Clinton News-Record, 1968-05-16, Page 6A recent graduate of Mohawk College, Hamilton, is Douglas J. Mair, 120 Victotia Street, Clinton. He successfully corn. pleted an industrial manage .re ment technology course. THE CLINTON NEW ERA May 12, 1093 • The trustees of the collegiate have ordered a eleantiey of speuce trees from Henmeller nursery Per the ornamentation of the school grounds. Al May hae returned from (Word, Michigan, Where he was called by the death of his brother; his mother may return here shortly to take up her residence but is undecided, Mr. Ross, on the London road, nephew of Mr. N.Reesee, is studying in the office ,of Dr. Gunn. Dr. Moore, an old time reel., dent of Cliton, but recently residing in Muskoka, has rented the office of the late Dr. Worthington, and taken up reel., dence here. 55 years ago THE CLINTON NEW ERA May 15, 1913 Mrs. James Sheppard, Town. send Street, who has been in the west for some time, has returned to town. Her sister Mrs. Hearn of Oshkosh, Wisc. who has been visiting in Tore onto, will spend some time here. Rev, Alex MacMilland and daughter Dorothy of Mimico were weekend guests at the home of Dr. Gunn. James Scott is in Toronto this week attending the Poste masters' convention. veteran and served in FrOancl from 1914 to 1917. In 1920 he married Edith Cushman, .Following marriage, he lived in Goderich Township, London, and then in Bayfield for 20 years. He was a .captain ep the Great Lakes, assistant super. intendant ;at Ceetral. Aircraft, London, an insurance ropre, pentatiVe, and a ceinenerciel fisherman. He was an adherent of Bay. field Baptist Church, and co. feupder of Smith Herein Gideon ceMP, Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. J E. (Margaret) Mayman, Bayfield; and one grandson, Jef. fery Mayman, Funeral was held Wednesday May 8, from Lodge Funeral Home, Goderich, withRev.13.1e, Eaton presiding, with essiste ance from. Rev. J. Beam. terment was in Hayfield Ceme. tery. Pallbearers were Orville Deacon, Robert McManus, Terry Fitzsimons, Edwaeel Sid. dell, Daniel Campbell, John Hammond. Honourary Pallbear- ere were Thomas Castle, 'Fred Telford, Donald McLeod, and Willard Sturgeon, Flowerbearers were Ernie Mayman, and Lawrie Shirley. Relatives and feiends came from Sarnia London, Galt, Preston, Harilton, St. Thomas, and Toronto. ROSANNA L. SCOTCHMER In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, May 8, the form- er Rosanna Louisa Westlake died in her 86th year. She was predeceased by her husband Edward N. Talbot in 1937 and by Alfred A. Scotchmer in• 1961. Born in S tanlev Township. she was daughter of the late Edmond Westlake and Elizabeth Smith. Surviving are one daughter Ilene (Mrs. Logan Cleave)Stane ley Township; two sons, Lau. rence of Ancaster, Ontario, and Milton of Stanley Township; one brother, Thomas Westlake RR 3 Bayfield; 15 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. FLORENCE MAY TRICK Florence May Trick, Huron. view Home, died Monday May 6 following five years of fail- ing health. Born October 27, 1878 in Blenheim' to Harriet and Wile Liam Lott she married Robert Trick, now deceased, in Oct. ober 1943. She was' a lifaii*Fresident of the Clintopearea and was a member of Ontario Street Un- ited Church. Funeral service was held Wednesday, May 8 from Beattie Funeral Home with Rev. G. L. Mills officiating. Intermentwas in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were Don Glen, John MacFarlane, Robert Lewis, William Grigg, Clarence Perdue and George Wise. Flowerbearers were Edward Elliott, Gordon Glen, Allan Lightfoot and Mervyn Dunn, Mrs, Trick is survived by sister, Mrs. James (Hattie) Lauril, Blenheim. She had two grandsons. eit 0 Corn growers: WE HAVE SHELL KORNOIL 482.6633 CLINTON 1 9-2 3 Shell Chemicals in Montreal Your stay at the Windsor Hotel will be an adventure of old world charm and complete relaxation, The Windsor is Montreal's most distin- guished hotel, overlooking Dominion Square in the heart of downtown „ where sensible prices and impec- cable service combine for a per- fect visit. tL W is INDS 0 .•2W 1/70 Pool St, To]: 800-9011 Reservations confirmed for the Lord Stmcoe Hotel, Toronto 14beleeeeetetg,e add Kornoil to Atrazine sprays for better weed control in corn. COME IN OR CALL , • A44 'HARRY ;WILLIAMS Distributor for all SHELL Oil Products Certified SEED .BEANS SANILAC - SEAWAY 1/PITAITAKE A CHANCE WITH YOUR CASH :,.CROP .