The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-02-21, Page 7, -
Queer World
Old church pews are ‘ often
bought for public-houses. At a re
cent; auction, five old-fashioned
____-L^horseJbox’L—pew.B_? were sold w to
, licensees, as well as a number'!1 of
- plain oak benches from Sundayr
./ ■ schools^ . •
; ~ Hundreds' of geese fell, from- the
clouds at' Veszprem, Hungary, and
Were picked up by the inhabitants.
_......The birds were wild geese, and- it is
_........"thought ’. that
come exhausted while on their Way
to warmer climes. •,
Married forty years, divorced for
/ eleven years, and now a honey-
7 moon couple again. That-is the re--/
"—;7~;ehty-ithr6e, and- Mrs; Iola Sinter,-
aged sixty-eight, of St.’Louis; Mis
souri. . They h&ve six children, and
thirty-two .grandchildren.. ■
Grass was, recently found grow
ing oh the backs of Sheep, oy Mr.
E. ,C. Dickins, of Castle Hill Farm,
. Berkamstead. The cause was abnor
mal dampness of the air, which caus
ed the sheep’s coats to germinate.
The phenomenon is- rare in the
south, but . .occurs ' frequently in
Cumberland and West Scotland.
Farmer / Ben . Roberts, of Red
Water, Alberta, went .to his well to
firaw a pail of water
ed to hear orchestral mtisic coming
from the well. Since then, the farm
er has listened fo all sorts, of radio
programmes from stations far and
near.‘"Wh‘yTEe^well~picks’ up broad-
explained.' ' - . ■; ;'
(Control of Production an'd Prices by 'the ’.Marketing Hoards),
AngusFletcher writes the follow
ing in the Kew:- York Sun :•--- The
production qf agricultural commodi
ties in Great Britain are not under
State control. . In the case of milk,
hops, pigs, and potatoes the market
ing of. home pr^djacgd supplies is^
; Classified J Advertising
.Ast of wanted in-ventldns and fuir -Sfent-^free?"^®ke=;-B'ainsisy=
Company, World Patent Attorneys' 278
Bank Street, OftaWA, Canada.
F AMOUS Superior Fischel ■ 'Strain;
Closely feathered for severe -weathr-
.7....-0A Yellow skin, early / broiler: , Brown
Jfggz, Neuhausers, Challiain.'’~'OritrtUb-.
VACANT—MAI.E 1 ... /,
-| vON'T be -a job ', hunter.--'Start:, yotfir""
• bWn business on out-capital. - No■ hard ‘times;' no lay-fofih; always your.,
own boss. Hundreds, average $3,0.00 to yfiidOO annual sales year after' year.
) we supply stocks, equipment on credit.
100 I101W necessities. Selling experience
unnecessary. Wonderful opportunity to
> industry;,
1000, 4005
Winnipeg Housing
"conditions,, the Winnipeg Housing
Commission, raade a net profit, of
$11,453' in 1934,. it was shown re-
. ccntly at the annual inerting: The
.Commission urged a public policy
, of.. lOariihg'jnoii.ciy.: for ,rel)abilitation;
purposes, “-which now is being con--
-4i-d$it£iL-.b^L7Lt]jje-i c 11ous.i n g- .com -
niittee, .
Photoelectric Cells. May Male
It Available To
v >■ .
A- photoelectric cell is a device J
TfiaFcoiiv^f^^—control™ of- ‘-■marketing
into electricity.’ Let the sun paurj boards,/composed of the elected re
down on a collection; of" cells ,numej<J presentafiyes of producers, and ad-
“ous enough, and visions arise of ' ........“ '
trolley cars driven' by sunbeams, of
cities with electriF" lamps-""tfiatrT’a^
diate solar energy, of industry gear
ed to' tbe sun. , The. electrical en
gineer may not despair of ■ realizing;
such dreams. Still he. is discourag
ed. An efficiency of not more than
2 ’peif cent, in thus converting- light
about.'* .' i. ■ ’' ■
Dr. 0. L. Inman, director of the.
