The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1946-08-15, Page 3CRED1TON
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Milk Production
July and August heat is very hard on Ontario pastures and
therefore hard on the milk cows that are trying to forage
a living from dried up meadows and keep the milk pail
full too.
Once the milk flow begins to fall off due to dry pastures
it is very difficult to bring it back up again.
Don’t let* the production of your herd fall off—
at milking time.
Closed Wednesday Afternoons
Whether it is welding or machining precision is of first
importance. »
Long experience combined with efficient tools means
precision and speed when delay is costly.
Our complete machine shop facilities includes a port
able welding service available at all times to this district.
Tom Coates, Prop.
Sunoco Service Station
Phone 200
This is the time of year to kill weeds. For a new harrow plow
see your local dealer — 1 used 8 ft. tractor disc
Cream Separators and Milking Machines
Place Your Orders Early for Fertilizer for Fall Wheat
V. L. Becker and Sons
Sales and Service Phone 60w, Dashwood
Rastus: “How long you in jail
for, Mose?” Mose; “Thirty days.”
Rastus: “What am de ch’ge?”
Mose: “No ch’ge, everything am
Exeter Locals
Pickpocket (visiting friends in
jail)': ,“I hired a lawyer for you
this morning, but I had to hand
him my watch as a retainer.”
Friend: “.Did he keep it?”
pocket: “He thinks he did.”
Hardwood Flooring Contractor
New Floors Laid and Sanded
Old Floors refinished with a
up-to-date machine.
—Estimates free— *
Phone Crediton 10J
Stubborn Cases
of Constipation
Those who keep a mass of
impurity pent, up in their bodies,
day after day, instead of having it
removed as nature intended, at least
once in every twenty-four IxourS^ in
variably suffer from constipation.
The use of cheap, harsh purgatives
will never get you any where as they
only aggravate the trouble add in
jure the delicate mucoixs lining of the
bowels, And are very liable to cau$o
If constipated take Milburn’s
Laxa-Liver Pills and have a natural
movement of the bowels. They do
hbt gripe, weaken and sicken.' as
many laxatives do.
Tlw T. Milburn Co., Ltd, Toronto, dot.
•Silas Reid is visiting in Sarnia.’
County Constable Chas, and Mrs.
Salter, and daughter* Jane, of Blyth,
are holidaying with, the former’s
mother, Mrs. E. Salter.
Miss Margaret Henry, of London,
-Miss Margaret Roilland, of Ethel,
Mr. Clarence Grainger, of Wallace-
burg, and Mrs. Arnold Hai-i, of
Waterloo, spent the week-end with
Mr. ana Mrs. Aldan Fraser.
Mr. Thos. Handford, of Dousman,
Wis., visited with his sister, Miss
Alice .Handford. Togethex* they vis
ited with theix* brother. G. Hand
ford at Renfrew. Oxi Tuesday Miss
Handford accompanied hex* brother
back to Dousman on a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wiseman, of
‘Cherry 'Grove, and Mrs. Ella Evans,*
of Pontiac, Mich., called On their
auht, Mrs. Alice Mitchell, during
the week. Also
Toronto visited
during tile week.
Visitors at the
Mrs. Thos. Jolly _ _
were Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Srigley,
of Essex; Mrs. Geo. Phippen, Wing
ham; Mr. and Mrs. W. Savage,
Aberdeen, Wash.; and Mrs. Hale,
Robert and Donelda, of Nitrol, Que.
Mr. A. J. Collins, Mrs. Harold
Collins, Rennie and Lome, -of Lon
don, spent Wednesday of last Week
at the liohie of Mr. and Mrs. Dotxg-
ilds Triebner. Doreen and Albert re
turned home with them after spend
ing some time with Mir. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hutton^ of
Brantford, Visited with Mr. and
Mrs. T. O. Southcott on Sunday.
They are (leaving next week for
■the Pacific coast and Will attend
a convention of Mhtual Life insur
ance agents Which will meet at
JaspOr ’Park Lodge, B.C.
Earl Mitchell, of
with his .mother
home of Mr. and
during the week
and Mrs.
Rev. and Mrs. M. E. Reuher and
daughte’r have returned after a
pleasant vacation (Spent in the
United States,
Mrs. Thos. J, Willson, of London,
sent a few days last week with
Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Woodall
Mr. J. W. Lawson.
