The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-01-03, Page 5Dec. 85% ...K,.- .-.'‘•'.s’.- ItfsjS J-fr I ’ i. ..; «» A New Ford V*8 That Brings New Beauty, ^,...Z:- .^-y. '' -.S- A* ZZ2 Christmas at Mr. Thos.. Rabb’s, Amberley. / . ' ' Mrs.-?"MaCDonald . of Detroit is visiting at present with hejr, brother Mr. Richard Baker. - — HOLYROOD /•’ :/ •' ’■ <■ < 'Misb Gwendolyn Ackert of Brant- * .. ford is spending the Christmas holi­ days with her mother, Mrs. Aimer Ackert.. "I -■.-/'. . Mr/ and Mrs. Wm. -Eadie) Doris and Lorne, Mr, and “Mrs. Jack ;Peter- bough and family spent Christmas at Mrs. ;Rach,el Culbert’s, 10th .con, Mrs. Eldons Eckenswilier , and Mr. ...Ilan .iCassicly -were Me winners at. "the Progressive euchre party on Friday "evenihg.' "■■■.' ,J, . ■ - Mr. ‘and Mrs. ..John Jamieson, Mr* and Mrs. Gordon Ja'mieeon and family ■ 'aird family of Sfethroy, Were ‘ the ''Christmas d^^‘visitor-sat ' .M,r, u ■ '<■_ Thos. ■ Harris’/'-"""/ " ’ ■ .. -. ' ■.. ? t . ■■ i / ■ 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. .Congram 'and . “. family, Mr. and Mrs.: Ernest Ackert ' arid family spent Christmas at Ethel. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miiler and* babe spent the ,holiday With friends at .Miss Arinie arid Mr- Bobbi/l^urF . visitors ajt' Miss Lizzie’Pierce’s’ ■ .// this week. ■ "—“J/- Mr/Wilmer Robb' ofJAmB/rleyHs' visiting-at Mr. Richard Elliott’s. ' . 'Mr. Jandftjfefi,. Ri'Chard"EiTidtt and family sp^^wChristmas at Mr. Thos.. Robb’s, Amberley. , . ' <1 zibN ■//.. --, - fyewly Weds Honored . A plearing, social event material- ^k ized on Wednesday-evening wheh a - : > community reception was hdd in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. L.-. Me*? ,-..---;-.-Kinnpn,-‘who“-we'rir^xk'7mtly-‘iparii^ J--" After’ enjoying in dancing and soriaF gohvet’se for a time, lunch was s'crv-. ■.> ed,. after which the newlyweds were . presented wi th an AI ad bn Lam p and the accompanying address. < ’ To Mrs, Jno. McKinnon. . ■ Dear Alma— .’6. : . As. you. .have reached the greatest event in yobr life’s history,, we feel v that it is our . opportunity on . this ;-------membrable occasiorr To express ...our - -^-^^d'eep—^a^piecratixifi^""0fOT‘YH'e"~‘Na;lu^ ’ VP1! Ji^eijxenddr^d^-in —ou-r-- midst, especially in the choir and Y> iently filled your allot,ed positions., • .Then.- as. a Christian young Wdnian in , whom we “have eVery; confidence, we, your friends and neighbors have assembled "to?;wish youi- every -happi/' ' afford. ’ . As a token of our love and respect —y™"we-’wiiLbe^leused^dnjax^yo a accejiF this little-gift as a gentle reminder ■ of - our .cputintied r good wishes foy you and your, chosen partner in your new home. - „ That, your happiness may be- per-4 manent rind your joys unhiingled -with sorrow, is the wish of your, friends of ,. Zion Church and your neighbors of the twelfth con. Signed,on behalf of Zion Community, J. G. Ritchie, . Pete Cook. ^5?.- -■ Dancing was t.hbn resumed, music being furnished by . Mr.’ Garnet ,arid^ , > Miss Olive Earpier. Mr. Alfred Andrew of .Espanola,: the? Beatty Bros. Salesman’s Convcnr . tiom in Fergus, spent a few days*with ■his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac An­ drew, returning on Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs. John McKinrion re- turpedrfjB^Tiyerton on Thursday last. Miss Elsie Ritchie arid Beryl Gard­ ner returned to Toronto on Monday.. . . Litt|e Jean, daughter of Mr, and • Mrs. Edgar -Ritchie,,’ is the ‘proud possessor of a handsome doll won.