The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-03-07, Page 7J r7 if theastonishing ■ he,s. vi .., forgave- poin arre problem at all tod'ay. They just leave' thfeir radio going full blast—and ther.e you are! , ■ ... Wd" ’iKing's 7of the remoter' ’0apaA FELLOWSHIP OF ■idAnW"’" k*' Tmqsti regions of1 Cafi^a .7 77w'- the thrill ■> -th rouigh .• • W'd." ’King’s: ^<s.ga,ge p^sed.>Qvpr the-: " to inind ’ the , thri.fi . .'r ' - In Dixie Plug .. There is no waste !.. It’s fragrant^ahcl: ■ 7 -• Has better tastb. . 7 - The smoke for you, ’ Th^ smoke for me/ 7^ ' Real economy f* ’ Oteistin’S rqdij? :7^ . diaris ■' who rose arly enough to" hear idea of the extent of the. 'Briitish King’s heartfelt words as heard in the lonely shack on the prairies, .‘the isolated; lumber, ^.c^mpg; Ji£_jLhe7Earh .. '. ’7. '17 , . ’ hut sub-ALctic , regions: ’ From ciians' Were ). -^.eay.zjeJ -thA^asWn^shteg- ; variety ,-A climate' iB/?to J)‘e ’ found . under. / tjjie, .'•Kiqg'p. sway. •' India 'appke ,of glorioiis settjas;^'^Austraiia’ told pf / Sunimer fepo .its -. and/ hstlriiig i .ke’acteep? -prowdeA with . people., Gi'eat" engineering un? dertakings like the Sydney ‘ bridge1 the' Mersey tunnel, and the “farthest south” fishing, ip New'Zealand were, also describe^.. Canada, as we know,, was represented ...in the broadcast by the .jcarillon ;.KVJ0-U,a.waA^ lowed th< ; 'Bethlehem- bells;. „ by a vivid description .of’, Vancouver, “the -pvei‘gr^eh?-playgro ol““ Danada^’’’ giveil by Dick Clarinbull of C R C V from Grouse iMountain , Ch'alht; by* a Christmas -s.cp.iiie in a1 Quebec lumber camp;’ p fisherman*.'df the Maritimp provinces; "a chiidrep’s skating party in ^Vdnnipeg; and. thei story of a ship of the Family of- which the King is the head wa3 never ihore dramati­ cally. realized. 7 ; ■ * -- the broadcast got their first real , TO..- L .1, . i.’ .Empire, Think of the effecij of ,the King’s heartfelt words as heard in the lonely shack on the prairies, .the ;..4e?rvl.litrrt’Vnav* /n.«v,-rv»♦.%« • ■ ♦!-».k 'Nqrthi , and the '/rough m iner’s in the . , \ . J„'7^- ^anepuveg th^y^jt.elLjua bd-w>~as~ they* Tuned’Tn at 5.55, a.'m^ .the Ji^t'on' Qrouse . Mountain Chalet. ^kifdne' clearly, . >-the’outlines-o? the. rug-’ ged fiorth shore mountains could, be dimly', seen. The wljble..B.ritish and American worlid soon to hear Dick A .v j.-mibull at. the -Chai j ded- > hockey game in Toronto. The Fellow- scribing the sleeping city, the beauty of. the , sun-tipped Llon^, - and the Winter wonderland of the mountains. 7.71 at Age ''Forty v ’ . \ . ‘ ‘ The approach of middle age' • is. certainly no excuse to7day fof developing a double chm arid-., fo'r’" allowing your figure to bulge inF the' wrong- places. “If; at . forty; you cannot , have a .,.bq.dy_:as;.8upple~as-a~young- Wil­ low tree, you can at least keep it to its propdr proportions, so , that you are able to .w,ear the mod­ ern, f-Iattering fashions’ with con­ fidence. The' following letter shows*, how the, Kruschen treatment can help you to avoid that pathetic re­ fuge of" the’ over stout—the Outsize Deparfh^fc „ I ai . age of| - * began't"""’,1 L: mg, for ■'■■■"' ■■■■—— . Soughkner "Will Make Best ■ wonder Of It” In Kingston normal - -.’ ■*——L ^^.^menced 15 Year Sentence On Sat- —it is day — Professes Innocense And 1’”' - ^ks Forward To Early Release. ■ E. • ■ ... .«* ivid Meisner, born at Crewe in ?eld Township, comniienced on ’As afternoon Hisv 15-yeir sen- exportsLin P°rt?mOuth Penitentiary at over 19ston; following his conviction A^PERFECT FIT, AND STOCK Sl2E,T00! - AH.YESIBUITO MADAME'SWAIST ^JS-NQW-44-- -INCHES SMALLER LargePlus _ xihfSday's meeting ohieeXs appointed as follows: A. P. &rt, chairman; W. A. Porteops, and G. H. Smith, .sec’y, ' |fer some' discussion a motion carried by a large'majority jfav- Sthe disposition of the arena Mo contributors on a prp rata Dl ll/e amendment favoring the r ImWwmI of 'the cash in the bank as: '■ ■ •• • i^cleus, for another arena fund T".1'1 "’^as so'me~?ufure“clate7was?Tost? .......H'|... dispbsitioi^ of the fund of was made to contributors at of approximately ^28% c on- dollar,. on.a contributed total of ^ property oln the . south west of. the. main street belongs, to Arena/Co. and is held by the .