Clinton News-Record, 1968-05-02, Page 5TENDERS WANTED n „ , , POonco Vons.truction MOP Limited, P 0,4 •e et; lExeterier Painting 10 MetalitUdings, CFA 011tden, Pet, Vile; P216-0, 0ealeti tenders, Merited as4o crehtent addressed •to the under, signed will be received oeitii 4:99 p.m, 0,P.'r fruesciaY; NAY gal .1908 $peeitieatlees a p d tender orms wilt be pn view at Con- StrUction Associations at Chathain, London, Ileilailton, Kitchener, aed DCL. Torooto Brerieh Office and Flay be ab- tained by Prime Contractors cony from pC14 Plans Section, PttaWB, at the addreSe below oh deposit of $20.90' Payable to Defence Censtruction (1951) Limited. Secority deppstt as called for Ln the Tender Documentmust aecompany teaders. N. J. Smith, Secretary, • 6th Floor, Kelton Bonding, 225 Metcalfe St, Ottawa 4, Ontario. 18b NOTICES CANADA'S. most dynamic Mut. 1 Fund-Amarican Grpwth Fun,!- 40% incoma tax credit on dividends. Investigate before you inv:st, Financiel planning. Fred (T d) 8 vaeg e area rep - res' eteiva. 7 ohii St., Sea - forth. Phone 527-1522. 47tfla USE OF DUMP TUCKERSMITII residents are to use the dump operated by Town of Seaforth. The dump is located on south boundary of the town just off county road, Dump is open Wednes- day and Saturday from 1 to 5 p.m, from May to October, and Wednesday afternoons only from November to April. No wire fencing, ear bodies, concrete, stoves or refrigera- tors will be permitted. James I. McIntosh, ClerkTreasurer, Township of Tuckersmith 17, 18b REAL ESTATE OLDER house, in good repair, suitable- for growing family, would duplex easily for income. Extra building lot, P.O. Box 247, Clinton. 18, 19p HOUSE for sale; 3 piece bath; oil furnace, central location; $5500. Phone 482-7552, 17, 18b COMFORTABLE three-bedrocrrn house? 1 floor recently modern- izrd, centrally located. Apply 105 Rattenbury St. West, Phone 482-9587. 18tfn Redifor sale, garage!, gas furnace, modern conveniences. Write Box 180; Clinton News -Record, 18b HOUSE at 283 James Street for ' rent; 3 bedroom house at 38* Matilda Street, for ,sale. Mr. Kendrick, 174 Andrew St Exeter. Phone 235-0994. 18,19b FARMS FOR SALE 175 acres, highway, clay loam, drained, bathroom and furnace in house, silo, implement Shed and hank barn, 230 acres, Maitland bloc, self - drained, good barn and house, high producing farm, 175 acres under cultivation, 3 miles from Auburn, ' 6 Miles from Town -Low-priced, 2 storey home, modernized in- terior, large family •kitchen, full basement, new furnace. Deep well. 21/ acres. ' W. J. HUGHES REAL ESATE 38 East St., Goderich, Ont ' Phone 524-8100 17, 18b NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of IDA PEARL FOREST, All persons having claims against the Estate of Ida Pearl Forest, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Housewife, deceased, Who died on the 17th day of February, 1968, are hereby hotified toeend in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the , llth of April, 1968, after which date the assets Will be distributed, having re- gard. only to dolma then re- ceived Dated at Seaforth, this 19th day of Merch, 1968, McCONNELL 8: STEWART; Seaferth, Ontario, &elicitors for the ExecUtors. 16 18 , MISCELLANEOUS 1ST US IMPAIR. ANID MAKE your ringnd jewellery like new, Diamond rings reneared • Mid skates safely secured te &Mit take amides. Expert Work dente reasoneblY to your sena - faction, Watch it paire and pearl resteitiging. W. N. Cbuntet, tfh DAILY CA/t RENTAL,reasOre able rates. MegEt'S, Goderieli, Phone 6244091. Use classified Ads or Ourck R�stts PIANO TONING YOUR PIANO shotild be Ittlted, and ,Pleeketi for meth damage and Other defects regularly. APPileelate the Centinu'd nrivin lege ',qf serytelog many of the Anattnments in this rea. George W. PA, phone. 