The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-17, Page 1$2 00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2.50 OTHERWISE V ‘ # v . * 8 FOR SALE—Quantity of hay. En­ quire of J.W* Joy nt, Lucknow. ; r . NOTICE , - Oiir log yard will be open on* Jan- ....uary .Slst for receiving... Signed, THE LUCKNOW TABLE CO., LTD. CAR LICENSES—Truck and Trail- er - licenses^ -Chauffuers.’ licenses, "Dnvtt’s permits.—Alfred M? Carrj ' Wingham, corner John A and Minnie ' 'Sts.; two blocks west of Dominion '? Bank... ■ /. • i .■ AUCTION SALE—Richard Twam­ ley will. hold a clearing auction sale at Dungannon this afternoon (Thurs­ day , January “ 17th) ■ of household effects, and countless articles required2 the farm. 8 months credit or a’ straight 5%^ discount. TENDERS . dg|FS for 10 or 12 cords beech ^^L.b'Ody wood 18” long, will .... . j to be delivered any time before June •»’ R. A; Grant, Sec’y. .-■■ii Te$•: /ba received to Jan. 30th, 1935. Wood let; at/». S.; No. 15, AshfieM* NOTICE FOR TENDERS ' -^--Tehders-will*We'™reWivea””by”^the undersigned for 30 cords of 18 inch body wood, Beech and Maple, or any part thereof, and for 20 cords ,of 4. foot wbod, elm,‘ not less than 4’inches m diameter or any part thereof. Also for village work, gravel screened and ^unscreened* iand crushed, grading and dragging; /Bay ?wbfic,?rnm^ team' and snow. plowing or rolling. Tenders to be received on or before January ■ 31st msL ,;/•—— " '■/? Joseph Agnew, Clerk, Lticfenpw*; NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER. OF THE ESTATE OF MARY WEBSTER, Deceased. - '■ All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Webster, late of the Tow.nship^of^West-W-awanosh?;in* . __ ___ who died on or about the ' twenty- first day of November,„A.D. ^1934, are” Hereby notified to send their ’ claims verified by statutory declara­ tion to John Robert Webster dr the undermentioned Solid tor ,T on or ■ before the 4twenty-first day of Jan- ,- vary, A.D. 1935, immediately -after; which;distribution will be /made Jiav-5 irig regard only to those elaims prq- ' JPelly • "V?— ?DATED,at—Wingham.-Ont;.this thirty-first day of December, .A.D., 1934. ' ■:■■■ / R. S,. HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario* Solicitor for the' Estate. \ ---^-7- —REV. MacDONALp/APPOINTED - SCHOOL BOARD SEC Y-TREAS. Duties ..Will..-Be;.:Performed' Withept I Remuneration Committee® Ap? . pointed.- - .- Rev. C. H. MacDonald was appoin­ ted secretary-treasurer of the LUck- now School Board at its initial meet­ ing on ^Tuesday evening. Rey. Mac­ Donald succeeds D. C. Taylor, who resigned'after holding this office for inany years. Mr. MacDonald has as­ sumed .the* office for the time being at least and takes over his hew duties without remuperation. as a -first step in an economy program, whicji 5 the ■Beard is apparently• prdmotihg this year G: H. ,>puglas. was re-appoinU ed chairman of the Board. Committees were appointed as follows! Supply, Dr. Johnston^ Hugh McIntosh; Finance, Wm. McKenzie, Robert Rae; Property, Wm. McKen­ zie, Dr, Johnston; Management, &)bt. Rae and Wm. McKenzie. Will Doug­ las was' re-appointed truant officer. . The six. members of the Trustee Board are, G. H. Douglas^. Wm. Mc- Kenzie, Rey, C. H. MacUonald, Dr. Johnston, Hugh McIntosh and Robert Rae. A ■ ■ _/ LUCKNOW BIBLE SOCIETY ELECTED OFFICERS FRIDAY Friday eyening, January 11th, at the conclusion of—the? union - prayer service held in the Presbyterian church school room, Rev. -Mr; Tucker was called to preside over the meeting for] the purpose of electing - Officers of the Lucknow branch of the society when the following were elected for the coming year : president, Mr; Robt: Rae; vice pres., Dr. G. A. Newton; sec’y.-treA®., Mr; Jas. H. Pickering. /The local society wishes to voi&e their appreciation of the long and LUCKNOW. ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1955 ——........ J ‘ LAYERCAKES JELLY ROLLS DATE- SQUARES HoVIS AND SERVICE OUR DOUGHNUTS CHELSEA RUNS PINEAPPLE BUNS . /OUR WHOLE WHEAT BREAD IS 100% WHOLE ^VfiEAT . DELICIOUS AND HEALTHFUL ’./ SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS fervice was held at danc- Don’t ' Admission- 25c and 15c Council Accepts Proposec Well SejMlemeht Plan Sinking of Second Well, Erection of Pump House AndCompIete Equip­ ment .^^sis Of Settlement Viewed EariorablyBy Council—With The v Exception ipf Councillor Bushell Who Favors “Going After” Cash Settlement, ’ ■ _ l.„ t,. The well settlement, a contentious matter, that the Village Council has for long been dealing with, has reached -a- point -when the~prdpose'd~ offe,. i? viewed as fqyorable, . to the viliag^/by AllMririiboxB^f/th'^Hpard except Councillori-Bushelty who favors “going after” the -Surety. Company} fdr/a satisfactory pash settlement^ 4 The matter first, arose when the water supply from the domestic water system- deep well, fell from a guar­ anteed flow of 145 gallons a minute Jto approximately 100 gallons a min­ ute?. The amount of the guarantee assumed by the Canadian Surety Co. was $5,400jand long drawnout riego-. tiatiorishave .‘been in progress, with proposals by the Surety Co, with a view to /rectifying the deficiency in the Vrilume of watex of which were approved of by the .local Board. At Monday night’s meeting a communication was/read, from D. H. Fleming,consultingengineer engaged liyj^e the latest proposals, a secondary well of which he believed the. Surety Co. would approve/ After discussing the proposal, Council, with Mr. Bushel casting a dissenting vote, approved of the de­ tails. of the secondary well and if satisfactory to the Surety Co., in­ structed i Mr;/ Fleming to go ahead with drawing up the agreement.. ?. . Mr.-Fleming’s letter stated that thesecondwellwouldheafockwelT Band Reviews Past Year’s Activities ‘ *•’ ’■ •' \ . . Practises, Engagements, Concerts and . Gratis Appearances, Brings' Nufiu- 7' ber To 108 During the Year With^ i; ' Average. Attendance Of 20 Out O ■ 29 Members: • ‘"4 / ** o’"* '• ; The annual meeting of the Luck­ now Citizens* Band was held in the Council Chamber/on Thursday, pre­ sided over by the .president, My. G. H. Smith, who warmly - thanked the members for- their keen interest# in the welfare of the Band as evidenced by their faithful attendance "on- all occasions. Mr. Smith-/also had a ape-21 cial note of appreciation of Band­ master Heyworth’s services recorded in the minutes.. - M. C. Qrri secretary treas. had A, comprehensive report prepared for the meeting, -Which showed that the organization commences the new year with $29.13 on hand, with engage­ ment Receipts of® about $30.00 out­ standing/?-, The report revealed a most success^ ful year and, one_ in? which the en=. thusiasm of the members» reached a high pitch. The Band was together in a body108 times or on an average of more than twice a week. /Seven appearances were paid engagements, 46 gratis engagement* or concerts with silver collection taken and the remaining 55 /times? the Band ■•rinet for'prattises;?J^e-averagerirt^n^^ : at ®the. total gatherings was 19.75, out of a total of 29 members. As well there were 19 practises held for the junior members/ Assets of the Band besides instru- ments and complete braided; tunics includes music valued at $137.50. Major expenditures during the year included? Bandmaster’s Salary $180*; expenses to Waterloo $50.47; “band: trousers $119.75 and braid and . work ofputtingit"oh^ll26.24. -'•/??■'/ Major receints incIudedr dOTiationi $24.10; town grant $172.50; band coii- certs$58.91;paidengagements,$85. The cash on hand when outstanding assets Are received will be roughly $30:00. less than a year ago,- which’ is considered by the .committee As quite favorable in view of the ‘cost ».of:-$150jU0 ;;in -completing /We; '?bAnod5 WRicS.'' , /?-.'• ' i”?