The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-02-03, Page 9THE TIMESrA^VOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 3, W -\ when COLDS CAUSE hCroupy A T Mother, you know what com­forting relief you get when you rub Jon Vicks VapoRub! Now... when your child wakes uprin the night tormented with a tlroupy cough of a cold, here’s X special way to use Vicks /VapoRub. It’s VapoRub Steam ’ —and it brings relief almost instantly! Put-a good spoonful of Vicks VapoRub in a bowl of boiling water or vaporizer. Then... let your child breathe in the, soothing VapoRub Steam. Med­icated vapors penetrate deep into cold-congested upper bron­ chial tubes and bring relief > I r. wg e^.breaiM . X. “REG. TRADE MARK > How the New Laid Egg Business Started in Exeter on Nov. 1, 1908 Forty years ago My. and Mis. C. F. Hooper, of Exeter, now residing in London, started a New Laid Egg business that grew to be a prosperous .under­ taking. This business was the pioneer of the present egg grad­ ing stations throughout the country, In the tfollowing article Mr. Hooper describes how that business was started. Coupled with the article are some ex­ cerpts from Mr* W, A, Brown, Chief of the Poultry Division at Ottawa, ♦ * * * of the premises are handled.” in which eggs ✓ C, F, Hopper, 340 Adelaide 'Street, London, Ontario, * * #. * few sentences from a for Dublin but Dashwood came pm again and in two minutes Harry Hayter set Ford up for their third marker, Near the end of the game Dublin clinched the 5-3 victory with Woods denting the hemp behind Weido, End In A 5-5' Tie "-GENERATE,. ELECTRIC* We took 2 eggs ^direct from the hen-house for ‘Mrs, Hooper and myself to candle and study their development. We found that neither of the eggs had, an air-space the first day, Then we candled the- two eggs every day except Sundays for several weeks. One egg was put in a cool, clean, dry cellar on a table and covered with a clean cloth. The other was put in a kitchen cupboard at a temper­ ature of about 70 degrees. We found the eggs in the cool, dry cellar with temperature about 40 to 5:0 degrees, that the air space was the size of a ten cent piece, while the one in the kitchen cupboard was twice the size in -one week and the yolks looked different. Then we de­ cided the one from the* cool, dry cellar would qualify to start the New Laid Egg Bus­ iness, and we started on those grounds with success. Then came the educating of the * producers how to take care of their eggs, by circulating bills on care of New Land ~_ keeping the nests clean, gathering the eggs 2 a day, and putting in a cool dry cellar for best results, away from strong smelling substances such as onions, fish, lard, as they readily absorb odors. Also they were not to put containers on the cellar floor where they would absorb dampness, rather place them on a table or high box cloth. A .... , letter of Dec, 23rd 1948, Depart­ ment of Agriculture, Ottawa. Dear Mt. Hooper- I recall quite well the instan­ ces you mention in connection with the original registration of your trade mark, At are stations all across Canada, more or less modelled -along the lines of your original station Exeter, " It is from the principle of proper grading and return the producer of the for better’ grading that the pre­ sent quality of Canadian eggs has been built. You might be interested to know oi* 9 million cases have come to the ducts Board in the ot *er 8'8 per cent graded 'Grade A. Yours very W. A. Brown Poultry Marketing and Production Services. * * « » F. and Mrs. Hooper have honored by the Department the some present time “there 2,000 egg grading at to premium that from 8 of eggs that Special Pro­ last 3 years of the eggs Zurich put on a much better performance Monday night and came out with a 5-5 tie against Hensail. Bill O’Brien put them in the lead early in the game but from there on Bengali began to roll and Petzki ‘ scored one in the first and followed with another in the second. Doig added to their cause to make the score read 3-1. Before the canto ended IJecker dished out a pass to Mc­ Kinley who promptly slapped the disc behind Mickle, Near* -the Ttive-minute. mark Little widened the gap again on a one-m»n break-away. However, Weido and Deckel' tossed in two more tallies for Zurich to end the regular time in a tie. Came the overtime and both teams scored With Turkheim getting the first to give Zurich the lead. It was short-lived with Sanderson getting the equilizer HOW THEY STAND W L T Pts. Exeter ,,,,,.... 