The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-09-27, Page 10Page 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 37, 1951
( Mr. and Mrs. Alias
j Lynda and Hi ■
despatch from Edmou-‘ KyIe Cll- Kxerer.
i Ephraim hern.
Harold Herr, and
and Mrs. Ross Hern
ily Usited on Sunday
and Mrs. Morris Hern
sion being Mrs- Kyle-
Miss Doris Broi'k, , , J i1 misfortune to frm
t h r o u g h reduced »Saturday w him
m Mr. and" Mr*.
Air. Ross Hern,
a* po*s-
i Mrs.
1 Kyle !
Snow Storms Detay
Alberta Harvest
A CP. ....................
ton Monday states that wet
Hinging snow -cascaded down on
SoathcTr. Alberta grainfields to
bring frosh delays to harvesting
already two to three weeks late.
Early Monday night snow still
was fulling. And it hit hardest
in are - •> where crops are green
est- IL-avy losses were anticipat
ed, m-iinly 1
grade- w quality.
As much as eight inches of, „
snow feR in the Cayley dldrhd/ . Y
in rim Wothills U'O miles south ’
of t'auuvy. Calgary, where it
begun -sowing Saturday night.
hud r;,»'
In Ed
fi-i W
than six inches.
«ohl accompanied the
- Lnndhrei k, a f^.v miles
fr-yley. the ’temperature
e 1 Pl degrees.
nltni. agricultural
the wintry turn
is a warning icrsex ere in
■ut as fast
of Exeter attend-G
; of jheir foudn
Jrick FoiJich .
Air. and Air
and family
-u a iU‘.o>’»r rrip
>. omp'iny wit'
Malum Ry,aim
tamilv attendA!
fb.a week-end.
Air. Clare T re*nr:i-
id from Victoria I:osr:t..E. Lou- , , , , ■, i ,• ...idou where h“ was receiving E’Jrmal photograph, release for the first time.
* blood Iran-■^•*•=*.*”-■ ’ n.,,,,,;.. ’Pl,..
of tliv Royal Navy, the Duke of Edinburgh participated in the Mediterranean fleet’s sum-
iUivr eruiw before returning to Britain, to prepare for the coming Canadian tour, lhis in-
h»‘ was ’.-eveiviug formal photograph. release for the first time, was taken as lit was attached to the H.M.b,
•fusion* ’Magpie. The prince and princess, unfortunately, have not listed this district as a stop on
Mr. and Mrs. Fife and 1 their coining Canadian tour. —Central Press Canadian
Mrs. Inez Slanker of Buffalo . ___ ___1----------------_— -------.-----------------------—— ......................- —— - —-----•-------------—----
land Mrs. George Thompson off , a k i
' Granton visited recently with | | sii» a ■ « 1
Mr. and Mrs, Re-* Herr
. and Mrs
Mr. and Mrs N.
wd Mrs. Barker
Mitchell. Mr. ami
i Jeffery
■ dinner
! Angus
L. Har.nar. and Iss® QI I
Bush field
and Terry i ' ”
ami Mr/a-d*Mrs’’w-iite Executive Installed
of Staffj w<->re Sunday
guest* of Mr. and Mrs.
Our people at the Kingston
plant enjoyed watching a cou
ple of robins build a nest with
shreds of aluminum foil, The
robins seemed delighted to
find their new building mate
rial so easy on the wings, so
soft, so cosy. But ... A wind
arose. The nest was so light
that it blew away. The robins
rebuilt with the same material:
but more firmly anchored.
While we have no ambition
to supply the world’s robins
with nesting material, we are
eager to provide aluminum for
home-building humans — and
for the thousand other uses of
this modern metal, Therefore,
our huge expansion pro
gramme in Quebec and British
Columbia. Aluminum Com
pany of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan).
;Lucan News
' Lions At Struthroy
j Five .executive members of the
i Lucan Lions’ Club attended the
j big banquet in Straihroy on Fri-
t day night when the Lions’ Club
(there entertained around 300
members from branches from
London to Windsor. The object
of the gathering was to demon-,
strata how a model meeting’
should be conducted. Roy Kea-1
ton, general director of the
ternational Lions’ Club, was' guest speaker.
Home and School (Tub
Thursday, September 20,
Lucan Home and School met at
the Public School. Kate Graham
and Tena Eisenga sang a duet
accompanied by Mrs. Donaldson.
