The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-11-03, Page 3THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETfcR, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 3,. 1949 I With “SCOOP” B H INSURANCE Rural Darling, with a of 232, "led the 3 to 1 win over Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon and (luring the evenings throughout the week; Pinpoppers two alleys, Pinpoppers’ few weeks, out on the the first the last came Litter Carrier Pipes Truck Wheels for Manure Spreaders Railroad Irons Angle Irons In. All Sizes WE BUY SCRAP IRON Rring tlie Scrap Into Our Yard SNELL BROS. & CO. Garage Evening Service One garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays, Wed­ nesday afternoons and dur­ ing the evenings through­ out the week. Scanning ENRICHE9 TO BOOST EGO PROMTS ROE FARMS MILLING CO., ATWOOD, ONT'. YOU CAN GET ROE FEEDS FROM: J. A. Traquair, Exeter C. Tindall, Mooresville H. G. Webber, Woodham H. Kellerman, Dashwood Milton Dietz, Zurich ft'X or Men*s League In the Men’s Bowling League Wednesday, Octob er 26, the Seedsmen and clashed on the As lias been habit Apr the they again short end of the score! 3 to 1. Charles MacNaughton, rolling a nifty 6 54 (2.77), led the Seeds­ men, with Howie Holtzman close Bob Pin- behind with 641 (234). Nicol again topped the poppers, witlf 621 (262). • On alleys 3 and 4, the Tigers met the Mighty Mice, with each team getting two points. Gord Cudmore ran wild with a triple of 747 (280) Dick Hamilton night for the (241). On alleys 5 Jers McKniglit had a nice triple of to top the Dukes Boudreau with high man for to lead his team, again had a good Tigers with 633 and 6, the and Dukes tangled. 654 (234) while Ray (232) was Keglers.❖*** Keg- Jack 634 the Butchers Rollers. Fred season average Butchers to a the Rollers by tossing 662 (250). Harold Holtzman of the Butchers also had a nice triple of 642 (281). Mike Hawkins 692 (292) to Lloyd. Stewart, one game of 305. The batttie of the, giants oc­ curred on numbers 5 and 6 alleys, however, when the Erks tangled with the Snipers. All games were close with the Erks taking three points to one for the Snipers. Art Trites topped the Erks with 611 (241), while Vernon Heywood had a triple of 703 (285). >): *#•* Monday Night Monday night the Mighty Mice clashed with the Whizz Bangs. A couple of Whizz Bangs had a rough night, but managed to take four points. Art the Bangs had a .(258), For the Rollers, had a triple of top the team, however, posted ♦ * high * TIM HORTON Termed as “the No. 1 defence propect in Canada’’, rough and ready Tim Horton signed a three-year con­ tract with Toronto Maple Leafs. The bashing rearguard season’s St. Michael’s Majors, Toronto, is now with Pittsburg Hornets. who won’t ^be twenty until next January, was born in Cochrane, Ont. He played, hockey at public and high schools in Cochrane and Sudbury, and with Sudbury and Copper Cliff in the N.O.H.A. —Central Press Canadian of last College playing Horton, two Big just for Friday Night Friday night, on the first alleys, the Tanks met the Six. The Tanks, however, didn’t have enough' power the Big Six and only managed to save one point. Ken I-Iockey. rolling steadily, was top man foi’ the Six with 624 (226). For the Tanks, Harold Bush con­ tinued his average trundling with 612 (242). On the next alleys, 3 and 4, / Gerald Gratton PHONE 42r3 GRAND BEND Plumbing Wiring Oil Heating Prompt Service Reasonable Prices T VICTORIA to TORONTO in 41 DAYS! z I At /CIRCUMSTANCES made it necessary for me to dove my Hillman to Torontd in a hurry,” writes Mr. j. C. B. Keane, of 766 Monterey Ave., Victoria, B.C. “I covered the entire 2,818 mile route in only 4)4 days, averaging over 55 m.p.h. for lotig periods through the United States. Biggest mileage covered in a single .day was 696!” » ”My Hillthati behaved beautifully, Cruising smoothly Over Stillwater PasS (7000 ft.) in high gear, and handling perfectly at better than 70 ni.p.h. oh the highway. Despite very long sessiohs at the wheel without a break, 1 was always Completely relaxed and comfortable. What’s more, my Hillman steered and held the road better than Any of the big Cats I have owned.” “Gas consumption was at least 40 miles to the gallon* Driving costs z were no more than $1.00 per 100 triiles.” GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH. ..GET A HILLMAN MINX FEATURES 18 ADVANCED REFINEMENTS FOUND ON NO OTHER BRITISH CAR IN ITS PRICE RANGE ROOTES MOTORS LIMITED: 170 Bay Street, Toronto . » . Montreal Airport, Dorval 509-10 Roger* Bldg.,'Granville SI., Vancouver; '• ♦ HUft. amp jANft fHe .ti. s * ED’S IMPERIAL SALES & SERVICE the team still three of the Whilsmith oi good triple of 662 (258), while ' ’ Tavisli of the Mice his team with' 607 The lads from met the Rural Rollers on alleys 3 and 4, and came away with three points. Lawrence Mason topped the resort boys^with 660 (2S1), while 'Charles* Prout showed the way with 568 (2'53) for the Rural Rollers. One of the bettei* games took place on alleys 5 and 6 when the Seedsmen met the Erks. In this close, three 688 while again Erks. Gord Mac- was tops for (246). Grand Bend match, the scores were, ’but the Seedsmen took points. Jack Fulcher had (268) for tlie Seedsmen, Art Trites with 674 (257) showed the way for the * :k Fred Darling 'continues to lead the league in the high average department with 232. Other high averages are Harold Holtzman, 220; Dinah Finch, Ryckman, 212. $ Art Trites, 220; and Wes218; $ Standings— Seedsmen .... Big Six ...... Grand Bend Repair Men Butchers ..... Erks ........... Whizz Bangs Spare Parts > Snipers ....... Pinpoppers „ Tigers ........ Tanks ......... Dukes .......... Mighty Mice . Rural Rollers. Keglers ....... Hensall ......... Canners ........ * * * w 12 10 10 9 8 8 6 6 7 6 6 5 4 4 6 4 3 3 * * L 3 2 5 3 4 7 9 6 5 6 6 7 S 11 9 8 9 9 -* A ■ 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 1 . 1 0 R.C. Chaplain Honored; Posted To St. Hubert The home of Sgt. and Mrs. Delair was the scene of a de­ lightful occasion on Saturday evening when members of the R.C. Chapel gathered to honour their chaplain, Rev. Fr. J. P. Davignon. Fr. Davignon, who has been stationed at Centralia for over a year, will leave short­ ly for his new post at R.C.A.F. St. Hubert, Que. The farewell address was read by little Elaine Gueillmin and a spiritual bouquet presented by little Guy Delair. Fr. Davignon also received a Ronson cigarette* case and lighter combined from the Delair -family. Completely taken by surprise, Fr. Davignon thanked the con­ gregation for its co-operation' during the time he was stationed at Centralia!! A delicious luncheon was served by the hostess. F ederation of Agriculture Three District Championships Exeter ball clubs this * year claim three district champion­ ships. , The girls, who probably made the best showing, won this grouping Of the W.O.A.A. and then were put out by .Kincardine in a close series. Derry Boyle's Bantams were the firSt Winners of the new cup presented by Wally Wein for winning the district baseball league, More recently the Legion softball nine popped the zone honours by defeating Goderich. They took the last game by a convincing 19-9 score at Gode­ rich. All im all, it looks like a pretty fair showing for the ball activities in Exeter. The hard­ ball team was the only other club that represented this vill­ age. But enough of that. Their showing that is! Worse Than Ever One thing we do think is worthy of mention, though, cerning the baseball team that concerns the dance was sponsored recently. It, was a flop and would have even more so but for the .gener­ osity of Tuckey Beverages, who contributed the pop for the re­ freshment booth, Another thing we did notice, too, and^that was the absence of most of th.6 play­ ers on the team. Those putting in an appearance could be counted on one hand. The fin­ ances now are worse than Going Great Guns The Exeter Badminton we understand, surpasses thing yet since the game taken up in Exeter. There is no lack of both enthusiasm and membership. In fact, the fact, the executive is planning on us­ ing the arena occasionally. Let’s Hope It’s The Same It’s to be hoped the hockey club has the same luck. Early in the season it appeared as it there was little enthusiasm for badminton and the new organ­ ization now is a real surprise. At the hockey meeting the other night there was but a handful con- and that too, been ever. Club, any- was League Wednes- Ladies* League The Exeter Ladies’ began its schedule on day, October 26, with ten teams entered in the league. Checking over the scores after the first two night’s bowling, there ap­ pears to be some good prospec­ tive bowlers among the ladies and, if I may be so blunt, some not so good. Anyway, go to it, girls, it’s a good game and you should have a lot of fun.W The Lucky Strikes, captained by Velma Harvey, ran into’some trouble when they met the Mus­ keteers of Alvira Blommaert, with the result that they salvaged one point of the ible tops 445 vey (201). In another set, the Happy Gals met the Jolly Eight. At the end of tile .games the Eight were not too jolly, as they lost all four points to the Happy Gals. Captain June Grayer topped her team with 5? 9 (203), While Dot Freeborn was best for the Jolly Eight with 503 (184). in the final match Wednesday' evening, the Frisky Sisters tan­ gled with the Sorority gals, and polished them off 4-0. Captain Peggy Hunter-Duvar of tlie Sis­ ters led her team with a triple of 530 (260), while Ruth Hess topped her tehm with (222). Ruth, by the way, the only triple of over 600 the evening. Thursday Night On Thursday night, the other four teams swung into action, with tlie Hot Dogs meeting the Rookies and taking all points. Arina Brock with 564 (198) led tlie Dogs, while Joyce Dawson of the Rookies had 525 (201) to lead her team. In the other games, the Yarn Spinners must have been telling stories to the Housewives and «.keeping their minds off their minds off their bowling because they took all four points from them. Lois Brintnell of the Yarn Spinners was tops with 572 (193), while Gladys Rierling with 300 (192) was best for the Housewives. four. Mary Mathers for the Musketeers (190), while Cap tain led het team with * * only poss- was with Har- 569 I 60S