404-3970. 434') 47,1"tetle. •BUSINESS .OPPORTUNITIES GQ-CARlaerack for sele or rent, located by CFB Clinton. Apply to Craig Cox. Phone 482-7396, 17, 18.0 • WANTED C484 in on hurted treasureeWe boy; ,o1ct gold, and estate jewel- IerYe'N; T, OrrnandY Jewellery, 94 'The Square, Goderich. .9ff AUCTION SALE EXECUTORS' AUCTION SALE of two properties, antomebile and household effects from the west half of let 19, concessiOn 3, Hullett Township 114 miles east of Clinton and 114 miles north on Saturday, May 4tii at 1:30 ,p,rn. Property: The farm censist- ing,of 50 acres more or less, on which is, situated a 7 -room, lye- tOre :frame house with a full baeeneent, oil furnace, pressure syitentan three-piece bath and hardwopd floors on the down- stairs. - Property: The stecco 8 -room cottage, situated in 56 'Ontario Street, Clinton, with a full base- ment, a basement garage and self-contained apartments. Automobile': A 1966 Plymouth sedan, in A,1 condition with low mileage (less than 15,000 miles), Household Effects: Cherry glass top Cupboard. cherry sec- retary, desk; walnut secretary desk • walnut bed springs and mattress; Jenny Lind bed; 2 walnittemetching beds, springs and niattress; 3 -piece modern bedroom suite (maple); roll-a- weWedend mattress; walnut chest of drawers; bird's eye maple high boy chest; marble top walnut dresser and wash stand; cherry and Maple wash stand; cherry wash stand; dress- er mirror; 3 -piece sectional chesterfield suite; upholstered platform 'rocker; upholstered item chair; Boston rocking chair; child's rocking chair; 4 dinette chairs; other chairs; occasional chairs; walnut French Provin- cial coffee table (with inlay); 2 tier pedestal table with inlay); maple, magazine rack; 21 -inch Philco, television;-- combination lig e-atfr-If htnloor and table • 'Aleppo) player; pole trhel section glass bookcase; spinning wheel; man- tel radio; grandmother's clock; Kenmore electric range; General Electric refrigerator; scatter mats; lamps; Tiffany shade; dishes, including fancy and an- tique; cooking utensils; power riding lawn mower; 20 -inch rotary power mower; garden tools. Terms on .Properties: 10% .cash on date of sale and bal- ance in, 30 with properties sold subject to reserve bid. tr t ernisaon car: Cash, sold sub- ject to reserve bid. Terms on household effects: cash. . William E. Rumley, William Forest, Executors of Mrs. Ida Forest Estate. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 17,18 AUCTION SALE of household effects from 201 Albert St., Clinton, on Saturday, May llth at 1:30 p.m., the fol- lowing: 141eCe walnut dining room suithatable with jack-knife leaf); Frigidaire 30-ineh electric range; General Electric refrig- erator; Kenmore automatic Washer (6 mohths old); Easy eieetrie dryer (A-1 condition); 3 - piece walnut bedroom suite of 54 -inch panel bed, dresser and 5 -drawer chest; 54-ineh bed With box springs and Mattress; single bed with mattress; Mall dress- er and Stand; occasional table; white eriamel utility table; batket weave chair; kitchen chair; Pegenaut 8 -day chunk clock; walnut kitchen clock and shelf; elotheS hamper; 2 foot stools; large punch 'bowl with 12 cups; electric iron; electrie toaster; Fry Matter deep fryer; Suabeam