The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-02-21, Page 4so
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of Gil well, will
birthday in New
February 22nd.
few more tests off.
' ♦ ;
The^. chief .scpujtL Lord _ Baden. Powell
celebrate his 78th
Zealand, on Friday/
,D. Aitchison; Sub—Bud Orr. .
/‘ r. •
“Rustler Rwndup11,^
rived back to tovirn.
, .'. and 7 \ ' ... ..
Single Reel in Technicolor
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help '*/';'0n
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;FmUAR.Y,.21.'1935i_i i
, / .Fg.- " . s
’ • The
Published every Thursday mornifeg
. at 'Lucknow, Ontario.4' •c*" * " « . .....■ .
Mrs. A. D. MacKenzie — propraetor
Campbell Thompson—Publisher .
TTIURSDAY, ?FEBjlUARy, 21, 1935.
ht Lyceum TheMre
Show Starts 8 P. M.
Featuring two distinct types of Fisher beauty
;, .Both powered with the sams Improved Master
Chmntolei engine . . . Setting new standards of
Nowondisplay . . . Qffers>you the traditional, popular Chevrolet
stylmg . . . Roomier Fish^ Bodies . . . New, improved Blue Flame
engine . . . 23% more horsepower • ■ • Bigger brakes > • • Lowest
operating posts of any car • s 1 An all-feature gualify car ! ..
With the new Solid Steel “Turret Top” Body by Fisher...
_____ wh¥elbafe.™-7:.zG®^t^r»win^^z^cx/feE^set
enclosed Knee-Action * . ; .Oitstandihg g$s and oil economy. - y
XTEARS of sales leadership ate back performing, most economical cars in aff
/ JL of thesd new Cbevrolets. When you Chevrolet liistory. Get Compiete infor^
to ^outstanding leadml935. Thqr , c^ced that wise to eboose a.
i are the most beautiful and luxurious cars , /
Chevrolet has ever built.. . and the best- Chevrolet for quality at low cost.
’ Au. boew;
WHEN the electric wiring
- —gets ouf-of kilter
pipe bursts
springs a leak . .*
gets balky arid refuses to
leave theygarage . * * and you
need skilled help in a hurry.
... call it by telephoned, that
• - -J
or the roof
or the car
ever-ready sentinel of safety
iri big or little emergency,
V,”’* jofO'O- . "7*he?^s\>reoUd°*2J^ you have a telephone.;
t.Gel9 rep°
You • are never stuck when
'• ' 7.1""
The next meeting, will be held
the Scout Hall, on February 22nd
7,15 p,m. '
The attendance was slightly up last
w0pk.‘' , Good work,?bo.ys. . , -
...... • • ♦'
Considerable work was gotten over
with and some of the boys got- a
«The Saturday hike proved a decid
ed success. Collecting at^fhe Scout.
Hall, nine scouts finally started out
about 10 o’clock to tramp through
.deep snow to a neighboring biash
about a mile ®past of town.
' Arriving at a suitable resting place,
about 10.45, st “pleasant hour wa:s
spent in trying to make a fire.” Af
ter using about a box of matches
and with the aid of a lighter^ a
small fire was finally lit and a rather
tearful time, ensued, while, a variety
of bacon, eggs and vbeef was cooked
and consumed, during' a very smoky
lunch hour. 7. \ L
Lunch overwith, ‘ wfiat could be
better than a ;regl. “snow hunk” fight
to make room; for supper,.1- so so.on a
lively snbw tussle was in ordgr.
Full, of smoke and snow, the home
ward hike. commenced and it (was
nine, boys, weary and wet, who' ar
Literary Notice
Th® Literary Society plans to' hold
the third literary . meeting in ..the
Town Hall on Friday^ February. 5.2.mL .
at 3.30 o’clock; They , are securing an1,
outside speaker'' for the afternoon. !
There wilt also be musical numbers
by. .the CJle.e Club. Everybody wel-
/omie‘ Admissiofi 15 c. /; . t ■
An executive meeting was held last
Tuesday, February 12th; They decided
to have their literary meeting on
Friday, "February 22pd: and, also to
secure an’ (butside speaker. A repre
sentative from the school hockey club
was present to' ask for money on
.which to run .the club. The executive
decided that if the boys roupded up
12 more boy members for the Glee
Club (the boys are essential in all
Things) ’ th?y r’wo'uTd"gladly* "grant
them $15.00. . ' •
The boys ‘have now secured 13 new
members for the Glee Clulr and are
now Walting patiently for the chance
to spend that hard earned money.* -■ •’ , ■ • ■
Miss Yourex'stated that thousands,
of tons/of sugar are wasted annually
in teacups. If.'this disastrous news
reaches -Europe it will cause a great
stir in Glasgow. t <
Mother: I think the neighbor-next
door doesn’t like Douglas... playing'the'
Father: Why dear?
Mother: Re gave Douglas a knife
arid^tolfi -him—to see; what- was-on the
inside of the drum.
