The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1949-01-06, Page 43 Page 4 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 6, 1949 PHONE 335 Exeter Stewart’s Taxi Great NOTICE WHITEWASHING Arrangements can he mado Bill Watson Dashwood Phone 351’19 WOODHAM Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills Betty visited Mr. and Mrs. Scottsville. Mrs. L. Courtney, of Midland, is spending the winter months with her mother, Mrs*. H. Chat­ ten.Mr, and Mrs. Jack Vyles and Gary , of London, visited on Sunday with Mrs. M. Copeland and family. Mrs. T. G. Wanless ,and fam­ ily are spending a few days with of and on Sunday with Grant Mills, of 1 ■h *it 4 <? Announcements Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriarp Notice 50c for single verse. 25c extra for each additional verse. gagemehts 50c, BIRTHS ’H Classified Directory Want Ads Serve You Well When You Want to Buy or Sell ir I LOST FOR SALE Taman’s Men’s Wear Take Advantage of These Discounts Now in Effect Men's Clothing •her mother, Mrs. Adams, Toronto. Miss Audrey .Parkinson, the eighth line, Blanshard, Student at London Normal School, is teaching at Woodham this week. Miss Ombra Copeland, student at London Normal School, is teaching at the fourth line Blanshard school this week. 'New Year’s visitors in the community were: Mr. and Mrs, Henry Small and family, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. - - - — - .Mr. of a glavin—At Mrs. Batten’s sing home on Thursday, cember 30, 1948, to Mr. Mrs. John Glavin, of Clande- boye, a son, John Michael, ROWE—At Mrs, Batten’s nurs­ ing home on 'Sunday, January 2, 1949, to Mr. ‘ Charley Rowe, of a daughter, Lynda DEATHS nur- De- and and vMrs. Centralia, Dianne. LOST—In Exeter Thursday, a walking cane with a dog’s head, valued as a gift. Fin­ der please leave at Times- Advocate. Reward $5. tfc LOST—A black wallet contain­ ing driver’s licence, near the theatre. Finder please return ■to Times-Advocate. 6* FOR SALE—Good good condition, able price. Wes Exeter North. cutter, in at a reason- Hackney, 30:6* FOR SALE—Sparton radio, table model. Apply Fink’s Meat Market, 6* WANTED WANTED TO , BUY—-Second • hand baby carriage in good condition. Phone 1W Exeter. i r Don’t let static cause a minor panic! Bring your radio into us and we’ll have it back in smooth work­ ing order quickly ... no matter what’s wrong with it. All radio repair guaranteed. R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. .r-” /! Sri We Are Again Contracting Barley FOR CANADA MALTING COMPANY If Interested, Get in Touch with Us Geo. T. Mickle & Sons HENSALL, ONTARIO Phone 103 Nights 133 Start Lakeview Chicks For Biggest Profits Hatches ^X^eekly Starting January 19 Ball, of <St. Thomas, with and Mrs. Norris Webb. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roger Shirley, Qf Kirkton, and Mr. Mrs, Ira McCurdy with Mr. Mrs. Fred Doupe. Mrs. Wynn, Rev. T. G. Wanless Ronnie Mrs. John Tomlinson’? „ New Year’s .visitors out of community were: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills Betty with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morrison, of Kirkton. Mr. Wm. Mills, Ken and Mar­ ian with Mr. and Sarnia. Mills, Mrs. and Lorna ■of and H. Chatten,Mr. Chatten with Mr. Mrs; and and and W. and and the and Wm. Esson, of Mr. >S. Florence T. Tufts, Mr. and family, wood, Mr. Hazelwood and Jimmy with Mr. and Mrs. 