--START -THE CROP RIGHT WITH THE BO( SEED4VAIVABLE . . . THIS SEED IS CARE- FULLY.SIZED FOietROUBLE-FREE USE IN PLANT. ERS . . . CERTIFIED SEED DOESN'T COST . . . IT PAYS IN BETTER STANDS, FASTER GROWTH, Also No. 1 Registered- First Generations Seed Treated with D.C.L. Fertilizer and Bean Contracts Available Also Eptam and Patoran at attractive prices See the People with the Seed COOK BROS. MILLING CO. LTD. Phone 162460S Hensel' 20, 21, 22, 23 b CLINTON DISCOUNT CENTRE OPEN 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY SATURDAY - 9:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. FREEZER MONTH AT BEATTY FARM SERVICE CENTRE THIS IS ANOTHER FIRST FOR RUSS DUring the month of May -' for every purchase of a "BEATTY BARN CLEANER" - SILO UNLOADER - BUNK FEEDERS to the value of $1,500 or more; V will give you your choke of a 15, 18 or 23 cu. ft. Home Freezer absolutely FREE. There are no strings attached. This is a genuine bonus for our customers. - Retail Value $269 to $329 RUSS ARCHER, Manager FARM SERVICE CENTRE 17 gattenhury CLINTON - Phone 482-9561" "We Are Proudly Canadian" "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL' CARD OF THANKS From Our I wish to OXPre4S my tliehes to relatives, friends and neigh- hours far cards, gifts and visits While a Patient in Victoria Hose eital,--OLIVE NEAL. 20h .75 .years. ago. R. Glazier, 76 North Street, Clinton, graduated Friday from leleheWkeCallege, Hamilton. lie eudedeefully.denie Piked the industrial Menage. * ment technology detieee. TENDERS WANTED TENDERS re celled for the purchase of will and for the purchese 91 Ramp By-prodecte from Cana- dien .Forces Base Clinton for the. period June let, /900 to;March 31st, 1969. Closing date fee the tender's is May 24, 1968. Tender- ers for the, removal of swill are to quote a price per 100 pounds. The seccessful tenderer will be required to remove all swill daily end to provide all contain- ers and maintain them in a sanitary conditien. Tenderers must hold a license from the. Department of Agricultufe to, feed kitchen by-products to animals, Tenderers for the Purchaee of kitchen by-products are to vote a price per 100 pounds for each of trimmed bones, cooked bones, rough fat, suet and grease. The successful tenderer will be re- quired to remove the by. products at least once a week and to provide all containers and 'maintain them in a sanitary condition, Any suggestions regarding tend- ers are to be referred to the Base Supply Officer, Canadian Forces Base Clinton. 20b NOTICES. CANADA'S most dynamic Mutual Fund-American Growth Fund-20% income tax credit on dividends. Investigate before you invest, Financial planning. Fred (Ted) Sevauge, area rep. reseetetiye, e 77 John St., Sea- forth. Phone 527-1522. 47tfb NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JOSEPH HER- BERT VODDEN, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, De- ceased. All persons hiving claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 28th March, 1968, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 27th day of May, after which date the assets will be distribut- ed, having regard only to the claims of Which the undersigned shall then have notiee. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 30th day of April, A.D. 1968. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitors for the said Estate. 19-21 In the Estate of CHARLES ALEXANDER JOHNSON, late of the. Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Bookkeeper, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named" Who, died ion'ethe 18th March, 1968, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 27th day of May, 1968, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then . have notice. 30th day of April, A.D. 1968. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitors for the said Estate. 19-21 In the Estate of Mary Elisabeth Elliott, late . of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Married Woman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named, who died on the 2nd day of March, 1968, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or be- fore the 31st day of May, 1968, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 8th day of May, A,D., W68. E. B MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 20-21-22 In the Estate of JOHN EDGAR ARMSTRONG, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named, who died on the 2nd day of March, 1968, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or be- fore the 31st day of May, A.D. 1968, after which date the assets will be distributed, having re• gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then 'have notice, Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 8th day of May, A.D., 1968, E. B MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Sblicitor for the said Estate. 