The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-05-02, Page 5^THURSDAY, APRIL 25TH, •s '■ ■ Corrected By i Health Spot Shoes HEALTH SPbT SHOES relieve ‘ calipsia because they are scientifically 7 - constructed to straighten/ tip the oscalcis,. restoring proper balance to z the bones of the .foot. 1 .■/ DR';‘. R. Ji ’.MORGAN;: New...^ork,. ■' . f ’ ' ; states “/rom.,at-therapeutic; point of ■ <'View; I have/ known this rihoe alone j ; pfT ■. .. 4 l; ' arthritis arid many "cases df sciatica.” ' / M. . ) pri*? ®f satisfied customers in the (Jnited States and are fast appealing to the Canadian public jLA'SO HJS ■ A A'Ca'" se 'a .a> ': . . 41' \ ' rz . - Endorsed and Sold by I Lucknow’s New Shoe Store 7 / ; I ZION ' — -T--- ■' i Mr, Charlie McDonald is carrying his right hand in a sling those days, “as^the-result-df^a^-accident~last Frw day evening, which deprived him. of a portion of the list two fingers of that hand. / Seeding ruperatiorife had just beein completed in a field, on _-theu25C,aok^-farm.-i—in-which-: three; horses had been in use, arid ps his son' John had left the field with 'two ■horses, "the third horse", which was hitched to a stone ,,.boat, became res-? - five and Mr. McDOnagh endeavored to quiet it, holding it by the halter, when it: suddenly reared and jumped over a wire fence, carrying him with it, and the, stone boat prevented the ., horse from getting clear; In the epn- ' fusion that followed, Mac emerged ^.^with- two - fingers' -Hipped-off ^at-'The- ’ • first joint, presumably from being "caught; between^two wires of _„.fence._.—. A slight iriiprovement is reported' ' in Mrs. Jphn Helm’s condition. Miss Lena Robertson, R. N., is in atten-- dancer ~ ~’ _’ : ■ ’ ’ “V Mr. and-Mrs. Clifiord EastiriSh Arid children of. Port Hope, motored Up onFridaylast.Mrs.Eastman Arid "Zion friends, Mr. Eastman returning i Mr,, and Mts; J|m Bell of Toronto - home on Sunday. 1 ’’ ’ ’ ™’ Master Kenneth Webster of Luck-1 gan^s. ' ” . now, while holidaying with Mr. and Mrs; Will Gardner, sustained a frac­ ture of the arm on Thursday last, on being thrown off a horse Which he the THE LUCKNOW. SE^TJNEL'THURSDAY, MAY 2ND, 1935 WHITECHURCH k .1. Miss Myrtle' Webster of Wellesley,, visited last- Thursday with Mrs. Leon­ ard Knight, • | • Miss Maxine, Reid visited last week with her aunt/ Mrs. Henry Patterson.- | Mr» and Mrs. John Griffin and son 1 Larry of D,etrPit, visited last week with Mrs. Griffin’s brothers, Messrs. John and Patrick McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Ajex Inglis spent the week end with the former’s parents,. Mr. and Mr^.. Thos. Inglis. ■ Miss Green of, Wroxeter is assist­ ing Mrs. Jas. Forster, who ig-,srck.r”L. The /Mission/ band will be held at ■'-Pthe home of Miss Leila Leggatt ori Saturday afternoon, ..May The. roll is to/be answered by a good rea- ’So'hwT'd.VnPriib“ffii^sjri^ ‘; /'rMisb Ld^dh, teacher '^f S. Sy No. 14, invited the. ladies of the section to her home at Tees water last Tues-^ day,‘~^hen’-rilLhM^ 1 The Presbyterian anniversary will be held on June 16th, when KeV. Dr. Shprtt, moderator, will preach. —M-i-ss—A-n-me--K&sfie _ . . .,from Wingham last week wliere she spent a few weeks. 7 ; / 7 At. HELENS ■ /JMiss Freda / Rintoul of Toronto, spent the week erid at her home here. Mrs. McKenzie, Webb i}s a visitor with friendri at Hamilton, ’ j The last “At, Home” of the season, sponsored by the Wbmen’4 Institute was heldi in bhe .CPmniunity? Ilall on. Ripley and District Miss Laura" Watson, R.N., is nurs­ ing Mrs. J. Breckenridge at her, homb' in the village, . - . - Mr. Claude Williams has gone, t^' Detroit, where, he has secured a pos­ ition. . p ■ . “ ' ' / X# ™-M-rs;"Ea^hi^M“cK'innoffbf-HaTmi’iwn visited her^fother, Mrs. Wm.