The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-03-07, Page 8THURSDAY; MARCH for a period of ten on him, and while he believed in giv4 Many people foolishly neglect an. acid condition of the stomach until it develops into Severe indigestion. If you suffer with Gas; Pains after Eating, Bloating. Belch- ing;Hejartbnrn, Nausea, you must tone up your stomach at once. For quickest?,-sures| results gdt KIRK’S STOMALKA, an alka- lin0 Tcxncdy -ojFpTovon va1u6« - Econoinicalf easy to’take. Get KIRK’S STOMALKA at McKIM’S DRUG STORE senses.'-^- Kingston Whig 1 b'4/'/.r' | | --j'I fy,‘ %;i L'- ; |,, ■* ..this sentinel h » ■'’■7S- '■ sr; ... . PL* ' ; % L. J <..» ■■■ .:;rL .... ■* ?&PRICQJ& .1$;' DRIED PEACHES, LB. PRUNES, 2 LBS. DATES, 3 LBS. ... . ....; FIGS, 3 LBS. ....... J SEEDLESS RAISINS, 2 LBS VALENCIA RAISINS, 2 LBS LIBB Y;S^PORK-&JBEANS^ MEDIUM,_ 2^COS LlDBYiSPORK;&7BEANS,YJARGEr2CANS; WHITE COOKING BEANS, 6 LBS. . . /. McCORMICK’S SODA BISCUITS, 2 LBS. ... • • W McCdRMiOK^S BROKEN, ^QpA BISCUITS, 3’ LBS.... ; 25c CASTILE. SOA^; « -C4KES^* ... > / > . ■ 25c: GRAPE FRUIT; PARGE, 4 .,.■?. ,r.,,f ri-/’• FRESH GREEN VEGETABLES. ALWAYS ON HAND r- iv~waa ■■ a /summer' afeerjipon in 1890 when Mr; Gladstone in frock 7 coat "anj^teaw Lloyd George,, fresh from a by­ election in Carnarvon. In the long ! . years since thex^two reigning Brit­ ish sovereigns have died, the Brit­ ish Empire has fought two. wars, dynasties and nations have disap­ peared,, the map of the world has been changed^. Yet now we read that this, same Lloyd George whose voice lias sounded through all this din of four: decades of_world upheaval and re-v.olutiopi,(„is,Xo Jaunch^a nek.._pox. first y&ar, veteran - -or A thousand fights, he 'is “buckling -on his ar- mor.”—(From the Ottawa Journal.) THE TITANIC FUND Wheii the Titanic was sunk in • 1922 a Mansion House Fund was / started for the relief mainly of old 4 , people and children ’ bereft of aid by the logs of supporting relatives. —^^her*f^p^se%wa"s--£4157212—and-^-it; . is. now announced -that 276 persons are still-sharing—in the'disburse- "~'~77^riits'^of-“fr;em--£15;000 to £20,000 annually. It is rightly regarded -as one- of the best administered funds- ever recorded. .-- Brantford ExpOsi-. tor. 1 ■■ ’*• ' •■‘•-‘S' ' . . . ■ . tfc: REFORESTRATION Tn New Zealand they set to work . with a vigor , and an enthusiasm .that “^^are^nowr-be^nning—to^bear-Nrujt*^-- TWO PUBLIC HOLIDAYS TO BE OBSERVED IN MAY Monday, May 6, the twenty-fifth anniversary of- ^ing'^Geor(ge’s acces­ sion, is to be observed in Canada aS a public holiday, which will make two holidays for that month, Victoria Day, May 24, being iixed by, statute. As the King has expressed a desire that celebrations, should' be local, there will be none initiated on a national scale. ’ , '-.Mrs;.' AlexW;?.o<is Gi Andrew’s; this 5 Mr?i a*nd John Joynt are speed­ ing .the1 ‘Week in Stratford. ' \ , Misses ' Eila Richards and Willena Ghesfiut spent the ^ehkvehd jni/Tox-l onto,- . .•/..?'- : •' ■Mrs. M/' G. Andre w - spent the- week end in Toronto/ with her son Arthur ^. ; ; Mrs? R. H. Thompson is spending' this week in Toronto, with Mr<_and. Mrs,’ ■5-% Mrs.; Robert Button and /Mrs.. Well., Henderson, spent" the week-: end in, Stratford and Clinton. •> New Seasonable Wash DreSs Mat- I erials, Prints, Gingham, Pique, Dim­ ities, Etc. THE MARKET STORE. , R Mr/'George Hr Douglas left; oir WWednesday, for a few weeks’ visit ®S»«. TAiirtni-n. JNTi^itvawo TPa'llci oviil SPEED LIMqche„er. The special civic coii traffic and parking has a ed that application be m’; city to _the Legislature fb pass a by-law fixing the|from his teaching duties at Goderich. Donald Henderson, who is attend­ ing Westervelt / School in London, Spent-the-week .