„l^ige^in..trust--as~.the-.companywaa- ypg, incorporated.. A clause in the for -iliase trahsaction stafes that the ariiei^rty must 'be used for the erec- wa?7of an arena only. . . mo^any will recall the enthusiasm %of SF^^the^ergction^f^risa^haKSEas. [ely. .discussed" and as individuals by ^^organizations were lending' fin-1 Which shall make a happy place For people of all countries..of , the -earth,'- ■ >7 . < *••. That shall make all nations see ‘ That their truest dignity Is to cultivate the things of highest 7'worth. .. ■■■■ *■ ,■> .7. ' A. B.' Coopery . Slim—You seem to be. extra busy, Jim. ‘ , Jim—Yes, I’m writing a love let­ ter to my gifl. Il’Ve been working on it for over an hour.' Slim—Why.are you taking„.so much pains? ’ Jim—I wa’nt to make sure that if this letter is ever read in court it won’t "make me look like a fool. Keeping up. with the Joneses is no We look at sinners and shudder at 'Mwroawful theyJare* and niaybe they look at us and’ shudder at how smug we tire.' ' ■ * Classified Advertising \ ■HATEHTB ‘ ... ■...........- **• List- of1 wanted Inventions and full -information—sent—free.— The. HamBay Company, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. GOOD DUCK CHICKS 4 1lncr<^e7v^’iTJ’4™bUKiriess. * 1 ^Answ’br Is “SATISFIED CUS­ TOMERS?’ Write » for catalogue— Chatham, Ontario. . CV. ■ • ■ ■ Mrs. J. W.FIaaagan, 7 ■. 6 Labatt Ave., Toronto,’ Ont.,, says: „“I had, head­ aches, pains in , my back, had no appetite and ■would .feel dizzy, and, faint. I..was so weak I could . hardly keep ’ up. I - took - Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription and it seemed ■ ■ . to give me new life.” New (size, tablets 50. cts., liquid $1.00. ‘ Write'Dr. Pierce’s Clinic, Buffalo, N, Y»» for free medical advice. ' ' 'L'' " id a successful man . possib)Jy the lives of other people so ■ > :hey • would be successful; too? p igh7 but they wouldn’t stand men suri -- - >- ■WINTER LONGINGS. longing- for the time - - - . thp spring* is' in its prime, ........I love, the hedgerows, pink and whitfe, 1 solace to the sight, I ;he lark is in his watch tower up above. - 1 & self-discipline, tMi ham Johnson. “Unemployment is still the most ..pressing prjoMejn,-.__^nofwiifhsj^jding^ that there has been' . a , , reduction, during the past months of about 12 per ,-cent. of those on relief,” the ad­ dress declared. .> “It is the intension, of my I Gov- ernmenfc- to -eentinue—tOn®., press for measures that will put as many as- possible of those now out of work ,into,( profitable - employment.” ced Tho mar birds are / singing happily Sev ‘ wait ing Mai chai D ... chai veni ■ I just..,- *- I . '* ■ I - " . ‘* • *■? *' I; am longing for the grace * • . he. her€ -longing—forthedayv" t :- the right shall win. the da*y "7 rrong be relegated^ to the dust,, no freedom ip denied, 1 / ' there’s peace the1 whole vvorld wide, . .Frftend—Well, I see, you’ve found a .way. to settle your wife’s:' hash, 7 ' Man—Yes, I take a. spoonful of bi­ carbonate-of $oda.. . '■ Hubby . (stumbling’ upstairs at 3 a.m.)—The old gray’ mare ain’t what she used tp be, .’ • Wifey (peeved)—No; but the white;, mule still is! /• ■ ?"