-B^am- ilton/ arid. aunts, Mrs. J. Jeater and Mrs. D. Henry on Thursday last. —Messrsr-Duncam^ rind Charleg Chappell are driving new Dodge cars. 7 7 . (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Leonard and family of, -CoOksville, spent the week end with Ripley friends. Mr., Leonard* t.aok^eha^g-e-0f---the-o-rgmi''''‘for’The’’jser=^' vices in-The~U-nited--Ghurch7'^unday~' ■ The/ Yo'ung- People of tlie Anglican ■ $dventures of Grandpa”-in the Town­ ship Hall, on-Mohdriy evening. It'was followed by a drince which was largely attended? " 'Mr? and .Mrs. Jphn McDonaldTand little son of London, spent the week end with the former’s mothers, Mrs. A children are spending this week with J* ^McDonald, Con. 8. „ ~ \ \ ~ "____ 1) | visited'Sunday at Mr. Thomas Mor- ; ‘ y ‘ ' ... | . MrS,.Jack McKenzie "and soln. Mae of Kincardine, were recent visitors at Mrs. David ‘Campbell’s, *. Munn’s Store is conducting-!! mon- .-ojpder-^gpgdSee^^eir- "stock. ——- Lindsay’s, Moscow. ' Mr. Ross Martyn, who has been .ill for the.past three weeks, is able to 'be in his office again. ’ HERE AND THERE was riding, ■ ....... /ezz..-. szJLenf y IGafdrief^JMfc; Anniversary services will be c®n- • ducted in Zion Church on Sunday, May 26th. Rev. Robt. Brooke, B.Th., of Blyth, will be the guest speaker •for this occasion. Services at 11 a.m. .and 7.30 p.m. , Mr. and Mrs. Clair Irwin and Doyothy visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gardner on iSunday. Mrs. Will Webster arid children and Master Donald Johnston of, Luck­ now, spent Thursday with Zion friends’. f Preparatory services were.conduc ­ ted in Zion Church on Monday even- . ing. Communion will be observed on •Sunday, May 5th in Hackett’s church. S. S. will be at 7 p.m. Sunday. JMrs. Chas. Ritchie.^ is able to be a.bout again, after being-laid up for ” ireverril "week’s. PARAMOUNT •'^r- -----■ ■ / L - 4 There was a splendid crowd at the dance in the Paramount Hall on Fri­ day evening. Snappy music was furn­ ished by/Hogan’s 6-piece orchestra, who were smartly attired in' their new.uniforms. Their new mqsic stands with their modernistic designs, also made their initial appearance on Fri­ day evening. ’ ■ . ? Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cook> Mary recent...visitors riith Mr. and .Mrs., Ad, Mricponald at Pine River. • Mrs. MacAuley and Sarah wore visitors during the week with friends at Stratford. ’ ‘ Miss Anne. MaqDonald and her pupils Jjad_as their guest at the school on. Monday}. afternoon : jnissionary from South America.. ...... J.....■ Miss Annie Taylor of St. Helens visited last week with her cousins, Tena and Jean* Havens. • ; Master Kenneth Webster had ■ the misfortune while visiting -his uncle, Will Gardner at Zion, to slip off horseback and break his arm above the wrist. ' Mr., and Mrs. John-Smith entertain­ ed a few of their Lucknow and Kin­ loss friends t'o a house party ' last Thursday evening. Mr. ..Victor..Durnin. arid Mr. Jack Champion app engaged at present at Riversdale with the Goldie Construc­ tion Co., where [paying operations are underway in completing the/ laying of the .pavement from Bjlackho.rse to the Teeswater Gravel. Cold weather called a ha|t last fall before the last stretch from Riversdale td the Tees- wa'ter corner, could' be completed. ■/. Mr. Wm. 