The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-05-16, Page 3i yarn with the new factory. 4 Snakes new reason has been It’s thevweather!- f Monday May 13th. Congratuls PLAMTS POB SAXE . OI® COMTS: T our YOU RUNDOWN, AILING? 1 and in of stu- sub- 1 participated in Scout Service Chapel, ’Windsor S-unday, April 28, and address by the Dean of The service was. broad- Wan. your home vtown to gb^ CARMS A“T BARGAIN ,. PRICES •. never: equalled. Willoughby ' Farm. Agency,. Kent Building, TordntO; The researches of Professor Yan- on-tti-e—partrtkat~vaT-" G u td e^7~liave~ been greeting -Lord and LadyBaden Rowell, World Chief Scout Chief Guide, since* their arrival Victoria fdrrthe .opening rally their tout, Saturday, April 1’3. They will reach Winnipeg for-T^e- big .ral- **first- ■ Ontario greeting at ^Fortv- Wil: ■J'*-'*.''5 ■‘*1/ S'- • <• ■.•"■• \ mm DOUBLED UP WITH RHEUMATISM Great New Factory Could Not/Wash Himself , Nor Brush His Hair 1 » So bad was his rheumatism that his friends declared he would never “ work again. /Although heis 70 years old, he proved. they were wrong. Reach; what he says:— zx/ J am seventy yeax^of age. Last Christmas I was completely doubled , up with rheumatism. I could 'not ___~ my hgix incyL. wash_.„myself... People said ,1 should never work apy ipore. I am working harder thah a -young man to-day. /; Thanks, many - ttV1.1*8? to.KijJschen^Salts. 1 take , them in my tea, and I hav6 recom­ mended them to. many. I could not ■... get, in or out of bed myself, nor sit --------me -work'new^l'^,;a- day sometimes;. Kruschen Salts • ’ ‘ have, .lone it.”—tGi J.;, ‘ Rheumatic conditions 'are th,e re- . suit of an excess of uric acid in the ...., "ody.......of_ the ingredi.en.ts_ of ■ ’ KTfisclien Salts have the power of _ ■' dissolving uric acid crystals. Other , ingredients assist ..Nature to expel these dissolved crystals through ,;th^ ~ =■...-. ■—aiLltmiaL^channel.. -.Tn—ad d it-ion, --th ere- »re stui other 1 salts in Kruschen which prevent food fermentation in the intestines; and thereby, check the further accumulation not only of uric acid, but of other ..body poisons which undermine' the health. Quebec’s Motor .Accidents in 1934 aunrial report . concerning au- tomobilft accidents, in-the province of . Quebec during 1934, together .with . comparative figures . for, 1932. and 1933; was published last mbnth.' _The report, shows that 7,03(1 auto- „______________________which 254 per- sdris lost" their" lives, and 5,056 were j injured, occurred in the province I during the year, this being a sub-„ ■tantlal increase over figures for 1933, when 6,118 accidents w;ere re- ~—'r'Hnjuredv"'---' — '—f— •'-> Speeding was responsible" for 3,344 ■ of the year’s- - aeeidentte; with care­ lessness of pedestrians with ciuse of , .mother 1,865 mishaps. :Negligence on- | the part of drivers -and chauffeurs ? laused 4,484 accidents, w,hile the offi- , tlal list-.- shows .that. carelessness: on ~ |he part of the operator of a vehicle -.....ither—than a--motor -vehicle resulted ' -^8_ aecidenta^^^in^^ -—j-Drunkenness^- caused-^-~236-taeei dents— _.ihd^defectlvew-brakes«-aneither-™6:^TT_r- Operators of horse-drawn amf' ■ . other .vehicles^—however,—sho-w-ed- ^2^Wl^=jcaEetrsince the—number-of ac- Oldents caused through their negli- gence Jvas jHinallej^than in 1933; and ’ 10 percent, lower than in 1932. ’ THREE FREE PRIZES . Latin Held. Need ' .... Ip. Prpfewione • Toronto.