20-21.22 ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs, Reginald Cud- more wish to announce the en= gagement of their daughter, Patricia Louise, to Mr. Jerome Lockhart Hertel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Hertel of Kitchen- er. The wedding will be in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clin- ton on Stine 1, at 3 pare 20b Mt. and Mrs, jemes Cracknell of Plorenee ere pleased to an. flounce the engagement of their daughter• EVelyn Louise; to Tna hotie JosePh Feeney, the son of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Feeney of Clinton, The weddihg will take place eerie 8, 1968, in St. Michael's Church, London, Oat, 20p I wish to thank my reletiVes, Peiehboure and friends who visited me and sent cards and flowers, while f was in Victoria Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Kennedy, - Dr. Herding, Dr, Pickard and the nurses qn 8th floor.-EAHL FULFORD. 20p I would like to thank all who remembered me while a patient at Clinton Public Hospital, Special thanks to the Rev. Mills, Ors, Oakes and Addison, nurses and staff on second floor,- MRS. E. GRAHAM. 20p My sincere thanks to all who sent me cards and flowers and to those who visited me while I was a patient in Victoria Hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. HcAninch, the nurses and to Rev. E. J. B. Harrison.-PERCY WESTON, ,29b The family of the late Mrs. Florence May Trick wish to ex- press their sincere thanks to the relatives, friends and neigh- bours, for floral tributes, dona- tions to Heart and Cancer Funds, cards of sympathy and many acts of kindness, shown us during our recent bereave- ment. Special thanks to Rev. Mills, the Beattie Funeral Home, Dr Rose and the staff at Huron- view. Their kindness will al- ways be rememberede--Elmer, Mary, Bill and Bob Trick. 20p I wish to thank all who were so kind to me while I was in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes and the nurses.-MAR- ION DOUCETTE. 20b I would like to thank all who remembered me while a patient in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Walden, Dr, New- land and first floor nurses.- EDNA DARLING. 20b BIRTHS TYNDALL-To Mr. and Mrs, Murray Tyndall, R.R. 3, Clinton, in Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, May 13, 1968, a son. FORBES-To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Forbes, R3. 2, Clinton, in Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, May 13, 1968, a daughter. DEATHS KERR-Passed away in Alex- andra Marine and General Hos- pital, Goderich, on Tuesday, May 7, 1968, Mrs. Benson Kerr, the ,foriner Irehe Willa, Bloom- , fi`eld;"iif GeedeeitheTewnshipe her 54th year. Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Glen Price of Clinton. The funeral service Was from Stiles Funeral Home, 'Goderich, on Thursday, May 9 with interment in Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. SCOTCHMER - Passed away in Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, May 8, 1968, Mrs. Alfred A. Scotchmer, Bayfield, the former Rosanna Louisa Westlake, in her 86th year. The ,funeral service was from West- lake Funeral Home, Zurich, on Friday, May 10, with interment in Bayfield Cemetery. LAVIS-Passed away in Clin- ton Public Hospital, on Satur- day, May 11, 1968, Miss Emma Levis, Clinton. The funeral ser- vice eeee from Ball Funeral Setae, • : a. ';on, on Tuesday, May 14, vete interment in Clin- ton re- IN MEMORIAM STEVENS -- Treasured memor- ies of our dear dad and grand- dad who passed away 2 years ago, May 13, 1966. ' He would not wish for sorrow Nor- would he wish for tears, But Just to be remembered, By us throughout the years. -Lovingly remembered by Beryl, Hank, Diane, Bruce and Grandsons. 2Op STEVENS-In loving memory of my dearest husband, Reg, who went to be with our Lord, May 13,1966. You left me beautiful memories, Often silent tears, Always you'll be with me, As Ijourney through the years, The time we spent together, The happy days we knew, I've lived again so often, In memories of you. -Lovingly remembered by his wife Jen. 20p CORBETT-In loving memory of our daughter and sister Kimberly Hazel Corbett, who ' passed away suddenly, 3 years ago, May 18, 1965, in her 6th Year , No one heard the footsteps Of the angels drawing near, Who took from us to Heaven The one we loved so dear, -e-AlWaye remembered and sadly Missed by Mom and Dad, Steve and Jeff, 20p GLAZIER-In loving memory of Gertrude Glazier, who passed away 1 year ago, May 14, "Though absent, you are very nears Still loved, still missed, and very dear," -Ever remembered 'by her family. 