The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-04-04, Page 1.f
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Due to lack of space we are unable
this week/to publish the public school
reports and several /other, articles of
local and district news; : ~ -
. ......................... .............;■ : ■■■. '
THUR^OAY, APRIL 4th, 1055
1 Formaldehyde, fresh stock, 30c a,
pound;—F. M.’ BATERISQN, t 'Nyal
Quality .Drug Store. /
.... " . j'L- —' . ■ .
- STRAYED.—from lot 26, con. 2,
5 white ducks and drake and 2 gray
geese.’—Frank Miller, R., 5. . , .
’ ' ^AjLEr-fSe0 peas, large v>r-
■ iety^^pply to Robert J-Moifat,s.. R. 6,.
Lucknow, ’Phone 26-6, !tii>iey/ " /
FOR SALE—at the Lucknow Ele
vator, a quantity of clean seed barley,
No. 21, O. A C. / W./®. ^enderson
HAY FOR SALE—Quantity of AJ^
. falfa and 'Tiimothyr mixed.—Phillip
Hogan, ’Phone 76-17, Dungannon. ,
Grade No. 2, at $8.50 per bushels-
Rod MacDougall, 26-28 Ripley.
Bravery Of Sid Smith
Recosniz^d ^Rewarded
Sid Smith: Presented'With Attractive
Silver Medal In ReeogjUtion Of
ed Banner. -Wm. & Albert Helm, R.
: 3, Lucknow, ^hone 51^4 Dungannon.
FOR SALE—4 Cows2 frOm 4 to 8.
years bjd./^<^/ust' freshened-, and 2
to freshen soonr-James Forster,
43-r-12, Lucknow.
Gunn’s Shur Gain FERTILIZER—
fresh stock arrived, prompt delivery.!
Stuart E. Robertson, ’Phone 69w,
Lucknow. '■ '■ ■ ■
Choice 15 acres in Ripley, well drain-
ed, frame house almost new,. small'
-stable. Would exchange. as part. pay-
. ment on 50-aere farm with buildings.
Apply to — Mis. Arthur Cook, R. 3,
Lucknow., /
AUCTION SALE-^of / farm stock'
implements, feed, etc., at Lot W % 8,
Gon. 9, E.D., Ashfield, Tuesday, Apyil
9th. See bills for list- and terms.
The 100-acre farm, S % lot 4,. Con.
by public auction at this sale, subject
'to reserve bid. z
• /
Valiant Deed
■ ' . (kion-N-ews)
The capacity of . the Zion Orange
Hall was taxed to the utmost to ac
comodate the numbers who gathered
on^Friday evening to honor Mr. Sid
ney Smith, by the presentation 'of a
silver medalj donated by the Ashfield
council, in recognition of his presence
of mind and. timely aid and assistance
in effecting the rescue of Miss Dorothy
McQuillin and her companion in dis
tress, while bathing in Lake Huron
on “July 1st, op which occasion,' her
sister Ruth lost her1 life.
/ Mr. Chas; E. McDonagK Township
’clerk, acted in the cacpacity of chair
man for the evening. Complimentary
by - Rev. -W. J. Patton,.,, Reeve ...M.:
Matheson, Councillor G. Frayne and
Mr- Donald McLean,, who also played
a heroic part in rescuing Master.
Frpnk McQuillin on the same tragic
Vocal duets were furnished by
Councillor Arthur Culbert and Mrs?
Lois Treleaven of Dungannon with
•t •.
Mrs. Cecil Treleaven as accompanist.
A solo by Mr. G.- F-ravne with Mrs.-
Frayne accompanying, after which
Mr. Arthur Culbert read the follow
ing address, presentation being made
by. Reever Mitheson.
To Mr. Sidney Smith, : 7
On behalf of . the . people of the
Township of Ashfield; the rescued,
her near kin, and in particular man-
her the people/of Zion, we the council
of the aforesaid Township do regret
the long delWr^but^ ^ith,/admiration
and most grateful hearts present Jo
The. local Hydro’...Con^mission^h'as
received the ' 13th hyd’^o ■ power: bill
which is fjuite; favorable and repre-
sents a rebate of $1067.97. This’
amount in reality! is an overcharge
refunded the system. ‘ The cost of
power at the begiftiling of the fiscal
tfie conclusion of the 12 month period
the actual zeost of delivering the cur
rent is determined arid the 13th pow
er bill represents the rebate ’ of the
overcharge, or the levying* of. an ad
ditional /assessment as the case may.
