Clinton News-Record, 1968-05-09, Page 8Onion Liberal .Assodution Public Meeting Thurs., May 9 • •8:30 Hotel Clinton' EVERYONE WELCOME TO ELECT DELEGATES FOR NOMINATING CONVENTION OF FEDERAL RIDING OF HURON. Clinton NOWS.A00.44 TIMrSdaY, 490.4 • before you become upset over another messy defrosting job, or tackle another sticking ice tray, or pry apart packs of iced-up frozen food, or become • frustrated over the lack of storage space and endless trips to the store, see the new "NO-FROST" refrigerator-freezers now on display at your local appliance dealers. They're bigger, better, never frost-up and never require defrosting .. ever!!! CLINTON :PUBLIC UTILITIES 4,- 4( COMMISSION $.4( *********************)et TREAT YOURSELF To A NO-FROST REFRIGERATOR -FREEZER HOW —mow- .,..tiburn and. District MRS. WES 11111ADINOCK,Corresponiltmt,-rPhono 528-7595 Progressive Conservative NOMINATION AND ANNUAL MEETING Legion Hall, Clinton, Ontario Wednesday, May 15 8:30 P.M. Guest Speaker: MR. ERIC WINKLER, 'Hanover Former Progressive Conservative Party Whip, and Others 4II JOHN DURNIN, MRS. F. G. THOMPSON President Secretary 4 TERM .INSURANCE ON THE BEST TERMS at your service 'DAVID S. McDONALD OCCIDENTAL LIFE prioNz 235 6154 iTh SANDERS STRF:ET EAST EXETER, ONTARIO +; The meeting of the Clintonian Club was held May 2 at the home of the president Mrs. T. M. Falconer with 17 mem" bers present. The meeting was opened by president, secretary and tree, surer's reports being given. It was decided to have a OBITUARIES MRS. SARAH ANN MOUNTAIN Mrs, Sarah Ann Mountain, Londesboro, died April 30 in Clinton Public Hospital of a heart ailment. Born January 11, 1884 in Hulk lett. Township to Mary Stevens and John Louison she married Willows Mountain November 30, 1910, A life long resident of the area she was a member of Londesboro United Church. Funeral was held May 2 from Ball Funeral Home with Rev. Tschantz, Londesboro, officia- ting. Interment was in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were LloydJosl- ing, Neil Josling, Kenneth Josl- ing, Paul Josling, Wes Jeffer- son and Sandy Tomlinson. Flowerbearers were Betty Josling and Debbie Jefferson. Mrs. Mountain is survived by daughter Mrs. Elgin (Gladys) Josling, seven grand children and six great grandchildren. GINGERICHI SALES & SERVICE LTD, 236-4351 CLINTON 520290 ZURICH 524.9634 SEAFORTH GROVES 45i. SON 482.0414 "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" CLINTON ONTARIO Res.: 4824746 ,1111.11b, W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. HENSALL PHONE 262i2527 Grow beans without weeds PATORAN sow PRE-EMERGENCE WEED KILLER Kills broadleaf and grassy weeds in soybeans, white, dry or field beans, snap or bush beans Get easy, effective weed control with PATORAN apply immediately after planting beans (1;/2 " to 2" deep). spray entire field or band to reduce cost by 2 /3. micronized for, easy mixing, trouble-free spraying. No soil incorporation needed. enters weeds through roots—gives 6 to 8 weeks control. Ask your Greets Cross Dealer for PATORAN 50 W... widely used by bean growers across Canada ..patoran is avaIlable from RAINBOW CHEMICALS LTD. WATFORD, ONTARIO. Division of THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, OF CANADA LTD. Montreal • Woodstock, N,B,.Toronto *Winnipeg • Calgary • Edmonton 'Vancouver PRODUCTS 'Trade Mark R,1.1' Patoran is a ru.;i•,tored tride mirk, of Ciba HARRISTON FERTILIZERS LTD. R.R. 4, Clinton,• Cint, Phone 4824133 Phone .527,191.0 • . sneer • Seaforth ATIENTION Ratepayers of Stanley Township Bayfield Volu teer Fire Association regrets it will be unabl to provide fire protection in your area aft May 10, 1968. This is due to the fact th. Bayfield firemen were unable to come to satisfactory arrangement with the Stanle Council. 