-end-at-the—homeuif.. his parents,JMr.-and Mrs. J. W. Hen- dershn. ' ' '7’“ ■' \ . The Women’sf' Institube^—meeting­ will be held today (Thursday) at 2.30 at the home of Mrs. A. C. Agnew. Note change in day on account of ' the Day . of Prayer. / Don’t miss hearing Falon Bros, orchestra^of—Eondon,- which-will .now Town Hall, on Friday, March 15th, finder Jewel Rebekah auspices. Graham Sherriff spent a few days last*week in London, where he., suc­ cessfully tried a music examination returning /home, /he accompanied his ed On Appoint %.jCar'e.taker^;; ’’ 7’’//.-'"V ’ " ;/'">?* .*■ Complaints'received by th ebun’eii regarding the conduct of ^taip. ?pgitieg while dances are hei^g held in the viHagc, led.the Board to instruct? the clerk to :lopk ■ into the Provincial act> regarding the licensing pf dance kalis, as Council feels that Some action wlk he necessary if: the dl^rae^ff/perfdrmances, which are reported to fake, place " on certain nights dp not deash. ,r . The1 Citizens’ Band was granted $15.00 ^monthly .month?. „.' ; The Rangers 79 ■ " John JC MaeKenzie 78; ,'S£lkeld<7^ .75. Pass^-r Marion -Traplin '73; Jack Leith 72; Evelyn Whithy^71T Mary Fisher 70; jane'JHornelJ 70; Gladys? Penrose 70; Donald /Finlayson 65; Helen Busweil ;. Russell Hutton/60;, Jojan; Pafker- 60; Jim Webster- 60; Below 60%— Dorothy Irwin 54? ’ ■'■/, ? ‘: Jjr, IV^Hon.j-^Rdss MacDonald 80; FIo^x Whaley ‘‘78? 'Pass—Gerald. . j/uij- bert 68;' Murvin Solomon 64/ Below? Pass—-Jack ffCobk ?5:2i Audrey ‘ Foster’ 52; Dean Paterson 49; Gordon Stew­ art 45; Evelyn Taylor_,43.;/j. C, John­ ston 43; Earl Foster 38; Merle John­ ston 36; Harold MacTavish^* 33. missed one. or more, tests,.. . . . ... - K. MacDonald. ^satisfaction. and a super-charger pm The machine age . has gfir too. — Border Cities St: ■ ]|in Tdronto,'Niagara Falls, and: Kit- Edwin Smith is on the sick list, at- _____ __his home here this week and as a city to _the Legislature fb result is having an enforced holiday ■■] /' in Winnipeg at________, Alderman and police ar®/ agreed that this measul ^ taken-to curb the mourn :i /Accidents, and .NatalitiesJ -streets. -% Winnipeg Tri? ' ‘ NOTDOUBIX It is possible to read ?' on the., Niagara highway/ the. new sodium vapdr I been installed. And y some sap will tty /doin driving at 60 m.p.h., / -- ---- -OEDESTeiTIZE Kingston mourns~tSxR oldest resident, John /V who died at the great aj years. To have lived, for : a century and to have be, follow closely.. the progre city and the Dominion dov the years, fell to the lot of ...___. __ _ __ __ ahyays gifted sister -Vera, who spent the week end Intellect and one who almt|^re * very last was in., comma; . / 7 ?Mrs.. A. C. ’Barrett and; Master Leonard;Mrs..A.,F.,BuckandMaS- -ter-Francis ; < Mrs. J.. W;_ Matthews and Master Billy ,o.f London, spent; the week end with Mr; and Mrs. Wifi. Armstrong. /..; AttendConvocation '■ Messrs. J. W. Joynt, W. A. Port- ~%Tus"-and'^ were in Kitchener last Wednesday; attending the 77th annual convocation . of the Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons of Canada? 