—While Latin may be dropped' as-^a 'compulsory matricu­ lation subject, as suggested by“Dun- can .McArtnux, .Peputy Minister of Education,' there appears little like­ lihood of\ it being eliminated as an entrance requirement at Osgoode Hall and the faculty^.of ^medicine. • J. D. Falconbridge, K.C., dean of the LawJ Schoo], pointed out that apart from the mental discipline in the study of' Latin, much legal •phraseology was couched in Latin, . and that a working knowledge o.f the. language was therefore essential to law students. ‘ • ■ Similarly Dr.. E. .Stanley Ryerson, '.secretary and assistant dean of. .the faculty oL medicinp, University -of .Tordnto,’said >that the use of. Latin "■■f^F"“;ihe3iWJ'\“terms'" "and;, J matei“iaTs'‘ made it essential that; medical dents . should have studied " the .ject. ■ ■ Industrial Britain, One. of- tiie “•most important devel­ opments known to Lancashire fpr many years — and an indication of the faith of one of .the world’s larg­ est concerns Jin the Industrial, future of Lancashire — is the announce rnent tiiat Messrs. Courtaulds, Ltd., are to built a. huge .rayon factory at- Pro tori. noon. Scripture reading, Duet. Messrs. Courtauld, six years aS°? n 40 r»4 ' ' • •• '■ t : acquired about 340 acres of land at11:18-21 was. glven by Mrs. J,< HlbWetpni near Pl.e6loIli lt l8 on ardson. Prayer, Miss Murdean I part of this site th^t the new fac- son. Roll call was answered by tpr.y. is to be built. ? It is expected of scripture. The Study ,/topij-that. .the works, which will be the’ reatfe by Mrs. -Norman, Miss ! firm’s larges single “unit-’’ in Brit- RicXrdson . and' Mrs. V. E1J«* and wiiremhody rpany new tea- , - I lures,, will be completed in about Mrs. Johnson Conn read a me ejghteen months’, time. from King, George to the C| work will be- found for Mahout 2^000 -Duet,™Miss--..~Grace---Richdrd§jcuTL-’^ -aLai:t,.„jpx.teaJLng.. “ ‘ 1 “ io T;0(K) aw lhe factory gets-into tul,l production. The firm expect :to..add ,at leabt 30 percent.H to t>heir-production of viscose By Gordon L. Smith ' SCREENING Growing screens offer a solution: to things which are better hidden. The straight linesj of a residency should be broken ..by. .a few feiushes arid vines. These growing screens are divided into two classes, annual climbers and tall plants which, of course, must be renewed each year, ’and perennial creepers and shrubs -of-tr-ees.—Th^-la4^er-^^p@^aa-ri'eu4-^ . but take more time to produce apd may be supplemented the ..first year ; or two with annuals. Tbe annuals,, instead ' have the advantage oft -speed,- -in -a -month-or two-they- are performing their duty - of shutting ’ off an objectionable view, or screen- ; ( ing' .the noon day sun from the ver- ..andah,'.-aridt the^v-ery—fac^—that- they.}— are there for one year only, allows ' an opportunity for change, and] changing things-about is ope of,the1 . fascinations of gardening. Qf' the i' annual plants, African Marigqlds, •• Cosmos, Ornamental' Sunflowers, Larkspurs, Castor Beans, and other bushy, fairly^ tall plants will piake mv satisfactory screen by early July. • . Among the annual climbers are ] , ~ Morning Glories, Nasturtiums, Sweet < « Peas, . Hops, Scarlet Runner Beans, Cobea, Gourds, Cardinal Climber and Canary Bird Flower. imily Mrs. Johnson Conn. : The benet was given by Mrs. Norman. The ess served tba. ‘ \ Mrs... ,Jphn_, Richardson and spent the week end with frieni1 Teeswater. Mr. Blake Gaunt spent SundaJ Mr; ~W'endar Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Laidlaw family spent a day. recently Mr; and Mrs. R. Stuart. * Mrs. A' Purdon arid Hecto? Friday with Mr. and Mrs. C Tiffin ’ . '•* ' Don’t Like Erin’s Dampness Dublin.