'Cecil Dobson, of Kirk­ ton. R. with Kirk, Mrs. Kirkton. Mrs. O. Mr. George Hazel- ,and Mrs. Norman Hazelwood Two brown overcoats were exchanged at the New Year’s Eve dance. One young man in Usborne got ''an overcoat that was too big for him and an Exeter man got one that was on the small side. The. Times- Advocate was able to straighten the matter out when both part­ ies reported they had someone else’s .coat. Christmas Sunday was served in James Street Church on Sunday with special music by the choir and the singing of carols. A feature of the service was the baptism of the twin children of Mr. and iMr-s; Wil­ frid Ranjsden, Joan Lorraine and Bruce Hamilton; also John Jo­ seph, son -of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Creech. Mr. Gordon Koch on the piano accompanied Mr. Lawrence Wein on the organ. Early START CHICKS EARLY: The highest priced egg period has gradually changed from late fall to the period from July to November or December. It takes January and February pullets to lay mostly “A” Large eggs during all of the high priced periods. There was a difference of 15c between pullet eggs and “A” Large last August which is a good profit in itselfr DON’T'BE AN “IN” AND “OUTER”: Buy the usual number of chicks, buy good chicks and start them earlier. We predict high egg prices from July to December at least and with another good prices might be much lower. crop feed Ob­ POULTRY MEAT SHORTAGE AND There is a definite shortage of roasting PRICES: „ chickens, heavy hens and turkeys and storage stocks are al­ most nil. Roasting chickens 5 lbs. and over are sell­ ing for 42-45c per lb. which means a good cockerel should bring $3.00 to $3.50 each. Heavy hens 36- 38c per lb. Turkeys 65c per lb. All prices alive at the farm. These prices are the highest on record. January and February hatched cockerels should bring a real price as 5-8 lb. roasters. Book Your Order NOW and Start Chicks Early Libera) Discounts for Early Booking Lakeview Customers .The Country Over Claim Lakeview Chicks and Service Superb . . . Lakeview Chicks Live: Chicks all alive and go­ ing strong. Anyone put­ ting out chicks like mine might well be proud of their ability hatchery, — F, Marshall, Ontario. to run a writes Mrs. Pt. Arthur, withContinued Success Lakeview: Getting Sus­ sex X New Hamps you for the last years and like them fine, — says Mr, B. Sliob- brookj Auburn, Ontario. Wondetful Service: Thank you for your wonderful service, chicks well and we are delight­ ed with them, — from Mr. S. Spricer, Prescott, Ontario. from three Lakeview Chicks Give Egg Production: Placing order for chicks. Had wonderful success this summer, they arc now laying 80%, —- Writes Mrs. A. Argue, Osgoode Ontario. PHONE 78 Lake view Poultry Farm EXETER, ONT ATKINSON —• In McGillivray Township at the residence of her nephew, Ceasur Atkinson, on .Wednesday, December 29, 1948, Catherine Atkinson, in her 86th year. MORLOCK—In St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, on Monday, January 3, 1949, Mary Cather­ ine Martin, beloved wife of Al­ bert Morlock, in her • seventy­ fourth year. PENPRASEi—O n Sunday, Jan­ uary 2 1949, Edith Brown be­ loved wife of - Albert I. Pen­ prase, 672 Northcliff e Blvd., Toronto, formerly of Exeter. SCHROEDER — In London Township, on Thursday, De- cember 30, at .the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Clar­ ence Shiebottom, Lot 9, Con. 12, Catharine Lippert, widow of the late Daniel Schroeder, formerly of ‘Crediton. STONEi—I n Victoria Hospi­ tal, London, January 3, 194'9, Olive May Copeland, beloved wife of James Edward Stone, in her sixty-third year, WIILSON—In. London, on Tues­ day December 28, 19 48, Or- val S. Wilson, eldest son. of Mr. and Mrs. ;S. J. Wilson, of Usborne Township, in his fif­ ty-second year. ENGAGEMENTS LOST—Between Crediton and St. Marys, trailer tail board, license 31rl-5, wood. 1.6 r No. 3 83 8 4 T. ’Peterson,H. « Phone Dash- 6:13:20c FOR SALE—Beatty washing machine gas power, in good •condition. Apply Lesume Des- jardine, phone Dashwood 37- rlCh. . 6* WANTED- 50 to land, tion, Advocate. Will pay 10'0 acres suitable fox* Apply Box cash for of cheap reforesta- C Times- 6 tfc i STRAYED STRAYED—Onto. the farm of ’’Stewart Webb, Stephen Twp., spring calf, black and white. Owner omay have same by proving property and paying expenses. 