'Mr. Joynt concluded his term as Grand Superintendent of Huron District No. 6; Mr. R. Mc­ Pherson of Mildmay and a member of the local lodge, also, made the trip to Kitchener. Iiw(■ ail" '>u ,1 , ' . ■ A . ' _ • ‘'ff* .7 Highly Honored Doctor Was Kinloss Native Beloved M^>calx~Practitionerx^ Honored By Ukrainians In Mani­ toba Among Whom He Has Given Years Of Service—Dr. Hunter Was Included In The King’s New Year’s Honor List. The Rangers and Women’s Ifisti- Vutg- were; granted, a-Jrefund .of. hall rent for recent1 events. . ; • The. appointment of a tax collec­ tor ,was discussed and" Council will negotiate in this regard at'a special nieeting this month. R. J. Moore was re-appointed Ul­ lage constable for 1935 ,at. no-change in salary. - ■ , / / Council still remained deadlocked on the appointment of the Water­ work’s caretaker, with. Mr. Alex Hayens continuing in charge.' ; ciF'deadl^bked ori the^apppintmenX ih January when Councillor Bushell de- ■ cliried-to vote.-The_. matter was again brought up on Tuesday night,; when.|omas McGuffe, also of England, gives. / Councillors .. Murdie and- Ferguson^heir favorite sport-—tennis. They are moved .■ the appointment of Jackrs the Castle Harbor after one of ' T.eith. Councillors- Anderson abdx Reeve Hamilton; jWho vacated t^ chalr^—moved—-an- amendment?“ 'ap?/ ; -pointing—Alex—Havens.----— J Councillor Bushell, in declining to| ■ v^ote, stated the—whole-affaiF^hinged-F;-^^..on him, and while he believed in giv-rP^ ^-t /Work To Reform Th Jpg everyone a share of work where HUS fOF 1 he Children \ possible, he could not see the reason/ , R “ for passing-up Mr. Haven^, Council-; , .7 ,8 1 radio mis every uay. it can De . talor Bushell said a third party, quite target granted, therefore, that any efficient and deserving, had made it commu- c /?——— , known to him that he felt he had asis in_the.Lbeiit-.nn..^e.ttiii^_..standards jn"-! much right to the position as the - - % * ^iher^two^mep^ankL^-Mx^JM^ell thoughX that if a change was to _b£ made, tenders should—be called.. New Curtains, Curtain Materials, Cretbhs, Chintz, Etc. THE MARKET STORE. Look for this Ticket Money^Sack? Guaranteed the best overalls I yo'u’ever bought—or mo^r refunded after 30 days wear, $1.95 Teffrpleton yers, parents and insulted 'it“—~ ists every day. It can bejtaktj*11^ organized phalanx of public r ■ and Co. HORTICULTURAL NOTES . The'catalogues are now available for ordering trees and shrubs of all " ' kinds. We would urge all who are thinking of getting "goods through, the Horticultural Society, to geWheix orders in early. There/will be. a big demand for fruit treesnnd bushes this spring and the early, orders will get first attention. Catalogues can be procured from the secretary, R. Fisher-and directors. Please do not wait to be called on; hand in your names for membership. At the recent convention of the Ontario Horticul­ tural 'Society the trillium .was chosen as the floral emblem f(?r Ontario. This beautiful wild0 flower is known to every boy and girl. / ’ Room 1 ^Sr^Glass^Possible^mar-ks^-f^Vf);’ Honors'275;-Pass 222.Honors—Mae Webster 314; Ronaid< Johnstone 293; Lois . Henderson 284; . Lorraine Fer­ guson 282. Pass—Georgina Geoghe- gan 272; Jack Treleaven 248; Dorebn Miller 241; Alma Solomon 228; Roy Havens 225;' Doris Taylor 223; Shir­ ley Culbert 222. Below Pass—Patsy Wh^^y^^l-OV-R-Ujlgnn Traplin* 190; Ivan Gardner 168; George Ta/yffir 161; Billie Johnstone 160; Jessie Reid *145. 1 . , ■ Jr. Class B^possible-mArks—2-J0-;- Honors 157; Pass 126.