C. F. Kettering' Foundation for' the
Study of Chlorophyl and Photosyn
thesis in Antioch College, regards
this argument: with complacency*. After Thl^ Wlfat- .'isThe^eff iciericy'of-
the green leaf—nature’s ’miraculous
mechanism for converting the gases
of the air into wheat, apples, po
tatoes, sugar and beans? Also not
more than 1. or 2 per pent. All our
"by“ an" exquisite pfece ^of machin
ery, still largely a mystery,
which does its work, with units,
(leaves) each utilizing ' about the
.millionth part of a watL—not enough
.to drive the buzzing apparatus of a
mosquito.. ’ , j
For her own good reason Nature
.distributes, her ., photoelectric. cells;
over a vast. area. The thousands of
leaves on an oak are parts of an
astonishing .engineering design. If
you are. ever to drive the kitchen
refrigerator by sunlight, it will have ’
to/ be with the aid of hundreds of
cells spread out over a wide area.
Despite the work of Baily and
others in producing sugar from
nothing but . gas on which .’ultraviolet
rays fall, Dr., Inman holds that we
shall never be able to dispense with
nature’s vegetation. We need/food,
and / the- only -commercially feasible
/way of getting it is to let sunlight
synthesize, sugars and starches and
protiens in plants. Swift was right
-when . he -pointed- -put in. “Gulliver’s
Travels” that the green cucumber
stores light/from the sun and that
the light becoines visible by burning
the pickle. ’- He might have added
-that-if^the.cucumber had been fed. to
afirefly .-.the- .sun’s light would have
considered the cow is a fine solar
-'engine- as- it munches grass in -a mea
dow. ' ’ ■ ... ./ /
ministering Statutory schemes “■which ’
have been prepared and 'put~jnto ef-.
7the producers. Subject to .certain
pub,lie safe-guards,, these 'marketing
boardssehiL\$fi<LdQr.Ul various /ways,
exercise control over sales of these
products, by individual, producers in
the: interests of the whole body of
’ jH'OUtrcerS. • -<-• w
In the interest of market sta*
bilitjAiihe- gpvernmentr.has taken
steps to regulate iihports of certain
classes of Agricultural produce,
namely, meat, bacon, eggs, potatoes,
; t oats -.and-z^propesseA^milks.^. In^^the^
case of meat, imports from foreign
countries are regulated inr accordance
with the program agreed with the
.Dominion at Ottawa or by special
-arrangements.. In the case of bacon,
imports ‘ are L regulated bv orders
issued Under the Agricultural
Marketing'Act, 1933^ and a similar
procedure will-shortly ’ be adopted'.'as^
regards main crop potatoes, ' vvhich
are,.-at present, regufkted by vol
untary arrangement only.. Imports of
eggs, processed milks and /zpats are
/’fit-Tl-l^-reg-u-lated -by-voluntary ..agree/
ment with the principal supplying
countries.. Imports/of hops are sub-'
jected to customs duties,> but not to
quantitative regulation. < -f ' . \ - 2
■ Jin the caseof milk and fat cat-
'tle, temporary financial assistance
is also provided: by. means, qf Trea
sury; advances’ ^authorized by the
-Milk Act, 1934,. and the’Cattle In
dustry. (Emergency Provisions)’
Act, 1934, respectively.
To Include Canada '
In Air Mail Network
Denied U. S. Ducks
■ ; ■ .. Y \• ■' ’
Game Confererice Leaves
, Ati-thorities ' .
own pleasant, dignified profitable busi-
, . ness backed. by World wide
' Wflte Rawlelgh, Dept., I
Richelieu, Montreal, P.Q. |
Artists’ and .
Authors’ Service
Send a three cent stafiiped en
velope for information on'our
VICE to Artists and Authors,
listing '^rto-date infonnation
on ’ * /
Canadian and International Art
and Literary Contests
Yearly subscription, One Dollar
Sample Sheet, Ten Cents
The npmbcr of hogs, graded in
Canada . during, the first .week, of
1935 "was 40,863 an increase of' 2,-.'
443 over the corresponding week
of 1934, ; ■
Mrs. A. Cluckie of 78-
Ont,, said : “Wheri/grow-
ing into vvonianhood, I be-'
|.<?atne palp arid thin, had ’
j "riot much appetite, suf
fered from ' Headaches,
pains in my. back, and
y cramps. Mother gave me' /
Dr. Pierce’s Favorite A
Prescription. So oil my
appetite improved, I had better 1 color and
ail pain dis-appeared." .All dn>'gfefcts.
