The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-02-21, Page 8i . iww ‘V1 tj:' -. . <'s ....PACT BIGHT ‘The ■■f ■■II. .. a 4. >p*"* 4 • / V • I »• tfv 0, I X' £ *Xh THOMPSWS < WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS’MORE CENTS / ■................................... 4^.7,.,. j 25c ; 20c 25c 25c. - .y....:..38!P<- ■ . . . .. . . 25c " ■ -25c .... '.”7 - 1.;... 25c i CHOICE APRICOTS, LB. .... ... CHOICE PEACHES, LB. ........ CHOICE COOKING FIGS, 3 LBS. —-DATES'^a-LrBS^-^— 7-^PURE*CUOVER"MW^^’« ;■ 52 0?. JAR. PLUM, J AM , 32 GZ. C. & B. OltANGE MARMALADE > CRUSHED', PINEAPPLE 2. CANS ... 8 BARS LAUNDRY SOAP..,.. i / /8....-BARS; CASTILE SOA-P .......... / / Bulk cocoa, 2 lbs. .....; /—L. /, FRESH VEGETABLES ALWAYS ON HAND - RE WARBLE FLY CONTROL CAMPAIGN BRUCE COUNTY, KINUOSS DIVISION Orange Hall, Lucknow ' SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd AT/2'’’P. M. 7. ~ ... ■ 'X • * ' : ' . • - A Kinloss Village, Monday February 25th ■ AT 2 P. M. ' . • ■ ’ • ■ ■■ ■ ■ / '. Holyrood, Monday February 25th . ■ at' 8 P.M. ' / WHITECJIURCH MEETING TO BE ANNOUNCED LATER G. R. PATTERSON, Bruce County Agricultural Representative, will be the chief speaker at each meeting, when the Bruce t County Warble fly campaign /will be thoroughly discussed and ~ other matters of Agricultural interest. — ——•- EVERYBODY WELCOME / T , - \ '• '/ 'I* . * " / - ""’M ■? ■ z'I . ■ /’ . I^He; LUCWNQW SENTIHISL .........u. ( LOCAL and GENERAL jA ' ’ A'; ' . T-W-. ■' '■ . 4, V- ' I ' i ) li r»x< ' ,- /”• ■'- **- ‘-‘-wx.a^uwuJ), r z- - s''i THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, 21, 193.5^ THE RED HEADED ST^P^CHILD ■ ■ Td suddenly be transplanted and Xxpected to fit. in with a newL scheme Df life is a difficulty even when faced GODERICH TO HAVE MUSEUM by scientists. Imagine then pooj> .__Bes^ ranch wherg wild .. horses, cowboys and Indians—-“where men are men * and the women are glad of it”, where 7 honesty is demanded of all-—she finds society based on deceit,' back-biting and slandering, where men are only “ ornaments and'duds-—where., it counted better to know how to use ■■L'.±^^he^roper.':khifg,..:f:^ kindness. "See how she Teacts and be­ hold her step-'mother, Mrs., Russell, and s step-sister Lucia acts towards Mrs. Woodru^ 'Ethel Ashley anjl Mrs. Scott are ranted by ' the Tbngue of honest Wild Bess. Be-. hold them adoring her and watch the. way she handles' them—and . when grave danger of ruin faces her dad, her uncle ‘Charlie’s . brotlier-,- "—see^Kpw^ her^^herosity :save^ the 'family. But what’s the use of telling more. “You can see it all yourself HfesdbtF-Ste’p-)©hjiTd’'”' .. on .March 1st in fhe, Town Hall, Lucknow, where you will laugh and cry, get angry and be amused and thoroughly enjoy yourself. . OBSERVE FIFTY-THIRD WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Goderich is . to establish a museum in the public library building; ' The town council recently voted a sum to prepare the quarters and citizens are bejng_ urggd^to„ ...contriihutg. .article? _pertaiining to the early lifejrfJ3fidex=. ich and Huron County. LOCAL RESIDENT’S MOTHER PASSES Have you renewed your«Sentinel? > Miss Sa4ah Mallough attended, the funeral of D. G. Bickle in Hamilton pn Tuesday. : Men’s Overalls, Work Pants, Work. Shirts, Mitts, zSocks, Etc, r— THE : ' ■ ’7 “■ '"■ .