Helen Hardy played an instrum-
!ental number. The guest speaker (was Air. J. McLean who gave a
j most interesting address on Vo
rational Guidance and the duty
of parents to encourage their
children in the pursuit of higher
! Lunch was served and a social
half hour spent. The executive
were \ ery ^pleased with the splen
did turn-out
The regular Expedition of the
Lucan. Explorers was held oil
Monday evening.
i Sinking e and receatiun were
(lead by Counselors Iva and Joan, | Mrs" D. Park attended the ex-
I pedition in the role of “judge”
i when she examined the scrap
< books which the Explorers made
’ in the spring and have been fill-
jing during the summer months,
‘The judging resulted as follows;
; Eleven year, Marline Reving-
iton; lb years, Marjorie Sove
I Mrs. H. Whyte, president of
' the Evening Auxiliary conducted
the installation service for the
new executive, elected at the last
Expedition, wishing the group
well in its coming activities.
The members of the group
were reminded of their new pro
ject to raise money, that of col
lecting fruit baskets and also
fruit baskets and
that coat hangers are still in
The meeting closed with
Explorer Prayer and Taps.
Something Ebe!
If it isn’t one thing it is some
thing else. Flying ants have re
placed flying saucers around Lu-
• ran recently. In number they
' equal or even surpass a swarm
• of bees. One swarm, at least was
given a warm reception with a
pail of hot suds and has not
‘ been seen sim-e.
OllOi TOi>A¥!
.... ■*...* ■ .
Fra ncis Coni in Dies
Solemn requiem high Mass (celebrated Saturday, 'September
22, for the late Francis P. Con
;lin, at Sr. Peter's Church by Rev.
J. M. Fogarty, Pastor, assisted
by Rev. AV. Corcoran as Deacon
| and Rev. E. R. Glavin as Sub-
j Deacon. Interment was in the
i Parish Cemetery.
Pallbearers were;’James Hall,
Cyril Hennessey and Benedict
Regan, William Thompson, El
mer Wilson ancl Charles Tindall.
! He leaves to mourn his loss his
! wife, the former Margaret Ann [ Riley, one son Joseph of McGilli
vray Township, one daughter,
Mrs. W. Regan (Bernice) of
London and three grandsons,
three brothers, Louis and Kim of
Oshawa and Edward of Port
I Perry. He was pre-deceased by
(one sister Margaret of Uxbridge jand one brother John of Bld-
; dulpli. He was a member of Holy
i Name Society Confraternity of the
Blessed Sacrament ,and the Pro- | pagation of the Faith. Born at
Port Hope in 187 5 he moved to
McGillivray township 50 years
ago where he farmed until his
retirement in 1941.
United Church W.A.
The Women's Evening Branch
of the United Church W.A. met
in the Church Parlour on Friday
evening, September 21,
, Hearn's Group had charge of the
; meeting. The topic was,
Church of the Frontier” .
ings were given by Mrs.
Thompson, Mrs. H. Whyte,
Wes. Hodgins and Mrs.
Culbert. The prayers were
by Mrs. Murray Hodgins, As it
was the birthday of the Evening
Branch an offering of
was collected by each
present, paying 1 cent
inch of her waistline.
A business meeting
the worship hour. The
closed with a birthday cake and
over $ 5
for each
Ladies’ Guild
> The September meeting of
(the Ladies’ Guild of the Angli-
i can Church was held at the
home of Mrs. William Brownlee
I on Monday evening with the pre
sident, Mrs. Guy Ryan in the
chair. Most of the. evening was
spent in arranging committees
for the Bazaar, which will be
held, November 24, Donations
from Eatons and Simpsons were
displayed, also articles made by
Guild members. Mrs. Brownlee
and her daughter Marilyn enter
tained with music. AVliile lunch
was being prepared a sing-song
was led by Mrs. Tom Hodgins.
In place of the song sheets it
was decided to sing the favour
ite hymns of the members pre
sent. Everyone enjoyed the sing
ing so much it was decided to
repeat at the next meeting. An
abundant and delicious lunch
was served p.o end a most enjoy
able evening. There were 23
members present.
Lqc$n Personals
Mrs. Aaron Davis is spending
a few days in Exeter with Mrs.
