The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-06-06, Page 1C , *> u. phanna Hill A matriage,»-j- b‘. ^BBEE^^^^^SSSSSBSgSZSSSg^SS^ [' * I ■k / ' CONDITION IMPROVEDk ■ 4 I, appear next week ■<"' the ceremony, a wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride, to -AN EXPENSIVEAFFAIR V id/by Constable Moore with aessing a driver’s permit, rt t m m ~ L. —, ani st .^1 L. tmiltom /sqnght^ '^u'ppb®^''' i, items not latdr than Tuesday, \knd earMiS’-^ ' to the. Parish of Lion’s Head and will 4ffite^^lfis^uta'nyrr^unie^l6th^ He\is to be succeeded here by J. D. -G i J ip . ; - ——• -g-. . • - - mrs: McKinnon dies- QrahdXruck Mishap On Main Street Ori Thursday Results Jn Bobby MjcNay Receiving ..A Forehead Qash, ; '.A.: , / -...'vx v...~. ' ■ . X* . ■ ,■ —Il ■ mil. >.| I —I. !■ ' \ BORN, '//■ 'v-_T_______ ■ \ V on Sunday morning, Rev. J. C. Galey loss. ’ll •orn to the Jreer. Later r Goderich, « ■ I $ % ii. ■ L> BRUSSELS, ONT. u. . V «Je» /* . .-TRJO-D-F-AGED-RESIDENTS--<DIE, 'SSI T A-rMrr-Jimmie*-Wttle“-df~’.Kinlossr-w-ho- recently successfully compjleted hi^ .4 Elevator -Company Limited will be Leghorn baby pullets $16. vper. ' hundred. Line bred from R. O.. P. l and registered hens. - ‘ / * . Saturday,Jungl5th, for, the election ^officers,„.„pi»sentatipn^f ^annual, Statement and other business. James Alton, President. ----------- .■*■ V. ?■ , V $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADV ANCE; »2.f ’■ 7' 1.: x0 0 THERWIS:E LUCkNO x- W, ON* —,——T r./TiHURSD INB €ith, 1935 .SINGLE -CO ■ ' V” / .1 ■'• * ' '...^7..—-----—■ ■ ■' A /--- ----------------r__:---/_----• ■'...............■ veterinary surgeon - - W. J. KELLEhM B.V.Sc. , / ’Phone: 29; Rip|ey, Qnt. - . • PROFIT BY THIS , ;’^e^t/>W<eqk,,.a social adver- // tiding -issue of The Sentinel Will circulated to^ g|ve a complete, coverage of a widespread Area^ A classified ad will bring ,you ; profitable results, if“ you have something to seli, to buy/ lost, found, for exchange, etc, etc. in- • sett q smill ?od.. $ nJ watek . it- • work. Gash, with order cents • per word. Minimum charge 25c. ____SiHIP your lambs with us. Picked. up at your door, 60c a piece.^- ■Harvey Apkert, ^fihone 29-w, Lucknow SHIPPING LAMBS each Wednes- day. LambsJw be over 65 pounds and fat, — Rod McDougall, ’Phone 26-28, Ripley. • PLEASE RETURN—will the party who borrowed Bert Ward’s post hole spobh, /used for cleaning out catch, basing, please return" same at once. STRAYED—An Oxford ram, from ,/ premises undersigned, Lot 22, Con. 10, West Wawanosh, on or about A May 21st. Walter Forster. Twx> Scotch Collie Pups'for • sale. S. W CEMETERY ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of the South -Kinloss-^Cemetery--^AssoeiatiQn~wilk be held; bn Wednesday, June 12th* at ■ 2 P.m. A gpbd attendance is desired as some changes will be made in.by- - laws. z Donald MacLean, S^c’y. ” NOTICE _/Tbo annuaJ meeting of the Lucknow “heldinthe“officeof"thesecfetary, Geo. H .Smith ht. three o’clock P.M. —— -tree -tops- of- -Hardwood- and—Cedar, , also soft Wood which he will self in . —U Lots at the bush on the Alex McKin- ’ non and Smith 'farms. There will? be a party there on June 12th at ten o’clock a.m. to do the^selling.. A deep gash in his forehead; yih- ning (jown to above Mis left eye/ that is expected to leave a permanent scar, was suffered by Bdbby McNay on Thursday, in a motor aepijdent oc- curing on the main street bridge. „ .Bgfeh^, within a. few, mqiiths of his third birthday, is the