-:/ - * Miss Ada Hamilton of Listo wel, is visiting With . her sister, Mrs. Geog- ifegain, at' th# Rectory. / • .t v Mrs. .Richard Johjiston is the guest -foL-her-raun^ the Misses • Mailougfi/7 - ■'y71;..'. •. Mr. John McQuillin spent the, week end in. SiaiidwiclFyimting^ his daughter Miss Dorothy McQuillin. . ' Mrs. T, II. Alton visited during the /W^lCp"Vai®/tl^^imst of Mr. aW" Mrs. Robert Stephenspn. . Mrs. Alex Murdie of Toronto was a week jendlvisitdr with relatives at St./ Helens and Lucknow. Mrs. Albert Alton was . ^t Wingham Thursday, visiting her brother; John Blake, who is not very well. I'Mr's.' John Gordan and Miss Maggie Gordan of .Bervie, spent a few days ,with ;Mr. anid Mrs. Frank Cale. - Wild Bess lives up to Tier “name in “The Red Headed Step-Child.” Seg it iri the Town Hall, March 1st/ Mrs. Joseph Taylor, who'Has been in failing health for some time, is. reported to be gravely ill at ^present. Mrs./ 0. F.. Moffat and' daughter' Marylin Of Toronto, spent the week end with the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. S. C. Rathwell. Mr. R. Grant and Mrs. Frank Mclennan and daughter 'Barbara, spent the week end in Chicago^ with- Mr. and'Mrs, Jim Grant.* Rev. J. H.“ Ghoghegan is attending the ProvincialHorticultural convention in Toronto today and Friday, as a representative of the local society. ....... first of the weel I ■Mr. and, Mrs. Abram Culbert,- esteemed citizens of, Dungannon, on Thursday, February 1.4th, “ celebrated the 53rd anniversary of their wed­ ding. Mr. and Mrs. Gulbert.are b°th in dlhe enjoyment of . fairly good health The day was quietly spent' at their home where congratulations were received from many friends, relatives and neighbors. Three years ago, upon the celebration df their -golden wedding,, a large gathering was held at their home adjoining Dungannon to the south. ? " DIES TEN DAYS AFTER ...I J^ER 100TH. BIRTHDAY. Goderich’s’ west resident, Mrs. Mary Donaldson,' who celebrated her 100th birthday, just ten days prior to" her death, passed away' at the home: of her son in Goderich last Wednesday. Formerly Mary. Miller, .Mfs Donaldson has lived in.God erich .township and district ^j-.o/nd about since coming with her parents from Ireland/when' two. year's of age. ip GoderiehL larly Sunday Ihibrning b/ :Mrs./PM Smith of Lucknow. Mrs? Steele, forni- erly Martha Jane Gill, wap in her -77th year and dehth resulted frothy a heart attack (following a ' two weeks* > illness., She was born at Cheyboygan, Mi­ chigan,-and was the daughter, of the latg William Gill and Phedbe^Bow^ man of Cheybdygan. Ip 1876. she -waa, married to Philip Steele. and re­ moved to a farm in Lobp .Township, later moving .to Ashfield Township, > whe®®' she* andr fier-“ husband - farmed1'- for thirty-six years. Mr. and Mrs. Steele have lived iA Goderich for the last five years... ' . ' , Fobr sons and five daughters sur­ vive ,fheir mother. They dre, Dick, Buffalo, Alberta; Thomas, Brandon, Man.; William. Ryland. Ont.; (Jim,. Saltford; Mrs. Thopias Smith, Ludk- . now;. Mrs. John McKnight, Auburn; Mrs. Westbrook, Detroit* Mrs. Len- nington,. Goderich and Gladys at home. Two sons, Fred vftth the 161st battalion, and Alfred v^ith the 31st Moosejaw battalion, wefe killed in France during the war. • "> ,Rev. T. W. Craik of Victoria St. United Church will conduct the' fun­ eral today. with Mr. at Pine RARAMOUNT '■ _ p Mrs, Arthur Cookvisited ancf Mrs,* Ad, MacDonald' River diiring the week. The assessor, was a caller on the' line on Monday. M'r. and iMrs, Gordon Jamieson,., yyere recent ^visitors with. Mr. . and -Mrs.L Jam.es--McInnes,^Whitechurch, ^Mr^Fred^Mhrt^ c^rdihe friends during the week. .