The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-10-11, Page 11iqeons
ILucan And District News
When we put an aluminum
roof on our Kingston, Ont.
plant, we knew it would have
many advantages for the peo
ple inside; but, frankly, we did
not consider the pigeon popu
lation outside. They landed on
the shining surface .., slid ..,
liked the sensation ... made it
a pastime.
Providing toboggan slides
for pigeons is no part of our
programme. However, the alu
minum roofs which now .dot
the countryside do -illustrate
the rapidly growing demand
for aluminum. To match grow
ing markets like this, we are
building new plants and
powerhouses in Quebec and
British Columbia. Aluminum
Company of Canada, Ltd.
Teachers Organize
At Lucan School
The September meeting of the
Middlesex and North London
Confederation of Teachers, which
was organized last year, met in
the Lucan Public School. The In
spector, Mr. Smith and his assis
tant Mr. Griffith were present.
The inspector congratulated
the 19 members present on its
enthusiastic work and splendid
During the meeting officers
for the coming year were elect
ed as follows:
Honorary president, inspector
Smith; past president, Mr. F.
Morgenroth; president, Miss Ma
deline Hardy; first vice presi
dent, Mr. Fred McDonald; se-
con vice president, Mrs. Nord
Conlin; secretary treasurer, Mrs.
Muriel Donaldson.
Convenors were as follows:
Finance, Mr, Carl Crocker;
policy and legislation, Miss Mary
Mikilask; publicity and Legisla
tion, Miss Pat Gowlett; educa
tional Research, Miss Anne Cam
eron; sick benefit, Miss Verna
McComb; statues, Mrs.
Bowman; superannuation,
Norma Gledhill.
The organization is to be con
on getting off
a good start for the
O’Rourke Honored
Personal Items
Have you seen Charlie Hog-
gar's giant 14 pound puff ball
which he found on his farm
south of Lucan, on concession 2,
Mrs, Clarence Haskett was
rushed to St. Joseph’s Hospital
on Tuesday last for an appendix
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robb of
Elginfield and Mrs, Reg Palmer
■of Highland Road attended the
funeral of their cousin James
Farrell of Kincardine.
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Thompson
have moved from the Sauble
Line, Con. 4, Biddulph, to their
new home on Alice St., Lucan,
recently vacated by Mr. Stewart
Park and family who have
moved on to the farm of the
late Joe Ryder.
Mr. and Mrs, W O. Webster
and daughter, Mrs. Shell, of
bridge, spent Friday with
and Mrs. John Blair.
The group leaders of
United Church W.M.S. met at
the church on Wednesday after
noon to make arrangements for
the Mother and Daughter Ban
quet to be held in the church
parlours on October 24.
Mi’s. Bill Chown entertained a
number of her neighbours last
Monday evening. The guest of
honour was Mrs. W. J. O’Rourke
who will soon be joining her
husband who has already begun
his Bank of Montreal duties at
During the evening Mrs.
O’Rourke was presented with a
beautiful “what-not”. Though
taken totallj- by surprise, "Mrs.
R. O’Rourke made a suitable
reply and “thanked her Lucan
friends. The rest of the evening
was spent in card playing.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coughlin
and' family of London 'were
week-end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Earle Young.
Mr. W. J. O’Rourke of the
Bank of Montreal at Frankford
is back to Lucan for the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford and
Harvest Thanksgiving service
will be held in thg Clandeboye
United Church on Sunday, Octo
ber 14, at 7:30 p.m. The guest
speaker will be the Rev. G. G.
Burton, M.A., B.D., of Centralia.
Mr. and Mrs. Orton Leather
land and infant daughter of
Toronto spent last Sunday with
former's sister, Mrs. Rea Neil.
The ladies of the W.M.S. of
the United Church met at the
home of “"Mrs. T. Collins on
Thursday evening and packed
the bale for the Missionary So
Mr. Eugene Bice, of the teach
ing staff of the public school at
Windsor, spent the holiday week
end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Austin Bice.
