The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-04-25, Page 1' i r V LAYER CAKES , /■ gv-'j riing, of any week, the’ half holiday I Mr. and Mrs, C. M Johnston of /■ L GENERAL ADMISSION 25c. jL..„ WEDDING BELLS L-as/ W. J. Little's Shoe Store TEACHERS HOLIDAYING bridesmaid, ■ I BORN i 7 x—:----------—:--------------- ESTABLISHED IN 1878 “'Winnifred and Josephine Aitchison . Prominent among the Easter visi­ tors hi. the community are. a'number / 7 ' Frank McKenzie, president of the Jl ,f~~\ * - p LITTLE'S Shoe Store t THIS BUSINESS WAS OTHER TIES AT 35 c, * 50c and 65c. ............ L ...... ............................................... .... , . complaint by the'general, public about the quality of the shoes sold in this store. Buy and be ) convinced. . ' •' . ■ A . .. WHOLE WHEAT BREkD^ SPICED FRUIT CAKE , FIG & APPLE SQUARES ■''^YgR'iE^MPtJFF^J ” ' .OATMEAL-DATE.-SQUARES. TRY 9UR DELICIOUS BUTTERMILK BREAD paseied away. The funeral service Was he.ld.in South Kinloss Church on Mon­ day, conducted by Rev. J. L. Burgess, with interment in Kinloss cenietery. “Enter the Prodigal" , IS THERE ANYTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN? YES, A INDIAN BASKET WEAVE Pure Silk ; MADE BY TOOKE. PLAID AND STRIPE PATTERNS? L/ ' ■ - fLOCALandGENERAL) //M-K / Tom Alton of Toronto ;i^as: ah vE^te/'Hdsitpr^witkf'bT^mbt^ $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; »?.6O OTHERWISE LUCKNOW, oRt., THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1935 . ' : 't' ■ ■” • ' ’ o a ' ' . / z "Ft* SINGLE/C0PIE3 5 CENTS " VETERINARY SUR0EON W; J. KElXEHER', B.VJSc.- . ’Phone 29, Ripley, Ont, ■ ■ < nil......... I.w—Ml. I....... iwyiiya . \ BQIATOES FOR ALE—35c a bag. • R.7-3,t ^LuCknow. > FLAX SEED for sate. Enquire of ;. :_MpJk:3Eai®ish.7dr--R.. H. - Thompson. - WILL PASTURE two quiet horses and will feed, for balance of season. I Frank filler, R. 5,'Lucknow; grown, from Q. A.C. seed. — Wm. McQuillin, . Lucknw P. O.. ’Phone ' *' 42~r~^’». ■ ■ ■ ■ FOR SALE-nSecond hand Ford parts, accessories and tires. Agent for pure Pennsylvania Oil and Grease/ Cecil Mullin, 'Lucknw. STRAYED—to the premises of Mrs. Jamesjf’urvis, a, white and tan houmi. Owner can have same by pay^ mg expenses. ' ■ • WANTED—respectable young girl or woman for housework on farm. Good home in preference to high f wages. Apply at The Sentinel Office. itfty of Soy Beans McQuillin, Lucknw P. 6. ’Phone . .FOR SALE—1930 6-eylihdier Sedan, low mileage, reasonable. Take a cheap team as part payment. Apply at the residence oL the late Jacob Milter, Lucknow. . = FORrSALE^-Qb^tityofBarley, 21, 80c a bus. and some bailed oat straif. -■ / . Rod .McDougall, 26-28, Ripley. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Wednesday, May 1st’, 1935/ for the position of caretaker of the bowl­ ing green, five hours daily to he spent in~perf ormance^OfthedutiesTLOwest „orany-tendernot--necessarilyaccep- __ted/—W.—Ai-Porteousy—Sec?y.-Treasr RABY CHICKS Barred Rocks and S. C. White .../—Leghorn chicks. Superior -Grade • line“bredfromR.O.P/andreg- . istered stock from 25 to 30, oz. eggs at $10.00 per hundred. Orders for. 300 or over delivered. May, one cent less. . ' WALTER ROSE {- Brussels, <>Ont. in.the.