*•’ 'The February meeting of^ the U. J<UW*, 0; Club . was -held «at the home pf Mrs. J. T, Webster on 'Tuesday1 afternoon. / —Mrs-MacAuley-returned"hQmejfrpw r Ripley where s^e has bpent the/past few weeks. __1:’. L’.-' ' / "At their meeting on Monday even­ ing, the members of the Paramount Club planned for a rabbit hunt this /Thmsday-^fferpoon., A.ny-o®0-wislung^ •to join in the hunt is/to-meet at the Cluib- rooms at 1 o’clock. t CREWE/ Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drennan and family spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Stotherg of Dungannon. Mrs. W, P. Crozier is assisting her cousin, Mrs. Harold Allin this week. A number from here attended the Box social at . Blake’s, on Friday evening. J —— Miss. Anna Mae Trelea^en spent last week end With her cousin, Elleda Hunter. Miss Berniee Durnin/ whd is attending Gdderich Cpll^giate school returned; home for the week end. 'Mrs, Bert Treleaven and Gwendolyn visited recently with Mrs; Wilfred Drennan; / The, Crewe W. A/ are holding a “Hard Time’’ sojcial op Friday> S’eh. •22nd in the church'. f A program i s being prepared. Among the' items jisted is a debate ‘*ResoTye/that the city offers more, opportunities than does the country/ Anyl/ody. welcome. .'■/ ■ . ” Frank—When you proposed; to her I suppose shesaid: “Tfiis^is" so "Sud^’ den!-/ ,'/\: .'■J-'' ■ Ernest—No, she .was! honest and 2said: “This, suspense has been riblg.” _ ’/ ' '.. '?' . J1. -I-1-.......-- ■'■ ■•'■■........... (' ", ■* 4 . < q -r (Manufactured In England) ,’ HAVE YOU SEEN THENEW SPARVA CLOTH? , .,1 i .? . .. J'.' ' 1 —• 1 '1 ' ■' J.*,.. 1 • •• (MinimumFares: ^.dult 75c.: Child 40c.) from LUCKNOW and all C.N.R. Stations SARNIA to BRAMPTON Also front Stations SARNIA-HKOMOKA, Inclusive; ETTRICK—WINGHAM, inclusive, and from GODERICH, KINCARDINE, SOUTHAMPTON; OWEN SOUND, DURHAM. WIAKTON, CREEIVIORE. I ,'And aU intermediate Stations South or Wes'Tthereof to the f ,' r „ STRATFORD—GUELPH— BRAMPTON line. / ‘ TO FOLLOWING STATION'S ON DATES SHOW.' >■>.■■■ '■■■ nau atxta : r>__a.-tt____ ___________ THE NEW SPARVA ( •>. . i. . ' ■;. FOR."DRESSE^;.' SUMMER-.SUITS. SLIPS, — ' CH-aP^BB^DRESS^^BOXS^^ ’Tin . Plain• Colftfs, Floral Patterns/ Plaids, Stripes and^Fa'ncy; -Z'■ Desists ipi Light ah^f Darlc Colors. ■/ ■ ''GUARANTEED '. FADELESS./' MONEY BACK IF IT DOES. ' ZZ^^jfci^heF’MidfcT^Z Plain Color^ -i . 36 Inches wide Fancy Colors FBI • M&RCH 1 ct OSHAWA; Port Hope, Qobourg, Belleville, ■ Kingston, Gananoque, Brockviiie, Prescott, • Morris burg, Cornwall, Uxbridge, Lindsay, P^terboro, Campbellford,/- Aurora, Newmarket, Allandale, Penetang, Collingwood, Meaford, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury. - . ' AH towns in New Onta/io on Line of Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Rly;; -" Nipi&ing.Central Rly. ; Kapuskasing. fLonglac fHardrock fGeraldton tJellicoe . 