—Roberta Phil lips 154; Patsy Treleaven 13,3; Donna McCartney 125; Ellen Armstrong 41. Jr. Class A—Possible marks 220; Honors 165; Pass 132. Honors—Mary McQuaig 182; Jimmie Ferguson 178; Pass^ Douglass Boyes 163; 1 Billie. Allin 149; Ivan Lloyd 148; Douglas Deeyes 148; AJlan Stewart 145; Joe Agnew 144; Patsy Miller 136; Albert Chin* 135; Winifred McDonald 133, Below Pass—Fern Ball 126; Lloyd Gollan 113; Gordon Mullin* 110; Helen McCreight 52; Gordon Hackett 19; Elaine Irwin 35. * nVisprif spvprnl Hava ESTIMATES FREE Twogreatvaluesin Metal Roofing.-Ex-. elusive patented features guarantee weather-tightness and *easy applica­ tion. For new roofs or re-roofing. Send, ridge and rafter lengths for free estimate. We use htgouticilrStan-. darcP’Tor great­ est durability. ' AnPointed Rinley Constable - Tom Ferris has been appointed- constable for the village of Ripley succeeding William Tattersol, who resigned, the appointment which he had held for several years.The following article refers to Dr. A. J. Hunter, whom we are told "was a matiye^jof Kinloss township, having lived at Black Horse.---- <fA complimentary banquet in. honor , of Dr. A. J. Hunter of Teulon, Mani, whose name was included in the King’s 1935 honors list, was given Thursday night, in Winnipeg, .at which more than 175 persons attend­ ed. The banquet was attended By a ; number of Ukrainian organizations in Winnipeg. ■ . . Oh behalf of the Ukrainians, among whom the .honored guest has given . Miss A. Lutak pre­ sented Dr. Hunter with a beautiful hand-made Ukrainian rug, a Kilim, Mrs. Hunter was the. recipient of a bouquet of flowers. . In the absence, ot. Premier John Bracken " and Hon. W. J. Major, Robert Ha whins, M.L.A. for Dauphihr represented', the government at. the fliri’ion. Mr.,Hawkins extended greet­ ings to Dr. Huntdr in' the name of the provincial government; Expressing the appreciation of Ox Hunter’s ivork among the Ukrainian people jn the-Teulon district, D. Yak- imisehak stated that. he was the moving spirit in that district, every­ body came to him for advice and assistance. , ’ • Dr. Hunter had mastered the Jiv- ing language of the Ukrainian people to such an extent that he had trans- 'atefi little gbms from the«Ukrainian MterMurei.^dndiJthi?ough his untiring services <had brought close^ relatioh- •.hip between the Anglo-Saxon race 1 nd the hew Canadians. The Ukrainians in that area re­ garded Dr. Hunter as one of them, said Mr. Yakimschak.” . ’<Vinii.itf iiiiii-iinaiiii' "iii'iiir i f ' .iixwi iii wiiiiir ‘ ASHFIELD FARMER DIDN’T KNOW LEG W'AS BROKEN “J ' . ‘■ .Tames Haydeh, a farmer of Con­ cession 2j Ashfield Township, ‘who Suffered a broken leg recently, waA unaware of it until the next day. He fell on the ice in the evening, got up, arid walked upstairs to bed. Next FORMER ST. AUGUSTINE PRIEST DIES IN FLORIDA years of Service, J The death occurred in Florida oh Saturday, of Right Rev. Thomas West former parish priest ajt .St. Augustine and,.for more than 30 years, one of the most popular Roman Catholic clergymen in the St., Thomas district. Rev. Father West was in his 90th year and' on account of failing health whs wintering ifi Florida. Burial was in’ London' on Tuesday. . “ BRAVERY RECOGNIZED and FORMERLY OF THIS COMMUNITY PASSED AWAY IN LONDON h*—’FrederickrKenney(son-ofthe-late Patrick Kenney and former resident of this community, who died inv Vic­ toria Hospital, t|Ondon, on Saturday, February 23, was-buried in St. Peter’s cemetery following a Reqfiiem High Mass, sung by his personal friepd, Reverend Father Laverty in’. St. Peter’s Cathedral. About a montfi, ago, Mr. Kenney became, seiously .ill and was taken to /Victoria Hospital "for special treat­ ment, But owing to a wakened con­ dition of his heart, little hope was held for his recovery. He was a member of- St. Joseph’s Union and .The /Knights of Columbus. r p ' Mr. Kenney is survived by». three ]nlornifrg he, had difficulty jii walking, ristersi: Mrs. Clara HaWwick; Mrs. and a doctor who was Called found a .