-in the Rexalj' contest, conducted ok-Mr. A. E. MdKim,' of Lucknow. Congrat­ ulations. . > - ' Mr. Sidney Gardner returned to Port. Albert this week,, having en­ gaged' with Mr. P^-cy Graham^ for a 2nd -years * . Mr.- and Mrs. >Jas. . Johnston.* $nd family of Lucknow, spent Christinas ■with Mt. and Mrs. Will Hunter. , A .' M^i apd Mrs. Wesley. .Ritchie ei> • rmembe^^if the Y. P. S. on Monday evening. Tlw gram was carried out. An "interesting topic 0Jj ‘''Time” was given by 'Will . Hunter/ instrumental music -by Ghav- . Anderson, and Sid Spi’th, after, "which progressive games ^'ere^en- ikaged in. A tasty lunch served by the hostess concluded a very pleasing . evening,■ which was much” enjoyed aaid appreciated by the young'people. ' Miss . Ada ‘Webster of "Lucknow spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Gardner. Mr/and Mrs. Will Ritchie. Harvey ,, Eldoh and’-Mias deanno,-visilod..with’ Mv. and’ Mrs. Thos. Blake on Monday. • Miss .Teall Rood of Lncknow is • ^pendirig «a ‘ feW days with’ Zion’ ..‘7-' ► lyu*!** -* *— niaslt J..», ['3 Rural School Reports ? ■ . • <(* •■•••' r-1 » s. “S. No.. 10, Ashfield 'For November & December (In order of merit); . —Jean "Nelson, Jr. JV—rHon.—Cecilia. Watt, Grace Campbell. Pass—Bob Fartish. Sr. ill-—Ron.—Pearl Jamieson. Pass—Lpuise Campbell. / . . ril—Hon.^-Dorothy Drennan, John Auston. Pass—Grant Farrish, Xin/ent Austin. Below Pass—Alvin., .Drennan. ; / ■ ~ , /Sr-Hon.—Evelyn’ Little, Warren Zinn; • ■’ ■ * . • * . Sr. I—rHon—Marguerite Jami^soii, Tgresa; Austin'. Pass—Rena Miller. , Pr.— Hon.—Clarke Zinn, Elaine [Jttle.. Pass—Jack Farrish, Elwood Miller. ’ . ' ,No« on’roll 20,. /’'’ ■ XveJatt. lg, M. G. MacDonald. S. No. u ' For November , and December one. orTJ1?Se.. piai'ked„*_..have issed more examinations Sr. 'IV. . ' NOV. ' Robert .Macintosh ___..._84% ’■Jr- bV- '. . . . ' ’ ■ ■ .../J ’ J a mSs H am il tpn _____'..7?7 Rhea Miller ....:...........63 Sr.-Ill— Stuart Tamiespj)^,...»._.....„J53 . J_. .ls.a.n:_TRaynard Jr. Ill— ’ - Eileen Henderson n— ' Buddy IlaniiltSn I— '■ . . . . Donald Hamilton "SrdiTey “Crump Pr.^—Gertrude- “Raynard, V. G. 0 No. on roll 10.' - ■ Ave. att. 9. A’nne MacDonald. ; NEW FORD ANNOUNCEMENT The new Ford" V-8 for 1935, pre­ senting a. new conception -of beauty and comfort..in^the-lmoder-n-^automb— bile, was _ajtiaftunced^todav^hv^ -fi eld—Gst-rirndiirr^lvca-l'-^FoTd^e^err^I ■“^MoKt striking feature^ of the new cajr is body liries which are distin.c.- ti od er ny^amd “a? definite- depar­ ture from- any pij&vious Ford design. The , new cars are approximately?eight ihehes longer from bumper to bumper Seats are as much as 5^ inches wideri arid front seat/leg room, has been-increased... ' ' : The car also embodies a combina­ tion of major engineering develop- YriehTF^airned at increasing riding comfort—which has;b^en called the ‘‘‘center-poise” ljide. These - changes include moving the engine forward more than eight inches over the front axle,.a longer front .spring placed four inches forward, a straight in­ step d’of bowed rear spring, and a total “springbase”-of 123 inches on the chassis of 112 inches .wheelbase. The frame is placed. .^.jyer,^and 6.00 by 16,-inch tire^'carrying jess air pressure? are fitted.