be. ■ - ■ • ,
- The rebate is, deducted from . the
current month’^ hydro account and
increases the surplus to ‘’the credit of
the--local-sy stem’^-The^ loeaLusers^defe.
r!ves-.-in-this case,- no ^direct benefit,
insofar as monthly billirigs are con
cerned. .■ ■ ,■’■■■' ' /."/• '
^A meeting will be held in the Coun-
cil Chamber, Town Hallt Lucknow,
the purpose of organizing the Grain
andCalf Cliibs.uridertheauspicesof
tucknow Agricultural, Society. The
Foal Club will be. organized at a later
" «Ali farm boys, between the ages
of. 12 and 20 inclusive, who may /.be
interested, and who intend' to enter
the competition; are invited*to attend'
this meeting. , , .
bO in charge,.' -Let there be a. large re
presentation of boys. . /
TrophyPresented At
Pleasing Social Function
.Local Hockey . Reason ’^oughT^Td
Agreeable, Close When Large Au-
’dience Attends A Very - Pleasant
Social, Evening ArrangedBy The
. .. 'Losing Teams—-M^ jby.ntr.-NoL-Pre-.
sent, . But Gets Three Rousing
; '' J- ' - ■■■ ■ j„......■■■.■.■
The Bread ■ il- % / The Breadof Health riQVL^5 of Hesaith
4 • •*, '•LAYER CAKES
S % lot 4, con. 9, E.D>, Township
of Ashfield!, 100 acres more, or less..
On the farm there is said to be a
good frame house and barn; a valu
able'gravel pit; never failing spring
creek;- 40 acres seeded with sweet
of your heroic and self-sacrificing
deed in assisting to save from-drown-i
ing/’ Miss Dorothy . McQuillin,, °on
July 1st, 1934 and as a faint expres
sion of our appreciation. We entertain
the hope that we shall not forget you,
but/wish you welL both for this world
and the world to come.
B. Stother’kAale on W7H. Lot 87C”dn7'
subject to reserve bid. Reasonable
terms. - . ' /
For furtheP particulars apply to
—• Joseph Agnew, Lucknow, Ont.
In the Matter of the estate of
Jacob Miller, la|e of the Village of
Lucknow, in the County 'of , Bruc.e,
Retired Farmer, deceased, and in the
Matter of the estate oj Eliza Marg-
Uret Miller, late/of the said Village
of Lucknow, Widow, deceased. I
, _ Notice is hereby given that all per
sons haring any claims or demands
against’the late Jacob Miller who died
On or. about the twenty-first day of
February X.D. 1934 at the Village
of Lucknow in the County of Bruce,
and, Eliza^tprgaret Miller, l^te of
the said Village • of Lucknow, his
Widow, Or either of them, are re
quired to send by post prepaid or to
deliver to the undersigned, their
names and addresses <and full particu
lars in writing of their claims and
statements 'of.7their accounts and the
nature of the securities, if any,’held
< by them duly verified by affidavit.
And take notice after the fifteenth
day of April A.D. 1935 the assets of
the said estates will be distributed
among the persons entitled thereto
having regard only to the claims of
which poticO shall have been given
and thaJ<the executors of the said
estates wilfnot be liable for the said
assets or any parft thereof to any
. person of whose claim notice shall
not then have "been "feceived. 77- 7
Dated at Lucknow, Ontario, this
Nineteenth day of March, A.D. 1935.
- . Joseph Agnew, Lucknow, Ont.
»,r. .■*!■ I., . '■ -------■—1 • •
Best value in Men’s solid Leather
Work Shoes at W. J. LITTLE’S
"^/The'^fmpient' resp6ndefi”~lbfiefly
after-which7"lu.nch,..was served arid x a
social time: enjoyed. Following lunch,
dancing was engaged in, music being
furnished by Councillor Alex Mac
Donald and M. Reid.
' ■ ;_______________;____la,—J.’
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. MacKenzie,
accompanied from London by /Miss
Je^ie; arrived in town on Friday, in
time to attend the social gathering and.
presentation of the Joynt Trophy that
evening, At the . lunch hour; Mi*. Mc
Kenzie was called on to say a few
words about Florida^ .. “ , .