Mr, Wm. Brown’s friends
sorry to hear he is on the sick
M'r. Lloyd Wein, of Windsor,
spent the week-end at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, G.
Miss Mehta Sehenk, who has
been engaged in Zurich ifor some
time, has returned to her home
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Berry, of
London, visited on Sunday with the
former's mother, Mia,* A. .M. Berry,
Mr. and Mrs. E, Kelhofer, of
Burbank, ‘California, visited, with
friends and relatives in town last
week and were guests with Mrs.
Florina Brown.
Mr^ Robt. Wolfe, of Sarnia, is
Spending two weeks vacation 'at
■the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Mr. Howard Beaver, of Welland,
visited over the week-end with Mr.
•ana Mrs, Harry Beaver.
•Mrs. L. England, and Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald England, motored to
Drummondyille, Que,, ovei* the
week-end visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Dearborn.
Mr. and Mrs. Spittel and family,
of Homestead,’ Pa., spent a few
days last week with Mr. and Mrs.
H, Beaver.
M'r. and Mrs. Percy Capon, of
London, spent the week-end at the
home of M'r. and Mrs. Chas. Green.
Mrs. Capon and family are remain
ing for a visit.
Ma*, and Mrs. H, K. Eilbex* are
spending a week at 'their summer
home at Grand Bend.
Mr. Chas. Fahrnoi* was taken to
St. Joseph's Hospital oh Sunday
which his many friends
prove beneficial.
Mrs. M. Cora and
Sandra, of Detroit, spent
last week with Mr. and
ence Fahrner.
Mrs. Clarence Fahrner and
daughter* visited ovex* the week-end
at the home of her parents in
'Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith, of Lon
don, spent a few days recently
with Miss Tillie Wein and Mr. Thos.
We are soxTy to report that Mr.
Elmer Lawsoxx is confined to the
Hospital in London and wish him
a speedy restoration.
Mr. Lloyd England has received
his discharge from the Army having
spent five years and eleven months
in the service of the Postal Corps.
He is the last sexwice man from
this area to receive his discharge.
His two sons we're previously re
leased with a record of: Gerald,
four years and eight months;
Jacques, four years and six months.
Evangelical Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S.
The meeting of the Ladies’ Aid
and W.M.’S. of the Evangelical
Church was held in 'the Sunday
School rooms on Thursday evening.
Mrs. Gordoxi Ratz presided for the
devotional period giving the call
to worship and the Hymn, “Open
my eyes that I may see,” was sung.
The scripture, passages and candle
lighting was taken by different
members of the society. A duet
was rendered by Ruth' and Doris
Swartz. The Study Book, “Philip
pine Detour” was given 'by Mrs. G.
Ratz. Miss Ruth Swartz and Mrs.
H. M. Faist which was very inter
esting, stating the voyage of Mr.
•and Mrs. Brandeur, missionaries to
China. Mrs. A. Gaisex* conducted
the business part of the meeting.
The meeting was closed with 're
peating the Mttapah Benediction.
he will receive treatment
hope, will
a few days
Mrs. Clar-
We bemoan our lot, feeling life
has been unkind, to us by denying
us wealth, robust health, great tal
ents or maybe good looks. But we
never stop to think of the other
kind of migh-have-beens,’ We might
have been deformed, crippled,
blind, deaf, penniless oi* homeless.
So next time we regret the things
that have been and sigh for those
that were not, let. us stop and count
our blessings instead, (for aS a great
writer has said:
is a
“Each one's life
miracle of mercy.”—Contribut-
On Sale Each Week
Single Copies of the Thnes-AdVo-
cate are on sale each Week at
following places:
Browning’s Drug Store
Cole’s Drug Store
Robertson's Drug Store
Re-Topping Material
If youi’ cai’ needs a new top
We now have the material and
our mechanics will make a
weather-proof job foi* you.
Rubber Lining
For lining your car trunk to
make it dust proof.
Two Blocks East of Main
Street on John Street.
ation of Agriculture
The regular monthly meeting of
■the Council of the Township of
Stephen was held in, the council
■rooms ou Tuesday, August 6th, 1946
■at eight o’clock In the evening with
the following members present: Roy
Rata, Reeve; Arthur L Amy, Deputy
Reeve, and Councillors Elmer Law-
son, J, H. Dalton and Jno. A. Mor
rissey. The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and adopted, on
mation of J. H. Dalton and Elmer
Lawspn, Carried,
Representatives from The General
Accident Assurance Co, were pres
ent regarding the Municipality
Liability Insurance, Moved by J, H.