New size, tablets |5'0'cts.,’liquid $1.00.
Vanish Before Physician’s qS
- Those spots or pimplw on your face
—why let them go on.tormenting you?
Like millions of'others have done, you
can ght rid'of your skin trouble through
the work of a great physician —
Dr. D. D. Dennis. Dr. 'Dennis’ prescrip
tion-known in many countries as
D.D.D. and now manufactured by
Campana’s Italian , Balm chemists—
wilPbring you relief at once, and quick
ly restore tyour Skin to healths All
druggists sell D.D.D. Trial size. 85c.
Guaranteed, to give instant relief or
money-refunded^ 3
Takes KruscEen to Keep . ’
Rheumatism Away
Writing to telljhow she keeps her J
pctivity, this wonderful old woman
..states?—v .. 7^ ' • a •’*
?My, hands wfere , becoming . so
crippled that I had to give up piano
and'organ playing—r'and almost, en- /
lir.elyfgave up knitting,, {'have 'been,
using Kruschep Salts for nearly two
years., and am* very- pleased with the \
result. Last August 1 p:aye<l two
.'church services, on the organ, and
hope to do so again .this -Augustr My-
Tingers-r-are nearly straight,, . ana'
quite supple, and I am 7o, 1'have
-recomme-pded -Kruschen ,Salts ^dto ,7 .
many ^people.”—A. A. ,C.
The six*-mineral salts' of .Krusch'en ,
have a direct effect upon,the whole
bloodstreanb 'Neutralizing uric acid,/
which is the recognised cause of' /
rheumatism.. They also, re^rdre. the
eliminating, organs ftp , properwork-
tion, thereby checking the 'further
formation of uric acid and other
body poisons which undermine ’the
health'. ' "
As regards yy,heat, a special levy’
subsidy scheme has been jput, into
operation, .under the__. Wheat Act-
of 193.2, whereby /producers receive
a “standard price” averaging 10
shillings-per cwt^ .so long as the
.total. home crop dpe% not exceed
2^7OOOy^OO0 owt, qr approximately
the prewar output; - The-funds re
quired- to pay to growers- the. dif
ference between the market price
’..'..The birthday anniversary of the
»an:d'm't-he’--sta-ndardr.,price_.ard JraisecL
»^>y means of a levy on' all flour
manufactured Qi’., imported^ An infi
port duty of two shillings per qr./
(480 pounds was imposed’ on~-Wheat-:
in; grain from foreign countries
under' the t)‘ftawa-_Agreem^nts . Act',
As regards sugar, financial as
sistance Jias*, bjeen ■ givem ■ to the.
-United * -Kingdom- -beet -s ugar^ indus
try sihpe 1925, by means largely of
a direct Exchequer . subsidy? The
customs duty on imported sugar
rfiasT YSV 'b^n^herease'dV'during " 'the”
peribd of assistance,. ' and imports
have not been subject to quantita
tive regulation. , The . total effective ’
rate of assistance given to the iri-
dustfy by way of subsidy and re
venue abatement - has - been - on a
declining scale and in 1933-34 was
,, substantially ■ less than < the state'
assistance provided by dther . Efi-
-ropeah countries, such as France,
Germany and Italy, to their do
mestic industries. - '' ' '
In spite, of differences in their
nature afld purpose, it is. possible
to say of '.these developments that
while they have afforded substan,-.
tial assistance to producers in the
United Kingdom during'a . period
of unprecedented . difficulty, ’ they
have not led to any undesirable .ex
pansion of home production,, sign
ificantly increased the cost of living'
or had .any serious effects on/British
international-./trade. . .
British aiy transportation experts.
J Sir Philip declared that the Gov
ernment’s. hope was that letters
po&ted? ■ ■ TjFTTdie^Unitcid'zr^iBtoni-
would pay about the present Empire
rate ,of l^d. for carriage by ..air,
this to apply to the first' half-ounce
instead of. - the first ounce. He ex
plained tfiat correspondence coyer-:
-ing^at—leasGeight sides of specially,
light paper cou ld-be’ sent-within—the-
half-ounce /limit. ■ y . ’ ‘
He made the important point that
the whole scheme, .which, would
flown annually on the/Empire Rout
es-,-depends- for,4tslrealizatioiL_up.dn..
of- all of the governments concerned.