1—~ ' ‘(^Sturgeon River Gold Fields.)' ‘ ; '■. vp—■ . ? ,T—------ ■ Sat MARCH 2nd Ta TORONTO ■ : London, Irigersoll, Woodstock, Paris., Brantford, Hamilton, St, Cnth^ririeB, Niagara Falls. ~—^For-FaresrTransit Limits, Train Inforrnation,. Ticketi consult nearpsi Agent. . , Aj W.' HAMILTON, Depot Agent, Thone 2, Lucknow. ' 7f ■ ’■ v,... ■*> 1 . J!“Is there any truth in the report that Angus MiacTavish bought the, .filling station?” “Well,- I don’t khow for,sure, but the ‘free1 air’ sigh" has Been taken down.0 MOTOR ACCIDENT ON LUCKNOW - WIN'GHAM A despatch from Wingham reports an, accident, on the LUcknow-Wing- hani 'road, when A. P. Stewart Lucknow, accompanied by1 his wife1 and daughter met in a head-on col­ lision, with Harry Miller, London paper traveller, late Monday after­ noon. ' ■ Both cars, which were covered by insurance, were considerably dam­ aged. Approaching the top of a hill, both were unable to get out of the rut, which Caused the accident. For-* “t-ttnately--they"““Were-1traVelling-““‘at"’a“’ moderate rate of . speed oj there might have been serious damage ahd- injuries. Mrs. Stewart suffered slight ankle injuries. ' ' I ROAD Gerald ”"RMhwell“~spe^t the4 the week im Toronto attend­ ing the Retail Shoemen’s convention, which was held in the Royal York Hotel. J"; ..... .."Mrr"“afid^ Mrs.“ J. H...Daws?6h Of the week end.and were visitors with the latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. "Edward McQuillin. Mrs. J¥m. Alton “and son Douglas of Toronto, spent , the week end at the hdihes of Mr. and James” Alton, Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs; "Fred1 ThompsonT^I^nlossrrr^ ’ Alex Macl^od, Kinloss. Twp. r°ad. superintendent, is aV Toronto this week attending ‘ “The Good Road” Convention, to be held in the Fores­ ter’s Hall and the Royal York Hotel. Don’t forget ..the Rebekah “At Home” Friday night, Feb? 22nd. Re­ bekahs, their husbands . and friends, Oddfellows, wives or lady friend, cordially invited./,Ladies please brin§ lunch. '""i' / ; ^Mfr^ntTM^' e&eron' McDohald:; Leonard McDonald, Wes. Huston and Bob. Fisher, motored'' to Toronto on! Saturday to attend the Maple Leaf- Neytr York Ranker hockey match that evening.- ‘ 1 “T^he Red Headed Step- Child”, Cameron; Geddes," Fres-Byterfan Or­ chestra. A great play, supported by Canada’s , outstanding soloist, and music of a high order by the Orches-. tra—all for 25c in the J^Town Hall, Friday, .March 1st. Suffers Fractured Ribs \ Mrs, James Alton is confined to. bed, at presen^ suffering from frac­ tured ribs. The mishap happened on Saturday as ’ Mrs. Alton fell Mavily on pie back step at her home. Mrs. Alton had /gone to. the back door to, throw out dishwafer, and as; she stepped/out, struck some ice^which threw her heavily on^the step, frac­ turing three or fo^ur.ribs. Mrs. Alton !a^ there unable to get up. for a short time affef the fait ' The Mildmay Night Owls Orches­ tra made their first. appearance in Lucknow.on F^da^ night, and pleased ' the large crowd which was present, hlie orchestra was billed to provide an entertainment prior to the dance, but came here under the impression that they/were just billed to fill in between'numbers or speeches on some orogram. Their impromptu prOgrapi, “the whole work^”, Watj much enjoyed, and received. The .solos “Aim, ..arm, ye a bumper cro'wd was on hand fb'r the braves”,^“Mother O* .