miarnasterr Airway vacuum cleaner With attach- ments; 'combination radio Mid table lamp; misce 11 aneotis dishes; coOkitig utensils; linens; bctiding; drapes; matter mats; outside Chriettnas lights; flood lignts; extension cords; exten- sion speaker; tubber tire Wheelbarrw; 22 -inch rotary lawn mower; lawn furniture; garden hese; lawn sprinkler; 2 eaten - Slott ladders, 16 foOt and 24 foot; 6 gkeve-more eleettie balbs, 4 ft, long (for tiSe fit a hotbed); 39 -inch Ventlets range hood (charcoal fillet); TV aerial with 30 feet 61 pipe. enow silo* sleet gun; rifle; 'insulated out- door suit (large); screens and storrn Windoeas; gatdeh Viola; carporiter'S tette and niiscellata CPO toels; 2 satv horses; tranke; it0 tomeroua other artielea. erre Cash, reSerVe as the propertY- is told, eheifidg BreWit, IhroPeletair, EdW..rd W E1Ii�tt Atietiorteet .AUCTI .Q.N AKTI9N .SAIA o dairy cgttle, form hay :and, ;rain Will ha held for ;yabu Van Den Aesent Sr Lot Can, IQ, Mori iS TeWrishiP 1"/ miles east Of AlYth, 9P MerldaYI May 13, at v * 0 110 stein e9WP, PTO, Opistein clews, gee, age time; 2 Holstein heifers, 4 yeare old, bred; 6 open HOlstele hetfe pre, 2 :Holstein heifer Pelves; 3 Heretord catVee• imPlements: PliVer traeter, live 13 TO, Aad hYdranlic.; la- , run ferttlizer drill; PlenrY Oissel dim harrows. International 3- fiirreW pieW; land railer; 9 It. cultivator; Massey Harris No, 0 neWer riteWPr; MaaseY Fergit- PA roll bar rake; 2 rnbber tired wagons And racks; Gehl hammer mill, PRA/. on rubber, new; .2 trailers; water troughs; 18 ft. bele .elevator end rioter; grain auger; Sorge 2 unit milk- er; numerene Mal articles, Hay and Grain: 1.01oe grain; quantity of strew. Cash,' rarm sold Allan MacIntYre, Auctioneer, Phone 029-3510, Lucknow. 18, 1.9b CLEARING AUCTION SALE of farm stock, machinery and household effects at lot 38, con. cession 12, • Hunett township, 11/2 miles south and 1.14 miles east of Auburn, on Thursday, May 16 at 1 p,m. HORSES dark chestnut • Bel- gium mare (220Q lbs.); Gray mare, middle age (2000 lbs) Quantity of all types of harness. , CATTLE -Nine Hereford cows ' bred to poll unit bull; 8 Here- ford steers and heifers one year old, ready for market PIGS -Three York sows, bret., 18 York chunks. POULTRY -a:100 hybred hens. MACHINERY -fertilizer drill; 4 -section harrows; horse-drawn plow; cultivator; farm wagon; 16 It. hay rack; wagon box; stock rack; sloop sleighs, hay rack; New Idea side rake; 'New Idea manure spreader; mower; *seuffler; ladder; wheel barrow; double blocks; forks; shovels; chains; tools; lawn mower; gar- den Rota tiller (like new); elec- tric fencer; 2000 lb, Renfrew scales; iron piping for posts, drcrphead hay loader; fanning mill; 175 ft, Rope Stewart • sheep clippers; pig troughs. HAY and grain -mixed grain, 2,000 bales mixed hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -Cook stove; 4 -burner electric stovea. ehen cornere cupbp,ard; spoolle bed; small safe. I t ;ARP g;;OF 'THANKS 1 wish to extend MY thanks.' All these who eent PerataA lettere,' fleWera and 'Yteiteti ip while I Was Patient in Clinted ',bean Pitale heriks to Box Athi,ilancC, Pre. Newland And Walden, Itev- Mr, firitteil enal the ilurseee„9"1„ :And floor .141IS, A liAto S 411Ic 1. ''.8b3'' arY4 , •;11,0911 wish to thank. nit thosewile PHONE 4024/92 sent cards, flowere aid vieitecia 10, 19 je yvhtle , as in hoettatallei - , SPeetel thenke nurser2gindd ',staff on aPeend floor, Dr, New, land and Rey, Mills Mrs, Amy Crieh, 1 fARA!