23:30:6* MISCELLANEOUS CORN BOUGHT FOR HIGHEST market price and shelled at farm. See me while the price is high. H. Peterson, R.R. 3, Dashwood (formerly Lloyd Lippert farm, phone Dash­ wood 31rl5. 25tfc INCOME TAX PAPERS filled out. Phone 366J Exeter. 16:23:30:6* CUSTOM WOOD CUTTING done by power chain saw. Gordon Prance, phone Kirkton 37r22. 16:23:30:6* AND TINSMITH- small or See us for I-I. Peterson, PLUMBING ING—No job too none too large, quick service, phone Dashwood 31rl5. 16:6tc SPECIAL ANCE, FACTORY CLEAR- ___ _ Air Circulators for Warm Air Furnaces. Easily installed. Write Box 309, Bro.ck St., ;Goderich, Ont. 28 6c FOR -SALE—Year and a half old hog, 250 pounds. Phone 24r22 Crediton. , ,6* FOR SALE—Figured rug 6’9” x 9’ and odd living room chairs. Apply at Times-Ad­ vocate. 6 c FOUR NEW your tractpr while we still the old reliable Phone 31rl5, Dashwood. R.R. TRACTORS—Get for spring now have some of Centaier left. H. Peterson, 3. 6:13:20c Chesterfield like new, too suitable for 5’1 or 5’2; also 1 seat, .upholstered, like WANTED—Pigs, from 6 to 8 weeks old, Phone 80r2 Hen­ sall, Jos. Ferguson, . 6,K WANTED —Unfurnished apart­ ment or house. W. R, Winsor Phone 88W Exeter,6* HORSES WANTED — An un­ limited number of good work horses, G. J. Dow. 30:4t* WANTED—Singer treadle or el­ ectric sewing machine in good condition. Write ;Emmet , Guiry, % Windsor Star. 30:6:13* FOR RENT FOR RENT—'Service Station With good gallonage in good town. Apply Box S Times- Advocate. • * s FOR SALE—Black ■coat, size 12, short for owner, person antique new; 1 hand washing machine wooden ' . . _ Times-Advocate. •tub. Apply Box S, 6* FOR SALE—Good Cheer cook stove, in good condition, ,19 41 special Deluxe Chev coach, a good buy, privately owned, in real good condition. Apply a€ Times-Advocate. 6‘" PERSONAL PNEUMONIA, SINUS, HAY­ FEVER, DEAFNESS, follows HEADCOLDS. CHECK these ailments, at once, by the dai­ ly use of NAMELESS Cold Remedy. Jars 60c to $1.00. Browning’s Drugstore, or by­ mail postpaid. 30:6* The engagement was announ­ ced Wednesday of Miss Audrey Saugstad, .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Saugstad, Moore street, London, to Mr. Norman Hannigan, son of Mrs. Hannigan and the late Norman Hannigan. The bride-to-be is a member of class of fiance is from the Ontario. the 19 46 graduating Victoria Hospital. Her an Arts ’48 graduate University of Western The marriage will take place January 15 at Calvary • Unitea Church.’ CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. Andrew Mathers wishes all those who sent cards during her in Victoria Hospital.* to thank treats and recent stay Mr.and Mrs. Harry Bailey, of Winc’helsea, wish to thank their many friendss for flowers, cards and treats given to them on the occasion of their sixtieth wedding anniversary. * Mr. H. T. Rowe and Mrs. W. C. Allison wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for kindnesses shown in their recent bereavement, with special thanks to Rev. H. J. Snell. * Mrs. T. M. Dinney and family wish to express their thanks to the friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy ex­ tended to them in their bereave­ ment of a loving husband and father. a Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Thomp­ son, .the nieces and nephews of the late Mrs. Sarah Johnson, wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the many expres­ sions of kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks for the floral tributes, tp the pall­ bearers, and Mr. the choir, Rev, Wood ,H. Hoffman. c P. Bowey wishes toMr. J, express his thanks to his many friends for Shown him during his recent bereavement, H. J. Snell, Rev. R. R. Connor, the Hopper-Hockey Funeral Home and those who so kindly to Mrs. her c the kindnesses Thanks to Rev. loaned their cars. .Also those who remembered Bojvey in any way during long illness. Mr, family sincere friends and neighbors for the kindness, assistance and sym­ pathy extended during their bereavement, and also for the kindly remembrances at Christ­ mas and for the beautiful floral tributes. * Albert Mitchell wish to express appreciation to the and their many re- and •St. and c Ruth Clarke wishes to thank all those who so kindly membered her with cards treats While a patient in Joseph’s Hospital, London, since returning home. Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Wilson and their family wish to thank their many friends and relatives lor their kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement, Also for the many floral tributes, many cards and letters and those who helped in any way. Special thanks to Canon James, Mr, C, Haskett and JSon, the pallbear­ ers and the W.A. of Eilmville.* BABY CHICKS CHICKS : CHICKS : CHICKS Thousands hatching weekly. All breeds. .Some _..... brooders now. Come in them. It to get FOR SALE —> Household fur­ nishings, next to new. Must sell, leaving -town. Apply at Kerslake’s Produce before 6 or phone 40 Hensail. 6c SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. .-.New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new heal­ thy flesh; “get 50c. new vigor. New acquainted” size only All druggists. REAL ESTATE our see started chicks in and wellwill pay you them early. Neuhanser Hatcheries 81 King St., London. 6c The family of the late Her­ bert Morlock their many and neighbors acts of kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Dahms and Dr. Dunlop. wish friends, i for to thank., , relatives the' .many FOR SALE—Lady’s CCM tube skates, size 5. Phone 20 6 M, Exeter. 6* FOR SALE—Gainsborough table lamps, reduced flashlights, 3- piece grey suit $9.00, hand- crocheted buffet sets made in 'India; magazines and books bought and sold, many other articles less than half price. . House of signs, A. H. Daynes, Huron Street West, across the tracks. * FOR SALE—Two well bred young sows, 6 months old. A. Wright, .Centralia. Phone . 6 c FOR SALE—120 acre Highway farm, mile to Mitchell. Extra good barn, silo, brick house. Pressure system, hydro, at­ tractive set-up. Equipped if " desired. 134 acres,-12 bush, valuable gravel pit. Brick house, mod­ ernized. Bank barns, shed. Pressure system, two highways 1% mile, milk route. Convenient school, churches, Equipped if desired. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. drive­ hydro On to stores. Wm. 6c 's 1 < ,-4‘*** Crediton 40rll. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kerslake wish to thank friends for their kindness sympathy shown them in the loss of her dear mother, also for the floral tributes. Special thanks to our grand neighbors, Dr. J. A. MacLean and Hensall Women’s Institute members who remembered her with cards at Christmas, also all those who sent cards, treats and flowers during hei* lengthy illness. c Mrs. Ross Love wishes to thank all those who so kindly remembered ways during their many and her in so many her recent illness.* Fraser and ,Mrs.Mrs. W. Bertie Simmons wish to thank all their neighbors and friends who were so kind to them in their sad bereavement; for the expressions of sympathy shown to them by the many acts of kindness and the thanks to Mr. Sam Rennie for their lovely duet ............. to Dr. Goddard and to Mr, Mrs. Harold Bonthron for kindness. and for the flowers loan of cars. Special Rev. R. A. Brook and The Old Rugged .Cross”, " and their ♦ IN MEMORIAM SMITH—In George killed ofmemory Smith, December Troup Train Glen dyne, Brunswick Quebec. We picture him returning, We long to clasp his baud; Bfit God postponed the meeting, ’Twill be in the better land. Cpl No. 799 41, 31, 1918, wreck, east of between New and Monkton, Thirty years have gone,but none can tell The los s of one we loved SO welt The trial is hard,we’ll not complain, But trust in heaven to chneet again. Not now but in the coming years, Maybe in the better land; We’ll read the meaning of our words; And then up there, we’ll under­ stand.. Sleep on dear brother, in your lonely. grave, Your life for your country, you nobly gave; No loved one stood near to say farewell, But hi God’s keeping, now you dwell. —Ever remembered by sisters, Mrs. Nelson 'Sinclair and Mrs. Bruce Mitchell and brothers, Walter Smith and Albert Smith. c FOR SALE—Good cob corn, 3 $30.00 per ton, D. Clark, . Lucan, phone 80r2. 