£duntyujf Bruce, Widow, de­ ceased/ :' Notice is hereby given that all per­ sons having any claims or demands agaipst thei late Ann Little, who died on or about the ninth day of January. A.D. 1935'at the Township of Kinloss in the County Of Bruce', are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the . undersigned,, executor under the Will of the said Ann Little, their names and addresses and' full par­ ticulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts* and the ’ nature of the securities,; if any, held ■ by them duly verified by affidavit. And take Notice that after the eighteenth day of May A.D. 1935 the said /executor wilT proceed to distri­ bute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, haying regard , only-to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and that the said executor will not be liable fpr the said assets or any part therM£-to any person of whose claim' she shall not then have received notice. ' . This notice is given pursuant to the statute in Ithait behalf. 7 Dated at tucknow, Ontario, this 23rd day pf April, A.D. 1935. Albert Little, R. R. No; 6, Lucknow* Ontario, Executor. INMEMORIAM M-acDONALD—In loving memory of our dear'Mother, Rebecca Mac­ Donald, who passed away April 28th, 1934..- / • •/ —April brings sad "Mbffibjiep;/. Of' a loved- one. gone to rest,1 She be remembered, By the onCs who loved her best. Sadly missed by Sons arid Daughters. TALKING PICTURES Music and Comedy and. a Trip. 1 through General Motors Fac- /./.__tory? .wiRLbe-shown-at - ~-r- T. W. SMITH'S lucknow HALF HOLIDAY COMMENCES NEXT THURSDAY, MAY 2ND ... # - ; • Thp,. /weekly half, holiday? as afternoon, May 2nd and will ..con­ tinue throughput the, summer to ~ the end^of OHober.-All places of ■business will be< open. on Wed­ nesday evening during the con­ tinuance pf the, holiday. When a , , —------- iiing, of any week, the’ half holiday will be observed also. The*public is asked to bear these facts iii ■■ mi'rid. ./’■ '■ AGED KINLOSS RESIDENT DIES —- T .■ - J . The death occurred early Saturday TilQ. Bread y i—— bf Health Pf O v ■ MOTTO- The Bread of Health Continuation Students7 P^seht Fine -Prosram Munical.i.iterar, apiil .Athletic Fro- //7gfam7Prbvi'des "Varied And Pleas- ■ ing EWtertainment For Large /Audience. Students- of the Lucknow Contin­ uation School again proved to be able entertainers, ...when they presented a to a large audience. The entertain­ ment was staged in the Town Hall on Thursday night and marked^* the closing of school .foy^hg Easter holi­ days, when teriMnatM^will mean, the starting'on the last stretch of the year’s studies that lead to th,e finals/ Frank McKenzie, president of the - ------- school Literary Society, presided as morning pf Miss Mary McLean, an cnairman Of the'program-that/open- aged resident of Kinloss. Since the ed with four well rendeted numbers death of her brother; John, a few oy the girls^df the Glee Club; Edith ye^rs ago, Miss McLean has made Smith favored with a piano solo. Bill herv home at Mrs. John McDougall’s; Hewat, editpr of the school journal, on the .Second_Concession, where she in a short address, reviewed the " schbof activities of the term. A hum­ orous skit ” It Happens in ’.the Best of Families,” was presented by Jean Struthers- and” Jack' MCLeod; followed? /oy a reading by Mary McKirn. A ‘vocal quartette was rendered by Peggy MapDoriald, Eunice Newton, Hilda Lane and Winnifred Johnston, .and boys of the Glee Club , sang a sajldr chorus./A monologue by Doris Ritchie -preeeeded- a^-•-■vocdl-^qu'ait’ette-■’fey’ Gedrge Joynt, Frank MacKenzie/ John Martin and Bill. Hewat. Six girls, Jean McMillan, Jean Anderson, Myrtle Graham, Hilda Lane, Eunice Newton and Winnifred Lane enacted a chorus1 number. Rexford Ostrander presided at the piano throughout. Concluding features .,of the evening were a display jjL,a.cr.obatie-and~phy-; steal culture acts by a /number of boys’ and"a^‘sh’OrL'mie‘--act ';play presen-' led~by~^WrffnffreTYrhomson,. Murief SoTofi^n'^fid^’Currie CoTwelL AGED'ASHFIELD RESIDENT PASSED AWAY FRIDAY will ‘.cbmmepce- neixt. '.Thri’tsday . { ■ __ . . • ,n \ ;? Master Bobbie McCallum is a visi- I tor this /week with his grandmother/ I Mr. Robert Andrew of Listowel ,'^was an Easter Visitor, with his parents I •; Miss ’Myna Mitchell is yisjtijng refe.. Nurse Mason .visited her mother, Mils.. A, Barb,er of ’ Wingham, over Easter.'' / . ,']Mr. ? Wilmer Howey of Kitchener; was a Sunday’ visitor at the home of. his. parents. ’/ .’ ' Mrs. Ida Siddall of Toronto^ is visiting at- the home -of Dr. and. Mrs. G/ A. Newtbm- .' ,1' . ■ a ■ -,.1 ■ Mrs. D. Paterson and her grand­ daughter Dean, visited over the Wbek end in Seaforth. ■Miss, Roszella Mullin is much im­ proved. in health and. is able to be out-of-doors again. ■^MK aSfd Mrs7J. ”H of Tor­ onto, .were'recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McQuillin. HOLLYMAN’S QUALITY BAKERY Phone 36 Lucknow There passed away in Ashfield on Fridpy night, an aged resident °f the township in the person of«Mrs; Chris/ topher Sanderson, formerly Margaret Wamsley. The funeral service, was held-on Monday-at the home of her niece, Mrs. Lewis; Taylor, Con. 12, Ashfield. «Interment was' in Ripley cemetery. j. Mrs, < Sanderson was in her 81st yearr fa 19147 sometime^blfoprrng the' three miles from Ripley. For the past .five; years, Mrs. iSan-t derson ^as made her home with Jitr. and Mrs. Lewis Taylor, part of which tinie^ they resided in Lucknow. For the past couple of years they have been residjng on the 12th of Ashfield on the farm, adjoining, the old San­ derson homestead. Mrs. Sanderson .is survived by two brothers, Charles of Walkerville and William of Fort William. . . FREN TAL^S Keep in mind the freriii talking pic-| Helen. Thompson has spent the ture's of music, comedy'“arid a trip. few! days in ‘ Toronto with Mr. through the General Motors factory ana Mrs.i P. j. Naylor, • . to7be,shown.at-Y-W.;Smith^-garager’ vv . uuBcpiuue without charge, on Friday, May 3rd, are visiting with their grandparents, rit 8 o’clock. .. • 7 tyTr. and Mrs.’Tho^. Aitchison. . ' * --------- ---------• ■' ' ' ■ ' ' - ' A . 7 t Fallon: Bros? orchestra of London -will play for a dance in the Town Hall on May 6th; under Rebekah , auspices. Mr. Thomas Aitchison is not Cn-r joying good health, having been sulh- ; ;jejct_t.Q,.a™cbuple-?of-heart-attacks-re^ cently. Clarence -Greer, a studbnt_at-/West— „er_v.elt—School,—London^—is--holida-ying' with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs.. J. M.! Greer.' ’ • ■ '/,. Mr. "and Mrs. Jack Johnston and ?daughter' of Elmira, were _Sundav wisftofsTn town with- the -former’s /parents. ./... • Mr.-arid Mrs. Wm. Alton and son; Douglas? of Toronto, are holidaying at their homes in Lucknow , and in. KinloSs. 1 Mrs. Barrett Taylor and Miss Jeann­ ette Taylor of Clinton wer.e week­ end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Camerop. ___ _ HOME ON FURLOUGH AS ; MISSION FIELD IS SHAKEN The fact that Miss Dorothy Doug­ las is home on furlough from Formosa spared her relatives. _andL-friends-a^ period of anxiety that would would : Thave^res/iltedrdimi^MiST^Dms^l^bpeir a-resident-oLthe-island^AvhenYL^as^ ■shaten'rbyT^’^uccessibn of earth­ quakes on Sunday.-' Miss Douglas arrived home last year *after/ six years’spent in Formosa as, principal fff~the: Giris’ Mission school, at Tamsui ’ ='^rhe~death?^tdir"ran to over three thousand, as’ whole villages . were practically .demolished. . Formosa’s population is'roughly 5 millian people chiefly Chinese, under Japanese rule. The island/is about 200 miles long and from 60 to 80 miles in breath. ibl»e-g-FOUHf%"Al o’clock on Monday afternoon, When Gertrude Agnew, .