“There is something nice about the
c'old and snow, and the variation of
seasons,” he said after telling how
just a Week previous they had slept
Within a “storie’s throw” of the Swan-
,ee River, uncomfortable with the heat,
which more or-less continuous.. the
year round,' steals, from those who
reside there continually, the pep and
energy possessed by people of a more
moderate clime, . ■ '
He never had a, better time in his
life and on the other hand was never
mpre glad, to get home than on‘this
occasion? Fat' away .fields are" grden,
but Ontario -is a wonderful spot,, he
said, in, concluding his brief but in
teresting talk. a
. ,9 . , ..................,
A talking ’’picture, featuring Regi
nald Denny, will be presented at 8.15'
o’clock in the Town Hall, Lucknd
W. H. Robertson, editor of the
Goderich Signal, stated- last week that
he would submit his name again to
the Liberal nominating convention for
the Federal riding of North Huron.
V/inghbm'btomorrow^Efiday) after- ;
/Among others mentioned for nom
ination are Murdo . Matheson, reeve of
Ashfield, Hugh Hill of Colborne,
Sheldon Bricker of Howjck and John
McNabb of Grey.
House Fire Checked With
Minimum Of Damage
Blaze Starts In Kitchen Of Home Of
; Mr. and Mrs. Clair. Agnew—Dis
covered By Baker Making Rounds/
If the old saying holds true “all’s
well that ends well,” then those con-
cerned with church league hockey can
rest assured that the /season has., been
a real success. The ending came on
Friday evening, with upwards to three
hundred in attendance -at a gathering
that in brief, was as pleasant a social
■ ■ ■. ■ '''' > 1 /. ■ ■
event as one could wish for. The pro
ceedings proved to be well arranged
and smoothly carried out. .
Dr. W. V. Johnston, league presi
dent was“chairmanf or
-excess!ve~ in—lengthy- bulr-vafied; and
most, pleasing. In his opening remarks
Dr. Johnston humorously “laid the
blame” on Sid Decker, for conceiving
the idea of, a local church league^
with its resultant civil war. He; ex-,
jplained that the evening was arranged
by the managers arid members of the
losing teams> who were entertaining
-the-wictorious-_Unit.ed^Church team.
The Maple Leaf was/the opening
chorus,1and fbllo-rim^Dri^Johnston’s
remarksj he called on “Lucknow’s
/premier male songbird,” Cameron
Geddes, xyho later in the'program,
again favored with /vocal numbers.
Humorous monologues wei^e givjeiri by
John Hejrworth. Blanche Lloyd Mc
Dougall contributed a vocal duet-,
with the lattet playing guitar nccom-
b^TporaeTMa^bnard^ Jane Hornell,;
Etfa Belle* and r Helen MacDonald,
Joynt and Miss Belle, Robertson fav-
ored/ with a vocal duetT"TKe numbers
without exception,’left little to be
desired z and special mention of any,
would sqarpely be fair. ,
At this point, Dr. Johnston thanked
the audience- for their support on
Relief Occupies Major
Part Of Council Session
Improvement To Be Made To Hydro
/System—Garbage Cbilectio* Rec-
^oi^ehded. / ■ z . ■' .<?
Councillor Murdie, laid up with^a
cold, was the only absentee from
Tuesday night’s regular cOuficil
meeting which las^d^ well on to mid
night, with relief accounts demand-
majbr„part of the session,/a problem
the discontinuance; of aid^ effective
the first of the month. •••■' ’
Relief accounts, approximately an
even hundred dollars were passed,
for groceries, milk, meat, drygoods,
etc.. Transient .costs for the month
totalled $18.0Q. Sick room and nurse
fees of $28.00 were passed. Hospital
and doctor bills of $177.50 remain,
subject to Provincial relief regula-
lief :■ inspector9 on his regular visit,
A portion of this acdount .it is ex-
pected will be born by the~cQurity. 7
Our frequent reference to er
rors’of vision of children is inten- .
tional. We recognize the helpless-
ness of children in such a matter.
Many suffer day by day from
causes of which they can knew
nothing. The day when ’young ‘
; eyes were belioved to be perfect- •
is gone. The day is here when
it is known that 25 pel* cent, of
young eyes need help if they are
to see as they should.
ARMSTRONG’S Eyesight; Service
door "Garden Party in Carnegie Hall,
tonight, Thursday, April 4th, 8 p.m.,
under the auspices of 'the Woman's
Association of the United Church. A'
varied program . or drills, choruses,
quartettes, etc., and solos by Mr. .