Mr. Calvert says/<we can learn a
great many things from-animals. <
; Yes, even th’e porcupine .can give
us a few pointers.
Thursday, Fr?<V y, Saturday
Fe bi nary. 21-2 i 3 /
These are’two clubs which on Sat
urday last played the. first game ;of
a series of six. The “Flying Heemen” =
were managed by Jack Cook and the
A. O.C- Wonders by Willard Thomp/
-son__.It_.was-^an—exciting jgame and .
very clean with only one penalty,
giveri to Ernest, button for tripping.
Donald Johnston scored 3, Jack Cook
2, and Ernest Button and Dojiald Mc
Kenzie, one each for the Heeman ;
with Reid. M$Kim, Lloyd Wylds-,
Douglas Aitchison and Ross Patter-
son getting one apiece for the Won
SHeeman — Goal—Ross "McDonald;
-Defense—D. McKenzie, R. Garniss;
Wing—D. Finlayson, J. Cook; Centre
—D. Johnston. Sub—rAllan Treleaven.
A. O. C.—Goal—Kline Lee; De-
fense^E’ ButtdfL&- W?.ng
—ifc.- Wylds, R~ McKim; (%htre—
Ti ' A • t-C3v»Yv_*D»/I fl ■»»••• ,
Referee—W; Thompson.
./”. —_—:—
■ Kincardine defeated the Ripley'
Redinen by a score of 9 Jto' 1 on,.
Thursday night to win this W.O.H.A.
group and the right to meet Brussels,
-in the first round of the ■ playoffs.'
-Luckno.w^was,.£ch.eduled to play r’the-
rfinal group-game the following; night
in Kincardine, but. the result ' would
"have . no bearing on the- -standing.
TmcknowT nbt^iMiiffg to^efauiV'hte
game was willing Jto- play it .off, but
Kincardine, claimed they could not
advised the secretary of .the .league
that Lucknow could not play the
game this tveek, but that' the Sepoys
were willing to concede Kincardine
the group honors, provided the local
club • was hot/considered’ in" default,
as the Sepoys had .been willing arid
4bady-to .'' scheduled..
2ZZC0-—? - ' ■*
,.. r , ■=—= . ■■
;• '.LANdsipi^v
Mr. James Richardson is spending
this week at his. home having finished-,
some of the work he and Mr. James
Mclnnes were doing.'
Mr. Tom Cooke and Walter - James
are cutting wood for Mr. Ken. Pat-
terson of W.hitechurch '’this week,' \
Mr. and Mrs. JVesley Tiffin spent
Saturday evening with Mr. arid Mrs. .
Robert Stuart/- *
Misses Gladys, "Velma - and Elmer
Scott of Culross, spent Sunday with'
Mr. arid Mrs. R. Tiffin. ■■^7
The United Y. P. S. .'of Whitechurch
entertained- the Presbyterian Y, P.. S.
on Monday evening. The program was 7..;
put on by both and consisted of in-
-strumental numbers, Solos and read- ' -
ings. After the program, all went to
the basement -where a very enjoyable™" "1’;
ahd: friendly time Was- spgnt. in games . .
apd.-contests,s after which lunch was
served. The United y. P. S. are hav-
in,g_a' banquet; .in their Church on. •
March 1st and any6ne~"wishirig to at^
tend can purchase tickets from the
various ones selling them..
The -instructor , for the nursing
course plit on by the1 Woinen’S insti- .,
TGTte ’ctJmi's 'M^
instruction. The regular Mar_ch_meet-
ing will be held February 28th. Will ' /•
all please note the change of date.’,
Mr. Walter Scott is laid up . at
present with his foot, which has be^»
come, painful again.-We hojae for it
soon be well , again, .
Miss Freda Rintoul of Toronto
Spent the week end at her home here.
Mrs. Leonard Tonight made a busi-
rjiess. trip to Toronto last Saturday.
- Miss .Jean McCallum of Langside-
spenfe.a few days last week with her
aunt, MrS. ^Albert McQuilliri. /
lylr. Malcolm Ross, Jr., visited one
day last week with -his sisters, Miss
Addie Ross and Mrs. ’ Cecil Parsons
of Toronto. | /
We are sorry to report that Mrs
Thos. Henderson is not aS well again.
-Mr. Fried of Hamilton
Sent Monday night with Mr. and
rs. Ben Naylor. ' : . • '
' Do you want to see society as it is
today? ihen see and hear it-in “The
Red Headed Step-Child”, on Friday,
March 1st, in Lucknow, Town Hall.
Mr. Clarence Cox had a ferOak in
his chopper was off work fo/ al
most a week. ,
Messrs. Clarence Cox1 and Charles
Gillespie m$ide a businesh trip to
J -Toronto last—weekv’ - - -
;Mr;/ Duncan Kennedy had a 1000.
chickens ou£ of his first hatch.