had for | of interested individuals. On top of that Reg McDonald has ad­ vised the clqh that he no longer wishes to act as manager, Reg has done a good job on the club executive in years past, in fact more than anyone the last few seasons. However this summer he lent a hand with the girls’ softball and a -guy can’t be help­ ing with everything. Should Go Somewhere It’s plenty early to make pre­ dictions but we think the lads who are organizing into a junior basketball squad should put up a real showing in the O.B.A. Gord Farrow is coaching the team and he has a lot of good material to work with. Last year’s outstanding school basket­ ball team is well represented on the junior squad which has been working out regularly the past few weeks. The members are buying new uniforms and equip­ ment from a Laz-y-Boy chair raffle. It's Hallowe’en night and a couple of characters have just called for their treats, which re­ minds us of the good old days and now it's thirty. I Exeter Salvage Co At Station Street AUTOMOBILE Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Go. “World’s Greatest Automobile Mutual” FIRE Mill Owner’s Mutual Fire Insurance Co. CASUALTY Massie and Renwick Ltd. Liability — Plate Glass HOSPITALIZATION Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association “The largest company, of its • kind in the world” Ernest C. Harvey insurance Agency Phone 47 Exeter E S3' Chore-Boy Milking Machine Co. announces the appointment of Mr. Elmore McBride, Exeter News • The zone Cream Producers meeting held in Stratford on October’ 26 was well attended. Fifteen directors journeyed from Huron County for the meeting. Bob Morrison, Secretary-Man­ ager of Ontario Cream 'Producers stated that Ontario farmers had received, $1.00 in return for every cent they had invested in their organization, since its in­ ception. Explanation—floor price on butter. Business men in towns and villages •should be interested to know that since the advent of oleo-margarine, Ontario farmers have received $7,500,00 less in cream cheques which are usually spent on consumer goods. ?Mr. Morrison outlined a plan I for national advertising of dairy | products and asked those present1 to endorse a plan to deduct one cent a pound butterfat during the month of June for such a special purpose. The suggestion was heartily endorsed. The directors meeting of Huron County Federation of Agriculture held in Clinton on Friday night was well attended. Plans for the annual meeting on November 29 are completed and everything points to a most enjoyable eve­ ning in Seaforth at the annual banquet. A band and a group of entertainers from London will be on hand to round out the eve­ ning. Secure your tickets now from your township director or County Secretary so that will not be disappointed. Bronson Line Man Caught In Shaft Allan Steckle, Bronson Line, Stahley Township, was injured while husking ‘corn with the tractor on his brother’s farm. The picker became clogged and with the tractor in gear, he tried to release the machine, and his clothing came in contact with the power take-off pulling him behind the shaft. It kept winding him up and he was pinned so tightly it stalled the tractor engine. His nephew Billy Steckle, heard his screams, summoned help. He received deep cuts on his legs and his chest was bruised. Dr. .P. J. O’Dwyer, of Zurich, attended. ........>.... ..... Standings*— Happy Gals .. ■sFrisky Siste Hot Dogs ... Yarn Spinne Musketeers .... Lucky Strikes Jolly Eight .... 1 Sorority ......... ’Housewives .... I Rookies .......... W s* 3 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 L 0 0 0 0 1 ■2 3 3 3 3 as its exclusive dealer for Chore-Boy Milkers in Huron and Middlesex Counties For sales, service and genuine parts for Chore-Boy Low Vacuum Milkers contact: Mr. E. McBridej „Exeter, telephone 206-R Exeter Winter Wear for the Children Kenwood Coats choice Snow Suits Haugh’s Children’s Corduroy Overalls $26.50 $26.50 A grand stock of snow suits in several designs and a good range of prices. These include the Velon materials which are noted for their water repellent quality. Wool lined ..... $9.95 to $16.95 Long wearing, readily washable. Red, wine, brown, copen blue $2.95 to $3.95 » Women’s Kenwood Coats, wine, green, brown and black $40*00 have a fine array of sands tans and greys in plain shades as well as some neat stripes. All sizes from 14 to 17. Here is a good chance to solve a Christ­ mas gift or two. Values up to $2.95 There’s nothing finer than a Kenwood | garment. Their long wearing qualities have made the name famous. On top of this, the excellent tailoring and design­ ing make these Kenwoods the for quality wear. Boys’, sizes 4 to 6 ...................... Girls’, sizes 4 to 6 and 6x (Colors of green, blue, rose and wine.) r Bridal Bouquet China i i A 1 1 1 1 ,1 0 '& 0 0 a Now Is Open Stock This lovely set of china has now been placed on open stock. If you would rather purchase individual pieces rather than the complete set we will be able to supply them to you. .This isj a gay and colourful design in the new Lowestaft shape. Skill­ ful blending of pastel colours. PHONE 16 EXETER