20p Political plums don't grew from seede. They result from clever grafting. Early File's CLINTONTIIE NEW ERA May 22, On Mies geeleY, sietee of Albert Seeley, arrived here from the Old.country on Monday, Mr. T.0. DoheetY was in PtYth 911 Wednesday in the in. pte4nrey,sts of the Bell Piano Come Bayfield fishermen are doieg remarkably well this season; the other clay John Ferguson fhiered4t Rti the pee fortune to make a catch of a ton of4akeren!e ,- I; - As a guest, the•great hockey Player Frank Ma.hovolich is not the greatest. His story about' being traded from the Toronto Maple Leafs to the Detroit Red Wings last March was featured on last week's edition of Front Page Challenge. During the interview it was pointed out that he scored 296 goals with Toronto. When he first heard of the change he thought it was a rumor. He admitted that there is more of a relaxed atmos. phere playing for Detroit than for Toronto. Gordon Sinclair said Frank was a super star and the fans "expect you to be a super star at all times, just as people, expect me to be bitchy and crabby all the time." * * * Bob Hope made a brief ape pearance on NBC's Today Show the other morning. It has been reported that he is one of the richest men in the UnitedStates. He said the magazine Time reported he was worth 500 mil- lion. Hope denied it, stating the figure is away, out. "The Depart* ment of Revenue are wondering where they went wrong," he said. Hope has just completed his 57th motion picture. * * * Will Prime Minister Trudeau and Conservative leader Stan. field meet in a TV debate? Both Canadian TV networks have approached the parties re- garding a single debate or a series. Networks are prepared to go along with any format acceptable to the two men. This was done in the U.S. between Kennedy and Nixon. Kennedy looked good and Nixon was slaughtered. It will be interesting to see who comes ode Ore to between Trudeau and Stanfield.- OBITUARIES CAPT. ROBERT I.E.S14Y MACMILI-Pi Ceptain eeoleert LesleY Mac. ,Bayfield, died Sunday, May 5, in Ptratferd General' Hospital,, at the eee of 71. The soil of James lee and the former Jessie Hen- deepen, he was born December 19, 1896, in Goderich Township and Was educated, in pA 2, Taylor Corners. He was a Met world war Ontario U.C.W. plan donations Using the poem "Windipg Road of Life" Mrs. M. Hatkin opened the May meeting of the UCW of Ontario Street 'United Church. Following e hymn arid the reading of scripture by Mrs. G. Wright, Mrs. C. Elliott chose as her theme for meditations "Family and Home." She also presented a reading "Flowers for Mothers Day." The program consisted of two .piano solos, by Mrs, E, Had. 'ford, two solos by Mrs, C. VanDamme and a paper on citizenship by Mrs. J. Mahe Mrs. Mair explained the duties of a good citizen of Canada and concluded with the contributions of a few great citizens of Cane ada. Invitations to attend the Lon. desboro thankoffering on June 4 and' Burns thankoffering on June 12 were accepted and ar- rangements were made for transportation. Miss Shirley Maines was ap- pointed to attend the school for leaders to be held in West., minster College, London. Motions were made to pur- chase communion linen for the church, to donate money to pur- chase blankets for Korea, and, to give a donation toward ex- penses for the Explorers. A committee was appointed to plan the fall bazaar and re- port at the next executive meet. ing. Plans were also made to cater to three weddings in June. The shuffleboard club pre- sented the UCW with three tea. pots and a pitcher in apprec. iation for the use of the kit. chen. The presentation was made by Mrs. M. Wiltse. The members were reminded of dates In August when they are to visit the Ontario Hos. pital at Goderich. It was de. cided to disband for the months of July and August. Following the meeting lunch was served by Mrs. R. Wheeler, Mrs. J. Irwin and Mrs. G. Colclough. -Clinton NowfrRegorcf, Thursday, May 10, .1908 41±.a nra o -c'a aa a! co_ p .f! o P. 0 CET FAST :ggsv.:(3,9 -; ift NEWS-RECORD CLASSIMD ADS pe tette 0 0 ape leo ee-eseee Peee-Pegeeetelet. Goderich detachment, OPP, report they have investigated five accidents in the past week. Resulting damage was estirne ated at a total $1,800. On Tuesday May 7 on Hay- field Concession Sideroad, east of Highway 21, Gertrude Dyk- stra, R, R. 2, Bayfield was involved In a single car accident resulting in $35 damage to her vehicle. Wednesday May 8 on Highway west of Bruce Rd., Johanna joineema,,R.R. 2, Wingham was einireolved in a single car accide ent resulting in $350 damage to the vehicle she was driving. On Thurdsay, May 9 on High. way 21, south °f it 24 HuronRoad, Giciseppe' Iacobini, 928 Oxford Street, London, was involved in a single car accident resulting in $300 damage to his vehicle. Saturday May 11 on Lot 20, Maitland Con,, Colborne Town. ship, William Rutherford Baird C.F.B. Clinton was involved in a single car accident resulting in $200 damage to his, vehicle. On Saturday May 11 on Perth. Huron boundry, north of Dublin, Richard Melville, 247 King St., Stratford, was involved in a single car accident resulting in $900 damage to the vehicle he was driving. Melville andPeter Huras, 122 Stoneybrook Drive, Kitchener, received slight in. juries, • 7p.% mx,01,V7.- , A1.1: VAR