• •■'Heidh. McCormidk “ hfid’ Miss Anne■fracture near -t{hc thigh. The Kenney of Detroit, Michigan; and one leg was broken at almost the brother joseph, of London, Ontario.- point fourteen .years Ago, I samfe same —Ernest,.Baker of Kincardine, formerly of Lucknow, is one of 38' persons in Canada receiving recogni­ tion by the Royal Canadian Humane Society, for feats of life-saving and other hetoic acts./Ernie was instru­ mental in saving a youngster from drowning in - Kincardine harbour. He will receive a parchment certificate. A,. posthumous award will also be made in the case of James Langley of Guelph, who was seized with a heart attack and lost his life at In- verhuron this summer, while attempt­ ing in vain to rescue two sisters^ Observe Fortieth ' Wedding Anniversary ' . ..... ' ‘ V' ■ Auburn Residents And Lifelong Resi­ dents Of District, Mr, and Mrs. Ezekiel Phillips, Observe Anniver­ sary—Married In Lucknow 40 Years Ago. /• - ■ ft- ‘ ‘ On Wednesday last, Mr. and Mrs. Ezekiel Phillips, genial/xesidents of Auburn, and lifelong residents of the community,,. observed their 40th wed­ ding anniversary. Mrs. Phillips was formerly Margaret Ellen Medd and was born in West Wawanosh about two miles from Auburn.- Mr’. Phillips was born .in Goderich and has spent his entire life in this district,, following his trade as. A blacksmith,' which he continues to ‘pursue in Au'burn. AV one. time Mr. Phillips was. the '“smithy” at, Fordyce., Mr. and Mrs. Phillips were mar-; ried at the rectory ‘ in Lucknow oh, February 27th, 1895, by . Rev. Charles Mills.'Mrs. Alfred Tebbutt ofXJoder- ich ’ and. James Medd, the attendants at this ceremony of two score years ago, are still living, and frequent visitors at the Phillips home. Wedding trips at that time were little heard oj and .following the ceremony, the /young couple went right to thejr new home at White­ church, where , they resided for 12 yearsr^Mrr7-philli.ps—saysr--^ went there I had nothing and have nothing yet. The first afternoon I Worked iri’ Whitdchurch I made 55c doing; some work /for Andrew Ferry.” ' Mr. and Mrs. Phillips have resided in Auburn for about twenty-eight years. They have a family of three— .Robert, Ellen and Laura, all of' Au­ burn. Mrs. - Phillips’ family coriristed of five boys and: three girls, three of whom are still’ liviiig: Mrs. ' Jphn "Symington;? Mrs. Phillips and Mr. James, Medd, all of Auhum. ’ Mr. Phillips has two brothers, John df Yellowgrass,, Sask., and Tfidmas of {St. Helens, and fotir sisters, Mrs. James Stein, of Regina, Mrs. Andrew. Fox of Whitechurch, Mrs. William Humphrey of ;St. Helens and MrS/ absent, several, days. . , >1. Murdie, MARRIED AT SUDBURY TAKES. PART IN bWaDCaS’F * ' - -■ ■ ■ ■ - - - . The Kincardine Pipe Band, with, Camerojk Geddes as guest soloist, was heard in a ’radio Broadcast on Saturday at noon over the London Free Press statiorl CFPL.'Tfiis is the second time the band-’ under Pipe, Major W. J. Young, has broadcast fpqm . London. Harry Lemon, news- uaMUy agent. arranged the event and Monday’s Free Press carried the