The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-17, Page 6r t VW**” WjW ’ gg‘^ T, ' Miss. Belie Stinson of Ripley .tyjt- assisting "Tin//nursing Mrs. Shier: HOLYROOD .• . H . ‘T-. w-124. ’ ..’ . 7 .■*!!' * V’.,i‘ . 4‘J PURPLE GROVE ^VJfl..;J....W>.. ., 5>A . < ■ • ■ ‘ 1 ^^^.^IJCKNOW'.^ajXlNKfe. ,THURSDAY, sixty-second wed- Sefore/jpassing on. . to' celetyrate./fhw ||Ih PAGE IKO^ WBO8w'74 >7'7/K $■ , MoKenrie was the ailing, she kept "going about is ttye 1 1home until near the last. Just a week' ^feetyange!^£q®^the' 'Wors,e;-and -the IWg strain of ?her' illness effecting 'her' ow plie passed away-suddenly ■■ '/■'! /Peace perfect peace, in this dark .^^//tworldpbf^tyft?.-'':'■/ *’»7 ' 7 The blood of .Jesus whispers, peace 7^7/-^withiity7?-4/4L., 7.--^—' ' ;-:"7. McKenziq is: '.mourned'.by a large circleof relatives and friends. Stye was noted for her kindness of . heart and aS a devoted Church porter - in,, her younger days. MRS. JAMES HAYDEN ....... ; jt* ■ " —1 --- . ... y , . In tfie typ^et ^f the peaceful Sabbath -morningj J^nuary Gth/ there entered- Into frest ..a lifelong and much loved; si’dint tyff th^; toWshijf of Ashfieiar ttye,.. person of Elizabeth Bennett btyloved wife of Mr. James Hayden/ cdncessibn ;2, nearRort Albert. One of j^nily diMetym sons and daughters ofVttye lato John Bennett* and his wife Charlotte/Caman, the late Mrs. Hay­ deni iwasjborn seventy years ago on \fatm!/just/atyrpss the road from -T.„ home which fof forty-eight /yeafty/ since, herlmarriage to "Ianies Hayden tyad continued to be hers ■v'w/' ' 7 ' ■ / . jt- th|L^rlx^_PL9iieexe_,of |7,7V4 7 7' '' ■' \ i^d heir: • Her ■ parents .■■^/We distii^f, andlii was their privilege ir,,; sixty-second wed- ig anniversary before nassing on. “t». Hayden’s death in the first break Harry Bennett tyll of Chicago,; John Bennett, who owns the fiomestead qf - tyis parents typty lives on the farm ad- joining7ij;;t/idrs. ^Thomas Dougtyerty tyffifl. William Crawford (Charlotte): j:.. /Pentlanci; of'7Pdrt:/Huroh... In addition r \l;ojher sorrowing fiusband/ three sorts 1 . mourn /the loss,/of a loving mother-^ fe^7^^^an^tyi^otyiet7=Btoni^ ——Alhfield^anty^ercy/tyfrA^ ” 7rpke about a year ago. in tfie /family of, children, who all ^rew-tQ-|tye-mety and <$QmeiL‘ Sijryiv- ihg/tyBithers“tynd7sistej-s "areT’Messrs;’ HarryBennel his partyp|s typty tyves joining/ij; Mrs. /Th / (Catherine), Mrs1.Robiria ■" Campbell, ■ tylrs. William Crawford (Charlotte); all of ^ort Albert' and Mrs. Edna Pentland, of Port Huron. In addition // ?tojher sorrowing tyusband/three sorts / . mourn the —- Caitoan/^at^home;^Stanleyf==c< j ^Scotia. Tty^deepaped woman had been .7-»' g \. ----------Wp".’"'--' "‘V" - Former.Znn Resident Succumbs Attack Wojfd was Received here pty SatpfP djar Of ttye dteatty oL a former resident of tihtyaectjoty, Mr. John McKe^th, wtyo passed away at his home in Oak­ ville, following a heart attack, bus- tainted ir few Uayr previously. Mr? McKeith. was well and. favorably known in this locality, /having liy0: the major part pf his life pn the 12th concession, being engaged in farming here, prior to tyis remoVatytp^B:knp.w where he, for a time, conducted the "• ' dyj' 1 >■ c' ■„ ' ■ j g.' . 