- There are four double-acting hydraulic shock absor­ bers^ Passengers, sit inside the wheel­ base. The rear tread of the car i? '• - ; .,if' Numerous chassis changes to give /greater ease of control an*d added .stability On the Toad have been made. Pross-steering, a stiffer frame,' a new clutch requiring less pedal pres- Hire, and new brakes calling for less <uT<irt to operate, all contribute 46 those results. . Two. improvements have been ihdde in Che Ford,V-8 engine', of which mote than 1,30.0,000 are’on the road. Dir- ected-flow crankcase ventilation re­ moves water vapor and other fumes frdm the- engine: Aircraft type con-' ■niwtjng tod bearing's, of a copper-’ lead material u^ed previously only on airplane .engines; truck engines and expensive ' custorii—built^-putomobiles, are fitted. ■■ ' • ■ ■ • .......... There are eleven body types*.listed. All models are fim^hed in a n,ew.bak- t'd ohamel', which' is ciaifried' to'retain-. “itT“high'"gloss indeffriiteTyrrequiririg Fenders are colored to match the' hand anybody in all .types. Interior Tipointments are entirely n0w> Front a*'d rear-appearance conforms with Advanced, ideas of streamlining. of the Y. P. S. .. .. . ^^regtdar*-|>F^-*--Trnly -washing to restore the lustre. Mrs. M. A^.Woods visited recently with Mr* and -Mrs..Robt'. Andrew. Miss jeanrie Ritchie, Who has spent •fho past week at./ier home here, re- liirnod to Godericfi/cm 'Tuesday Some'of the boys flddded “the P0™1" nTt Monday, in'anticipation of a New Year skate, hot Tuesday, proved ■Hormy -and cold, prohibiting ' much /leaSufC iretijr ddrivied''from Outdoor ‘r :^aiW'r y *, TUB LUCOO-W SKNTim The New Ford V- 8 for, 1935 'is-- the biggest and roomiest Ford , car ever built. 6 It is a strik- » ingly handsome car, with mod­ em lines and new, luxurious appointments. But most important of all it is Especially designed to give .’ you smooth, easy riding over dll kinds of roads—“a front-seat rideMor ' ■“back-sedt rideis." 77 " - - ~ ; Comfort Within Reach of Millions of People 0 dependability and economy in the service of oVer a million owners. There are refinements, . hut no change in basic designs -, You buy premium perfonfi- ance when you buy this Ford V-8—full 90 horsepower and 85 miles an hour. _ We invite you to see this i The result is Centre-Poise — which not —NewFordV-8attlieshowroomsofFord ^y^gi^^^<^new-nfeg~e0mibrt^btit—-^<rieiS7~Y^firwiU want' to ridb in It—to ~ aclds lo ihe stdbility/gf/tlie car and its----driVeit-yourself.-You'willJincl it er*1 mjawcsr __ ________ ______g____________ __~~ ease of handling. You can take “curves experience in motoring, forecombinedinalow-pricecar.—fromseveri-toeightmilesfasterwith^" perfect safety. . \ . , There are many new features in the" Ford V-8 for-1935 which make~the" c<!ir ' * still easier to drive. New brakes give more power-for stopping quickly’-with far less foot pressure on’ the pedal. Anew type of easy-pressure clutch employs centrifugal force to increase efficiency at higher speeds. New steering mechanism makes the car. still easier to handle. ; The New Ford V- 8 for 1935 retains the V-8 engine which has demonstrated its O RD V • 8 THE ■NEW This ease of ridmg is acnieved By the use of three basic principles never be- .. ; .. r 4 ’* \ 1. Correct distributidn-of car weight by ~ moving engine and body forward eight ‘ and a half mdies/"" " * . 2. New loqatipn of seats by which the rec^: seat is moved forward, toward the centre of the car away from the rear axle and away from the bumps. ' ' . / • I / . • , 1* .