Dalton, seconded by Jno. A. Morris
sey: that the Insurance be increased
from 5000/10,000 to 10,000/20^000
for Public Liability and from $1000
to $20(00 for property damage. Car
Mr. Earl Shapton and Mr, Edward
Chambers were present to represent
the Federation of Agriculture and
asked that a (levy off 1/5 mi'll be
levied on all farmers with more
than four acres of land. Moved by
J. Morrissey, seconded by J, H.
asked that a levy of 1/5 mill be
and that each farmer be notified fby
the Federation of Agriculture of the
decision of the Council. Carried un
A letter from the Maple Grove
'Syndicate of Grand Bend was read
asking that the Walker Municipal
Drain be repaired. Moved by Elmer
Lawson, seconded by A. Amy: that
the Engineer Mr. S. W. Archibald
be asked to make a survey and re
port on the said drain. Carried.
Moved by (A. Amy, seconded by
J. H. Dalton: that By-Law No. 640
be passed which is a By-Law to pro
vide for extra expenditure of
$10,000.00 on roads in the Town
ship of Sitephen. The vote—yeas:
Roy Ratz, A. J. Amy, J. Morrissey,
J. H. 'Dalton; nays: Elmer Lawson.
■Moved by J. Morrissey, seconded
by Roy Ratz: that By-Law No. 638
'be passed which is a By-Law to pro
vide for the borrowing of $10.0'00
from the Bank of Montreal. Carried
■Moved by A. Amy, seconded by
J. H. Dalton: that the tender of Mr.
Chas. Dietrich fox* the repair of the
Jno. F. Smith Drain be accepted
and the contract be awarded to Mr.
Dietrich. Carried unanimously.
Moved by J. H. Dalton, seconded
by J. Morrissey: that By-Law No.
639 be passed to appoint Haxwy
Readnxond as Constable for the
Township of Stephen.
Moved by J. H. Morrissey, secend
ed by J. H. Dalton that a Special
‘Levy of one mill on the dollar 'bb
placed on the Collector’s Roll to
complete 'the payment on the new
grader after* the sale of $4000.0)0
bonds which are held by the Town-
ship of Stephen. Carried unani
Moved by J. H- Dalton, seconded,
by A. Amy; that; Reeva, Roy Ratz
be appointed representative of
Stephen Township to the Authoi'ity
oxi the Conservation Scheme of the
Aux Sables River Watershed. Car
Moved by J. H, Dalton, seconded
by Elmer Lawson; that the tender
of Mr, W. F. Jennison to haul
gravel on the roads of the Town
ship of Stephen, be accepted, the
price to be 50c pex* cu, yard from
Station’s pit*- on roads up to the
14th concession and 80c per cu.
yard to crush and haul from
Moody’s pit up to and. including
the 14th concession. Carried.
Moved by J. Morrissey, seconded
by J, H. Dal'ton; that the Road
Accounts for the month of July be
paid for the following amounts;
Township of .Stephen $1,004.22;
Grand Bend 'P.V., 144,95; Crediton
P.V. 32.72; payment on road
Grader $4,000.00; total $5181,89.
Moved by Elmer Lawson, sec
onded by A. Amy that the follow
ing general accounts be paid: R.
C. Dinney, framing honor roll
and scrolls $25,00; Municipal
World, scrolls 12.31- Phyllis Hill,
placing names on honox* roll 15,00;
Burrough’s Adding Machine Co.,
repairs 2.75; G. A- Love, relief
8.00; Centralia Farmers Co-Op,
Co,, cement 55.30; Grigg’s Station-
ex*y, supplies 3.35; F. W. Morlock,
labor 10.00; 'Donations to .men of
His Majesty’s Forces 2,49 6.00; to
tal $2,627.71.
The xneetixxg was then adjourned
to meet oix Tuseday, Sept, 2nd,
1946, at 1 p.m. sharp,
L. B. Hodgson, Clerk,
The Mission Band will meet on
the church lawn on Wednesday
afternoon, August 21st at 3 p.m.
for a social afternoon.