Miss Joan Simpson, of the
teaching staff of Sarnia Kinder
garten School, spent the holiday
week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Maurice Simpson.
Mr. Karl O’Neil returned
home Friday from a business
trip to Calgary and other points.
He reports bad weather in west
ern provinces.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Tomes of
Hamilton spent Sunday with
Mrs. Ernie Tomes and family.
The sacrament of Holy Com
munion was administered by the
Rev. E. M. Cook at the United
Church on Sunday to about 4 IT
communicants in keeping with
World-Wide Communion Sunday.
Several families from St.
James’ Church attended Harvest
Thanksgiving services at
Trinity Church, Lucan, on
Mrs. G.
on Mrs. J.
Mr. and
Mrs. Paton
Sunday as
ter’s aunt
Mr. Bowman, of Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton and
Clare spent Sunday guests at
dinner .of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Riehl, Stratford. Other guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Lo
gan and Myrna of Thorndale.
The occasion was Mrs. Riehl’s
The committee from St. James
Church Guild met Saturday eve
ning at Mrs. Fred Simpson’s to
plan for supper and bazaar to
he held in November at Lucan
Mrs. Eldon Young spent Mon
day with Mrs. Cecil Carter.
Harvest Services
Well Attended
With heavy skies, drizzling
rain and strong gales, the
weatherman did his best to mar
the Harvest Home services at
Holy Trinity Church on Sunday
but in spite of the inclement
weather two splendid congrega
tions turned out to hear the Rt.
Rev, Bishop Hallam in the mor
ning and the Rev. J. N. Doidge
in the evening,
Many people remarked that
the church was never more
beautifully decorated with flow
ers and fruits and coloured fol
iage, Mr, Harrison expressed his
thanks and appreciation to all
who helped in the decorating.
Twenty-four members of the
Independent Order of Oddfellows
were present for the evening
service. To these and to mem
bers of the United Cnurch, Mr.
Harrison extended a hearty wel
come. The choir assisted by Mrs.
Gordan Mains of Dorchester pro
vided special thanksgiving music.
Amusing ,Squirrel
An ‘'Alice St. residence
been considerably amused this
past week at the clever antics
of a thieving black squirrel who
has been raiding a near-by corn
patch. How it managed the feat
is a mystery but there is sat on
top of a garage munching on a
cob of corn as big as Itself, Next
day it feasted on an equally big
cob but from a high branch of
a Where it will dine to
morrow is still unknown but no
doubt it will be somewhere in
the neighbourhood of the corn
The modern H
the Stanley Opera House on Sat
urday night. Looking in from
the outside all seemed to be
having an enjoyable evening.
A number of the neighbours
collected at the home of Mr.JEli Thompson on Thursday hi^ht
and presented Mr. and Mrs,
Mrs.Banting and
and daughters called
H. Paton on Tuesday
Mrs. Mervin Carter,
and Ian Carter spent
guests of Mrs. Car-
and uncle, Miss and
Derwin Beaton^
Granton W.I.
Appoints Delegates
The September meeting of
Granton W.I. was held at
home of Mrs.
The following delegates were ap
pointed to the October London
convention :
Mrs. Duncan McNaughton,
Mrs. Gordon Dann and Mrs. Wil
liam Rodd. Members were re
minded of the short course to be
held at Prospect Hill in Novem
ber at which the Lucan W.I. will
al'so be present.
Mrs. Norman Riddell, conven
er of agriculture, took charge of
the program and spoke to the
gathering. Mrs. Ronald Squire
reviewed current events and
also read a .paper. Mrs. Harold
Wallis gave a paper.
After a sing song from the
new song books the hostess as
sisted by Mrs. N. Riddell, Mrs.
R. Squire and Mrs. H. Wallis
served refreshments.
Medway’s Achievement Day
A number of Lucanit§g
present at Medway’s second
hievement Day on Thursday.