son of Wr. and Mrs. Alex McNay ^f Ashfieid. The young chap was sitting in the front seat of the car driven by~his”"m'other' who was proceeding. Westward. As the ear came onto th^e bridge, itk ap* prbach was obscured by some car? barked on the bridge, a truck pulled out from'in front of Horne's starting, eastward, and into the path of: the approaching car,. This truck -was a National,- Grocers vtriiek from Strat­ ford driven- by Mr. McKay, \ In the collision^ that followed, Bob­ by I wks, the only, one injured. Mrs. McNay’s young bajby Donald, was with his -aunt- in-the rear seat, „ but Was uninjured? Bobby was taken to the home of his great grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. John Howe, above Buu- ton’s Butcher Shop, where, his injur- :ies/reeeivedlmedical-~attention*r---?-— damage done the truck, while the car had the radiator smashed - in, the windshield shattered and other dam— age Of not a serious nature to the front of the car., Constable . Moore .investigated the mishap. \ NEW DENTIST^ST£RTINd^.' Lucknow; Jimmie will- hang , out his "Shingle" “DrT^ttter Dentist’^; in the- Johnston Block, his office- being sit­ uated m a portion of the store now occupied by Mr. A. E. Burwell. Car.—* penters are this. week busy, partition­ ing off the” building. ■ / ‘ \ !;' REACHERS vTO '^E- HJR^D •=•’ ? Follow/ng’ atisp<acial baeetin^ of. the School Board last - week, six - o^? the eight positions o.ii the public and high­ school . staff/ were thrown open for •applications,;both from the 'bfesenk teachers) And'/others /desiring /t'q\ap­ ply. • Teachers "‘^afifectVd were advised on Thursday of the./ Board’s action, WEDDING \BELLS LITTLE—AYLES-THOMPSON . ' ,, ,’A /quiek/Wt interesting wedding took place on Wednesday, June 5th, at the Salem \. Manse, when Daisy Elizabeth' adopted daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson, and Albert Little, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas,^. Little of the 4th con., of Kinloss, were united in Holy mat­ rimony, Rev./A. E. Millen officiating. ; The bride, who was unattended, was gowned in a peach crepe jacket; frock and”Wffiite”pioturehat^aud^^^c shower bouquet of J<. ro)ses and lily of the valley. Following the cereffiony; a wedding served at tne home of tl the. immediate friends. The 'gropm’s: gift/ to the /bride Was a .c^qe of silver Ware. The. happy couple |l$ft, foi; a boat trip to\ Sauli jSte. Marie arfd other .points in Algoma, /the’ bride travelling in a skipper blue/swagger suit with- matching accessories. , On their return they\ will resid? ^n. the groom’s farm on the 4th con, of Kin- /V//.. - . ■ Y CURRAxN—TRELEAVEN Woodbine - Cottage,' the spacious farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A-Bei^-^Treiea-ven^-^eonr^T^AAhfiefe ■ Township, witn(esse4 a very/pleasing jejw^jjpn^atnixte pretty' June wedding was solemnized ;Rey-;^DSA4-».-MaC^illan',r--pastpr-'—of\ Dungannon and Crewe United chur- dhefcs performing the ceremony, which' tmiteiTWr marriage, Grace/"'E®een7 lerbert, eli^er. son WALTER ROSE BRUSSELS, ONT.4------:—.--------\ ..