'StimpSon returned /home last Friday, after' helping Mr. Fred Webb of St. Helens with his Seeding, . . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Champion have moved into the' residence owned by Mrg. Congram, south of McKenzie’s -garage?' "--' 7'v" Some Porker! • Believed to be perhaps a record in these paris, • Frank Voisin . of near Fqtmosa, in Culross Twp., owned a hog which when slaughtered tipped the scales at 815 pounds, and the Mr. Story, a lard alone rendered frprri the interior of the beast, weighed- 175 pounds. ■. -7 • 7-, PURIT9F p' 0.. COOKBOOK' Every reel pein the New , Purity Cook Book i« j tc.tcd ty b practical Z houeewi^B. Send. W jU cent* for your copy to Zr Department JOI, 187 MacPherron H^^M^VToronto. MAF&KING At-a meeting last week’ of the ex-’ ecutive 'of the Circuit Ladies’ Aid, it was decided to hold- the circuit gar-^ den ®8^y on the evening of June ,21st.l^" . Mr; and Mrs. Jim Hepry and .fam­ily visited relatives at ■ CResley ^Sun-^ day. • ■ -■ ' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Menar.y and Irene spent Suriday with the form-, er’s’parents, jjy. g/id Mrs,- Will Men- ary, Dungannon'. , Airs. H; C, Schlichter, 'Miss, Dor­othy ^Schlichter arid Elmer Johngton of zAyr, were guests of .the' lather’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard John- lS.t^n,)8'Sujq.da.y.„L-----.. ~ ? Mr, arid Mrs. Thomas Blake arid Misse;s?uGra'ce7^R7OTiv^'RlS^ Mrs. D. _K, Alton, con-., do, Sunday. Miss Grace Bjake, whq had spe.nt the Easter-vacation at/.her-home here “returned- to 'Arkdmr^Sunday 'after-' riojori- ■ ’ ' !■ Mr. andL Mrs. George Saunders wpre recent guests of Mr. Robt.. J "—r~~~; ~'17' ..•*"""•"~ J * \ ■ A Memorable Battle Of Fifty Years Age t 7 Here’s a Sentinel account of. a ■baseball game way back in the sum­ mer of ’96 th^t few will recall,“but the players mentioned will be familiar to the great majority of our readers; ,The love of the game still runs strong in the veins of Dan MacDonald, f^r’ he’s .a .staunch /supporter of present day. teams and last, summer was . one of the loudest; “routers*’ to cheer the,, local team to the Bt.uce., Deague “B”, championship. ■__ _________’ _ ____ “Teddie/Guijins*.- crack rime of brill ■'cqs&ers”"ran. up.,agamst a. snag., last" ^Friday when: they tackled Rob Moore’s combination of ‘‘greenies”. It was a game for yoi^r life and the way the "61d4t“imefs‘ "ana the cm slugged out twQ and three bdggers off. Teddie’s curves, was something terrible. It was a gredt day for baseball and the au- in grand shape. Teddie won the toss and sent the “greeriies” to' bat, with Dan McDonald, in the box and . Billy McDonald to re<jeive(l theip. It. took: only one inning to satisfy the crack twicer from the 2nd coiri. that he wasn’t in it, and in order to save the „------ _ fielder’s, gunning so much and for Mrs. Horton and Mary back to the [fear that the ball iriight be lost in Mother’s homestead in/our neighbor- the/ bush half a mile away, Teddie h°°ri- / himself occupied the “box” for the Tuesday; evening,'on the eve zof| next four innings. Now Teddie is a -their-depart-ur-e -f© -Sea-farth/—Mrr- andkgerod^pitcher;’’ and-;:again^^ nines like . Goderich, Wingham, St. Helens, etc., he can play with them as he likes, but we were real sorry for hirii on Friday. The “greemes” had-no-mercy^ innings they simply slugged it all over the field and in fhe hope of rest­ ing the fielders, a bit', Teddie went to | second and Jack Berry, one of the Ibestcurvepitchersinth:e~county,"to6k" the' “box”. It was rio liluse, however, |for“th''e““merry-go-fourid;kepf on, and ijrhen the third man went- out Llri .khc fi^b inning, Bob/s-leombinatipn- had worked but; 17 runs with only 5 standing to the credit of the' profes­sionals. Harry Pierce was in the “box” Mr> and Mrs/ Hapvey Webb and Lois of St. Helens and Evelyn Reed of Lucknow visited at the-home of. Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Anderson, ■Sunday. • ■ Sidney Brown of Bepmiller, ■ spent, the week end with friends heiri. We are glad to welcome Mr. and Wednesday evening. The splendid | Mrs. Long were presented with a ! progyam which was in charge of the .I handsome Bible and Hymnary, as a Southern members of the Institute; recoghition arid appreciation from was presided over by Mrs. John Miller the people of Blake Church of the Musical selections on the _accojdiari l/assistance^Mrs_?7Lpng„LaS-...giv.e.n..7f.oJ were, given by" Alvin Miller; readings khe “choir, both as/m emb dr and leader , by .Iona Swan, Mrs. Golloher of Nor- The address was read by. Miss Pearl wood and Mr. Durnin Phillips; a solo] Thompson, and the presentation made by Mrs., Jansen; mouth organ selec- by Mrs. Wm.//Blake. liiMr. arid Mrs J ti.ons by Ernest Snowden; vio^ "musre by Mr. and Miss Robb of Dun- gifts and for the kindnesses they had .Onnon)__alKo_a.„spJe_Jj,y_..the..lattem.to.l-pec-ei-vqd“wh‘iIei“;here^-The'jpr’esentation:"| her own accompaniment on the violin; took place in the/hal'l„ where a goodlv a dance by. Mrs. Gordon McPherson [ number were gathered. A social | Thorn. Music for the dance that fol­ lowed was furnished by Mr. and Miss Robb, Mr. Golloher and Mr. John Miller. Rev. Walter Treieaveh of Lucknow occupied the pulpit iri/ the Unitejl X/hlW.ch on„ Sunday^Jmoxning. >—rne game ana gave his <te- __Mr^Wilkinsnh_Sr... has returned to,|Mr. Finlay Sha/ck-letoiF of- Arthur was | sioris satisfactory' to ' all DresentLlf -his home-in Blythr----------------------—'-chairman— ^Muricad^-se[fectipns“-Wr^E±^+bo7"'fifiT,7„z,,: ’ ... /Ruth Ramage, / convener, had chargc Luckno w. on o-intar -and hamo • Georire I. . .li ;..........6. . * J of’ the meeting of the ' Y. P. S, 0: -Sunday evening. The Scripture lesso -wasHpead-by-Geldwin-Puf vis~and"Ver_ . _. . 7 . 4^y/le^gave-t-he^B-ible-chm^rterr-Tlre and guitar;? duet by-Jean^An^fefsmri Civ^ Holiday *r ” topic “Acquiring you-r . own Library” |and Fred .Wainwright and quartette | was taken by. Ruth/Ramage, who also I by Tom Anderson, Richard Kilpat- —•••—------ led the discussion. ' • ; rick,:Fred Wainwright and Sam Pat- yjhcfpmAF Fvnlciinc Her .many friends are sorry to terson; readings by Misses Alice 1W1 X>A.piaillD know that Mrs. George McRqberts is Shackleton and Mary Cranston; s,ong / . ^ ““ ill. ' ’ ■% • '. » ' . land recitation by Tom Patton; talk The annual meeting of the Wo- KilPatrick t men’s Institute has been postponed a - Pr’ .Albert Schweizer, Who, was y^veek, until May 9th, when it will be.pi^11,g1?13^^ ”” ----- - - •------1 university- [ Theology, and. physician in EuropeJ Stiie^iLpIifeSudZfieasinga Uvcs I by Rev.. W, J; Patton, brought the program to” a close. I ' Bunday School is withdrawn/next Sabbath day. ' Rev. W. and /Mrs. Pattori, Mr." S. J. Kilpatrick, Mrs. George Lane and Mrs/ Richard Johnston, attended the Presbytery and. Presbyteriai meet­ ings at Exeter on Tuesday. ■ , - Mr.' and Mrs. Jim Misner and No'la niusic by'Mr;"and'''M'iss'Robb of. bun­ ker own accompaniment on the violin; took place in the hail,. where a goodlv | Ji rloTinnf VkTT 