-’T The 1935 ’band ’ executive consists of G. H. SmitK, pres.; L. C. Thomn=. s^vice-pres.; rM. C: 0rr, 8ec’y;-treaS/ \andi.A.irjjP^mittAei comprised of ’ Will Lockhart, Norman Wilion, . John; Heyworth,’ Art McCartney, Robert Rae and Wm. Hornell. TOOK DUTIES SERIOUSLY . Howard Agnew and Andy.Thompson Were in Ripley last week Assisting in drawing qp the Kincardine-Ripley- - Lucknow hockey schedule. The dele­ gates must hAve taken their,, duties, seriously foy. a report of the dates agreed on, which appeared in the Rinlev.. . ih/MarriedWoman NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tn the Estate of ? ALICE HAYES, DECEASED. . ALL PERSONS having ' claims against the Estate of ALICE. HAYES, late of the Township of Kinloss in’ the County of Bruce, Widow, decease ed, who;died on or about the» Eleventh day of October, 1934, are hereby not­ ified to send in tn .the undersigned ”* of February/ 1935, full particulars of their claims. ' And* further take notice that im­ mediately after said last men- tioned’lh&e. the assets of the said Estate' will be distributed amongst the,, parties entitled thereto^ having regard only to the claims of which ■the undersigned' shall then have notice to the exclusion of all other and the undersigned will not be liable ■ to, any person •• of whose claim notice has not been given for the assets so 'distributed or any j part thereof. DATED, atthe Town of Walkerton ; this Eighth day of January, 1935. Joseph Gant, Herbert Graham, Executors of -the Will of - the said ALICE HAYfiS, deceased, by their Solicitor, '""^ CHARLES M. McNAB, ” ’• . * Walkerton, Ontariri. ? HORTICULTURAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Lucknow Horticultural Society will be held in %4he' Council Chamber on Thursday, January 17th at 7.30 o’clock. All merribers are requested to note the / Change in hour and be, on hand sharp on- time as members must leave to attend another meeting. . ------— . • * -..I -A ’ The Bread of. Health ; QUALITY TheBread of Health MOTTO HOLLYMAN’S QUALITY BAKERY Phone 36 Lucknow W. O. H. A/SENIOR SERIES , January 21 KINCARDINE vs. LUCKNOW THESE TWO TEAMS PLAYED IN THE GROUP FINALS LAST YEAR, SEE THEM IN ACTION ON MONDAY SeifYfees rendered by Mr D. 4ocat^d-^~elus;e"te~the present—well ir C‘ TayIof. For forty—flve years hehas _ held office in the local branch, elected asoneof&themanagefSintheyear 1890 of the- -local Bible Depository’, then as secretary in 1897 and latterly secretary-treasurer. The opening service of the week of prayer in the United Church Wpsi District Secretary of the Uppers Can­ ada Bible Society, whose lecture waj; one of the outstanding—features of theweekofdevotion. “The meeting opened by singing hymn ■386.” ' '? • However a closer, inspection of the article reveals that it was part of a church meeting report, which had .er­ roneously been, added At the rind of the hockey schedule. ' ■ ’ 1 --it -’7 r—‘ LUCKNOW RANKS 55TH AS AN INDUSTRIAL CENTRE An industrial survey of Western Ontario, by the Western^ Ontario Chamber Of Commerce rank Lucknow in 55th place as an industrial centre. Other Bruce County and neighboring towns and villages 'rank as follows: Walkertrinr, .41; Kincardine, 42; Wing- ha m, 43; Chesley, 44; Port. Elgin, 53 Lucknow, 55; Wiarton 59; Tceswater 60; Southampton.'64;' Taxa, 72; Pais­ ley, 74/ Ripley,'"80;■ Mildmay, 85|, Hep worth, 101; Tiverton 102. and Lion’s Head 109. ■_ • SOCIAL EVENING The Lucknow Joint U.F. O. Club will hold a social evening for 1934 members arid, faihilies of anyone joining fori 1935 in the* Orange Hall, On Tuesday, January 22nd.' Sepoy Orchestra. Lunch served. Free time. BOBBY BURN’S BALL/ Keep in mind the big event of the season, Bobby , Buhris- Ball, in the Carnegiri Hall, Lucknow, Friday, January 25th, under auspices Fire Co. Music by local seven-piece Orch­ estra. Lome MacDonald wi’ the bag­ pipes. Lunch served. Couples 75c. 4 - -. ANNUAL. MEETING ' Notic^-is hereby given that the Annual meeting of the Lucknow Ag­ ricultural Society «jvill be held in the Town Hall, Lucknow,'on Satur­ day, the 19th day of January, A. D., 1035,1 fit Two o’clock p.m.5, rat Two o’clock pipes. iain.cn serveu. wupws T Joseph Agnew, Secretary. Extra Lady and Callery 50c. , Local December Relief Less Than Fifty Dollars .t. o' ■•^r***?*. , Passing Of Accounts Winds Up Busi­ ness Of 1934 (Council At Inaugural Meeting Monday Morning. ./ Reeve A. W- Hamilton' and Coun­ cillors Anderson, Ferguson, Murdie and Bushel], . Lucknow’s 1934 council, accU?