• ------------ CHILDREN FOR ADOPTION •« Why go out of ^County Bruce: to choose children for* adoption? At the Sheli^t in Walkerton, there are child­ ren from, three months to/seventeen years waiting for foster homes. i>' , Write to R. Perdue, Superintendent Children’s Aid Society, . Walkerton.; Also housework waited by a girl eighteen years who would be allowed to bring her -baby with her. Apply as , ' above. " ' . UNITED FARMERS MEETING The anupal meeting of the United Farmers of North Huron will bp held in the ^Council Chamber, Wing­ ham on Friday, June 7th at 2 p.m. ' 1 T. A. (jameroii, Pres. I A. ;T. McNay, Sec’y. ' I. 0. E. DECORATION SERVICE The Decoration .Service of Liicknow . Lodge, Nb._l'12, I.O.O^F., will be held ? at Kinloss Cemetery on Sunday, June ' 9th at 7 2*30- o’clock. . Members are requested to meet at the . lodge room at two o’clock., < K. C. Murdie,' Sec’y. Liberal rally A joint annual meeting of the rid- ’ ings oY11^. Huron, and Hufon—Bruce- will be held ih ’ WinghAm Town Hall on Friday, June 14th, at 1-30 p.m. Dr. George McQuibban.of North Wel­ lington, C. A. Robertson and R. J: . Deechman. will address tM- meet-mg. CLUB MEETING Members of Lucknpw Joint Club / are notified to attend'a meeting of the Club in the Orange Hall, Lucknow on Wednesday next, June 12th, at 8 O’clock. J............ . baseball ; Kincardine at Lucknow, to-morrow, ■ Friday, June 7tH in the Caledonian, s Park, Lucknow. This games Starts at ■ ” , 4*45* shrtrp and promises to .be a bat-. ' tie worth seeing, Admission 25c, plus tax. Children ,15c, including tax. n'/'u </ '(i^/’Whb*i' -Tt MaK .Cbncorh v",\*, ? J I, the undersigned, am pi’O^ared tb L repair and paint the present verandah it k On the Presbyterian manse, for the ' when . there is. one death, ^here is generally^ three, that /all ■occurr in quick; succession. This was the .case oyer the week-end when the Angel ofs Death visited three -homes in the village. In each case those who'passed on were approaching the four-store mark. They^were Duncan^ MacKenzie, 77/ MrA^ Roderick. Campbell^ 79 and Mrs. W. E. MacDonalc^ '73. All three were laid to rest on -Tuesday after­ noon And that evening a fourth death was added to the list with the pass­ ing of Mrs. Angus McKinnon. Nefy. Broadcloths jn all colors at 15c; 19c; £5c. New' Prints^ 15c; 19c; 25c.—THE MARKET STORE. ADAR1NG GKNT .—■ * • For John McCosh, a seventy-year old resident of the village, height holds no”apparent fears, and he works rt. hundred feet Up. with aq little concern "as if he were on-terra firma. John has taken the contract to giv.e the yillage .standpipe a couple of coats of silver mica paint and has commenced the job. While those who watched’got lhe “jitters’’ John moun­ ted the ladder? and climbed to the ball on the peak of the pipe where hd attached his sling seat, in which he sits in comfort as he draws him- sOlf around the pipe slapping on £he paipt. ’ , 1. UNDERGOING REST r,”“^v;-g7Tucker, who Ws^n&t been enjoying good health, for some time has; commenced a two-months* holiday, when it is, hoped the rest will restore him. to his usual health. Rev/ Tiipkdr has engaged. Rev.h Mr. Down of Exeter, ^ retired clergyman, to conduct services here during the month of Juhe. During July, Which; is’ KeV. Tucker’S holiday month, the congregation arranges for supply preachers.. u . WATGH for next; Week’s special advertising issuh and L profit* *by the Opportunities' it v^ill offer. , SPOTTON RALLY h.lvp<isLlAlL-'Dp1ngpnflbrt1 a<? 8 p.m. on Mondky, JpiiA'.10< Goll Harry 'MuHiK* 'M‘.p." an old time ra'neher, will Show lantern slides on pioneer western days With vivid descriptions. George Spotton Will speak briefly. 1 niuu/’e ‘!‘*c Sftoet dance Arid Parish Hal! dance *~^G. S. $dbertsori, Everybod^’^^Welcome. , eWe&t daughteioir Jeaveii and ;John ______, —— hf '-Mr. and“M?Sr-Kerbert-Curran, Con.