1 .t.' r ' -V ■ • "dray business in parfrnprfityjp Xwifty Mr. John Elliott,later moving to Burlington" and locating /-’finally ' Oakville... '--.s ’ ^The^leceased' was bom in the Twp. of Zorra, Oxford County*, some 65 years ago, coming with his pa^ts, the late Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKeith and "hifif brothers,; Thomas and Leslie, to Ashfield in hiS early youth, and ^ovnng ftypjanhood- pn ^he-*farm now; owned and ; occupied by; tyis younger broWe^^z;ire®i^2lh 1B9V he mar- ried Sarah Jape;. Gardner/ who pre-, deceased him pine years ago. / He. is survived by his iflat^hter,- Mrs. Ches-; ter Hinton (Mabel)/ and his two granddaughters. * b Honorable and upright in character, quiet and unassuming in manner, he gained and Retained Lhe esteem of a large circle of frieds. / Services were conducted at his 1,atty residence and ‘ the-ygraveside- by ^his- pastor, Rev. Nickle of Knox Presby­ terian Gtyurchr -Oakville,- of.which, deceased was a consistent member, interment being made jn Greenwood cemetery. ‘ Burlington, on Monday afternoon.; Surviving are two brothers; Leslie and Thomas of Hazelmdre, Sask.. Sympathy is extehded to the: 'bereaved. * ; - ■ ;.*’<• 'I-'' Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cook visited; Auburn and Clinton friends over the. week ends / ' ■ ”. Cecity and Jim Gardner, spent Sun­ day? with;Mr. and Mrs. WiltyMoSs of Lochalsty. < --“t— ' Leatyning^of the serious illness of Mr.: Jnp, McKeith, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ritchie,’ Messrs. J. G/ Ritchie,“Leslie• McKeith and Henry Gardner motored to0akvilIeFriday^afternoon;-arriv~ ^ng-ahdjtyrtrttyn^b^ passed away. They remained for the CULROSS CORNEW . /'Mss. GM?, ..‘Sctyppiakep’-'Bpent .^typ? ^tprnoon^ with Mrs. Joe* Wall lapf:1 week.. ■■/ 7 7 | Mr. and Mrs./lno Ross visited and 'Mirs.4' Ed, James last. Sunday/ Mrs. Wity. Brewer and b9be--are: ^bout a year ago. “BE PREPARED”— ?k ■ K. y X bf • ty 1, # * ■f+^f I Dear Readers,— , 7 . The Editor pf ::;the\iSentihel has ' ’. kindly loaned us a column 'of his paper to be used. for. Scout news. : Each week I hope tc>' give the public , ' a look-in on our meetings, Yours ’truly,. ... X I Norman Taylor. . - a;';^T^OOP;ALERT!.!.; , The regular meeting,, called for / Friday, January 18th at 7.30 p.m. -The long looked for woiner roast , and Camp Sire is to be held on Jan. 18th. Every Scout must do something fo^ the^cOncert. Bring’a cup. * The Scouts will Hold a Church par- . ade to the Anglican Church on Jan. 20th. . The Spouts^ are requested _to meet at the duty house at 10.30 a.m. '' Ttye Tenderfoot1 tests will be ini full. -H.w^wan^on^Friday'^Januury^ - Scout is. requested to ...attend. x ’ Feeb will be / collected and atten­ dance taken next meeting. Scopts are , also requested to bring Registration ‘Fees. • y. . ‘ . In liisC radio address, which was listened tp /with interest on Friday evening by Boy Scout^ ^across Can- , ada, his Excellency, the Governor General, the, Earl of Bessborough said in part: “Doubtless you have heard that the Chief Scout of the World, Lord Baden-Powell, is coming to Canada next spring,' and that I have chak lenged the Scout Organisation to cel- " ebrate' what may be his last visit by . laying plans for a considerable ex­ pansion, and improvement of , the Movement. Canada. has__65,000 expel-” leflF Scduts, but I know that is not enough. There should be at least one , . hundred thtyus'ahd~'ih“'this; country, and Scouting should bex mdde avail­ able to’tfie/hundreds of smaller com- ;• munities which at present have' no ■ organised/activities of any kind for their boys. -f . \ / I -III- .......... Bad For Business Customer: “So you got rid of that- pretty assistant you had?” , . Druggist: “Yes; all my gentlemen customers kept sayin'g that .irvfrbm','hor was as good as a ix-j a smile tonic.’