18, CROWN DRIVE - IN SPECIAL Londesboro man ikon to preach Wejer The VirelkerhOrn Club held its. monthly meeting,at the home of Mrs..401111'llallarn with the Prev sident, Mrs. Ted Hunking WOW chair, The meeting was opened by singing 0, Canada, followed by prayer led by Mrs. George Schneider, after which all re- Pleated the Lord's Prayer. The minutes were accented as read by the secretary, Mrs. Elliott Lapp and the treasurer, Mrs. Walter Cunningham gave the financial statement. It was decided to hold the 50th anni- versary celebrations on July 17 and Mrs. Ted Hunking; invited them to hold it at her home. Mrs. Elliott Lapp and Mrs. George Schneider named a, corn- mittee to send invitations to former members. Several letters ,of thanks for cards sent were read. The draw prize which Mrs. Ted Hunking had donated was won by Mrs. Torn Cunningham. Plans were made for the next meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. Carmen "Kik-- '44,it: Gross, 'Die program is to .he in charge of Mrs„ Lloyd Pen". fonnd And Mrs. Worthy young and the lunch „committee will be Mrs, George Schneider and Mrs. James The program for the meeting consisted of :of readings and con- tests, WAS in charge of Mrs. George Schneider and Mrs. jarnea Jackson.. After the cos.. ing Of the meeting a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. John Hallam and Mrs, Arie Duizer,„ Bouquets of different var" ieties of daffodils and 'forsythia - denorated the Auburn Corn" nornity Memorial hall for the spring tea sponsored by. the members of the Auburn Mort. iwtural. Society. The visitors were greeted by the president, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor and they came from Hlyth, Goderich, Clinton and the surrounding district. Oyer 100 attended this spring event which included afternoon tea, a home bake sale and a white elephant table, - The bake table was in phArge of Mrs, POtleid. Raines, Mrs, Thomas. Lawlor and We" Robert Tarner and Was well patronized. The white elephant table produced many articles for „Sale .and this WAS' in charge of Mrs. Rnssel Brincftey, MrS, Robert J. Phillips and Mrs, Norman McDowell, The attractive tea tables were in charge of Mrs, Bert Craig, Mrs, Albert McFarlane and Mrs. .Williarn Straughan. An invitation. to attend 'the May tea at Myth was extended and this will. be held ,on May 31 from 4.00:',.p.tn, pop. The .beautiful daffoduandfor- Sythia • arrangements. to de- cOrate the hall were done by Mrs'. Arthur 'grange and Mrs. Bert -Doran. Mrs, Harold Nicholson of ea- forth, Mrs. Hugh Bennett, Jill and Jim of Port Albert visited on Sunday with Mrs. Charles Straughan and Mrs. Wes Brad. nock, Sheron and George, Mrs, Pre* P alttthy- and Mrs.. WP.S. PrecinoeX attended the .Pf. flora ciPriterglig.0 et the WO,f Institutes; Onterio et goolPh UttivorsitY lest -week. Mrs. Peithhy was the .Auburn Prenolk dologeto etickMrs.D.rad., pock was ,On the staff i'Qr Ille- cofprgliqp with other former ,FWTO-.Roard DIreaors. The Auburn Librarian Po, quests ell county books to be in lay Saturday, May 11. We, Laura. Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vienigee of GOA eroh yisited• on Saturday even" ing with Mr. and Mrs, Robert J, Phillips, and Mrs. Oliver AndOrT eep and Miss Margaret jack*. son attended Mrs, :McDouglal's • Son attended Mrs, 1,VicDougallPs recital, when Miss.NaricyAnder,.. son was One of the participants pn the program. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Aidham and family of Kitchener called on friends In the village on Saturday, Mr, and mrs, Lloyd ROMby of 'London visited last Satur- day with Mrs. Gordon R„ Tay-. .lor. Mr, and Mrs. Robert J. Phil- lips attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Willis Mountain at Clinton last Thursday. Miss Gail Miller returned to her position in Toronto after vacationing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller, Mrs, Karl Teichert, Petra and Perry of Goderich visited with Miss Laura Phillips last Sunday, Ronald Rathwell, Mr. Rathwell, Michael and Janice at Brant. ford, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor is visiting with her laugher Mrs. Visitors over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William J. Craig were Mr. and Mrs, Robert Craig of Ilderton, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Craig and Loreen of Clinton, Mrs. Ella Castle of Bayfield and Mrs. Edith Craig of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Craw. ford and baby of Wingham moved into the Raithby home on God. -erich Street. Mrs. Crawford Was the former Joan McDougall of Hullett Township. We wel- come them to our community. Mrs. Ralph Munro visited last week in London with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Youngblut and fam- ily. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thorns and family moved back to their farm home after residing for the winter in Auburn. - Mr. and mrs. Elmer Keller of Dublin visited last Sunday •Yrith#eir_daugliter,,IVIrs. Harry ',Ar +Jinx, .-,Mr*AithIMand family. FIG HT CANCER MerVyn.13. -PenfPUK f-9TM, or Stretford - teacher,. was lioee'cod to Preach-24'a SPeeiol. SerViee At Londesboro United Church Motley. night, Mr, pet-00d, son of Mr, and Mrs. T'-enfonnti 4 PR 1, Lodes, bore, is a graduate of Stratm. ford Teachers".Pellege and PI1*., iversity of WestemOnteriP.Pe is soon to get his Bachelor of Divinity degree from Vic" toria College, University of Toronto. The- -service was presided over by Rev. Robert Tschanz.. with Rey. Itartild Snell as preacher, There was a recePti9 louring the service and Penfonnd was presented a gcon op behalf of the gregation. The presbytery sealed him with a minis registry and a gift from Sunday school was Plw by Gordon shohbroot, A gift to Mrs, PenfOtind presented by Mrs, Gladys ley on behalf of the U Church Women. Also present were Douglas Sloan, Mitchell Rev. Cecil Jardine, Wing picnic at Stratford park in with the date to be set at next meeting. Mrs. George Glazier Mrs. Stewart Moodie don articles for dutch auction. it Mayme Glazier and Mrs. I on won articles. Mrs., Venner won myst prize. The next meeting will be at Mrs. George Mann's Jun There will be cars at the t hall to take members to meeting. To bring lunch are MrS.T Leppington, Mrs. Harold A Mayme Glazier and Joe Carter. Ones to donate dutch auction, Mrs. Venner Mrs. Russell Colclough. Mrs. Vernier is to take mystery prize. Mrs. Hopson gave a v interesting talk on her t to California after which lu was served. 10 years ago THE CLINTON NEWS—RECt Thursday, May 8, 1958 Sid Smith, former pro key player and the famed p ing coach of the Whitby I lops, winners of the Olyn Hockey tournament was in C ton on Tuesday and spok about 50 boys at the Fish Game Club. Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner, field, returned home on Fr after having visited her sis in River Forest and Evan Ill, for three weeks. Mrs. Viola Lampman s the weekend in Guelph with brother—in—law and sister, and Mrs. Donald Hissett: THE CLINT-ON NEWS—REC .,Thursday, May I, 195 Mr, and Mrs. Ralphltoun Toronto, spent the past w end with Mrs. Wilmer W Mr. and Mrs. Warner P and two children of • Bay returned home after sev weeks in St. Petersburg, F ida. A Swim Pool Bingo, is ned for May 9 in the Cli Lions Arena. Prizes u $3,000 will be given away tending the bingo is one you can help complete house and washrooms for new swimming pool. Clinton Electric Shop 0, W. cOrit•hsR CLINTON ,Albert St. Pkt.40-6646 <re' Clintonian club meets a** FREE TREAT ICE CREAM SUNDA WITH EACH $2.00 ORDER WEEKLY SPECIAL MAY 12th to 18 OURDELICIOUS CHICKEN 1NITH FRIES,SALAD at ROLL $1*66 GIVE MOTHER A RESt PLENTY OF FREE PARKING LOCATED RIGHT BESIDE CROWN BOWLING LANE i/I CTORIA E, (Hwy. No, 4 CLINIC/