- 9, \ Ashfield. The j ceremony? was per­formed at' 5.60. mk before an arch of evergreens.. trimmed with hpple' blossoms, in, the\ presence* ’ of aboxkt .sixty guest?; The house was a pro­ fusion of flowers;—tulips and .apple blossoms, and the sAme colon sclieme’' 4tf~pi&l«-and^whitj<3-was-furthoh-aceeh— ',l';uaW,dr^h'y^^rea^er^fes4oaned**TTOm ~: irom Lohengrin^. p|ayed by Miss Doy^ to thy Curran, sister of the bridegroom Die bridal party entered the drawing -roomy—-the--Priderrle^ning---upoml""i?lie- armSof her father, by whom she was given in marriafe^ .ahe looked . very winsome in her ensemble costume of vylnte triple crepe, with bridhl veil caught with orange blossoms? Tier oouquet was of 2iriar Hill roses. Her sisteiy Miss An^ia Mae Tfelbaven gowned In shelf pink crepe and Talis ­ man rpSesy,acted as bridesmaid,, while her .small sister, “Gwendoline, iiot\ yet LhreO yeara old, made a charming, flower’ girl in . an ankle-length dreqs of caiTdfy organdy and,-carrying-a .basket, of yellow tulips. The bride­ groom was supportedjby his brother, James Curran, as best man. During the signing of the register,- Miss Lehore Stothers, cousin of the bride, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. S. IL Stothers, sang .very sweetly “1 Love You Truly?’ v Following .the, 'ceremony, a buffet luncheon was served, the luncheon table being set out o^ doors on the lawn. It was daintily arranged, the cloth being of Edinburgh lace, with long runner up the centre in the col­ or scheme of pink and white,. while pink tulips and pink candles. added to the effectiveness. The table was centred with the wedding cake. Four cousins of the bride did , the serving. ■ Among the. guCsts were the four grandmothers of the bridal couple— Mrs. Joseph Hackett of Lucknow; Mrs. Annie TreleAven, Dungannon, -and Mrs. John- Meh ary and Mrs. Sarah .(Sauhdefs, both’ of Ashfield,, whose ages .averaged almost eighty years.’ ■ r The bride’s popularity was evinced by the numerous beautiful and valu­ able gifts received'by her, the gift of the bridegroom being a white-gold wrist watch. To the attendants, sol­ oist and accompanist, his gift’Was a .white, under-arm-■bag. ...............?" Mr. and Mrs. Curran left later by motor for a trip, which will include Hamilton and Niagara Falls, •-the bride, wearing for travelling a three' piece suit of m°°nlight blue, with hat. shoes, hose and accessories in a dark­ er shade of. blue, ‘ ' ••*.,, ’ -Among, those from a distance pre­ sent for the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs, Fred Treleaven and M*s- Nor­ man Treleaven/ Toronto; Mr. and- Mrs. JOsep.fr Day, -Hamilton; Mr. .and Mrs. Aubrey Higgins and rMf. and .Mrs, Kenneth Campbell, Detroit; and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miseher, Stratford. c^)theg guests camo-.,frome Lucknowj A'ffiherle^, CrWe? AWeld(& Dim-1'' gahnon.-« 'i' 'v /y. ,t The bride was popular Us a ‘singer and elocutionist in church, club’ and social circle^.; Mr. and Mrs. Curran wilt reside on the groom’s farm, Con, 6, Ashfield. Brother And Sister Both Passed Away On Sunday Death "Of4 Mrs. Roderick Campbell Occurred In Lucknow At. PrkcticaL > ly Same Tigie As The Death ■ Of , Hier Brother- In Yorktown—Both “TiM”Suffef^ "Tf oW'/BUndn^ / Recent Year?;/ The late Mrs. Roderick Campbell, whose death occurred at her home in Lucknow on^ Sunday, June 2nd, was born seventy-nine years ago, Ma^ch 8th, ,1856 -on /her.. father’s . farm;; qn.. con. 10, Ashfield, just west of Lanes where/her brother Charles; now lives.. She ^pent most. of he^ife in Ash- field, w\th the exception of \a few years spent in Detroit and Duluth. Mrs. Campbell, formerly Mary Mc­ Lean, was the eldest daughter of the late Alexander McLean and Margaret} McDonald. . ‘ * Forty-two^ years ago she married Roderick'-Gampbel-^ who. predeceased her some seven yeUrs(| ago. t4o -children blessed their union, .Kenneth of Detroit and Gretta at home./* \ ■ -• /. Four years, ago she. moved jVith her,. daugh'ter/from /their "home 'oh~coip“12' Ashffeld, to reside in Lucknow, where she added a host of friends to those she al-ready helcL dear and her home/ held out the warmest_ welcome . to friends old /and n^w. / ■ • Having been an invalid for the past eleven years her firend& were .grieved wl^en three years^ ago she b^c^m/p totally/ blind, but ip spite of all this Mrs. Campbell was an exceptionally cheerfulV and patient sufferer. Her .example^h-.her--affli cti on -wa s~-a n—m~: spiration '.to the many friends Vwho' ;loved_.t.o-visit Wier.—_J.__u/k™k_ Mrs. C^mpbe^L was one of a family. Of' “eleven7?yf^fe 'four brothers survive. They are, Mrs. : M/s-. Angus M(IJonald--of"h’9Tf^Wil^ vm/Ati liam and . MrSv/John Lee of/Chicago and tfije brothers living are Murdoch of: MopsejAwA < Alex of Vancouver, Kenneth of Saskatoon and Charles of Ashfi'eld.' Dqnald and Angus .died some years ago, bu| in her “brother Johnls .death, there seems to.'be a re- ■maslfable—eoi-J^ide^f^p^^-dv^^assed-. "were laid to r/s^-?at,,",nrfct1^TTY^W- same time. This brother Had. lived in dhe“West for the past fifty years’/ or Jhbre: an^TMf^^"v^idepTTn"Yorktom He too, has been blind for the p^st five yfears.' . . Mrs. Campbell, while able, was always an active.church worker' and- formerly a member of Ash field ‘Prqs- bVterian,' church and since1 coming to town, a /member*of Lucknow Presby­ terian church.’ V ’’ ?■■■■' '? There are those' who remember, her lunday school teacher ivte-lqs a memento the The Bread The Breadof Health MoV lW of Health \ QUALITY AND SERVICE (OJIR" MQTT6 ' \ SPECIALS for theWEEKEND >-.''LAY:ER'Cakes. ' -cream puff's' ^spjm^e^cream^ ,v■ - JELLY. ROLLS'/ // v ‘ DATE CAKE^ ' ;■ FIG and APPLE SQUARES And Many Others To Choose From REV. J. C. CALEY ORDAINED OUR WHOLE WHEAT, S5COkE LOAF* & QUALITY BREAD, s - Cannot ■ ■ . .. Be Surpassed . . \ HOLLEMAN’S < PhoneM QUALITY BA KER Y Lucknow --- - -7-L.:..-—,---- ----------- - J. D. Gilmour. Ordained As Deacon And Comes As Curate To Lucknow *—, ■ , ■ \ ■ \ , L f —'To Assist Rev. J..H. Geoghegan. 1 ■ ■ -.. CORRESPONDENTS ATTENTION Our\ next issue will be of special interest-^ and value, and will be in the mail in time for « •* rural distribution on Wednesday afternoon, a day earlien than uo- uaL Rural correspondent^ are ro- to have their budgets in by Mon­ day evening at the latest. Your co-operation-in this regard will /\.l>e appreciated^ ,, :v- '■ '■/■■•■;/7,7. Contributors of news items are also requested*, to. remember . that on this occasion the Sentinel v \ will be pubished a day earlier, andarticlesofiengthmdstbein— not later than \ Monday, and news , ; __At. a solemn ordination service in __ _____ _ ____ _ ____ _ St. James Anglican Church, London, quested fq taJce nbte of this *«d on Sunday morning, Rev. J. C. Galey was ordained. /Rev. Caley, has for the ^past year, bee^ curate here, assisting j^eK; J.j/H. ^eog^gan.'.//_■;. . .. ■ v__ RevTTCaley, a graduate of Huron College’, wap one of a clrtjss of eight, -three of who" were made1 priests, /and five of whom were raised to the deaconate. Bishop lSeager.