—-A assigned .for the absence of snakes from Ireland. . It’s the-weather!- .. Popular .legend has it that they were all banished by. Saint Patrick, the national apostle, 1,500 years S'^a ept, thui i<m, there appears little like- of\ it being eliminated as an p<z Smokers! fill up with GOLDEN VIRGINIA'* ’ and enjoy a really good smoke! period-of 1934, showing .a decrease . . : of■•l-p§rl cent.“in~ births;-ap ^ncr^ase""^4": of 7 per cent, in deaths and an in­ crease of 3% .per cent- in jmarriag.es. h are of^Lopdun< spent a few .. days—last. , D. weeli^ visiting on the sixth. [ Mrs. Ban McKinnon and Miss Dean held—McLi&od,—attended_the_EreshyXeriaE [day! held^ti"Teeswater~ on “Tues'dayr“; '■..'''"^ k.in | Miss Edith Johnson is spending a Four thousand and fifty-eight ac- .«cideut8^.dn».?wh4eh^peFsons-L.were^k411‘“ 'ed;or.::injure'd:'w the year, 13 collisions being reported between automobile ^ and horse- drawn vehicles, with loss of life in each case, arid- 166 being\ reported where people, were injured. There were 348 , such ' collisions in all. Auto- ists- crashed -into grains- 40- times dur-^ irig the year, into 231' tramways, and-’ into a; total- o£ --3,444--ot-her-'-auto.s-^in-- A box \of personal stationery,, consisting of 100Tsheets and 75 envelopes,with an- address print-J ed on paper and envelopes, valued at $1-75, dr embossed effect, valued at $3.00. . A box of personal- stationery* con­ sisting .of 24 sheets and 24 en­ velopes, valued at $1.00, or- em­ bossed effect, valued at $1.75. - ■ ' , . ' b ' ' ' Baria a 3 cant stamped envelope fall information. i. C1FF BAKER 39 LEE AVENUE Toronto^, Ont. Carbon Dioxide Valuable For Breathing Jn -Hi£ri. v •' Altitudes- ' A little, baby girl arriyed a ago? The more, material view that home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smi Moriday May 13th. Congratula 1 . - Mr. .and Mrs. Brown, Do Frances, Eileen, Jackie arid spent Sunday with Mr. and M , Stuart. , Mr. and, Mrs. Wm. Cohn and 1 aee-spent-Sunda-y-^^^ rHaToTd^ohnstoh;'—~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs. I themselves, . three acclimated hotel , •wtpioyer;^ ■ were* 7nore‘ or~~less~r“affected—by- mountain sickness.. G;hilds and Hamlin and the three hotel em­ ployes breathed measured amounts, of carbon dioxide supplied by . cylin­ ders slung by a .straps over one shoulder. When fifty liters? of . air were breathed a minute the carbon dioxide was diluted to "2 per cerit.,; ’ wthTwenty' ,"]Tf eFs~ a” second"^ thie ”"di- 4ut:ioh'-was ”5'pmPe^^ The TSffeBtT ob'servecl were" deuce "indicates that' the xwaS. shakes dislike Iceland's wet yv®athe,r, was taken by M* Farrington, lectur- al, Society of Ireland, here. •' He sai'd Ireland boasted of a spe- eies of tohd common ’ to county Keiry but had nothing like the com­ mon English toad. ' England was first occupied by -eertainr—^auna- - which-were slow of—movement,--alBOi Tlrelaria ''"2t;alater"sfage,b’ut'as'“the land sank and the sea arose and cut off the British Iqles from the rest of Europe, separating Ireland fog—the—fauna-to---mdve- from -the^ mainland, he said. also had no snakes, although South America was a comparatively sraky region. The reason for the absence of the reptiles was .undoubtedly vdue, he said, to wet weather in both parts-401 the world.’ ■ Queen » vyi1i Make Latin ,' Optional In Arts Course <will rip longer’ be a compulsory subject,on the cur­ riculum ' of the 4arts faculty .at Queen’s 'University, except for stu­ dents taking. certain honor courses, 'starting with the 1935-36 academic year. - The classical language is still compulsory for entrance require­ ments, although- it. has been indicat­ ed by Duncan MbArthur, Deputy Minister of ' Education,, . that even this may be made optional; Under, rth.e ■ new . curriculum at Queen’s, Latin 1 is made- optional with’mathematics 1 for all students -registered-in-ar pass- arts course. BirthRate Is Lower, —_^peathsr-Myjgge8,--yp- « Many • churches—-publish -a f-uH-l-ist----- • of contributors, with, .the amounts Viven to Various funds...Many reasons-* are suggested, but. one is- most. im- . portant'. .--It-pays..-- Editors -of ; ^weekly.....- papers might find that it alsn^spaid'.... them to publish their list . of sub­ scribers iyith. amounts due; . • ■” _______ $____■ _____■___ ______ Classified Advertising CTRA WBERRY PLANTS— SENATOR , ■ Dunlop and Glen Mary, $1,00 per 125—$J5.00 per. 1,000. Raspberries — Cuthbert, $3.00 per 100. All plants de­ livered free. Good plants .and Well packed. Booklet, "How . to Grow Straw­ berries,"'free with every order. T. W. Darlingtori, Southampton; Ontario. —1'8—-reason—thatL-leads^uB^or^th^rt- , . j exertion . anade—'with—-somewhat----1-eS'S-r- "sfrain on the heart"'”dKd“respiTep= tion.” Excessive ' loss' of carbon ndtuxide x^as^revented and the util­ ization of. the available oxygen.! aided. ... v .; . The kouri.sts did\'pot wear the', ap-' .paratus, but they were permitted to inhale carbdn dioxide'. Those- who, suffered^ from . dizziness, nausda,; blue lips,- cramps and twitching- wat*a distiifrpfJv * t i. Ottawa.—A decline ..of 1% per cent, waa shown in the number of births registered in, 70 cities and Jto'wn8^with-ai.population-of-10,000. or more, -jyhen^theyLiiumbered-6F755- in March, against 6,855 in the name eau. of Statistics reported, recently. Deaths ’ numbered 4,309, against 4,298 in March, 1934, arid marriages showed a 15 per Cent, increase yrith 1,910,. compared with 1,658 in-the same month last year.- . During the three' months ended March births were 19,414;; deaths Z12;80:5:,Za^ li);610~iriri!^^ f“5;6i4~'marriages"'during''''the~Baine^ a quilt Makers’ special , Enough cdtton materials to make several bed quilts. Sent postpaid for $1.00 HARVARD WOOLLENS, Dept. . ■ T, 4847 Park,Montreal.. SCOUTING3 I JP TO $50.00 EACH' PAID FOR U.S. iridian head eents. We buy tall -dates regardless of condition.: Up t.0 ‘ $1.00 each paid tor U.S. Lincoln cents. Up to $150.0.0 each for Canadian coins. We; buy . stamp., collections, Medals, Books, Old Paper Money,, ■ Gold,- etc. ■ Send 25c (coin) for large lllustr’ated • price list and 'ins'trubU'Sfis.> Satisfaction guaranteed or'' 25c' refunded, HUB .COIN SHOP, 159-23 Front St.. Sarnia,’____ 'Ont. , •= i,j‘ - . . ■ ~p^TTnT'SHIP"you"''my’’bTiFst'''bIOCTd‘I’’test-'‘"'‘’” * ed Barred- Rocks or White Leghorns for 8c. Day old. ■ Any Monday .or -Thursday;___jjj.Q.%.. live artlval___Send__ anv deposit with order. Balance G-P-p- - Both-breeds- are - the- =typer=raxge^= bodied -»and good layers. Andy Ander. js.on,.