-Mine” and “On rrnilk dance and the merry time that foL the rbad- to Mandalay”/were m'uWtakin lowed. The event/was under tne.aus- < U.'JL S. No. 14,( Paramount) Those marked- *. had perfect in Spelling for the. month./fer; IV—Bobbie Macintosh 89%. Jr. IVr-Jim Hamilton 71/' Rhea Miller 54. ..;; /'../ / Sr./IIT—Stuart Jamieson 71; Jean -Rayngrd'.bdJ- r Have you renewed ydur Sentinel? V ■ X. 4 T443I/ Eastern Steel Products PRESTON ONT, facwih aiwai monacal bToronto INDIG^STIO quickly relieved ___ _ jfo.uareisick and miserable'-when youhave Indigestion. Gas, Heartburn, Pains after - Eating, Bloating and Belching. Save your- i ■> ' self, many days of sufferink by getting“T w "KIRK'S'STOMAfcKArtr^iMred y-yotr-wilT ~ . .‘‘never be. without;Once you try it. Economi-- relief in even most stubborn cases of sour, acid stomach. At drug stored. Get a bottle of KIRK’S STOMALKA, at McKIM’S DRUG STORE KINLOSS COUNCIL MINUTES ‘ • i Klnloss Ubuhcil., met' on ..February/ "117*4*935" as -per-adjWfmnenL - members present. ’ • . ' ' The minutes of the last , meeting were read; and approved. ' •A r-efuhd of. 'S2..00 e^clj' on dog tax for 1934 was allowed to «Reter Carter, Melvin Irwip- and Johnston Conn. “ -x .-Th^e.-Road-//Supt. yWas1 ’^giveh- The* nrivilege of attending the Good-Roads Convention a,t Toronto von February 4^th-^nd^l5t-hjr-M!93&^-^-^~ ;The Reeve paid over to the treas- Jr, Ili—Eileen Henderson* 76. - ' II—'Buddy Hamilton ‘84. I^-Donald Hamilton 78; , ‘Sidney. Crump* 70. , ./ .' 4*r.—Gertrude Raynafd ,V. G. No. on roll 10. Average; 9. / 'l . •;/.’■ A. L. MacDonald. / CULROSS CORNERS ' __,.................... Mrs. W:m. Alton, of Toronto spent Jthej^eek. end.jwith ME.f^^MKS4rEred.^rer„4he .sum. .of eigh.U^n>llars«4^..0Q^ Thompson. ’ ‘Messrs. Frank and Ed. Green spent one evening last week at Geo. Bell’s.. Mr., and Mrs. Harold Thompson spent .Stfhday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson. Mr. arid Mrs. Leroy Elliott spent "Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Earle -Hodgins. • . ;■ ■ ’ Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bell of^Tees- waiter spent/1 Wednesday with Mr.> and Mrs1. Hannah.' • . r- Mr.’ Hugh Ro^’ and Belle visited Mrs. °Jno. Ross Saturday afternoon. Mr. Harry Pannell is feeling much better and is up and around again; JOINT U. F. d CLUB NOTES finder Jbe auspices' of the U. F, O. Joint Club of Lucknow, mu$ic lovers, were given a rare treat, by The Royal Nite~jQwls • Orohesira • p^Af ildmay- on- Friday evening , last. An 'hair’s musi - cal program was .jpteserfted which. was of a decidedly high order and dielighted the audience. Each of the, artists were deserving .of special applause-in th'eir individual renderings, Tha orchestra was com - posed of Mia’s Sauer of ‘Mildmay, .Who is manager and pi'dnist,. Miss -Bradley of Harriston, an accomplished violin­ ist; Mr. Frank Ir^n and Mr. Jack Irwin of Walkerton, coronet players and baritone singer^,- „ahd"the player.- Tf“tEe”traps,who'se‘‘'name y,e have', not| “* - arm, ye a bumper cro'wd was ph hand f^r the braves”,^’Mothef- 0* ,-Mine” and “On -^Jl rhari.'fys 1W o <a I a tr’* ( WCrt mUVh’. .........