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Agnew of Glasgow, Scotland, became .the bride of Robert Ross, only son of *Mrs. Angus Ross and the late Mr. Ross of Lucknow. Rev. Mr. - Patterson of Ottawa Vras the officiating clergyman. Following the ceremony, a wedding supper was served to about twenty-ffour imihediatc- friends and relatives. The. next day the young couple left on a wedding trip by motor to Stratford, Lond,on and other points, and will mak^ theft Albert Ganimie., . . Mr. and Mrs*. ‘Harvey Webster had as their • Easter guhsts, the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shirley and daughter Winnifred of Toronto. A year ago today snow shovelling was_in order as the. district, exper­ ienced the final heavy snow, fall of a long and cold winter. Miss Jessie McKenzie, Ctiident nurse at St, Joseph’s Hospital,. Lpn- don, spent a day jit her home here the first of the week. Ivan Rawlings of the Bank of Mon- iad his tonsils rembved on trip by motor to Stratford, London aridz other points, and will make theft home in Lucknow upon their return. , jtreal staff had his tonsils rembved on BEGLEY—ROSE Thursday, and was able to resume his A'quiet but pretty wedding was duties op Tuesday morning. ’ .... , i Friends will regret to learn of the second daughter of Mr. illness of Mr. Sam McGuire, who de- Hafry'.H. Rose, Leamington,,t . 'was.; v.eloped pneumonia' oh- Suriday. His oi. sctool teachers.who arS X' all or part of. their holiday m. the Vera M. s ’ ' ' Bronte-' Flora^Andrew^rind ^Alma .?* ...R?.se? veiopea-pneumonia: on sunuay. : AitOn TbridonT Wartv AitOn Walk- Vnlted ?tt to Cecil R. Begley, condition at present is favorable. ™' k/r ™rry u w- v1K • f°rnicrly of Dungannon and now of M -n n n - xv j / erton; Myra MacDonald^ Wmgham;. Leamington R v ,j L W McLean ? -----Mabel,McClure, Toronto; Mona Mi^l^thf officiating clergyman; The ' Gordon, .Toht>ston, .bride was charming in a dress of Clifford; Malcolm Watson, Waterloo; Monarch Wue crep with Margaret McLennan .Toronto; Mary | cess„rieSj and wore a co rsageof rose' ~ mme cnmr ut Oo vmees miner Douglas, J^tchener: Joan McCallum. sweet. p^g and .lhaideft hair fern, the directioh of Mr: -Camefon Geddes Hairnlton - Helen Thompson, Handver;, Miss Winnifred Begley; sister of the will provide special music in the Pres- Bdl Alton, Toronto; Vera Sherrlff. I,bridegfoom, was bridesmaid, and ' ' ’ ' “ ' — ‘ " Dorchesterr Katherine McKenzie and figured , blue crepe, with, white Marwn McDougall Cnlrosa:.<Bndys ?eC„ssorias and matching corsage. McDonald. Lanesville; Ada Webster. | j^r. Edwin Reynolds of Alvinston, Zion; ” ” And-Ate)L-Smith^--MurrayJrir' --- > * ...hiibw.^....* ■•"-■■I- • ■ COMES, TO VISIT MOTHER Mr. D.avid Ci Carruthers and Mrs. “ Jno, Carruthers, John, Kathleen and j Lillian, spent the past week end. with Mr. and’Mrs. Geo.> D. Fishfer of Lobo. A male choir of 35 voices under a j tty .-t l corsage. j Edwin Reynolds of Alvinston,, hitechurch formerly o^ Leamirigtori, ^supported . Art—..m. . . nwav-e:- —-- 'HJeTjriSegrdomya wedding sup­ per served at the home of the bride’s ------------ ----- -------- -- father/Mr.. and Mrs. Begley left oh DIES? QUITE SUDDENLY|a short honeymoon, trip, which-will .