7LT-r»cj • 1\/To'D"Uzirr»or\vi I l.v_.'j '^ud’-^HournaL-read—by-”Kathieen’-|^eV^nri'g^was/-^^F^ Which sandwiches, cake a'nd coffiee were, served. • . -, ’ ’ ’ ___z ? Thursday evening, a community f;r't“ri^«greeXies”7ndTe pitched good su^pe'r was held in Blake Hall, . which, ball all the way through, and' was well was well patronized. After the tables supported by Billy Irwdn * as back- were/cleared and removed, a spleP- | stop. Mr.. Seaman Laird, of Kincardine . did program .was .given-by local-talent umpired the- game and gave his de^ -chairman?-A"Mus,icad"^seiUctrpns--Wj^: aoc<>rt’n;- en ? Las“by- in. the repprt that. Bob. Moofe has mouthorgan; Misses Pegrband Cora d a <£allenee t0 the 1Chicam a to nlay Ms. “combination” her°^?m?: re and guitar.;. duct by-JeaiWlmdersuii- p; L- >r - - ■ 1 as an organ, builder, r- graduate, ■ fecturejr on Theology, and. physician in Europe,,he,Id at Mrs. McKenzie’s Webb. members l^reJurgfed_to attend. .... ’’7~Miss Anna Stuart of Toronto sptent East Wawanosh and Mrs. 5W. J Humphrey, were recent visitors- ^in Goderich. Mrs, Chas. D'urnin St., has return­ ed from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Deyell of Wingham. u Mrs, Campbell ofz the 6th con., yisited' old friends heire last week, as the gupst of Mrs. J. B.,Rutherford. Misses Maryland Elizabeth Salkeld of Goderich, wpre 'recent visitors with . ______ _ JBBH Mrs. R. K. Miller and Mrs. Gordon, [of Stratford, visited on Sunday at 'Rev. T. C. Wilkinson /and Mr. D/thef(home of Mr. and M?s. H. Curran. Todd attended the meeting of Huron | Miss Dorothy, Schlichter assisted Presbytery < at Exeter on Tuesday, j the choir at the Sunday evening ser- while Mrs. Wilkinson, Miss M.;C. ’ ' ' ' Rutherford and Mrs.- W. I. Miller were in attendance at the /W. M. S. Presbyteriai in the same towri. / It will pay you to drive miles “toyshopKing’s Dollar Days. ■7 I KINLOUGH returned: KING B ROS ry—J Why He Sticks On An interesting '"letter, which ' ex­ presses one Westerner’s ^viewpoint, has. just recently been received by M^Lfegs.'-HllROf CulrbsSj Who c6n~ L 0 0 K I FRIDAY SATURDAY ARE Twin Dollar Days in Wingham This ihearis two days Big Sell­ ing of Quality Merchandise at- King Bros. NEW CLOTHES FOR EVERY —MEMBER. OF THE FAMILY Stylish Coats , Smart I Suits New Dresses Avon Knitted Suits Orient Stockings ^Kayser Gloves __■ Watson Lingerie i ____ ■ Dress Goods <• Linens Dress Silks \ House Furnishings Curtains Draperies _____■.JFloorJCoverings—-_____ OUR MEN’S DEPARTMENT ACompleteStockofbestSuitS" Top Coats and Furnishings --BOY^SUII^SPEGIAL^---—- 25, Naw Spring Suits of the ‘ well known “Prince” line— Lovely Tweeds that every hoy likes—-All have extra pants Regular Values $12.75 to $15.00 DOLLAR DAYS ONLY - $9.0® ... Mr. Fred Hodgins has returned horiie after visiting, friends at Ham­ ilton. z’ ' ,We are*' glad to report that Mr. Win. Kaake, wh'o fias been Very sick for the past two weeks, is. much .imT* proved._’ Mrs.. R. Sieloff 1 and Elroy, have_ ■ -------------------ns^^snen “Mrs. A. Hodgins. u Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miner StrathrQy, were W. Boyle’s. Mr. and Mrs. Thom Montgomery and Mrs. E. Percy, yrho have been visiting friends here for the past week, returned to Detroit on Sunday. Mr. Fred Jackson and Misses Syl­ via and Edna! Jackson, spent Sunday , at Thos. Hockley’s. Miss Pheobe Pirineli, who has ac­ cepted a position at Strathroy, left on Tuesday to begin her duties there. -from7 Thomas Hill, R.’ 3, Teeswater. Dear Sir, " / 1 . I have