Cameron Geddes, and an amusing one
act farce, entitled ‘^Choosing a Hus
band” will be presented. The cast in
cludes, Edwin Bussell, Bill Hewat,
lum and Miss Frances Thompson. Also
there will be a home made candy
The 13th hydro power bill was pfe-
AentedLrevealing a credit to the local
Hydro Commission of $1067.97, being
the difference between the revenue
fri)ny accounts rendered of $11,543.35
and the actual cost of' power of
$10,475.38 as determined at the end
of the year.
? Gimnctl—deeide<FTto-use--some-of-tbe^ «idar-to-i4r--might~^easily—have—had^
operating' profit, of tKe hydro system? ’
r > got A DUCKING
? Young Joe Agnew, son of Mr. and
Mrs. E. H. Agnew, got a ducking and
no doubt a fright on Monday, in a '
mishap, that while it has 4a humorous
Thursday, April 11th, under auspices
of L. 0. L; 428. Admission 25c & 15c;.
Dance, after, Couples 25c; Gallery 15c.
will be at Miss Culberf’s
For Permanent Waving
Prices $3.50; $5.00; $7.00
School Girls $2.50 . ■
All those interested in baseball as
’^firda”bbtlr“ thw~organizin^.of_a
rural league, and entering a team in
the Bruce League, are requested to
attend a meeting in - the Council
Chamber tomorrow (Friday) at 7.30
p.m., when these matters will be dis
cussed. ; /’■'
TCard■^f_Thanks? _J •
Mrs. T. S. Reid and family wisbrtir
thank their Lucknow friends and,
members of Old Light Lodge A.F. &
A.-M/ for the many adis. of kindness
and expressions of sympathy at the
time of their recent bereavement.
•, ’ • ■ > *v /
» . *» .
learn to control their enthusiasm and
realize jt is only a game.
In the unavoidable absence of Mr.
John Joynt, donor ‘ of the handsome
trophy, his son, l^Ir. J. W. Joynt was
called upon to make the presentation
to the United Church team, which
had been called to the platform. Fol
lowing a feW well chosen words, in
which he stressed the value, of whole
some sport, Mr. Joynt presented thp
cup to the team manager, Dr. R. L.
Treleaven, who. .made a fitting reply
■on behalf of the team. The chairman
then called^ on. L. C.. Thompson, . who
spoke few words.
* Led by Cameron Geddes, the aud
ience them gave three, rousing and re
sounding cheers for . Mr. John Joynt,
an<^ sang “For He’s a Jolly, Good
Feilbw,” with equal spirit, that we are^
sure would have thrilled Mr. Joynt
could he have heard it..
pameron. MacDonald, ,manager, of
the Pre’sbyterian team and convener
of the .edmn^ittee in. charge of the
entertainment,'was called on, and in
a short speech ^extended the thanks
of . the' committee to ((those, assisting
In the program in anyway.
z “No man deserves more credit than
Pelt McCoy, ip. making the League a
success,” said/Dr.-Johnston in calling
the former to the front, where Rev.
J. L. Burgess, rice president, paid
tribute to Wellington for the” ad mir
able, way in which he had refereed the
various games..
A sort of a take off on the minia
ture bell with which Pelt sttufgied
along all Season, resulted. when at
thi's point, Cameron. Geddes rushed in
. wjth an immense paper bell; which he
• presented to'Wellington. '
“This i§ a mpre^wkward position'
than that of rpfereeing a game,”
said Wellington in reply, when he ex
pressed his appreciation of the way
players and managers, on all teams,
had used hiip and accepted his decis-,
ions. ; ‘-/
A lynch of sandwiches,^ cake arid
coffee was Served,, and preparati oh a
made for the dance that followed, to
Lucknow’s first (fire "of 1935 • oc-‘
curred about 3.30 o’clock / Monday
afternoon, at Mr. and Mrs. Clair Ag
new’s home; which adjoins the former
waterworks pumphouse on the south
side, of main street, east of the United
Church.,; , ■
The prompt action, of Dave Milne,
With the aid of a bucket brigade,
carrying water from .the nearby pond,
controlled the blaze until the fire bri
gade responded, . when it was com
pletely extinguished with a minimum
Of fire and water damagCT'' . -
Mrs., Agnew had left home a short
time, before the'fire, leaving some of
het Monday's washing, which she had'
just brought indoofs,, hanging on a
line in the kitchen .near the stove, alt
of which was destroyed in the brief
‘ An overheated kitchen^ stove was
bjamed foi the outbreak, which wherj'
discovered was . burning freely-in the
floorin front of the stove and in the
partition behind the stove where it
was confined. A good deal Of furniture
was removed from the downstair front
rooms, which escaped with very little,
water and no fire damage.