* ........................... CHWtH NOTES The annual Vestry meeting of St. Peter’s Church will be. held on Tues­ day, January 22nd, at 8 p.m. ‘ The Boy Scout Troup of Lucknow will parade tb St. Peter's Church for Divine. Service oh Sunday, ■ January- _20th, at 11 a.m. „ 7 .United; 7 .’ . The openity^TeA^ciS®?; oh- Monday nigtyt; includt^the; sipging, of hyhin 93, the repeating of ithe Lord's prtyfCJ* and the yeadityg of ttye Scripture by ■■■■, .Harold : Thompton. /AreA Smith- gavb the J cMpter/rf/ihej ; study Boek ,#ad sketches of. ‘/Our. 'Gfiurch for 1935' by Miss JKCtyry. Miss J^ty^tha McCaty lutyj.fgave. a'; rea^tytygfi'fMtysion Boat.” Tfie1 topic - was well * handled by Miss Hazel Webster, beinfe taken from the book .provided for Mission Study “Tales and Trails. of ttye Northland” The meeting closed with a hymn and: prayer. . / ....7J T--.. 'WcKNOW'SEayriN-Efa ■’Publlshii'TeverF -Thursday morning at Lncknow, ^Ontario.-, o■ •* M?a. ,A>’ U.^MdcKenHe—Proprietor / pam|»beli.: ^wp3on~P!ibii8jie)r Hanna and Bell Ross. • • ? -<7Mr^ Kenneth . Murray . 4s spending, a? dtyy? 'Vftty W. pnd Mrs*. Eerie; Hodgins. ‘ ^TMiss liaFgtyret. .Scott/is•jM^tjn^ In; Walkertop" with . her grandmottyet, Mr'S. Grant,./-, .■../■/'/7/',/ ''. Mrs. Jaa^Edgar'speht an,afternoon: With Mrs. Etytie/'Htyd^iis last ‘Week.1 ’ Miss, Ctyra ^rtil spent the week end /. Mrs./i. Stewart /Rcott, visited ty^y-; mother, Mrs. Conn One- day last week Dn Wednesday evening of last week Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. Valad celebrated their silver, wedding. We all wish Mr. and Mrs. yalad heartiest'c6ngfatuIa-; tions. . ''■/■ ■■v\ 7./:- • Mr. Harry Pinnell who/ has been : confined to -his/ bed for sometime is slowly/improving^/; 7 7.7?/.. 7X>1... . L . J Lyceum Tlieate| WINGh AM, Show Starts 8 P.M.' ( '/ Thursday, Friday» Saturday January 17»li8*ld 4 ■ Waiter ..CBfcarf. - In '^7 '"'7! .. : ■- • 7 -V7 > spending, .few-, days—with- ^Misses THURSDAY,. .JANUARY 17th, 1935. LucknowContinuation - / School Spotlight l am a part of all I have inet; .; > ;Yet .aft experience is- an arch where ttyrb ■ '• ’ 7 • '71.. psargin faie8 ,! ; Forever and forever when I inove. 5 7.7? .’’•s'-/ .. /''7: '-^Te^nyaop.1' 7;/';Ttyty; literary?^pciety is , priming an open meeting for the afternoon: of Friday , / Jan. 25th. The ., program tydftsis&r of a . debate and musical pumfiers;X . The topic and names of the. debaters will;bepublishedinthenextedition. Admission Abe. - . - .--y..., ftmjkey-^atch^-”-..; • / Goderich High School hockey team will be the opposition ftyrt our school teani/in the local rink this evening, JTtyursclay) at eight o’clock. A real game li ’Msured; A This 7 is J. ■ Martin's version of Shakesppare’s (Sonnet xxix. We/ are tyiitty 'Mi*;" Shakespeare wpuld’nt.miitd tfiiFparody if he knew ottf John. 77;-sonnet. ■/■ ■-7 .../..^ Wit& all due Apologies to Shakespeare When in disgrace in all the teachers’; 4-;v--eye8r/^...._..;. . -'/?.. . -. if^Aft^alpne tyeweep nay; outcast state, Afid / senseless cries,7/. / -Atyd^ok^upon that schpQl and purse ./'4-my^ia^e.../,/'./ •„77.7 ^j^tying me like to one more rich in 7 :■ 7>-7'-/-7/ ,7"-7:'7. '7 ‘CleverHike him, like him with brains, DeSifing this one’s notes., and that marks, '7. jF|jtty,:wtyat I most desire provided J77^|ety^7/;// ■ T^t/.in imy/mtyrkty mysett basely.