just found your note in ri bag of potatoes. Thank you ■ very much. They sure did come to a place w-here they are needed. This is the sixth year . in this * district without harvesting anything to speak of. This •year, was a little better as we got fodder for our Stock; On the odd field there was a little threshed but noth­ ing to sell and when there is no grain here, there is nothing. There is no doubt some people will ask, why do we stay here, but what else can |we do. There is nothing else to do—no factories to work in, and if a person sells bu| his outfit, he ^would never get another, so I guess the orily thing is to /stick out “Old Mari Depression” l andi wait for better weather and mar­ kets. Although I don’t think that we shall ever have as good markets back again, as every part of Europe is growing wheat and I don’t think they will ever forget* what they had to pay for wheat during” the war. There is a lot of people out here think that they have to have our wheat, but they. Ig-r-ew wheat 'long—beforo we ever thought of it, so it does not. matter how a fellow looks at it, it sjeems that Western Canada is,done for quite' a while to edme. Our governments7 don’t seem to be making any headway I at anything. If they cannot find markets/, for, US; what/,good;ds ;havjng- ri, government, 0f course I know I should .not call it government, it is’ not a government^ its nothing else but a- lot of politicians babbling , is Visiting with his brothers--at hiS'|oK .r,. .. . * .home on the sixth. 4about. th.s thmg and that, and doing Mrs. F. Wei’s of Roehoster and Mrs. notI’1«?. Well, I guess..yqu will thmlp James Netterfield- of Toronto, spent I have said enough, but I say this, the :w<?ek and with- their brother, Mt. that \frheh I talk about relief it gets John McDonald./ me so. hot, I cbuld keep on for a Miss Elizabeth McIver returned to I T,..;her school'at,Powassan. ' . ' week, Jart ‘hmk, a fellow,-wor^ . Mrs. R. Emrfe and daughter M.ar-1 slaving, for 26 years m the West and gatet arid Mrs. Clifforid Emrie and then cannot get ri living, without hav- Lois, all cff Toronto, spent Easter rit ing to go on relief. It sure does get Mr.^ R. .Middleton’s. u . |,fny g*bat, and t am .not the only one, —^I..us»L&hri-iRobTnsnn- ^^nur-si-ng~*-at-Hvs--‘^the home of Mrs. John Helm. . “ „b°at “ Miss t.niy and Dorothy Robertson p*18' district! Thanking you all again and their mother.^M^s.’ P/ Robertson for the splendid way, you have helped of Ripley, visited' on the fourth “thwe dried out, blown out. hoppered out : rr. “ * ' , /fallows of this district, Mrs. Lauchie McKinnon and ,Mr. - ' Vni1_oafid Mrs. Freid of Hamilton, visited 1 ' - . .■ Mf. and Mrs. Cecil Robb’on Thursday. ”♦ Koable. vice, by singing ks a soio “I Come to Thee”. CREWp Mr. Colin Crozier and Anna Mae Treleaven, returned to ,L. H. school, c after spending the holidays at • their I I homes hefe. ( Mr. and’Mrs. Wm. McConnell -and I-Jeth, visited recently with friends at Sheppardtqn. • . I Mr. Matt. Shackleton attended the Presbytery at Exeter on Tuesday.’ Misses Arina- Treleaveh and Bernice Durnin spent Saturday, with' friends' atriGoderich. ' • Miss Harriet Whitley spent part Him, (Elaine —Mr^and—MrsT Arthur -'Culbert- were Little, Elwood'Miller, Jack Farrish) I guests of Mr. and Mrs. John (RiVett P,ass. . , .<> •_ |on Sunday. \ ' No. on roll 20. - Ave. att. 19. ...S- S. -No. 10, Ashfield.....