- Box. WP, Essex, Ont, , j CHICKS FpB SALE • t • ♦ : ■ . ' Here ’ There Everywhere- QIX BREEDS' ' CHICKS', 6 CENTS;.' ^pullets :25c. Complete’catalogue mall- ,.ed. St. Agatha Hatchery, - St. Agatha, ' Ontario.. =======-——— pxygen tends to retard respiration, but that when ,a little deadly carbon1 dioxide is added the asphyxiated are Iquickly brought back, to conscious­ ness. . NoW his pietj®ds~of resusci.t=- ation are used in most hospitals. In the British .'scientific weekly- Nature Professor Henderson, col­ laborating with Drs^ Samuel B. Childs Jr. and Hannibal Ham'lin, •pursues his inquirieskfurther This jtime mQuntain climbing is the sub­ ject of study ’ for. the reason that tourists w|ho ascend High mountains in trains and. automobiles or .rely on their oiyn'legs are'1' often over­ come by- what, is called “mountain sickness,” a form of asphyxia at-, tributed to lack of oxygen. Last year Childs and Hamlin spent a few days on Pike’s Peak (14,100 feet) and experimented.- on' derson and his co-workers £hat '.air-, blane passengers who travel at alti-1 tudes of 14,00 feet’’''might ‘well] breathe carbon dioxide. Not much | .of the gas- .hfeed be carried along because s6~lTttleris--T^qu-ired.-___ _ , \ All May Help / k For Pleasant Mouthwash .Use Windsor Iodized Salt. Mild,pleasant, harmless. Prevents goitre when used k' daily for table and cooking. ' .When poaching eggs, a pinch ; of WINDSOR SALT; makes the .whites set. .. Yes, proud, envied and dub­ bed a spendthriftjust because he eats salt which is money in ... Liscountry! Interestingjsn’t JtY "One of many weird., customs and superstitions told in picture and story in our new book for children r "Salt all’ over the World.”- Chockful of interest arid en- • ter t'ainment for all. Wo,want you, to have it free with opr JtyWbirnrntn! Send coupon . ' now- Tty this! WINDSOR SALT! Tear Off and Mail Today CANAOIAN^DUjtglgS UMTO. 1 ' WINDSOR, ONT. Without obligation pkaeo send special Child- ren’B Booklet. 'SALT allov'er tha World.” Addrtae. uwarffigfatpafflUI t. JSO tudes of 14,00 feet’’''might Well] I ■ ly ,there May 4th, arid will meet,their lia.m on May ,8t»h. , * ' » ♦ . ahead? Then take hold and do a, , .Their subsequent Ontarioi and little ^pulling ahead yourself !. Want Quebec dates are: Sudbtiry, May 9-; your hoine town ^business to keep Toronto, May 11; London, May 14; your home people, well employed? , Ottawa, -May 18; Montreal, May 24; Then give that business your full\: Quebec, May 27„. . slipport by buying your supplies at ■ '. *■,.** home. - . 1 r'' ■ . ’ The 7th Brantford, one of _ Want vour business to grow-?-; 'world correspondence troop's, ..has* set - Then talkrabout it Write about it. I meeting period when the -boys read Advertise \it. And this, applies not h-ttera" from bcouts . In other lands-, only to those who own or operate a -'ntl hojs get a, better idea tot business,' but also to those who are * <>untnes and conditions in . this way employed 'by that business. More ,Uu‘“ 'rom, f,!’Pir S«’Brapl.ies and interest in.ypur work, more business,: ,".s,orle8' Scoutmaster, more employment for yourself and; Bath. Engmim, have others at-better wages All may.- „ - ^ecializi.lg In the good Jurn of help. Exchange.. . . coheettng old walking sticks, paint: - ing, them while, arid presenting them to the blind. . / j .