„ conducted, the service and Rev. R: P. D. Hur- ford, D.D. of Shelburhe, wfaS “fife/ preacher. In the ordination of the priests, the clergV present laid hands on the candidates and presented each with a Bible. Thue litafty was said by Rev. J. BL GeOghegan and the :ceiebratiqnAof~-Holyr Communion-con^ eluded/the ^ervice:~~ *7 \ Rev. Mr? Caley has been Appointed -'Chargee L.I-’..’. not'' possessing a driver’s permit, Camer’oifwMeTavish appeared ,k before Magistrate Walker in \Walkerton on Tuesday..and for the infraction was asseiised-4-1^^ NEWMAN—In Hamilton, on Sun- ;day/--Juhe72ndpt^^^ Newman,/a son.. • ' y ■ .- ^-^URY’ESk^.^n.-.--KiMd8S”'~^own4iiipf'----- ort.' Friday, May 31st, to Mr^Ynnd Mrs. Harold Purves, a daughter. , MaeRA'E—In Guelph 'general Hoa- anil Mrs. Duncan MacRae of Acton, a son, John Angus./ / •----- ■ GAUNT—In Wingham Hospital, on/Tuesday, June/4th, to Mk and Mrs\ Andrew Gaunt,; West Wawanosh —a son.„: -; \ 'MacLENNAN—In Walkerton Hos- tpital on. Wednesday, May 29th, to Laid ToRestTuesday Surwyed Her\llusband /list* Tw<> Yeats And Seven Months -—.Has Bern iJong Time Resident Of Com­ munity. - \ \ A - i xyxV. Following a long period of failing batinj town, a teipan church. Jt XIV. X .< , as/a/ faithful Sunday school teacher and who still have .^s a memento the Bible she gave as a reward for com-/ mittjng Scripture and Catechism to "memory. .. \ A Owing to the illness of her pastor, Rev. C. H. MacDonald,*” the funeral, services were conducted by Rev. Mr. McConnell, now of Ripley, at* Mrs'. Campbell’s late residence* on Camp­ bell St.,, Lucknow. The pallbearers, were Messrs. Duncan McKay, John McKay, Charles Stewart, Hugh Mc- Mutchy,' Jack McDonqltL and David Stewart, who are all cousins of the deceasedr . .. . The sympathy of a wide circle* of friends and acquaintances ^goes out to the bereaved ones. 1 DIED ... .. ‘■ LOPiVE—At Ca.rdstbn, Alberta^on May 26th, 1935,, Ernest Richard Lowe dearly beloved husband of Edith Rdid Lowe. Dave and Lillian ’ Horne. arrived, home on 'Saturday from Williamsburg where, fpr t$e past couplei of weeks Dave has been receding treatment from Dr.. Locke. This is the second series of treatments Dive, hds' under­ gone in seeking relief from a .painful muscular ailment, which has rendered his left 'limb quite stiff and ptacti- tally' uselesi?’ Marked improvement is noted however, and upon Dave’s, return on Saturday; he discarded the cYutches he has, been using and how db<j)ut'S$’ith the aid of'. dcajie. On, this occasion Drn-Locke’s treat- meats did not prove So painful as the previous bhhs and Dave is quite el’atbd with the-improvement that is result- The many ^fri^nds of Mrs. Angus McKinnon, learn with regret of her here on Tuesday * evening. ~ \ Taken ill with pneumonia and com­ plications more than a week ago, Mrs. McKinnon was favorably \com- .•> p » . < i. -1.A health, that has coiffined her tg'-bed rnfth^t caused her Condition to be- for the past three months, come'...so -serious that little-hope-had E. MacDonald, passed away at' her~ beei| . 5 home in Lucknoiy on Sunday, evening having survived her husband just two yeAr's and seven mdfiths. In hek 74th year, Ida\ Greer was' born at GOrrie, being of a family of six girls and five boys, t late George and Mary ( the family resided neat ,._v.