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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-02-21, Page 2
1 j / -imrd—^tien^am~u-ne;xpeete(i^^ if-v .'Mt'. "Mniitaiia’a . cljonmintr shlnnn’ '.:___Z.. /&. a / I seats.. / / Name .... .Address 2. / ' 3- 6%. - WITH SAFETY 'i"-' ■; OF PBINCXPAL MerHefostheHabitof GeanTeeth ' -■ Swww y SalinSkin 7 ItoHealth Tear out this coupon and .send., for information.' ’ J ’’ f ‘ '■) *• < ‘V 17 • ^n>' ' 1 ■ ■ fc ,/ ■' , • ... .. / '.. /. ... ___ _ ‘■ 1 ' ■ ,-;f • ■ V.1 ‘‘ ‘ ' ' -J ' ‘ T •' . ...; ^7' ft ■/ - -J .1*.' 7' / ■* *• •0^ -- ------ - ------ 7.-... By FAREMAN WELLS 7 Adam *■ Meriston. u rarnter’a squ, ■ articled W a sQlkfUcwfy » bnava’ but unsuccessful attempt , to ’thwart three, thieves in a bag-tsuatehms ■ raid The bag was torn from the hands Of a girl who afterwards> explains■ to,. Atlani that It tionwlus the dav’s takings ot her . father's shop. _ * He stterhipts tv track , the thi^vea and/ •reaches■•« an old warehouse, .Adams . , enters the building while the • -ifirwi’' :, w^Aehes th^ door Suddenly he h<ty>ra -’footsteps/ ? ■? ,.■ ...,-. .-.v. / ./„...... " . The mari turns oui t° . bh Adhm.e •mployej-—Corvlile .Perkin.-, . * Adam; Ini his private hours experl- - toems^wtibPshOhtrfiaverwirelessL- Walking homeward. Adam is nearly' rundown bv a- iarfity swift car. '■ / . He calls-on"'Priscilla Norvah ... , •/• Her father recounts the history, ’of Ove- antique chairs • he possesses. • That week the influenza epidemic Pipe Smokers! fill up with. “GOLDEN VIRGINIA" and enjoy a really ; goodsmokel kLSO.MADE UP IN CIGARETTE TOBACCO STICK ALL DAYLONG — wry -----, -largest’ seller . to thp. world—-your . feeprescribes ••* ' A joy. to •II liners—plates can’t slip or elide— never causes soreness, because teeth fit as •nugly as natural- ©nee—-largest seller c_ r„r dentist knowswhy— It—small cost. 1, Take 2 Aspirin tablets, 1 Drink full glass' of water Pepeat treatment in- 2 hours. 3. If throat- is sore, crush nnd stir A Aspirin tablets in a third of ;i glass of waler ffrid gargle'. This 'eiaSCS' tfi'ersorertess-tn youjf throat almost jnsjtanttyf. i it jjj so much ((reudgjl by Mix Brewster, struck the office o< Perkin, PaiAmour and Perkin., though, niuch to , that gentleman’s surprise, Adam was not. one of > its victims. As the typuble cdincid&d withi a rush of Work,, it be- Came necessary, fpr the. survivors to / Work jilte. V’ At iive ppclock-the clerks W^re half ;an. hour off Idr /teja. but, in‘ exchange for the privilege of the two free nights a week ihe requir-. ed for iiis: technical classes, Adam worked right through the tea interval. Qne evening while he was so engag-/ ed, My." Pferkin’s door opened to. a sound , of expostulation" and? weeping. A neat shabby little woman was be- Perkin him self and 'the task^eemeWlo 'h^'Caus^3 ing him considerable difficulty. ■ ” ‘Tt’s. no pse; my / good- woman, no use whatever.. You must , make .;'/, clear to your precious husband that /unless/ he does -exactly What, he is told - I^shall- wasll^my■ hands of^HSr-Zcaser altogether." Then instead 6f an easy stretch of perhaps twelve months, he’ll probably go, down for* three years.”'"- ■ '/.' .... /. The woman wailed afresh, “i would not mind so much If he was really guilty this time," she blubbered. “But rhets~beeh:~fu:h®ifig--:s%Wght-xyou-. -know' he has, Mr. Perkin, and . he ought to get off this time.’’" \ ? ; .' • ’ > “Now- that’s enough. ' I’ve told him what he has to say, and he’s got to say it,, and if you like to take your / case elsewhere, you’ve only to say, so.” ; ./• .