The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1951-02-22, Page 12Page 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 22, 1951 Easter Seals Help Children Walk The campaign of Easter Seals —the stamps that help crippled children walk—will start next week under sponsorship of Exe­ ter and 'Grand Bend Lions Clubs. Across the province, more than 200 service clubs will be selling seals to finance the work of the Ontario Society for Cripp­ led Children. Children with deformities or stricken by such plagues as polio get the benefit of the Easter seal campaign. The Society brings medical and surgical skill to these children, many of whom would not receive such atten­ tion otherwise. The children who limped or lay in beds yesterday but who walk with confidence to-day is a tribute to the Society. It’s worthy of your support. The local committee, under R, C. Dinney will be sending out See The Latest ^Fashions for 1951' | BETA SIGMA PHI SORORITY | presents j EXETER Admission 350 Attention Taster Parade* In Co-operation with the Local Merchants Wed., March 14 S.H.D.H.S. GYMTORIUM Door Prizes Draw for Doll Home-Made Fudge ADMISSION 65# Lyric THEATRE Phone 421 Previews its Coining Attractions FRIDAY & SATURDAY February 23 and 24 ^Rogues of Sherwood Forest” MONDAY & TUESDAY February 26 and 27 4{The Next Voice You Hear” WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY February 28 and March 1 4<Scene of the Crime” M—■ .......... ■ ...............................—I I' You Are Cordially Invited to Attend A Poultry Meeting Legion Hall Friday, March 2 AT 8:00 P.M. A very interesting film will be shown, covering all phases of the growing and managing of a POULTRY FLOCK in order to obtain maximum egg profits. A Representative from The RALSTON PURINA COMPANY will be on hand to show: “How The Hen Makes An Egg” “The Cause Of Double Yolked Eggs, - Blood Spots, Etc.” “The Importance Of Starting Your Chicks Early” “How To Completely Control Coccidiosis” “The Cause Of Fall Moults In Your Layers” “The Cost Of Raising Pullets, Broilers, Roasters And Capons” “What’s Today’s Profit Opportunities In Eggs And Poultry Meat?” This is a meeting of a Select Group of Local Poultry­ men, so we are particularly anxious that you, along with the ladies of the house1-, be our guests on this occasion. Sponsored By Cann’s Mill Ltd. The Free Trip to St. Louis Will Be Drawn at This Meeting Everyone should be on hand to see this draw* made. The contest will close on March the first and all tickets with purchase of Purina Feeds ; should be picked up by that time. Make Final Inquiries at Our Office ft .......' ...................... .......... ..'..iiin » Mr. and Mrs. I. Belois and John, of Kerwood, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, N. Worry. Harry Schroeder is in St Joseph’s Hospital, Loudon, hav­ ing undergone an operation fot appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Chapman and two children. Jim and Alice and Mr. Cecil Walker, have mov­ ed to Exeter from Whalen into a residence on Ann St. Jim and Alice will be attending the Exe- tei* school while another daught­ er, Doreen, is engaged at the Avalon restaurant. seals by mail next week. Your prompt return of a remittance will help some child walk as you do. Eastern Star Euchre Party Friday, Feb. 23 8:30 pan. EASTERN STAR ROOMS MEMBERS OF SOUTH HURON JUNIOR INSTITUTE Don’t Forget the Mother & Daughter Banquet CLUB MONETTA Thursday, Feb. 22 6:30 p.m. Guest Speaker is Mary Ashwell, of CFPL Broadcasting Station <200 I.O.O.F. Social Evening Friday, Feb. 23 at 8:00 p.m. All members, visiting brethren, and their wives or lady friends, are invited to attend. Lunch 'Will Be Provided Arnold Cann, N.G. E. A. Howald, Sec. Announcements BIRTHS DAYMAN—At Mrs. Hooper’s nursing home on Monday, Feb­ ruary 19, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Crescent Dayman, a daughter; a sister for Marjory, DENHAM—To Mr. and Mrs. Ron­ ald Denham of Kirkton; at St. Marys Memorial Hospital, Feb­ ruary 17, 1951; a daughter, Jane Darlene; a sister for Cheryl. HARDMAN—To Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hardman, of Airport houses, No. 181B; a daughter, sister to Michael; on February 21; at Miss Ballantyne’s nurs­ ing home. PATTERSON — Mr. a n d Mrs. Harold Patterson (nee Donna McFalls) are happy to announ­ ce the birth of their son, Ro­ bert James, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on February 16 th. DEATHS FAUST—In McGillivary Town­ ship, on Monday,. February 19, 1951, Frederick Charles, son of the late John and Caroline Faust, in his 86th year, In­ terment was in Sylvan Ceme­ tery. Wednesday afternoon. SPACEMAN—On Saturday, Feb. 17, 1951, at Toronto, Louisa Maude Spackman, wife of the late Edward J. Spackman, formerly of Exeter, and moth­ er of Mrs. Graham Johnston (Stella) and the late John D. Spackman. ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced of Helen Marie Walton, eldest daughter of Mrs. Marie Walton and the late John Walton of Moosomin, Sask., to Mr. William Gordon May, son of Mr. and Mrs. William May of Exeter, Ontario, the wedding to take place quietly in March. 