| " M ; * 3. New spring suspension which per- mits the use of longer,, more, flexible springs and increases the springbase to. 123 inches. ... . BE SUB E TO. SEE ;TH »E, N E W F HEAVY-DUTY TRUCKS 1 . . AND Messrs. Will arid Harris Purdon of Wawariosh 'arid Clarence Purdon of Goderich, were Christmas visitors nt Mr, T. A. Cameron’s. ■* Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Barboub and daughters of Goderich spent Christ-, mas with Mrs. Sam Sherwood. . Mr. and Mrs. Davis and son spent thg vacation at Allenford. Miss. Melda Lane -of ,Coldwater' - pent the vacation with /her/ parents Mr.’and Mrs. Geo. Lane. . ‘ / Miss Maty Philips •' of Toronto, Mr& Sid Ferguson and’sori of London were ChristmasT visitors with Mr. and Mrs., Thos. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. John Campbiell and Mr. and Mrs. Dynes Compbell and son, spent Tuesday \with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Philips, Fordyce; , . Mr. MelVin Hackett of Bank of Commerce, Tnnerkip arid Mr. Vernon- Hunter, Luckfiow, spent. Christmas at; Mr. Alex HackettFs. Miss Cameron''of;Toronto, is, yisit- ingjwith her sister. Mrs.- Wm« -Twam-, ley. ,L,. ■' Mt. and-Mrs. ’Roy Alton and family spent Christmas with MiSs Cunning­ ham, Port. Albert. ’ Mr. arid1’Mrs. James Hackett and faipily sperit Christmas at Ripley. -Master Leonard Philips of Fordyce is spending the vacation, ivith m his uncig, Mr. Dynes Campbell. „- „ / Callers were at the/door, arid Bob was told to show, them into the par­ lor. He1 did so, arid while his rirjQther was dyessihg^ he sat there rathgr embarrassed/ Bresently, seeing' the visitors glancing around the roonu he siid: rtWell; what d6 yotrifhink of bur stuff, afiyway t ' f> • ** . • ... ‘ , Ford V'8 Prices Are Low / 11 BODY TYPES —Coupe (5 windows)-. $645 ‘Tudor Sedan, $665; Fordor Sedan, $750* DE LUXE—--Roadster (with rum- ; .<ble,\seat),. .-$715,;: Coupe (3 ’'windows), - $720; Phaeton, $725; Tudor Sedan, $730;’ Cabriolet (with: rumble seat), $815 ; Fordpr Sedan, $810. TOURING SEDANS, with built- in trunk—Tudor__ Tpuring Sedan/$750; Fordor Touring , Sedan, $830.' ■■ ............. __ _______ -------------------------------------------------------------------- ■ —- (F. O. B. Eatt Windsor, Ontario. Bumpers, spare tire and taxes extra. Small* d^o'.wn payment... . - Convenient terms-.)" - * - ' t < ft hiir * .)• A HEALTH; SERVICE OF I ’Jill THE CANADIAN1MEDICAL \ • ASSOCiAT.ION AND LIFE«rr~y?g% INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA X. BILIOUSNESS - Biliousness is a word which hol^S its place in evety-day language to describe a state of mental" depres­ sion and physical .discomfort, -Which is marked by headache', dizziness,' a mouth‘Which tasfees badly, a. feeling -of nausea, weakness and depression, together witlri constipation. ' r , • The popular idea is that this uri- ha'p^y state is due to .what is callbd a “sluggish Jiver” This idea appar­ ently comSg from the fact that when the so-balled bilious person vomits— and he generally does—the contract- •ihg‘Walls of the stomach draw up a’ small amount of” bile. This small amount, of bile is, sufficient by its yellow color." arid .bitt6l'» taste .fb - con-' firose from his liver which .produces the bile: . \ » ' ' • The liver is a very reliable. organ ghd it does its "best, but, snirietinles tlie^cess of .food and drink, Wf"fail-, lira’to eliminate wastes fro'm the body, may give; rjse to a condition with which ’the liver cannot c,bpe arid so’ it rebels. It is not thg>4iyer alone which,-protests, but, other ■ parts., Of the digestive traejb will join with it, .producing that,form of-disorderwh'ioh the ipublic, ,i-f riot the doctors; know as “bilibnshess’*. r . . The rpiationship of mental' Aeffi.