____ enjoyed-. A/terWards.'they furnj-shed'oudiWr’^ fee nices of the Lucknow Joint U.. F. O. music Zfor the dan^rs who filled the!aucMtor’s’ f«> Club. . / '....'..................... < hall to catpa’city. , "• ____ .; , ' . i, y.__■ ■ ___;_____'»■ ____________________ , received from James. Jrwin and John McKay on, the Hamilt&n-KCmptoh Agreement Drain. . ,' i .-./ The Board, agreed to.c<^-operate in. the warble fly Campaign and ar­ rangements made to canvass the township regarding number of eattle. 'to/1/e~Treaf^~Meetih’gs..to“-be“'hehT, at 'Kinloss, tH°lyr00(h Lucknow and WhitechUrch,1 at each of which Mr. .G. R. Paterson will speak. The auditors pre’sented their report of the receipts and expenditures/ for. the year 1934. T^e report, .was accep­ ted and the auditors were' thanked for. their; diligence and an • order given for their pay. '-r-* ' a Orders were issued in . payment/of all brils and accounts . ..parsed " at this’ meeting/' • . ' ’ Council adjourned to meet again op ‘ Monday, the 18th day or March, •ah the usual time and’ place. ’.' Cheques''issued:, CampBelF Gra^ntZ ’egal fees .$4'00; MunjeipaJ World,- stf'pplies MUlvin" Irwin,’ refund dog tax $2.00; Jofehfeton Conh, refund dog tax $2.00; Peter Carter, refund dog tax, $2.’00; J. R. Lane, reg. 24 B.—17D-./ 1.934 7$il.“00; H. J3. ■Elliott, supplies, $1.l0< W'.W, HM1, relief .supplies $8.14; D. J. McCha/les reMe/ supplies • fWemberL $30.29;! D. j, MoCharl-es, , relief ^January.) $309; £ert . McEGah, ' lief • Supplies ..$5,00; M.Rosg', Jr., I V . / A A • , ' •I.../ . ' , h ;' r. / Two great values in Metal Roofing. Ex­ clusive patented features guarantee , weather-tightness and easy applica­ tion. For new roofs orre-Todfing. Send ridgo ard rafter lengths for dfree:!■' fiiiiate.dWe • use- dard’’fof great- J est durability. CHURCH NOTES --TtJ The Guild, opened Monday evening*-- by singing Psalm 19.' life"'Scripture*-T- lessori was read by Grace McPherson, after ‘ which the Lord’s prayer was. repeated in unison. Hymn 644 was sung. Mrs. Bill Reed gave a reading The musical ’part of; the progrtfni consisted/of a duet by ^Tihifred . J^hhstoh - and - Mr. •;Ph“ilijr"Sr^rt7* trombone solo by Mr/. Melvin Orr and a dubt, by Mrs/’ McQuillin and Mrs7 Philip Stewart. The topic was taken by Mrs. tjavid Thompson. Hymn 419 was sung and Mr. MacDonald closed the ‘meeting with prayerz " 0 . United Church Y., P. S. Following th,e bpe'ning exercises at Monday night’s Young People’s meet/ " ‘ng,'the-^Scripture7 reading was taken '7 Miss Elva Johnston; ’and Migs Xerry j?!d' ,m prayer/ Ted Buswelly favored - with a. piano - solo. Miss \ • -vm/psTs of a chfjptdr. fromr^Wjis'- ' ■ion.' /tody book /‘Tanos' and ^Trails' M.thc North land.’’.Mary Fish Or gave .a reading ' followed by the closing <■‘xercis.es.* j Next Monday’s meeting which is j'op.ep Io the- public and. to which, all ‘^re wMcdme, will he featured by the' ! nro^dfing of a' ferrod drama “Ho . ( . J -a-aikod fhrdugh Samaria/’ Typical supplies, j Extern costumes will add much, to zre- the drama. Ros^', Jr., ’ .... barter,, rd- , objects to., (being , line’, relief in Headed ZSte> son, c^ro • ^ild”. See how, shp gradually 'chan- m. 'Stuart, bpr l^Ahch 1st, by Malcolm, Dramatic. Society. •- ’ 1 .......■; - / -- • ■ ./■ ■ Have, .you renewed youfCANE, Clertci .....7 ?A-'^A 4. Sdptinol.? -■' /