The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-04-04, Page 5a ‘ <8 1lb 1935THURSDAY, APRIL 4th,4 Lucknow’s New Shoe Store • 4 oVerr^and~sevef^~~“f armefs ""/Have ^started to..work the land.. . .... Mr. John Hamilton went to Toronto last week to see his mother, who.trouble ..." .. ------------- ----------------------- < PAGE FIVB FASHION WISE ^SPRING “AN OUTSTANDINGaSHOE” Combining Scientific Corrective Features .Women who make a point of keeping abreast with fashion will ••'recognize — ““these—shoes’as really—smart'—fpr spring, 1935. They have that verve and dash that gives the slender smart lookito milady’s feet.- In a word—• they have style. In all shades. Modease Shoes are. created in the same factory as the famous Dr. Locke shoes arid are carried in stocfe „ from A A to D widths at ,r FOURTH con., KINLOSS \ Mr, and Mrs. John Crowston ..and family. Langside, visited with Mrs. A. McGillivray, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Buckton and daugh­ ters of Toronto, spent the week end at Mr. Gilbert Hamilton’s. They were accompanied back by their son Her- —r----A—pleasant—time was spent~on . • „. Thursday night, when Mr. and Mrs. R. Moffat entertained, a number of friends, among whom were - several relatives frbm LbridesboroughTT • ‘ ' ' • • • ' ■ > • Miss Anna, Graham was up from Toronto to spend the week end at her home. ’ Mrs. Jessie Mclnnes and Miss Mary Struthers of Lucknow, spent a day last week with Mrs. R. Middleton. Mrs. R. Martin yisited last' week with her'sister, Mrs. . Janies Irwin. STYLE and QUALITY tor In the Low-Price Field FOR 1935/ the Master Chevrolet offers you five famous modern, features, riot one of which can. you get on any other car in Chev­ rolet's price class! ' "Turret Top*’ Fisher body—the first real all- . 1 steel body ever offered in the low price field! Knee-Action—for safety and . Comfort! Blue v Flame Engine—the valve-in-head type .used in costly cars! Weatherproof Cable-Controlled Brakes! Fisher No-Draft Ventilation! When you can get all these features in only one low-priced car... see and drive that car before you buy! Call in today at our showrooms PRICED . E i’n,h’ „Masl^ FROM 003 2-Pass. Coupe) Delivered, fully equipped, at factory, Oshava, Ont. Freight and Government license only extra. , STANDARD SERIES MODELS AS LOW AS $722 L. M. McKENZIE—Dungannon THE LtfCKNOW SENTINEL HOLYROOD Mr. aridj Mrs.. Haryey Ackert and sori Clarence . of Lucknow, were the guests at Mr. Ernest’ Ackert’s on Sub­ day.. ... Mrs. George . Harrison of Clarks, Mr. and Mrs. George Rutledge. qf Millerton were recent guests at Miss Elizabeth Pierce’s. **•'. .i. /jifiss . ‘Catherine: .Robertson. _ spent. Jhe week end with friends in Toronto. - Mrfand Mrs. Clarence Farrow spept Thursday evening at Mr. Thos. Harris. • '. • Mr. and Mrs. Robt. MacDonald ana son Jack spent Saturday evening at, Mr7^dFET7Tffi^ «- Mr. rind Mrs. Chas. Congram, arid family spent. Sunday with Mrs.1 Chas. Sheill of Wingham. . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ackert spent Sunday with friends at Ethel. ■•■'■ Mr: Reggie “ Broom‘ spen1r“the -Week1 end with his sister, Mrs. Cliff Young, 8th con. •* . t. .. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Culbert and family" spent Sunday with Mrs. Pat­ terson of Hanover. —The Commur?ity---‘Glub held their last Literary of,the season on Friday, evening. Program as follows: Orch­ estra music by Misses Mae and Edna Boyle and Mr. „ Eldon Eckenswiller; solo, Mr., Fred Thompson; reading, Miss Evelyn Pinnell; solo, Miss Kath­ leen MacKenzie; reading, Mrs. Arthur .Graham; play, “The Old Family Al­ bum; duet, Misses Hockleys; number by the quartette; piano duet, Misses Margaret Malcolm and Edna Boyle; solo, Mr. Robt. MacDonald; orchestra; duet By Misses Hockleys; dialogtie, “Pulling Sam’s Tooth”. God Save the King. This Friday . evening will bfl 4ihe-dast-61ub“dance‘^f“the“s€asori“ 61 ■ . ■ • ■ . ■ • ■ underwent an operation for throat MAEEKING Mr. Bert Reed of Whitechurch, visited his sister, Mrs. Thos. Andqr- on, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Shackleton of Arthur spent the week end with ormer’s—parents^ KorinaiL^ GENERAL p MOTORSVALUE last., week,__where._he._is_. engaged__.to_ work; for some months. J __ Mrs. Wm. Blake and Mr. Ernest' Blake were recent visitors with re­ latives at Auburn. ' ? / , ' ' 'Mr. and Mrs. J; D. Hesson - and Jack , Johnston Of Stratford, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick. ■, ? Mr. Will Cook had as guests Sunday Mr. "and Mrs. Sam Swan of Dungari- non, and Mr. and J^rs. Earl Swan of Wi Wawanosh. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson; and Mrs. A,. MacKay of Zion, visited Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Anderstm. andJtfr. and Mrs, Sam Kilpatrick/ Monday! ’ V ' \ ■; ■ Mr. and , Mrs. Isaac Cranston and daughter, Mrs. Stuart Durnin, went to London Sunday. Mrs. Durnin und.eprwent a„. goitre operation Monday mornirig. We hope \Mrsl Durniri will, soon be restored to'1 health, Will' arid Harvey Lasepby .have'se­ cured employment with Messrs. Mc- Nain and Ferguson, of Amberley for the. summer and left for there last * ASHFIELt) NOTES ’ Mrs. Fred MacGregor is d* patient 'in, Goderich, hospital,, having undfer-r gone an operation last week. “pisses , Iso^l MacLean and Mar­ garet Simpson spent the week end at £h0ir respective homes. / • Messrs? Rod/ Sandy and. Jimmie MacLerinan of Detroit spent the week end with friends in Lochalsh and on their return were ..accompanied by their brother, Frank. - / Master Jimmie Bradley was^ruahed tq ''Kincardine hospital Sunday even-' ing and: underwent an appendicitis Operation. - ^The^V--Fv-W7“0~m00ting—was-heldr last Wednesday 'afternoon - at A the home of Mrs. Noble Johnston. It was decided .to hold a. social evening ., at Easter in the Lochalsh hall. . Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Hibben enter­ tained a number of their friends last r Friday evening.- tauiaaM BLUE is NEW The above head liae.is strictly correct. when applied to “OUR PRICES ARE MUCH LOWER” our store for the next pair of shoes you | giving a real LARGE CIT W i l l is s ’PHONE 10, WINGHAM I “The Leading Shoa Store In S^RINGFASHIONS Advance selling of Easter WeairAblea , for Women, Young \ j Women and Girls CROATS T SUITS \ . [ . DRESSES /• • KNITTED WEAR ■ \ ' MILLINERY ' Yoaj aw incited, to come and Styles, Fabrics ' and . Colors for‘Spring * . -• , • : „ - :>i • - ■ I / Special Hhowing^of Men’a Wehr *• sbif^ —loF uoats; ."T HABERDASHERY Bntterick Patterns 'Orient Stockings 'iff; and Mra. E; J. Thoha, Jean and ; Kathleen and Mr. FredWebb ^cre recent visitors with tho jform<M*’B sins/ Mr. ai|d Mrs. Gilchrist, Paisley.- Mtr^. > R. J. Woods Ms returned ‘ home after-speriding the past few'; months with her daughters at Fergus,1 Gu^Tph 'and' Galt. ■; ' v . '] Mrs- C/ brisker ands Miss MfPher- , son of Lucknow, were'rteent visitors ■in the .village. • x \ : | Mrs. 6has. Durriin, Sir., celebrated hbr 85th birthday at the hbme/of ^hb'hj. daughter, Mrs. Colin McDonald on Sunday^ March Slat. That day also1 marked the wedding annivaraary of.' Mf. and: Mrs. McDonald. Congratu­ lations. • ' ' ' " ' ' I Mr, Wilspn-Woods of the”'O. A. C.'. Guelph,$ Spent the weak end visiting at his Home here. He had as hia guest a classmate, Mr. Ferris of Sh>lbOurne ,' ; "Mr. John Durnin of Morriston, Mr. | and Mrs. Harry McAlHster arid family ]• of Elmvale, wore here for thebirth- j day of their mother, Mrs. Chas. . Durnin on Sunday. The Bible character Was taken by Mrs. Souter Thylqr arid Gordon Mies Helen Miller. £Th> topic’ “The have returned to their home here-- Signifieahce of the Cross in Christian after spending the winter with1 Fellowship’’ was taken by Mrs. Ram­ friends In Detroit. Jage.- ' . “’■’Air" thoseA interested in the An Invitation- has beeh accented .Ring.~arei urgently., requestedjto_ attend' /byJ;he local society from the Y/ P. S. a meeting in the Commuaity Hall of Whitechurch for be:................... next Monday night. ‘ \ U .....................................................— The regular .meeting of the Y.P.9, favorable' recovery from her recent was held on Stihday eyenjrig. ROnhld | Operation In the Wiiigtyton hospital Cranston’ read the Scripture lesson arid was able to return to her home KING BROS . ....... * .......... L ■ . $ I :xHtrlday rifghi/ Mrs.; Andrew Gaunt has made very Stihday eyenjrig. ROnrild j ripeiratiori In the Wing^am hospital arid Dick Weafhorhead; the comments, Thursday, ' ?