^ I, J Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eadie/ Doris and Lorne spent, Saturday aty, Mr. John Peterbough’s, south line. ■ \ ; ■ , Miss Katfileeh MacKenzie of Ltyng? side spent Monday at; Mr. 'Richard /Elliott’s. :-i .... i,\r. Mrs. Miller and babe visited witty Mis- Wm. -Eadie -on- Monday afternoon , Mr. and .*Mrg. Andrew Hamilteh and* Gertrude ./spent Thursday evening it Mr. Robt/ MacDonald’s. ; ,.:7 . 7/ r Mrs. Harvey ,Ackert“and..son/Clttr- rence; of; Luqknow, -are -visiting at pre- sent- atT^fT^Eimest Aekert’s. ; -Misses-Annieand-IsabelColwell and Miss Mills spent Wednesday ev­ ening at Mr: A. Murray’s, 7.. j Mr. and^^iifrs. James Valad cele­ brated their,25th .wedding .anniversary ■on Wednesday evening of last week.' Charlie Chan’sCouraje •A ■ MyMery. Deto^W . Story '..■•lgty Two Reel Comedy-*?,; . . ? ?■ . . ; •‘AljTOBinrOGRAPHr* 5 • ... AND FOX NEWS;7 J, 7- funeral oil. Monday/ returning on Tuesday, ■ 7. ■ L_ Much sympathy is expressed for . the members- of the family of the late Mrs. Donald Blue (nee Margaret , Clarkson) -of ^Am^erley-.^m^hei’^ 4tn->? ; 4aty’/attaety of pneumonia.. . : Miss -TlOfobhy Inwin (boundary : west) is spending this week with her cousin,—Miss Kathleen^ Gardner, as hey mothtyr, *Mrs.. Clair Irwin is an ; inmate . of St./ Joseph’s Hospital, 'London, following a major Operation on Saturday. According to latest re7 nbfts; Mrs. Irwin is making favorable, nrogres's toward- recovery. 7 v. 4th CON., KINLOSS Miss Vera tohnson^oP Holyrood, visited with Mrs, Moffat last week. '* Miss Anna Graham, returned to Toronto after spending her holidays at her home. , . ' “ r. Mr. Russell McDougall is Spending a few days in Toronto and Osliaiwa. . The' program cpm.of the Kairshea Club met on Friday at the home of Mrs. A. Ackert, to arrange the year’s program. /■;. 7 . \ •; - ': ; . Mrs. Cecil Robb spent the weetyr- and iix.,Toronto. ‘ • f '■’■ Miss Ethel Buckton is spending a few days’at the home of her sister Mrs. G. ..Hamilton. Mrs. DjfcCall tyf Brussels returned home sifter spending a week: with her iister, Mrs. R. Moffat. . _ z'■ Mrs. R. Martin attended the Club meeting on Tuesday at the home pf Mrs. Styiref Bowers. Mrs. James Little, a resident ,of Kinloss, passed1 way' aF.7fiethome 7arly Wednesday morning, at the ad­ vanced age, with the exception of <ohe week of being ninety-four' years old. The funeral was held On Friday to Greenhill cpifietery. The pallbearers were four of her grandsons, Frank, Alymeir hnd Russel • Johnson and Jim Little, having come , from Toronto to be present, and two nephews, Mr. T.. Rathfwell and Mr. B. Rath well. Her aged brother from Clinton also atten­ ded the funeral. The family have the sympathy of the community-in? thein bereavement.^ , , ’ . . ’ Mr. Jafnes Thompson of the fourth corn Of Huron- died Saturday evening at his tyome, after a brief illness.. The funeral was ‘held on Tuesday to Ripley cemetery. The ’sympathy of the neighborhood is extended tp the bereaved’ ones... 7. . ,77'7. t “ Congratulations torMf47r. H; Cc>i- 'Sidl tins as one of ttye new councillOrsTor the coming year.. ",;; -7. " 7^7^ Miss Myrtle Smith and Miss Atyty?. line McCreight of Ethel were recent visitors at the/tyomty Of their frieihidj Mrs. Victor Rawley,. , . • \: Mrs. Jarnos /Bollock who has been house Jtyjf^ty/tyast'.two - months has rallied sufficiently a'sJfeL.assist in the St.’