<*" ioncy'..to bodily health is. soon in., the Sad look .and gloomy spirits of the vi*tim s of digest i vb' ?iip s’e t s. "Th e vvh y" to.a man's heart may bo through his »■ goQdi or ill humor is > by way of his diges-tive tract. , tThe treatment, is. not by “liver, pills’’ or purgatives, hilt through the means simple foods, outdoor exer$se, plenty of'sledjp, and a freer use of water between imealS./ Regular elim­ ination can be- secured by habit, diet arid exercise. ••'!.'7<1 ,■ , .A-BiHousriess doeS not trouble' th'o'Se1 who /lead a\fairly simple life, who avoid excesses of one kind and.anoth-’’ er, who pay reasonable attention to ithe requirements of. thrir? bpdies, and who pay attention'to their foods arid' their eliminatij)^, instead of (taking medicines. ' ’ Some people think .that they are born, bilious, but’ in - doing so they, are" only gaming tfi’eiy ancestors fqr what is really their own careles/sness ■ with regard., to their eating and. other habits/- «•’ • • Questions,, concerning,^Health, ad­ dressed to the^C'aria^i'ap Medical. As- ’sociation, • 1,84. CQlieire...Str.eet/--Torontn- will-be answered personally by' letter? ybar.. ' V fX 4th con;, KINLOSS Mr. and Mrs. R. Moffat ’and Shir- ley spent ChriM^.^S--wjf,hlfc4e-ndfl^h====^= ^EWaesbo'reugh. .. Mr. James Little returned to Tor­ onto- after ^spending the holidays at his. home. • . Miss Connie Buckton of Toronto spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs/. G.. Hamilton. ‘ . Mrs. R., Martin, and family visited at St. Helens last week. Miss Anna Graham spent the holi­ days at her home. - ’ ’Mys. ■ P., Robertson and daughters of Ripley spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. R. Middlbton., ■. '< . Master Jack McKinnon- spent .' holidays with his grandparents at Langside. ................. / M iss Marie Krietz .of Lucknow; , spent New Years wjth.friends on the 'feitirth. " i ’ ■ • >' An enjoyable time Was spent On l)Jeyv(rY.ear's*E^e at thg home of;Mr,. .. .-%nd--M-ri-r-A---Grah^m"---- ---------Z"': Mr. and Mrs. Gff Han^^n"visited with frieftds-on flre-®6Junddty recently ■ ' ‘ u K?*' ’ ■ ■ . . ■ ’ * ........., .................I...., ' . , .,u„ ; lit ,.y y yy . 1 " V * T —V ~ ' V ► ©' S’ ► ► ■ ■ « Ha« intcrciting featufr pag<* for_<il the family on, Woma«f* ActiVitiM, Home- _► . , • ' r - -------- ------------------------ -- ; . ------------------- ---- ... -, ' ' «r# ot eipeciel mtireat .th men. k Thh Chr.s^aft. Seiefiice PuBllShlttg Stailety ; ■ »»' 107 Palfhbtfth Street, Boston. Miissnchuretts . . . ■■ t Please enter riiy subscription to The Christian Science Monitor for. a ' .period of. ■ V. k «.«•' ' Ohd year 49,00 • Three riiohthM i>2,25 , *" . ^SlSt nifdntht 4.S0 ' One inoh'th'. 740 .' ' ► , dliy....................»......................................state.. YOUR HOME IS YOUR CASTLE / .Admit orily clean, constructive news -by reading r THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR “ J . • A Daily Netvtjptiper Jor the Doma ; It gke» at! tt» Mn«truct|v« World tiewt but doe*. not exploit1, crime and tcandal. ridJ HHcreiiaig iocwbukv pages ivr uu, w umon « r^uiiviiicu, jnome- making, G»tden«, Education and Book*.jM»o page* for the Children and YoutiB. . Folk*, Vigi^roua editorial*, an interpretation of -new»i‘th‘ the ’♦March of the Nation*” Column and»’'watehinft the World Go By” »F A < '■ 'n < < < <» ■ < < .< < '< K , . < • a < ‘ < I . ? . •Aw.bmIA S ... ... . .< v «. .. f ’"■ ’ ’