• . I \ .a*’* St. George, as the Palron Saint of Scouting, was remembered by­ special • Scout, services and ban­ quets,' April- ^8rd, ■ by . many Scout Groups throughout. Canada. The big event was a...radio, address ..by' the , ft L ■■ Farms Wanted We have cash buyers waiting -Send description’ and price. The Pringle System of farm . selling gets quicker results and saves" on commission. * To ^Prospective Buyers Deal" direct.. Tell the type of farm you want. ,We’ll put you in direct touch with own­ ers. . The Pringle System saves ybM mdiriej). - GEb. S. PRINGLE 1 Arthur St., Guelph, Ont Swedish Crown of the Swedish tav Adolf. The •’ Prince is President ' Scout Council. x * ’♦ ' Canadian Scout Radio fans will be ..interested to learn of-the coming of a short, .wave Rover Scout broad­ casting station' at 'Batavia, 'Java. The call is PKISCA. The station uses a frequency of 7,080 kc., and broad­ casts regularly Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. Jaj?a ’’’time (7 hrs. 30* mins, ahead Of Greenwich time). The station has worked a non-Scout, v station at -San Francisco, and should reach til Canadian short-wave stations during favourable . condition-?.' • the gift without price Of 100 people who were asked “If . . you^duld-Jhatve- Otic wish—gr-rinted- for the rest of yout life; what Would you wish for?” 92 answered' - “Health”. | Guard the health -of your family against flies and mosquitoes.' Flies are notorious disease carriers.-The sting of \many- mosquitoes’ is poisonous. SCREEN IVEW DOOR & WIWOW' ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUEI i i I ! Chief Scout off the'. World, from Cal-' .gai'J;. ■! ' .7. r . One' .thousand pjvke’d Scouts from '. England and Waldb , the annual National at St., . George's \ Castle, on I heat’d. an , .! Winds Ur. ■ cast. . Another’St. George's Day brokd- END OF SEASON SALE Low Sumrrier Rriees on HaXd”. Pic ■ Good Luck. .CShlL It’iy, JS’ocd Tested t. . Chicks ' ■ \ ■ A Doji't fail, write foi- New Low ■RinTrmVr livery.,no .’waiting! Also special price on s weeks old. We predictJiie'her egg ai*d Raise hardy hea.lthy pullets now. They’ll prove profitable. ' , NEUHAUSER 11ATCHERIES x ., CHATHAM,. ONTARIO V"'”1'...... — — ” f »- ------------- --' Mrs. Jolhl Blackmon of 5 Victoria St., Stratford, Ont., cald "My, health failed, I had weak and , ditzy spells, had an all­ gone feeling, poor diges- After taking. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- cry the stotflapli 'trou.blc , arid constipation Were .cor- ---------lU- 5 Victoria St, Ont., «aid failed, I iiati wean <iu<.t , ditzy spells, had an rill- tion and was constipated, ft After taking1. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- cry the stotflapli 'trou.ble rectal and 1 h'ad no more dizzy or faint , •pellafT^’ New «izc, tabs; SO cts., liquid $1.00. Write to Dr, Fierce’s Clinic,' Buffalo, N. Y.j for free medical advice. Issue No. 19—35 46 Keniiedy & Mentori 421 College St- Toronto ' Harley-Davidson Dist. ,'jat;crs^ J. and Used Parts V Write5at once for our bargain list of used motorcycles. Terms arr^iged. ............................■ 1 V 'When a girl ^dreams she is being married in A church which is. crowd- ed with former suitors who are crying sy laud that, the strains ma rcb . of cannot f talent, age 1 flj, giln.’A Ina. th 6 Week'., . - „ 21 s 6 „ In 6 mtba u 20, \ . Si in 16 d»y«. - .. 30’, ' M 9 .. in 4 VMka. ..40.— .. If .. in a „ IWHMWMi Increiuod my own height to 6ft. Height I Ko AppUMbM —No-Ords*, Ho Dtetinx. XOMBirttKM of rtiKn^xiiqU from M Un'vorU. . r . , ’> I <> "i> v-'-'i’i 11-1 <• t e '/ -i- i':',,- \\|j|P N>v. MALCOLM ROSS Specialist, 40, Scarborough,Eng.