/Peter’s Women’s Guild | The regular meeting of the Wo­ men’s guild met at the -homes "of Mrs. S. Whaley on'Tuesday evening. 0tty a large turnout of members and Mrs. Geoghegan in the, ctyair. The devotions were conducted by Rev. Geoghegan after- which the minutes were, read by the Secretary, Mjss McCluskey and adopted. Following/this a" period/ of business ensued with many plans being formulated for the future. Filial arrangements for the sending of ttye bale to the Indian Residential Scfioql were made. At the conclusion of the meeting a dainty luncheon was served by tfie hostess,/Mrs. Whaley. ''^•"■PeterX^n.^ -.i ■ i? 7J ■ Ttye^regular meeting of the A. Y. PJ A. was held, at the home of Mr.- and Mrs. Herb McQuillin on Monday^ evening With Melvin Johnston, vice- president in the chair. After the, opening devotions by Rev. J. H. Geo- ghegtyn a!= shfirt business session was held, followed ’ by\ an excellent pro- ^xam7B-eyfoEd-0-strander andR.onalda ■ ' '"T ; —NEXT WEEK— "Flyins Down To Rio" Lucknow Drops OpcnflAt To Riptyy Redmon McLay’e Goal In Last Minute Of Play Gives ftipley 4 To 3 Verdict— —Local “Kid” Line Plays Welt Senior hockey got underway here on/ Fityjay night when Luckhow Ripley opened up the season's sche­ dule in -Group 1, of the newly formed •. WesternOntarioHockeyAsBociation.- — The Ripley Redmen petted a cotyn^^^ ■ter"in"the final" momentA/^ tEe that gave them a 4 to 3 victory: oyer / the leg-weary Sepoys7/' , The locals had the better bit -tfie ’■ 7 7 play for the greater part of ttye game; especially* so in the first period, bat in , the final frame, lack of practise took its toll and the Sepoys wilted ■ bit under the strain, to have the Red- ' but with a few seconds to go, /7- / LjThe^me7.waSrn’t.numy„minuteSuoM^^^i--- when^ill Henderson scored for Luck- now. Agnew put Lucknow two up on . " a pass out from behind the net by Andy Thompson. Witty about tWb 7 minutes to go in the first period, Mo* . ■Lay’- apd /Matheson /■beat' .the'' '100!*^. ■ “'/.i defense; on^a combination play “0th: - 41-- <.. the Tatter getting the counter., , , / j, ' -Stewart Cameron. Charlie Jtew^ and Harold Greer,/the local’s 7“lrfd . 7 , dine” did some effective - work' sityi' rt ’ * were tireless in back-checlring. G?eer . ’ 1 picked up a loose puck in fhe second ■■/. » period to beat McTavish in the Ripley net. Pollick on an assist by McLay got the equalizer.' ' //7 . v vn-1' Ripley pressed hard in the final frame with McLean taking McLay*s' * - ’ pass tq tie the count. Matheson’s pas* . for the.Redmen... • J. Bannister and Pollock drbw7 the. 17 only penalties, handed out by referee - Wellington, McCoy, both for minor offences, but the Sepoys couldn't or** 1 7 ganize a ganging attack effectively " when Ripley, was short handed, and 7 7 as gummed up several tiiances to register/what looked like sdfre 1 -goals. / .?i; There have been worse erhibittonf of hockey dished up here hOw^tyr* and Friday night’s fixture appeared” to satisfy the fans. Lucknow’s next encounter is on Ripley ice this Friday night, with Kincardine playing in Lucknow on Monday night. Lucknow—Goal, C. Finlayson; de- .. fense, Howard Agnew, C; Thompson; / Art McCartney; centre, A. Thompson; wings, p. Clarke and Bill Henderson; . alternates, S. Cameron, H. Greer, C. Jewitt. ■/ •. . \ Ripley—Goal, Mefayisty; defense, Bowers and Martin; centre, McLsiy; ^ings, Matheson and Pollock; atttyir*-.