• ’’",—• Teacher—Now wbat is thjfe a pic­ ture of? 1." ......7 / Jean—A monkey. Teacher;—Yes; tand what monkey , do ? ; ' Jean—Climbs up a' tree. Teacher—Yes;, what else? . Jean—Climbs down again’1 BjltTOTOa'''mffri“huira'sTOaT’fie't’ter mouse -tra-p-n ow—he-l-S-s b^b usyrom"a'ki"rig7s pee^' ch!.es that he never has time'to make any more. . ' / • __ ■ J' It has been inscribed on jade! f ; “Give neitheF salt nor .counsel - un-' less you are .aSked.” _ IMMEDIATE BENEFIT ; Is it; possible to see better one day than it was the day before? It is. That is an actuality for the average patient.' By “seeing better” is meant seeing more nearly normal—more comfortably ' not necessarily more keenly. Con­ serve vision and energy at the. same time. An examination and : a helping service are essential. 1. ARMSTRONG’S Eyesight Service does a a mouth ago, in connection with cent, fr . . ... ddnapping of John Labatt, weal- The ^London brewer. afi iiicr al,s^err€d fr°m .London to King- sales oi hy train Meisner (also spelt ——t— ier)-was-oneof"-the-bestdressed well-made brown suit fitted his adian-m fiSure and made a very satis- drillB, sty combination with his pale and pit shirt and a slightly more color­ tie. Brown spats matched, up with i7^ U&-uolished- tan-Pxfords, and even covered was ^or ye^rs mid cH he folded his overcoat carefully ature flireverit creases as he stowed it DIES AT AUBURN Father Of Mrs. Chester Taylor Of West Wawanosh Had Been An Orangeman For 63 Years. a 1W, (*iai3 Im. In 8 weeki. I Ro AppliancM .31 . M tn 5 mtlia. I —Ko Drat*. _ a M,- m 3i ..'-tn 18 day*; pMo'Dieting. Z' _ Kl II _la<woelu.l» n'i 1 i r c: J*:i»« bowtotem JnrrioMil my own height to <Jft.8iina. MEV tE TAILS <1/nrlimooiai*/rwn pB ow «*« iwriA Fee >10.00 complete. ,’ 1 ' Details Free. . Write’ Now. MALCOLM ROSS <7 , Scarhorong-h, Enff. It is suggested, without petfi-f egging words, that there may be a . marked difference between ,, a "well, readi’. and a "well Informed” person, Height Specialist, 7 Editor—Do you know to run a newspaper ? Applicant—No, sir. how , . We all ljke__to know_rho_W—the_great live and enjoy a. pleasing sense of our common humanity wheh we find that their tastes are simple^ and that they, too- really , enjoy a. , bit. of good clean fun. Perhaps it was fpr this "reason’ (perhaps for some other rea­ son—one never knows)/that I. find so much pleasure in this' quotation (from'^the Daily Telegraph), describ? Ing the habits of Babe. Ruth, the American, baseball king. America’s idol weights 16.stone, and has been playing baseball for ,21 years, in his 41st’• year he still re­ tains a schoolboy sense of. humpr. Nothing delights him ‘ more than to ..go into the changing rooms of visit­ ing teams and nail their shoes to the floor.—New Statesman and- Nation. A pnrple-toppetl yellow-flesfied tur­ nip which- has. been grown to Aber­ deenshire, Scotland, for the past 100 years has been found.by agricultural scientists-- to be resistant',to club-root disease. The origin of this .variety- of turnip is unknown. .< Shipments of live stock- from, Wes­ tern to Eastern Canada during 1934 included 118,Q21f cattle; 7,715 calves; ■200,436 hogs, and 74,471 sheep. Com­ pared with 1933, the Increases were, 28,384 cattle;' 3,556 calves and 19,- 309 sheep. There was a decrease of 86,847 in the number of hogs ship- ped.-, ^~John~~Alexander~FergusonTO/Das8ed~--~- pway at his residence ift^^Aubnrb,^.^ Saturday morning after a brief ill- ? ness. Mr. Ferguson was a life-long resident of Auburn, being born there 8l years’ ago. He carried on a trade of carriage builder, but has lived re­ tired for many years; Mr. Ferguson WF~bgen^—member^oL^tbe--Oya»go Lodge for sixty-threfe years and also ” 'belonged to the Canadian (-Order of '. Tor latest Information, ’phone ’ :■ or write * ANDERSON, GILLANDERS & Co. 25 MeHnda St., Toronto EI>. 