22* CARDS OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jeffery wish to thank the many friends who so kindly remembered Mrs. Jeffery with cards, letters and treats and those who called to see her while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital. 22* Mrs. Enos Herdman wishes to 'thank all those who remembered her with cards and flowers while a patient in Victoria Hospital. 22* I wish to extend my thanks to all those who so kindly re­ membered me with visits, flow­ ers, treats and cards while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning home. —Jack Wein Fit. Sgt. and Mrs. Joseph Morgan would like to take this opportunity to thank their many friends for the lovely gifts re­ ceived and well wishes for their journey to Whitehorse. We re­ gret leaving our many friends in Crediton and Exeter and hope to return again for a visit in the future. 22c I wish to extend my thanks to all those who so kindly re­ membered me with visits, flow­ ers, treats and cards while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since returning home. 22* —Mrs. Harry Sheppard Mr. Wellington Haist wishes to thank his relatives and friends who so kindly remembered him while a patient in London Hos­ pital 22 c IN MEMORIAM EILBER—In loving memory of a dear husband who God called home two years ago today, February 21, 1949. God knew that he was suffering That the hills were hard to climb, So he closed his weary eyelids, And whispered, “Peace be thine”. Away in the beautiful hills of God, By the valley of rest so fair; Sometime, some day, we know not when, I will meet my loved one there. —Ever remembered and sadly missed by his loving wife, Mary. 22* FINKBEINER—In loving mem­ ory of a dear husband and father, W. Harry Finkbeiner, who passed away one year ago, February 25, 1950. And there no sun is needed, No moon to shine by night; God’s .glory does enlighten, The Lamb Himself the light, And there His servants serve Him, And life’s long battle o’er, Enthroned with Him, their .Sav­ iour They reign for evermore. —Lovingly remembered by his wife and family. 22* ROGERS—In loving memory of a dear aunt, Christiana Rogers of Saline, Mich., who passed away two years ago, February 23, 1949. We who loved you sadly miss you As it dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you. are ever near, -—Lovingly remembered by her niece, Dorothy Quinlivan. 22* Kippen Man Wins Eskimo Handicap Mr. John Anderson of the town line west of here was suc­ cessful in winning the Eskimo handicap shoot at Hamilton over the week-end with a score of 50 straight, winning $129. Last week at Goderich; Mr. Anderson shot two perfect 25- target events, the first 25 event that has 'been registered since the club organized three years ago. Four-Year-Old Child Receives Burns Robert Cooper, four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Coo­ per, is recovering from burns he received to his shoulder and hand when he accidently upset a cup of hot coffee at his home here recently. Personal Items Miss Mona Caldwell of Strat­ ford Normal School spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caldwell. Mrs. Ernie Chipchase of the highway south of the village has sold his 100-acre farm to Mr. E. Rowcliffe. Mr. and Mrs. Chip­ chase intend taking up residence in Hensall. Mr, and Mrs. John Anderson spent Sunday in Hamilton. Mrs. W. Workman spent sev­ eral days in Toronto recently with her mother who is ill. Mr. Arnold Gackstettei1 spent Monday at Westminster Hospital, London, for a checkup. Mr. and Mrs. G. Westlake and family of Bayfield were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Har­ old Jones. Mr. Robert Parsons, who has spent some time with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons, left on Saturday to spend a time with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson at Chiselhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Squire Herdman of Centralia were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstet- ter. Mrs. E. J. Spackman, Early Pioneer, Dies Mrs. Edward J. Spackman, one of the early residents of Exeter passed away Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Graham Johnston, 64 St. Clair Ave. W., Toronto, and the re­ mains were brought to Exeter Tuesday mbrning for interment In the Exeter cemetery. Mrs. Spackman, whose maiden name was Louisa Maude Latta, was in her 9 2nd year. She had been in failing health for the past couple of years. Surviving is her only daughter (Stella) Mrs. Johnston. One son, Jack, predeceased her about IS years. Mr. Spackman passed away about 15 years ago. j The passing of Mrs. Spackman recalls some % of the early days of Exeter when Mr. Spackman conducted a general store in the building now owned by Jones & May. On the side of the build­ ing now almost obliterated by time is a large sign with Mr. S p a c k g a n’s name. Forty-five years ago he sold out to the late J. G. Jones, and moved to To­ ronto to reside. The Spckman