-~y. ..... - “But Hagar’s so sure,” she persis ted desperatelyj “that Tf you’ll only get.the Barrister to ask him../’’ .... J’Mefistbh. /WoW * Mrs; ; Hagar out, jfleUSg*”: Mr. Perkin cut/.in/and/closed" the wood with ffle slam of finality. /■ The woman stdod noisily weeping in the oute.r office as Adam approach ed her., “Come along, Mrs. Hagar,” tie said as kindly as he could. “It / doesn’t do any good to go against the advice of your legal adviser, you know.’!: - “But he’s so set on just that one question; sir," she. whimpered.- "! -seen ...him only yes- terday and^he"/W/dir"ffi^pY‘o/miKfe~ IJd- get it asked for him. Seems to me as he ought to know whtit. it is’d do him a bit of good with the jury.” ; Adam endeavored to assure* her/ that Mr. Perkin knew best/ 'an’d -lay- ing a hand on her greenish,, black sreevehegant’o?steorhertoxvards~the- Perkin’s advice in these matters, you know. Look, at the number of people he has got .off,” he cajoled her. The woman suddenly ceased her "-weeping-hnd looked. up~at.liim 5hre/wd^ ly from her redifirnmeSF/eyeC.Her face had gone cunning.. .“But sup- -pose -Mr. Perkin-^don’t want. to .get. -h im~offtW sU,ime/?X..&hexWhisnered. “Nonsense. If .1 /were, you I'd/ go straight home and I’d- have a cup of tea when I got there.- get your husband off Mr, Perkin is ^hafman. You .ought, to feel certain abdut’/that^”* - • . .. /' ' She reached out a- shiny, red hated ahd grasped -his sleeve. " ‘Ere, step/ outside? with me a moment," stie said. “You're a kind-spoken gentleman and I'd. like a word, with you." THE MYSTERY OF MR. MONTADA Merely to humor her Adam stepped into the corridor anil .pulled the dopr to behind* tiim-.-1 “NoW’-* kwey/’’'- she>- If anyone ean Ebttow Simple Directions Here ' Quick Retief When.yoti have a cold, remember the simple treatment pictured here / . , prescribed-by doctors as inc quick, safe way. . -. . \ Results ^re amaztng./Achc-and dis- -- 1 ircss go immediately. Because of Aspirin's quick-disintegrating prop erty, Aspirin “takes hold”—- almost instantly. Your cold is relieved “quick as you caught it!” All you do is lake Aspirin and drink” plenty" of waler. Do this every 2 to 4 hours the first day—less often afterward ... if throat is„sbre,.the Aspirin gargle will ease it in as little as 2 miffutes, / ... Ask your doctor about this. And be sure you get ASPIRIN wbet) you buy. It is made in^Canada and alt druggists haye it. I^ook for the name Bayer in the form of a cross ort every 74 s/ur/n tablet. Aspirin is the trade mark of the Bayer Company. Limited. I ’•* DOES. NO f HARM w .’r vhiiV’rti'h’ray Couldn’t you? manage to get tyne otxithw notes through to ’ -the barrister in court fop me?" “It would be as (much as my job. Atas, u’orth,. and I’m in court either.” ’‘Isn’t' it worth rlskliig. abit to save a bloke what’s hud years: on yeats bi clink and beeii going, straight now for atwelve-month? If be g0es down tills time it’fV be the end of him, and ; just as we was getting a nice - little ’I ’onie along" of- ’fur Tanning" straight,’’ - .. * ■ “For your own sa^e, I wouldn’t do anything that was «again§t Mr, Per kin’s advice.’ What is ft be wants to he asked ahyliow ?” Curiosity was .mastering Adam’s not over spontahe- otfs sense t of loyalty to bls employ er.. , ... . ’ "What Hagar 'says’ they did Ought to ask him is when did he last see ■Mr.: Montada’,’.’’.‘ .• ' ; _ /' ’ r She paused cunningly and watchddr for the effect of this- extraordinary Question on Adana’a face. /, v ‘‘He~says if they’ll only ask him that it will all come out'and the judge will see it’s a franie-up. Now. couldn’t you just get a "little note about that .through -tojthe^foarxister? If/iU dgn^L do no good it’ll make Hagar’MmiW 'easier.’’ '■■■■•. ,, .’ . ' , • ' ~y In spite" df the perplexity- in ifis mind, Adam bethought him to ask why the man could not mention Mr. Montada himself. ./ . ' nuch as my jpl not likely to be She had her answer ready for thatr “You ought to know,, sir, as/ a poor bloke like Hagar can’t say what he likes in the dock/ ThOy.shut you up c,ru61 if you says a word outside the book, them judges and barristers. What’s more, Hagar. ain’t, what you’d call a clever bloke with his tongue, like^you' legal "gentlemen- talks .str-easyr What he feels is that if he was given a start it’d all come/“ out natural - like and they couldn't stop p'* kim same j/s they would if he, was to try to bring it out himself. There., you see how it is. :Do poor, old Hagar a .bit of good-,A- w.oti’t • you? Promise me.” •" ; ' : - j ; He refused to promise and at last / /gat.;vidT~Qf- hOr, still pleading and be- ••^i-nnih^tie^MtoPe^Jigabl^Sjev^ni^ less he,was far neaxei.tcrmakibf her the promise she had desired than his manner had indicated. He /seemed to smell roguery of some0 complicated. sort,;-and -if any: action of this could- upset roguery he doubted if his Offi cial loyalties ought to be .allowed to stand, in the way. However, he re- being asked - fleeted that leading barristers are not easily got at by junior clerks *out of -Solicitor’s, offices,, and in any case it i waaZextremelv unlikely ' tliat anyone from, the office wculd accompany Mr. Perkin to the Agsiztis. ' It was a slight chance^,that.influ encedhim ultimately, -merely a .chauffeur when leaving the office -late~-one--" e-v-ening^?shortly„aftexw.&lds,_ ity. Mr. Moqtada's ^gleaming saloon was standing zing and Mr. ■was leaning Interested to. tyas a to have aim he at ’t-he-4<Arb that even- Montada’s chauffeur over the open bonnet. / See if the near front ■ axie-/cap ha377been. 'renewed; ’/ Adtym moved to .pass. as. near as -possible ■to the part on which the. man’s -atr. ten lion was engaged.""- / / ‘ '-^/ ' As’he sauntered "pastfTfie- betiding' chauffeur straightened as sharply as he- could, not entirely straight, fbr that was impossible. He hunchback. He . seemed . been rendered Suspicious,,__________ sihot a glance of sharp enquiry at the hatiess stratyger. There was a perplexed frown on his fate .in the light' of the. , street lamps, and .therti was an equally perplexed one on: Adam’s, face as he moved away. The man at once turned/and bent mut-: tering over the engine 'once nlop'e. Anrt>..A(laJn^waMffid^orr tailing; iiimself that he , had seen that very persdn ^crouched at the /corner* of- Grail St.’ ron a certain miserably wet night only a week or two before. ' (To be Continued.) 7 “I doubt it‘in our lifetime wb shall be able to appreciate the tre- >n py evolution -Ramsay ’MacDon- . ■' . / ■ mendous revolution Vy that is passing."--!___Ml aid/ . ■ - * v - - ■■■ '' - “Nothing is more tljriiiing than activity. Nothing is^more fatiguing than, passivity/"—Emil Ludwig. •Winter—and doughn.uta/Yoiinger members of the family as well as Dad and Mother . respond instantly to those delicious palate provokers. / And when tile doughnuts are made with PURI’pr FLOUR—crisp and lull flavored —- there’s a delicious, .distinctive 7' futility that.ixiakes them greater favorites thhn ever before. That is one outstanding fact in PURITY FLOUR, whether it 'i^, used in cakes, pastries, bread, rolls or biscuits: „ Always the i^u&tily is the same, high, appetite appealing kind. PUR1TY FLOUR ii>“protected. Only the finest of Western’Canada” hard spring wheat — personally selected by our representatives-“is used in its mill trig. That-s why /it is possible to state that trial Will convince/you t|iat PURITY FLOUR is - best for all your baking. BROWN LABEL - 33c % lb ORANGE PEKOE - 4Oc >4 lb. / •/ ■ '.. . / T~ ? \ English Villagers/ Run .. Owh Movie Theater Denhiolme, Eng.