^, 4- hates, John McLean, Bannister, Ginisr^ melt and Bill McLean. " > Referee—Wellington McCoy. O. H. A. hockey team.l6«t to Clinton on Monday night, by a score of 6 to 0, and for the second time this season 'have appealed to Ludcnovir for assistance to strengthen theirL,team, which is grouped ■ witty powerful opposing teams. Qn W?d- ’ nesday, Alf. Logkeridge was In touch ? with the publisher and waty anxious to1 secure a toward line from ' here. The line we suggested whs Bill Hen­ arson, Andy ityompson and Doug. Clarke, had ah effort is being* made y .Wingham to contact, these players *n<L ttyey 011 consider- the and delightful, instrumental duets; 4rhile—Mrsu<-P. Steward-and Mrs/TL H. McQuillin delighted the ^gather-, ing with a duet“What a Friend”, withDonaldgZ:Dpuglas_accompanying. ■Mrs^ Hassall had the.“Cufrent Events Paper”; which stye handled in a very capable well atyhumptous; manner given tyy:/Miss YOurexj B.A., who chosefor her subject “Canadian ISuthprs” and by which she showed herself ?w.ell/vtyrsed on this interest­ ing subject. As she'spoke of the poets including Carman, Lampman, Camp­ bell and DrUmniond and quoted from their poems, the hearers followed closely entranced by the vision given them of these men’s talents. In the field of dattaclian fiction, Miss Yourex made the gathering feel and realize thw impbrtancd i jiof these- men and vtytotyn^^tyich included Keith, Mc^ Clung, Montgomery, Knowles, Service ■.Cody,., de La. Roche, etc. This scarev fully chbsen and well developed sub- ,iect pould not/help J»W^spireK All those privileged^ to hdar it./A tyoirty vote of thanks was moved by. Rev. Geoghegan to al] those who contrib­ uted to the /program which, was sec­ onded by alt assembled. The meeting closed with the benediction being pronounced by the Rector. The^next. meeting will be held on Monday, Jan. 21st and will be in the form of a social.. “Jj^^TthinkXm’-ithis^ fc^J^merfiin^ i’a ■'» -/keep rising,. \ Mjr examination mbnby will vacate. ; ’Fdty'i^^-'/saff-<;ttyingty; remembered; grief brings, " That; ;fain; ^tyuUXhan^-TttyB: .. . °f The main" topic of the Evening was juties_in_the. home._„.-." ■'.; /: We are sorry to report the serious illness of JMr.7Tqm * Wall. .. Mrs. Jack Emerson spent 'last week with her father, Mr. Ralph Nixon at Belfast. < - . Miss Dorothy Robertson is spending a few days with tyer sister, Mrs. Gol- win Huston Of Pine? River. Mr. and Mrs. .Ben ’Scott and Morley visited at Mr.^Pettypiece’s at Rivers- •dale, recently.7.. / A large number werty'^present at the reception/for Mr. and.Mrs. DOp- il^MeFaf^fie on Monday night. All report .a- good tim®«. ' . Mr. and MrS. Isaac Nixon and Mr. Tohn Irvin of Belfast, visited at Mr., lack Emerson’s on Saturday.; Mr. Will Scott and^daughter Mar- nlle, visited at Whitechurch recently. ■' •’ 1 7’ ’ WHITECHURCH Miss Ida, McQuoid spent a day. last veek with Mrs. D. Paterson of Luck­ now. . / ■ • • ■ , ;' .77. Mr3. L. knight is visiting this week in London and Lobo. ’ . Mr. and Mrs. George. Ernewein who worked for ML Wm. J. Fisher thb last year, have” gone to Mr. Fokton’s iear Wingham, to work. . The- Y. P. S. of the Presbyterian rhurch was held at the manse last Thursday evening, and they decided to. hold a Literary meeting every two veeks. The first meeting will be held in the basement of , the church on Tairtuary 24tbXandz will be a Scotch ^ociaL . . . t What might have ; been a serious accident, happened Saturday evening; as Messrs. Walter/Lott and Ken/Pa t- irson were returning home from Lucknow. As Ifoey Were coming . down Mr. Sam Morrison’s” hill a bolt«came out which holds the shafts to the buggy Mr. Ken. Paterson yras thrown out on the hard’ground and ttye buggy was damaged considerably, altho no one was seriously injured. . , ’ The W. M.