° mation for 1935, metzfor trio inaug­ ural meeting on Monday morning at eleven* o’clock. - At this brief sesssion Council, wound* up the businessr of the- past yepr which consisted chiefly of the." passing pf a grist of accounts; The members took their oaths office gnd adjourned ^ntil Monday eyening. Local relief bills presented and passed at this meeting totalled $56,29, which* coveted a few relief orders of the present month. December relief costs were approximately $47.00, a* received by five households, including milk, groceries, meat, shoes, wood Arid oil. . , * . Accounts were passed, As fellows: Mrs. Milne, milk tri” January 7th, $8.25; Finlaysbn’s store," J>ee. ^7;63; * Hollyman's * Bakery, Dec. ace.* $6.17; Rathwell A Reed, Dec. aec*, $4.75; W. W. Hill, Dec. aec., $3.25; J. L. McMillan, Dec. ucc.t $4.30; D. J.. McCharief, to^Jan; 12, $6.32; R. H. Thompson, tq Jan. 12, $10.25; John Carter, wood $4.00; Rae <ft Bor- tebus, t>ec. abe? $1^7. ? ‘ Council stressed the fact that dur- ing the new .year all relief, bill A .’pre­ sented for payment must be accom­ panied by the voucher slip1 Write payment will bp ordered. Councillor Bushell was appointed by Council as special scrutinizer of all relief /bills, to check them for ariiy dlscrbpancies in price charges and for .amount Of. tblief being diSprihsbd ’to the. .Various, recipierits. '• ?t r ?._*....... as ‘ possible without , affecting it the location to ba anproved bv the coun- cil. The second well would be subject to a 22 hour, seven day test, quality of wafer ”4:0 be satisfactory^.toi the Provincial Department of Health. The pump would be a Lane deep ;Well;?turbina;ahd^WiB;..-iintfr-^ -A i^^capacjiyiot 100 Imperial- gallons a’ minute against a full tank pressure? Both pumps would be abre to oper- ato toeether or alterriatelv as ^desired yalves and meter, wduld be in present pump house, the letter went, on, which would relieve the necessity of heating both houses. The second house would thus. not need to be so * large- as the present one, but nevertheless, Mr. Fleming stated it jhould be built to match, up with the pH^ient' One,- as his accompanying blue print showed. The cost to the Surety Co. of this fully equipped secondary well, he estimated, would be between $4500. and $5500., in fulfilment Reeve Hamilton believed that the output “of the present well was very close to the danger line, and to take a cash settlement was gambling with the future water-supply. ; iCouncillor Murdje expnesse|d the second well, as a water supply insur-. ance that was costing' the village nothing* , ' ", LOCAL RANGERS BT^GE ENJOYABLE SOCIAL EVENING ■ ■ ’Y There] was a large attendance at, the euchre party and dance', staged, in the Town Hall last night by the local Ranger troop. The evening was a delightful one. spent in • euchre playing and dancing with a dainty Iunch/served. Mrs." Bowen, Ranger Captain and Mrs. McKim, District Commissioner, received the guests. Edith Smith was generalconvener In charge of arrangements, with1 Myrtle Lee, Marion Johnston and Verna Steward, conveners of the sub­ committees in charge ’of publicity, refreshments and tables respectively. . The' following prizes were donated- for the euchre winners; silk hose by Pearlman’s; cup and" saucer by F. T. Armstrong; fountain pen "by A. E. a tie by Wm. Hornell as; well as twio consolation prizes by Mrs. Horne. - A five-piece local "orchestra furn­ ished music for. the dance. * BURN'S DANCE -AT L00ALSH Burn’s Ball in Locrialsh Halty on Friday, January,. 25th. Music by Mc- ... Kenzie’s: OrchestrA,' And bag ‘pipes. . Admission—Gents -25ci gqjgiSA.!* '■ J?” ' ■ REGULAR CHANGES NECBS8ARY You have7 often read or heard 1 that corrections that , assist in reading,, etc*, should be changed,.^- ~ "every~two years or: ofteifoE.