% PATES FENCING STOCK WATERING. TROI-0: GM11 - VETERINARY EIAPPIANS WITTIAUFERI Feed MIll P S 181/ We wish to thank all our friends, relatives and netgh- betkra Or all the love/y floret tribtitea and cards recerved dine ing our recent bereavement a- Sp„ciel thanks to the pallbeare, ers, flower bearers and, Rev, A. j Mowatt CLARENCE HUGILL AND FAMILY. a' 18h.; I would like to thaple all mY: friends and pals who sent rade cards, treats end visits while was in hospital. Special thank to Dr. Oakee, Dr. Addison and: the nurses, RICKY vvEsTLAKE, 18h - The family of the late Male' nom Toms wish to express tneit Sincere thanks and appreciation to their many relativee, friends' and neighoours for their kind - !less and sympathe shown dur- ing th.) past month. Special'. tit :eke to Dr, Cocas; Dr. Ftaval ere, nurses at the Clioton• hos= one', Ball funeral home and Mr. Beek DAWNA AND LLOYD WESTLAKE.. e 18)e, Jail escapees (cent, torn pagol ) POW.. At aPPNicIroa.tol.y Thilesday, en cpP constable. Wal,ter Ferguson, Owen g9440 -detachment, spotted Ibe stolen 'Vehicle entertag the QweaSpuncl • .0ity limlts from the west. City Mid OPP nnits Were aettfted and the police elosed in on the car on Sego:id Avenue. Prance reported that Sintth and Fteyatilde tried to dodge '•.threagh the ii.olice„ readeOlock, • but eanee, Were arreete.d at, gurie-petntea . The, two were rettunted to Huron .county Jail, Gederich, at 3:39 a.m. by Sereea,ne'Ross GraWherci and Corporal George Bacon' of the Goderich ppaiee Department. Snitth was sentenced to five years in. the Kingstonpeeiten-, tiary, April 1, for the $,900O armed robbery- of the 13ruces. field •lartuich of the Bank of Montreal January 8.. ' Reynolds was serving a term „ fax' breech of Parcae. , , I wish to thank inY neig*: . hours relatives and friends whif ' siite,•••• • •. • • ana gifts while I was in hosnital!, , • Sp.eial thanks to Dr Oakes, eaa II Addison and Dr. Walden IV' • visited me, sent. cards, flowere..... Your Blood is Always Needed all the nurses on the first fl r., MRS IRENE ANSTETTe • • 1..,0)t _ The family of the late Mr. Edwin Foster wish to thank their relatives, friends and neighbours who sent messages of sympathy and were so kind &wing their recent Sad bereavee 'tient Special thanks, to Mr. Murdock Merrison. 18b IN MEMORIAM ;1,rii• 1VIUNRO-In toying memory of a dear son and uncle, Bille Munro, who was killed at work one year ago, May 6, 1967, in his 21st year ese• Every day in some small way, Memories of you come our way, Though absent, you are ever •,0 ..a„a2aee _,near, ::ltraailte,vrefew aiweeyTrs P:4f:,;,,aaa4e ZeQaai3A., i 6 ti -Lovingly remembered by his mother, Grace Mupro and nieces, Mary Helen' Iliad 1Karen Teresa, 18p Other articles too numerous to mention. Proprietor, William J. Wagner Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, Mel Graham 18-19 TRAVEL SERVICE STAN BeOWES• TRAVEL SER- VICE, 32 Wellington, Stratfard. For all airlines, steamships, rail, hotel reservations, tours,** Low bank rates on time payments. Prepaids arrangad for relatives viSiting from overseas. Cali 271-5710, 33 ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mre Thomas Corrigan of Ot- tawa wishes to announce the en- gagement of her daughter, Carol Ann to Wayne William Reid, also of Ottawa, son of Master Warrant Officer and Mrs. W. A. Reid of C.F.B. Borden and grandson of Mrs George Reed, Varna. The wedding will take piaee on May a5, 1968 at 11 a.m. in St Theresa's Chureh, Ottawa, Ontario. 