Full success^ indeed, can >come only (
with the whole-hearted approval and
support of the. government of every
-Dominion. „
/Important .first steps have already
been" taken in** the - obtaining of“aiT- ,
...planes... Suited : f°r the accelerated
/services. ■ T-mperml- AirWa-y^FT5'^^^"'.'
. Sir Eric^Geddes in his-reoerf ’Speech
to the Company’s shareholders’, are
placing orders for four “prototype”
craft, two landplahhs and two flying
boats./ Thesp will probably be pro
duced by four different firms. They,
will be ‘thoroughly tested in service
befpre . the big production orders de
manded, by the new program . are
■ . i‘
irtafion experts.
. 7
Before You Give Your Child
an Unknown Remedy to Take
‘’The. upward movement after a
slump comes largely through new
activity' in'the^consfru^^
ding - industries.1’—Sir Arthur Saiter.
■ “Neither, national boundaries nor
.salt water change- the p'^in rules of
. arithmetic.’’—Samuel' Crowther.
ft \
Every “day. unthinkingly, mothers
take the advice of unqualified-person*
--instead of their .doctors’ — on
remedies for their children.
- If _thev knew what the scientists
know, they7 would never take, this
chance. , •
(By the British Aircraft Society.)
Sir Philip Sassoon has announced4
official plans for . .the .development of
'^Empire air communications „ which.-
mean extension and expansion on a
whj^re in the world, briefly, by 1937
the British Government propose to
entrust all first-class mail to the air-
plane. Time schedules for the journey
from London to Brisbane-^ll^br
cut to seven days; between /England
arid IndiaTo two/'days/^Englanxt~and'“
London and Cape Town/to four days,
.London and Singapore ;to four days.
Services will be much more fre
quent.. There will -be/ four or five
services weekly .in. each- direction, be-
. tween England and7 Indisb two be-
tween England “ and Australia ‘' hnd'
rErngland -and/--South .-.aAfrica,” .th^eA
•between7 England /and Sifi^apdre
and England and East Africa.
Canada/ is not mentioned in Sir
Philip’s statement, but/ plans, '"for in
clusion of that great Dominion With
in tlie imperial air network are /be
ing energetically pusned forward; I.
confidently. expect a . regular trans-
Atlaptic air route /to, be in working
Within three years.
Great Britain is .the /first country
in the world to adopt the policy of
sending; all/ jarst-clas's mails, by^air.
7he. next two yegrs will be years of
intensive ■ preparation for the new^
and augmented serviced New 4air-R
. craft—faster and larger than any
yet in— service—must be designed
4nd built. The routes must be thor
oughly equipped with lighting, radio
and weather stations- Aerodromes
njust be improved, additional emerg
ency landing grounds laid down.
The general adoption of night
flying, essential if large .passenger
carrying afrdrafit .are to - maintain .
the promised schedules, means de
pendence on ground organizations' to
an extent,, far greater than is/’ neces
sary ’with day- flying only. Along
the routes, guided by visual an/i
radio .beacons, and in Constant touch
With weather and control stations,
the future airliners will fly by night-
"as easily as bynday, their passen
gers accommodated in sleeping
berths. Such 'cbniiriupus flying will
give, accelerated communication with-
out; the need for extremely high
cruising speeds, which are still con
sidered unduly' expensive by ^ome
For Your Child /,
When it comes to the frequently-used
“milk'of-magnesia/’doctors; for over / -50-yearsT-have--said^PHILtIPS?-J-^
Milk of Magnesia —'the safe remedy /
-for_.ydiirlchxld.” :. . ■_^.7.
^Phillips' ” When You Bug, Your
child deserves it;’for your own peace
*of mind, see that you get it -L- Gen-
*uine Phillips'. Milk of Magnesia.
■ - Also in Tablet 'Form:
Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia Tab
lets are now on sale avail drugstores every where. Each, tiny tab- let istheequivalentof. a teaspoonful of Gen- uine Phillips’ Milk of''Magnesia;—
of ./UaanMa.