Outside were 20 'pedigreed
swine and a large exhibit of
poultry in charge of the agricul
tural department of Meadway
while in the gymnasium were
exhibits including home econo
mies, sheet metal work, physic
department and equipment plus
a model fawn-pond and wild life
conservation. This years’ show
was doubled last year’s exhibits.
Bigger and greater things are
planned for next year.
. Ac-
family of Detroit spent
week-end with Mrs. Irene
Dr. Joe Orme and Mrs.
of Toronto are leaving soon for
Florida. Mrs. T. D. Orme and
Murray of Lucan joined them on
Sunday in London for. a turkey
dinner before their departure.
Mr. Bob Coleman was suffi
ciently recovered from his re
cent illness to be brought home
from St. Joseph’s Hospital on
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crans
ton of London called on old
friends and neighbours on Satur
Mr. John Park has returned
home from his business trip to
the West. x
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Frid and
family of Hamilton spent
Thanksgiving with Mrs. Walter
Mrs. Richard Dickens of Ex
eter called on Mrs. ^Aaron- Davis
on. Saturday.
Mrs. Harry McFalls and Miss
Elaine Revington of London
spent the holiday with Mr. and.
Mrs. Sheridan Revington.
Gravel trucks are busy laying
the foundation for artificial ice
at the Lucan Arena.
Mrs. Eldon Hodgson, who suf
fered a heart attack recently, is
able to be*rup.
Holiday visitors with Mrs. Will.
Dickens of Princess Street were
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Caldwell and
family of St. Thomas, Mr. and
Mrs. Morris McDonald of Saints-
bury and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Mains and Elizabeth or Dorches
Mrs. Clarence Haskett, who
was operated on for appendicitis
last Tuesday, was well enough
to be brought home.
Mrs. Lyle Revington spent the
holiday in Detroit with her j
aunt and uncle, Dr. and Mrs. i
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cook and!
Lovely Ladies Take
Sewing Lesson
The junior girls “Clandeboye
Lovely Ladies” met at the home
of Mrs. H. Murless on. Thursday
evening with the leaders, Mrs.
Rupert Williams and Mrs. Mur
ray Lewis, in charge.
Roll call was answered by
types of slips. The sewing
taught how to finish slips,
hem and faggoting. Tips on
of the face and hands were
Those enrolled are Marie
ter, Edith Carter,
son, Marlene
; Cunningham,
Lewis, Mary
Tomes, Jane
Scott, Beth McRann, Elaine Hod
gins and Jackie Williams.
At the close of the meetin
the hostess served dainty
, shell
■, Reta Thomp-
Thompson, Betty
Dorothy Ann
Tomes, Gwenneth
Murless, Janet
W.A. Plan Bake Sale
The October meeting of the
United Church W.A., sponsored
by Mrs. Earle Young's group
was held in the church parlours
on Wednesday evening of last
week. The guest speaker for the
meeting was Mrs. Frank Ball of
London who spoke on Thanks
giving. The business part of the
meeting was taken up with plans
for the coming’ bazaar and sale
of home-cooking November 267
A solo by Mrs. Lockyer and
the story of the First Thanks
giving by Mrs. Murray Hodgins
followed the business meeting.
The meeting closed with lunch
and the usual social half hour.
Interesting Filins
Filins, sponsored by the Unit
ed Church Sunday School, were
shown in the church parlours by
Mr. Wilbert Stanley on Monday.
The Indian pictures, the Wat
er on Taps, and the puppet pic
shown five weeks from Monday
and Mrs. Murray .Hodgins led in
a sing-song. A silver collection
was taken at the door.
were particularly interest-
The next, films will be
Messrs. Wes Revington, Don
Revin g ton, Karl O’Neil and
George Hodgins arrived home on
Friday from a motor trip to the
On Tuesday the members of
the United Church W.M.S. met
in the church parlour for the
packing of their bale.
, Mr. and Mrs, John Thomson
have returned from their four-
day holiday during which time
they visited , with their daughter,
Mrs. George Arksey of Whalen,
their granddaughter, Mrs. Lloyd
Jaques (nee Marion Copeland)
of Woodham, and Mrs. Thom
son’s sister, Mrs. John Hern, of
and presented
Thompson with a coffee table.