180 Mr. and Mrs. J. Clarence Smillie of lienSall, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Shaton Jean, ta Mr. Ronald Charles Robinson, son • of Mr. and Mrs. J. II, Robinson of Hamilton. The wedditig will take place Ma Y 25, 1968 at 4 o'clock, in Hensel). United Church, Hensell, Ontario, The bride -elect ie a graduate of St. Joseph's Hospital School of Nursing, Lohdoti, and the atni- versity of Western OntatiO. The groom -elect is a graduate of Mc- Master UniverSity, Hamilton. 18p CARD OF THANKS TO tiniee who took care al Me at the time Of my eccideht and tO all Who vieited ate ,in hospital, sent eerds„ treats, ,flowe ers, letters and Other gifts, offer my sincere thanks, not fer- getting Rev., Tsehanz, Dr. Street, and alai) the IdiedneeS of the nurses in the haapital. MRS. /DA TOWNSEND, „ , I Would like to thank all who remembered me while a patient at Clititen Ptiblie Hospital, also' 'the dottore and gaff lea their kitilneee. Special thatike tit Lloyd Stewart and Erheet Beovvn. for finishing nay teeditig. MtlitttAV tAST„ 18p Wieh to thank ell these Whit itiade visi10, Sent tarda and fi.mwrs and helped the fetidly at bathe While I was a jaktient in Ciihton hospitaLEVOryniihg Wars trideh appreciated, MARIAN RACMITT, 18b LAWSON-1n ' loving memory Of Andrew. A. Lawson, who passed away aViay 2, 1967. -Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by sisters, Mrs. Arnold Miller and Mrs. Annie • Medd. 18b BIRTHS BEAVER -Gary and Sharon (nee Martin) are happy to an; nounee the,birth of their son, Trevis Warrn at Brantford Gen- eral Hospital, April 18, 1968. • GARDINEFt-To Mr and Mrs. W. E. Gardiner, Clinton, in Vic- toria Hospital, London, on Wed- nesday, April 24, 1968, a ion, David Kenney, brother for Deborah, TWITCHELL - To Mr. and MrS. Murney Twitchell, London, in Victoria Hospital, Sunday, Apir. 28, 1968, e son, James ACHILLES -To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Achilles Walton. in Clin- ton Public Hospital, on Friday, ApAI 26, 1968, a daughter HOLMES-To Mr and MrSaD, J. Holmes, Clinton, in Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, April 27, 1968, a daughter. . - LAWS -To Mr. and Mrs. S. L w3, R R, 1, Bayfiald, in Clin- ton Public Hospital, on Satur- day, April 27, 1968, a dauglateere DEATHS McLELLAN-Paesed away in Westrninster HOSpital, on Wed- nesday, April 24, 1960, John Alexander McLellan of Blyth, in his 77th1Yeate. Funeral ser- vice Wee from TasketaFuneral Home, April 20 withain- terment in Union: Cemetery, klyth, 'RORKE - Passed awayin Prescott, tel Thursday,. April 25, 106a, Mrs. Hugh Rorke the former Rose Cuninghame, erly of Clinten, itt her 9411i year. The funeral was from Pall rtinetal Hoene, Menday, April 29. DENHOLM---Peteed .eWey at atUreeivieW, ott Saturday, April 27, 1968, Jethee leObett, Denholva Bly'tli in hie 92nd Year, The fOrieretServied WnS trent Tasker Funeral 11otite Blyth, on Mon- day, April 29 With ihterineht 10 Iytit Union Cetnetery- 11100NTAlg.Paated may . at ' Oaten, On Theeday, Afiril 1968, Sarah Mettetain of Lanideetiore, beloVecl Wife . of Willeeta Metintein, The finietal Service Win Ile front kelt Fu- neral 1�n1e on thutstlay, May 2 et 2:09 p.ti1, with ititernient in Clititen Certieterae Sernet i e s I think YieWere are inerene. In faet,, I know they are. h Every television ,statipp eeives letters every deY front YieWer,e who Peneplain. A few are compkiment4ry. In part,. is a letter received by a, TV etetien from a viewer: Igo regard to the flint you sheered on Friday