Considerable fire damage was done
to the kitchen partition, and the new
ly papered room was totally blackened
Harold Johnston was alarmed by
-the heat of the fire when he stepped
into the Agnew; home with bread a
few minutes previous to the? outbreak.
JETe. continued on his route to the b°ine-
■of ^MrSr J-.-'S^-Mackonzie,. where, Mfs.
Agnew happened to be and whom he
informed of his anxiety.. Harold was music b.y^McCartney’s orchestra, and
returning when as he approached which Was a fitting conclusion to an
noticed smoke
i returning when as
• TreleavOn’s mill he
and raised an alarm.
/ ■ * . ■ * "
burdened line in the village will be
rewired- -wfitha-he^rierwire.—This
line runs„ from Robert Rae’s, south
on Havelock St. and west on Wil
loughby to -Wm. Murdie’s. 'There are
41 services in this distance and the
cost of wire and ilabour is estimated
at $285. '
Tt is planned from year to year to
improve' the system as conditions
permit, and, this , step replaces wiring
that was originally intended to carry
ilOO ?H.P. and is now carrying over
200 H P. it was pointed out, -and
which is overburdening the. trans
formers. and. causes excessive burn
ing out of light, bulbs in the homes of
Lightning arresters will also be
placed on the systepi to reduce the
probabilities of interruptions and
switches will be installed for the pur
pose of zoning the system, so that
when work is being carried on in ohe
quarter of the village the remaining
sections will still have power avail
able. The total cost is estimated at
from $375 to $4§0.
Council was advised that the Med
ical Health Officer recommended the
introduction of a garbage collection
system. It was pointed out that if 25
or 30., parties at least were interested,
with a very small weekly fee, the
collection and disposal of garbage
would be possible. . ?
A School Board delegation waited
on the Council regarding supplying
the school with-water. The water is
being supplied from the artesian well
at Mr. Wm. McKenzie’s, but the sup
ply is pumped into a tank in the
school and becomes warm and un
suitable for drinking purposes- Council
decided" on a flat rate of $30.00 per
annum in this case, if the-Board ap
proves of the cost.
- George Mclnnes again applied foj
permission to erect a gas pump on
Havelock street and council decided
to visit the premises. On application
of Cameron- MacDonald, hall rent tor-
the Church league entertainment was
'refunded/^ ’ vvao a, nisymg, v.yuv*«av»* w
even$fg that for enjoyment and so/-..
lability, exceeded expectations.
tragic ehdin^r^"' " ‘ ..... ■........■"
Harry Nixon’s residence. Fortunately
the1 water did not come to the top
and the lad was able to wiggle around
and get' out himself, and leg it home .
fot dry clothes.
Zeidih - Blitzstein
je took place recently .
___ _ __T_ Blitzstein, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. Blitzstein, St. Clair
Avenue, Toronto, ‘"to Dr. Morris Zel
din, son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. Zeldin,
also of Toronto, where the young
couple will reside.
The Blitzstein family are well re
membered here, where Mr. Blitzstein
was engaged in the drygoods business
and Tena will have the best wishes
of Ker many Lucknow friends.
The fertilizer mixing machine, pur
chased by the Lucknow Joint .Club U.
F’ tC was installed recently but mix
ing Operation were delayed awaiting
arrival of: some of the material which
arrived the end of the week.
Mixing-commenced at the quarters
at the C.N.R. station on Monday & 20
tons were mixed that day. Mr. Jam
ieson states that from 2ff to 25 tons
can be mixed daily, which will mean
that about ten days continuous oper
ation will be necessary to supply a
200 ton demand now on order.
During the past week, two sales
advertised in The Sentinel, have been
called off. One was a bailiff’s sale of
farm stock in Ashfield, billed for
Tuesday; the other a mortgage sale
of farm propferty in Huron Township
billed, and advertised to be held at
the Ford Garage in Lucknow this Sat
urday.' '
is going right along and at the middle
of the week, the drill was into the'
■ The. marriage took place recently .
of Miss'Tena Blitzstein, daughter of
New Tdwe,ll\ and Towels. ' Buy
your Linens nowk,\ ^e prifce will be rock, whibh was reached at A depth
doubled soon. THE MARKET STORE of about 80. feet 1