- For March and April . V-—Jean Nelson, Hon. . • Jr. LV—'Cecilia Watt -72%; Grace Campbell '‘70’; Bob Farrish 55. Sr. Ill—Pearl Jamieson 84- Louise Campbell 71. Jr. Ill—John Austin 76; Dorothy Drennan 69; Vincent. Austin 63; Grant Farrish 58; Alvin Drennan'49. II-—Warren Zinn 78; Evelyn Little 70. . . Sr. I—(Marguerite Jamieson, Ter­ esa Auston) Honors; Rena Miller, Pass. ' ‘ ... • '1 .of last week with friends at ^Belfast. Little, Elwood ’Miller, Jack Farrish) | guests of Mr. .and Mrs. John (RiVett ■^'v' ‘"T ^r* an(i Mrs. Hall of Goderich, M. G. MacDonald [spent, Sunday with the- lather’s bpo-| . ther, Marvin and Mrs. Durmri. Miss Ella Whitley ;speht part of last wfeek with her uncle and aunt, Mr. arid Mrs* Isaac Nixon, JBelfast. 4th CON.. KINLOSS ' 111 ’ I Dr. Clarence McMillan of Toronto is Visiting wjth his brothers^at hisj home on the .sixth. 1 ■ , , , Mrs. F. We|s of Rochester and Mrs. pothing. Well, I guess ...you will thin| — -. -• --------- — -r—.. . -t ., , - » the wpek end with their brother, Mf. that rirhen I talk about relief it gets • - -« r??; . me so. hot, I cbuld keep on for aMiss Etaabeth McIver returned to | week, Jost thin1[> » Mfow, working,' Zoo Keeper: Look here lad? what are you giving that elephant camphor for? . • Boy : . .To keep,the moths out of his trunk. ./ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ z 7 > / ■ ’ Better fruit cake is a real achievement when you know the secret! How yotir men-folk—-all the folks—welcome ....a, tasty, moist, light fruit cake, and. you’ll deserve, their compliments ! The Secret is using PURITY FLOUR ; it has. __ . the strength, of the world's best wheat ~seale~d~iri TFAHour sb good, so strong you can -use less and yet the fruit will be evenly distributed throughout your cake! Won’t you tty it ? t»F97 BEST FOR ALL YOUR BAKING / of recent visitors •at To Build Cottages ’ . Mr. John R. Huestio of Gorrie has purchased a strip of land, 50 rods in length from Donald Blue of, Amberley. The purchaser plans to build summer cottages On this property hear the lake and three are expected to be erected shortly with additional ones erected at some future date. BARK SPLITTING OF APPLE TREES This is a form of winter injury which unfortunately seems unusually prevalent this spring. Many'enquiries have been received from the various . apple growing areas of Ontario as to the best method of treatment.' * _____ Generally, the splitting is confined to the south west side of the tree, and about one-third of the total bark area has burst away from the wood. It. is . more cominoh hrorchards' that suffer­ ed from the cold ,winte#of a year ago and is iperhaps worst vjm$re the trees were makirig rapid grbrith. Also trees on heavier soil types seem tp have suffered naore than those Aon the. ligh­ ter soils.’ • , ’ Treatment. , Do not remove" the injured bark,- but rather tack it down rather loosely to the wood. This will ' precent the sun from drying* out the • cambium, and so will facilitate heal­ ing. Make a slit at the bottom of the . injured area in order. that aay sap accumulation, er /water from rains, will drain- off readily, thus removing danger of mould. The next and,final step is bridge grafting. Uhless this ig“dSne’' many young trees will lose the branch im-, mediately above- the rupturted -although'--the''“renTaTnd6F-6f-trie' will likely come through all ..right. Long scoins will be required. These should be taken at once Whilethey are , v still dormant and.'stored in a cool place until used. The' actual bridgeV_____ grafting is best deferred until zTfie' trees start growth. ■ y ‘ Dept, of Horticultural, O. A.Q me many rkj bark, tree .