pic­ ture of the Band, flanked Qh each nde by Cameron Geddes and Harry Lemon; The lateness of the train in arriving in Lbridon, resulted in the hour’s program being delayed in getting started. The Band was back on the, air later in.the' afternoon to conclude the broadcast, but this fact, . howpyex Wad' not {hno.uncodi .of *Goderich. Doran Marrs A, wedding of interest took place, quietly Monday morning, February eighteenth^ at St. Joseph’s Church, Sudbury, Ontario, with Rev. Father C. J. Salini officiating, when Ursula Marrs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Marrs, Teeswater,, became the bride of Richard Doran, son of - Mr. JOhn Doran Of Stidbury, and the late Mrs. D6ran. The bride was attended by Miss Elsie. Simpson., Mr. Philips Doran was his brother’s groomsman. Following the ceremony a dainty breakfast was served at the home of the groom’s father. Mr, and Mrs., Doran are residing in* Sudbury. “Dick’* Doran lS'Well known in the' district, having -been a popular “baseX hall catchfatr with Teeswater “ and Southampton teams. X MRS. IDA STANLEY SUFFERS FRACTURED LEG . ...., ■.. Mrs. Jda Stanley of Brussels,' and formerly of thi^ community? fell and broke her leg between the knee and the. ankle JSfinday morning. Mrs. Stanley had taken a coughing spell* while / attending? the ‘United NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of "James' S. , Barkweil, late; of the Township of Ashfield ih the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. ' Notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims or de­ mands against the : late James ' S. Barkweil, who died on or about'the. twenty-fourth day of-June A.D. 1934* ■ at the Township of Ashfiejd in the County of Huron, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned, 'executors under /the ’ Will of the said Jam&s ,S. Barkwell, their names and addresses and full particulars in writing oT their-claims , and statements of theii’ accgugts and ,the nature of the securiUes^af any., hal'd, by them, duly verified by affi-___. davit. And. take notice that after’ the Ninth day of March A.D. 1935 the .said executors will proceed to dis­ tribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto,’, having regard only to the claims of which they then have had. notice, and that the sajd executors Will not; be ’iable for the said assets or’any part thereof to any. person of whose claim they shall not then havd , received -• notice. Dated at I.ucknpAy, Ontario this-,. -18th-^dayLof..February., A D,_____ Fiaxman Barkwell, <,R. R. 3, Lucknow,/ Ontario./. . Gilbert Barkweil, R. R. 6, LuckrfoW, Ontario. . < Executors. WIFE OFFORMERIUNTAIL MERCHANT DIES IN TORONTO , The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Mr- ' Autarchy occurred in Toronto at the home of her daughter, Mrs.' Harry Wor,sell, with whom she had' been- re^- , , . , - . |si<iing. Her death will be regretted .church and oh coming out previous by a host/of friends in Goderiqh, and to the congregation, was on her > way in the Killtail community in Ashfield ‘ • home when the- accident happened', where for. ^iany ye^rs, hpr husband, The large bone .was completely broken j Donald McMurehyconducted a gen- off and aftoe firRt aid. treatment-, at era] store. The deceased whs in her Brussels, she jWas . removed to ^a- 84 th year. The funeral was held ,in ■ forth Memorial Hospital. Goderich on Monday.1 J ’ :' •, • ' / J ..i......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................