Mr. and* Mrs. Duncan Kennedy
an<J Miss Jacqueline Larkin of Wjrig-
ham visited on Sunday with' his
parents^ Mr. and Mrs. li a vid Kennedy
■ Quite a num^er.ftOm here attended
the dance in Lucknow Friday- evening
Miss Sidney Wendoff /of Hanover
Jspent the week end with het sister,
Mrs. Carl Lott.
The Women’s institute had' a fancy
_ J[rggg^d in their nail Friday
.'evening, with & good attei^ance jpre-T
se/t. Miss/Florence Beecroft won the
pri’ze fo^ fancy dressed lady, Thos.
WilsOn for fancy dressed gent arid
Mr, Irwin .McClOriaghan won' the
lftcky. ticket ' prize
7 7
The, report of the Sun Lifez As
surance Company of Canada pub
lished in another column and the re
marks .of its president, Mr, Arthur
, B, . Wood, • at its annual meeting, are
gratifying evidence of an improve-'
ment of conditions. The report re
jects a return of confidence and a
marked trend; toward recovery in
business. Because Of the huge invest
ments of the life assurance companies
in /business enterprises covering a
wide diversification of interests, the
healthier conditions in trade indicate,
ed in.;thist report make enpouraging
reading. Increases in Sew assurances
arid in repayments of policy loans,
decreases in • policy terminations and
reduced deinhncls for new. loans—all
these demonstrate that, life - insurance,
which proved such a bulwark Of
strength during prolonged and trying
conditions,, dsT im turn, /keeping 'full
price with the forces of economic re
covery. '' . '' ' ' ' '
..JA. Striking., fact mentioned by Pres
ident Wood; in his address, is that of
the $88,000,000 which the " Sun Life
Company paid -out to policyholders
last year, 85% was in amounts of
less than $5,000 with an average of
less than $2,000. That fact vividly
indicates the invaluable place lffe
insurance1 molds as a Source of first
aid to those of modest cjr6umstances{
ft is, indeed, a rather significant ev
idence that some of the problems
with which governments today jare
' grappling, growing out of goncern
for those in humblfe I Station, ' have
vided for on a, sound Scientific basis
fey our'insurance companies. :
The general 'character qf-,the re-,
port is riot’ only Satisfactory,, to the
ridlicy-holderS of the Company but
encouraging ta the business eonnnun-
ity -at-^rge
Miss Mary Belle MacDonald spent
the week end in Detroit, ' .
Mr. R, A. Grant, Mrs. Frank Mac- ’ ‘
Lennan and Barbara are visiting with
relatives ’in Chicago. . / .
Miss Jean Grant* spent the week -
end at her home here, .
.The W. M. S. of the Presbyterian
church held its -February meeting, at
the home of - Mrs. John Cowan, on , .7
The ' Girls’ sewing j class' met last
week at the home of Miss Emily .
Brown. The next meeting will feel at
the home of Miss Betty Bissett.
The Y. P. S. of the PrWTyterian 1
church on Friday evening of last week .
proved very interesting. The program
was in. charge of the social committee
This week the musical committee
will be responsible. / z.
The ice harvest is in full swing
’here.. The ice is^Bbut“fi‘ffeen inches
thick. ■ .
The patrol men with gangs of m6n
were busy last week, with the result
that the roads are all open lot motor
traffic now. . ,,
The management of the Presby
terian church have decided that fox n /
few Sundays at least, .they .wjlLfeold-
only , one meeting and 'thajr^^
Mr. and Mrs. Mills of Clarks spent
Monday afternoon at. Mr. James
bollock’s,. . '
- -Mrs.’TTfelson Smith ,is .visiting-at
the home ofl /her daughter, Mrs.
Victor Gawley. • . .
/ Mrs. John-Emerson spent last week
with her father, Mr. Ralph Nixon of
‘Belfast^-":’ •
Poor dad has a hard time of it in
“The Red-Headed Step-Child”; being
played in the Town Hall, March 1st,
by St. 'Peter’s Dramatic Society.'
t~Mr. Cecil Hill Of Sarnia is spend
ing a few weeks at his home.
’ Miss Marville Scott left for a visit
with~friends in Toronto. ■
Mr. ..Frank Brown visjted -his, uncle
Mr., Wall "on Monday. '
-MrV J;' H. Collins arid Mrs. Walsh
were at a quilting at Mrs; Dan Mc
Donald’s 1 ast -week, ■ ■ _ ____ _
Miss Dorothyf Robertson left- on
Friday for Detroit. „ ", J . -
Miss Sadie Pollock returned to her
brother’s, having spent a few Weeks-
in Kincardine.
Mrs. Dan McDonald spent last
week visiting Huron friends.
Mrs. Donald McFarlane visited at
Mr. Tom Pollockls . recently. •
Wood cutting for next year’s sup-'
’.ply ik’ the’ order, of’the day. " o’clock iri the afterribdri.
From All Stations in.the East
GOING DAIL¥“~IVIARCH 1 to 14 inclusive
: ., Return Limit: 3O days
" I ' ......... .............-............... ...
I Where rieepin^ tar maefe It required, lh« foliowins slightly hlflUr .