6:13* ’ FOR SALE—-1935 Chevrolet se­dan; 1930 ’Ford coach, good running condition, cheap for cash. Phone 31rl5, .General Sales Co., R.R. 3, Dashwood. 6:13:20c FOR SALE—A large quantity of 12 inch cord wood, also slabs. Fred C. Kalbfleisch and Sons, Zurich, phone 69. 6:6tc NEW SINGER SEWING MACH­ INES—Cabinet and Electric, also Treadle machines. Re­ pairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St. ^tratford.2t£c CHENILLE BEDSPREADS $4.99 EACH At wholesale price; first quality beautiful spreads, well tufted, in all colors, for double or single beds, $4.99 each; full 90x100 spreads, with basket of flowers design, completely covered with chenille, $8.98 each; also Habi­ tant hand-hooked rugs, 18”x36” well made, 3 for $4.00. These articles worth double the price. Sent ■« C.O.D., plus postage; money immediately refunded if not satisfied. .Handicraft Distri­ butors, 254 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Quebec. 30:6:13:20c FARMS FOR SALE— 150 acres, Usborne Twp., good, house. Fine barn. Water pres- > sure. Close to highway and school and to Exeter. 122 .acres, Stephen Twp. Brick house with modern conveni­ ences. Barn well equipped. Will carry large stock. 100 acres.. Blanshard Twp. Comfortable house with fur­ nace. Good .barn with water pressure, litter carrier silo. 100 acres. Tuckersmith Good house. Barn on Close to County road, acres. Edge of Hamlet, comfortable house, small barn. Garden Hydro throughout. C. V. .Pickard, Realtor, Street, Exeter. and. Twp. wall. > * 5 Very Good land. Main 6e * a NOTICES Waterproofing Textiles LET IT RAIN! LET IT POUR! “Rainproof” all your clothes, Topcoats, overcoats, snow suits, overalls, work jackets, mattress­ es, sports jackets* etc. etc. at home. .89c bottle will do three topcoats. At Traquair’s Hard­ ware. 9tC A bicycle belonging to Thos. Collingwood was stolen from the school during Christmas week. The party is requested to return same and save further trouble. q*- HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Hu­ ron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, January lSth, at 2.00i p.m. AU accounts, notices of de­ putations and other business requiring the attention of Coun­ cil should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, January 15tli, 1949. N. W. Miller, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. 6:13c V > i l NOTICE TO CREDITORS Late Model Cars and, the following Used Cars are now on sale at Bob Cook Motor Sales HENSALL, ONTARIO 1937 Plymouth Seda n, heater, Slip Covers, a lovely black finish. 1934 Dodge Coupe, heater and .in excellent condition. .1929 Ford Coupe, hi exception* ally good condition. Don t Miss This PHONE: Ol day — 63 NIGHT HENSALD In the Estate of Joseph M Zller late of the Village of Dashwood in the Comity of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Joseph M. Ziler late of the Village of Dashwood in the 'County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 17th day of September 1948, are re­ quired to fiie particulars - of the same with the undersigned Executor on or before the 15th day of January 1949, after which date the Executor will distribute the Estate having re­ gard only to those claims of which notice lias been received. Dated this 31st day of Dec­ ember 1948, I i t William John £Her, Executor, Dashwood, Ont, 6:13 c r