-Age-—— you sure^vou—understand—whyf ' It is because the human "eye e<MS* ^stan-tly^hahgesr**^^^ change in -the eyes demands • 1 change in, "the correcting lenses. ^Be~ re-rexamined ^ reguKurlyr ? / ARMSTRONG’S Eyesight Serrfce :'-.'SA-CRIFICE2. GLEARAN.C5B’' •, . STOVES' -AND PAINT ^jHaying—reni^-paH"ofnow?etNMn -to torne and Garfield McDoaeld. who? are going into the She* . space and have decided to SACRIFICE some of our STOVES : If you need one, now is yoar opportunity " >•' Balapee of - \ '-: SHERWIN WILLIAM £AINTS To Clear At • Pints ,42c. 1 Quarto ’Yfie ,WM. MURDIE & SON Aged Resident Of Kinloss, Passes Away ~dentOf'THe"Township,EorAImO8t 65 Year A—Was In ,Her 94th Year. Within eight days of her 94t&/ birthday, death came suddenly to Mrs.. James Little/-a“*“ beToved " ah3" esteemed resident of Kinloss Town­ ship for almost sixty-five years. ,/• /, ' ? Born /in.- Goderich,.: *Mr s?LittIe- wa«- formerly. Ann ’RatKweli, one of aj family of nine_^hHdreji„oty the?late Mr.- and Mrs. 'John^attywell^atives- (of Ireland. Mr. Little was -a shoe? maker -by trade, and following their - - marriage, the young couple reside^/ Businessj weare crowded for •** 7 in Blyth for a/time,^ later taking up «*■ -» ,J—• A- two hundred acres of land a short distance1 east -of Whitechurch, from where they shortly, moved r to Kinloss to the farm; where Mrs. Little concluded her long and well lived life last week. Twenty-five years ago, Mr. Little died ^d Sifice then his wjfe Has made (her home, with tier son Albert on the old home­ stead on concession 3. . / ■ failing somewhat, Mrs. Little had been/enjoying , splendid - health until this past fall, when a gradual weak­ ening was apparent. However, z she was riot confined to bed And was ‘about the house- the day prior to her death, which camb ^ejfy. quickly due to the infirmities of old) agb. . . The funeral service was held at her late residence op Friday after­ noon, conducted by Rev. S. T. Tucke>' of ^the. United Church, assisted by ,Rev. J. L. Burgess of South Kinloss. Interment was in Greenhill- cemetery with four grandsons, /Elmer/ Frank and Russel Johnston and,James Me? Gillivray, and two nephews, John And Ben Rathwelb acting as pallbearers. Coming to Kinloss'when tbe town­ ship was solid bush, Mrs. Little knew full well . the rigorous life *of those early days and the demands upon » devoted mother in caring for her 4amily^of-f^e sdns?arid?thtee"datighi= ters: Mrs. Angus? McGillivray of Kinloss, Mrs. W* J. Hall of Ashfipld; John of Lucknow; James, Edwatd And Albertx of .kinidss and William* Ano­ ther daughter, Mrs. Joseph Jdhrisfon predeceased tyer mother about' twenty seven yearis agri. . . One brother, Thoipas of Clinton, who. is 86 years .of age-ife/the lone sur'yiver of the Rathweil family. He attended the fhneral ph Friday. .- I/O. O. F. SOCIAL EVfeNlNG Social evening ih the LO.O.F. Hall Friday, January, 18th, in bdmmemdf- .atipft of trie birthday ef the/ouhdeii rif the Ordbr. Cards,’ program, ing, Alunch served. 8.1S sharp*. : miss /tfeis ehjeyable event. Untimely Death Claims Young Mother Mrs. Donald Blue, Formerly Margaret ; Clarkson Of Paramount And Luck­ now Passed Away Following Brief Illness. This community was shockingly saddened-on Saturday when it learned ' of th^ .death of Mrs. Donald Blue of ° Amberley, which followed a; brief illness. , ■ - ..Born at Paramount, Mrs. Blue was formerly Margaret Clarkson, one of alfamily 'of eight children born Wrr. and Mrs. James Clarkson. Some years ago Mr. and Mrs. vC!arkaoa Retired' to , Lucknow,-, Where elovea years ago Mr. Clarkson /passed away. Mrs. Clarkson later moved to Windsor to be near her family. Following Mn and Mrs. marriage" they have resided'on Mr. Blue’s farm west of Amberley, where the sad funeral service was,conducted, on Monday and was largely attended by sorrowing and sympathising. . friends.‘ Interment was In Ripley cemetery. „ 9 . * Besides the mother, brothey and seven sisters of Mrs. Blue’s family, . her heartbroken husband and ikxoo small kiddies, all. under school Age, ' survive, and for y?h«>tn a wideepreai community grieves in their loss of A wife^; mother and sister, Who was of a, most genial and kindly \dlspo»Hions" and much beloved by these who knew her.. .' - ’ Mrs.* Blue’s sister, Arnie d&d seW- eral years . ago, while the family- re­ sided at i’arttmoUht. ' '