotget”, the finti-war picture, approved fot telease by the Canadian ‘Government, and showing at the Lyceum Theatre, Wihghrim, Tor 4 days next week, t hand of time back 20 ' yeaifs. 1 '* \ A ■. - \“-the Huds'ori Rivet on her last, fatal voyage from.'NifW York. Six days later, without warning, the giant Cfiriarrier was struck twice, graves ui aeparx«a/ memoers, tne by torpedoes fired by a German sub- names of whom w.ete read from the marine. She sank within half an hout. tecoi‘4 book by Mr’. S E Rfibettson. ft,* ’ 7' ; ■ A' A.., .Jv V ‘ ...' ;• . A’7 : - ....rife*