residence was on the site now owned by Miss May Jones: Mrs, Spacman at that time was an active member in the women’s organizations of the James St. Church. The commital service at the cemetery Tuesday was con­ ducted by Rev. H. J. Snell. The bearers were Messrs. R. N. Creech, T. O. and J. M. South- cott and Frank Sheere. Accomp­ anying the remains to Exeter were Mr. Johnston and son Mur­ ray. Mrs. Johnston is recuperat­ ing from and attack of pneu­ monia. Fairfield Farm Forum Fairfield Farm Forum met last week at the home of Mr. Leslie Richard with 22 in attend­ ance. The groups discussed the need for an international dis­ tributing board for farm pro­ ducts. It was thought to be a good thing if it could be well organized. Those countries need­ ing food and unable to provide for themselves should" be aided to assist themselves by agricul­ tural courses and to obtain pro­ per machinery. The Forum met this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Powe where 17 members gath­ ered. The subject for discussion was “What Has I.F.A.P. Accom­ plished?”. Many have not even heard of the International Fed­ eration of Agriculture Producers. It is a new organization having started in 1946 in London, Eng­ land. There are 38 member bodies representing, farm and co­ operative organziations of 26 countries. The president Is H. H. Hannam, a Canadian, and the secretary-general is also a Can­ adian, Andrew Cairns. The I.F.A.P. has many activities with the hope of growing achievement in future years, Our forums are a small but important unit in the I.F.A.P., as each forum mem­ ber is a members of the C.F.A. and pays a fee of one-fifth of a mill on their assessment. Some of our forum members hold of­ fice in Stephen Federation. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al­ bert Smith, with the recreation committee in charge. Douglas May attended the Huron County Officers’ Congress last Friday at Hackett’s United Church in Ashfield township. Miss Laura Elliott, of town, and Mr. and Mrs. William Wal- per, of Detroit, visited with Mrs. A. A. Simpson, of Strathroy over the week-end. Mrs. William Horney, who has been in St. Joseph's Hospital. London, for the past three weeks, is slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood, of Lameth, spent Valentines Day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H .Wood. ■----——--------- ---- Baking Sale and Afternoon Tea Under the Auspices of the Young Adults’ Club of Caven Presbyterian Church In the Show-Room of W. G. SIMMONS & SONS Sat., Feb. 24 3:00-5:00 P.M. ii——— ................... fl The Sensation Of The Year You Have to See It to Appreciate It! The New 1951 Hudson ‘Hornet’ On Display At Bob Cook Motor Sales HENSALL Phone 178 ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND Presents For Your Pleasure The Following Attractions FRIDAY & SATURDAY February 23 and 24 ‘Return of the Frontiersman’ (Technicolour) A Waiter Bros. Top Picture! Only one gun to fight with and one girl to fight for. ★ Gordon MacRae ★ Julie L.ondon ★ Rory Calhoun ★ Jack Holt SHORTS TWO SHOWS — 7:30 & 9:30 MONDAY & TUESDAY February 26 and 27 ‘Bright Leaf’ Warner Bros. Add A New Leaf To Entertainment . . . An All Star Cast! ★ Gary Cooper ★ Lauren Bacall ★ Patricia Neal ★ Jack Carson NEWSREEL & SHORTS ONE SHOW — 8:00 Mr. and Mrs. Don Harris, Gid- ley St., celebrated their 19 th wedding anniversary last Friday and entertained a number of friends in the evening in honor of the occasion, Grant Gudmore is wearing a cast on his arm, the result of a twisted wrist. Mrs. Amelia McAvoy is under the doctor’s care having ex­ perienced some flu. Miss Olive Wood, of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mur­ dock, of Dundas, spent the week­ end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Wood. II------------—-------.------------------------------ ----- ------------------------ - Monster Old Time Dance Legion Hall Wednesday, February 28 NELS HOWE and the Canadian Ramblers Sponsored by the Exeter Branch of the Canadian Legion ----------------------------------------------------■----------------------i a-----------------------------------------------------------------i—-----------I Junior Farmers Present Their Hoe-Down LEGION HALL Friday, February 23 GOOD ORCHESTRA New Old Time Dancing — Old New Time Dancing Prizes for Oldest and Youngest Couple LOW ADMISSION 500 ■...............................................................—■ ...... .................. ■ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Student Council 'At Home' DANCE S.H.D.H.S. AUDITORIUM Friday, March 2 Johnny Brennan and His Orchestra Dress Optional Dancing 9:30-1:00 COUPLES ONLY $2.00 Miss Edith Taylor had the misfortune to fall on the ice and fracture her left wrist, COMING EVENTS ART EXHIBITS —- The Beta Sigma. Phi, in conjunction with the Library Board, presents the second in the series of Art Ex­ hibits, starting Monday, February 26, and running until the end of the week, March 3, and may Ibe viewed during Library hours, at the public library. Everybody welcome. 22c