The Missioxx Circle will meet al
the home of Miss Dalores Allison
on Friday evening. August 16th at •
8 p.m. I
Rev. and Mrs. Mair, Betty and j
Joanne spent a few days last week I
holidaying at Point Clark neai*
Mrs. G. Wiseman, Mr. Edgar
Monteith, Mrs. Wm. Allison, Exeter
Mrs. Shriner. New York, and Mr.
Wm. Allison, of Regina, motored
to Font Hill oxx Tuesday of this
week and visited with
Mrs. Wm. Monteith.
Miss Alma Dougall, of
who has been visiting
aunt, Mrs. Chas. Millei*
Rev. and
with her
___ _ ___ ____ this past
month, left for Atwood on Wednes
day of this week where she has
taken a position.
Rev. Stotesbury,' of Bayfield,
preached at Thames Road. Elim-
ville and Roys on Sunday last. Rev.
Mair took anniversary services at
Bayfield for both services.
Mr. and Mrs. Bond and Beth, of
Windsor, are visiting for a few days
with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Miller.
Sunday services will be at the
usual hour on Sunday. Sunday
School at 1,0.15 a.m. and Church at
11 a.m.
Manure Storage
Stable manure is one of the best
fertilizers on a farm. Ybt manure
may lose half its value through
improper storage. When fresh it is
rich xxx nitrogen compounds and
has considerable potash in addition,
For many purposes its value may
be further improved, by adding
phosphate in the stable ox* in the
Rain Causes Loss
'Manure left out in the open with
no protection against rain or snow
Will deteriorate. The moisture will
wash out valuable fertilizer mater
ials, It is recommended that man
ure be 'piled in A concrete bin, With
low sides. The size of the bin will
depend on the number of cattle
supplying manure,
Recommended Sizes
Recommended sizes foi' manure
bins are as follows:
10 COWS, 16 ft. wide, 16 ft, long;
i2o cows, 18 ft. wide, 26 ft long;
40 cows, 24 ft. Wide, 40 it. long.
The barnyard should be marked
off to -the selected size, then A con*
Crete floor laid. Low retaining walls
on three sides complete the bin.
Grand Bend
and his orchestra
August 19th, 12.05 a, m,
Special Evening Concert
— By Our Own Orchestra —r-
All Grand Bend and Surrounding
District Should Support this Concert
| The summer is drawing to a close fast. Don’t regret not hav- ?
! ing had enough fun and pleasure during the summer months. !
Lice and mites do thousands of dollars of damage
each growing season. Paint shelters with old car
oil or carbolineum. Look for mites on the bottom
of roosts.
We carry the best brand of worm capsules, liquid
worm treatment, Avi-Tab for gizzard and intes
tinal trouble, a new remedy for accute and chronic
Coccidiosis, which is also good fox* general con
Feeds and
Poultry Remedies
Growing Concentrate, Laying Concentrate, Grow
ing* Pellets., Dehydrated Grass.
A Few Important Hints
Worm your pullets at least once or twice during
the growing season, and when shutting in. Green
feed is important. Add some to the mash if the
range is poor.
Phone 78
You are invited to have your
Wedding Photographs made by
€edl ^aker ibtubio
“Portraits with Soul”
391 Talbot St., Fair. 3010
London, Ont.
For the Many Chick Orders and
Confidence Placed in LAKEVIEW Chicks
Mycosis—The health of many a flock is lowered
with this, which results in lowered egg production
during the winter. We recommend a treatment of
Avi-Tab once or twice during the growing period.
Oil Burners
New Pot Type Queen Range
Burners for Kitchen Ranges:
Excellent for summer or winter.
We have a fair supply on hand,
but get yours now. Installation
Free. Sold on a Money-back
Guarantee, if you are not fully
satisfied. We can take you to
quite a number of well satisfied
Book your order NOW for Fall
or early Winter delivery. These
stoves are really super. We have
used them during the past year.
While we have several carloads
contracted for, we urge you to
book yours soon. We have the
sole agency within a radius of
approximately 100 miles.
Fully automatic, Canadian-made,
installed, Free service for one
year.. 21-honr service guaran
teed. One hundred available
September and Octobe.tL Sole
agency for large districts.
100 Gallon and 300 Gallon
Oil Tanks