___ , before- cpming |o West Wawanosh, more than/ 50 years ago, to settle on they homestead now owned by Mr. J. M. Gi\eer. ' * /Almost forty^seven years ago, she became'.the bride df Mrl W. E. Mac­ Donald-and the^r continued residents of Wawanosh, until disposing of their farm to Mr. T. J. Salkeld, upwards to fifteen years agd. Since then, Mr^ And Mrs. MacDonald pntil their deaths resided in Lucknow, where'’ they were respected and esteemed citizeris. Mrs. MacDonald, as was her hus­ band, was. an ardent horticulturist ---r ----1 - and flowers and gardening occupied be in keeping for the past three hibnihq, Mrs,.,W. TD ? Ak'TVrxvKvl A l*r» * pV«Fr»tr o + ?< h Lucknow on Sunday, evening” h"3b^rJ * *"L y-‘Ars and seven mdnthk. In hek 74th year, Ida\ Greer , was' McKinnon, learn with regret of. her death, which occurred at her hQnie here on Tuesday * evening. ~ \ Taken ill with pneumonia and coni- “ - pVe than a ^eek ago, iff the^ illness when phlebitis set W ■ ’ ~ ' ■ • sii entertained for her recovery. The funeral* will leave her resi­ dence in' Lucknow on Saturday morn-, ing at. 9.30 a.ni. ■ fbr St. Patrick’s R.\C. Church, Holyrood for Maqs jt 10.00 a.m. A\ complete obituary will r Wek. . ■/ ... . : liJlMEMORATION SERVICE .. : 7 / . ;■—___ _ . In commemoration of the tenth an­ niversary of Church r Union, a pre­ scribed order of service will be ob­ served in £he\ United Church, thia Sunday morning, June 9th. This order of service will be in general u§J in United\^Chu.rches throughout the. 'Dominion and will include ap­ propriate hymns, prayers.and respon­ sive sc.ripture passages to, be read responsively. The sermon will also * r with the occasion. men’s' institute, Mrs. MacDonald was a former president and at. her death . «-was honorary president of this ' or­ ganization. Mrs^ Macppnald has for ldhg bedn 'interesfecT in“'the. Agriciiil- tiire Society; which .she served as an' Associate lady director. .. » J . In the absence of Rev. S. T. Tuck-s er, Rev. Pqtton of Ashfield conducted the funeral service at her Thorne On Tuesday; with interment in Greenhill cemetery/ . ThC pallbearers were Joseph Agnew Joseph/'‘Mallongh,. W. (L Andrew, Finjaf Malcolm, Henry Mathers and John Salkeld of Goderkfln . ” Surviving are two sisters, Mrs^ Salkeld Of Goderich and Mrs. Stewart of Detroit' and three, brothers, D, VW. Greer of Calgary and G* A* Greer and. J. -$t. Greer of. Wawanosh, ... ail. 6Twhom were ptesetif for the ftmetal. .except Mr. Greer 6f 'Calgary. Among other, relatives from a dis­ tance were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mac­ Donald, Wixoin, Mich,, Mr., and Mrs. W1 J. Greer of Wingham and Mr. arid Mrs. John Salkeld of Goderich. { of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grant > Paisley, Ontario,' to 'Mr. Edward R. ‘ Quillin, son of Mr? and M*s. Ed- * rd | McQuillin? Lucknow, Ontario, . ‘the’.marriage1 ” to''l-ake’;:pWe' quietly-in - .Trttirt \*. . Mc< wftn June. < •.. . t_______ COUNTY COUNCIL MEETS The June session of Bruce County Council/with Warden Duncan Munn - presiding;-is .being held this .week in Kincardine wtthl^eoye.~A.^^JHamr litotf* of Lucknow, and Richard Elliott Of Kinloss' in attendance. The sfessipn opened on Monday evening and will conclude tomorrow. Allan Nelson, •County treasurer/ informed Council that 'the ‘county rate will be *%“ta mill higher unless the highways’ com­ mittee could pare their estimates. '.Reeve-'. 'Hmfor the resolution 'that the govern-'’ ’ menffake ovefc the road from Amber- . lejr to Listowel, butUn this/ Was rilled out of order. A complete account Of the proceed­ ings of the -sessipn will appemc in our nekt issue;