& meeting of.the Pres- chtirdr will- be held on Thursday at 2.30 ''/■/■ The annual meeting of the Pres­ byterian Church wilLbe field on Mon­ day; January 21st at 2 p.m. A good . ■ .attepdahcty,is.^^^ ... ■ j4> X^ere--iS-^uTcomp6s||;idhXby-~Jigan. McMillan, which has ranked among a '^*T"' • .. ■’■ ' /*•” •" . “GLORIES OF THE . DAWN AND SUNSET” ./, |t7is? both mystical and thrilling to statyd'on the . upland and watch the ■mtety morning roll aroutyd the river’s betyd,in the valley below. The .gr^n^ 'c^ays-.-. stand like ; shrouded .sentinels and usher in the dawn. Breathlessly the, cedars siip“Ayart-i atyd -tho down^in£ dibits glorious rap­ turf. breaks forth. / The grass and ce$n£i,7 r fiio longer, shrouded* but sparkling) , are ' resplendent " in the morning dew. Tfie birds flutter drows­ ily 'and then -greet the day with their 'mopt rapturous melody. But the magic moment - has . ;p$issed, the mist has cleared away and the sun smiles bn a world already bright and' rosy. . And then who does not, enjoy the rhverence of a sunset? Who does not live to catch, the crimson glory of the sunset - and hoard. it flong after the Sun has dropped beneath .the purple hills? The twilight begins to fall aPd the same river which welcomed the dawn, reluctantly gives back the borrowed' r^s,. .which glow brilliantly upon its bosom. The. poplars .stand in bold relief against ^the myriad colors Of the western sky. Tlie shadows be­ come deeper and lot the sun has "set. The spell is broken and my. reverie is’ past. A few gleams falter to kiss the world a last lingering caress and suddenly are-gone. ' The glamour of the sunset is . past; but soon the moon shall east a ho less |ovely spell and pentil the world into one lovely silhouette. And then the glorious Dawn shall come- again and the cedars/ shrouded in. mystery, shall 'once again ush^r in the morn. '- ■7 ’ . ■ "/' ■» Latin teacher: “Give nip the prin­ cipal parts of the. verb fleo.” . J, Reed: “Flees, fleece, itchi, scratchum.” ’ ■ < This poem was written last year by three students of the scnbOl. Two of the \boys are still present at bur institute, and still have that daunt- less feeling........? <..» (To all industrious students) Three boys there were in Lucknow. • school. .. s. For labour none could beat: They labored morning, noon and ‘ .night J For work to them was sweet; Their names in history shall femain, And never be forgot, ' For one was tall and one was short And thin was the whole darn- lot. There' names to you I will intrust • A secret safe to keep And you must take them at my word Tbeir traits no more to seek. k McNaltthe fiirst one called himself, Of Spartan blood was he. And Collyer was/the next one’s name The third’s you soon shall see. De tried to keep his name unknown,. It was too long..?to write, Gavis Sabirius Fabius Dawson. Now isn’t that a fright? thousand exams before^' Behind less than three* J Against such awful odds as these ; Foiftty go the dauntless three. ’>■ ,r? a <i x J 6’ «? tfX0 ■ X I J . ., x • . . . . BjnsghnbsMao^^ qainnnnMiiniiiiiMi^^