-------- I include Toronto and points east. On Death came suddenly to Mrs, Wm, their return they will, reside in Leam- Wall .of Listowel on Sunday morhihg ’r; ♦> ’ - . , as she ^a'§‘ yisitihg at the, hoihe of her mother, )Mis. Jack Mclnnes, east of the; C. R. dcpot. /Irs. Wgll, who has not, been enjoyiftg good health recently, was taken iii while en route to Lbckhptir Saturday evening arid medical attention was received-upon her arrival' here/. Her condition was riot regarded as critical arid her ,sud7 den passing a feik hours later, crime ris a distinct shock/— Mrs, Wall, who was. born in Luck­ now, is survived by tier husband, two daughters. and her mother. The fun­ eral service was held -in Listowel on Tuesday. Card Of. Thanks -M^rSr PeterTorraihce^and family de=^ sire to express grateful tha'nlcs to neighbors and friends, who were so kind and . sympathetic during their friOefct sudden bereavement. ' DANCE—at Paramount, Friday, April 26th; Hogan orchestra. Gents* 25t; Ladies* free. father;' Mr.. and Mrs. Begley left oh (include Toronto and points east. On ingtOn. Mi*. Begiev is.a nephew of Mts. Sproul of Lucknow. . ILLUSTRATED LECTURE ‘z There will be a free illustrated lecture in the Town Hall on Friday evening at 8 o’clock, under auspices of the Lucknow Horticultural Society, when the following subjects/will be illustrated and described, “Planting and Care’ of Farm Home Grounds” and “Planting’ and Care of 'Town’and City Home Grounds”.' • ; Spring grders have now arrived and members of the Society may secure Same from the secretary. " McNAY-—-In Ottawa Hospital, on Thursday, April 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Graham' McNay, a daughter—-Ann Dot een. . / FORSTER—in/the township of West Wawariosh, on Thursdayy, April 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forster, a daughter. „byterian Church next Sunday evening. Miss Marjorie and Audrey Hender­ son, student nurses at Stratford and Walkerton, spent Saturday and Sun- day respectively with tKefif parents' here. Mr. John C. Carruthers ’of the staff of the Bank of Montreal in Hanover, is spending his three weeks’ holidays at the ,home of "his mother, Mrs. Jno. Carruthers.. -—- — Mr. N. ;S. Calvert of the Continua­ tion ^School staff received the initia­ tory degree at the regular meeting of Old Light Lodge, A.F.. &A.M., on Thursday evening. ' Andrew Thompson who has made a rapid recovery from a . recent op­ eration in Toronto, spent- the past, few days at his home here, before return-' ing to the city. ' ,» . Philip Stewart spent1 a few dajis in Toronto this week and had the privilege of attending the Decorators’ Convention held in the King'.Edward Hotel- oh Tuesday night. The work of sodding the ends ■ of the^grechr^attli^ is being done. The sod is being secured by. Dave Milne at7 the Jim Young property, south of the village? " Mr. and Mrs. Robert Emery and Miss Margaret Emery, Mrs. Clifford Emery and daughter-- Lois' ail of Toronto,, renewed acquaintances with- friends here over the week end. Sarnia spent the Easter week eridi. With the latter’s parents, Mr. . and-l Mrs. Richard ; Webster. Qn their re-s-.] turn they Tyere accompanied by Tracy, Webster,. ■■ Although the village . doesn’t sport _ a—board/waik”^the?“m^ in good stead for the parade of easter" finery on /Sunday, that was in order / in spite of a cool wind that sprang up during the day. Easter Sunday was: fittingly ob-. served in the local churches -with ap— - propriate seasonal messages and special services of song. Many-holi­ day/visitors helped; to swell the. or­ dinarily large congregations. Mr, and Mrs. Steele MacKenzie and _ three children of Waterloo, speiit the* week end with the former’s parents, Mri and Mrs. R. V. MacKenzie. Jean and Mary Joan remained to snend Easter week with their grandparents. ^“Austm^^^^mon Suffered—a - bad - ^gDOhe/p^lm_af~his-hand-on-Sat- - urday, that- requited; some stitches to close the wound. The mishap occurred when an extension ladder slipped J with -X-plece-of—tin on -one-of—the rungscausingvtheinjury. Mr. Wm. .McKenzie and daughter Katherine are visiting in. Toronto, being1 accompanied there by Alex, who returned after spending the holiday week end at his home. here. Tom; who is also holidaying here, will return I to the city the end of the week. | The household effects of the late! John Hackett were sold by public; auction-on Saturday -4fterriooir^atr^/ !^^^a&tBry7^^ceL/Th'C7 ;hbu^^ $350. was the highest offer received. - Tom Henry of the Bank of Mon­ treal staff at Leamington was a week end visitor, at his home in Wawanosh, Tom accompanied Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Oberle of Kingsville,' and' formerly of Lucknow, who were visiting with relatives at Walkerton, and calling. On friends here. ■Clarence ' MacDonald of Goderich, suffered a painful injury, when a thirty pound lead weight dropped on his foot. One toe wa/ almost severed arid others injured.. Clarence, a for­ mer Lucknow boy, is foreman of.'the Goderich - Signal composing room. • £ Mr. Will McLeod, who was making favorable recovery fr,om a recent ser­ ious illness, suffered another painful seizure on Saturday night and is back in bed again*- On. Tuesday he was taken to Toronto, where his ill­ ness ^vhich is regarded as serious,, will be further diagnosed. Good Friday wris a particularly pleasant day and locally the holiday was largely spent iri attending -to the hundred an<f orie inevitable spring jobs. A general cleari up of yards and gardens was 'in order and a pall of sinoke arising from many bPrifires, huhg over the yillage as evening’ ap­ proached. ■ . ' . Mr. Marshall -Graham, returned to.; town , the firist of the Week* aftiet1; spending the prist few months in Toronto with his sister, Mrs. Flynn; ’ who vias sadly bereaved in the death j of 'her-, husband, which occurred dur- 1 ini the winter. Mrs. Flyrin has' moved beri household effects to"T:tstkribw and ' arrived here om Tuesday, where she ] will .reside with Marshall in the old family home. / ■ j Friends of Hiram Bloom will regret to learn that his health does not per­ mit him operating his fruit farm near Hamilton thia season. Mr. Bloom arid, his sister, Mrs. Sills, conducted mark­ et gardening operations north of-the •C.N.R., depot here for several sum­ mers, leaving for th® Hamilton dis­ trict early last Spring' Mr.- Bloom’s ailment is a recurrence of the-trouble from which he ''suffered before leaving here. • -Mil and Mrs. Bert Ward had Clay­ ton Steeper and his Canadian Cow- boys^ail"(m'"th®m"for awhile on 'Sat­ urday evening. Mrs. Ward has been in poof health of late arid being cofi- ; fined to her . home, enjoyed Very mtich the/ song§ rind ' music fhb. Cowboys fufriished on their shoft visit. Bert rind Mriribri are ardent radio sup­ porters of the Canadian Cowboys Who have ah engagement in. Northern''On­ tario fdr ffie..ritimin6r; / , A 3-Act Comedy 1 By Special Arrangement with the W. H. Baker Co.; Boaton. , S'' . • ■' ‘ will. be presented by St. Peter’s Dramatic Society in . The Town Hall LUCKHOW FRIDAY, APRIL 26th. Pre^byterian Orchestra, . Cameron-GeddeaMtetWeenLatdsY Tadoussic SHIRTS tie And shirt set, made B# TOOKE, IN BEAUTIFUL crUpe FINISHED MATERIAL. WHIT1E, BLUlE, < ; / SANO AND GREY. ' THESE DISTINCTIVE TIES AND SHIRTS ARB EQUALITY- AND STYLE.LEADERS i ifi'-'i'-iii-'f-ii.....i?...i'in, .-M....|j.....||-f; ini,!," i'.~y - i'iiij ■ jli ii' A. it. Bus well LUCKkOW, ONTARIO.