night, Koroohi; starring Pate riek Me0.99,han; I 'think wae stupid of you dp what yeti ir you have Miaeleced the endtrig you Should have cpmp on immediately and apologized arid anponced what haPPened in the end. Iameonsidering notwatche ing your station again; • very stropgly (and probably never buying your products from your sponeors) unless you write an apology 'and explain what happened in the end of the movie. If do not recieye sonae sort of compensation in apology and explanation form some influen- . tial people may hear of lour incompetency. If this letter is not read within 6 months, then the above may result," That's the way the letter,was 'written, with incorrect punetua- tion and apelling. Here's an- other letter: “All gall is divided NEC. By hat stretch of the into three p;xts: ABC, CB$ and imagined integrity can the sta- tions Who comprise these net- works believe that six months of rerunning the programs of the last six months IS fulfilling their eharters to operate an the public. interest, eonvenience and necessity?' That's the end of the letters for .now. Moron isn't the word! Ed. Note: Mr. \Wilting, - • BE. A •• but in our viewayou strike out • • again. DONOR • the last writer that publae in- B1.00 , • we agree wholeheartedly with • • terest is scarcely served by • ••••••• ' , continual re -runs, :except in programs of unueually high... 'calibre. : • . • glilltetr'NeWetAneerd, Thltreciab, May Z 19611 C •OPERATIVE EDiC'L 5ER1�S offers to .Rositiont; 0 Huron CountY Comprehensive Medical Coverage At Cost! ,INPIVIIPPAI, and GROUP II.ATES inquire to -day from; . Robert McMillan, RR 2, $!dfo,rt.h - Peter Roy, Clinton GordoniRicitardson, RR 1, Brucefjeki, RA 2, Seaforth or at 14URCON. COOPERATIVEMEDICAL SERVICES , 82 Albert Clinton Phone 482-9151 •ImNimirimmar STOCKER FEEDER SALE • HENSALL SALES ARENA SAT,, -MAY 4th, 1io0 'p.m. 600 HEAD *IONSISTING OF CALVES, COWS, HEIFERS AND STEERS FOR CONSIGNMENTS CONTACT THE MANAGEMENT VICTOR HARGREAVES JACK MORRISSEY •• 442-7511 234-6200 AUCTIONEER: HECTOR McNEIL MROL.IRY • =, NIET.C/R •MI:11,4TE3O:' 01:JUGA.F2 FAL.,OCIN CORTINA MERCURY TRUCKS, . .v.n; 0 -4 O'S, 4,3) c. 9 HURON AUTOMOTIVE AND SUPPLY :-,263 HURON ROAD GODER1CH, ONTARIO , .PHONE 524-6271 • • 11,r.re)q 0117' n•folett Km:7.4,0 yirist 1.4.o t ....U. • • • ri- ao eq.. • • t", T4113 i.!-) III 9 (:, tit' .Pr rif e.e •1, ;;".•.1" -melte 10 iaseizie eleof(1 Used Car Clearance Sale 1966 OLDSMOBILE Fordor, V-8, automatic, radio. 19,67 FORD • Custom Fordor, 6, standard . 1966 COMET Fordor, V-8, automatic, radio. 1966'COMET Tudor, hardtop, V-8, standard; railio. 1966 CUSTOM 500 Fordor, 6, standard, radio. 1966 VOLKSWAGEN 1965 FAIRLANE 500 Tudor hardtop, V-8, standard, radio•. 1965 'PLYMOUTH V-8, automatic. Pc3lice ca. 1959 1/2 -TON 1963 FORD GALAXIE 500 Fordor, V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering. 1963 FORD 1962 FORD Fordor, V-8, standard.. Tudor, V-8, standard: TRUCKS 1300 Model. 1966CHEVROLET 1965 FORD Sports Wagon, 9 -passenger. TRUCKS Custom, V-8, autornak radio. 1965 GALAXIE 500 XL Convertible, V‘S, automatic, radio. console. 1964 GALAXIE 500 XL Tudor, hardtop, V4I, automatic, radio, console, power brakes. 1964 FORD , . feirtiOri .fik standard, radio., 1963 MERCURY Fordor,V4 automatic, power brakes, power steering, pOwer rear window., • Six, standard. 1958 3/4-T0N PICK UP Four -speed transmission. MOTOR BIKES tv. 4 Spring Ciearance Sale $ NEW BIKES USED Priced To. Clear . CLINTON SALES REPRESENTATIVE 'GEORGE CUTLER 4824782