Junior Farmers held a
and old time dance in
PHONE: 153-W
Invest your Savings in
Canada Savings Bonds
They are the safest investment in Canada
*,, always worth what you pay for them •,•
and you can get your money back,‘with
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new bonds is 3.21% if held till maturity.
You can buy $50, $100, $500, $1,000 or
$5,000. Mail or phone your order to us today
50 King St, "West
Toronto I, Ont.
EM. 3-1385
Huron & Erie Bldg.
London, Onh
The Goodyear Super
Sure-Grip O-P-'E-N
C-E-N-T-E-R tread bites
deeper, gives greater trac
tion and out-wears all
others. Why? . . * the lugs
have been made bigger,
broader, thicker and
deeper! And longer, too.
For your farm... any part
of it . . . Goodyear Super
Sure-Grips will do deeper
plowing and haul heavier
implements in wet, slick,
slippery soil where other
tires bog down. Permits
you to plow, plant and
harvest faster . . . save
precious hours when time
is short.TREAD
Portable Arc welding
Acetylene Welding
Steel Fabrication
Machine Work
Marshall & Murray
Machine Shop
Personal Items
vn xnu Mrs. Walter Gibson lias re-famlly ^rom^sToim^^ Creeir spent | turned 'home from her trip to
the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton.
Will Haskett. Mr. Gordon Mains and Eliza-
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. beth called on Mrs. Aaron Davis
Harold Corbett for the holiday on Friday,
were Mrs. Harry Atkinson of |
London and Mrs. Norman Stoner
of Arkona.
Mrs. Isabel Underwood
tended the., wedding df
grandniece, .Miss Helen Jeffer
son, who was united in marriage
to Mr, Rendall Dick on Satur
day, October 6, in Knox United
Church, Owen Sound. Mrs. Un
derwood then spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Underwood at Wingham.
Mrs. McIntosh who was laid
up for a few days with an at
tack of flu, is able to he out
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cantelon
and children, Ellen and John,
spent the Week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Cantelon.
We are sorry to report that
Mrs. John Park Sr. has had te
be taken to the hospital again.
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Thomp
son and family of Exeter visited
with Mr. and Mrs. John 'Thom
son on Sunday.
“ Mr. and Mrs. 0. Owen Fores
ter and family of Sprhigbank
Drive, London, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hod
Mr. and
and family
week-end at
and family
with Mrs.
Hogg, of
Mrs. Cliff
spent the
the Beattie
in Bruce Peninsula.
Mr. Douglas Lucas
spent Thanksgiving
Lucas’ mother, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whyte
spent the holiday at their cot
tage in Bruce Peninsula.
Mrs. Viola Jenkin and family
of Bradford spent the week-end
at their Lucan home.
Lucan’s Nursery School is off
to a good start with the follow
ing 16 wee folk enrolled: Rutliie
Cochrane, Carolyn Donaldson,
Nancy- Lou Dobie, John Frantsi,
Shirley Gudgeon, ‘Nancy Haskett,
Ward .Hodgins, Jean Marie Lan
kin, Larry Lewis, Lornie Morley,
Gayle McNair, Billy Park, Garry
Revington, Brian Smith, Judy
Thompson and Beverley Wright.
Mrs. Frank Seeley held a suc
cessful sale of farm, farm stock
and implements last Monday.
The farm was sold to Mr. Wil
liam Phillips who has already
moved in. Mrs. Seeley will leave
for Michigan shortly.
Whichever you choose, don't delay.
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CanadaSavings Bonds—now better thanever.
And no wonder—when you think of the
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Think what amounts like these cart mean to
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You can get your Canada Savings Bonds
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In the meantime your investment stands as
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You can now place your order for the
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They're going to get a hearty welcome from
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This time you cart buy up to $5,000, irt
any ond name.