0445-6 ’ecsser ; The Full Vitamin Value of Cod Liver Oil P ■ Body-Building Virtues Ontario collects $4,ooo>o FROM MOTORISTS IN 35 DAYS Friend—It’s all tight for you to talk about Fascism, but do you know what i.t would be like'to live under a dictator? Man—I should think so. I’ve been married for 12 years. ' . . ’ Artists9 and Authors9 Service ' 9 Send a three cent< stamped en­ velope for information on-our MONTHLY BULLETIN SER­ VICE to Artists and Authors, listing up-to-date .information on “Where TO 'toCanadian arid and Literary Contests...... Yearly subscription, One Dollar - , . Sample. Sheet Ten Cents ''■ • 7'^Wf "BAKERS 39 LEE AVENUE TORONTO, ' ONT • As AND WHAT SELL . International Art JToronto^—^Premier Mitchell Hep- bchn, of Ontario, revealed last week why "the Department of^’ffig^'iys* insisted’on all motor car licenses in the province be purchased by the end of January. There were two obligations for the Government to meet February 1, said Mr. Hepburn, speaking in his. " Provincial Treasurer. One was a $5,000,000 issue of Treas-, from motor vehicle permits1 and the Tgasoline tax. ’ , • 7--.- -*-^So--in^5xdayswvgemjCollected. $4,- 000,0.00 through the Department,! of ® Highways,” Mr. Hepburn said. Judging by last yearns figures, the Premier stated, the Government would have had only. $1,500,000 in­ stead of the '■ $4,000,000. “Therefore we are saving interest bn .$2,500/ 000.” " 7 / T ) & f • I* I FIGHT GE RMS? I'M VITAMIN A. PEOPLE NEEOME every. Generations have proved the body-building, “ energy-giving power of -pure cod liver oil* Generations, too, have proved that Scott’s Emul­ sion of Cod Liver Oil gives you all these, PLUS easier assimilation, pleasanter taste, and the' added valueof hypophosphites of lime and soda. DROVE ME WILD JS VALUE I BUILD BONES, fM VITAMIN O. HEALTH STRENGTH DEPEND r*7< me/ /GQCj Vm-i 1/ >*■ / -? r without scrubbing , Just use a solution of l.tea- . spoonful of Gillett’s. Pure Flake Lye in a quart of cold* water. Instantly, the greasy ’ dissolves—without scouring! Use Gilletts Lye whenever you want an' elfective house- FREE BOOKLET—Send for tho free Gillett’s Lyo Booklet. It tells how tlii^ powerful cleanser and disinfectant shortens dozens of Cleanihg.tasks. AJsq gives full' directions for soapmaklng, thorough clea’nsing and other uses OH the farm. Address: Standard Brands Limited, Fraser Ave., & Liberty St., Toronto, Ontario, ; . -" " 4 ■ ' ' TO.. S ' * '> ’ Generations have proved the body-building, . 7 *7. ,.7.1 .72 7. 'b ' Generations, too, have proved that Scott’s Emul­ sion of Cod Liver Oil gives you all these, PLUS easier assimilation, pleasanter taste, and the' PLUS values found only in Scott’s Emulsion. the Government to meet February J* * ----- ‘ ■ ’ * - ' capacity , of One was a ____ _____ ury bills and the other a $5,00.0,000. debenture issue. The. Highways Department hand­ ed over to the treasurer during Jan­ uary $3,541 iOOO and sintje then that total was -augmented by $400,000. The amount was made up of fees ^handwriting “ Reveals Character ! This Fascinating New Chart Shows Ho<w! Everyone should have a ^opy of THE GRAPHOCHART j . , 100 Illustrations SIMPLE! — ACCURATE!! — INFALLIBLE!!! By Geoffrey St. Clair (Well-known Graphologist), ft shows you how to analyse your, own character, ahd that of yo.ur friends from handwriting • • ft^ja-n^t only a very fascinating game, but it is extremely practical; 4 CopteS sent Post Fr^e for 12c each GREASY POTS AND PANS NEARLYSKIN RASHES Give Place to Velvet Smooth Skins In almost countless numbers, skin sufferers have had cause to be thankful for D.D.D., the .prescription of a highly successful physician, Dr. D. D. Dennis-. This liquid prescription, how made and endorsed by Campana’s Italian Balm chemists, allays irritation almost at once, and quickly clears up such skin troubles, as eczema, hives, acne,.’ ring­ worm, ,daqdruff, pimples and. rashes. Ask ydur druggist for D’.D.D. Prescrip­ tion. Trial Bize, 35c. Guaranteed to ■ • give instant reliefer money r^hndo'l . USED » hold’ cleanser. Frees clogged drains, cleans toilet bowK Kills germs, and - destroys .’ odors. Order a tin from ydur grocer! ®Never dissolve lye tn liot water* The action of the lye itself hfeata ■ the water.