New York. — Voting down a, pro
posal to declare a one-year morato
rium oh duck shooting In the Uiiited
States, the 21st “ZAmeri,can Game Conference, closing/a. three-day meet
ing, passed a resolution leaving fin
al determination of the length of the
1935 season .to the United States,
Bureau of Biological Survey. /
The resolution/ offered by - Colonel
Arthur F, Foran, aptin^ chairman of
The resolutions"’" cbffinffittgefn&iWWt5'
ated a sharp clash “between Jonh
Baker, executive director of trie Na
tional Association of Audubon Socie
ties ~ proponent of a one-year ban
beginning September, 1935 ■— and op
ponents of tlie move. Finally Baker’s
proposal was put in a, vote and de
feated by an almost 2 to 1 majority.
Another resolution adopted, asked
President Roosevelt that “all .renew
able resources of the country be
placedmunder.the control of a, single,
governmental agency/’' » . . '
' .. new . chIjrm AN Y: • ,
Atdo Leopold, professor, of game
management of. the University-, of
Wisconsin, was elected, chairman of
the/ conference for 1935i36, succeed
ing Hoyes Lloyd of' Ottawa, super-
viser. of wilfi life 'protection . in Can?
ad.a., ’ ..
Closer unity between the uhited
States and Canada on .the matter of
waterfowl shooting was sought in a
I resolution passed and/ instructing the
new chairman of the conference to’
appoint a committee representative
c: i,___:
uhlfled program for /’ .
'wa.ter fow’I in; the future.,
,.*4 t .
May Be Overcortie
. If you have Catarrhal deafness or
head1 noises go to your druggist and
get 1 oz, Parmint (double strength),
and add to if % pint of hot water
and a little sugar. Take 1 table-
spoonful four times a day.__
This will often bring quick relief
from the distressing* head noises.
Clogged nostrils should open, breath-'
ing become easy and', the mucous
stop dropping into the throat It is
pldasant to take. Anyone who has
catarrhal deafness Or head nofees
should g'ive this prescription -a trial.
... .CMpj, Edward Jfamcs^.bAbyJhad
two teeth when less tlian three ’
months old. She /writes: "He has
18 how and T can truthfully say . giving him Baby*B Own Tab.
lets, while- cutting his teeth~kept
him fit and well”.. Teething is a
teatless feverish time for babies’
but the little one pan always be
soothed and the fever reduced by
giving sweet, safe Baby^e -Own . '
Tablets. Very easy to take, no
■ after effects.. Price 25c everywhere.
( Aid T^YThe Newspaper^
As a matter of fa/t, in the way of
enlightenment and public education,
the radio is ah elemental, aid to the
newspapers. In considerable meass
ure,it stimulates demand and; read-/
ing of newspapers, which will al
ways contain "the power of the print-.
e’d as against the sppken word. —St.
Catharines . Standard. ' '
‘ ‘ n£eo ME
For, Sale by Your Druggist
■ I' ;|
A ' *
T Relieves Congestion
At first sign of a cold on the chest apply a Mecca
Poultice with ,thc addition of mustard. The ?
warmth in combination with marvellous healing 7
properties of Mecca Ointment will give
relief. Full directions in each package. 38
1 • soil'd bones,
- ' .
. Vitamins A and D, abundantly found in Septus
Emulsion, bolster up tited, Winter-worn bodies,- -
restoring vitality and strength. But. Scptt’s
Emulsion gives you mbte ‘s. Emulsificatiori“the
. minute breaking vfc if the partielcs-^making ,
for/quicker assimilation, easier digestibility. Yet
none of the virtues of pure cod liver oil are-
/. lost. One of. the PLUS values you get only in
Scott’s Emulsion.
.......' I
andwviting Reveals Character I
’ This Fascinating New Chart Shows How! „
...... •______________________________*’ ' • ■.
Everyone should have a copy of-
100 illustrations
* ' ‘ By Geoffrey St.' Clair
. (well-known Graphologist)'
ft shows you how to analyse y&ur own character, and that of
your friends from handwriting . •... • It i® h°t °hly a very (
fascinating-game, but It is extremely practical.
^^p^fTr««Tbr'I2'c^lr ’ T"
THE GRAPHOCHART. Roorn 421, W Adelaide W., Toronto,O.».
new chairman of the conference p'TTTV/Vl »■» >• ' <T xsxx —. Z-. ~ XV 4-„
of the two countries to formulate a
unified program for ,the. faking of
JT . < .
>, 7
— Does Not Blister