—Finding it/ too expensive to visit the movies ‘at /nearest towns, a number of the vil lagers here . have ifistatted "their" own ‘cinema and'work it themselves. In this way. films are shown once nightly on ' three ' nigtits a week; when prices range from 3d; to 9d. On tw° days in the week old-age, pen- sioners are admitted freef/....m/7__77 Elected 7annually, a cSmffiTtt^erris- responsible for the working. of the coinema, which is almost entirely .Staffed by voluntary helpers. The -.posters-announcing—-the films are painted by . school-master, /■ and. -voluntary ..attendants^ lpmc. .after the Two Laughs / • ■ WELCOME ~ .Answers- .. - ' /Collector-—“Shall . I call row?” ' • . Young /Lawyer—“Twic^,. Xonibr- __ _ jf con-. - venient. .J...have an idea that' folks think you are a ^lient.” . 7-'..-//.-? J-.——/ - ■ „ , LEFT AT THE POST” Associated Magazine. / , Two colored boys were having yan argument about ghosts./ One i»f them claimed-/to/Lave seen a ghost as. he passed the cemetery the tii^ht : before. /. ■■ ' 1 “What was- dishere when you las’ seen the doubtful .one,: Jes failin’-, behin’-, mistah; failin' Are You Sluggish ? "fo Throw Off Energy-Stealing Impurities, enjoy a glass or two each week of Energizing, Effervescent " In TINS—15c and 60c ' EXTRA LARGE BOTTLE, 7Jc Al in 1 now toak a Mend ?:toe' every/ purse AO leaders in Meir class c r DayGjrJ Some Will R^yolut^onize ’T7—Mathematical World- ■ z—_ "Z. • ■ ■’/■■■ speaking of figures, ^co-eds show much better" results than male stu dents, if, you’ll take the/ word of Professor Albert Dow of the Boston University College of Business Ad ministration. - - -■-.■/ ------ : ■Professor Dow said that after 20 vears?experience--hefound.women , far : outranked the men^nF“achiev^ inent .along the lines or algebra, lo garithms and calculus. -. The Einsteins' of tomorrow, he a=^m^7_arie=T;hti^giYls7^".“They—have^ty flair for figures, somehow, and some Zday^arkirl^nojr a mah^-will- revofu-- nipnize Dentifrice Lotion Cream fw idkSldB hamper trial Monu fties Mt OALICAMMPtlTWai CRACKED SKIN RED KNUCKLES f SPLIT CUTICLE PREVENT chapped ROUGH HANDS —applv' HINDS Night and Morning U3»kHINDS Honey &/ttmond CREAM TRADE MARK MtGfttTCRCO IH CANADA :s-A PURliy COOK BOOK Illustrated . are 1 Doughnuts, recipe number 59 iM the -new Purity Cook-Book. Contain/ ibg- 743 tested' recipes, with nntnerous household Jilhta• ah4 .special menus, this new Cook Books, gating $10,000 and two years ot research to prepare; is invaluable in the kitchen; Easy to keep clean and lying flftt at the page at which it iA Opened, this great - -MSh*:n.h.t‘lp is now sent to you. postpaid fnr 50 cents./WfliF^tor^uFSopy^ p/pt 629/W estern Canada Flour/MillsCo/, LiWiitydt lbfonto: Winnipeg dr Calgary: 'TV' “Simple. passive resistance priests and believers is enough to render" th er "attack 6f th. e "-State, in ef fective.”—Benito Mussolini,■■ . >■ , FIVE OUTSTANDING . REASONS WHY INVESTORS CHOSE C.D.L. ;6% INVEST- .ment^^__L../;.._.^j./ 1. .. An/attractive ..return, /of.;_____ pew, annum.____ ____Safety T"// • TK^'Cbmpaify’s’ assets consist of cash and guaranteed contracts only.• Immediate Interest. At 6% from date of Investment. 7 • , A.-.-Na;Trouble or Expense. • : . ’in cashing,/Dividend “cheques./ Payable without, e/xchahge, .• 5.- ■ Amounts, nf $10i).hnd Upwarils/ __^Accepted. Partial Payment; ~ ^Inves^^t^fi^^-S^er^— _^montlT'ahd up. . / . ■ Contract Discounts Limited Commercial Bankers 45 RICHMOND ST. WEST. TORONTO, ONTARIO ------------------ Wanted for Toronto Investment House .Owing to., re-organtza'tlon, wc no.w have a-n opening-'for men, with good. - local .connedions in -towns;and. vil lages A real opportunity to be- f come associated witty a sound ’flu-41 anctyl organization. ' Write Mr. G. D. ■ Stumpf, hootij Sio Corncourse Bldg