R. Dickens and Mrs. F. Coates.
While there she attended the
birthday celebration on Sunday,
September 23, of Mrs. John Hun
ter. Mrs. Hunter has now passed
the Doth mile stone.
Mr. and Mrs. Braithwaite of
London visited with Mrs. Preece
last Sunday.
The Misses Delrene and Mari
on Coursey, Marion Ashworth
and Douglas Stone attended, the
AYPA Rally at St. Paul's Church
London, on Monday, September
17. After the worship hour a
social gathering was held in
I’ronyn Hall.
Miss Marie Stanley has gone
in training at St. Joseph’s Hos
Mr. and Mrs. Williard Garrett,
Doreen and Jack spent Saturday
evening with Mrs. Bob Coleman,
Congratulations to Mr.
Mrs. Harvey Latta (Mayrene
kinsoni on the arrival of a 1
hoy on Sunday night at St.
ph’s Hospital.
Mrs. Eldon Hodgson of
St. is confined to her bed with a
heart attack.
Mrs. Bob Coleman was in Lon
don on Sunday and reports Mr.
Coleman is doing nicely though
he will probably have to remain
in the hospital for some time.
Mr. and Airs, Freeman Nichols
of Lobo were recent visitors with
Mrs. Preece of Alice st.
Mr. Orville Gibson of Toronto
spent the week-end with his
mother, Mrs. AValter Gibson. His
mother returned with him on
Sunday as far as Hamilton,
where she will visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Sweet.
Mrs. M. H. Hodgins and Miss
Patricia Gowett attended the 60th
Anniversary of the Crampton
Unitefi Church on Sunday after
noon and evening.
Mr. ..and Mrs. Malcolm Lamont
of Cromarty spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Warner McRoberts.
Entertain At Bend
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lang
ford entertained 33 members of
the United Church Choir at their
cottage at Southcott Pines on
Sunday, September 23. During the
evening Mr. J. Murray was pre
sented 'with a leather-bound
hymn book. Mr. Murray for years
was a most faithful choir mem
ber, It is hoped his health will
soon be sufficiently restored to
him to return to
Bay Service
The Lucan Lion’s Club had a
supper meeting at the arena last
Monday night. Plans were made
for securing more members and
for the repairing of a Lucan ’house. A Hallowe’en party will
I be held again this year for the
Taxi Service
For More
The life, wear and safety
of your
careful, expert lubrication
for top car performance.
Let us lubricate your car
thoroughly for smoother
ear depends on
Phone 328 Exeter
(Qheck these^/alues in
Hork Clothes
Gravity Furnaces
Are your fuel bills getting out of hand? An old-
fashioned or worn-out furnace often fails to provide
all the heat you should get for your heating dollar.
T'or lowest cost heating luxury, let us show you
the complete line of dependable Anthes-Imperial grav
ity warm air furnaces. Or, for the carefree luxury of
automatic heating, there’s an Anthes-Imperial winter
air conditioning unit to suit your Tdquirements,
Come in today and let us help you select the
Anthes-Imperial heating equipment suited to your
Lindenfield’s Limited
Pheno 181 Exeter
A most impressive
Service was held in
Church on Sunday,
’ 23. The church was
| decorated with autumn
! and a large congregation
present for the Promotion Exer
cises, under the leadership of
Mr Alex Young, the S.S. superin-
s Cendant. During the “Opening of
j the Gates” Elva Young and
i Revington sang.
th(e United
Returned To Council
George Mace, former London
Township councilor, was return
ed to council by acclamation on
Saturday as successor to the late
councilor, Frank Seeley. Frank
Fellner was also nominated
dropped his nomination in
our of Mr. Nace.
"Huron 'College
tour of the new Huron
■was the last item on
[agenda of the two-day meeting
I last, week of the evening Bran-
' Dies of the Women's Auxiliary
'of the Db'cese of Huron, Church
<31 of England in Canada.
Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Gary
Oshawa, Mr. Percy Cranston
Winnipeg and Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Cranston and family of
London held a family reunion
with Mrs. Cranston Sr. of Lucan
on Sunday, September 23.
There will be no church in the
Lucan Anglican Church next^ Sun
day, September 30, but
Invited to attend the
Home Services at St.