3 0 0*6 Dublin ....4 1 1 4J Lucan ........ i 1 1 II Crediton .... 1 0 0 1Hensall ...0 2 1 1 Zurich 0 1 1 1 Dashwood 0 ’3 . 0 0 (Games with Dublin count as one Point RESULTS in the standing.) OF GAMES Exdter 7, Hensail 3 Lucan 8, Zurich J Dublin 5, Hensail 3 Hensail 5, Zurich 5 Crediton 5, Dublin 3 for Kensall in exactly two min­ utes, DASHWOOD—-Goal, Weido; defence, Kleinstiyer, H. Hayter; centre, J. Hayter ;■ wings, R. Wein, B. Hayter; subs, Haugh, Gaiser, Schweder, J. Wlllert, L. Willert, Ford. " DUBLIN—G o a 1, Curtin; de­ fence, Costello, F. O’Connor; centre, Messenger; wings, Wil­ son, Woods; subs, Stapleton, J. O’Connor, Stag, Malone, Bruxer, .Jordon. First Period ‘ Dublin, Costello. Penalties Malone, J. O’Connor, Woods, Kieinstiver. Second Period Dublin, Wilson (Woods),* Dublin, Stag (I, O'Connor); Dashwood, J. Hayter (B, Hay­ ter); Dashwood,’ Schroeder (J. Hayter). Penalties — Kleinstiver (minor, misconduct); Wilson, ' Third Period Dublin, J. O’Connor (Staple­ ton); Dashwood, IFIord (H. Hay­ ter) ; Dublin, Woods. Penalties — F, O’Connor. HENSALL-—Goal, Mickle; de­ fence, d. Sangster, sandersen; centre, Petzki; wings, -Doig, H. Nicholson; subs, .Jim Sangster, Jack Sangster, Fee,,Little, Peck, Chipchase, " ZURICH-—G o a 1, Armstrong; defence, Decker, McKinley; ^cen­ tre, B. O’Brien; wings, Charl­ ton, Robinson; subs, D, O’Brien, Weido, Zimmer, Schilbe, Turk­ heim, Parkins, Black, Referee—'Van Ilorne, London. First Period Zurich, O’Brien (Robinson); Hensail, Petzki. Penalties, Sang­ ster, Turkheim. Open this Sunday a During the Evenings Throughout the Week -***•' ......... Page 9 Evening Service One garage will he open in Exeter on Sundays and during the evenings throughout the week SUNOCO Service Station Second Period Hensall, Petzkj (Doig); Hen­ sail, Doig; Zurich, McKinley (Decker), penalties, Charlton. Third Period Hensail, Little; Zurich,’ Weido (Decker); Zurich, Decker. Penal­ ties, Jim Sangster, Zimmer. Overtime Zurich, Turkheim (Charlton); Hensail, Sanderson, Penalties —» None, “The Eggs” by and or 3 times and cover with a Any dampness cause musty eggb, and make unfit for food, and the ■Costume j e w e 1 r y, bracelets and watches which tend to dis­ color the skin can be remedied by coating the contact surface with some colorless nail -polish. them merchants we sold to, we never allowed them to put our new laid eggs in the store windows with the hot sun beaming on them. This business would not have been the success it was without the help of Mrsj Hooper. The following is part of a letter in my possession received from Mr. ,V/, A. Brown, Chief of- Poultry Division, Ottawa, October .31, 1944.- “I am glad that on your visit to Exeter you found that the methods of improved egg handling which you had institut­ ed some years ago were being- carried on. In fact, I think if you were to travel further than Exeter you would find that they are being used in upward of 2,0'00 registered egg grading stations in Canada. There is not only the candling and grading in which greater uniformity has been obtained, but also in the air conditioning and suitability Business Directory DR. H. H. COWEN L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street. Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36j Closed Wednesday Afternoon ELMER D. BELL, K.C. % BARRISTER and SOLICITOR Successor to-J. W. Morley EXETER. ONTARIO DR. J. W. CORBETT D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Bell Building, Exeter Telephone 273 GLADMAN and COCHRANE BARRISTERS - SOLICITORS EXETER. ONTARIO at Hehsall, Friday 2 to 5 p.m. FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING 138 JOHN WARD Chiropractor and Optometrist MAIN STREET, EXETER Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 348 ARTHUR FRASER ALVIN WALPER LICENSED AUCTIONEER Specializing in Fann and Purebred Livestock Sales PHONE B7ra R. 1 DASHWOOD income Tax Reports, Bookkeeping Service, etc. Ann St., EXETER, Phone 355w WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you of ^tbhr property’s true value on sale day. Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Credlton P.O. or Phone 43-2 USBORNE and HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President Wm. H. COATES Exeter Vice-Pres........ANGUS SINCLAIR R.R. 1 Mitchel) DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY Kirkton, R. 1 WM. A. HAMILTON Cromarty MARTIN FEENEY .......... Dublin MILTON McCURDY Klrkton R. 1 / E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER. R.R. ,1 Phone Zurich 92v7 AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS Mitchell THOMAS SCOTT Cromarty T. G. BALLANTYNE, Woodham SECRETARY-TREASURER ARTHUR FRASER Exeter SOLHR156RS GLADMAN & COCHRANE Exeter truly, Turk- clean would Lucan, Penal- That came your poul- as a and into egg. were your that not as the eggs yourself, had to conceive the ■Goa 1, McKinley, B. O’Brien; Robinson; subs, Weido, H e i m r i c h, Charlton, Armstrong; Turkheim; wings, D. truly 0. been of Agriculture. Ottawa Jan. 14th, 1949. Dear Mr, Hooper- That you and Mrs. Hooper were pioneers in the featuring of the new laid eggs is establish­ ed by the fact that you were granted’ letters patent (a trade mark) to that effect by the Patents and Copyrights Branch of the Department of Secretary of State. It is not the fact that impresses me so much about your service to the poultry industry. However it is the fact that you went missionary as serviced producing It -was producing You first standard of quality desired and then set about influencing the farmers to produce the quality your standard called .for. is - the community uplift from what I feel was major contribution to the try to work it were community kind of an if you eggs industry. Yours very W. A. Brown, Assistant Director, Poultry Marketing and Production Services. —Continued From Page Three Fred potting two and brother Gerald another. Jack and Norm Hardy each collected one. The other marksmen were Chisholm, Hodgins and Earle.* EXETER—Goal, Watson; de­ fense, Shaw, Ryckman; centre, Tighe; wings, Lawson, Stire; subs, R. Tuckey, B. Tuckey, Mc­ Donald, Musser, Cann, Mason, Penhale. B HENSALL—Goal, Mickle; de­ fence, Chipchase, D. Sangster; centre, Petzki; Wings, Doig, H. Nicholson; subs, Jim Sangster, John Sangster, A. Nicholson, Little, Peck, Fee. Referee—Van Horne, London. First Period' Hensail, I-I. Nicholson (Doig). Penalties, Shaw, Penhale. Second Period Hensall, H. Nicholson; Exeter, Musser. (Shaw, Ryckman); Exe­ ter, Mussei* (Shaw, R. Tuckey); Exeter, Lawson; Exeter, Shaw. Penalties, R. Tuckey. Third Period Exeter, Stire (Shaw); Hen­ sall, Petzke; Exeter, Shaw (R. Tuckey); Exeter, Shaw (B. Tuc­ key, McDonald). Penalties, none. ZURICH- defence, centre, O’Brien, Decker, Schilbe. LUCAN—Goal, Ruffner; de­ fence, Hodgins, J. Hardy; centre, Chisholm; wings, Hearn, L. Bev­ ington; subs, H i n d m a r s h, F* Reviligtoii, N. Hardy, Earle, Mc­ Roberts, Elson, G< Bevington, Stretton. Referee—Van Horne, London, First Period Zurich, Heimrioh; Lucan, Chisholm (L. Revihgton); LUcan, Hodgins; Lucan, G. Revihgton; Lucan, Earle. Penalties, helm. Second Period Lucan, F, Bevington; J, Hardy (MacRoberts). ties, Elson. Third Period. Lucan, F. Revington (N. Har­ dy); Lucan, N, Hardy (F. Rev­ ington). Penalties, F. Revington, Monday Night Monday night the railbirds took in two well-matched, con­ tests. Dublin edged Dashwood 5- 3 while Hensall and* Zurich wound up in an overtime 5-5 tie. In the opening game Dublin jumped into a three-goal lead before half the second period had elapsed. Then Coach Jim Hayter started the ball rolling for Dashwood and live minutes later Schroeder brought them within fighting chance to make the score read 3-2 at the end of the period. O’COhnor scored another