Church, morning and
Canon Patterson of Toronto will
be the guest speaker at bbth ser
vices. The Lucan Sunday School
will be held as usual at 10 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Haas of
Buffalo, N.Y., visited for a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Al Hed
denIt is with deep regret we re
port that Mr. Bob Coleman de
veloped pneumonia and was
en to St. Joseph’s Hospital
Recent visitors at Mr. and
A. Gannett’s were Mr. and
Roughley and family.
■Mi', and Mrs. Theron Creery
of Woodham and Mr. and Mrs.
Warner McRoberts of Lucan on
Sunday, September 16, picniced
at Rock Glen and then went on
to Sarnia.
. Mr. Bill Hodgins, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wes Hodgins will be
taking the same course as Mr.
Merton Culbert in B.C.
Mr, Frank Hardy left on Tues
day for Manitoba and points
west on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. John Blair and
Mrs. Blair’s brotheY, Mr. Albert
Mitchell of Exeter spent Sunday
in Thorndale the guests of Mr.
and -Mrs. Will Hobbs,
The staff of the Anglican Sun
day School were much pleased to
see tlm
30 to
still not returned kindly see they
are out next Sunday?
Many people in
who heard the report of the bolt
of lightning, that hit the Stanley
was a
While .......
wedding of her grandson Stanley
Tom, who was married at 3
o’clock Saturday. September 15
in St. Leonard's Anglican Church
by the Rev. H. II. Marsh to Mar
ion Elizabeth Davies, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Redvors D. Dav
Mt. and Mrs. William Brown
lee took Mr. Brownlee’s mother
back to Toronto on Saturday to
spend the winter with her daugh
ter, Mrs. E. McEwen. During her
five weeks visit in Lucan Mrs,
Brownlee, who will be 95 in
.Tannery, managed to see many
of her relatives and old friends.
Mrs. John Park Sr, is still
very poorlv. Mrs, Annie Fairless
is row on night duty with Mrs.
all are
the attendance jump from
50 on Sunday. Will the
of children who have
the village
Friday night, thought it
B. Stanley has returned
from her trip to Toronto,
there she attended the
Mrs. Leota Gilchrist
Mrs. Leota Gilchrist 37, of
Euclid Ave., London, wife
Corporal Harry Gilchrist, OPP,
Tillsonburg detachment died in
Victoria Hospital. September 10.
She was born in Aylmer and
before going to London three
years ago had lived at Wallace
town and Lucan. She was a mem
ber of the United Church at
Summer’s Corners and of Lecta
Chapter OES West Lome.
Surviving besides her husband
are her
one son
tfier Keith Baxter
Corners. Interment was in
mer Cemetery.
Last month’s market showed first indications of
lowering- prices I Manufacturers showed reductions of
10 to 12
but out of our Regular Stock.
percent on most lines and we're FIRST to
this eagerly looked for turn!
following reduced prices are on all good
lines. These are not bought as Sale Goods
the West on
a a a
Phone 31-W immediately. We will be glad, to
publish any club news you have for publica
tion . . .
Phone 31 AV without delay and let us know >
who your guests are,, whore, they are from, etc.
If You Have Visitors...
Denim Jeans
.... BACK TO 2.98
Chambray and Covert
Work Shirts
2.89 ..... BACK TO 2.25
parents, 'Mr. and Mrs,
Baxter R.R. 1, Aylmer,
Max and two daughters,
and Patsy and one, bro-
Keith Baxter Summer’s
Mr. Sheridan Revington
to N.Y. on Friday,
he expects to fly to
a business trip.
Mrs, Labannah
Exeter spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hodgins of
Alice stMr. Thomas Brooks has been
confined to his bed and under
the doctor’s care for the past
Mr. and Mrs. Warner McRo
berts spent Wednesday with Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Westman at
The many friends of Miss
Mary Stanley will be glad to
learn, after three weeks in St.
Joseph's Hospital she is feeling
much better and expects to go
back to work on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Gannett and
Mr. and Mrs. George Fellow of
London visited in Hanover last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Cuddy.
All-Wool Bibbed
Work Sox
(only 2 pairs to a
Drill and Moleskin
Work Pants
.... BACK TO 3.95
.... BACK TO 3.69
“Where Low Overhead and Low Prices
Go Hand in Hand”
If Your Club Meets
If You Want to Buy or Sell
31-W and use. the- want ad column.
Want ads in The Times-Advocate get results
Progressing With Canada’s Best Farm Land”